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Critique of “Animal Farm” by George Orwell.

George Orwell (25 June 1903- 21 January 1950) is an English author and journalist. His work is marked by intelligence and wit. Animal Farm one of his master work reflected his revolutionary opposition to totalitarianism and a belief to democratic socialism.

The original title was Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, as the title George Orwell tells a fairy story of revolution of animals in Manor Farm against human beings and the expanding corruption of leadership after the revolution which ruins the revolution. However this is not simply a fairy, the author himself acknowledged that Animal Farm was a critic of Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union under his Kaiserism.

At the beginning a respectable boar on the farm - Old Major considered the founder of community held a meeting before his death. He criticizes the greedy human beings cruelty to animals and the miserable life they live. He inspires animals to revolt against human and he teaches them a song called “Beast of England” to encourage them. After his death two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon inherent and elaborate Old Major’s teaching into Animalism which contains seven commandments and drive the owner of the farm Mr. Jones away. They found their own farm and name it “Animal Farm”. However the peaceful life doesn’t last long, they face numerous problems and difficulties. Snowball and Napoleon have a difference in principle and combat for leadership. In order to expel Snowball Napoleon secretly rose up bunch of dogs. He dominates the farm by using Squealer’s false propaganda and threats from dogs. Under arbitrary dictation animals live a much more miserable life than before. On the other hand pigs reserve privileges for themselves. Squealer- flunky of Napoleon even change the Seven Commandments of Animalism to make Napoleon and pigs behaviors reasonable. The other animals cherish the illusion of better life slaved by the pigs. At the end of the story pigs walk upright and behave like human beings whom they are ever against. And the other animals even can’t tell the difference between pigs and humans.

George Orwell’s ironic writing style and profundity make the whole story very impressive and dramatic. The song “Beast of England” (chpter1) shows the blueprint of better life in the future and the Seven Commandments (chpter2) draw up the criteria of freedom, equality and peace, however ambition for power and enjoying privileges corrupt Napoleon his staff. They even change the Seven Commandments step by step in order to make them adapt to their interest. For example, the fourth commandment “No animal shall sleep in beds” is changed to “No animal shall sleep in beds with sheets” when the pigs are discovered to have been sleeping in the old farm house chpter6).The fifth commandment “No animal shall drink alcohol”is changed to “No animal shall drink alcohol to excess” when the pigs discover the farmer’s whisky (chpter8). And in chapter5, Napoleon’s driving Snowball away from the farm by dogs apparently against the sixth commandment “No animal shall kill any other animal”. So they change it into “No animal shall kill any other animals without cause” In the end all commandments disappear, remaining a single one “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. This change totally ruined the equality among animals. And after their main principle commandment 1 and 2 are replaced by “Four legs good, two legs better!” the harmony community they once aimed at is totally subversive. It is hard to imagine that this novel is published in 1945. It almost accurately predicts the morbidly developing society of Soviet Union and some other communist countries. He discloses the cruel kaiseriam in the so-called communist countries and how the revolution fails under dictation.

Despite so many successfully molded characters to criticize in this fairy story, I have a preference on Benjamin, the old donkey. He is one of the longest lived animals on the farm. He may not have a good temper but he is one of the wisest animals on the farm, and is one of the few who can read “as well as any pig”. That makes him see straight everything the pigs do. But he never comments on anything just keep quiet. He even tries to conceal the fact that he can read. He always mentioned that “Life will go on as it has always gone on---that is badly.” It is obvious that he is skeptical and pessimistic from his words. He is also a close friend to Boxer. As a friend he feels sorry for Boxer’s hard-working and ignorance. But he did nothing until Boxer was taken away to abattoir. However, everything is too late he can’t save his best friend and being more depressed than ever.
