

Research on the Feminism in Sense and Sensibility

A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for literature class

to the College of Foreign Languages

Hebei United University

October 2011


Jane Austen was a quite renowned English writer in the 19th Century, who is also the representative of English romanticism. Her writing focused on middle-classe life with humor and understanding. Austen was in many ways a realist, and the England she depicted was one in which social mobility was limited and class-consciousness was strong. Many of her works were very influential to the world, especially to the academy world. Sense and Sensibility is the one of her famous works, although it was the first work of Jane Austen, its writing skill was quite good. And from the time

it was published, people have begun to research on it. They make the research on different themes embodied in it: the author?s attitude on marriage, the symbolism writing skill, the femininism in the novel. This paper mainly will discuss the femininism in the novel, and probe into the femininism contained in the two main characters, as well the femininism displayed by the symbolism.

KEY WORDS:Femininism Symbolism Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility





Jane Austen was one of the most influential writers in the 19th century English, and as the prier of English romanticism, her works demonstrated new flavor to the academy world, and also the whole world, she was thus honored forever by the world. Sense and Sensibility as one of his representative works, since the publication of it, it has aroused the readers?great interest, for the multi themes displayed in it , and the writer?s unique writing skill. Until now, people from all over the world have been making research on it., which showed the lasting reading value of the works.

1.1Jane Austen

Writing in the first two decades of the nineteenth century, Jane Austen appears historically, both in her social attitudes and formally in her art, as a kind of connecting link or hinge. Her attitude to society was still an eighteenth-century one, but in her attitude to the individual she looks forward to the later nineteenth century. She was born in Steventon, Hampshire, on 16 December 1775. Her mother was Cassandra Leigh Austen and her father was George Austen, rector of Steven. They belonged to the class known as …lesser gentry?, a rank some way below that of most of her fictional heroiness. At the age of seven Jane, along with her sister Cassandra, was plucked from her home enviroment and sent away to boarding school run by a Mrs Crawley, first in Oxford and then later in Southampton. By all accounts it was not a happy exerpience.

Pride and Prejudice went begging, as we have sold for sixteen years; and Northanger Abbey(1798) was sold for a trivial sum to a publisher, who laid it aside and forgot it, until the appearance and moderate success of Sense and Sensibility in 1811. An anonymous article in the Quarterly Review,following the appearance of Emma in 1815, full of generous appreciation of the charm of the new writer, was the beginning of Jane Austen?s fame. She died, quietly as she had lived, at the Winchester, in 1817, and was buried in the cathedral. She was a bright, attractive little woman, whose sunny qualites are unconsciously reflected in all her books.

1.2Jane Austen?s Works

Her artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about 35 years old. During this period, she experimented with various literary forms, including the epistolary novel which she tried then abandoned, and wrote and extensively revised three major novels and began a fourth. From 1811 until 1816, with the release of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1816), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published posthumously in 1818, and began a third, which was eventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it.

1.3Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility is a novel by the English novelist Jane Austen. Published in 1811, it was Austen's first published novel, which she wrote under the pseudonym "A Lady".

The story is about Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older half-brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak. The contrast between the sisters' charac ters is eventually resolved as they each find love and lasting happiness. Through the events in the novel, Elinor and Marianne encounter the sense and sensibility of life and love.

The book has been adapted for film and television a number of times, including a 1981 serial for TV directed by Rodney Bennett; a 1995 movie adapted by Emma Thompson and directed by Ang Lee; a version in Tamil called Kandukondain Kandukondain released in 2000; and a 2008 TV series on BBC adapted by Andrew Davies and directed by John Alexander. An upcoming adaption is an American drama-romantic comedy film titled From Prada to Nada which was adapted by Luis Alfaro, Craig Fernandez, and Fina Torres to be a Latina version of the novel with an expected release date of January 28, 2011.

2. Reasons of feminisim in Sense and Sensibility

2.1 Social and cultural backgrounds of the novel

Jane Austen wrote her novels during the first two decades of the ninitheenth century. This is a peiord of Romanticism in English literature. It was also a time that saw the end of the Agricultural Revolution and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. It was a period of the great estates owned by wealthy families. During this time people emphasis the nature rights of man and the abolition of class sistinction. The political writings of the time also reflected the acute struggle. The English people became more and more dissatisfied with the reality of the their country. And at that time women had little rights, espically they had no right to choose their lovers. Women?s marriage is deterimind by the males in the family. People believed that the girl marry a man who can improve the family condition should be very gracious. Sense and

Sensibility was written at this time.

2.2 Feminisim on Jane Austen

The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books. She describes her own class, in the part of the country with which she was acquainted; and both the types of character and the events are such as she knew from first-hand observation and experience. But to the portrayal of these she brought an extraordinary power of delicate and subtle delineation.

Gilbert and Gubar suggest that Austen was able to write from within such a male-dominated culture was by defining a small space separate from the world at large( it,s that little bit of ivory again ). Austen, they argued, admits and accepts the discomforts of a patriarchal culture yet manages to both use and subvert the limitations that it imposes. Margaret Kirkham sees Austen as highly sympathetic to the rational feminisim movement of the Englishtenment.

3. Feminisim in Sense and Sensibility—the Two Main Characters

3.1 Matianne

Matianne is left a deep impression to the readers. Matianne is a woman, who has great courage to devote to real love and a woman who experiences hard life and final got ture love. She never can cover her emotion. She don?t care others? common and find the ture love. She is beautiful, kind and full of passion.

“I should expect in the man who could seriously attach my sister. His eyes want all that spirit, that fire, which at once announce virtue and intelligence”

“To satisfy me, those characters must be united. I could not be haappy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own.”

From the words we can know that Marianne is a lady who have the courage to choose her own lover.

When MRS JENNINGS introduce her to Colonel Brandon she refused to marriy him.

“But at least, Mamma, you cannot deny the absuidity of the accusation, though you may not think it intentionally ill-natured. Colonel Brandon is certainly younger than Mrs.Jennings, but he is old enough to be my father; and if he were ever a nimated enough to be in love, must have long outlived every sensation of the kind”

“In my eyes it would be no marriage at all”

As long as she fall in love she pursue it without any diffculties.

The first time she met Willoughby, she is eager to know about him and can?t cover her emotion.

“But what are hia manners on more intimate acquaintance? What his pursuits, his talents, and genius?”

Erred against common-place notion of decorum, she engaged to Willoughby without permittion.

3.2 Elionr

Elionr is a woman who is always be sensd. She always can hide her enmotions very well. Athough she never do against the tration, she has her determine to believe in love and pursue it.

After hearing the new that Edward has got engagement to Lucy she still love him and hide her sorrow.

“Certainly,”answered Elinor, without konwing what she said; but after a moment?s reflection, she added, with revived security of Edward?s honour and love, and her companion?s falsehood.”

“His affection was all her own. She could not be deceived in that. Her mother, sisters, Fanny, all had been conscious of his regard for her own vanity. He certainly loved her. What a softener of the heart was this persuasion!”

4. Conclusion

Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme:the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic——a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on

Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal:Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her;meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel. Though Marianne's disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired;a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.


CHRISTOPHER GILLIE ,2000,A Preface to JANE AUSTEN, Beijing University. JAN E·AUSTEN,2003,SENSE AND SENSIBILITY,beijing, Beijing Foreign Langue University.




竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 中西方婚姻家庭观 篇一:中西婚姻家庭观差异 中西婚姻家庭观差异 中国婚姻家庭观 中国婚姻传统历来就是父母做主,子女的婚姻是父母不可推卸的责任和义务,所以子女在选择结婚对象时,父母也理所当然的拥有决定权。无论子女多大,如果依然单身,父母会认为自己的义务还没有完成。分析原因,我认为源于中国的父亲单系制度,就是说中国世袭以男子算的,女子出嫁后也就是出家,进入另外一个家族,娶进的媳妇要融入新的家族,处理婆媳、妯娌等众多的关系,好的儿媳妇不仅是儿子的福气,也为整个家掌脸。所以说选择子女的婚姻选择权在父母,尤其是男子,女子因加入外族选择的慎重性减弱。 这种婚姻意识传统在现代社会中无法消除,也不可能消除,电影泰坦尼克号中为爱情不顾一切,在中国也许只能在幻想中存在。看看我们现在的社会中,一种普遍的现象就是隔代教育,夫妻外出挣钱务工,自己的孩子交给父母教育,

明显大家庭观的表现。但是也忘记了传统教育中重要的一点——养不教父之过。西方婚姻家庭观 西方社会是重视个人的社会,家是短暂性的抚育社群,子女到能自立的时候,就另立门户建立自己的生育社群。而在西方的婚姻传统中,也是非常的自由,提倡自由恋爱,婚姻自由,一般情况下父母是不干涉子女的选择。中国讲究门当户对,西方则主要重视感情。在婚后,中西婚姻生活中最大的差别,是中国的婚姻家庭注重"柴、米、油、盐",而西方则更重视夫妻间的情感交流,沟通以及性生活的质量。在教育方面,有一部分中国的家庭一般把孩子给父母来抚养,而在西方的家庭一般把孩子留在自己的身边,他们认为教育下一代是自己应尽的责任。 篇二:中西方婚姻观念比较 中西方婚姻观念比较 汉语1001蔡亮 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。——白居易 婚姻就好比桥梁,沟通了两个全然孤寂的世界。——基尔·凯丝勒由于文化、历史、宗教等方面的差异,中西方在婚姻观念上存在着本质的区别。 爱情和婚姻实质是一个民族深层文化的体现,反过来文化背景的差异又影响限制着一个民族的恋爱方式和婚姻习俗。西方人的婚姻观与中国人的婚姻观有着极大的不同,因


Reading report Sense and sensibility

The book I have read named Sense and Sensibility, which was written by Jean Austen. Jean, a women writer, was rare at seventeenth century. People knew her from a book, which was written by her nephew fifty years later, about her life. Then her works was gradually highly praised by many people and had a great influence on the following centuries. The novel is about the daughters of Miss Dashwoods. After theur father dies, the family estate passes to their elder brother John and the girls and their mother lead a difficult life. The story happened in the end of nineteenth century. It was a story about Miss Dash woods seeking for love and finally living a happy marriage. The novel follows the sisters to their new home, where the romantic stories happen in two of the girls. And make a evident contrast in their characters. Elinor, who was the sister, was a girl of sense. While her sister—Marianne was a girl of sensibility. Einor understood the world by sense. And her sister understood the world by sensibility or sentimentality. Through the event in the novel, Elinor and Marianne find a balance between sense and sensibility. First I want to talk about the writing skills of this novel---irony. Here is an example in which Austen describes the first impression created by the arrival of the Miss Steels at Barton Park: The young ladies arrived: their appearance was by no means ungentle or unfashionable. Their dress was very smart, their manners very civil, they were delighted with the house, and in raptures with the furniture, and they happened to be so doatingly fond of children that Lady Middleton’s good opinion was engaged in their favor before they had been an hour at the Park. She declared them to be very agreeable girls indeed, which for her ladyship was enthusiastic admiration. How can we make of Miss Steels? Are we simply thought highly of them as Miss Middleton? They were first thought to be pleasant, clever, well-mannered girl. Yet Austen is in fact using a sharp ironic wit to highlight their shortcomings. It is that first phrase “their appearance was by no means ungentle or unfashionable” that begin to reveal. Why has Austen choose to use double negative here? Why not just say “their appearance was ungentle or unfashionable”. The same


本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 题目浅析小说《傲慢与偏见》折射出 的婚姻决定因素及其现实影响


4.主要参考文献 [1]A usten. Pride and Prejudice[M]. Shanghai Sanlian Book store, 2010. [2]H e Xiaohua. On Marriage Standards in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Overseas English, 2010. [3]J iang Peiming. Between Romance and Realism: patterns of fulfillment in Ann Radcliffes? ,A Sicilian Romance? and Jane Austen?s ,Pride and Prejudice?[D]. The HKU Scholars Hub 1999. [4]L ina Widlund. A Comparative Analysis of the Marriage Ploy in JaneAusten?s Pride and Prejudice and Helen Fielding?s Bridget Jones?s Diary[D].- Cessay, 2004 [5]L i Xueqin, Zhang Yangyue. Views on Marriage and Happiness in Pride and Prejudice [J Overseas English, 2012. [6]L i Yuanyuan. Money and Marriage—attitudes towards love in pride and Prejudice[J]. Qin Congsuiyue, 2013. [7]M a Kun. Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Overseas English, 2013. [8]M ei Zhixin. On Jane Austen?s Views on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Overse English, 2013. [9]W ang Lili. An Analysis of Jane Austen?s Outlook on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Overseas English, 2013. [10]Yao Manzhen. Money and Marriage—attitudes towards love in Pride and ]. Prejudice[J Science & Technology Information, 2011. [11]Zhao Wei, Xiao Lili. Marry for What: Different Attitudes Toward Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Kewai Yuedu, 2013. [12]Zhong Weixuan. Three Key Factors of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Overse English, 2010. [13]陈艳, 孙娜. 重读傲慢与偏见,细读女性意识对婚姻观的影响[J]. 科教导刊,2013 第10 期. [14]董娜. 奥斯汀的爱情婚姻观—傲慢与偏见与爱玛中的爱情解析[J]. 山西广播电视大学学报,2013年第4期.


《理智与情感》英文读后感加翻译 导语:《理智与情感》影片讲述一个英国庄园主去世后,由于遗产法规定家产只传男不传女,他的女儿们都面临着扫地出门的命运,嫁一个好丈夫便成了她们的燃眉之急。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语读后感,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! “理智与情感”英文读后感 SENSE AND SENSIBILITY The story on Sense and Sensibility happened in the late eighteenth century, telling us that two sisters of Dashwood's pursued their love and marriage. The elder sister Elinor is full of sense and could deal with everything with calm thinking. However, his younger sister Marianne always attempt to understand the world with an excess of sensibility. They had a little sister who was too young to completely understand the passion and the pursuit of love of her two sisters. Their mother Mrs, Dashwood regarded everything as sentimentality who is very much like her daughter Marianne. Mrs. Dash wood married Mr, Dashwood after his first wife passed away. His ex-wife left a


Sense and sensibility From,Jane Austen. Abstract:The story is about the encounter which was met while the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, were looking for their sincere true love. Women of that time in England, always took the marriage as the economic security or the tool to improve the social class, all these were not based on love or the rights as a woman, which was the ugly fashion of that time. Elinor and Marianne were different , they would like to choose the men they love , they would like to have the equal place with the men,share the love with each other , which were against the trend. Key words: sense sensibility love brave marriage fantasy romance Summary: Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr. Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak. I think the author eventually admired of the heroine Ellinor, because she was both with heavy sentiment and sensibility. Here the author put on his ideal about the issue between sense and sensibility, is that the person can't be without feeling, but feelings should be restricted by sense. Ellinor was a emotional and calm young girl. When she was choosing a male, not just focus on the appearance or economy ,but mostly on the speaking and good character, so she fell in love with the frankly Edward. Later, she found Edward had engagement with Lucy, though she was very sad, but she tried to restrain the sadness and went to social intercourse and dinner party as usual. Finally, Edward was abandoned by his mother and Lucy. However , Ellinor still love him , they get married and get real love in the end. Different with Ellinor , her sister Marianne ,though she was clever, but too emotional, was always holding rich romantic and colorful fantasy, insisted to marry a outstanding and charming Mr. Right. Thirty-five years old colonel, Brandon showed her his affection, she thought he was too old, thus she refused him. Then she accidentally met a charming male, Werombi, and soon was madly in love with him. Unfortunately, she was abandoned soon which almost broke her heart, she lost her love and her life , what’s worse, she nearly killed herself. After a time , she learned from her sister Ellinor, she finally become sensible, and finally married Brandon who always loved her.


高级英语学期论文 汉语题目:《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 姓名高娜娜 学号200804410620 年级08级本科6班 专业英语 2010年12月

《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 摘要:简·奥斯丁在这部小说中通过班纳特女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。从小说看, 伊丽莎白聪敏机智, 有胆识, 有远见, 有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲, 这是难能可贵的。正是由于这种品质, 才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见, 并促使她与达西组成美满的家庭。 关键字:婚姻,金钱,社会地位 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen,1775—1817)常被二十世纪的文学评论家们和文学史家们誉为真正伟大的英国小说家,因为她使英国小说更臻完美,因此她的小说是最具经典意义的小说。英国著名文学家和评论家基布尔(T.T.Kebble)说“简·奥斯汀是一位喜剧艺术家”,并认为她“在纯粹喜剧艺术方面仅次于莎士比亚”。英国十九世纪著名史学家、诗人和政论家托马斯·马科莱(Thomas Macauley)称她为“写散文的莎士比亚”。 人们的择偶动机决定人们的择偶标准。择偶动机不同,人们的择偶标准也不会相同。自古以来,人们的择偶标准既要遵循婚姻的自然属性,又不得不受婚姻社会属性的影响。婚姻的自然属性决定了人们择偶时要考虑对方的身体、经济、宗教、道德等因素。人们在选择婚姻伴侣时不可能只有单一的动机,而是几种动机同时存在,只是侧重点不同罢了。而这种侧重点的差异表现出来便是人们择偶标准的差异。根据择偶标准的差异,历史学家劳伦斯·斯通,在其名著《1500-1800年英国家庭、性和婚姻》中将当时英国人的择偶动机分为四类:为了巩固家庭的经济、政治或社会地位;为了个人的感情、友爱和情谊;性的吸引;激情之爱。 在《傲慢与偏见》里,作者所塑造出的几种婚姻关系,大都可以从中找到相符合的类型。例如夏洛特和柯林斯的结合,就符合“为了巩固家庭的经济、政治或社会地位”这一类型。简·奥斯丁用一种轻松的方式对《傲慢与偏见》里的婚姻与婚姻相关的一系列活动进行了诙谐的描述。男士们如何挑选妻子,年轻的女子以及她们的母亲如何为其挑选未来的夫君,构成了这部小说许多精彩的场景。在这部探讨婚姻关系的作品中,作者着力刻画了几种不同的婚姻和爱情关系,除了上面提到的夏洛特和柯林斯的婚姻,还有几对比较重要的婚姻:莉迪亚和威克姆;伊丽莎白和达西等等。尽管他们都走进了婚姻的围城,但是婚姻的幸福度却各不相同。这是因为奥斯丁笔下的婚姻,不仅涉及到感情,而且还和经济紧密相关。“凡是有财产的单身汉必定要娶位太太,这已经成为了一条举世公认的真理。”本书的第一句话就点出了影响婚姻的一个重要因素—金钱,然而果真是一条真理吗?我们对小说进行分析,可以将书中的婚姻划分为三种不同的境界,通过比较,我们就会有自己的判断。 (一)莉迪亚和威克姆的婚姻:盲目的激情追求享乐在《傲慢与偏见》中,如果要选出一桩最荒诞且最不被看好的婚姻,无疑就是莉迪亚和威克姆的婚姻了。婚姻的基础是婚姻最终成立的根据,决定着婚姻的特性。西方的婚姻更加注重性的因素,在他们看来男女的结合“主要报偿是性关系的满足。”长久以来,西方人有这样的观念,婚姻是为了爱情和寻求伴侣,还有的是为了性的和谐,避免孤独。莉迪亚习惯沉醉在男人的追捧中,而且一向用清不专,“只要受到人家的勾引,对谁都会上钩。”她对人的好恶,选择男人的标准,只是看对方的脸蛋漂不漂亮。当有漂亮的男人出现时,她的注意力马上就会集中过去。至于自己是不是爱上对方,她一点也不在乎,也更不会在乎对方是否真的爱她。这种以性爱为基础的带有鲜明个人性的婚姻是缺乏稳定性的。婚姻是个人的事,与别人没有直接关系,这样做出决定和采取行动就比较容易,没有什么牵制和挂碍。爱情本身是不稳定的,是人类情感中最难以捉


《劝导》读后感 《劝导》是简奥斯丁的作品之一,它不如《傲慢与偏见》、《理智与情感》、《艾玛》那样有名,但依然承袭了奥斯丁的一贯风格:平静——如水,如蓝天上淡淡的云,文笔平实流畅,毫不张扬。细读奥斯丁的《劝导》,我感到她像是一个故事的讲述者,向你完整地、平静地讲述一个情故事,没有议论的笔调,没有掺杂丝毫的个人感 情,甚至连景物描写也少得让人无处寻觅。我同时读的莫泊桑的《漂亮朋友》,给我的感觉不是听故事,而像在看一部电影:有人物衣着相貌的描述,有夸张的人物动作描绘,有描写旷野森林的景色,有表面或暗地里的权力之争。总之,从头到尾都围绕着金钱和权力,颇不安宁。英国作家狄更斯写的《孤星血泪》,直接用第一人称行文,让我的心绪也随着匹普的命运和情时起时落。而奥斯丁的文章与他们不同,她的写作语言更亲切,平实,这是小说作家中极少有的。正是这一贯平静的风格,使得书中稍有感情波澜的地方,都显得弥足珍贵,让我异常激动。如男女主人公七年后相见时,再如他们重拾旧梦、倾诉衷肠时的描述。这种阅读心情就好比在一片草丛中突然发现几朵娇美的野花,抨然心动后又流连忘返。和那种一波未平一波又起的小说相比,《劝导》这样的书更能带给我突然发现的喜悦。 奥斯丁是位让人好奇的作家,她可以不厌其烦地讲述一次又一次雷同的聚会及参加的人物,一次又一次的散步及谈话。她的文章,几乎总是由这两种活动构成,但我们读来,却从不感到单调乏味,这是简&am#8226;奥斯丁最神秘、最吸引人之处。也许这一股英伦气息,对于处在欧亚大陆遥远的另一端的中国读者来说,就如东方文化在西方人眼中一样神秘。 我们好奇、探求、向往,奥斯丁的小说无疑是一座传播英国文化的桥梁,它把那个时代英国上层社会的生活气息传达给我们,让我们感受到英伦文化深沉的内涵。这是《劝导》打动我的重要原因。


浅谈现代中美婚姻观念 的差异 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

浅谈现代中美婚姻观念的差异 摘要 二十一世纪的中美两国是世界上的两个超大的经济体,且属于不同的政体,中美两国的不同历史文化背景导致彼此的婚姻观存在诸多差异。中国受封建儒家思想影响比较深,而美国则是受外来思想比较严重。近年来随着中国的改革开放不断深入,中美文化的交流越来越频繁,而且互补性很强。本文着重从中美两种文化根源的角度,阐述了中美婚姻观念的不同之处,拓展了人们的认识空间。 关键词:婚姻观念差异文化

Abstract China and the United States in the twenty-first century are the two large economies in the world,they are different form of government ,leading to under different historical and cultural backgrounds of the two countries to each other's views on marriage,there are many differences.Confucianism has been the ideology occupy the field of the orthodox position of the Chinese culture is undergoing extensive and profound impact.Foreign thoughts affect deeply in America's marriage ideasWith the deepening of China's reform and opening up in recent years,.Sino-USintercultural communicationbecamemore and more frequently, also Both Countries are highly complementary in economic and cultural exchangesThis essay illust rates some dif ferent view s betw een Chinese and American marriage ideas in details based on the source of the cultures and thus enlarges eye sight s of people. Key words:marriage ideas;comparison;culture;


[摘要]在5理智与情感6中,理智的埃丽诺和感性的玛丽安是两个性格差异极大的姐妹,他们对这部作品中三位男主人公截然不同的态度,体现了姐妹两人理智与情感的对立,但当妹妹玛丽安为自己的感性付出了沉重的代价之后,她的态度由感性逐渐转化为理性。 [关键词]理智与情感;女性意识;奥斯丁 一、前言 简·奥斯丁(1775-1817)是英国18世纪末19世纪初最著名的女性主义文学作家之一,她对女性文学的发展产生了重要的影响,简·奥斯丁将目光投射在青春、婚姻、家庭等女性关心的问题上,她的一生虽然只完成了六部小说,但有人认为,她在英国文学史上与莎士比亚一样有着重要的地位,誉称世界上最伟大的文学家之一。她创作的第一部小说5傲慢与偏见6 1813年问世,它标志妇女文学时期的到来。接着简·奥斯丁进行她的第二部长篇小说5理智与情感6的写作,而后相继完成了5曼斯菲尔德庄园6(1814)5爱玛6(1816)5诺桑觉寺6(1818)和5劝导6(1818)。在奥斯丁所处的时代,男尊女卑的状况在她的文学作品中均有体现。弗基尼亚·沃尔夫认为,在19世纪的早期,女性小说主要是自传,导致她们写作的动机之一,就是渴望揭示她们自己所遭遇的痛苦,为她们自己辩护,奥斯丁就是这样一位用小说来表达关于女性问题的一位作家,无论是5傲慢与偏见6还是5理智与情感6,都以英国当时的乡间体面人家的婚姻大事为题材,她最关心的往往是体面人家有没有丰厚陪嫁的淑女的婚事。感性是生而俱有,不带修饰的,野性而原始的,理性是在社会道德,公共秩序,文化教育的熏陶中慢慢形成的。人受的教育程度越高,应该理性成分越多,而感性的时候越少。在简·奥斯丁的5理智与情感6中,埃丽诺代表理性、冷静和理智,是一位有见识、明事理、遇事冷静并懂得克制情感的理想女性,而玛丽安代表了任性冲动、不谨慎、毫无节制地追求罗曼蒂克生活的女性。到了小说的最后,玛丽安的性格和态度也受埃莉诺的影响由感性转向了理智。埃莉诺和玛丽安是两个性格极其相反的姐妹,性格上的差异导致姐妹俩待人处世风格及其对待感情迥异,本文仅从两个姐妹对威勒比,爱德华和布兰顿上校的态度上来分析她们的性格差异,以及玛丽安的女性主义意识由感性向理性的转变。 二、埃莉诺的理性情感表现 埃莉诺性格冷静、含蓄、不外露,她总是能够用冷静客观的眼光来看待身边的人和物。她的内心也一样渴望爱情,但是,她和妹妹相反的地方在于他能够用理智来克制自己的情感。正如她自己所说的那样:/不要用心,要用脑子,理智一点。01.对待爱德华在整部作品中,她只有仅仅的一次强烈地表达出了她对爱德华的欣赏和爱恋:/他有卓越的见识和操守,只因生性腼腆,经常少言寡语,一时显不出来,,我敢断言,他知识渊博,酷爱读书,想象力丰富,观察问题准确,情趣丰雅而纯洁,,..不过你一见到他那无比动人的眼神,你就会发现他的整个表情都十分可爱。0这是埃丽诺唯一的一次情不自禁地表达对爱德华的爱,而之后一连串发生了很多的事情,埃丽诺都能用理智控制住自己强烈的感情,埃丽诺他们一家人在德文郡一座乡间别墅找到新居,这同时也导致了埃丽诺和她心爱的爱德华分手。小说中最能体现埃莉诺的理智和坚强的是当露西告诉埃莉诺她已经和爱德华订婚的事情之后埃莉诺的表现。这一消息对于埃莉诺来说简直就是晴天霹雳,原来她一直深爱着的爱德华已经和别人订了婚,刚开始的时候,她欺骗自己这不是真的,是因为她不敢接受这一现实


理智与情感的读书笔记1000字《理智与情感》读书笔记今天终于把《理智与情感》看完了,怎么说呢,有一种空荡荡的感觉,有点失落。就像一个人一直在追赶某样东西,而突然之间那件东西又不见了,此时的我就是这样的感觉。 再来说说这部小说,它将爱情,亲情,友情,人心丢弃在那个社会的大背景下。虽然是喜剧的结局,却也给了人不少的压力。小说围绕埃莉诺与玛丽安两姐妹各自的“三角”爱情展开,埃莉诺爱慕爱德华,却受到嫂子的阻挠,认为他的弟弟要娶一个有财产的贵族小姐,在听到爱德华与地位甚至不及埃莉诺的露西订婚时,气的晕倒。这就是那个社会,人的价值就是用金钱衡量,爱情什么也不是。约翰夫人,明显就是一个理智有余,感情不足的典型代表。而约翰先生,更是亲情寡淡,答应亡父照顾寡母和两个妹妹,最后却为了省下金钱,将他们赶出去。张口闭口就是“钱”。爱德华明明已经与露西订婚,却又与埃莉诺暧昧,在后来给埃莉诺带来极大痛苦。而露西却又是一个狡诈的女人,在听到埃莉诺爱慕爱德华的消息时,故意与她交好,又装作对她的信任,告诉其与爱德华订婚的事实,这无疑是在埃莉诺的伤口上撒盐。露西打着友情的幌子,在埃莉诺的面前极度炫耀。而同时她也将自己的无知,势力,巧言令色展露无遗。埃莉诺固然是一个理智凌驾于感情之上的的人,她将自己的情绪控制

的很好,没让家里担心,但是自己无疑是痛苦的。所以说太过理智的女孩子是很难让人心爱的,因为她令人心疼。 相反,妹妹玛丽安,一个对爱情充满着浪漫的幻想,认为人生如果没有一场浪漫的爱情是不圆满的。在她与威洛比的爱情中,她把自己所有的感情都给了他,在得知自己被抛弃后,她陷入了难以自拔的境地中,整日避开人群,躲在角落里。对于一个浪漫的女孩来说,现实无疑能使她快速成长,只有经历过痛苦,才能意识到这个世界不是她心中的象牙塔。威洛比这个人一直游手好闲,大手挥霍,最后迫于破产的压力,娶了一个有财产的姑娘。他也只不过是有一副漂亮的外表,内心却是空乏的。 故事里的所有人的人生,都是自己选择的,而他们的价值观却是在这个社会大环境的熏陶中渐渐形成的,我们是该谴责他们的无情与虚伪还是该同情他们呢?理智与情感,到底该如何选择的? 英国学者沃尔波尔有句名言,“这个世界,凭理智来领会是个喜剧,凭感情来领会是个悲剧。”单就这部小说而言,它无疑是切合主题的,但是现实生活中我却是无法苟同的。如果生活只能靠理智的约束,缺乏一时冲动的激情,那么生活会失去很多乐趣。人的生命不在于长短,在于是否痛快活过。三毛也说过,“等我长大了,我要做个拾破烂的……拾荒人眼底下的垃圾场是世界上最抚媚的花园。因为这种职业,


浅谈《傲慢与偏见》中地婚姻观 摘要:《傲慢与偏见》是英国女小说家简.奥斯丁地代表作之一.在这本小说中,一共描述了五桩不同地婚姻,通过这五桩婚姻折射 出了作者地婚姻观念:完美地婚姻应当建立在爱情和物质地基础上. 关键词:《傲慢与偏见》;简·奥斯丁;婚姻观; 简·奥斯丁<1775-1817),生长于英国南部有文化教养地牧师 家庭,在她一生四十多个年头里,完成了六部作品——《理智与情感》、《傲慢与偏见》、《诺桑觉寺》、《曼斯斐尔德庄园》、《爱玛》以及《劝导》.在这六部作品中,《傲慢与偏见》是极具 代表性也是最为大家所熟知地作品.小说中,简·奥斯丁描述了各 种不同地婚姻关系,班纳特夫妇地相互煎熬、柯林斯牧师与夏绿蒂·卢卡斯地利益交换、韦翰与丽迪雅地情欲放纵、吉英与彬格 莱两情相悦、达西与伊丽莎白完美结合.通过这五桩婚姻关系也反映出作者地婚恋观:婚姻中只是因为对方地财富和地位而结婚,虽然理智,但是错误;另外,在结婚地时候不考虑对方地经济基础也 是得不到幸福地. 一、《傲慢与偏见》中地婚姻关系 1、班纳特夫妇:表面上很幸福美满,实际上在相互煎熬 班纳特夫妇一家住在浪搏恩村,班纳特先生地年收入是两千镑, 而班纳特太太在年轻地时候也是小有姿色,这样地结合在外人看来应当是一桩幸福美满地婚姻,可谓是“郎财女貌”.但是,在结婚之

后,班纳特先生才发现他们两人地性格是天壤之别,并且是话不投机半句多.班纳特先生本是一个性格古怪地人,一方面喜欢开玩笑,挖苦别人,他讥笑班纳特太太比她所有女儿都漂亮,或许彬格莱先生会挑中她;另一方面却是不拘言笑,捉摸不定,当所有人都以为他不会去拜访彬格莱先生地时候,他却是第一批去拜访彬格莱先生地人.相对于班纳特先生,班纳特太太则是一个智力贫乏,喜怒无常地女人,稍有不顺心就认为他人不体谅她地神经衰弱.在她不知道班纳特先生已经去拜访了彬格莱先生之前,她非常地生气,但是得知班纳特先生已经拜访过彬格莱先生地时候,马上又乌云转晴,不断地称赞她地丈夫,喜怒之色,流于言表.由于两人在结婚地时候只注重金钱和美貌,而忽略了双方之间性格地相差甚远,导致他们地婚姻长久以来只是为了维系道德而存在,事实上婚姻中地两人却是相互折磨,互相煎熬. 2、柯林斯夫妇:金钱上地婚姻,为了迎合双方地利益 柯林斯牧师在《傲慢与偏见》中是一个极具喜剧色彩地人物,他作为班纳特姐妹们地远方表兄,同时作为班纳特家财产地唯一男性继承人,为了减少班纳特家地损失,所以决定娶一位班纳特小姐为自己地妻子.首先,柯林斯牧师向吉英求婚,由于彬格莱地关系,吉英拒绝了他地求婚,于是柯林斯牧师马上转向伊丽莎白,他自以为女性在受到求婚时都会比较含蓄,言行不一,虽然伊丽莎白一再拒绝他,他却将其当作鼓励他地话语,直到最后才发现伊丽莎白根本没有答应他地意思.受到两次拒绝地柯林斯牧师并没有气馁,在他


《傲慢与偏见观后感》 傲慢与偏见观后感(一): 《傲慢与偏见》观后感 简奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》早已被人们拍成许多电影版本,但是不管别人怎样去评论谁好谁差,我还是坚持选取了英国95年版来观看,因为我一向相信英国影片的拍摄水平是最好的,更能忠实于他们自己的原著。单从一幅幅油画般的场景,就已让我确信自己的选取是正确的。影片共分六集,是由BBC和AE联合制作,主演:伊丽莎白是由詹妮弗艾莉扮演、达西是由科林费尔斯扮演、导演:SimonLangton。 从我们这一代人的经验和体会,欣赏文字的原著肯定大大优于电影的效果,更贴近作者创作的本意。电影经过后人的浓缩编写,成为快餐。只因现代人也太懒了,不屑去读费力、费时的原著。这好比世上的发明主要是为懒人所准备的一样。文字阅读是要用抽象思维转換为形象思维,不如电影直接就是形象思维来得更省力、更简单。 自从计算机有了多媒体传播技术之后,人们的依靠性更加增强,对文字阅读的潜力正在逐步退化着。书籍大有可能被各种形式的电子文化取而代之,在未来的几十年里,电子文化已成为锐不可挡之势。采用电子版的文字修改和阅读手段,速度将大大优化于手工书写和印刷的书籍,这不但是效益上不可同日而语,而且更加环保节约。这是一场深刻好处上的真正人类性的文化大革命,而决非是中国那场可笑愚昧的毛氏文化大革命。 简奥斯丁的前二部小说起的名字都很恰如其意,《理智与情感》环绕两个女主角,一个代表了理性,一个象征着感性。《傲慢与偏见》单从字意上也就能够分得清二个主人公的表现,达西代表着傲慢,伊丽莎白代表着偏见,这段感情故事也就是由这二个易燃物之间的碰撞才被点燃,这是全剧的主线和亮点,至于其他,统统全是配角,为其服务。 本来这只是描述保守、闭塞状态下的英国普通乡镇生活里的四段极其平淡无奇的恋爱小素材,但却被简奥斯汀用她那独具慧眼的观察力和丰富的情感,娴熟的笔功,巧妙的构思出来,串联成一幕幕严谨精巧的搞笑的故事。我想在我们一生中亲眼所见的场面,也许比她更为宽广复杂,但是我们一个个犹如废人一般,空活在这个人世间,除了空耗地球上的物质,什么也没有给后人留下,惭愧!惭愧!实在惭愧! 故事梗概如下。 乡镇绅士班内特先生是一个睿智的中老年人,他经常用讽刺、愤世嫉俗但是又很冷漠的口吻和其他人说话,他将自己整天沉浸在书籍当中,忽视了对五个女儿们的婚恋教育。班内特先生的妻子毫无见识、粗俗不堪,是一个愚蠢、轻率、


婚姻观念差异论文:中西婚姻观差异之比较【摘要】随着我国对外经济开放的不断深入,人们越来越多地追求爱情和婚姻的质量。然而人们为什么要恋爱结婚?换句话说,婚姻有什么作用?在中国,常听到这样一些说法:“结婚是为了父母,娶媳妇是为了给我洗衣做饭。”这些质朴的语言在一定程度上体现了中国人的婚姻观念。那么,西方人的婚姻观和我们又有什么不同呢?本文将从结婚的目的、择偶标准以及婚姻关系中夫妻地位几方面进行了比较、分析。 【关键词】婚姻观念差异择偶方式结婚目的择偶标准夫妻地位 一择偶方式不同 爱情是人类世界最美好的感情,自古以来,多少人为之舍生忘死。但是中国古代的婚姻制度和习俗约束了人们对爱情的追求,中国人的传统择偶方式为“父母之命,媒妁之言”。也就是说,父母对子女的婚姻拥有不可推卸的责任和义务,所以,父母对子女的结婚对象也理所当然的拥有决定权;如果没有了这些繁文缛节,男女双方的结合就是私订终身,往往得不到父母的祝福;许多夫妇在结婚前连见面的机会都没有,更不用说爱情了。正因为这种制度不尊重当事人的意愿,也就酿成了不少爱情悲剧。如,我们所熟知的梁山伯与祝英

台的凄美爱情故事就是最好的例证。受“父母之命,媒妁之言”之苦的不仅仅是梁山伯与祝英台。唐朝洛阳城女子步非烟,才貌双全,依照父母之命嫁给河南府功曹参武公业为妻,曹性情耿直,粗犷躁烈,只知道舞刀弄斧,步非烟的才情对他来说完全是对牛弹琴。尽管他对步非烟宠爱有加,步非烟还是红杏出墙,后来事情败露,被武公业活活鞭打致死,由此可见这种制度的弊端。而西方则盛行自由恋爱,第三者无权干涉。他们认为一个人有权选择和他/她最喜欢的人生活在一起;在建立家庭之前后,都始终讲究一个“情”字,有“情”便可以生活在一起,无“情”便可以分开。 二结婚目的不同 中国传统的婚姻目的是为家庭而非爱情。《礼记昏义》说:“合两性之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后世也”。就是说,中国传统婚姻的目的:一是通过联姻合两大家族之优势,扩大亲属同盟,即“结缘”;二是为了男性家庭继承家庭的血统,即“继统”,也就是我们俗称的传宗接代。对于一般人来说,男女结合只是为了生存的需要,女人嫁男人只是为了找一个生活依靠;男人找女人只是为了某种需求。因此,中国人的婚恋更多的是理性的选择。虽然随着中西方文化交流的深入,这种传统的婚姻目的受到了极大的冲击,越来越多的人选择“爱情至上”的婚姻;但为了传宗接代而结婚的依


《理智与情感》的詹宁斯太太形象分析 简.奥斯汀的小说《理智与情感》詹宁斯太太是其中一个串联故事的一个主要人物。她是是一个爱打趣青年人,害怕孤单却又对人热情,爱憎分明的人。她见证了埃莉诺姐妹的性格与教养,以及两姐妹的爱情发展,见证了威洛比等人的爱慕虚荣,冷酷自私。正是她的爱热闹,将一个个人物串起来,推动了情节的发展。 一.爱打趣的太太 当达什伍德太太一家搬到巴登别墅时,给人印象有点俗气,对姑娘们说情人,丈夫之类俏皮话,玛丽安有点恼怒。詹宁斯太太喜欢替青年男女筹划婚事,喜欢打趣别人。说布兰顿上校喜欢玛丽安,喜欢用别人的事做谈资,好打听年轻男女恋情。当布兰顿上校有事要离开的时候,尽力挽留他,上校并没有说离开的原因,詹宁斯太太想打听布兰顿上校离开的原因,上校离开庄园詹宁斯太太一直惦记着,时时刻刻都在怀疑,她断定准有什么坏消息,是布兰顿庄园还是他女儿,表明詹宁斯太太内心空虚与无所事事。一桌人吃饭时,詹宁斯太太扭过头与玛丽安说话:“你们多鬼也瞒不了我,”她对玛丽安爱情的好奇心不减。詹宁斯太太渴望交际,每次家有宴会都想宴请更多的人,却没有考虑过别人是否乐意,让达什伍德家的两个女儿有点不悦。她自己还是一如既往的邀请埃莉诺姐妹参加聚会,是以为能够让她们年轻人快乐,她知道玛丽安喜欢跳舞有舞会就邀请她参加。詹宁斯太太知道玛丽安给威洛比写信,她想当然的以为她们订婚了,于是就告诉了周围她的朋友玛丽安她们订婚的消息。当詹宁斯太太在自己的庄园餐桌上看到了玛丽安接到了威洛比的来信,玛丽安一走她就说道:“我还没见过这样痴情的姑娘呢!我打心眼里希望,他不会让她等太久。他们打算什么时候结婚呢?”詹宁斯太太想当然地认为玛丽安与威洛比一见倾心,他们即将成婚。觉得玛丽安和威洛比他们在德文郡时天天在一起,这次来城里就是为了买结婚服装的。她不希望俩姐妹再藏着,因为她已经告诉大家了。她认为这正是大好笑料,希望玛丽安接
