



Part Two

Section Two

(Questions 18-22)

You will hear another five recordings.

For each recording, decide what the speaker’s purpose is.

Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

Do not use any letter more than once.

After you have listened once, replay the recordings.

18 ……………………………………

19 ……………………………………

20 ……………………………………

21 ……………………………………

22 ……………………………………

答案:18 C 19 G 20 H 21 E 22 B


Section Two. Question 18 to 22.

You will hear another five recordings.

For each recording, decide what the speaker’s purpose is.

Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

Do not use any letter more than once.

After you have listened once, replay the recordings.

You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H.


Now listen, and decide what each speaker’s purpose is.

[pause] Eighteen

Man: Hello. This is Guy Cooper from Centron Electronics here. I believe you rang for some advice about your alarm system, which isn’t functioning properly. The message I got said you weren’t sure if you needed someone to come and sort it out, or if we could advise you over the phone. Well perhaps you’d like to get back to me as soon as it’s convenient and tell me exactly what the problem is, and I’ll see what I can do.

[pause] Nineteen

Woman: Well, as you say, Redlon has been supplying us for years but, quite honestly, two-thirds of the complaints we receive about our products are actually due to faults in components we’ve had from Redlon. So I talked to the Production Manager and he agreed that I should look at some alternatives. Future World’s range is fine for us, and one of their customers who I spoke to recommended them highly, so that’s why we’ve changed to using them.

[pause] Twenty

Woman: The competition’s getting tougher, and you know we’ve facing serious problems. We

need to see more benefit from the undeniably hard work we’re putting in, and this means saying

no to jobs which aren’t profitable. It would be much more beneficial to put all our efforts into winning higher-margin contracts. So the way I feel you can help most is by identifying the types of contracts which bring in the income we need in order to ensure our future.

[pause] Twenty-one

Man: John Woods here, phoning about the project we discussed earlier. Could you give me a ring so that we can talk about it a bit more? I’ve done a few calculations and I’m beginning to wonder whether it’s really a practical proposition. I still think the project’s got potential, but there are significant additional costs which we hadn’t taken into account. So could you get back to me as soon as you can, please?

[pause] Twenty-two

Woman: Hello, Sally here, from Pagwell Paints, returning your call. I’m very sorry you aren’t happy with the latest consignment you’ve had from us. It’s rather strange, because following your complaint about the last delivery, we did in fact take action to change the specifications in the way you suggested. So it isn’t quite fair to say that we ignored your advice. I know it’s important to achieve the consistency that you require, but perhaps your recommendation wasn’t exactly what’s needed.


Now listen to the recording again.


That is the end of Part Two.

Part Two 分析:







but, however, so, therefore

although, though, despite, in spite of



Part Two 分析:


1) descriptive

a. complaint: make, confirm product quality 产品质量

b. appointment/meeting/invitation: make, confirm 时间/事件

change 先道歉推迟(postpone) 取消(cancel) 细节变动

confirm 先道谢

c. assistance/permission/advice: ask for, give

上级对下级是give,下级对上级是ask for

d. satisfaction/appreciation/compliment/congratulation

You deserve it. 是你应得的。/你活该。

e. make an enquire/ask for information/order/make a reservation
