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1. The man who talked to you just now is an engineer. 刚才和你说话的那个人是一位工程师。

2. This kind of book is for children whose native language is Chinese. 这种书是供母语是汉语的儿童看的。

3. I enjoyed the evening that we spent together by the sea. 我们一起在海边度过的那个晚上,我过得很愉快。

4. Here is the pen that you lost the day before yesterday. 这是你前天丢失的那支笔。

5. He is the person I met in the park yesterday. 他就是我昨天在公园里遇到的那个人。

6. The book you need is sold out. 你需要的那本书售完了。

7. The lady who came to our class is from Australia. 那位来过我们班的女士来自澳大利亚。

8. The man who shook hands with our teacher just now is Li Lei’s father. 刚才和我们老师握手的那个人是李雷的父亲。

9. I’ll never forget the summer holiday I spent with you. 我将不会忘记和你一起过的那个暑假。

10. She is one of the students in our class who are good at English. 她是我们班上英语很好的学生之一。

11. He’s the only one of my friends who comes from a foreign country. 他是我唯一一个来自外国的朋友。

12. That is the place which they just now talked about. 这就是他们刚才讨论的地方。

13. You can keep any books that you find. 你可以保留你找到的任何书。

14. Is this the only thing that he does for his daughter? 这就是他唯一为他女儿做的一件事吗?

15. The storybook I have just read cannot be easily forgotten. 我刚才看的那本故事书不容易忘记。

16. Do you know the person I spoke to just now?你认识刚才和我说话的那个人吗?

17. The first lesson that Miss Lee gave us in the school is unforgettable. 李老师在学校给我们上的第一节课令人难忘。

18. Everything that we saw there was interesting. 我们在那儿看到的东西都很有趣。

19. Who is the lady that is standing over therewith Ann? 和安一起站在那儿的那位女士是谁?

20. Wuhan is the hottest city I have been to. 武汉是我去过的最热的城市。

21. I’m interested in all that I have seen. 我对我所看到的一切都很感兴趣。

22. Is he the man that talked with your teacher yesterday? 他就是昨天和你老师谈话的那个人吗?

23. Have you got the book (that) you need? 你得到你需要的那本书了吗?

24. She was not on the train which arrived just now. 她不在刚到的这趟火车上。

25. It sounded like a truck that was going by my house. 听上去像是一辆卡车正从我家旁边经过。


26. Have you got something (that) he wanted? 你有他要的东西吗?

27. It is the silliest argument (that) I’ve heard. 那是我听过的最愚蠢的争论。

28. He wants the same book that I have. 他想要我有的那本书。

29. The first thing that she should do is tohave her hair fixed. 她应当做的第一件事是去做个发型。

30. The passengers and the suitcases that were still waiting had to be transferred to another plane. 仍在等待的乘客和行李只得被转移到另一架飞机上。

31. I will tell you all that I know. 我会把我知道的一切告诉你。

32. The very thing that brought about acomplete change in her life was the liberation. 正是解放彻底改变她的命运。

33. That’s the very thing I’ve been lookingfor. 那正是我要找的东西。

34. This is the same girl that came to borrowan English book two days ago. 这个女孩就是两天前来借英语书的那个。

35. Rose told me all that had happened toOliver. 罗斯把奥利弗所发生的事情都告诉了我。

36. Because of my poor memory, everything thatyou told me has been forgotten. 由于我的记忆力不好,你告诉我的所有事情我都忘记了。

37. Is there anything that I can do for you? 有什么需要我帮忙的吗?

38. These are the happiest hours that we haveever spent. 这些都是我们曾一起度过的最快乐的时光。

39. There is no film that you’ll feel interested in. 没有你会感兴趣的电影。

40. Mr. Liu wants to talk to the students whose homework hasn’t been handed in. 刘老师要跟那些没交作业的学生谈话。
