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Module 1

Unit 1»ù´¡¹ý¹Ø

I 1.about 2. walk 3.near 4.long 5. old 6 .of 7.more 8 .Palace 9. long


II 11.your 12.metres lions 14.thousand

III 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.C

IV. 21.over 22.How long 23.How old 24.go home on foot 25.can¡¯t sing V. 26.more 27.to 28. visit 29. go 30.all 31.too 32.thousand 33.kilometres 34.more lions

VI 36.Can we walk all of the Great wall?

37.The street is forty li long.

38.It is a beautiful building.

39.It is more than two thousand years old.

40.The clock is fifty metres high.

VII. 41T42.T 43.A 44.C 45.D

Unit 2 »ù´¡¹ý¹Ø

I 1.on 2.I 3.tall 4.Chinese 5.weak 6. short 7.new /young 8.build 9.that


II. 11.more 12.years 13.high 14.China 15.town

III. 16.Tell ,more about 17.building,metres,tall,beautiful 18.people,built ,strong 19. museum,in , How old 20.Thouands of ,Great Wall

IV. 21.It is three metres high.

22.Is the river two metres wide£¿

23.I want to go to the museum.

24.How long is your desk£¿

25.Tell me about this building!

26.The Great Wall of China is long.

V. 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.E 31.A

VI (A) 32.B 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.B

(B) 37. It is ten thousand li long.

38. It is more than two thousand years old.

39. No, I can¡¯t.

40. Yes, they did.

41. Yes, it is.


I 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8 .A 9.A 10.C

II 11.cities 12.to do 13.visits 14.thousand 15.kilometres 16. li 17.beautiful 18.buildings 19.China 20. thousands

III. 21. A 22.C23.B 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.B

IV. (A) 31.F 32.T 33.F 34.F 35.T

(B) 36.C 37.D 38 .A 39.B 40.C

(C) 41. Sue 42. James 43.Tony 44.Lisa 45.Bob 46.Jack 47.Bill

(D) 48.sports 49.riding 50.cards 51.swimming 52. ice, snow

V. 53.China 54.world 55.walk 56.thousand 58.more 59.than 60.hand 61.visit 62.people

VI writing :

A visit to the Great Wall

Peter is my best friend , he is a boy from England .He wants to visit the Great Wall. so I took him to the Great Wall .When we go there , Peter was very happy , He said , ¨D How great it is !¡¬

The Great Wall is more than six thousand kilometres long . It has another name ¨D The Ten ¨C Thousand ¨CLi Great Wall¡¬. The Great Wall is more than two thousand years old .Thousands of Chinese people built it .

