新视野大学英语读写教程book4 unit3教案

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Book4 Unit 3

I. Teaching Objectives

1. To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns

2. To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing

3. To improve Ss reading skills by studying section B

4. To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly

5. To participate actively

6. To read sentences and texts with proper intonation

7. To write smoothly and legibly

II.Teaching Focus

1. Useful words, phrases and sentence structures;

2. Reading skill: Understanding Figurative Language;

3. Writing skill: Structured Writing (P 69)

III .Main Teaching Methods and Techniques

Use the CAI (PPT software) and group work; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and audio-visual method.

V. Teaching Procedures

Section A: Longing for a New Welfare System (Four Periods)

Step 1: Pre-reading Activities:

1.1 Greetings

Greet the whole class


(1). Ask students some questions to review the last lesson(show them on the


(2). Check the homework(get to know the social welfare system of the US and China by surfing the Internet or reading relevant books );

1.2 Warming up


(1). Getting to know some simple information on social welfare system.

(2).ask the Ss to talk about difference between the public health, education and

housing in China and in the US.

Step 2: While-reading activities:

2.1. Background information:

A social welfare provision refers to any program which seeks to provide a guaranteed minimum level of income, service or other support for the population of a country as a whole, or for specific groups such as the poor, elderly, and disabled people. Social welfare programs are undertaken by governments and by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Social welfare payments and services are provided at the expense of taxpayers generally or by obligatory National Insurance contributions, funded by benefactors. Welfare payments can take the form of in-kind transfers (e.g., health care services) or cash (e.g., earned income tax credit). Examples of social welfare services include the following:

•Compulsory superannuation savings programs.

•Compulsory social insurance programs, often based on income, to pay for the social welfare service being provided. These are often incorporated into the taxation system and may be inseparable from income tax.

•Pensions, either for the entire population or for those who had lower incomes. •Financial aid, including social security and tax relief, to those with low incomes or inability to meet basic living costs, especially those who are raising children, elderly, unemployed, injured, sick or disabled.

•Free or low cost nursing, medical and hospital care, antenatal and postnatal care for those who are sick, injured or unable to care for themselves. This may be available to everybody, or means tested. Services may be provided in the community or a medical facility.

•Free or low-cost public education for all children, and financial aid, sometimes as a scholarship or pension, sometimes in the form of a suspensory loan, to students attending academic institutions or undertaking vocational training.

•The state may also fund or operate social work and community-based organizations that provide services that benefit disadvantaged people in the community.

•Welfare money paid by a government to persons who are in need of financial assistance.


1. To develop Ss’ online learning ability
