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word版本. 摘要


本文描述了基于B/S架构的IT项目管理系统的设计与实现的过程,系统的开发采用了业成熟稳定的J2EE SSH技术架构,设计并实现了企业部项目的项目立项、人员配备、项目周报、会议纪要、问题管理、项目评审、需求变更、项目调整、项目结项等IT项目建设中的核心管理容。该项目在开发过程中也严格依据项目管理的要求,从可行性分析到项目需求、设计、编码、测试,历经半年时间,在三名工程师的努力付出下,最终已在企业部正式投入使用,系统的投产,大幅提升了企业管理层对项目协调的能力,大幅加强了项目经理日常管理的力度,大幅提升了企业项目管理水平的综合实力。该项目的投产,为项目实施的进度管理、质量保障、成本控制提供了有效的信息化的支撑平台。





word版本. ABSTRACT

With the increasing demand for information domain, IT project scale size have become more and more bigger, and the project functions are more complicated to before there are many risks because many finance system rely on it heavily. Traditional information exchange method could not meet the enterprise demand to deliver and handle the large amount of information. The importance of Project management during project implementation phase is very prominent in the informatization progress. Hence a project management system which has integrated with international ideas and accorded with enterprise management have been put forward in enterprise informatization construction schedule.

This paper describes the process of design and implementation of IT project management system based on B/S infrastructure. System development have adopted stable J2EE SSH technology frame in the field. Design and achieve the core management contents which related to enterprise internal project establishment, project manpower deployment, project weekly report, meeting minutes, issue management, project approval, demand change, project adjustment and project closing etc during the IT project construction phase. This project will strictly obey with the project management requirement during the design process, starting from feasibility analysis to project demand, design, coding, testing, with the three engineers’ great efforts through half year, this project have been formally put into use in enterprise finally. This system has greatly promoted the project coordination ability for enterprise executives, greatly strengthen the daily management power for project manager, greatly promoted the comprehensive capability for enterprise project management since the system put on line. The system on-line has provided effective informatization supporting platform for progress management, quality ensurance, cost control of project implementation.
