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•Behavior Genetics: IF: 3.171, most cited journal in this field, #10 for usage in HumSci •Neuropsychology Review: IF: 3.652, highest ranking in B.S. journals, large research area,
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Israel Journal of Mathematics The Hebrew University, Israel Journal d‘Analyse Mathématique The Hebrew University, Israel
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legend in field of adolescent research.
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玻尔(量子力学 玻尔 量子力学) 量子力学 Niels H. de Bohr Physics
爱因斯坦(相对论 爱因斯坦 相对论) 相对论 Albert Einstein Physics
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影响因子Top 20 数学学术期刊 影响因子
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哈恩(原子弹之父 哈恩 原子弹之父) 原子弹之父 Otto Hahn Chemistry
神经生理学) 艾克尔斯爵士 (神经生理学) Sir John Eccles Medicine
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2007 ACM 图灵奖获得者
Ed Clarke, CMU
E. Allen Emerson, UTD
Joseph Sifakis, UGrenobel
(Natural Sciences)
Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max von Laue(1914年物理学奖获得者) , Karl von Frisch (1973年医学奖获得者), Konrad Lorenz, Manfred Eigen and many others.
reached highest usage numbers ever in 2006.
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Also member benefit for Intl Society of Urban Health
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Key Journals
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Start Up: Mathematics and Financial Economics
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-- IF 0.636, #2 journal for usage in Human Sciences portfolio, 28 issues/year, 25+ years, Alex C. Michalos THE name in ethics and quality of life (publishes several journals and book series with Springer)
Top Tier Journals in Behavioral Sciences
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Human Sciences portfolio, Largest area in Child/School Psychology, Gary Mesibov THE name in Autism