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本项目开发过程中,主要进行的工作是需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、项目应用的前期准备包括培训、硬件配置等。软件采用基本对话框界面,能满足中小型企业员工考勤管理的基本需要。本论文针对该软件的各个方面, 开发过程中涉及到的技术和工具都分别进行了阐述。根据以上分析本系统主要模块如下:1 登录窗口模块,2主窗口模块, 3 添加出勤记录模块,4 加班记录模块,5请假记录模块,6出差记录模块,7月度出勤情况表模块。



Along with computer popularization and computer science technology rapid development, the people start to use the computer solution actual problem more and more many. The staff checks attendance the management is the enterprise information management important part facing the massive human affairs wages information, will use manpower processing to waste the massive time, the manpower and the physical resource, also the data accuracy will be low. Therefore, develops a contact surface to be friendly, easy to operate the staff checks attendance the management software to carry on automated processing to become extremely important, this is precisely this system development goal and the significance.

In this project performance history, mainly carries on the work is the demand analysis, the outline design, the detailed design, the project application earlier period preparation including training, the hardware disposition and so on. The software uses the basic dialog box contact surface, can satisfy the small and medium-sized enterprise staffs to check attendance the management basic need. Present paper in view of this software each aspect, In the performance history involves the technology and the tool separately have all carried on the elaboration. According to above analyzes this system main module to be as follows: 1 registers the window module, 2 main window modules, 3 increase going out on duty record module, 4 working overtime record module, 5 asks for leave the recording module, 6 business trip record module, in July going out on duty situation table module.

In brief, this design work is a apply theory to reality process. Not only to me is a rare study opportunity, moreover made me through the practice to understand profoundly these abstract concept essence, future the work has laid solidly the foundation for me.

Key word: Checking attendance, system, information


1论绪 0

1.1应用背景 0

1.2 开发工具的选择 0

1.2.1Visual C++ 6.0简介 0

1.2.2使用Visual C++编程的理由 (1)

1.2.3面向对象的应用服务层设计 (1)

1.3论文的工作介绍 (2)

2 系统总体设计 (2)

2.1系统需求分析 (2)

2.2系统概要设计 (3)

2.2.1 系统结构设计 (4)

2.2.2 数据库设计 (6)

2.3 系统详细设计 (12)

3 系统应用程序设计 (13)

3.1 系统程序框架的组成 (13)

3.2登录认证对话框的实现 (14)

3.3主对话框窗体功能的实现 (15)

3.4 上班时间设置窗体功能的实现 (16)

3.5考勤修改窗体功能的实现 (17)

3.6添假出勤记录属性页的实现 (18)

3.7加班记录属性页功能的实现 (20)

3.8请假和出差属性页功能的实现 (21)

3.9考勤统计模块功能的实现 (21)

4 系统开发总结 (22)

4.1结束语 (22)

4.2参考文献 (23)

4.3致谢 (23)

5附录 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
