高三英语复习公开课:语法填空 课件(共28张PPT)

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1、考查形容词或副词的比较等级 所给提示词是形容词或副词时,可考虑是否变 为比较级或最高级。
1、The _h_a_rd_e_r__(hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit. He controls you!
→ 表目的和将来,用__不___定___式___t_o___d_o__ 逻辑 → 表主动和进行,用_现___在___分___词___d__o_i_n_ g 主语 → 表被动和完成,用__过___去___分___词___d_o__n_ e
I should do more exercise _t_o__im__p_r_o_v_e_ (improve) my English.
6、Stephen Hawking was one of the most brilliant _s_c_i_e_n_ti_s_ts__ (science) of his age.
1、介词 注意常用的介词,以及各类带介词的词组。
1、In a few weeks his restaurant is always full ___o_f____ men with their lady friends.
4、并列连词 并列成分之间存在并列、转折、选择、因果关系等。 常用的连词有and, or, but, so, for, while,等,常用 的关联短语有both...and..., either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also...,等。
1、The nursery team switches him every few _d_a_y_s__(day) with his sister.
2、Have you ever read _t_o_d_a_y_’s__(today) newspaper?
3、Wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to __y_o_u_r___(you) eyes.
2、冠词 如果空格后有名词而且两者搭配在一起表示泛指或 特指含义,或者有序数词、最高级、表示特指意义的 比较级等形式,那么空格处一般是填冠词。 1、In that case, we will learn little about __t_h_e__ world.
2、Tom is such __a__ clever student that every teacher in the department likes him.
2、Facial expression and body language can __g__re_a_t_ly___(great) affect a conversation.
Exercise 2
1、Before I got on the bike, I felt __e_x_tr_e_m__e_ly_ (extreme) nervous.
2、 I _u_s_u_a_l_ly_(usual) play it as background music while I’m doing some housework.
3、 Some of __th__e_m__ (they) were in poor health and were very unhappy.
4、Retirement is obviously a very complex adjustment period and the _e_a_r_li_e_r (early) you start planning for it, the better.
5、 I hope he’ll go out and enjoy _h_i_m_s_e_l_f _ (him) for a change.
5、从句引导词 从句引导词用来引导状语从句、名词性从句和定语 从句。判断空格处填哪一类引导词,首先要看它所引 导的是哪一种从句,然后根据引导词的种类和功能来 确定填哪一个引导词。
1、This is the reason __w_h_y____we must value time.
8、T_o__c_a_t_c_h_ (catch) the early bus, she got up at 6:00.
1、考查名词、代词的数与格 空白处所给提示词是名词时,一般考查单复数的变化, 偶尔考查所有格或名词的派生形式;所给词是代词时, 一般考查人称代词变为物主代词。
All young men took up arms and _f_o_u_g_h_t___ (fight) against the invaders.
1 确定谓语动词 or 非谓语动词 ?
2 判断非谓语动词的形式:
2、I like reading the novels _w_r_it_t_e_n_ (write) by San Mao.
3、He often works hard __to__e_a_r_n__ (earn) more money.
4、He __w_e_n_t__ (go) into the classroom and wrote on the blackboard.
Jack became very _w_o_r_r_ie_d_ (worry) and he walked around the room several times.
Exercise 1
1、The book __w_a_s__w_r_it_te_n__ (write) by San Mao in 1976.
3、代词 当句中缺少主语或宾语时,一般要填代词,主要 包括人称代词、不定代词以及it。
1、I find ___it____very important to study a second language.
2、__It____ is necessary to take off the shoes when we enter the room.
The food here was of good quality, __b__u_t ___ nobody seemed to want to eat there.
Neither we __n_o_r_ our teacher knows the answer to this question.
Both Peter __a_n_d_ Tom are from South Africa.
2、We should make full use of our time to do _u_s_e_f_u_l__(use) things.
3、I just wanted to give up. I really couldn’t control __m_y_s_e_l_f _(I).
(2) ___S_e_e__n____(see) from the mountain, the sea
looks beautiful.
__S__e_e_i_n_g___(see) from the mountain, you will
find the sea beautiful.
3、考查词类转换 有时所给提示词虽然是动词,但是空白处既不 是考查谓语动词也不是考查非谓语动词,而是 考查词类转换。 例:She is determined to carry on with her _e_d_u_c_a_t_io__n_ (educate).
Grammatical Filling
❖ 语法填空能全面考查学生在英语词汇、语 法,以及句法方面的运用能力,能更科学地反映 出学生的英语综合水平。语法填空的语言材 料的体裁通常是记叙文或说明文。
❖ 本题型的设题是在一篇200词左右的短文 中留出10处空白,6~7处空白的后面给出提示 词(所填内容不得超过3个单词),3~4处空白不 给任何提示词(仅填1个单词),要求考生根据上 下文填写空白处所需的内容。
2、考查名词的词类转换及人称代词变为反身代词 当所给提示词是名词,并且考查词类转换时,主要是将 名词变为形容词或动词。当所给提示词为代词,并且 考查人称代词时,有时也会将其变为反身代词。
1、The price of the food in this restaurant is _re_a_s_o_n_a_b_l_e_(reason), so many people come here to eat at weekends.
2、Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is _c_le_a_n_e_r_(clean) than ever.
2、考查词类转换 所给提示词是形容词时,还需要考虑形容词转 化为副词或名词。
1、The exam was _p_a_r_t_ic_u_l_a_rl_y__ (particular) important because he knew his future career might be at stake.
非谓语动词:V-ing,V-ed,to do
名词:单复数 形容词/副词:比较级、最高级 词性转换
连词(并列句):and, but, or, when…
引导词(名词性从句,定语从句):who, that, what…
代词:it, they, him, our, themselves…
3、As __a___ result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.
4、Qinghai Lake is __th_e___ largest inland saltwater lake in China.
如何判断主动 or 被动? → 提示:找到非谓语动词的逻辑主语,并判 断其和非谓语动词的主被动关系。
(1) _K__i_s_s_e__d_(kiss) by Chen He, Li Chen was very sad. _K__is__s_i_n_g_(kiss) Li Chen, Chen He was very excited.
2、Most Americans enjoy moving from place __to__ place. 3、“I am a gamer.” I said __in___ a low voice.
4、Most of us are more focused __o_n___ our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.
5、_H_e_a_r_in_g__ (hear) the news, he couldn’t help laughing.
6、She got off the bus, but __l_e_ft__ (leave) her book in the bus.
7、She got off the bus, _h_o__ld_i_n_g_ (hold) her book.
(无提示词) 介词:in, on, to, for…
(只能填一个单词) 冠词: a/an, the (泛指/特指)
1、考查谓语动词 句中没有谓语,或者虽然已有谓语动词, 但 中间有并列或转折连词时,需填的词是谓语 动词,要考虑时态和语态.
例:The earlier record of 28 hours w__a_s_s_e_t__ (set) in 2014.