


网球场: tennis court 球网: net

网柱: net-post 单打支柱: singles stick

底线: base line 边线: side line

单打边线: singles side line 双打边线: doubles side line

发球线: service line 发球区: service court

中点: centre mark 发球中线: centre service line

左发球区:the left service court 右发球区:the right service court 中心拉带: strap 看台: stand

中场: midcourt 硬地球场: hard court

草地球场: grass court 土地球场: clay court

红土球场: red clay court 练习场: practice court

比赛场: match court 单打球场: singles court

双打球场: doubles court 固定物: permanent fixtures

塑胶球场: synthetic court 沥青球场: asphalt court

水泥球场: concret court 毯式球场: carpet court

挡网: back and side stops 记分牌: scoreboard

发球器: ball machines 网球墙: tennis wall

网球: ball 穿弦机: tennis stringer

推水器: court squeegee 避震器: vibration dampening device 球夹: ball clip 缠把: grip

网球拍: racket 拍颈: throat

拍面: racket face 大拍面: oversize

中拍面: midplussize 中拍面: midsize

拍柄: handle 拍柄粗细: grip size

甜点: sweet spot 网球鞋: tennis shoes

网球帽: cap 网球裙: skirt

拍弦: string 拍框: frame

拍弦的磅数: tension 力量级别: power level

击球类型: stroke style 旋转速度: swing speed

硬度: stiffness 控制: control

平衡点: balance 拍弦类型: string pattern

横穿弦: crosses 竖穿弦: mains

拍头尺寸: head size 球拍长度: length

拍框厚度: construction 材料构成: composition

碳纤维: graphite 玻璃纤维: fiberglass

钛金属: titaniom


握拍法: grip 东方式握拍: eastern grip

西方式握拍: western grip 大陆式握拍: continented grip

正手击球: fore hand 反手击球: back hand

正手挥拍: forehand swings 单手反手击球: one-hander backhand 反手挥拍: backhand swings 双手反手击球: two-hander backhand 环状引拍: circular backswing 直线引拍: flat backswing

平击球: flat 抽球: drive

上旋球: top spin 下旋球: back spin

发球: service or serve 抛球: ball toss

炮弹式发球: cannon ball 第一发球: first serve

第二发球: second serve 截击: volley

正手截击: forehand volley 反手截击: backhand volley

高压球: overhead smash 挑高球: deferssive lab

接发球: received 正手削球: slice forehand

反手削球: slice backhand 正手上旋球:forehand top spin 正手平击球: forehand flat 正手下旋球:forehand back spin 反手上旋球: backhand top spin 反手平击球: backhand flat 反手下旋球: backhand back spin 放小球: drop shot

直线球: down the line shot 斜线球: crosscourt shot

击球点: contact point 长球: long ball

深球: deep ball 击落地球: ground stroke

击反弹球: half volley 进攻: attack

落点: placement 攻击球: forcing shot

开放式站位: open stance 关闭式站位: closed stance

随挥: finish 步法: foot work

转体: nip rotation 拍面角度: vertical face

上网型球员: net player 底线型球员: base-line player


国际网球联合会: International Tennis Federation ( ITF )

国际男子职业网球协会: Association Tennis Professional ( ATP ) 国际女子职业网球协会: Womens Tennis Association ( WTA ) 温布尔顿大赛: Wimblendon

美国公开赛: U.S. Open

法国公开赛: French Open

澳洲公开赛: Australia Open

戴维斯杯: Davis Cup

联合会杯: Federation Cup

霍普曼杯: Hopmen Cup

超九赛: Super 9.

大满贯: Grand Slam

锦标赛: Championship


脚误: foot fault 犯规: fault shot

发球直接得分: ace 发球失误: fault

双误: double fault 重发: let

擦网: net 重赛: replay

发球无效: the let in service 活球期: ball in play

失分: to lose point 得分: to win point

压线球: ball falls on line 出界: out

没看见: unsighted 手势: hands signal

摔球拍: abuse of raquet 警告: warning

罚分: point penalty 两跳: not up

意外干扰: invasion 休息时间: rest period

身体触网: body touch 更换新球: ball change

挑边: toss 单局数:an add number of game

双局数: an even number of game 准备练习: warm-up

分: point 局: game

盘: set 局点: game point

盘点: set point 赛点: match point

破发点: break point 0分: love

15分: fifteen 30分: thirty

40分: forty 15平: fifteen all

平分: deuce 占先: advantage

发球占先: advantage server 接发球占先:advantage receiver 单打: singles 双打: doubles

混双: mixed doubles 交换发球: change service

交换场地: change sides 三盘两胜: the best of three

五盘三胜: the best of five 预赛: qualifying matches

第一轮: the first round 四分之一决赛: quarterfinals

半决赛: semifinals 决赛: final

平局决胜制: tiebreak 长盘制: advantage set

抢7局: tie-break 外卡: wild card ( WC )

种子选手: seeded players 正选选手: main draw players

轮空: bye 比赛开始前弃权: withdraw

比赛中弃权: retired ( RET ) 准备: ready

比赛开始: play ball 名次: ranking

主裁判: chair umpaire 司网裁判: net ,cord judge

司线员: linesmen 球童: ball boy (ball kids)

脚误裁判: foot fault judge 单打比赛:the singles game (mens,womens) 双打比赛: the doubles game 挑战赛: challenger

希望赛: futures 邀请赛: invitational match

卫星赛: satellite 元老赛: veterans match

青少年赛: junior match 表演赛: exhibition

公开赛: open 友谊赛: friendly match

资格赛: qualifying competition 正选赛: main draw match

外围赛: qualifier match 国际排名: international ranking

国内排名: national ranking 赛制: tournament systems

循环赛制: singles round robin 淘汰制: elimination system



发球方占先advantage for server

接发球方占先advantage for receiver


后场back court 下旋backspin

反手backhand 球感ball sense

球网白边band 端线(底线) base line 中线center line 削球chip



双打边线doubles side line

双发失误doubled fault

双手double handed


第一发球first service


平击球(炮弹式)flat(cannon) ball

上旋forward spin


前场fore court

技术犯规foul shot





网球大满贯赛事Grand slam,包括Australian Open(澳网)、French Open (法网)、Wimbledon(温网)和U.S.Open(美网)



落地球ground ball





左发球区left service court




赛点(一场比赛的决胜分)match point 擦网net

网柱net post

两跳not up



球过网over the net




罚分point penalty




在发球区right service court


决胜局计分scoring in tie-break 第二发球second service


发球线service line


盘点(盘决胜分)set point

单打边线single side line

单打场地singles court






网球tennis ball

网球场tennis court

三盘两胜制the best of 3 sets 五盘三胜制the best of 5 sets 球穿网through



抛球、挑边toss 强烈旋转球twist 截击、拦网volley


创纪录:set a record 运动员:athlete (通称,在分项体育中,指“田径运动员”) Gymnasts: 体操运动员 Weightlifters:举重运动员 Marksmen/shooters:射击运动员 Divers: 跳水运动员 Skaters: 滑冰运动员 Players : 球类/棋类运动员 运动会:games (综合性的运动会) Meet (田径赛) Championships (锦标赛) Invitation (邀请赛) Tournament (一般性比赛) Selective trials (选拔赛) Exhibition (表演赛) 足球场:football field 篮球/排球/网球/羽毛球场:court 冰球场:rink 乒乓球场:arena 田赛场:field 径赛场:the tracks 体育场:stadium 领先:to build an early lead 将比分拉开:to pull away/widen the gap 将比分又拉平:to pull even 反败为胜:to turn the tide/table 后来居上:to come from behind 领先。。。分:to race to a lead of … A胜B:A won from/ defeated/beat/downed/ B A在淘汰赛中取胜B: A ousted/eliminated B; A knocked B out; A edged/elbowed B out 在夺冠中取胜:A dethroned B; A triumphed over B; A outshone/toppled B out A败于B: A lost to B; A went down to B; A conceded/dropped a game to B A succumbed/surrendered to B A gave way to B A made way for B A relinquished his title to B A toppled/dimmed before B A resigned to B (用于棋赛) 获得冠军:to win the championship; to become champion; to win the title; To emerge the champion; to win/take/carry away the gold medal/cup/trophy To win top honor; to finish first; to be first place 径赛:track event 田赛:field event 100米赛跑:100-meter sprint 跨栏:hurdle-race 障碍赛跑:obstacle race 竞走:walking race


一些体育用品名称英文词汇(其中一些中文名称为台湾叫法) 三轮滑板车3 Wheel Scooter ['sku:t?] 四人协力脚踏车4 Person Bicycles 成人脚踏车Adult Bicycle 有氧配件Aerobic[,ei?'r?ubik] Accessories[?k'ses?ri] 太空漫步机Air Walker 绑腿Ankle/Wrist Weights ['??kl](脚腕/手腕沙袋) 止滑皮Antiskid Leather 运动员辅助训练器材Athletic Training Products 羽毛球Badminton 羽毛球网Badminton Nets 羽毛球拍Badminton Racket['r?kit] 沙包手套Bag Gloves 手提包Bags 海滩球Beach Ball 美容按摩器Beauty Massagers 脚踏车Bikes 台球Billiard['bilj?d] 台球杆Billiard Cue 台球配件Billiards Accessories 台球附件Billiards Accessories 身体按摩器Body Massagers 拳击手套Boxing Glove 护胸Chest Protector 计时器Countdown Meter 护肘Elbow Pad 电动自行车Electric Bicycle 电动跑步机Electrical Treadmills 赛马头盔EQUESTRIAN HELMET[i'kwestri?n] 运动Exercise 健身踏车Exercise Bikes 运动健身器材Exercisers 脸部按摩器Face Roll Massagers 流行精品Fashion Products 钓鱼手套Fishing Gloves 钓具卷线器Fishing Reels 钓竿Fishing Rods 瘦身Fitness 健身器材Fitness Equipment 折叠式脚踏车Folding Bicycle 足部按摩器Foot Massage 绑腿加重器Foot-Wrist Wieght 手套Glove


篮球术语~英语 A Achilles tendon:跟腱 Agent 经纪人。 Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到。按Merriam Webster给出的解 释是a miss shot in basketball that fails to touch the rim and backboard所以直译过来应该是“两不沾”。 All-Defensive Team :最佳防守阵容。 Alley-(h)oop:空中接力。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中接住球把球扣入篮筐。 All-NBA Team:NBA最佳阵容。 All-Rookie Team:最佳新秀阵容。 All -Star:全明星。 APG:平均每场助攻。 Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。 arc:三分线。 Assist:助攻(缩写:Ast.)。 Attempts:出手次数。 Atlantic Division:大西洋赛区。 B Babyhook:小勾手。 Backboard:篮板。注意不是basketboard。 Backcourt:后场。一支球队本方的半场为后场,即这支球队所要防守的那半场。Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,另一个动员立刻从弱侧切入篮下,接队友的传球投篮得分。

Back pass:背后传球。 Bank shot:擦板球,打板入筐 Baseline:底线。球场两端的边界线。 Basket:篮筐。也作ring,还有一种通俗的说法是hoop。 Bench:替补队员。 Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。 Blocking:阻挡犯规。注意:这里用的是动词的ing形式,特指犯规的动作 Blocking Foul:阻挡犯规。 Blooper:(美俚)出洋相,NBA特别善于捕捉这种赛场内外的花絮,而且每 个赛季都要推出当年的“十佳”洋相镜头。 Board:篮板球。ESPN的播音员在播报比赛结果时都爱用这个词。 Boo:嘘声(n);发出嘘声(v)。球迷发泄不满的一种方法。 Bounce pass:击地传球。 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作。 Box score:技术统计。 Bounce pass:地板反弹传球。 BPG:平均每场盖帽。 Brick:(v)球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来。许多公牛队的球迷在客队罚球时都手执一块上写"Brick"的牌子在罚球队员的眼前不停的晃动,扰乱他的视线,以达到干扰罚球的目的。 Bury:投进(一个球),常用于短语bury a jumper,Bury a shot:投篮命中。 Buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投。(buzzer beater = at--the-buzzer ) buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。 C Captian:队长。队长是场上惟一有资格与裁判讨论规则和判罚的人。


General Terms 一般词汇 manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判 linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判 contestant, competitor, player 运动员 professional 职业运动员 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite) outsider 无取胜希望者 championship 冠军赛,锦标赛 champion 冠军 record 纪录 record holder 纪录创造者 ace 网球赛中的一分 Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会 Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会 stadium 运动场 track 跑道 ring 圈 ground, field 场地 pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地 court 网球场 team, side 队 竞技性运动competitive sport 用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up 出名 make one's mark 体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event 体育 PE (Physical Education) 体格、体质 physique 培训 groom 余的,带零头的 odd 年少者 junior 残疾人 the handicapped/disabled

学龄前儿童 preschool 全体;普通;一般 at large 平均寿命 life expectancy 复兴 revitalize 使有系统;整理 systemize 历史悠久的 time-honored 跳板 spring-board 秋千 swing 石弓,弩 crossbow (比赛等的)观众 spectator 取得进展 make headway 体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power 与...有关系,加入 be affiliated to/with 落后 lag behind 武术 martial arts 五禽戏 five-animal exercises 体育运动 physical culture and sports 增强体质 to strengthen one's physique 可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying 称号,绰号 label 涌现出来 to come to the fore 源源不断 a steady flow of 队伍 contingent 又红又专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient 体育界 sports circle(s) 承担义务 to undertake obligation 黑马 dark horse 冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse 爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner 发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health 锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country 为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland 胜不骄,败不馁 Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat. 体育道德 sportsmanship 打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play

第二章 体育术语的翻译

Chapter Two Translation of Sports Terminology Modern competitive sport is really a large compass of games, each of which witness hundreds of year’s growth from rough and a raw entertainment into a complex discipline. Words dedicated into the work of description of these games were gradually pooled into a very different group away from general English vocabulary. This special semantic stock is defined as Sports Terminology. These are the words and expression denotes specific activity in the scope of sports, ranging from names of the games to terms designating techniques of a sport. Thanks to compilers of many dictionaries, these vocabularies have been grooved as treasure which spares readers lots of trouble and toil. Hence, it is not a motive here to exhaust words of this kind and give each a perfect place, a work which has been done by those compilers. What needed to put up right here is several principles which underlies the translation practice of sports terms. ⅠThe ways by which Sports Terminology shape its realm. Through two ways, the Sports Terms take in, maintain and even grow its pool. One method is to recruit words from general English. The transfer from a general word into a specialized one makes many English words polysemous. Like other ESP, words from this source


英语中的网球专业术语! 关于球场:clay court 红土场地 grass court 草地网球场 hard court 硬地场地 covered court 室内场地 court surfaces 场地表面 service area(zone)发球区 left / right service court 左/右发球区 service line 发球线 receiving formation 接发球的位置 grab-punch position 截击位置 single/doubles court 单/双打场区 alley 单打与双打之间的场区 fore/front court 前场 back court 后场 strap 中央带,球网中带 side line 边线 band 球网白边 doubles side line 双打边线 centre service line 中线 net-post 网柱 permanent fixtures 场上的固定物 关于装备: racket /racquet 球拍 blade of racket 拍面 open 开放 close 关闭 gut, string (球拍的)弦 loose 松的tight 紧的 handle of racker 拍柄 over-grips 护柄带 racket press 球拍夹 strings 球拍线 tennis togs 网球衣 关于技术: net rusher 上网型选手 attacker 攻击型选手 alley fighter 善于打硬仗和绝地反击的选手 ace 发球时,对方接球完没有碰触到球之得分球 shots 球路 grip 握拍姿势/握拍法 hitting the ball 击球 long/short shot 长/短球


NBA篮球英语词汇。。 恭喜,楼主发此新帖随机获得 50 现金 NBA 各种投篮方式 (slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb) fade-away shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:钩射投篮 jump shot:跳投 layup:带球上篮 perimeter shot:中距离投篮 set shot:立定投篮 three-point shot:三分球 NBA 各种统计术语 assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿 defensive rebound:防守篮板球field goal percentage:投球命中率

field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罚球命中率 free throw:罚球 offensive rebound:进攻篮板球 rebound:篮板球 scoring:得分 steal:抄截 three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率 turnover:失误 场地装备篇 backboard:篮板 back court:后场 freethrow lane:罚球圈,禁区 freethrow line:罚球线 front court:前场 game clock:比赛用时钟 halftime:中场休息时间 hoop:篮框,篮圈

mid-court:中场 net:篮网 painted area:罚球圈,禁区 restricted area near the basket:禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域 rim:篮框,篮圈 scoring table:记录台,记分台 shot clock:时限钟(进攻方在24秒内必须投篮,并且球必须触及 篮框,否则即违例) three-point line:三分(球)线 top of the circle:靠近禁区顶端之三分(球)线附近 wing:(左、右两边)底线区域 规则篇 blocking foul:阻挡犯规 buzzer:(比赛用的)蜂鸣器(表示时间终了,换人…等) charging foul:(带球)撞人(犯规) dead ball:死球(停止比赛进行时段) defensive basket interference:防守方干扰投篮得分 delay of game:阻碍比赛之正常进行


排球运动是一项间接对抗的集体运动项目,随着规则的修改,运动员技、战术研究的意义水平的不断提高完善,相对缩小了强弱之间的差距,使比赛越来越精彩,越来越激烈,在这种大的背景下就对二传手提出了更高的要求。V olleyball is a collective movement against indirect project, with the rules change, the athlete skill and tactics the significance of the constant improvement of perfect, the relatively narrow the gap between the strength, make the competition more and more fascinating, more and more fierce, in the background of the big to setter put forward higher request. 排球运动员在比赛场上每一项技术、战术的正确运用,无一不受一定的技战术意识支配,无一不包含有技战术意识的内容。V olleyball players on the pitch in each and every one of the technical and tactical correct application of all extent of control tactics consciousness, are all contain the content of the tactics consciousness. 运动员的丰富比赛经验,实际上就是提炼出来的技战术意识在高水平的对抗中将发挥独特的作用。Rich experience of the athletes game, is actually produced in the high level of consciousness tactics against will play special role. 因此,将排球战术意识融入技、战术训练之中是十分必要的。现代排球比赛是在激烈竞争和复杂的局面中以己之长克敌之短,在排球比赛中,当两支队伍的个人能力不相上下时,队员的战术意识就成了决定胜负的关键,所以战术意识是排球运动员必须具备且要不断提高的。So, will the tactics of volleyball consciousness into skill and tactics of training is very necessary. Modern volleyball games are in fierce competition and complicated situation to yourself short overcomes long, in the volleyball match, when two team consists of personal ability equal, players tactical awareness is the decisive key, so tactical awareness is volleyball players must have to constantly improve. 二传手是全队的灵魂,是整个攻防体系的桥梁和纽带。它决定着全队进攻的成功率,甚至决定着比赛的最终胜负。Setter is the soul of the team, is the whole transition defense of the bridge and the link. It determines the success rate of the attack, and even decide the final outcome of the game. 所以,二传手不仅要具备较高的技术水平,还要具有较强的战术意识。So, not only has a high setter technical level, but also has stronger tactical awareness. 比赛中二传手对于激烈复杂的竞争场面和变幻莫测的瞬间局面,如何巧妙地运用战术,以便更合理准确灵活地发挥体能和技术的效能,是取胜的根本,而这则有赖于二传手的战术意识。Game for the fierce competition of the setter complex scenes and changeable situation moment, how smart use of tactics, so that more reasonable accurate physical fitness and technology play of flexible performance, is the fundamental to win, and this is a setter depends on the tactical awareness. 因此,战术意识被誉为排球场上的“活灵魂”,渗透于每一项实际技、战术之中,它是二传手高度智慧的“结晶”。Therefore, tactical awareness is known as volleyball court's living soul "and penetration in each and every one of the actual skill and tactics in, it is the height of the


T ennis General T erms manager 经纪人instructor 教练,技术指导guide 领队trainer 助理教练referee,umpire (网球,棒球)裁判linesman,touch judge(橄榄球)裁判contestant,competitor,player 运动员professional 职业运动员amateur 业余运动员,爱好者Enthusiast,fan 迷,爱好者favourite 可望取胜者(美作:favorite)outsider 无取胜希望者championship 冠军赛,锦标赛champion 冠军record 纪录record holder 纪录创造者ace 网球赛中的一分stadium 运动场track 跑道ring 圈ground,field 场地pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地court 网球场team,side 队球tennis 草地球场grass court拍面blade of racket场外地区out court 中线centre service line木板场地wooden court拍柄handle of racker 网球衣tennis togs网柱pole网球鞋tennis shoes球面surface of ball 发球区service area发球得分ace水泥球场cement court 中心布带centre band单数局advantage(ad)court室内场地covered court 上网advance to the net控制落点得分球ace placement 发球佔先advantage in盘末平局advantage game接球佔先advantage out 再平分Again抽出角度来angle the drive上网approach the net 试图击球attempt a stroke沥青球场asphait court后场打法backcourt play 后场球员backcourt player后挡background反手握拍法backhand grip 反手扣杀backhand smash反手击球backhand左场区backhand court Wimbledon T ennis Championships 温布尔登网球公开赛 Australian Open 澳大利亚网球公开赛French Open 法国网球公开赛US Open 美国网球公开Masters titles (网球)大师杯赛头衔Chinese T ennis Association 中国网球协会tennis racket 网球拍racket press 球拍夹women's singles 女子单打 women's doubles 女子双打veteran duo 经验丰富的老搭档seeded 种子(选手) fourth-seeded 四号种子semi-finals 半决赛semifinalist 半决赛决出的选手quarter-finals 四分之一决赛ranking 排名centre court 中心球场tournament 锦标赛battle for supremacy 争夺最高头衔tennis coach 网球教练red clay court 红土球场grass court 草场hardcourt 硬地tiebreak “抢七”;即打破平局的决胜局 ace 发球直接得分(对方球拍未碰到球)base line 底线


与篮球相关的英文词汇 篮球:basketball 1.篮球场上的位置 控球后卫Point guard (PG) (1) 得分后卫Shooting guard (SG) (2) 大前锋Power forward (PF) (4) 中锋Center (C) (5) 2.常用术语 运球:dribble 双手交替运球-crossover 投篮命中率-field goalds(FGs) 三分球命中率-3-point FGs 盖帽-blocking 失误-turnovers 罚球-foul shot 篮板-rebound 攻方篮板-off.rebounds 守方篮板-def.rebounds 助攻-assists 争球-jump ball 攻方-offense

守方-defence 暂停-time-out 撞人犯规-charging 阻挡犯规-holding 推人犯规-pushing 技术犯规-technical offence(fouls)常规赛-regular season 季后赛-playoff 卡位-screens 人盯人-men-to-men defense 区域防守-zone defense 打成平分-tie 加时赛-overtime(OT) 3. 各种投篮方式 (slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb) fade-away shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:钩射投篮 jump shot:跳投 layup:带球上篮

perimeter shot:中距离投篮 set shot:立定投篮 three-point shot:三分球 4. 各种统计术语 assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿 defensive rebound:防守篮板球 field goal percentage:投球命中率 field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罚球命中率 free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球rebound:篮板球 scoring:得分 steal:抄截 three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率turnover:失误 5. 场地装备篇 backboard:篮板 back court:后场 freethrow lane:罚球圈,禁区



体育英语词汇和术语 1.General Terms 一般词汇 (1) 2.Athletics 竞技 (2) 3.Individual Sprots 体育项目 (3) 4.Games and Competitions 球类运动 (4) 5.Water Sports 水上运动 (5) 6.Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托车 (6) 7.Riding and Horse Races 赛马 (6) 8.Tennis 网球 (7) 9.Swimming 游泳 (9) 10.Football 足球 (11) 11.Baseball and Softball 棒球和垒球 (15) 12.Wrestling 搏击类竞技 (21)

1.General Terms 一般词汇 manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判contestant, competitor, player 运动员professional 职业运动员 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者(美作:favorite) outsider 无取胜希望者 championship 冠军赛,锦标赛 champion 冠军 record 纪录 record holder 纪录创造者 ace 网球赛中的一分 Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会stadium 运动场 track 跑道


网球理论知识 一、填空题: 1、网球起源于法国(国家)。 2、网球场地分为草地球场、红土球场、硬地球场。 3、网球常见的打法有底线、上网和全能型打法。 4、四大网球公开赛包括温布尔顿、美网、法网和澳网。 5、网球比赛有哪双打和单打两种形式。 6、网球正式比赛分为男单、女单、男双、女双、混双、男子团体和女子团体七项。 7、网球每场比赛男子一般采用五盘三胜制,女子采用三盘三胜制。 8、网球比赛用一种特殊的记分方法记录比赛的胜负。每一局采用0、15、30、40和GAME的记分方法。 9、当比分30:15时,应在左区区发球。 10、网球拍弦的松紧度用磅数表示。 11、发球直接得分称为ACE。 12、软式网球起源于日本。 13、标准的网球场长23.77米,宽10.97米。 14、网球于1988年汉城奥运会上正式列入奥运会项目。 15、网柱高1.07米,球网中央高0.914米。 16、纵向穿过球场中央和发球线形成空间的那条线叫中线。 17、中线和发球线组成的空间叫发球区。

18、在场地上有左侧发球区和右侧发球区。 19、平分底线的一点叫中点。 20、在2004年雅典奥运会我国选手女子双打项目夺得冠军。 21、在抢七局中谁先赢了7个球,并占先2分即获胜 22、运动员球拍脱手在活球期间触网应判失分,球拍脱手掉到对方场区应判失分。 23、分与分间歇的时间最多30秒,交换场地时,队员最多有1分30秒的间歇。 分别写出下列英文网球术语的中文翻译 24、GAME比赛中一局结束 25、TOSS挑边 26、ADVANTAGE占先 27、DEUCE平分 28、NET擦网 29、OUT出界 30、GAME POINT局点 31、SET POINT盘点 32、MATCH POINT赛点 33、TIEBREAK 34、单打比赛中,发球员应站在端线后,单打边线与双打边线的假定延长线之间35、决胜局比赛中,两人分数之和是六或六的倍数交换场地 36、活球期、球触及网柱上的盖子后进入规定的场区,应判击球者


体育英语词汇和术语 1.General Terms 一般词汇 (1) 2.Athletics 竞技 (1) 3.Individual Sprots 体育项目 (2) 4.Games and Competitions 球类运动 (2) 5.Water Sports 水上运动 (3) 6.Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托车 (3) 7.Riding and Horse Races 赛马 (4) 8.Tennis 网球 (4) 9.Swimming 游泳 (5) 10.Football 足球 (6) 11.Baseball and Softball 棒球和垒球 (8) 12.Wrestling 搏击类竞技 (11)

1.General Terms 一般词汇manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判 linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判 contestant, competitor, player 运动员 professional 职业运动员 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者(美作:favorite) outsider 无取胜希望者 championship 冠军赛,锦标赛 champion 冠军 record 纪录 record holder 纪录创造者 ace 网球赛中的一分 Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会 Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会 stadium 运动场 track 跑道 ring 圈 ground, field 场地 pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地 court 网球场 team, side 队 2.Athletics 竞技 race 跑 middle-distance race 中长跑 long-distance runner 长跑运动员 sprint 短跑(美作:dash) the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏 marathon 马拉松 decathlon 十项 cross-country race 越野跑 jump 跳跃 jumping 跳跃运动 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远(美作:broad jump) triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳 pole vault 撑竿跳


网球专业术语 a approach shot 上网球attacking return 攻击性回击球asphalt courts 沥青球场advantage 领先 alternate service 换发球 alley 单打与双打之间的场区 all 平(比分相同) b back-hand 反手击球 back-hand volley 反手截击back-hand half-volly 反手半截击back-hand drop shot 反手放放球ball 网球 ball sense 网感 ball control 控球技术 blocked return 堵截回击球bodyline ball 贴身球 base line 底线 ball boy 拾球员 ball change 换球 bye 比赛轮空 be quiet 安静 c chip shot 削球 cement courts 三合土球场 clay courts 泥球球场 centre mark 中点 consistency 稳定性 court surfaces 场地表面 cross-court shot 斜线球change sides 交换championship 锦标赛champion 冠军 correction 更正 chair-umpire 主裁判

d doubles 双打 double-handed backhand 双手反手击球drop shot 短球 depth shot 打深度球 down-the-line shot 落底线球 driven return 抽击回击球 duce 平分 double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次double fault 发球双错误 double bounces 球弹地两次 default 弃权 disqualiy 取消比赛资格 double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛e event begins 赛事开始 etnaer service line 中线 exhibition 表演赛 eastern forehand 东方式正手 f forehand 正手 forehand volley 正手截击球 forehand half-volley 正手半截击球footwork 步法 foot fault 脚部犯规 faults 失误 fitness 状态 first service 第一发球 follow-through 跟进动作 foul shot 技术犯规 fifteen 15 fourty 40 g grip 握拍姿势 grass courts 草地球场 grab-punch position 截击位置 ground stroke 弹地球


网球术语中英文对照 场地相关 技术相关 裁判相关

球具相关 Serve:How to Play Tennis --- part I 1. Eyes shut Once you've developed a sound service motion, it's important that you toss the ball into the same spot each and every time. You should be able to serve with your eyes closed, because the ball should be in the same spot every time. 2. Knock Knock The key to having a powerful serve is in creating a loop in your backswing and letting your racquet head drop behind you as you toss the ball. This lengthens the swing, and more length means increased power. Serving

requires using the big muscles of the body. Ask Pete Sampras, Boris Becker, or Goran Ivanisevic where their power comes from and they'll say their legs, hips, and shoulders. 3.Same as it ever was When you're practicing your serve, go through the same pre-serve rituals you use during a match. Bounce the ball a few times, bring your hands together, and then come to the set position. It doesn't matter if you hold your hands high or low, or how many times you bounce the ball; just do it the same way you would in a match, every time. The idea behind practice is to create consistency through repetition. If you don't practice your rituals, they won't be worth employing during a match. 4 Power plays Looking to add more power to your serve? Here are two things you need to do: 1) Stay relaxed. When trying to hit the ball hard, most players tend to tighten up. Try to keep both your arm and your hand loose. 2) Don't be afraid to use your entire body. Turning your hips and shoulders and getting more leg drive into your motion will add power to your serve. The one thing you can't afford to do is only use your arm. The whole body needs to be part of the service chain.
