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(Chapter 05-06)

I. True or False

Chapter 05 Writing Letter to Y our Clients and Customers

( ) 01. In the block format of letter formats, all lines begin at left margin. (Chapter 5)

( ) 02. Paragraphs in the modified block format are always indented. (Chapter 5)

( ) 03. The salutation and complimentary close are omitted in the simplified block format.

(Chapter 5)

( ) 04. Each line in the envelope address is separated by one double space. (Chapter 5)

( ) 05. Use the indirect order for letters with a positive message. (Chapter 5)

( ) 06. In routine requests, the receiver views the main idea of the letter neutrally. (Chapter 5) ( ) 07. All goodwill letters require supporting information. (Chapter 5)

( ) 08. In an order letter, some of the supporting information should be placed in tables. (Chapter


( ) 09. A claim letter should be written in the indirect order when the sender asks for a refund.

(Chapter 5)

( ) 10. A letter is a format that is common in the business world. (Chapter 5)

( ) 11. The standard parts of a letter include a dateline, letter address, salutation, body, complimentary close, writer’s name and title. (Chapter 5)

( ) 12. The three acceptable letter formats are called block, indented and simplified indented.

(Chapter 5)

The three acceptable letter formats are called block, modified block and simplified block.


( ) 13. Letters that contain a negative message are written in indirect order. (Chapter 5)

( ) 14. Letters with a neutral or positive message are written in the direct order. (Chapter 5) ( ) 15. When giving the negative message, the sender should avoid using positive language.

(Chapter 5)

Chapter 06 Planning Reports

( ) 01. The first step in writing a report is to identify the problem and the report’s objective.

(Chapter 6)

( ) 02. Identifying the scope of a report enables the report writer to determine how much money to spend on gathering facts. (Chapter 6)

( ) 03. When outlining an information report, the writer must always arrange the facts in geographical order. (Chapter 6)

( ) 04. A hypothesis is a possible cause or explanation for a problem. (Chapter 6)

( ) 05. When planning an analytical report, the author’s preliminary outline will probably be identical to the one he will use to write his report. (Chapter 6)

( ) 06. Primary research involves gathering fresh data. (Chapter 6)

( ) 07. Secondary research involves locate data that already been gathered and reported. (Chapter
