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模块五Unit 1

1.develop friendships with sb. 与…发展友谊

2.make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友

3.get along (well) with sb./ get on (well) with sb.与某人相处很好

4.keep one’s secret 保守秘密42. on purpose /deliberately 故意

5.stare at sb./sth. 盯着看43. in the world= on earth 究竟

6.go straight to 径直去,直接去44. regardless of 不管

7.admit (to) doing sth. 承认做某事

8.admit of 容许,容有…的余地45. online friends 网友

9.be admitted into/to 被…录取,吸收,接纳

10.keep one’s word 遵守诺言46. feel guilty about 对…感到内疚

11.forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人做某事

12.in trouble 有麻烦,处于困难中

13.be in a dilemma 左右为难

14.focus one’s attention on 集中注意力在…上

15.as a result 结果47. be strict with sb./in sth. 对某人/某事要求严格

16.be mean with money 对钱小气,吝啬

17.be mean to sb. 对某人刻薄48. yell at sb. 对…大叫

18.as a result of 由于,因为49. in public 当众,在公共场合

19.apologize to sb. for sth. / make/offer an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉

20.have every right to do sth. 有充分的权利做某事

21.feel /be jealous of 对…嫉妒

22.be to blame for sth. 应受责备,对…负责

23.blame sb. for sth. 因为某事责备某人

24.blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人

25.delay/postpone/put off doing 推迟,延期做某事

26.persuade sb. to do sth./persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝服某事做某事

27.note sth. down 记录下sth.

28.be embarrassed at/about sth. 对…感到尴尬

29.strengths and weaknesses 优缺点

30.be anxious about 担心,忧虑50. take care 小心,当心

31.get through (电话等)接通

32.be consistent with 与…协调一致

33.respond to /in response to 对…做出反应

34.speaking of 提起

35.amusement park 游乐场

36.discourage sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事

37.hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做sth.

38.can’t stand doing 不能忍受做…

39.be absorbed in sth. 沉迷于某事,专心做某事

40.have different attutudes towards/to sth. 对某事有不同的态度

41.be gifted at/in 在…方面有天分

have a gift /talent for sth. 有…的天份,天赋

模块五Unit 2

1.environmental protection 环境保护

2.natural disasters 自然灾害44. endangered animals 濒危的动物

3.wipe out 消灭,扫除,摧毁

4.have a lasting effect upon/have harmful effects on 对…有持久/有害的影响

5.cut back/down on production 削减生产

6.in addition 另外45. global warming 全球变暖,全球暖化

7.turn into 转变成… 46. so what ? 那又怎么样?

8.be beneficial /of benefit to 对… 有利

9.expand our recycling industry 发展我们的环保回收工业

10.clouds of dirty smoke 滚滚烟尘

11.hide… from… 把…藏起来

12.economic development 经济发展

13.a healthy environment and a stable economy 健康的环境和稳定的经济

14.at the same time 同时47. range from… to… 在…波动,从…到…

15.the key to doing sth. 做某事的关键

16.take responsibility for/be responsible for 对…负责

17.eco-friendly washing powder 环保洗衣粉

18.open the floor for sth. 自由发言

19.run out (of ) 用完,耗尽48. out-dated farming methods 过时的耕作方式

20.cause damage to 对…造成损害

21.take sth. into consideration/account 考虑某事

22.take steps/measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事

23.in the form of 以…形式49. pay taxes 缴税

24.be stocked with 装备/储备有…

25.pick out 挑选,分辨50. appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事

26.rely on 依赖,依靠51. ask around 四处打听

27.result in / lead to/bring about 导致52. I would appreciate it if… 如果…我将不胜感激

28.under way 进行中53. on the decrease 在减少

29.focus on 集中,关注54. what if ? 如果… 将会怎样?

30.a diverse range of animals 多种多样的动物

31.a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins 白鳍豚自然保护区

32.the lower reaches of the river 河流的下游

33.prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事

34.much-loved river 挚爱的河流

35.years to come 将来,今后的岁月

36.sea creatures 海洋生物

37.the present situation of our environment 环境的现状

38.be concerned about 关心,挂念55. see… as 将…视为…

e near to/ get close to 接近

40.as a result of/ due to /on account of 由于,因为

41.raise concern both nationally and internationally 引起国内外的关注

42.untreated human and industrial sewage 未经处理的人类生活污水和工业污水

43.non-governmental organization 非政府机构
