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some advice for every student
• Learn to use resources. 1.Finding out how useful English is in your life. English is every where. If you have sharp eyes, sharp ears and a desire to learn, you will be surprised to discover that you are actually surrounded by rich learning resources. 2.Reference books 3.Dictionary Learn to use dictionaries. 4.Internet
language is to speak as much as
Try your best Just do it You can learn English well Believe in yourself
• 1. 用英语写一篇短文简要介绍自己及自己 以前的英语学习情况 • 2.准备一本英汉字典。 • 3.准备好“四本”,即作业本、听写本, 笔记本和改错本。 • 4. 预习第一单元单词并查阅其用法。 • 5. 每日一张练字。
其次,高中英语教学内容宽泛,选材 真实,时代感强,信息量大。 在初中学习阶段,学习内容多是小故 事和大家所熟悉的校园家庭生活。 而高中的教材在此基础上增加了广度 和深度。
二.知识目标与能力要求 1.初中和高中英语学习的差异性 (1)词汇量 初中:1500-1600个单词; 200-300个词组 高中:3300个单词; 400-500个词组 (2)语法: 初中:死记硬背,浅显零星 高中:系统全面,难度加大
背单词时,要先背它的发音,先背它的整体形状, 做到一听发音,或一看到形状,就能反应出它的意 思,把背单词拼写放在最后一步。 学英语,既是为将来的生活做准备, 也是一种快乐的生活方式。
◆ Practice ◆ ◆
makes perfect.
Attitude is everything.
The best way to learn a foreign
About English
L:Love me, love my dog U:Unity is strength A: A good beginning is half done
N: No pains, no gains.
About English
Do you like English? Why or why not?
Learn to use dictionaries. 1.You must have at least one dictionary, with both Chinese and English explanations such as Oxford, Longman. 2.Some electronic dictionaries may appear handier, but they may not be as reliable as those printed dictionaries by established press houses.
No.4 MIDDLE SCHOOL Of yongzhou !
About English
C: Content is happiness
H: Health is above wealth. E: Every dog has his day N: Never too late to learn.
Whether you like English or not , you can’t ignore the fact that English is very important.
Importance of English
• Most widely used language in the world. • One of the official languages in the UN. • English examinations in our student life. • English is used in our daily life and future work. • Some interesting English movies…
标 识
标 识
网 络 热 词
naked wedding flaunt wealth 骨感美女 boney beauty 人肉搜索 flesh search
微博 山寨 水货 裸婚 炫富
Micro blog copycat smuggled goods
一.认识高中英语 高中英语课程学习的特点 首先,高中英语教育具有基础性、扩展 性、提高性和自主性的学习特点。初中 英语教育目的在于为高中学习及以后的学 习奠定知识基础。 而高中英语教育着重培养学生的英语素 养,使学生具有终身学习所必备的语言基 础知识和基本技能。同时,注重对学生的个 性化和学习趣味性的培养.
You must learn it well if you want to graduate and go to
college 3 years later.
Learning English is a big challenge or a piece of cake?
In fact , learning English is interesting. Let’s enjoy some interesting and
Learn to take notes.
1. for collecting the key points in class
or out of class while reading English
magazines or newspapers. 2. for collecting your mistakes.
You give me stop!你给我站住! Stop! Just so so. horse horse tiger tiger 马马虎虎
“ ”
Sprite 精灵 Robust 健壮的 Rejoice 欣喜 Tide 潮流
品 牌
飘柔 汰渍
纳爱斯 舒肤佳
Nice 美好的 Safeguard 保护
● 要学好英语需要“双商双量”。双商,就是IQ和
情商低的人,只会做自己喜欢的事。 情商高的人,会喜欢上自己做的事。
● 决定英语学习成败的“双量”:词汇量和阅读量。
没有大量的阅读保证,肯定是学不好英语的。 高一的主要任务就是迅速大量扩充词汇量。
● 背单词,一定要在语境中进行,一定要语篇中去记忆。
2. 初中和高中英语考试的差异性
初中 高中 听 与课文有关,结构 题型变化;难度增加; 力 简单,无生词 注重深层理解 考 试 内 容
单 选 阅 读
重基础; 重语法 文章简单; 生词少
注重语言运用; 重语境 注重综合能力; 材料面广泛
写 用简单句型叙述事 句型多样化;用词准 作 件 确;重逻辑
3. 高一新生面对的问题 ⑴. 环境和心理的变化 ⑵. 教材难度加大 ⑶. 跟不上教师的节奏,不能合理安排自习 时间 ⑷. 阅读面窄,阅读能力差 ⑸. 缺乏良好的学习习惯 如果上述问题在高一时得不到及时解决, 长此以往,会使学生对英语学习逐渐丧失 热情,信心受挫,屡战屡败,最后一蹶不 振,甚至会影响对其他科目的学习热情。
common English in our life.


player kill
败东西 buy
watch sister 表妹
搞 no door no way 没门儿 笑 colour wolf 色狼 lady-killer go and look 走着瞧 We will see. 英 语 Love who who 爱谁谁 I don’t care.
Learn to speak. Speak or read in a loud voice in class. That’s easy for all of you to do but as I know it is difficult for you to follow. Don’ t be shy if you want to express yourself in public. If you can speak and read in a loud voice, the whole class will listen to you attentively and you will be full of confidence be encouraged to learn it well.
• Prepare your lessons well before every class. (预习) • Review what you’ve learned in time.(复习) • Read more and read different materials. (多读) • Write as often as possible.(多写) • Talk more either in class or out of class. (多说) • Turn to your teachers for advice and help. (多问) • Cooperate more. (多合作)