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目录摘要 V


1前言 - 1 -

1.1选题背景和意义 - 1 -

1.2课题关键问题及难点 - 2 -

1.3调研综述 - 2 -

1.3.1目前国内、国外该项目的研究状况 - 2 -

1.3.2目前项目的发展趋势 - 3 -

1.4主要研究内容 - 3 -

2 基于CAN总线的系统结构 - 4 -

2.1 CAN技术简介 - 4 -

2.2基于CAN总线的控制系统网络拓扑结构 - 5 -2.3 CAN总线系统的通信方式 - 5 -

2.4 CAN总线的分层结构 - 6 -

2.5 CAN总线报文格式与类型 - 7 -

2.5.1 数据帧 - 7 -

2.5.2.远程帧 - 8 -

2.5.3 出错帧 - 8 -

2.5.4超载帧 - 8 -

2.5.5 错误检测 - 9 -

2.6 本系统结构及特点 - 9 -

3.智能照明系统的硬件设计 - 12 -

3.1 系统简介 - 12 -

3.2 CAN通信接口模块的设计 - 12 -

3.2.1 芯片介绍 - 12 -

3.2.2 SJA1000工作原理 - 14 -

3.2.3 基于SJA1000的CAN总线硬件接口电路设计 - 15 -

3.2.4采用MAX232芯片接口PC机与单片机的连接 - 16 -

3.3控制面板模块的设计 - 16 -

3.3.1 74HC164芯片说明 - 17 -

3.3.2显示部分设计 - 18 -

3.3.3键盘部分设计 - 19 -

3.3.4基于74HC164的中断串行键盘硬件设计 - 20 -

3.3.5矩阵式键盘的按键识别方法 - 21 -

3.4智能继电器模块 - 21 -

3.4.1电压-频率变换器LM331的介绍 - 21 -

3.4.2继电器模块基本原理结构 - 23 -

3.4.3整流模块设计 - 23 -

3.4.4 V/F转换器LM331模块 - 24 -

3.4.5光电耦合器6N137 - 25 -

3.4.6单片机AT89C51模块 - 25 -

3.5传感器模块 - 27 -

3.5.1热释电传感器的工作原理 - 27 -

3.5.2芯片介绍 - 28 -

3.5.3热释电传感器原理 - 30 -

3.5.4照度传感器的设计 - 31 -

3.5.5 A/D转换部分 - 32 -

3.6调光模块 - 34 -

3.6.1电子镇流器调光功能的主要实现方法 - 34 -

3.6.2基于IR2159的荧光灯可调光电子镇流器的电路设计 - 35 -

3.6.3基于IR21592的调光电子镇流器 - 37 -

3.7远程控制模块 - 38 -

3.7.1芯片介绍 - 38 -

3.7.2 工作原理 - 40 -

3.8看门狗电路 - 42 -

3.8.1 X5045芯片引脚及功能介绍 - 43 -

3.8.2 看门狗电路的工作原理 - 44 -

3.8.3基于X5045的复位电路硬件设计 - 44 -

3.9 小结 - 44 -

4.智能照明系统的软件电路设计 - 45 -

4.1 CAN通信接口模块软件设计 - 45 -

4.2控制面板模块软件设计 - 47 -

4.3智能继电器模块软件设计 - 49 -

4.5调光模块软件设计 - 51 -

4.6 小结 - 52 -

5 结论 - 53 -

5.1主要结论 - 53 -

5.2不足与展望 - 53 -

谢辞 - 55 -

参考文献 - 56 -





Design of Building Intelligent Lighting-Control System


Along with the social progress, the design of building towards a more comfortable, safe and energy-saving direction .To achieve effective management and control of. building ,intelligent lighting system make full use of electronic technology, communication and computer network technology to a variety of lighting fixtures within the building together organically. Intelligent lighting system is just the trends of intelligent home. We design and development of intelligent lighting systems . based on CAN bus technology , taking into account that it trouble for wiring, and poor energy efficiency drawback in traditional lighting system.Intelligent node in the intelligent lighting system can according to outside light levels adaptive adjustment its light intensity, collected indoor light intensity periodically, testing if there has people in or out and timely response to user control commands.This paper describes the design of intelligent light system and key techniques in the process, including the CAN-bus technology, the design of network system intelligent relays, control panels, sensors and infrared remote control technology, and describes the major intelligent light system application.

Key Words: CAN bus; intelligent relay; intelligent light; infrared remote control
