

Part One Introduction

1.1 Research Background and Significance

As “the spokesman of a crucial and revealing period in the cultural

field of his country”,(Wang Weiping, 2004:57) Fitzgerald knows the society

clearly due to his rich personal experience and creates many characters

like Gatsby out of the American life. These novels describe the disillusionment of the American dream in the Jazz Age. And the reason is

always that the transformations of the values of traditional morality make

people not believe in any hero but pursue individual consumption and

enjoyment. Fitzgerald deeply feels the spiritual emptiness and moral

decadence under the superficial splendor and prosperity in that age, so

he is called the spokesman of the Jazz Age. Most of his works describe the

expectation, dissatisfaction and disappointment of the American young

generation in the 1920s. One distinguishing feature of his works is that

the close relationship between his personal experiences and works. Nearly

all the characters in his novel can find the original shapes in reality

sometimes even himself, especially in The Great Gatsby.

1.2 Motivation and Objective

Considering disillusion of the American dream, different people have

different understandings. “In its board sense, it refers to the ideal of

a nation such as democracy, equality and freedom. While in its narrow sense,

it refers to the pursuit of obtaining success of life”. (Wang Weiping,

2004:57) Essentially, the American dream is a confident desire for

perfection by means of progress. But the history and reality of American

have proved that “the American dream” is, to some extent, a kind of


The great Gatsby is one of the representative works that reflects the

illusory nature of the American dream.

Part Two Gatsby’s American Dream Gatsby is the representative figure of a self-made man in the twenties. He is born in a poor family in the west of America, and his parents are shiftless and unsuccessful farm people. He comes to the big city—New York where the young men are inspired to make the most of their opportunities to get the key to be successful. They believe that they can be successful men in history, just like Benjamin Franklin, who has been ma n “of humble origin, narrow fortune, small advantages, and self-taught.”(Chen Qing, 2006:18) The poor boy is inspired to do the great deeds by the example of Franklin, like Gatsby. So in the end, Gatsby gets wealth and fame by industry. Some people may think that Gatsby has fulfilled his dream; it is obvious that Gatsby’s dream is a symbol of the American dream for wealth and youth. However, Gatsby’s real dream is to win back his first love Daisy but not to get the money only. Gatsby genuinely has a belief that money can buy anything, innocently thinking that his wealth can erase the last five years of his and daisy’s l ove and reunite them at the original point of 1917. He falls in love with the beautiful and wealthy girl of the upper class and he wants to enter into the upper class through his efforts. Although he devotes his whole life to win the wealth and position, he fails totally at last. Why does he fail? In the thesis the reasons for his failure would be discussed.

Part Three Reasons for the Disillusion

3.1Gatsby’s Dream is out of Connection with the Reality

Gay Gatsby is a great young man who has many superficial characters. He tries his best to realize his dreams, but he fails at last. The reason is that he is completely an American dreamer, a man of great imagination and extraordinary hope. He is willing to do anything to gain the social status he thinks necessary to win back Daisy who i s the “golden girl”

in his dream. His relentless quest for Daisy demonstrates that Gatsby has an outstanding ability to transform his dreams into reality. But actually, his great dream is swallowed up by the meanness of the upper class and his “golden girl”—Daisy, which are the superficial reasons for his failure. And the deep reason is that his dream is out of connection with the reality. In fact, the people in the twenties do n’t believe in the values of traditional morality any longer and they have their philosophy of life—to “seize every day” and “enjoy every moment”.(Chen Qing, 2006:1) The differences in the understanding between Daisy and Gatsby narrates the distance between the dream and reality; while competition between Gatsby and Tom expresses the strange points of the material wealth and how fragile of the pursuit of the spirit. And the difference between Gatsby and upper class people reflects the downfall of the American society. All these contradictions and conflicts make people realize the fragile of the idealism when the dream confronts the reality. The pursuit of the spiritual life can not realize in the society which only pays a great attention to the material life.

3.2 Gatsby’s Love for Daisy is Idealistic

At the last of the novel, he expresses himself “I love only one girl forever”, (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:143) which represents a kind of idealism. But this kind of idealistic love can not be realized, because the girl whom he loves is just a superficial and vulgar woman in reality. For Daisy, love should be built on the wealth and high position and she has accustomed to this sense of security, which can make her live happily. But Gatsby who is born into a poor family gains his wealth and position criminally; he can not give Daisy the security which she has accustomed to. And Daisy will not love anyone who can not give her this kind of security. So in front of Daisy, Gatsby’s real love is an idealistic dream, and this dream can not be realized forever.

Just as Americans have endued America with meaning through their dreams

for their own lives, Gatsby instills Daisy with a sort of idealized perfection that she neither deserves nor possesses. Just as the American dream in the roaring twenties is ruined by the unworthiness of its goal, money and pleasure, Gatsby’s dream is ruined by the unworthiness of its goal, Daisy. “He knew that Daisy was extraordinary, but he didn’t realize just how extraordinary a ‘nice’ girl could be.”(Chen Qing, 2006:25) In Gatsby’s eyes, Daisy is a noble fairy, but she is a superficial and vulgar woman in reality.

Gatsby’s love and the American dream connect closely because his first love Daisy is the embodiment of his dream. Daisy is the symbol of wealth and position, and marrying Daisy means entering into the upper class, so he devotes his whole life to win her back. But he fails at last, that is because he can not recognize Daisy clearly and his blindness leads to his death in the end.

3.2.1Daisy in Reality

Daisy is born into the upper class and grows up in wealthy conditions, so she depends on wealth from her birth and only responds to surface. When Gatsby shows her around his splendid house, she admires what she sees. Later, Gatsby takes out a pile of shirts and throws them one by one before her. She likes these beautiful shirts so much that she even cries out, “They’re such beautiful shirts”, “It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such—such beautiful shirts before”. (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:124) “Daisy has n’t any practical value. The people whom Daisy likes are also beautiful without any true value.”(Chen Qing, 2006:15) When she takes part in Gatsby’s party, she s ees many super stars that can only be seen on TV, which makes her very interested and excited. “Perhaps you k now that lady”, (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:140) Gatsby indicates a gorgeous woman who sits in state under a white-plum tree. Daisy stares and says“She’s lovely”,“I’ve never met so many celebri ties, I like that man—what was his name?”.( F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:141)

“Daisy likes to arrest men’s attention and to get men’s compliments in order that she can depend on them. Maybe it is because s he couldn’t make a living independently, so she has to attach herself to a man, which is her way to live in this world.”(Chen Qing, 2006:15) Daisy marries Tom because of his large wealth and high social position. When Gatsby leaves her, she is very sad and even wants to kill herself. But with the arrival of Tom, her life changes immediately, and then she decides to forget Gatsby, and marries with Tom who has great wealth and high social position.

From this aspect we can see that, for Daisy, love is just an interesting game, whereas money and position are the most important things in it. For money and position, she forgets Gatsby quickly, and devotes herself to another wealthy man no matter she loves him or not. But in fact, she will “love” Gatsby if he can make her believe that she can live a wealthy and safe life together with him. Because they have such two different kinds of disillusions towards each other, Daisy can never understand Gatsby’s love for her and thus is not worthy of being loved by Gatsby.

After the marriage, the husband Tom treats Daisy badly. Daisy knows that Tom B doesn’t care about her and ha s a mistress outside, so she needs a chance to complain her unfortunate life. Therefore, when Nike visits them, she complains about her misfortune to him. Nick feels very uncomfortable when he hears the complaint from Daisy because he can not understand Daisy. He says “It seemed to me that the thing for Daisy to do was to rush out of the house, child in arms—but apparently there were no such intentions in her head.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:27) Actually, Daisy can do nothing, she will not leave Tom. Without Tom she can not enjoy the wealthy life any longer. But she cannot control her fate and she feels sad for herself. So she wants to change her fate with someone’s help. Just at this very time, his first love Gatsby appears as a wealthy man and calls her back. It seems to be a good chance for her to make a decision to leave her bad husband. But instead she refused him, just because Gatsby’s background makes her

lack of safety. She destroys Gatsby’s dream totally and goes away with Tom in a hurry. Daisy has to go on living with Tom, which is her fate, so in reality she is also an unfortunate woman. To this point, we can say that at this time, she still doesn’t deserve the love of Gatsby.

3.2.2 Daisy in Gatsby’s Dream

No matter how other people may think about Daisy, in the mind of great Gatsby, she should be cherished forever. Although Gatsby and Daisy have departed for five years, Daisy is a lways living in Gatsby’s memory and she has turned into an perfect fairy as time passes by. For Gatsby, if he can marry with Daisy, he can enter into the upper class naturally and gain the identity in the upper class. Maybe it is because in Gatsby’s mind, Daisy has been endowed with a kind of special value. For this special vale, Gatsby would rather devote his whole life to winning her back. At this time, Daisy in reality is not important for him. Because Daisy has become the noble embodiment of the upper class in Gatsby’s dream.

Gatsby always thinks the reason why Daisy leaves him is that he is poor and has a low social position when he is young, and he totally believes that he can win Daisy back if he can gain the wealth and high social position. With this faith in his mind, Gatsby determines to win Daisy back, making her the single goal of all his dreams and the symbol of everything he desired. So he earns large wealth by efforts and then buys a splendid house across the bay of Daisy’s and g ives parties day and night on every weekend just want to arrest her coming.

Actually, Five years later when Gatsby sees Daisy again, he feels that she is different from the Daisy he dreams of day and night. In reality, Daisy has already lost her magical power and becomes a common woman. Later, Gatsby invites Daisy to take part in his party. And after she leaves, Gatsby feels very disappointed because he thinks that Daisy can’t really understand him any longer. It seems that Gatsby is so disappointed that he will not love her any longer. But Gatsby is really a great dreamer. He

just pursues every thing in his dream and because Daisy in his dream has turned into a perfect fairy, so Daisy in reality is not so important for him; he would rather believe that Daisy still loves him.

In fact, Daisy doesn’t really love anyone else. But Gatsby does not think so. He loves Daisy and he also believes that Daisy also loves him. So people think that Gatsby is a son of God. “He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about his F ather’s business, the of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:131) From this sentence, we can know that he makes Daisy as an embodiment of his dream, without thinking what Daisy is in reality. Actually, Both Nick and Gatsby notice her special voice, and are d escribed as “full of money” and even a “deathless song”.

(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:59) Her voice is seemed to jingle with a sound of wealth to Gatsby. For Daisy, it seems that wealth is more important than love itself. So Gatsby can’t get true love from her no matter he is poor or wealthy. This indicates that Gatsby’s dream for Daisy will be inevitable destructed.

3.3 Gatsby’s Dream for the Upper Class is Idealistic

Fitzgerald deeply feels the transformations of the values o f traditional morality and people will not admire any self-made hero longer and they only care about individual enjoyment. So in a society with spiritual emptiness and moral decadence, Gatsby with much imagination is doomed to fail.

Compared with the wealthy people, Gatsby is different in nature. He has dreams and ambitions, and tries his best to realize them. But he can not see the upper class clearly. The upper class in Gatsby’s dream is different from the one in reality.And his dream can not be realized in this kind of upper class nowadays.

3.3.1 The Upper Class People in Gatsby’s Mind

In Gatsby’s mind, if he has money, he can get into the upper class

naturally, and being an upper class member, he should be a moral person who has many virtues. So he stresses himself with the self-improvement and hard work; it can be proved easily in Gatsby’s schedule: No wasting time

No more smoking or chewing

Bath every other day

Read one improving book or magazine per week

Save$5.00[crossed out] $3.00 per week

Be better to parents (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:231)

Gatsby’s li st of self-improving resolves is similar with Benjamin Franklin’s rules for self-improvement on eighteenth-century. Gatsby learns to him, and decides to be a decent person like him. In Nick’s eyes, “he was a handsome young man about thirty years old and dressed very well. He spoke very politely and it is a little funny to me. Most men in his age were not so polite. He spoke as if he is carefully choosing his words.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:42) He does his best to be the same hero as Benjamin Franklin, believing that he can also be successful if he sets strict demands on himself.

3.3.2 The Upper Class People in Reality

But in fact, people in that age do not believe in any hero of the American dream. They only care about themselves and enjoy themselves without considering the feelings of other people. They just like to pursue the enjoyment. And they have their philosophy of life—to “seize every day”and “enjoy every moment”. (Chen Qing, 2006:1) That can be proved easily in the novel of The Great Gatsby.

In the party of the upper class, everyone needn’t know the name of anyone else and talks friendly as if they have known each other well for a long time. P eople taking part in Gatsby’s parties don’t know h im at all and even don’t see him before. They will not appreciate Gatsby who holds party for them, but making the rumors for him. In their eyes, Gatsby

is just a subordinate. Maybe, some of them do not care about who he is. They come here just because they want to enjoy themselves, and they need these big parties to prove their positions, while Gatsby also need them to raise his social position. They have mutual needs, so the parties can be held on every weekend. But nobody will remember him after they go away from his big parties. “A ll over the party, people were laughing, talking and drinking. But all the happiness seemed so empty.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:40) In the society which people don’t care about others and just knowing to enjoy them. Gatsby, who does n’t really understand the true value of wealth in real life, can not live longer and his dreams can not be realized.

3.4 Destroyer of Gatsby’s Dream—Tom

3.4.1 Tom in Reality

Tom is the representative person in the upper class. In the novel, he is the direct destroyer of Gatsby’s dream. Both Gatsby and Tom possess wealth, but they are very different. Gatsby earns his wealth by diligence and discipline and uses his wealth to realize his great dreams, while Tom do not have any large goals and lives happily on the wealth that his father has created. In the end, Tom wins and goes away with Daisy in a hurry, while Gatsby i s killed by the husband of Tom’s mistress, George Wilson. From this aspect, we can see that Tom is a vicious man in reality. Maybe it is because he is born into a wealthy family and has been spoiled. Tom is a former football player at Yale and enjoys the high status, but he is an arrogant, cruel person who does nothing important everyday, just playing with cars and racing horses. Only in this way can he win his own ego. It is obvious that he does not have any moral standards which he demands for the people around him. He is the representative person of the upper class in reality which has replaced American idealism.

Tom is also an immoral person who just knows to ask others to be honest. In order to meet his desire, Tom has an affair with the fleshly woman Myrtle

and keeps an apartment in the city for their dating. But he is not upset at all and he even opens their relationship in public. He treats Daisy badly, however, when he knows that Daisy and Gatsby are having an affair. He even becomes outraged and forced them to confront it in the room at the hotel where he irritates Gatsby to win his wife back and thus destroys his rival’s dreams. From this aspect, we can also see that Tom actually is a man of violence, because he tells the group of people that Gatsby’s wealth is criminally obtained and thus he is cheating Daisy all the time. Then he forces Daisy to change the declaration that she has never loved him. To be honest, Daisy does not love Tom, she loves Tom for his wealth and will be reluctant to leave him, for he can provide her with security and the lifestyle to which she is accustomed. The victory of Tom reflects that Gatsby can not really enter into the upper class. For the upper class people like Tom, they will never take Gatsby as their friend but a subordinate.

Tom is also a careless person who will not be worried about the sufferings he causes. When problems arise, he will run to his money and safe situation, leaving it to be dealt with by others and will never take the responsibility. After the death of Tom’s mistress Myrtle, Tom tells her husband that Gatsby is the killer and then runs away with Daisy quickly until the affair finishes.

3.4.2 The Differences between Gatsby and Tom

Comparing with Tom, Gatsby is really a strange hero of the Jazz Age. Because he creates wealth by diligence and discipline but he doesn’t really understand the true value of wealth in real life, that is, “wealth makes people enjoy life”. (Chen Qing, 2006:16) He does n’t know this point, so he still lives a simple life. “His bedroom was the simplest room of all—except where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:122)He holds big parties not to enjoy himself, but to arrest his first love Daisy’s coming.“When the party is over and the guests go away, Gatsby soaks in large loneliness” (F.Scott

Fitzgerald, 2004:78) and at this moment he is himself.

Tom is a representative person of the realism, while Gatsby is a representative person of the idealism. Tom is a realist who lives in reality while Gatsby is an idealist who lives in his dreams. Gatsby’s dream is out of connection with the reality, so his dream can not be realized.

Part Four Conclusion

Although Gatsby’s dream fails, his greatness still rests on his dream, which distinguishes him from the other disillusioned people, who have lost the capacity to wonder and to dream. But as time goes by, Gatsby reveals himself to be a man who stakes everything on his dreams, unaware that his dreams are out of connection with the reality and unworthy of him.

To sum up, Gatsby’s dream is incompatible with reality. Gatsby is a great dreamer who just lives in his dreams, without considering the changes of the society. In his dream, every thing is beautiful: Daisy is a perfect fairy who can give him hopes; the upper class people are all decent ones who can cooperate with him very well. But in reality, every thing is different: his dreaming girl can not really understand Gatsby’s love for her; while the upper class people are the disillusioned ones who just make Gatsby as a subordinate. Facing the reality, Gatsby does not adjust himself to suit the society, but to pursuit his dreams which are out of connection with the reality. At last, it leads his dream to be a disillusion.

Considering ourselves, we are the students who are going to devote ourselves into the society. Some of us may have great dreams and are ambitiously hoping to realize them immediately, just like Gatsby. But we must remind ourselves every moment that we are living in reality but not in our dreams. Dream is always very beautiful while the reality is always impersonal, it can not be changed as what we want to. So we should suit ourselves with the changes of the society and make achievement step by step. If we can persist in the above principle and work hard everyday, I am sure

we will succeed and then fulfill our dreams eventually.


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论文答辩演讲稿简述 上午好! 我是08级二班的xxx。我的论文题目是“浅谈高校学习型学生党支部建设”。我的这篇论文是在朱老师的悉心指导下完成的,感谢朱老师,也感谢各位老师在答辩过程中对我论文的指导。我之所以选择这个题目,是我在平时的学习中了解到关于学习型党组织建设是最近几年来的热点话题,我也较为感兴趣,同时结合我个人在学生党支部的一些学生工作。下面我将这篇论文选题的背景和主要内容向各位老师作一一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指正。 首先,我想谈谈论文选题的背景与意义。 随着经济全球化不断推进,当今社会已步入知识经济时代,无论是个人、企业、还是社会,只有不断学习,才能适应不断变化的新形势。加强学习是党组织建设的永恒话题,党的十六届四中会强调“努力建设学习型政党”。党的十七届四中全会决定,把建设马克思主义学习型政党作为重大而紧迫的战略任务抓紧抓好。建设马克思主义学习型政党是全党的任务,也是高校党组织面临的任务。高校学生党支部是中国共产党在高校的最基层组织,肩负着为中国共产党和国家培养合格的建设者和接班人的历史重任。因此,加强和改进大学生党支部建设,创建学习型学生党支部,对于充分发挥党的政治优势和组织优势,不断提升学生党员的综合素质,增强学生党支部的创造力、战斗力和凝聚力,具有重要的现实意义。 其次,我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要内容。 本文主要分为六个大的部分。

第一部分主要是简单讲述了建设高校学习型学生党支部的背景。 第二部分主要介绍高校学习型学生党支部的内涵和特征。 第三部分进一步分析了高校学习型学生党支部建设的必要性。 第四部分主要概述了高校学习型学生党支部建设存在的问题,通过对问题的分析引出第五部分高校学习型学生党支部建设的主要途径,遵循了发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的逻辑线索。 第五部分主要概述了高校学习型学生党支部建设的主要途径,一共有五点。 第六部分结语,对文章进行小结,指出高校学习型学生党支部建设是一个系统工程,需要各方面的共同努力。 再次,我谈一下论文的研究方法研究方法:通过查阅相关文献资料,了解高校学习型学生党支部的内涵和特征,以及高校学习型学生党支部建设的必要性,分析高校学习型学生党支部建设中存在的问题,最后通过经验总结法,提出高校学习型学生党支部建设的主要途径。 最后,我想谈谈这篇论文的创新和存在的不足。 本篇论文的创新之处在于结合了重庆市“抓党建、促三风、建三高”活动的背景,通过创建高效学习型学生党支部,从而带动高效良好学风和校风的形成。 特别是在文章第五部分,在学习平台建设方面,结合了“三下乡”等社会实践和社团建设。在丰富学习内容时把近几年学生较为关注的考研、就业等方面纳入了高校学习型学生党支部建设的学习内容。


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英语原创毕业论文参考选题(200个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq958035640。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1 从跨文化角度对品牌名称的研究——以化妆品品牌为例 2 女性意识在《红字》中的表现 3 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter 4 Analysis of the Subtitle of White Collar under Skopostheorie 5 哈克贝利费恩对“文明世界”的适应 6 《动物庄园》中的黑色幽默分析 7 冰与火具有毁灭生命的同等威力——《呼啸山庄》主题探讨 8 论商务谈判中的文化因素 9 On Social Function of English Euphemism Expression 10 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森 11 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响 12 《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义 13 分析文化差异在国际商务谈判中的影响 14 苔丝的悲剧命运分析 15 从合作原则的角度分析广告语的修辞特点 16 初中生英语口语常见错误分析及纠错策略 17 目的论在电影字幕翻译中的应用——以《功夫熊猫》为例 18 《身着狮皮》中的话语、移民与身份 19 从文化视角看中西方的礼节差异 20 论《米德尔马契》中的人性主题 21 English-Chinese Advertisement Translation 22 An Analysis of Sexism in English Advertisements 23 英语习语的文化内涵


Pursuit for dreams —after reading The Great Gatsby I have heard of the famous novel The Great Gatsby for many years. However, until recently have I got the time and mood to read it. As soon as I finish reading, I find my previous unwarranted assumption of it totally wrong. This is a story about Gatsby and his pursuit for the ‘American dreams'. During the World War One, the poor soldier Gatsby fell in love with an upper class girl named Daisy. But due to the wide gap between them, Daisy decided to marry Tom, a man of her class, instead of Gatsby. Broken-hearted Gatsby then held the conviction that money was of the greatest importance. He strongly believed in the ‘American dreams', which as we all know, advocates that one can achieve whatever he or she likes through continuous efforts. He strived for five years to become a millionaire and bought a villa near Daisy's to attract her. He was too addicted to his fantasy to realize that Daisy was no longer the lovely girl she used to be. Eventually, he was killed because of her crime. After reading it, something reverberates in my heart. I


The Great Gatsby F.Scott.Fitzgerald . Character List Daisy Buchanan - Nick’s cousin, and the woman Gatsby loves. As a young woman in Louisville before the war, Daisy was courted by a number of officers, including Gatsby. She fell in love with Gatsby and promised to wait for him. However, Daisy harbors a deep need to be loved, and when a wealthy, powerful young man named Tom Buchanan asked her to marry him, Daisy decided not to wait for Gatsby after all. Now a beautiful socialite, Daisy lives with Tom across from Gatsby in the fashionable East Egg district of Long Island. She is sardonic and somewhat cynical, and behaves superficially to mask her pain at her husband’s constant infidelity. Daisy Buchanan (In-Depth Analysis) Tom Buchanan - Daisy’s immensely wealthy husband, once a member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Powerfully built and hailing from a socially solid old family, Tom is an arrogant, hypocritical bully. His social attitudes are laced with racism and sexism, and he never even considers trying to live up to the moral standard he demands from those around him. He has no moral qualms about his own extramarital affair with Myrtle, but when he begins to suspect Daisy and Gatsby of having an affair, he becomes outraged and forces a confrontation. Jordan Baker - Daisy’s friend, a woman with whom Nick becomes romantically involved during the course of the novel. A competitive golfer, Jordan represents one of the “new women” of the 1920s—cynical, boyish, and self-centered. Jordan is beautiful, but also dishonest: she cheated in order to win her first golf tournament and continually bends the truth. Myrtle Wilson - Tom’s lover, whose lifeless husband George owns a run-down garage in the valley of ashes. Myrtle herself possesses a fierce vitality and desperately looks for a way to improve her situation. Unfortunately for her, she chooses Tom, who treats her as a mere object of his desire. Analysis of Major Characters Daisy Buchanan Partially based on Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, Daisy is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She is Nick’s cousin and the object of Gatsby’s love. As a young debutante in Louisville, Daisy was extremely popular among the military officers stationed near her home, including Jay Gatsby. Gatsby lied about his background to Daisy, claiming to be from a wealthy family in order to convince her that he was worthy of her. Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy’s heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents. After 1919, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back, making her the single goal of all of his dreams and the main motivation behind his acquisition of immense wealth through criminal activity. To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her. In reality, however, Daisy falls far short of Gatsby’s ideals. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, bored, and sardonic. Nick characterizes her as a careless person who smashes things up and then retreats behind her money. Daisy proves her real nature when she chooses Tom over Gatsby in Chapter VII, then allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson even though she herself was driving


论文答辩稿怎么写 尊敬的评委老师: 早上好! 我叫×××,XXXX级社会学专业学生。我的毕业论文题目是《社会学视野下金庸小说中的婚恋观》。我的指导老师是张红老师。从确定选题、拟定提纲、完成初稿,到最后定稿,我得到了张老师的精心细致指导,使我很快掌握了论文的写作方法,并在较短的时间 里完成了论文的写作。不管今天答辩的结果如何,我都会由衷的感谢指导老师的辛勤劳动,感谢各位评委老师的批评指正。 截至目前,在学术界有关金庸武侠小说的论著非常多,但尚无从社会学视野下对金庸 小说中婚恋观的研究。选择金庸小说作为毕业论文的写作题材,一方面是因为我对金庸小 说比较喜欢,包括由金庸小说改编而成的电视剧。的确,金庸小说不仅向我们展现了侠客 的快意恩仇,还借用江湖这个社会,使人物摆脱传统社会的束缚或少受社会制度的束缚。 男女侠客不问出身,不讲家庭地位、社会背景,只讲两性相悦、以情相许,能实现真正意义 上的男女平等、恋爱自由。另一方面结合当今社会现实,许多现象与金庸小说中的情节有 一些相似,揭示其中的联系,警示世人,以倡导和谐的、理想的婚姻。 在这篇论文中,主要采用了内容分析和现实对比的写作手法,各部分安排按照先典型 分析,具体对照现象,理论分析,再阐明现代性特征的层次进行。具体结构如下: 第一部分为所归纳的金庸小说中的五种爱情类型; 第二部分为金庸小说中与现实相对应的婚姻类型; 第三部分为关于金庸小说中择偶的社会学分析,分为宏观和和微观两个方面分析。宏 观方面的主要理论有:对于择偶的个人主义解释;择偶的社会文化解释;择偶梯度理论;同 类匹配理论。微观方面的理论有:1、相似性理论;2、需求互补理论。从以上这些择偶理 论我们可以做出如下推论:相似性原则是择偶的基本规律。无论从哪个理论角度这个结论 总是成立的,虽做出如下推论:相似性原则是择偶的基本规律。无论从哪个理论角度这个 结论总是成立的,虽然对具体是什么“相似”有些争议。在外在社会条件上符合“同类匹配”,内在条件上又符合“需求互补”,这似乎就是最完满的理想婚姻模式。 第四部分为金庸小说中婚恋观的现代性特征;在金庸小说中,男女侠客不问出身,不讲 家庭地位、社会背景,只讲两性相悦、以情相许,能实现真正意义上的恋爱自由,而这些观 念无疑与现代人的恋爱观相合。 第五部分:结论。 社会是历史积淀的产物,小说是反映生活、憧憬生活、甚至能够改造生活、提升生活 品质的艺术。在某些传统思想仍在侵蚀当代人的今天,在已经冲破封建罗网,人们获得充分


菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》,摘录书中比较经典的句子: Chapter 1 1. 每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。 Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just rember that all the people in this world haven ' thad the advantages that you 've had. 2. 人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 3. 人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don ' tcare what it ' s founded on. Chapter 2 这时,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,同时又被其排斥着。 Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of humansecrecytothecasualwatcherinthedarkeningstreets,andIwashimtoo,lookingupan dwondering.Iwaswithinandwithout,simultaneouslyenchantedandrepelledbytheinexh austible variety of life. Chapter 3 1. 他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有更多的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰 上四五次。它先是再一刹那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是


本科生毕业设计 (论文) 题目:A Contrastive Analysis of the Greatness of Gatsby and the Meanness of His Foils in The Great Gatsby 教学单位外国语学院__ _ ________ 姓名 _朱兴春 ________ 学号_200730701142___________ 年级 2007级 ________ 专业英语 _______ 指导教师文培红__________________ 职称 _副教授_________________ 2011年 5 月 14日

Abstract: The scholars have already done some researches on the book The Great Gatsby which was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, such as the writing styles of the author in the book, symbolism and metaphor, the failure of the “American dream”, the analysis of the protagonist —Gatsb y—the representative of hero and Daisy’s and other women’s selfish and mental emptiness. On the basis of these, it revealed the failure of the “American Dream”people had in that times when they paid more attention to the materialistic hedonism but spiritual void by analyzing the characters such as Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. Therefore, Gatsby’s “American Dream”—Daisy—was doomed to failure. However, he was great because he speared no efforts to make his dream come true. 摘要:学者们已经对《了不起的盖茨比》中作者的写作手法——象征及比喻、“美国梦”在现实中的幻灭、盖茨比的人物分析——英雄主义的代表、以及故事中黛西等女性角色空虚自私的生活等分析与评论。因此,在这基础上,通过对盖茨比与黛西、汤姆为代表的上层人物进行逐个分析,从反面揭示出以黛西、汤姆为代表的重商主义者在美国现实社会下对物质的追求与享乐但精神空虚如同行尸走肉般的人们注定了像盖茨比一类人的“美国梦”的破灭。因此,盖茨比的“美国梦”——黛西——注定是失败的,但是他为了实现自己的梦想不断奋斗的精神是了不起的。 Key Word: greatness Gatsby meanness of the foils American Dream 关键词:了不起盖茨比大众的粗恶美国梦


尊敬的答辩委员会主席、各位委员、各位老师,下午好: 我叫***,我提交的论文题目是《“暗示教学法”在高中化学教学中的应用研究》我的导师是***教授。 论文的总体框架包括五各部分: 1.研究的背景与意义 2.关键概念的界定与研究综述 3.研究的理论基础 4.暗示教学法在高中化学教学中的应用 5.研究的结论与反思 我将从三个方面进行说明,即我为什么这么做?我做了什么?研究结论与反思。 一、之所以选择该题目进行研究,主要是基于以下的考虑: 国家发展的需要教育改革的需要为高校输送现代合格人才的需要由于使用条件的限制和对暗示教学法的使用存在误区,以及处于教育第一线的教师对暗示教学法的研究存在一定差距,因此暗示教学法在我国中学一般的课堂教学中没有得到广泛运用。综上,本研究欲在已有研究的基础上,尝试在化学课堂教学中,以新课程理念为指导,整合暗示教学法和其它化学教学方法,激发学生潜能,培养学生的综合素质。 二、我做了什么? 首先,先了解我校开展暗示教学法的现状与基础 为了了解本校化学教师运用暗示教学法现状,更好、更有效激发学生潜能,本研究对天津市杨柳青一中的15名化学教师从以下6方面进行了访谈。 访谈结果分析如下: 第一,是否了解暗示教学法: 第二,课堂上是否运用过积极暗示 第三,是否尝试小组学习:高一和高二的相对较年轻的教师愿意用小组学习的方法激发学生的学习能力,老教师还是习惯老的教学模式。高三的老师比较倾向于传统的黑板+粉笔+知识清单+大量习题。 第四,是否尝试有音乐背景的学习 第五,是否经常进行情境设计,让学生参与角色表演 第六,本校化学教师都能努力加强和学生间的交流。 可见,本校教师对于暗示教学法的认识尚处于一种无意识的、自发的状态,但在新课程实践中,已经注意到根据教学任务,通过改变教学方式与教学策略,对学生加以积极的引导与激励。 其次,对暗示教学法进行调整与改造 根据我国教育现状和我校高中生特点,对洛扎诺夫的要求略有调整: 第一,把上课时间适当缩短 第二,把班级人数适当增多 第三,流程的修改 再次,提出了暗示教学法的实践策略 暗示教学法的情境策略

了不起的盖茨比 论文

OUTLINE Abstract Key Words I. Introduction II. Background 2.1 Life Experience 2.2 Social Reality III. Use of Symbolism 3.1 The Symbolism of Name 3.1.1 Daisy 3.1.2 Gatsby 3.1.3 Tom 3.2 The Symbolism l of Setting 3.2.1 East Egg and West Egg 3.2.2 The Valley of Ashes 3.3.3The Eyes of Dr.T,J,Eckleburg 3.3 The Symbolism of Color 3.3.1 Green-Hope, Dream, Envy 3.3.2 Blue-Quiet Melancholy, Fantasy 3.3.3 Yellow (Golden) - Fame, Fortune,Fall 3.3.4 White-Purity, Indifference, Empty 3.3.5 Grey-Desolation Ruins Desperation Ⅳ. Conclusion Bibliography 中文标题、摘要、关键词

On the Function of the Symbolism in Expressing Theme of The Great Gatsby Author:xierongfeng Number:××× Tutor:liuguoying Abstract: F. Scott Fitzgerald, American novelist and short story writer, is widely consider the literary spokesman of the “jazz age”-the decade of the 1920s .In 1925, Fitzgerald published his masterpiece, The Great Gatsby .In this book, he employs all kinds of names, settings and colors as symbols to reflect the characteristics of the age and to deepen the theme of the work. The author of the paper mainly analyzes the function of the symbolism in manifesting the theme- disillusion of American dream-of the work from there aspects of the symbols-name, setting and color. Key Words: Symbolism; American dream; The Great Gatsby Ⅰ.Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in a not rich family, so he wanted to earn lots of money to become rich to enjoy high quality life. To satisfy his wife’s limitless requirements, he lived a very hard life. The tempo of his life slackened as his life was shredded by Zelda’s insanity and his own self-destructive alcoholism. Through years of emotional and physical collapse he struggled to repair his life by writing for Hollywood-producing at the same time a series of stories that exposed his humiliation there. He became one of the greatest writers in American literature and wrote many works in his lifetime to manifest the life reality of that time. He was a spokesman for the so-called Jazz Age, setting a personal as well as literary example for a generation whose first commandment was: Do what you will. He fell from favor as a writer when the indulgent decade of his triumph went down under the impact of a worldwide Depression in the 1930s. The Great Gatsby is regarded as his masterpiece. First published on April 10, 1925, the story is set in Long Island's North Shore and New York City during the summer of 1922. The novel tells of Gatsby ,an idealist , who tries to recapture his lost love but in vain and is finally destroyed by the influence of the wealthy people around him .The


应该富有说服力和感染力,要做到这点,除了观点、道理要能为听众接受以外,演讲稿还要写得充满感情,用情来打动听众。今天整理了本科本科答辩演讲稿,供你参考。 本科毕业论文答辩演讲稿篇1 尊敬的各位老师 大家上午好! 我叫xxx,本次论文指导老师是xx老师,我选的毕业论文题目是《提升浙江省出口优势产业集群竞争力的对策研究》,下面我先汇报一下自己选择这篇论文的动机以及论文选题背景、基本写作思路、理论与实践意义。 先来陈述一下我的写作动机。我来自台州,在没写这篇论文之前我仅知道台州各地存在生产相同产品的特色乡镇,比较熟悉的有临海的太平洋彩灯城、台州的的服装机械、玉环的阀门等等,根据20xx年底的统计数据,其中阀门水泵占全国出口的60%以上,缝纫机和电动裁剪机在国际上占有70%的市场份额等等。而浙江,众所周知是一个贸易大省,我想出口与产业集群应该有醒目的联系,所以,我就选择了《提升浙江省出口优势产业集群竞争力的对策研究》,一方面是希望通过这篇论文能让自己更加清楚的了解浙江省出口优势产业集群的分布、现状及国际竞争力,二则因为自己属于国贸专业,也希望以后能从我省的优势产业集

群中挖掘更多的商机,为自己的未来作些理论的铺垫。 其次,我要陈述的是本篇论文的主要论点及结构。虽然这篇论文的选题有点长,但我觉得中心还是应该扣在最后的几个字上,即“集群竞争力的对策分析”。所谓“产业集群”,是指在某一产业的上下游企业在一定区域内大量集聚,形成了竞争优势的经济群落。北京大学教授王缉慈在论坛中指出,提高出口竞争力的关键是发展富有特色的产业集群,力避产业集群的同质性的重复建设。因此,我的论文从浙江省出口优势产业集群的发展现状和主要特点着手,力求寻找到我省出口优势产业集群具有优势的软硬件基础。我总结出来的几点是规模喜人、产业结构合理、产品分工细致、出口竞争优势显著等。 在论证浙江省出口优势产业集群竞争力及其竞争优势的时候,我主要分析浙江省产业集群的几个关系,比如企业集聚与生产效率、国际竞争力的关系,集群竞争力与竞争压力、创新能力的关系,“区位品牌”与集群竞争力的联系等。而出口优势产业集群竞争力的决定因素也常规的从国家层面、集群层面、企业层面“先大角度再小口径”地分析。 这篇大学生毕业论文对浙江省出口优势产业集群竞争力指标分析也主要集中在第三部分,这也是我对策研究的理论根据。其中包括集群占浙江省近几年六成左右的主要经济指标——浙江省03~06年的进出口额,浙江省出口优势产业集群中主要企业在各地区的分布情况,例举温州民营中小企业对海外市场进入方式偏好,而竞争力指标也主要围绕贸易竞争力指标(TC指数),出口分散度等进行

了不起的盖茨比 经济学家中经典论文

THE GREAT GATSBY: YALE, PRINCETON, COLUMBIA, HARVARD, OXFORD Ray C. Fair Yale University November 2000 Yale ICF Working Paper No. 00-38 This paper can be downloaded from Social Science Recearch Network at:https://www.360docs.net/doc/a316063496.html,/paper.taf?abstract_id=273248

The Great Gatsby:Yale,Princeton, Columbia,Harvard,Oxford Ray C.Fair? November2000 Abstract Where did Fitzgerald get the idea of having Clay’s Economics reside in Nick Carraway’s library? F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is one of the classics of American lit-erature.I,like many,?rst read it in high school.A recent re-read,however,with the mature eyes of an economist,led me to the following passage,which I had somehow overlooked in my earlier days.While Jay Gatsby nervously awaited the arrival of Daisy in Nick Carraway’s house,he looked with vacant eyes through a copy of Clay’s Economics (Fitzgerald(1925,p.89)).Clay’s Economics is an introductory economics text, written by the British economist Henry Clay,and this bit of free advertising piqued ?Cowles Foundation and International Center for Finance,Yale University,New Haven,CT 06520-8281.V oice:203-432-3715;Fax:203-432-6167;e-mail:ray.fair@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a316063496.html,;website: https://www.360docs.net/doc/a316063496.html,.I would like to thank Sharon Oster for many helpful comments, Jennifer Nou and Emily Oster for superb research assistance,Billy Hitchcock for permission to examine his father’s record at Harvard,and many helpful librarians at the colleges listed in the paper’s title.It was Jennifer Nou’s idea to pursue the Tommy Hitchcock link,which alas led to no smoking gun.


5分钟毕业论文答辩演讲稿 【演讲稿一】 各位老师,同学们: 晚上好! 我叫xxx,是20xx级会计三班的学生。我今天论文答辩的题目是《民营中小企业财务风险的成因及防范》。我的论文是在xxx老师的细心指引及教导下完成的,在这里我要对我的指导老师表示感谢。我也要对在坐的各位老师表示感谢,谢谢你们百忙之中还来参加我的论文答辩。接下我把我的论文选题的初衷及主要内容向各位老师做一陈述,希望老师们在不足之处给予指导批评。 第一,我先谈谈这次论文选题的初衷。 在20**年经济危机暴发以来,全球的经济一直低迷。这对我国中小企业的影响更是空前:企业倒闭、老板跑路、跳楼等等负面新闻在人们的生活中频频出现。 中小企业在我国社会经济发展中做出了重大的贡献,尤其是在就业和税收方面,占有着不容忽视的地位。但随着民营经济规模的不断壮大,中小企业由于自身实力薄弱、资金不充足等原因,在市场运作中应变能力差,暴露出的问题也越来越多,尤其是在当前经济形势不佳的大背景下,民营中小企业成本大幅上升,出口型民营中小企业更是陷入上下游挤压的困境,发展期间未显现的财务风险问题更是显露无遗。所以民营中小企业财务风险的问题已经不容忽视了。 第二,我来介绍下本篇论文的主要内容 一、描述财务风险的概念,分析财务风险产生的原因及类别,并结合雅戈尔集团的财务报表对财务风险做了实例分析。 二、从民营中小企业的基本情况入手,进一步对我国民营中小企业财务风险成因进行分析。 三、以浙江信泰集团为例,分析当前形势下我国中小企业普遍面临的财务风险。 四、针对民营中小企业所面临的财务风险提出了四条防范措施。

(一)应建立健全的内部稽核制度 (二)组成专门的财务风险管理小组 (三)加强日常资金管理,保证资金合理匹配 (四)选择正确的风险管理策略 五、总结。在一场场风暴过后,中小企业越来越受到重视,自2011年始,我国已出台了不少的政策受惠于中小企业,促使其健康稳定发展。 第三,关于本论文的不足之处 我的这篇论文主要谈论民营中小企业财务风险的成因及防范,虽然是通过收集资料及运用自己所见所学的有限知识完成了,但还是因为自己身有限的知识及见识,没能对这些存在的问题进行更深层次的剖析。有很多遗漏的,不足的地方,希望老师们能给予指导,这对于我今后工作学习有相当大的帮助。再次谢谢大家。 【演讲稿二】 各位老师,上午好! 我是**,是*级*班的学生,我的论文题目是:**。论文是在**老师的认真指导和大力支持下完成的,谢谢**老师。很感谢各位老师参加我的毕业论文答辩,谢谢各位老师。下面我把论文的主要内容向各位老师做一个简要介绍,希望得到老师们的指导。 二、内容 首先,是论文的目的及意义。 目的: (1)了解、掌握公共服务市场化的基本理论。 (2)客观展现公共服务市场化过程中政府履行责任存在的主要问题。 (3)明确政府在公共服务市场化过程中所应当履行的职能和承担的责任。 意义: (1)有助于推动公共服务市场化理论的发展和完善。现有的研究虽有政府监管的相关内容,但只是笼统的说政府应当监管,而鲜有专门论述政府的职责问题。因此,对此问题的研究将会丰富公共服务市场化的基本理论。 (2)有助于解决我国公共服务供给的现实问题,提升公共服务供给的质量和效率。


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