


1 浅析阿里巴巴的创新盈利模式

2 从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物

3 《德伯家的苔丝》中亚雷形象分析

4 论交际法在组织课堂教学中的重要性

5 论有效开展小学英语对话教学的策略

6 translation of gududeqiu from the perspective of qian zhongshu’s realm of

sublimation 7 从目的论角度看汉语广告的英译

8 爱德华?摩根?福斯特《看得见风景的房间》的人文主义解读

10 从迈克尔杰克逊看美国梦

11 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究

12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创q 799 75 79 38

13 福克纳对女性形象的塑造—以《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》和《士兵的报酬》为例 14 美学


15 论《月亮和六便士》中的自然主义特色

16 论旅游广告的显影性

17 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿?考菲尔德的成长经历

18 《看不见的人》中的“暗与明”意象探究

19 advertising and its application

20 《老人与海》中的象征主义

21 an analysis of the different meanings of color words between western and

eastern cultures

22 浅析《红字》中的象征意义

26 命中注定的悲剧--西奥多·赫曼·阿尔伯特·德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》的悲剧分析 27


28 coincidences and images in the mayor of casterbridge, tess of the d’urbervilles

29 《小妇人》结局分析

30 影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨

31 从社会语言学角度分析美国黑人英语

32 英汉社交称呼语礼貌规范和语用失误研究

34 动物词汇的英汉互译策略

35 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响

36 《了不起的盖茨比》中象征主义的研究

37 a study of cultural influence upon internet language

38 解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义

39 南北战争新思想在女性中的体现——浅析《小妇人》

40 从翻译等值理论看文化词的翻译












































85 霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现

86 夏洛特?帕金斯?吉尔曼《黄色墙纸》中的女性主义

87 试析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中密西西比河和哈克的象征意义

88 英语报刊中的新词浅析

89 俄狄浦斯情结在劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》中的体现

90 《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格分析

91 论《毒日头》中的生命价值观

92 《简爱》与《名利场》中家庭女教师形象与命运的对比研究

93 英国足球对中国足球发展的启示

94 论英语教学中的非智力因素

95 透过好莱坞校园电影解析美国青少年的特点

96 论小说《看不见的人》中的象征主义

97 improving the college students’writing skill through cohesive devices

98 the application of cooperative learning in high school english teaching

99 从“看上去很美”和“little miss sunshine”两部影片浅析中美儿童教育观念的差

异 100 《少年派的奇幻漂流》电影中隐喻的分析

101 现代叙事艺术与海明威的《永别了武器》

102 从功能翻译理论分析化妆品商标翻译

103 埃德加?爱伦?坡作品中的哥特风格分析

104 矛盾的女性意识:从《傲慢与偏见》看简?奥斯汀的婚恋观

105 英文歌曲在提高英语专业学生口语能力方面的作用

106 如何用英语作精彩演讲

107 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿考菲尔德的成长经历

108 英汉委婉语的对比及翻译

109 跨文化交际下汉语四字成语的英译研究


111 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读

112 高中英语写作前口语活动设计与实施建议

113 汉英称赞语的对比研究

114 广告英语中语言的性别差异

115 简爱与嘉莉妹妹女性形象比较

116 动物词在中英文化中的喻义及其翻译


118 论罗伯特弗罗斯特诗歌的黑色基调---在美国梦里挣扎

119 对《璃琅三部曲》中爱尔兰人的人性分析

120 英语旅游广告的文体分析

121 外教在英语口语教学中的作用

122 中美大学创业教育的比较和启示

123 从目的论的角度比较研究《茶馆》的两个英文译本

124 微笑着流泪——欧亨利小说赏析

125 symbolism in the old man and the sea 126 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例

127 如何激发和培养初中生学习英语的兴趣

128 蕾秋?乔伊斯《一个人的朝圣》成长小说的分析

129 从文化角度分析《论语》中特殊词语的翻译——以“仁”为个例

130 从接受理论看赛珍珠的《水浒传》翻译

131 浅析中美电影中英雄主义的异同--以《功夫熊猫》和《霍元甲》为例

132 探究马克吐温的反奴隶制观—对《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中吉姆的分析

133 反思女性主义作家对莎士比亚作品的研究

134 英国足球文化研究

135 论《芒果街上的小屋》的“简单”

136 从宝洁公司的运营模式看美国文化的多样性

137 论委婉语与国际商务谈判

138 两代文学家的“优胜劣汰”--论《洪堡的礼物》中的反讽寓意

139 从广告语看中西文化观

140 英语广告语中隐喻的研究

141 a brief discussion on the translation of brand names 142 浅析《老人与海》中人对自然的态度

143 商务函电中委婉语的翻译策略

144 骑士精神与时代精神:论《苹果树》中浪漫主义与现实主义的对峙与对话

145 目的论下的修辞手法翻译:以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》两个汉语译本为例

146 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性

147 roads to happy marriage: a new conception of feminism in doris lessing’s

novels 148 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同

149 电影《风月俏佳人》中的意识形态符码

150 浅析《我们共同的朋友》中的象征手法

151 浅析《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》的写作风格

152 《蝇王》主题之原型解读

153 英汉俚语特色对比研究

154 浅析英文新闻标题的翻译

155 the developments of marriage view over three periods in the west 156 《荒原》中的死亡与重生

157 论《了不起的盖茨比》中爵士乐时代的新潮女郎

158 文化语境对翻译的影响

159 论奥斯卡王尔德童话中的唯美主义

160 中西方空间观对比研究

161 《哈利波特》中西弗勒斯?斯内普的人物分析

162 中美电影文化营销的比较研究

163 论狄更斯《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义

164 an analysis of the characters in the call of the wild from the perspective

of social darwinism

165 企业文化在企业发展过程中所起的作用

166 《雾都孤儿》中所体现的人文关怀

167 on transcendentalism in thoreau’s walden 168

169 gothic romance: inheritance and development of medieval romance-- a case

study of the castle of otranto 170 on feminism in persuasion 171 易卜生戏剧《培尔?金特》中培尔?金特的宗教救赎之路

172 浅析《珍妮姑娘》的悲剧原因

173 对《远离尘嚣》中三个男主人公命运的分析

174 a brief analysis of the auspicious culture in the wedding custom between china

and western countries

175 从女性主义角度解读惠特曼的《草叶集》

176 试论国际商务谈判中的跨文化问题及对策

177 《长恨歌》英译本意境的对比研究

178 大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析

179 从美学角度谈英文电影片名翻译策略

180 论《呼啸山庄》中的象征主义运用

181 探析《劝导》中安妮的成熟形象

182 an analytical research on the errors in junior high students’ english

writing( )

183 简?奥斯汀小说“傲慢与偏见”中的婚姻观

184 商务英语函电的语言和文体特征及其翻译

185 广告语篇中的预设分析

186 浅析唐诗翻译的难点和策略

188 公共标识翻译的跨文化语用学研究

189 中西方文化差异与英语数字习语翻译

190 论跨文化因素在跨国企业管理中的影响作用

191 欧?亨利短篇小说艺术手法浅析

193 试析索尔?贝娄《只争朝夕》中的犹太寻根主题

194 “红”、“黄”汉英联想意义对比研究

195 本我、自我、超我--斯佳丽人物性格分析

196 中美称赞语的对比分析

197 会话含义在商务谈判中的运用

198 浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法

199 从目的论看《红楼梦》中“狗”习语的翻译

200 on the absurdity in waiting for godot篇二:精彩英语演讲开场白示例













id like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...

i am grateful for the opportunity to present...




thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... the subject of my presentation is...
















到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享?? honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel

really honored to stand here and make a speech.today im going to look together with

you into this question:??

good morning everybody!its my honor to speak here,and i am very glad to share

my topic with you. then today id like to talk something about..... (大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,

今天我想演讲的是......) (译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现常首先,请允许

我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人—来自05级6班的典典。) (译文:角逐今晚比赛的有26名选手,他们均来自外院05级的同学。此次比赛我们邀请


好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的五位评委。微笑状~) (译文:女士们,先生们,她们是刘老师,欢迎!骆老师,欢迎!?好的,介绍完我们的评

委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则吧。微笑状~) each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 2 minutes

to answer questions raised by the judges. (译文:每位选手要进行3分钟的命题演讲和2分钟的回答。) during the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal

that there is half a minute left. then, at the end of 3minutes, a red board will be

raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. so, please raise the red

board. thank you! (译文:在命题演讲环节,在选手的演讲时间还剩下半分钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会


间已到。现在,工作人员示意一下下。谢谢! 微笑状~) now the topic for today’s prepared speech is “olympic games, beijing 2008”. (译文:今天的命题演讲的题目是:北京2008奥运会。) ladies and gentlemen, the top four winners today will be able to attend the college

final to be held on november 3rd. (译文:女士们,先生们,今晚比赛的前四名选手将可以参加11月3号晚上的院里的决



(译文:谢谢1号选手的演讲。接下来,让我们有请我们的2号选手。微笑状~) (译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6




1. we should always bear in mind that if we are ignorant of our health for

promotion, disease will gradually approach us with the help of tiredness.


2. i looked for the history book because i wanted to find out when america was

founded, and at last i found the dusty book in a dim room.



3. there are so many reference books on this romantic poet for me to choose from

that i can’t make up my mind which to choose.


4. it seemed that the handsome actor was not a bit worried, but in fact, he was

not a little

concerned about the result of the investigation, which may destroy his bright




5. unluckily, the delegate felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep without

realizing that he had left his passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi.



6. it is reported that by the end of 2014, shanghai disney theme park will have

been open to the tourists from all over the world formally.


7. the engineer pointed out, “to some extent, the more functions a calculator

has, the more likely it is to be out of order.”


8. we haven’t contacted each other since he left the organization but

fortunately i could still recognize him in a quiz show on tv without hesitation.



9. the merry aged couple got married in 1949 and up till now they have been

married for 6 decades, which was admired by many young couples.



10. the young clerk expressed full of confidence that he was qualified for that

demanding mission, which was beyond our expectation.


11. he was so eager for success that he consulted a successful ceo about how

to succeed in


12. the sailor has adequate experience and he tells us his interesting

experiences every time we are invited to his party.


13. after scrubbing the table swiftly, the waiter brought a menu to me and

suggested that i should have a try at the new meal and tell him my attitude towards




14. the distinguished enterprise consists of 12 departments, each of which is

made up of 20 people, who graduated from top universities.


15. the president was quoted as saying that he was deeply moved by this moving

film, which was based on a real story.


16. the considerate wife was very pleased with her own cooking because it tasted

delicious and she was sure her husband would be fond of it.



17. the naughty boy lied that a hen which lay under the tree had laid 2 eggs;

hence, his parents resolved to scold him rather than forgive him.






20. i used to rise very late during the summer vacation, but i am used to waking

up very early because the distance between my house and the office is 20 kilometers





22. these designers are discussing how to double the scale of the park so that

more people can enter and relax themselves at weekends.


23. the retired minister who likes excursion lives alone in a mountain village,

but he doesn’t feel lonely because he has made friends with his digital camera.



24. —david has made so distinct progress in english recently that he can speak

english fluently now.

—so he has, and so have you. congratulations on being enrolled in harvard





26. this respectable expert said he would rather accept a respectful student who

was not

temporarily successful in his study than a top student who didn’t know how to

respect others.



27. the experts will take the amateur’s advice into account and then decide to

adopt it or not in the automatic heating system.


28. electronic games don’t have many effects on adults but affect students a

great deal; therefore, many parents make efforts to limit their children’s playing




29. after seeing plenty of solid evidence, the greedy thief had no alternative

but to acknowledge that it was he that stole the gold watch.





32. by contrast, before signing the contract, this university student didn’t

contact his parents but make contact with his new colleague.


33. he was permitted to practice the piano no more than one hour a day, so he

could not play any more than 10 songs.


34. a heavy fog resulted in a severe traffic jam and his being late just resulted

from the traffic jam. 一场大雾导致了一场严重的交通堵塞,而他的迟到正是因为这场堵


35. this tale is well worth reading, but it is not worthy of being translated,

a foreign language researcher said.


36. not until his mother reminded him of tomorrow’s dictation contest was he

aware that he had scarcely recited the words or had any vocabulary drills.



38. on hearing the girl struck by a truck has been sent to hospital by ambulance,

many people volunteered to donate blood and left the message that the driver should

be arrested as soon as possible.



39. the football team got there ahead of schedule so as to get familiar with the

awful weather and food as soon as possible.



41. no one can deny that the rise of china’s economy leads china to play a more

and more

important role in international affairs.


42. since you have recovered from the heart attack, why don’t you get up and

have a walk around the garden in the hospital in such a mild day?




44. all the patriotic students taking pride in the motherland will raise their

hands the moment the national flag is rising.


45. lately peter is fascinated by linda’s latest dramatic story which is much

better than her last one, so he is always late for school these days.





47. recently, many senior high school students hoped to be independent of their

parents, and in the meanwhile, more and more parents began to concentrate their

attention on the generation gap.



48. so many citizens crowded into the zoo to observe how the panda gave birth

to its baby that no wonder the zoo had to restrict the number of people in case any

accident might occur.



49. though the boss approved of this project, it had to be abandoned mainly because

the firm was short of extra finance.


50. to make herself understood, the interpreter was busy explaining carefully

the terms involved in the contract and how they accounted for the profits.


51. he meant to take the next train to the place that he had been keen on, which

meant staying here another night.


52. in spite of the fact that the police had warned them of the danger in the

ancient cave, these young men still made an attempt to explore it.


53. as a new advertising manager, you should adopt some means to adapt yourself

to the new employees so as to make yourself popular with them.


54. since all the examination rooms have been equipped with cameras, you had

better give up the plan of cheating in the examination or you deserve the punishment

when caught.



dear teacher, dear classmates: good morning, everyone. today, our speech topic is under the ancients says, dont

learn ritual, without aspiration. say, dont you learn li, cant scarcely in society. so, what is the etiquette? say simply, the etiquette is self-restraint and respect

for the kind of behavior standards, is shown to others respect and understanding process and means. civilized manners, not only a personal quality, embodiment that brought up, it

is personal morals and embodiment of social ethics. more urban face, but also a nations


so study etiquette can not only inside strong personal qualities, plastic units

outside more can lubrication and improve relationship. as with 5,000 years of civilization formal state, civilized, use the etiquette,

also is to carry forward national culture and display the national spirit of important


this semester, we have to create suzhou education modernization school the

important task, also ushered in the provincial education modern advanced city,

november our school still will undertake province psychology of the annual meeting of the activity at the site. also, we have a new classroom, had

dreamed of plastic runway, we still decorate calligraphy, folk music characteristic such as corridor, and is equipped with calligraphy room, will display the classmates of calligraphy. besides characteristic corridor, we also

designed the stair culture, wall culture, decorate virtue small story, the celebrity

dicta, olympic champion, scientists, dancers, etc. campus environment will be

beautiful and harmonious.


















奥运冠军、科学家、舞蹈家等。校园环境也将更为美丽、和谐。篇五:英语200 个句子

200 个句子,涵盖高中英语 4500 词汇

1 .we should always bear in mind that if we are ignorant of our health for promotion,

disease will gradually approach us with the help of tiredness.我们应该牢记:如果


2.i looked for the history book because i wanted to find out when america was

founded, and at last i found the dusty book in a dim room.我当时在找一本历史书,


3.there are so many reference books on this romantic poet for me to choose from

that i can’t make up my mind which to choose.有那么多关于这位浪漫诗人的参考书可


4.it seemed that the handsome actor was not a bit worried, but in fact, he was

not a little concerned about the result of the investigation, which may destroy his

bright future.这名帅气的演员似乎一点也不着急,事实上他非常担心调查结果,因为这也


5.unluckily,the delegate felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep without

realizing that he had left his passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi.



6.it is reported that by the end of 2014, shanghai disney theme park will have

been open to the tourists from all over the world formally.据报道,在2014年年底


7.the engineer pointed out, “to some extent, the more functions a calculator

has, the more likely it is to be out of order.”这位工程师指出:“某种程度而言,计


8.we haven’t contacted each other since he left the organization but fortunately

i could still recognize him in a quiz show on tv without hesitation.自从他离开这



9.the merry aged couple got married in 1949 and up till now they have been married

for 6 decades, which was admired by many young couples.这对快乐的老夫妻是1949年


10.the young clerk expressed full of confidence that he was qualified for that

demanding mission, which was beyond our expectation.出乎我们意料的是,这位年轻的


11.he was so eager for success that he consulted a successful ceo about how to 1 12.the sailor has adequate experience and he tells us his interesting experiences

every time we are invited to his party.这水手有丰富的经验,每次我们受邀去参加他的


13.after scrubbing the table swiftly, the waiter brought a menu to me and

suggested that i should have a try at the new meal and tell him my attitude towards



14.the distinguished enterprise consists of 12 departments, each of which is made

up of 20 people, who graduated from top universities.这家优秀的公司由12个部门组


15.the president was quoted as saying that he was deeply moved by this moving

film, which was based on a real story.援引总统的话来说,他被这个基于真人真事的感


16.the considerate wife was very pleased with her own cooking because it tasted delicious and she was sure her husband would be fond of it.这位体贴的妻子对自


17.the naughty boy lied that a hen which lay under the tree had laid 2 eggs; hence,

his parents resolved to scold him rather than forgive him.那个淘气的男孩撒谎说树


international conference on global trade included.市长受邀所发表的评论不仅针



20.i used to rise very late during the summer vacation, but i am used to waking

up very early because the distance between my house and the office is 20 kilometers



22.these designers are discussing how to double the scale of the park so that

more people can enter and relax themselves at weekends.设计师们正在讨论如何使公园


2 23.the retired minister who likes excursion lives alone in a mountain village,

but he doesn’t feel lonely because he has made friends with his digital camera.



24.—david has made so distinct progress in english recently that he can speak

english fluently now.

—so he has, and so have you. congratulations on being enrolled in harvard

university. —最近david英语进步如此之快,他现在能流利地说英语了。


26.this respectable expert said he would rather accept a respectful student who

was not temporarily successful in his study than a top student who didn’t know how

to respect others.这位受人尊敬的专家表示,他宁可招收一名有礼貌但学习上还不太成功


27.the experts will take the amateur’s advice into account and then decide to

adopt it or not in the automatic heating system.专家们会考虑下这个业余爱好者的建


28.electronic games don’t have many effects on adults but affect students a great

deal; therefore, many parents make efforts to limit their children’s playing time.


29.after seeing plenty of solid evidence, the greedy thief had no alternative

but to

acknowledge that it was he that stole the gold watch.在看见了许多的铁证之后,


32.by contrast, before signing the contract, this university student didn’t

contact his parents but make contact with his new colleague.相反,在签署合同之前,


33.he was permitted to practice the piano no more than one hour a day, so he could

not play any more than 10 songs.他被允许每天只练琴1小时,所以他最多只能弹10首歌。

34.a heavy fog resulted in a severe traffic jam and his being late just resulted

from the traffic jam.一场大雾导致了一场严重的交通堵塞,而他的迟到正是因为这场堵塞。


35.this tale is well worth reading, but it is not worthy of being translated,

a foreign language researcher said.这篇文章很值得一读,但不值得翻译,一名外语研究


36.not until his mother reminded him of tomorrow’s dictation contest was he aware

that he had scarcely recited the words or had any vocabulary drills.直到他母亲提


38.on hearing the girl struck by a truck has been sent to hospital by ambulance,

many people volunteered to donate blood and left the message that the driver should


arrested as soon as possible.当得知被卡车撞倒的女孩由救护车送往了医院,许多人


39.the football team got there ahead of schedule so as to get familiar with the

awful weather and food as soon as possible.足球队提前到达那里以便尽快熟悉那里糟糕


40.a number of audience were present in the registration center in the morning,

the number of whom was 300; nevertheless, the host had forgot to arrange temporary 41.no one can deny that the rise of china’s economy leads china to play a more

and more important role in international affairs.毋庸置疑中国的经济崛起使得中国在


42.since you have recovered from the heart attack, why don’t you get up and have

a walk around the garden in the hospital in such a mild day?既然你已从心脏病中康


44.all the patriotic students taking pride in the motherland will raise their

hands the

moment the national flag is rising.所有以祖国为荣的爱国学生在国旗冉冉升起的时


https://www.360docs.net/doc/003454453.html,tely peter is fascinated by linda’s latest dramatic story which is much

better than her last one, so he is always late for school these days.最近,peter



4 47.recently, many senior high school students hoped to be independent of their

parents, and in the meanwhile, more and more parents began to concentrate their

attention on the generation gap.最近,许多高中生希望能不再依靠父母;与此同时,越


48.so many citizens crowded into the zoo to observe how the panda gave birth to

its baby that no wonder the zoo had to restrict the number of people in case any

accident might occur.那么多的市民涌入动物园为了一睹熊猫生仔的过程,难怪动物园方面


49.though the boss approved of this project, it had to be abandoned mainly because

the firm was short of extrafinance.尽管老板同意了这个项目,但由于公司缺乏资金,项


50.to make herself understood, the interpreter was busy explaining carefully the

terms involved in the contract and how they accounted for the profits.为了让对方


51.he meant to take the next train to the place that he had been keen on, which

meant staying here another night.他打算搭乘下班列车前往心仪的地方,这也意味着他得


52.in spite of the fact that the police had warned them of the danger in the ancient

cave, these young men still made an attempt to explore it.尽管警方已警告这些年轻


53.as a new advertising manager, you should adopt some means to adapt yourself

to the new employees so as to make yourself be popular with them.作为一名新上任的


54.since all the examination rooms have been equipped with cameras, you had better

give up the plan of cheating in the examination or you deserve the punishment when



57.the government is appealing to the citizens to use paper bags rather than the

plastic ones for the sake of environmental protection.政府呼吁市民使用纸袋而非塑



励志演讲稿200字(一) 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学,大家好! 我是五(3)班的***。我很荣幸当上升旗手,在我心目中,升旗手是一个神圣、光荣的职位。我是一个阳光男孩,虽然成绩一般,但我一定会努力学习,更上一层楼。我的兴趣爱好很广泛,有画画、写作、体育运动等等。我的愿望是当一位画家,用自己的笔画出祖国的千山万水,画出一草一木,画出一沙一石。我的座右铭是:立志读尽人间书,发奋识遍天下字! 我最盼望的事情是有一天能亲手把五星红旗升起来。今天,我的愿望终于实现了。老师们、同学们,我一定不辜负大家对我的希望,努力进取,为学校添光彩。 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(二) 两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。 其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了,本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊! 另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。 我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?…… 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(三) 大家好!

我是住在大森林中打的蟋蟀,今天我向大家说说我的住宅想有舒服的住宅,一定自己挖掘的,不可以随遇而安。 先慎重的选择地址,一定排水优良并且有温和的阳光,不可以用现成的洞穴,要从大厅一直到卧室洞里一定弯弯曲曲,在长也不过几寸长,一指宽,出口的地方一定有一草当做门,掩盖着洞口,洞里一定要干净。 屋子可以没有什么布置,但是一定简朴,干净,干燥,累了,可以在未完工的家门口休息,余下的时间修理今天做一点,明天做一点。 我不是挖掘技术专家,我的工具是那么软弱,人们对我的劳动成果感到惊其,其时是我坚持不懈。 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(四) 老师们,同学们,大家好! 今天我看了本《100个励志故事》的书,其中的故事都很感人,尤其是孟轲逃学这个故事让我有了很深的印象,故事告诉我们学习一定要不怕苦、不怕累,千万不能半途而废,要勤奋学习。像爱迪生说的:“天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的勤奋。”他告诉我们天才不是天生的而是勤奋得来的,象陈景润、鲁迅、范仲淹等他们的成功背后都付出了无数的艰辛和汗水。我在城市的宣传墙上看到,上面写着:“一日之计在于晨、一年之计在于春、一生之计在于勤。”这几句话使我感悟到在新的一年里要有自己的目标,然后靠自己的努力奋斗,去实现自己的目标,只有勤奋学习才能掌握更多的知识,通过努力做一名励志少年。 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(五) 老师同学们: 大家好!

我的爱好英语作文150字 我的爱好英语作文200词

竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 我的爱好英语作文150字我的爱好英 语作文200词 爱好使我们快乐,做自己爱好的事情会比其他事情事半功倍。那么关于我的爱好英语作文200词怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家整理的,有关我的爱好英语作文200词,希望大家喜欢。 我的爱好英语作文篇一 Differentpeoplehavedifferenthobbies.Forexample,some onelikesreading,someonelikesswimmingandsomeonelikes collectingandsoon.

Iusedtoreadbooksanddrawpicturesbecausebyreadingbook sIcouldlearnmanyfunnythings.butnowIdon'tlikeit.Ican onlylearnfrombooks.Icouldn'tgetknowledgefromothers. Ineedachange.Travelingismyfavoritehobbynow.butIcan' tgotravelingalot.Icanvisitmanydifferentplacesofinte restbytraveling.Icanlearnalotaboutpeople,placesandh istory. It'sveryinteresting.whatisyourhobby?Let'sshareeacho ther!Ihavemanygoodfriends.Theyallhavetheirhobbies.A nnstudiesveryhard. soherhobbyisbookreading.Tonyloveslabour,andhishobby isgardening.


boys and grils,thank you for taking the time to be here . i’m here to tell you something about qualities .maybe you say i’m not a pretty and i am not a princess, also you will say i don’t have million air parents, but all of these don’t master much. it you have good qualities inner beauty stead of this, you could say loudly i’m the best .nobody can go beyond me i think quantity plays an impotent vole in our life .so your teachers told you to be an honest and helpful child since kindergarten. so we have the selections of the creates ten people who move china every year. they are the examples for us because of their qualities. if you help an old man cross the road, people will see you with admiratim even if you have bad studies.ouanlities don’t always need money, many people who hoe with ay that money can buy live elwpty inside.so i hope all of you have good quantities and aim high. thank you again for your kind attention.篇二:300字英文演讲稿 every day is a gift “ta, ta, ta.” do you feel the time going away my friend ? i heard an interesting sentence from《kungfu panda》,“ yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present. ”i think so too,every day is important, we should cherish every day. i think everyone has their own regrets. so do i. for example , i always have many ideas about my holiday. such as, i want to read books every weekend. i want to study every day. but finally i am just eating and sleeping, just like a little pig. i should feel shame. because i didn’t do anything useful ,i wasted my time. according to the survey, an average of 200000 deaths every day. so may be one day , we will die. will we still have regrets? maybe the answer is “yes”. we should prevent this kind of situation from happening. so we should let each value plays the biggest a day. luxun said :“wasting people’s time is equal to murder, wasting their own time is equal to suicide .” an inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can’t buy that inch of time with an inch of gold. so wasting time is very very very important. if aperson can live to be 80 years, a person can live about twenty thousand days. how many days do we have today? so please write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year. money can’t buy time. we should treasure every day to give us the best gift, give us the best result, give us the best tomorrow.篇三:环保演 讲稿(200字) 保护环境(英文)演讲稿 莞城英文学校五(3)班 【英文】 hello, my name is erick, i am going to talk about“protect environment, begin from me” today. how to protect the environment? i think we can do like this: we can save water for example. we can reuse the water after washing dishes, we can use it to flush toilet. treasure food and use less chopsticks. turn off the lights and save the energy .take a bus and drive cars as less as possible. at the same time, we also take good care of trees and flowers keep clean. thank you! 【中文】(共200字)


200字励志演讲稿 自信与自卑、自负,虽然只有一字之差,但精神境界根本不同,结果也大相径庭。 自信是成功的第一秘诀,它不仅是对自己能力的信任,更是对自己所追求目标的坚定信 念。有了它,才能驶向胜利的彼岸。当中国革命处于低潮时,毛泽东坚信“星星之火,可以 燎原”;当敌人日搜夜捕,陈毅“屡不得脱”时,他满怀自信,高唱“血雨腥风应有涯”,“人 间开遍自由花”!陈毅的《梅岭三章》就是撼人心魄的自信之歌、胜利之歌!著名科学家门捷 列夫说得好:“只有自信,才能让人在最佳的心理状态下工作,而不致被怀疑吞食你的想象力”。 苏格拉底也说:“一个人是否有成就,只要看他是否具有自尊和自信。”总之,自信是指向胜 利的导航塔,是前进的不竭动力。 自负者与自信者也格格不入。自负与自卑都是极端心理,自负者在取得一些成绩后沾沾 自喜,甚至目空一切,妄自尊大。这些人就算是先前取得一些成就,也只是昙花一现。历史 上的教训值得我们记龋楚汉相争时,项羽在推翻暴秦的残酷统治的斗争中起了不可低估的作 用,但暂时的军事优势使他盲目自负,自封“霸王”,结果被刘邦打败,昔日不可一视的英雄, 落得自刎乌江的下常三国时的曹孟德折戟沉沙,覆军于赤壁,又是一个自负导致失败的教训。 由此可见,正确估价自己的长处和成绩,正视自己的短处和不足,划清自信与自负的界限, 对一个成功者来说真的很重要。 怎样看待自信、自卑、自负,其中充满辩证法。我们要相信自己,却不自负;要正视不足, 却不自卑。选择自信,战胜自卑,远离自负,这是新世纪的要求,是追求完美人格的要求。 “数风流人物,还看今朝”,毛泽东充满自信的名言,将永远激励我们前进。篇二:励志演讲 稿200字 励志演讲稿200字 > 【励志演讲稿200字范文】 两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。 其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个 缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖 悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了, 本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊! 另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好 啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。 我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难 道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?...... 谢谢大家! 亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在这条人生的长河中,我始终告诉自己,如果你是金子,到哪都能发光,只要你斗志昂 扬的面对生活、面对工作,你就会有所获得。 作为一名共产党员,,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候了。 我们要做的有很多很多。纵使艰难险阻,也要努力前行:追求卓越,真诚回报,释放青春能 量,点燃创业梦想。或许我们成不了伟人,纵使我们平淡一生,但这都不要紧,群星闪烁时 我们同样灿烂,这样的平凡其实是一种伟大。 我选择了共产党,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。青春不是人生的一段时期, 而是心灵的一种状况。如果你的心灵很年青,你就会常常保持许多梦想。大家都知道我们企 业的精神:务实、敬业、创新、高效,虽然我们工作在不同的岗位,但我们拥有一个共同的


自我介绍英语作文200词 【第1篇】 My name is Ye Lingyan, my English name is Peter. My hair is short, my eyes are big. I like watching TV, playing computer games and swimming. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at six thirty. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have lunch at eleven forty. From Monday to Friday, I have six classes every day. I go home at four o'clock. I have dinner at five. I go to bed at ten o'clock. I have a drum class. I really enjoy the class. 【第2篇】 I'm Hua Zhengxian. I'm ten years old. I'm in Class 5,Grade 4. My hair is short. My eyes are small. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at six fifteen. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have lunch at twelve o'clock. I go home at eight o'clock. I


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 浅析阿里巴巴的创新盈利模式 2 从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物 3 《德伯家的苔丝》中亚雷形象分析 4 论交际法在组织课堂教学中的重要性 5 论有效开展小学英语对话教学的策略 6 translation of gududeqiu from the perspective of qian zhongshu’s realm of sublimation 7 从目的论角度看汉语广告的英译 8 爱德华?摩根?福斯特《看得见风景的房间》的人文主义解读 10 从迈克尔杰克逊看美国梦 11 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究 12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创q 799 75 79 38 13 福克纳对女性形象的塑造—以《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》和《士兵的报酬》为例 14 美学 原则指导下的英文商标汉译 15 论《月亮和六便士》中的自然主义特色 16 论旅游广告的显影性 17 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿?考菲尔德的成长经历 18 《看不见的人》中的“暗与明”意象探究 19 advertising and its application 20 《老人与海》中的象征主义 21 an analysis of the different meanings of color words between western and eastern cultures 22 浅析《红字》中的象征意义 26 命中注定的悲剧--西奥多·赫曼·阿尔伯特·德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》的悲剧分析 27 从《实习医生格蕾》浅析美剧所反映的文化背景和趋势 28 coincidences and images in the mayor of casterbridge, tess of the d’urbervilles 29 《小妇人》结局分析 30 影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨 31 从社会语言学角度分析美国黑人英语 32 英汉社交称呼语礼貌规范和语用失误研究 34 动物词汇的英汉互译策略 35 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响 36 《了不起的盖茨比》中象征主义的研究 37 a study of cultural influence upon internet language 38 解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义 39 南北战争新思想在女性中的体现——浅析《小妇人》 40 从翻译等值理论看文化词的翻译 41 42 43 44 45 46 47


大学校园生活英文演讲稿、 friendship is indispensable to peoples life. a man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. friendship is the mother of our psyche, wholl warm her kid when hurt occurs. we have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. alas, its magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship. it also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. love is not selfish. love is endowed by god that we should treasure all our life. 绿色校园英文演讲稿 a beautiful world hello! everyone! now i want to talk about a beautiful world! it is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. you might ask yourself. have i ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? have i ever planted any trees or flowers near my neighborhood? if your answers are yes”, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment. we should always remember that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect. by protecting nature, we protect ourselves. finally let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river. be good to the trees. smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze. be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you! ”just think what a wonderful world it will be! let’s do our best to make our world more beautiful! thanks everybody篇三:学校演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 今天在这个隆重而热烈的庆典上,我非常荣幸代表2008届全体毕业研究生在这里发言, 向我们的母校道别,向我们的师长道别,向朝夕相处的同窗道别,也向这段美好的岁月道别。 寒暑往来,三易春秋,三年前,当我们满怀求知的欲望踏进学校大门的时候,你的第一反应 是什么,我相信很多人可能和我一样,那就是这个学校真大。三年里,一栋栋大楼拔地而起, 气势宏伟的图书馆,厚重而又不乏生机的新实验大楼,还有那崭新的研究生公寓,无不为我 们提供了良好的学习环境。有人说,这是学校发展的必然,是的,但我们也深知,鸡不鸣而 起,月已落而不息,这里面包含了学校领导和员工们太多的辛勤和汗水。这一切我们看在眼 里,记在心里,离别时刻,我代表全体研究生向关心我们的各级领导、老师道一声:您辛苦 了。 研究生与本科有很多不同,让我感受最深刻的就是我们的生活里多了一位良师益友,他 就是我们的导师。从我们拜见导师的那一刻起,我们的一切就牵动着导师的心,从一篇篇文 章到一门门课程,从论文选题到实验取证,每一个环节都使我们受益匪浅。一千多个日日夜 夜,敬爱的导师,您又因为学生而新添白发,因为我们而新添皱纹。多少次,您第一个踏进 实验室;多少次,您和我们一起为课题加班到废寝忘食;多少次,夜已深,人已静,可有一 扇窗却仍然雕刻着您躬耕的身影。您不是简单的说教,而是身体力行的向我们传授知识,教 我们做人。我是一个不善于,甚至不懂得如何去表达感谢的人,但是有一句话在我心底深埋 了三年,在这里,在这个时刻,我代表所有的研究生向我们敬爱的导师们深深鞠躬,谢谢您,


励志演讲稿200字 >【励志演讲稿200字范文】 两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。 其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了,本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊! 另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。 我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?...... 谢谢大家! > 【青春励志演讲稿200字】 亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在这条人生的长河中,我始终告诉自己,如果你是金子,到哪都能发光,只要你斗志昂扬的面对生活、面对工作,你就会有所获得。 作为一名共产党员,,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候了。我们要做的有很多很多。纵使艰难险阻,也要努力前行:追求卓越,真诚回报,释放青春能量,点燃创业梦想。或许我们成不了伟人,纵使我们平淡一生,但这都不要紧,群星闪烁时我们同样灿烂,这样的平凡其实是一种伟大。 我选择了共产党,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。青春不是人生的一段时期,而是心灵的一种状况。如果你(转载于:励志爱国演讲稿200字左右)的心灵很年青,你就会常常保持许多梦想。大家都知道我们企业的精神:务实、敬业、创新、高效,虽然我们工作在不同的岗位,但我们拥有一个共同的家,在这里,我们信守同样的共产主义精神,写下同样的奉献承诺,拥有同样的壮美青春。 亲爱的朋友们,这是一次演讲,更是一次告白。当我满带着青春的气息,怀揣着沉甸甸的梦想与信念站在这里的那刻,我的内心是如此的坦荡与激昂,那种难以形容的兴奋与紧张,我真诚的邀请你们一同分享。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! > 【200字励志演讲稿】 老师同学们: 大家好! 理想是人生的太阳,没有阳光的普照、生命的作用,地球就会变成石头。对人类来说,没有理想就等于没有灵魂。 俄国的文学家列夫·托尔斯泰说过:理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。张闻天说过:生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。英国心理学家和教育学家佛来明曾说过:人一旦失去理想,失去了精神上的追求,人类就变得无知,社会也将会变得漆黑一团。因为理想是信念、信仰、道德、责任、风尚、习惯所形成的一种意识,它直接支配着一个人实践活动的方向和效果。谢谢大家!篇二:爱国演讲稿200字爱国演讲稿200字 各位老师,各位同学: 大家好!

英语作文高级词汇 春节英语作文200词三篇

英语作文高级词汇春节英语作文 200词三篇 时间如水,光阴似箭,一年又一年飞快地过去了。春节又到了。怎么写200词春节的英语作文呢?下面是X给大家整理的春节英语作文200词三篇,供你参考! 春节英语作文200词三篇篇1 The Spring Festival! What a grand festival! Every Spring Festival, every family to eat rice cakes? Fireworks? Firecrackers, watch Spring Festival gala. I of course is not exceptional also, in the evening, began to eat his mother take out the steamed rice cakes, looks so coveted, so I can't wait to eat a mouthful, wow! Really sweet! Finished eating dinner, I went to the front of the television waiting, before long, the gala began, opusculum, acrobatics,

magic... One of my favorite is the acrobatic glass ball, the man with a glass ball is thrown toward heaven, head to resist, rolled back and forth on the hand, at that time, my heart in my mouth, for fear of broken glass ball drop down, but the performance for hours, the ball is still intact. 24 o 'clock, my mother poured a everyone to stick on the door, I saw, in the mind is very strange, so I asked mom why everyone down to post? Mother said with a smile: "do you think about why stick backwards?" I hurriedly say: "is a blessing to?" Mother held up his hand, stretched out his thumb kua to: "true cleverness." Say that finish, also touched my head. Dad took a bunch of firecrackers to put, I ran upstairs, could cover ears, deafening firecrackers have put rang. Then, a string of fireworks, reaching for the sky it represents for the year of the


关于诚信英语演讲稿200词 关于诚信英语演讲稿200词篇【1】Its our great honor and deepest pleasure to welcome you, our dear friends, both old and new from all over China, all over Asia, and all over the world. On behalf of our dedicated classmates, our distinguished teachers, foreign friends, especially our gracious host, the No.2 LongGang High School ,we greet you and encourage you to seize upon this unique opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends with people from every province of our wonderful country and throughout the world. By conquering English, we can help ourselves and others. We are human beings, not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our minds to do. From painfully shy children who felt terrible about ourselves, who regarded ourselves as human trash, born losers, to internationally recognized English promoters, we made it. we strongly believe that you will make it too! Lets do it together!


200词左右英语演讲稿 200词左右英语演讲稿 It’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech—Change the World, Change Ourselves.It’s noticable that western holidays are being increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected. Not long before about 10 Doctors in Beijing university and Qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture.Frankl y speaking, I don’t quite agree with them.Indeed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. (examples).But why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture.There are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in China. On the one hand, some of the western holidays which we Chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as Father’s Day and April Fool’s Day etc. On the other hand,the prevalence of globalization enables western culture to prevail in China. Overwhelmed by such a trend,Chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.With the further development of the whole world, the


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除把握青春演讲稿100200字 篇一:青春励志演讲稿200字 励志演讲稿200字 >【励志演讲稿200字范文】两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个 缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖 悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了, 本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊!另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好 啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难

道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?......谢谢大家! >【青春励志演讲稿200字】亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在这条人生的长河中,我始终告诉自己,如果你是金子,到哪都能发光,只要你斗志昂 扬的面对生活、面对工作,你就会有所获得。作为一名共产党员,,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候了。 我们要做的有很多很多。纵使艰难险阻,也要努力前行:追求卓越,真诚回报,释放青春能 量,点燃创业梦想。或许我们成不了伟人,纵使我们平淡一生,但这都不要紧,群星闪烁时 我们同样灿烂,这样的平凡其实是一种伟大。我选择了共产党,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。青春不是人生的一段时期, 而是心灵的一种状况。如果你的心灵很年青,你就会常常保持许多梦想。大家都知道我们企 业的精神:务实、敬业、创新、高效,虽然我们工作在不同的岗位,但我们拥有一个共同的 家,在这里,我们信守同样的共产主义精神,写下同样的奉献承诺,拥有同样的壮美青春。亲爱的朋友们,这是一


令人沮丧的经历英语作文200字 Q: What is the saddest truth about life? 生活中令人沮丧的真相是什么? Half the world's starving; the other half is trying to lose weight. 世界上有一半的人正在挨饿,另一半的人却在使劲减肥。 A pigment called Melanin, whose concentration in your skin that you had no control of when you were born, is going to determine how you will be treated in society. 当你出生的时候,有一种名为“黑色素”的色素聚集在你的皮肤上,

你根本无法控制,但是这将决定你会被社会如何对待。 No one will read your answer at the bottom of Quora if it's not upvoted. 如果没人给你点赞,就没有人会去看你沉在Quora底部的答案。 Just like no one will remember us until we do something remarkable in their lives. 就像如果我们没有在他人生命中做出一些值得注意的事,那他们就不会记得我们。 There'll always be the last time you do something or meet someone, and you won't know that it was the last time.


英语演讲稿的格式范文三篇 【导语】演讲者把演讲的主要内容和层次结构,按照提纲形式写出来,借助它进行演讲,而不必一字一句写成演讲。其特点是能避免照读式演讲和背诵式演讲与听众思想感情缺乏交流的不足。以下是整理的英语演讲稿的格式范文三篇,欢迎阅读!英语演讲稿的格式从大的方面看,英语演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是:1)开始时对听众的称呼语最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。 2)提出论题由于演讲的时间限制,必须开门见山,提出论题。提出论题的方法有各种各样,但最生动,最能引起注意的是用举例法。比如:你要呼吁大家关心贫穷地区的孩子,你可以用亲眼看到的或者收集到的那些贫穷孩子多么需要帮助的实例开始。另外,用具体的统计数据也是一个有效的引出论题的方法,比如:你要谈遵守交通规则的话题,你可以从举一系列有关车辆、车祸等的数据开始。 3)论证对提出的论题,不可主观地妄下结论,而要进行客观的论证。这是演讲中最需要下功夫的部分。关键是要把道理讲清楚。常见的论证方法有举例法、因果法、对比法等等,可参见英语议论文的有关章节。

4)结论结论要简明扼要,以给听众留下深刻印象。 5)结尾结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。英语演讲稿的格式范文篇一Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Hengand I've learned about Zheng He.Who says the Yellow River Civilization has vanished?I know that my ancestors have made miracleson this fertile land and we're still making miracles. Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our GNP ranks No. 7 in the world? We have experienced the plunders by other nations, and we have experienced the war. Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----China, unyielding and unconquerable! I once came across an American tourist. She said,
