


1.段落中前后有转折关系的,主要点在后面转折部分,前面的信息要适当选用(尤其是字数较多的情况下),用while/ although/ despite/ in spite of等引出。

例1: A vegetarian diet is often praised for its health benefits. Studies have shown that vegetarians usually have lower levels of heart disease and a lower risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet can have on the environment.



It is too late to do anything to help many languages, where the speakers are too few or too old, and where the community is too busy just trying to survive to care about their language. But many languages are not in such a serious position. Often where languages are seriously endangered, there are things that can be done to give new life to them.


2.当段落中出现firstly, secondly, finally或also, besides, what’s more, in addition, moreover等表示递进关系的连接词时,这些次要点都需要提取。可采用平行结构(几个次要点都采用相同的句法结构)合并次要点。

例2: From one point of view, people who accept changes think that changes make their life meaningful. Firstly, changes create new opportunities, which make us leap forward. A new job, for instance, might present challenges that push the person to adapt, acquire new knowledge, or add to their skill set. Secondly, a change can represent a break with the past and an old routine which has become boring and predictable. Finally, as well as making life more fun and interesting, new experiences can be good for our physical and mental health. We find that changes can make us experienced and valuable.



①However, a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project offers a more helpful and encouraging view, suggesting that far from replacing human contact, technology can actually better family relationships. Just over half of the 2,253 people surveyed agreed that technology had enabled them to increase their contact with distant family members and 47 percent said it had improved the communication with the people they lived with. Moreover, even the closest members of families need time away from each other at some point to seek their own interests. Family members who might otherwise have sat in separate rooms can now be in the same one while still occupying a different mental space.


②Although there are many benefits, opponents point out problems with the new requirements. First, they argue that the main reason why students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend less time studying the core subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without pay goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away a student’s freedom to choose.


3. 当段落有主题句,而主题句表达的意思不够明确时,需要补充次要点。在概写时可选择与主题句中心词汇(benefits/ problems/ solutions/ advantages/ disadvantages等)相关的内容作为补充的次要点,用like, such as, 非限制性定语从句或破折号等补充说明。也可直接把次要点中的内容单独成句。

例3: There are many benefits of having green spaces to the urban landscape. Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment— what was once a gray cement (水泥) wall can become a colorful, blooming garden. The Caxia Forum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous example — one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species.



Participation in music also brings social benefits for students. Music is a way to make friends. Some researchers completed a study dealing with the perceived benefits of music. In their findings they wrote, “Participation in musical groups or bands was regarded as an opportunity to socialize with like-minded people, make new friends and meet interesting people, who without the musical engagement they would not have had the opportunity to meet”. Every time a student is involved in music, they have the chance to meet new people, and form lasting friendships.



1.段落中前后有转折关系的,主要点在后面转折部分,前面的信息要适当选用(尤其是字数较多的情况下),用while/ although/ despite/ in spite of等引出。

例1: A vegetarian diet is often praised for its health benefits. Studies have shown that vegetarians usually have lower levels of heart disease and a lower risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet can have on the environment.

要点:While widely acknowledged helpful to keep healthy, vegetarian diets are seldom associated with environment protection.


It is too late to do anything to help many languages, where the speakers are too few or too old, and where the community is too busy just trying to survive to care about their language. But many languages are not in such a serious position. Often where languages are seriously endangered, there are things that can be done to give new life to them.

要点:Despite the unavoidable extinction of some languages due to community decline, many endangered ones can still be preserved.

2.当段落中出现firstly, secondly, finally或also, besides, what’s more, in addition, moreover等表示递进关系的连接词时,这些次要点都需要提取。可采用平行结构(几个次要点都采用相同的句法结构)合并次要点。

例2: From one point of view, people who accept changes think that changes make their life meaningful. Firstly, changes create new opportunities, which make us leap forward. A new job, for instance, might present challenges that push the person to adapt, acquire new knowledge, or add to their skill set. Secondly, a change can represent a break with the past and an old routine which has become boring and predictable. Finally, as well as making life more fun and interesting, new experiences can be good for our physical and mental health. We find that changes can make us experienced and valuable.

要点:Those who value changes see them as chances of making progress, gaining new experiences and promoting their health.

Some people look on change as self-improvement provider, new experience creator and health promoter.


①However, a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project offers a more helpful and encouraging view, suggesting that far from replacing human contact, technology can actually better family relationships. Just over half of the 2,253 people surveyed agreed that technology had enabled them to increase their contact with distant family members and 47 percent said it had improved the communication with the people they lived with. Moreover, even the closest members of families need time away from each other at some point to seek their own interests. Family members who might otherwise have sat in separate rooms can now be in the same one while still occupying a different mental space.

要点:Nevertheless, a report indicates that instead of making families divided, it strengthens family ties in contact and communication as well as offers a separate mental space.

However, a report has found technology benefits family bonds by making members closer and providing a private mental space as well.

②Although there are many benefits, opponents point out problems with the new requirements. First, they argue that the main reason why students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend less time studying the core subjects.

Second, they believe that forcing students to work without pay goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away a student’s freedom to choose.

要点:Some argue service learning can reduce the time that students spend on core subjects and rob them of the right to choose.

3. 当段落有主题句,而主题句表达的意思不够明确时,需要补充次要点。在概写时可选择与主题句中心词汇(benefits/ problems/ solutions/ advantages/ disadvantages等)相关的内容作为补充的次要点,用like, such as, 非限制性定语从句或破折号等补充说明。也可直接把次要点中的内容单独成句。

例3: There are many benefits of having green spaces to the urban landscape. Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment— what was once a gray cement (水泥) wall can become a colorful, blooming garden. The Caxia Forum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous example — one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species.

要点:There are numerous advantages, one of which is to offer enjoyable/ agreeable/ joyful/ delightful surroundings.

One benefit is to offer agreeable surroundings.


Participation in music also brings social benefits for students. Music is a way to make friends. Some researchers completed a study dealing with the perceived benefits of music. In their findings they wrote, “Participation in musical groups or bands was regarded as an opportunity to socialize with like-minded people, make new friends and meet interesting people, who without the musical engagement they would not have had the chance to meet”. Every time a student is involved in music, they have the chance to meet new people, and form lasting friendships.

要点:Also, involvement in music provides students with an opportunity to socialize and develop lifelong friendships.

Engagement in music also offers students social benefits, such as making new friends and developing permanent friendships.


谈论如何写好应用文 我因为在文学写作上很是有兴趣,也有些见解。想想同样是写作,一种是文学性很强的 创作,一种是在固定模式里创作,总该有共性吧。于是,贸然来浅谈自己所谓触类旁通之理。 应用文,从名称来看这种文体的目的性就已经很清楚啦,就是要拿来用的文章。既然是 已规定有用的且专门作为一种文体,那么它的针对性自然而然就应该很强。而且随着社会的发展和时代的要求,应用文在生活、学习、生活中的应用越来越频繁。譬如学习中的个人鉴定、个人总结、毕业论文、入团入党申请书等等,这些都是和我们紧密联系的,就刚才说的乃至到了以后工作中同样需要。因此,我们要以一种重视的眼光来看待应用文写作。只有这样才能够真正写好,重视它是写好应用文的心理基础。虽然现在很多人认为应用文写作就是在那个模式下来创作,应该简单,实际上它的存在和发展同样是艰难的,至少可以说它的发展是现代社会交际发展的一种文明现象。这就要求我们要有一颗关切之心。 既然应用文是随着人类社会生活需要而不断发展起来的文体,也已经具有比较完善的模式。因此,我们要熟悉应用文就首先熟悉这种文体的含义及其分类,每个种类又有各自不同的含义、特点、写作要求,所以我们要对每种文体的格式、内容要求 都要区分清楚明白。而且文种之多也是很显然易见的,那么在这样庞杂繁多的模式面前,就需要我们要有耐心。 最后,我们很仔细认真的了解和熟悉应用文的大小范围、各种体式后,就要在这个基础 上把这样一种理论知识应用于实践。也就是说要我们多多动手、多多练习写作。当然有时间有需要的话你可以尽量多写一些应用文体。因为这样不仅可以让你学好应用文写作的知识还可以帮助你创造新的机遇哦。然而对于我们教师来说,必须的掌握好一些日常用的比较多的应用文体,毕竟工作环境要求。诚如先前所说,从个人的发展来讲也是需要的,个人工作总结、教育总结、入党申请书等等。因此,要想写好这个应用文,我们还要有一颗恒心。 2005年9月27日篇二:如何写好应用文(应用文写作教案) 如何写好应用文(应用文写作指导)应用文是人类在长期的社会实践活动中形成的一种文体,是人们传递信息、处理 事务、交流感情的工具,有的应用文还用来作为凭证和依据。随着社会的发展,人们在 工作和生活中的交往越来越频繁,事情也越来越复杂,因此应用文的功能也就越来越多了。 所谓应用文是人们在生活、学习、工作中为处理实际事物而写作,有着实用性特点,并形成惯用格式的文章。 关于“应用文”的概念,目前并无统一严格的定义,也不可能会有这样的定义,不同的学 者和书籍往往有不同的归纳和概括。学习者可从以下几个方面把握其本质特征: 1.写作目的明确 应用文是为实现特定目的服务的,因此其写作动因与目的十分明确。 2.语言表达规范 应用文主要使用规范的现代汉语,适当采用一些古语词汇,文章的语言庄重、简洁、严密,这一点和文学作品形成了鲜明的差异。 3.格式体例稳定 大多数应用文已经形成了稳定的通用格式和体例,这体现了其规范性和严肃性,撰写者 在拟文时必须遵守格式体例的要求。 4.时间要素明确 应用文其所针对的事务一般是在一定时期内存在的,因此执行时间、有效期和成文日期 等时间要素非常明确。 综上所述,可以这样定义应用文:应用文是各类企事业单位、机关团体和个人在工作、 学习和日常生活等社会活动中,用以处理各种公私事务、传递交流信息、解决实际问题所使用的具有直接实用价值、格式规范、语言简约的多种文体的统称。(参见韦志国主编《实践技能训练应用写作》一书)


概要写作微技能训练——如何提炼与处理次要点 1.段落中前后有转折关系的,主要点在后面转折部分,前面的信息要适当选用(尤其是字数较多的情况下),用while/ although/ despite/ in spite of等引出。 例1: A vegetarian diet is often praised for its health benefits. Studies have shown that vegetarians usually have lower levels of heart disease and a lower risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet can have on the environment. 要点: 【牛刀小试】 It is too late to do anything to help many languages, where the speakers are too few or too old, and where the community is too busy just trying to survive to care about their language. But many languages are not in such a serious position. Often where languages are seriously endangered, there are things that can be done to give new life to them. 要点: 2.当段落中出现firstly, secondly, finally或also, besides, what’s more, in addition, moreover等表示递进关系的连接词时,这些次要点都需要提取。可采用平行结构(几个次要点都采用相同的句法结构)合并次要点。 例2: From one point of view, people who accept changes think that changes make their life meaningful. Firstly, changes create new opportunities, which make us leap forward. A new job, for instance, might present challenges that push the person to adapt, acquire new knowledge, or add to their skill set. Secondly, a change can represent a break with the past and an old routine which has become boring and predictable. Finally, as well as making life more fun and interesting, new experiences can be good for our physical and mental health. We find that changes can make us experienced and valuable. 要点: 【牛刀小试】 ①However, a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project offers a more helpful and encouraging view, suggesting that far from replacing human contact, technology can actually better family relationships. Just over half of the 2,253 people surveyed agreed that technology had enabled them to increase their contact with distant family members and 47 percent said it had improved the communication with the people they lived with. Moreover, even the closest members of families need time away from each other at some point to seek their own interests. Family members who might otherwise have sat in separate rooms can now be in the same one while still occupying a different mental space.


记叙文写作能力训练 记叙文写作能力训练 1.全命题作文 (1)文题:暖流 要求;文章要思路清晰,中心突出,语言流畅,富有真情 实感。以记叙为主,适当地插入一些抒情和议论。 提示:文章以“暖流”为题,借以喻人喻事。“暖流”就 是指老师、同学等对你的关怀和帮助,其中包括困惑中的启迪, 危难时的扶持,受压抑时的关怀指导,得意时的敲打。“暖流” 给人以温暖,所以写的事应该犹如一股暖流流遍全身,让读者品

味到友爱之情暖人心。事例要典型、集中,可使用对比、衬托方法。 (2)文题:爱心 要求:以记叙为主,适当进行抒情和议论。 提示:要求以“爱心”为题写记叙文。从题目看,要求写 人与人之间的一种美好感情,重点要突出“爱”字。通过记叙人物的行动、语言来表现人们之间的相互扶助、爱护,然后适当议 论和抒情’,对真善美进行歌颂赞美。选材时要立足于自己熟悉 的人和事,写使你感动、追念的人与事。 (3)文题:悔 要求:写出自己曾经为之懊悔的一件事的来龙去脉以及心 理活动。

提示:写作本文要先写好“过失”,以展示触发悔过之情的一段经历与事由,还要写出弥补过失的实际行动,这其间要写出对“过失”的认识过程。可从如何待人处事和完善自我品德方 面选材。 (4)文题:童年琐事 提示:写作本文的重点是“琐事”,因此,不要受与之相 近的“童年的回忆”、“童年的伙伴”、“童年记事”、“童年 趣事”、“金色的童年”等所熟悉的文题干扰,应围绕一个中心,紧紧扣住“琐事”,选取童年生活中二至三件细小零碎而富有特色的事,较好地表现题意。以记叙为主,适当议论和抒情。 (5)文题:我在努力 要求:写记叙文,可适当议论或抒情。


学习指南 《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》指出:“要大力发展高等职业教育,培养一大批具有必要的理论知识和较强实践能力,生产、建设、管理、服务第一线和农村急需的专门人才。”我国高等职业教育的培养目标定位为“适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的,德智体美全面发展的高等技术应用性人才”。从某种意义上说,高等技术应用性人才亦即“高技能”人才,其本质特征是具有专业基本知识和基本技能的实际应用能力。应用文写作作为高等职业院校普遍开设的一门综合性、实践性极强的基础公共课,其教学的根本目的,就是培养同学们更好地与社会融合、更科学地处理好公私事务的能力。它为实用而作、以用为本。教育家叶圣陶先生也说过:“大学毕业生不一定会写小说诗歌,但是一定要写工作和生活中实用的文章,而且非写得既通顺又扎实不可。”可以说,是应用文本身的作用,决定了这门课程在高等职业教育中的地位和重要性。 美国未来学家阿尔温·托夫勒指出,信息时代家庭工作的任务是编制电脑程序、写作、远距离监测生产过程。信息时代社会家庭化,作为三项家庭工作任务之一的写作,自然不是文学写作而是文章写作,特别是应用写作。因为与社会发展关系密切、直接的是文章而不是文学。从预见变化,促成变化这个角度来说,社会愈是进步,应用文在社会发展中的地位愈加重要。 在现代社会生活中,应用文作为信息载体和交际工具,不仅日益进入政治、经济、文化生活的各个领域,而且,作为个人能力与素质的体现,逐渐被纳入人才评价标准的视野。因此,要重视《应用写作》的学习。 那么,怎么才能学好《应用写作》呢? 一、明确学习应用文写作的意义 1.它是能力的要求。听、说、读、写是一个人必备的基本素养,随着社会经济生活的发展,应用文的写作日益成为人们衡量其工作能力的重要标准之一。 2.它是成功的基石。应用写作文种牵涉面广,涉及领域多,在各种成功与失败的案例分析中,我们可以学会发现、学会策划、学会预测、学会调研、学会科研、学会写作。这一切,都可能为自己今后的成才、成功奠定基础。 3.它是素质的体现。信息时代社会将日益家庭化而写作则是家庭工作任务


训练写作能力正确的表达技巧 一、英语写作的重要性 几乎所有的英语学习者都很注重听力和口语,如果不是要应付考试,极少有人会尝试实行英语写作。殊不知,光是会溜溜地说而不会 写一篇完整的文章,基本上能够算作是半个英语文盲。 我们中国人学英语主要用途是什么?是因为要出国?还是因为要经 常和老外face 2 face 的对话?恐怕我们的英语学习人群中最多只有1%的有机会出国,不会超过10%的人有机会和老外直接对话。英语实实在在使用最多的地方还是英文邮件书信往来。尤其涉外工作,则必须具 备良好的英语写作水平。 经常实行英语写作练习,将会很好的提升自己的英语逻辑思维水平,同样对提升口语表达水平大有协助。 二、VOA Speical English 的文章写作风格 VOA Special English 节目的文章使用简单的词汇和句子,清晰 的文章结构来描述任何复杂的事物,整篇文章的词汇一般限定在1500 个英文词汇表里。我们大学生朋友一般都具备4000个以上的英语词汇,有其中佼佼者有将近10000个词汇的量,可这跟能否写出一篇好文章 却没有很大的关系。 练习英语写作的朋友,能够先泛读一篇 VOA Special English 节目,然后不要再看节目文本,用自己的语言来复述下学习到的内容, 并写下来。写完内容复述完后,拿自己写的与原作一次对比,认真找 出自己的句式表达是否有值得改进的地方,由此感受 VOA Special English 编辑们用简单的词汇表达复杂事物的魅力。 三、VOA Special English 文章模仿写作训练 很多网友说:我一动笔就写错,自己却不知道,又没有人帮我指 下怎么办啊?这个确实是个问题,如果写错了没有被即时发现,而自己


经济应用文练习题 一、填空 1.应用文的特征体现在:主旨_______________、__________________、__________________;材料__________________、__________________、__________________;结构__________________、__________________、__________________;语言__________________、__________________、__________________、__________________。 2.公文主要具有特点是:(1)__________________;(2)__________________;(3)__________________;(4)__________________;(5)__________________。 3.中华人民共和国国家标准(GB/T9704-1999)《国家行政机关公文格式》将组成公文的各要素划分为__________________、__________________和__________________三个部分。 4.公文的眉首部分,又称文头部分,通常是由__________________、_________________、_________________、__________________、__________________、______________诸要素构成的。 5.公文的发文字号一般包括__________________、__________________和__________________三项内容。 6.公文的主体部分,或称行文部分,主要包括以下几个项目:(1)__________________、(2)__________________、(3)__________________、(4)__________________、(5)__________________、(6)__________________、(7)__________________。 7.__________________、__________________和__________________是构成公文标题的三个基本要素。 8.按照行文关系和行文方向的不同,可将公文分为三类:(1)__________________;__________________;__________________。 9.__________________适用于对重要事项或重大行动作出安排,奖惩有关单位人员及人员,变更或者撤销下级机关不适当的决定事项。 10.__________________适用于向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项。 11.__________________适用于公布社会各有关方面应当遵守或者周知的事项。 12.按其内容和功用的不同,可将通知划分为__________________通知、


《写作技能训练2》教学大纲 课程编码:700152008 学时/学分:2周/4学分 一、大纲说明 (一)适用专业 汉语言文学专业 (二)适用教学计划版本 2017版 二、实习的性质、目的、任务 (一)性质 写作技能训练2课程是汉语言文学专业(留学生)本科二年级的一门选修课,是锻炼外国留学生综合运用已学过的汉字、词汇、语法、书写格式、标点符号等进行书面表达的语言实践课。本课的核心是实践,从表达思想的需要出发,独立运用语言,在具体运用过程中吸收新词汇,补充新知识,并综合运用从各门课中学到的语言和社会知识。写作技能训练2课程是书面表达的中高级阶段,要求“对不对”逐步过渡到要求“好不好”。 (二)目的 1.通过实习,强化复习、巩固所学过的汉字、词汇、语法知识,帮助学生把握语言运用的准确性。 2.通过实习,培养学生用汉语进行思维的能力,并进而用汉语进行书面表达的能力。 3.通过实习,使学生能够自由、流利地运用汉语表达自己的思想和感情。 (三)任务 写作技能训练2课程的主要任务是谋句成段和谋段成章,语段、语篇的写作是重点。学生在专业教师带领下,通过学习范文、练习写作、讲评、改错、分析、归纳、总结,写作技能训练2结束时,两小时之内,按题目要求写出一篇600字以上的记叙文。 三、实习的组织实施 1.本门实践课程进行时间为三学期,总计96学时。分三学期进行,其中第一学期32学时,第二学期32学时,第三学期32学时。每周2学时,每学期做6-8次练习。 2.本实践课程必须遵循由浅入深、由易到难的循序渐进原则。写作技能训练2以自由表达训练为主,要在扩大词汇量的基础上加强语段练习和语篇练习,并最终达到完全自由表达的阶段。 四、实习教学的基本要求 实习过程中,对学生基本要求如下: 1.语法正确,全篇语法错误不超过5%; 2.能正确使用虚词、句式、常用词组、成语,用词确切,错误率不超过2%; 3.正确、熟练地书写汉字,错字率不超过2%; 4.正确使用标点,熟练掌握书写格式; 5.思路清晰,结构完整,条理清楚,表达明确,语言表达有变化; 6.全学年实践课程结束时,要求学生所写文章语言运用娴熟、流畅,词汇丰富,句式比较复杂,能恰当使用修辞手法。


应用文写作 题目名称:模块四:信息与传播文书(消息) 项目类型:论文□设计□ 学生姓名:李俊星 学班指导教 2012 年 2 月 理想职业从白云开始 各位领导!各位来宾!大家好!今天很荣幸我校迎来华为公司技术部代表参观访问广东白云学院计算机系,大家掌声欢迎,今天我站在这里代表发言倍感荣幸,下面就让我给大家介绍一下白云学院。 白云学院是经国家教育部批准成立的全日制普通本科院校。学院由谢可滔先生于1989年创建。经过22年的发展,形成以工为主,工、经、管、文、法多学科协调发展的办学格局。学院先后荣获全国民办高校先进单位、全国职业教育先进单位、全国民办高校综合实力20强、全国民办非企业单位位自律与诚信先进单位、广东民办高校综合实力十强第一名等荣誉称号,已成为全国知名的民办本科院校。 学院坚持正确的办学方向,实施“质量立校,人才强校,特色兴校”的发展战略,立足珠三角,面向广东,主动适应地方经济结构调整和产业升级的需要,面向先进制造业和现代服务业,为生产、建设、管理、服务第一线培养具有创新精神的应用型人才。学院毕业生以敬业,忠诚,责任心强,能合作共事;理论基础扎实;专业动手能力强,受到用人单位的欢迎和好评。连续五年毕业生总体就业率达到96%以上,居全省高校前列。 当我们进了学院大门的右手边就是德艺楼,也就是我们的艺术与建筑学院,艺术与建筑学院是在原来的艺术设计系和建筑工程系基础上组建的广东白云学院的二级学院,从1999年始开办专业。学院下设艺术设计系、工业设计系、服装系、动画系、建筑学系和土木工程系六个教学系。学院现有在校全日制普通本科、专科学生共2800余人,成人教育本科、专科学生共500余人,形成了具有办学规模较大、师资力量雄厚、专业设置合理、教学资源充足、人才培养模式与社会应用领域需求契合密切的办学格局。 现有计算机中心、电工电子实验中心、金工实习中心、电工实习中心及专业实验室45间,设备总额达5000多万元。拥有南方电网、南方航空有限公司、广州怡创通信、广州城市信息研究所有限公司、广州南方电信系统软件有限公司等53个校外实习基地,与100多家企业保持良好关系,保证学生的实习和充分就业。学生除获普通高校毕业文凭外,还将参加各种技能培训,获得相应专业的中级、高级国家职业资格证书。 我们最后一站是思齐楼,管理学院注重实践教学环节,设有企业行为体验实验室、用友erp实验室、经管综合实验室等6个实验室,采用企业真实数据,进行高仿真度的实验教学。课堂教学采用情景模拟、案例分析等新颖的教学方法,生动有趣,教学效果好。与伍尔特国际贸易有限公司、白天鹅宾馆、广州本田(中国)有限公司、侨鑫集团、顺丰速运集团、欧派集团有限公司等30余家企业建立密切的校企合作关系,为学生提供稳定的校外实习、就业基地。学风严谨,学生自我管理能力强,社团组织活动丰富,充分锻炼、培养学生的综合素质和能力。毕业生在人才市场具有较强的就业竞争力,历年毕业生就业率均在95%以上。 可以说,白云学院历史悠久,人才辈出,师资优秀,设备齐全,是我们的美好的学习天地,培养我们走向社会,的确,理想职业从白云开始。篇二:应用文分类 应用文的种类很多,主要分为以下三类: 一般性应用文。这类应用文包括以下几种:书信、启事、会议记录、读书笔记、说明书等。 公文性应用文。这是以党和国家机关、社会团体、企事业单位的名义发出的文件类应用


参加人:王利华 一、写作基本技能专项训练 1、观察能力写作训练 仔细观察一处景物,写一篇写景的记叙文,题目自拟,字数不少于800字。通过描写景物,表达自己独特的思想感情。 例文参考《雷雨前》 2、感受能力写作训练 对所写的内容进行深刻,细腻,独特的感受,习作不仅能表现出事物的本质规律,而且能揭示出其中蕴含的哲理,生发出令人深省的道理,传达出一种富有主体情感特征的情调和情趣. 选择一种植物作为感情的寄托或抒情媒介,写一篇记叙文,表达自己对生活对人生的深刻体验和感受. 例文参考:《合欢树》 3、想象与联想能力写作训练 以“……的随想”为题(也可自拟题目)写一篇习作。要充分展开联想和想象的翅膀,让思绪自由地飞翔,使习作内容充实、气韵灵动。 例文参考:《天坛幻想录》 4、提炼主题能力写儿训练 要提炬出新颖、深刻的主题,就要选择新的角度去审视事物,获得新的认识新的感受;还要从时代的高度去审视,去认识和感受事物,这样行能使用权习作反映出时代精神。 选择一处自然景物,融会自己的人生经验和生活感悟,写一篇习作,反映出一种生活哲理或一种时代精神。 例文参考:《读夕阳》 5、选择材料能力写作训练

在习作中,作者为了充分鲜明地表达主题,需要对摄取到的材料进行剪裁,作一番增删取舍的加工,选用典型的、真实可靠的、新鲜生动的材料。初中时,我们学习过魏巍的《谁是最可爱的人》,也听说过作者写这篇文章时精心剪裁的佳话。在自己人的经历和阅历中选取取材料,精心剪裁,写一篇习作,题目自拟。 例文参考:《成功的秘诀》 6、谋篇布局能力写作训练 谋篇布局,就是设计文章的结构,要根据不同文体的特点和写作的实际情况,设计好大的框架,再进一步安排好段落与层次、过渡与照应、开头与结尾等,使用权语文课成为一个有机的整体,这是习作中非常重要的一项工作。 写一篇游记,精心进行谋篇布局,题目自拟。 例文参考:《黄山记》 7、表达式方式能力写作训练 多种表达方式综合运用,会使文章内蕴充实饱满,深邃厚重,外在鲜明生动,多姿多彩。当然,不同的文体,在选择和运用表达式方式时有所不同。综合治理运用多种表达式方式,写一篇习作。要广开思路,题目自拟。 例文参考:《啊,北图!》] 8、语言能力写作训练 积累和运用语言,是习作者的一项长期而艰巨的任务,习作者经过长期的磨练,勤积累,多运用,才能逐渐培养和提高驾驭语言的能力。选择一处人文景观,写一篇写景抒情的习作,要在语言上下一番工夫。 例文参考:《社稷坛抒情》 9、修改能力写作训练 修改是习作必不可少的一个环节,是提高文章质量的重要步骤。选择一篇自己的习作,从完善主题,增删材料,调整结构,润色语言和修正行款格式,标点符号等到各个方面进行修改。 例文参考:《鸟的天堂》 10、综合能力写作训练


写作微技能训练——无灵主语的使用(学生版) I.概念 无灵主语(inanimate subject),又叫做物称主语,指的是使用没有生命的事物充当句子的主语成分,例如物品、动作、情感、时间、地点、抽象名词等,这与中文表达中习惯“以人为本”的特点,即常常会把人这个行为主体作为句子主语的情况大相径庭,体现了英语语言所强调的客体思维。II.类别 1.使用时间、地点名词做主语,谓语动词用“witness”、“see”、“find” 来表达发生的事情。 ①That chilly afternoon witnessed him trudging in the snow. 那个寒冷的下午,他在雪地里跋涉。 ①Thus the gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd. 于是,暮色渐浓时,我常常挤在匆忙的人群中匆匆回家。 ① The recent two weeks witnessed our sincere communication in study, living, sports and art, etc. 两周以来,我们在学习、生活、体育以及文艺诸方面进行了真诚的交流。 ① That period of time saw his great changes. 他在那段时间变化很大。 【牛刀小试】 ①最近几年里,随着中国经济的腾飞,中国文化也引起世界瞩目。(2016年北京卷) Chinese culture attracting worldwide attention as well as China’s economy booming. ①在重阳节那天,很多学生都会去敬老院陪伴老人。(2015全国卷II) many teenagers stay with and care for the elderly on the Double Ninth Day. ①In the past four years, our production has increased. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ① At dusk, he was crying in the street. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ①近十年来,青少年使用社交网站的人数呈爆炸式增长。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2.情感类名词或心理活动名词作主语 高中常见情感类的名词: 开心伤心激动惊讶失望生气绝望焦急困惑满意害怕嫉妒happiness/ delight/ joy/ pleasure/ exultation/ ecstasy(狂喜)/ gaiety sadness/ grief/ sorrow thrill/ excitement/ exhilaration amazement/ surprise/ astonishment/ shock/ astoundment disappointment/ frustration/ depression anger/ fury/ irritation/ rage desperation/ hopelessness/ despair anxiety/ worry puzzle/ confusion satisfaction/ contentment fright/ fear/ scare/ dread/ terror/ horror jealousy/ envy


写作技能训练 一话题写作:地点简介 (一)地方特点 位置:be located in, be situated in, lie, in the centre of / in the east of/ to the south of/ on the west of … 历史:have / with a long history of 人口:have / with a population of 面积:cover / have / with an area of… 环境:with green hills and beautiful rivers 气候:neither too cold nor too hot, the climate varies from place to place 物产:be rich in / be high in, a place rich in…, a city with much industry, mainly grow crops, keep sheep 特色:be famous / well known for 名胜景观:mountainous areas, a place with many tourists attractions, places of interest (二)空间顺序 in the front of / in front of ; at the back of ; with… in the centre/ around a place, behind, next to; close to, on the left/ right; in the east/ south/ west/ north; on the other side/ opposite side of, inside , outside, at the crossing, at the end of the street, at the airport, at the village, at the food of the mountain, at the bottom, at the top of , behind the park, on the east coast of (三)方位和路线 1. There is a tall shelf on the left of my room. (on the right of, in the front of, near the window) 2.Above the bed (On the right of the room), there is a large painting of the blue sea. 3.Next to it (In front of / At the back of / In the middle of / To the right


写作微技能训练 一、it 结构微技能写作训练(it 结构使得文章更地道) 题组1:翻译下列句子,注意it结构。 1)It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2)It is natural that you don’t feel at home in your new class._______________________________________ 3)It is quite common that we Chinese students are overburdened with lessons and homework. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4)In my opinion, it is not wise for small children to do such things, for they are too young to take care of themselves. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5)It is worth watching because it is a performance given by several famous players. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 题组2:翻译下列句子,注意it结构。 1)Very few students think it no use going to college. _________________________________________ 2)Personally, I think it a good idea for us senior 3 students to have daily exercise. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3)I will appreciate it very much if you offer me the opportunity. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4)It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 5)It was reported that about 100,000 people was chosen as volunteers for the Olympic Games. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 题组3:翻译下列句子,注意it结构。 1)It took us half an hour to finish the homework. ________________________________________ 2)It’ll take half a year to build the house. _____________________________________________ 3)It takes about twenty minutes to walk to the post office. ____________________________________ 4)It’ll take them two months to finish the design. ______________________________________________ 5)It took us nine days to finish the work. _____________________________________________________ 题组4:翻译下列句子,注意it结构。 1)在两天内完成这项工作是不容易的。________________________ the work in two days. 2)我觉得与他去争论是没有用的。I think ____________________________ with him. 3)你没读过这本书真遗憾。_______________________ you didn’t read the book. 4)对我们来说学好英语是非常必要的。____________________________________ English well. 5)你不必担心,他会办成的。You needn’t worry; ______________________ . 题组5:翻译下列句子,注意it结构。 1)我觉得学会一起生活是很有教育意义的。_____________________________ to live together. 2)有人建议会议延期开。___________________________ the meeting will be put off. 3)据报道这部新片即将上映。____________________ the new film will be on show soon. 4)人们相信环境污染总有一天会被控制。_________________ pollution will be under control one day. 5)她开得这么快我很担心。____________________ she drove so fast. / ____________ she drove so fast. 二、倒装句式微技能训练 题组1:翻译下列句子,注意倒装句式。 1)只有用这种方式你才能掌握英语。Only in this way _______________________ master English. 2)只有努力工作才能获得成功。Only by working hard ___________________________. 3)只有这样我们才能把语文学好。__________________________________________________. 4)只有通过我们的帮助,他们才能从游戏中摆脱出来。_______________________they be free from games. 题组2:翻译下列句子,注意倒装句式。 1)只到那时我才意识到他在竭力帮助我们。Only then ___________________________________________. 2)只有当我们采取有效措施时这个问题才可能解决。 Only when we take effective measures __________________________________________________. 3)只有当他开始工作他才懂得知识的重要性。 Only when he began to work ________________________________________________. 4)只有当你意识到这个问题时,你才会努力学习。 ___________________________________________________ can you work hard. 题组3:翻译下列句子,注意倒装句式。 1)我永远不会忘记我们一起工作的日子。Never _______ I _______ the time ________ we worked together. 2)有了这台收音机,他不但可以增加乐趣,而且可以增长知识。 With this radio, not only _______________ a lot more fun, but he can increase his knowledge as well. 3)他不但在这所学校里教英语,而且还写小说。 Not only _______ he teach English in the school, but he also writes novels. 4)他不仅要被迫独自在家,也不得看电视。 Not only was he forced to stay in home alone, _________________________________________. 题组4:翻译下列句子,注意倒装句式。 1)他不知道警察就在旁边。Little _______ he know that the police were around. 2)他几乎不知道这个女士是谁。___________________________ who the woman was. 3)无论如何我们都不会搬到一个陌生的城市。By no means ____________________________. 4)老师一出去,电话铃就响了。No sooner _______ the teacher gone out __________ the telephone rang. 5)直到你告诉我,我才知道我错了。_______________________________________________. 题组5:翻译下列句子,注意倒装句式。 1)虽然他很累,他还是继续工作。Tired _________ he was, he went on ________. 2)虽然雨下得很大,足球比赛已经决定不推迟。______________________ the football match has been decided not to be put off. 3)那个男孩跑得如此快,以至于我赶不上他。______________________ I can’t catch up with him. 4)这朵花如此美,以致每个人都喜欢它。__________________________________________________. 5)一个小型工厂坐落在河的南岸。South of the river ____________________________ a small factory. 三、非谓语动词微技能写作训练 题组1:翻译下列句子,注意非谓语动词。 1)Given more time, I’ll be able to do it better. ______________________________________________ 2)This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer. ____________________________________________ 3)Not having received an answer, he decided to write again. _______________________________________
