2020最新典范英语1a中文注释 典范英语1a生词表

2020最新典范英语1a中文注释 典范英语1a生词表
2020最新典范英语1a中文注释 典范英语1a生词表

Lesson 1 Who is it?

a 一个

and 和

dad 爸爸

is 是

it 这是,它是,那是mum 妈妈

no 不,不是,不要spaceman 宇航员who 谁

Lesson 2 Six in a Bad

bed 床

in 在……里

six 六

Lesson 3 The pancake

butter 黄油

eggs 鸡蛋(复数)flour 面粉

frying pan 煎锅

milk (牛)奶pancake 煎饼摊饼race 赛跑

the (用以泛指)

Lesson 4 Fun at the Beach

at 在

beach 海滩

fun 乐趣

oh 啊哎呀

Lesson 5 A Good Trick

big 大的

box 箱子,盒子good 好

little 小的

rug 小地毯

sheet 床单

show 表演,演出trick 戏法

Lesson 7 is it?

yes 是,是的

Lesson 8 Get on

get on (坐)上来

got on (坐了)上来Lesson 9 Floppy Did This

did 画了

this 这幅(画)

Lesson 10 Get Dad

go on 上,加油(鼓励某人做某事)Lesson 11 Up You Go

go 走

up 向上

you 你

Lesson 12 I see

I 我

me 我

see 看见

we 我们

Lesson 13 At the Park

everyone 大家,每个人horse 木马

on 在……上

park 公园

see-saw 翘翘板

slide 滑梯

swing 秋千

went 去(了)

went to sleep 去睡觉了

Lesson 14 Fancy Dress

an 一个

angel 天使

chicken 鸡

fancy dress 化装服happy 高兴

pirate 海盗scarecrow 稻草人was 成了

Lesson 15 Good Old Mum

beard 胡须

boots 靴子(复数)eyebrows 眉毛(复数)ho 哈

nose 鼻子

old 老

pillow 枕头

put on 戴上,穿上

red 红

said 说

she 她

Lesson 16 The Headache

drum 鼓

guitar 吉他

had 有

had a headache 头疼了headache 头疼recorder 竖笛

trumpet 小号

Lesson 17 The Pet Shop

goldfish 金鱼

pet 宠物

rat 老鼠

shop 商店

snake 蛇

spider 蜘蛛

wanted 想要

Lesson 18 Push

car 小汽车pulled 拉了push 推pushed 推了stuck 陷住了tractor 拖拉机

Lesson 19 Making Faces

fierce 凶狠frightened 害怕

good (感觉)好hungry 饿

making faces 做鬼脸sad 难过

Lesson 20 Goal

cross 很生气

goal 进球

got 变得,觉得

got a goal (踢)进了一个球got wet 淋湿了

It was a cold day. 这天冷。miserable 难受,痛苦

tired 疲倦

Lesson 21 The Journey

bored 无聊

hooray 太好了

I’m lost 我迷路了journey 旅行

thirsty 渴

Lesson 22 Shopping

ball 球

comic 连环画杂志crisps 薯片(复数)forgot 忘记了

got 买了,要了

he 他

market 市场shopping 购物some 一些

sugar 食糖supermarket 超市

Lesson 23 Who Did That?

that 那个(污迹)wasn’t 不是

Lesson 24 What a Mess!

birthday card 生日卡dress 连衣裙

jam 果酱

lorry 卡车

made 做了

made a mess 搞得乱七八糟mess 杂乱

scarf 围巾

what 多么

Lesson 25 Hide and Seek

all 都

can 能

hide 躲避,隐藏

seek 寻找

us 我们

Lesson 26 Reds and Blues

are 是

blues 蓝队

come on (用于鼓励)加油,来吧,快in blue 穿蓝衣服

in red 穿红衣服

muddy 沾满泥

reds 红队

典范英语1a Lesson13 英文教案

Good English Lesson 13 教学目标: 了解park及相关游戏设施的英文意思 准备图片: P1: Welcome to the class for Good English. P2: Now, be quiet and listen to me carefully. If you know the answer, put up your hand and tell me. Here we go. P3: Today, we are talking about the park. It’s the place that every child would like to go. Because a park would contain so many fun things. What are they? Let’s have a look. P4. This is slide. We can see slides in the park.

P5: This is rocking horse. We can see rocking horse and other rocking rides in the park. P6: This is seesaw One sits on one end of the seesaw and another sits on the other. The see-saw game needs at least two kids to play at one time. P7: This is swing. Everyone loves the swing in the park. P8: This is monkey bar. We can see monkey bar in the park. And many children play on the monkey bar. P9 Now, let’s read the story and see what ride can the Kipper family play in the story.注意点:

典范英语1a Lesson8 英文教案

Good English Lesson 8 教学目标: 了解get on 的意思 准备图片: P1: T oady, we are talking about an exciting game. That is the banana boat. But how to play this game? P2: At first, you need this. Banana boat. You come to a banana boat and get on it. Then, what’s next step? P3. Then, a motorboat will drag the boat and you can ski on the water. And what will happen, if you ski really fast? Let’s open the book and find out. 注意点: 1. 每张图片的讲课顺序要重复,方面孩子感知和记忆 2. 指图要准确,图片没有的信息避免表达出来,导致孩子因为无法对应而走神 3. 多进行互动问答交流 P4 The story is called, Get on

P5 Look in the picture. We see Kipper’s family. There are dad, mom, Chip, Biff and Kipper (挨个指图) Where were they? They were at the beach (指图) What were they doing on the beach? They were playing banana boats. Dad said to the kids, get on. Who would get on the boat at first? P6 Mom said, get on, Biff. Who did she ask to get on the banana boat (指图)?She asked Biff (指图) to get on the boat. P7 Biff got on the banana boat. And who would get on the boat next? P8 Mom said, get on, Chip. Who did she ask to get on the banana boat (指图)?She asked Chip (指图) to get on the boat.


1 Lesson 1 Who Is It? 1. Listen to the story and then read it with lots of expression. (听录音,然后有感情地朗读故事。) 2. Who is it? (这是谁?) Who is this? Finish the sentence. (这是谁?补全句子。) This is ________________.

3. Can you name everyone? (你知道他们的名字吗?) Chip Floppy Kipper Biff Wilf Wilma How did I do? 2

3 Lesson 2 Six in a Bed 1. Listen to the story and then read it with lots of expression. (听录音,然后有感情地朗读故事。) 2. How many characters are there in the bed? (数数有几个?)one four two four two five four six three three three five How many now? Write the number. (现在有几个?写一写。) ___________________________

3. Read the words in the pictures. Draw a circle around the letter i. (读出图中的词,把字母i圈起来。) Six in a Bed Chip Mum Biff Kipper 4. Write over the given letter i, and then fill the picture with your own letters. (按笔顺描出字母i,然后在图里写几个。) How did I do? 4


1 a Lesson 1 Who is it? Who is it? Biff and Chip . Mum and Kipper. Floppy and a spaceman. No, it’s Dad. Lesson 2 Six in bed Mum and Dad. Mum, Kipper and Dad. Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip. Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy. Lesson 3 Fun at the Beach Dad and Mum. Mum and Dad. Kipper, Chip and Biff. Kipper, Biff and Dad. Mum, Chip and Floppy. Chip, Biff and Kipper. Dad and Floppy. Oh Floppy! Lesson 4 Floppy Floppy Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy. Lesson 5 A Good Trick A rug, a sheet, a big box, a little box, Kipper. Lesson 6 The Pancake The frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race. Lesson7 Is it?

Is it Kipper? It is kipper. Is it Biff? It is Biff. Is it Chip? It is Chip? It is Chip. Is it Floppy? Yes. It is Floppy! Lesson 8 Get on Get on . get on, Biff. Biff got on . get on, Chip. Chip got on. Get on, Kipper. Kipper got on. Oh, no! Lesson 9 Floppy Did This Chip did this. It is Biff. Biff did this. It is Kipper. Kipper did this. It is Mum. Oh, no! Floppy did this. Lesson 10 Get Dad Go on, Dad! Get Biff. Go on, Dad! Get Chip. Go on, Dad! Get Kipper. Go on, Mum! Get Dad. Lesson 11 Up You Go Up you go, Kipper. Go! Up you go, Biff. Go , go! Chip, up you go. Go,go,go! No,Dad. No ,no,no! Lesson12 I See I see Biff. I see Chip. I see Mum and Dad. We see Kipper. We see Floppy. I see Biff and Chip. I see me. Lesson 13 At the Park Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse. Kipper went on the swing. Floppy went to sleep.


典范英语1a课件 每个小组分发一张图片,小组讨论,然后由选出代表上台讲解图片上所能看到的东西,要注意观察图片中的细节。以下内容是小编为您精心整理的典范英语1a课件,欢迎参考! 典范英语1a课件 一、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:学生能够看图读故事,理解故事情节;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;体会“go away”表达的祈使语气和“… is coming”表达的陈述语气的区别;能表演和改编故事。 2. 非语言能力目标:培养学生的观察力和想象力;培养学生敢读、敢表达的自信和勇气;引导学生感受故事结局的趣味性。 二、教材分析 这一课的主要讲的是Kipper家来了一只小猫猫,大家都想让它走开,因为Floppy来了,大家担心小猫会和小狗Floppy打起来。小猫太小可能会被欺负,但是最终结果确是Floppy落荒而逃了。故事结尾很有戏剧性。 三、教学用具 教学课件PPT 录音课文图片及句子 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):引出故事主题

通过问题引导学生讨论猫和狗的关系,鼓励学生大胆猜测,为进入故事做好铺垫。 (1)教师通过PPT展示相关图片,并与学生互动: What is that?(展示几张猫和狗的照片) Do you have a pet? Dog or cat? Do you keep a cat and a dog at the same time? Why? (展示猫狗相遇图片) Who will go away if a cat and a dog meet? (请学生自由回答) (2)引入故事情境,自然过渡到讲故事环节: One day, a little cat came to Kipper’s house. Let’s see what would happen. 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察孩子们驱赶小猫以及小猫吓跑Floppy的过程 每个小组分发一张图片,小组讨论,然后由选出代表上台讲解图片上所能看到的东西,要注意观察图片中的细节。 (Picture 1)Look, can you tell me who is it ? (教师指向草地上的小猫) It is a little cat. Biff came to the cat. “Go away, little cat.” said Biff. Look at the cat, did the cat go away?

典范英语1a Lesson7 英文教案

Good English Lesson 7 教学目标: 了解kipper 一家人 准备图片: P1: T oady, we are playing a guessing game. We will guess who among Kipper’s family is doing the show. First, let’s take a look at the family member. P2: This is Kipper. He has golden hair. He’s short. And his name is Kipper. P3. This is Biff. She has long hair. She likes taking picture. And her name is Biff. P4: This is mom in the family. P5: This is dad in the family. P6: This is Chip. He has black hair.

His name is Chip. P7: This is Floppy. He’s the dog in the family. 教师再把重头播放图片,将每个人重新介绍一遍。 P8:Okay,we are going to play the guessing game to guess who is in the picture. 注意点: 1. 每张图片的讲课顺序要重复,方面孩子感知和记忆 2. 指图要准确,图片没有的信息避免表达出来,导致孩子因为无法对应而走神 3. 多进行互动问答交流 P9 The story is called is it? P10 Look at the picture. Dad and mom are in the backyard. They see a figure in front of them. He is upside down.(指图) He is dressed like a clown. (指图) Who is it? Is it Kipper?



典范英语1A-1B 2

目录 目录 1 A (8) Lesson 1 Who is it? (8) Lesson 2 Six in bed (8) Lesson 3 Fun at the Beach (8) Lesson 4 Floppy Floppy (9) Lesson 5 A Good Trick (9) Lesson 6 The Pancake (9) Lesson7 Is it? (9) Lesson 8 Get on (9) Lesson 9 Floppy Did This (10) Lesson 10 Get Dad (10) Lesson 11 Up You Go (10) Lesson12 I See (10) Lesson 13 At the Park (11) 3

Lesson 15 Good Old Mum (11) Lesson 16 The Headache (12) Lesson 17 The Pet Shop (12) Lesson 18 Push! (12) Lesson 19 Making Faces (12) Lesson 20 Goal! (13) Lesson 21 The Journey (13) Lesson 22 Shopping (13) Lesson 23 Who Did That? (14) Lesson 24 What a Mess! (14) Lesson 25 Hide and Seek (14) Lesson 26 Reds and Blues (15) Lesson 27 Big Feet (15) Lesson 28 Look at Me (15) Lesson 29 Go Away, Floppy (16) Lesson 30 Kipper’s Diary (16) Lesson 31 What Dogs Like (16) 4
