


12英语六级测试写作:长难句解析(14) 66. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “ step up” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power. 67. Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large, however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy‘s larger run growth potential if generalized demand pressures on prices are to be avoided. 68. However, when investment flows primarily in one direction, as it generally does from industrial to developing countries, the seemingly reciprocal source-based restrictions produce revenue sacrifices primarily by the state receiving most of the foreign investment and producing most of the income—namely ,the developing country partner. 69. The pursuit of private interests with as little interference as possible from government was seen as the road to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligation and involvement in the


长难句分析三大黄金规则 1.一个句子有且只有一个谓语,如果一个句子有了两个或两个以上的谓语,则必有连词或从句的出现(注意定语从句和宾语从句连词的省略,to do,doing没有be动词都不是谓语动词) 2.去除所有修饰成分,介词短语,非谓语动词,修饰语等 3.唯一仅前:一个谓语仅能对应最近的主语(从句到主句) Precisely because readers from different historical periods,places and social experiences produce different but overlapping readings of the same words on the page—including for texts that engage with fundamental human concerns—debates about texts can play an important role in social discussion of beliefs and values. 【分析】主句:debates about texts can play an important role in... 修饰成分:Precisely because readers produce different but overlapping readings of the same words on the page.原因状语从句from different historical periods,places and social experiences 介词短语做后置定语 including for texts that engage with fundamental human concerns插入语 in social discussion of beliefs and values状语 【必背词汇】historical adj.历史的;史学的 overlapping adj.重叠;覆盖 【翻译】恰恰是因为处于不同历史时期、来自不同地方、拥有不同社


英语四级阅读真题长难句解析18 86. As the trade winds lessen in strength, the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5℃. (2006年6月) 【分析】本句为复合句。主句为the ocean temperatures rise。as 引导时间状语从句。现在分词短语causing…作伴随状语。as much as是比较结构,意为“和……一样”。 【译文】随着信风强度的减弱,海洋温度升高,导致了秘鲁寒流从东部流入,温度上升了5摄氏度。 87. The interstate highway system was finally launched in 1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects of the century. (2006年6月) 【分析】本句为简单句。句子主干为The system was launched and has been hailed。介词as 在这里意为“作为,当作”。 【译文】州际公路体系最终在1956年开建,并被称道为那个世纪最伟大的工程之一。 88. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a person how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools. (2006年6月)


六级真题阅读长难句分析 1. For hundreds of millions of years, turtles (海龟) have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches, long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them, or GPS satellites and marine biologists to track them, or volunteers to handcarry the hatchlings (幼龟) down to the water 's edge lest they become disoriented by headlights and crawl towards a motel parking lot instead. (2009 年6 月) 【分析】本句为复合句,主架为?turtles have struggled ?。For hundreds of millions of years 为介词短语作时间状语。before ?为时间状语从句,该从句采用的是there be 结构,主语为or 连接的三个名词(词组):natural documentaries ,GPS satellites and marine biologists 和volunteers ,主语 后的不定式均为主语的后置定语。lest “以免”引导状语从句,采用虚拟语气。【译文】数百万年以来,海龟们都挣扎着从海里爬出来,到沙滩上产卵,那时候还没有自然纪录片来记录它们的活动,没有GPS卫星和海洋生物学家跟踪它们,没有志愿者用手把小海龟放到水边以防它们被桅灯搞得迷失方向而爬向旅馆的停车场。 2. The figures prompted Oceana to petition the government to upgrade the level of protection for the North Atlantic loggerheads from “threatened ” to “endangered” —meaning they are in danger of disappearing without additional help. (2009 年6 月) 【分析】本句为复合句,主架为The figures prompted Oceana ?。to petition the government 为不定式作prompted 的状语,to upgrade the level of protection ?为不定式作petition 的状语。they are in danger ?help 作meaning 的宾语,相当于省略了引导词that 的宾语从句。 【译文】这些数字迫使Oceana向政府请求将对北大西洋大海龟的保护程度由“受到威胁”提升到“濒临灭绝”,这意味着如果没有额外的保护,它们将面临消失的危险。 3. But Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness, and a report by the Fish and Wildlife Service showed a worrisome drop in the populations of several species of North Atlantic sea turtles, notably loggerheads, which can grow to as much as 400 pounds. (2009 年6 月) 【分析】本句为并列复合句,主架为Nature is indifferent ?and?a report ?showed?a ?drop ?。But 表转折。by the Fish and Wildlife Service 为介词 短语作report 的后置定语。which can grow to as much as 400 pounds 为非限制性定语从句,修饰loggerheads 。be indifferent to 意为“对?无动于衷”。a drop in 指“在?方面下降”。 【译文】但是大自然对人们的平等观念却漠不关心,渔业和野生动物服务组织的一项报告显示,北大西洋好几种海龟的数量都在令人担忧地下降,尤其是一种能够长到400 磅重的大海龟。 4. The narrow strips of beach on which the turtles lay their eggs are being squeezed on one side by development and on the other by the threat of rising sea levels as the oceans warm. (2009 年6 月)


英语六级经典长难句分析(15句) 1. This is a difficult and unpleasant business and few animals would survive if they had to start from the beginning and learn about the world wholly by trial and error, for there are the have possible decisions which would prove fatal. (199 2. 阅读. 6. Text 2) 【译文】这是个困难而又糟糕的事,因为如果动物出生后不得不从头学习生存本领,并且仅仅依靠尝试错误体验世界,那么只有极少数动物能够存活,因为它们做出的决定有可能是致命的。 【析句】复合句。主句由and连接两个并列句子组成,This is a difficult and unpleasant business and few animals would survive, and前的句子是简单句,and后的句子后又跟有if引导的条件状语从句和for 引导的原因状语从句for there are decisions, decisions又有which引导的定语从句修饰。 2. Vigorous criticism is constructive in science more than in some other areas of human endeavor because in it there are adequate standards of


英语四级考试复杂长难句分析(二) 导读:本文英语四级考试复杂长难句分析(二),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 第一章并列平行结构(二) 英语句子最常用的方法是通过使用一些关联词,如and、or等,或标点符号如:分号,逗号,破折号等,若干个在语义上有联系或相互照应的单词、词组或子句连在一起组成一种并列或平行结构的长句,以表达一个复杂得多层次含义。这种句式虽然难度不一定很高,但在复杂长句中还是占了相当大的比例的. 1. More than three million people live in inner London,and nearly five million people live in the surrounding suburban area,which is made up of formerly separate villages that have merged to form what is now called outer London. 要点:全句为并列复合句。“and”连接并列句。第二个句子是主从复合句。“which”引出非限制性定语从句,修饰“area”。“that”引出限制性定语从句,修饰“villages”。“what”引出名词从句,作“from”的宾语。 参考译文:三百多万人口居住在伦敦市区,将近五百多万人口居住在周围的郊区——该地区由原来分散的村庄构成,逐步形成如今被称为的外伦敦。 2. Then I remembered how often I,too,had been indifferent to the grander of each day,too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all. 要点:此句存在着一个“too…to…”结构,即“too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all”。注意:“I,too,had


1. Many who today hear me somewhere in person , or on television , or those who read something I've said , will think I went to school far beyond the eighth grade. 结构分析:本句的主要结构是 may...or those...will think...。第一个 who 引导定语从句,修饰 many 。第二个 who 引导定语从句,修饰 those。I've said 是定语从句,修饰 something。I went to school far beyond the eighth grade 是宾语从句。 参考翻译:今天,许多当面或在电视上听到我讲话的人,或那些读过我的讲演稿的人会认为我的学历远远不止八年级。 2. My love for the alphabet , which endures , grew out of reciting it , but before that , out of seeing the letters on the page. 结构分析: which endures 是非限定性定语从句,修饰 love for the alphabet 。 out of reciting it 和 out of seeing the letters on the page是并列的两个状语,修饰主句的谓语动词 grew。before that 是介词短语作状语。it 代替的是 alphabet,that 代替的是 reciting it。 参考翻译:我对字母表经久不减的喜爱来自于背诵它,但在那之前,则来自于看书页上的字母。 1. A body at will remain at rest and a body in motian remnins in motian at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force. 结构分析:这是一个并列复合句。and 连接两个句子,构成并列句。unless 是连词,连接一个省略了 it is 的子句“( it is ) acted on... force ", 作前面两个主句的状语从句。at rest 和 in motion 是两个介词短语,分别作两个 body 的定语,意思分别是”处于静止状态中“和 “处于运动中“。翻译易采用逆序法,即先译 unless 从句,省略部分可以不译。 参考翻译:除非受到外力的作用,静止的物体将继续保持静止,运动的物体将继续作匀速直线运动。 2. But a committee faced with a major decision can't always move as quickly as the events it's trying to respond to. 结构分析:句子虽然很短却是主从复合句。句子的主句是 a committee can't move as quickly as the evevts。句中 faced with...是过去分词短语作定语,修饰 committee。在 as quickly as 中,第二个 as 是连词,后面省略了谓语。 it's trying to respond 是省略了关系代词的定语从句,修饰 events;it 指代 committee。faced with a major decision 在意义上表示时间,翻译时可把它译成时间状语。 参考翻译:委员会在面临重大决策时,未必总是能对迅速变化的事件作出及时的反应。 1. A book may be compared to your neighbour; if it be good, it can not last too long; if bad, you can not get rid of it too early. 单词词组: be compared to ...被比作...,联想记忆:be compared with : 与...比较;get rid of 去除。 结构分析:在这个句子中,两个分号将句子分成了三个部分,后两部分出现了与上句相同的not + but ,即双重否定结构;第一个if从句省略了should,完整形式是if it ( should ) be good, 其中的it指代前面的book,第二个if从句的完整形式是if (it should be )bad, it 也是指代book。


新六级历届全真试题长难句解析核心资料 结构1:名词+短语 1.Online message boards were soon full of people both applauding and condemning Skenazy’s decision to let her son go it alone. 2.And how does it compare with the other, seemingly perpetual health scares we confront, like panic over lead in synthetic athletic fields? 3.Yet while broadband has come down in price too, those service providers targeting the business market warn against consumer services masquerading (伪装) as business-friendly broadband. 4.That’s why I’ve rid my cupboard of microwave food packed in bags coated with a potential cancer-causing substance, but although I’ve lived blocks from a major fault line(地质断层) for more than 12 years, I still haven’t bolted our bookcases to the living room wall. 5.Industrial pollution in our town had supposedly turned students into living science experiments breathing in a laboratory’s worth of heavy metals like manganese, chromium and nickel each day. 6.“Providers offering broadband for rock-bottom prices are notorious for poor service, with regular breakdowns and heavily congested (拥堵的) networks. 7.The main motivation behind adopting home working was to increase my own productivity, as a single mum to an 11-year-old,” says Hargreaves. “ 8.There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to be considered beautiful. 9.According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants. 10.With all that attention paid to them, you’d think these creatures would at least have the gratitude not to go extinct.


1. The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case. (2003. 阅读. 6. Text 2) 【译文】学习中应该包括具有启发性的娱乐这一观点对于大部分学术机构而言似乎是愚蠢的,但事实的确如此。 【析句】本例句的难点在于寻找主句的主干。很明显,主句由but连接两个并列句组成,but 后的句子that is nonetheless the case是简单句。but前的句子主句是the notion would seem merely silly to the greater part of the academic establishment,to在这里作介词,这一介宾结构提前放在了谓语动词seem后,容易让人误以为是短语seem to的用法,结果导致理解失误。最后主句主语the notion有that引导的定语从句修饰。 2. Already the public agencies for adult education are swamped by the tide that has swept over them since depression began. (200 3. 阅读. 6. Text 3) 【译文】从事成人教育的公共机构已经因为经济萧条开始以来席卷全国的趋势而陷入困境。【析句】例句2的句子结构并不复杂,主句the public agencies for adult education are swamped by the tide, that has swept over them...作定语从句修饰the tide, 而定语从句中,又有since引导的时间状语从句,这个时间是修饰swept over这个动作的。 3. A new high-performance contact lens under development at the department for applied physics at the University of Heidelberg will not only correct ordinary vision defects but will enhance normal night vision as much as five times, making people's vision sharper than that of cats. (2003. 阅读. 6. Text 4) 【译文】海德堡大学应用物理系正在研究的高水平新型隐形眼镜不仅能矫正普通的视力问题,还能把正常夜间视力提高五倍,使人的视力比猫还要敏锐。 【析句】复合句。主句是A new high-performance contact lens will not only correct ordinary vision defects but will enhance normal night vision, 可以看出,主句的主干是not only...but(also)结构连接前后两个并列句,contanct lens后有几个介词短语点明了研究的地点。最后,making people's vision...是现在分词引导结果状语。


2015.3.7 pro-表示“往前” progress n./v.进步,进展 [记]进步就是往前走。 profit n.利润v.得利 [记]前面合适(fit)的东西,有钱赚。 professor n.教授 [记]教授就是总是往前讲话的人。 [变]profession n.职业 professional a.专业的n.专业人士 promise n./v.承诺;希望 [记]身体前倾说我会想(mise,形似miss)你的是承诺。 [变]promising a.有希望的,有前途的 prove v.证明 [记]证明就是往前说明。 [变]proof n.证明,证据(prove的名词,一般ve结尾的动词会衍变出以f结尾的名词。比如:believe的名词为belief。) pre-表示“在前,领先”

precious a.珍贵的 [记]以前(pre-)的东西一般比较珍贵。 predict vt.预测 [记]预先[pre-)在发生之前说出结果叫预测。 prevent vt.预防;妨碍 [记]预先(pre-)走(-vent,似went)掉是预防。 [例]Timely(及时的)repetition will prevent you from forgetting words.及时重复才能单词不忘。 preface n.前言 [记]书翻开最前(pre)的那一面{ face}是前言。 preview n./v.预览;预习 [记]pre-前面,view看,把书在前面看(view)叫预习。 [变]previous a.以前的 view n.观察 viewpoint n.观点 per-表示“每个,都” percent a.百分之……的 [记]每分(cent)钱都是百分之一元。 [变]percentage n.百分比


2020年12月英语四级阅读理解长难句分析 【导语】不做“说话的巨人,行动的矮子”。说再多的漂亮话,也不如做一件实实在在的漂亮事,行动永远是迈向成功的第一步,想永远只会在原地踏步。对于考试而言亦是如此,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下为“2020年12月英语四级阅读理解长难句分析”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注无忧考网! 【篇一】2020年12月英语四级阅读理解长难句分析 Boys at single-sex schools were said to bemore likety to get involved in cultural andartistic activities that helped develop theiremotional expressiveness, rather than feelingthey had to conform to the "boy code" ofhiding their emotions to be a "real man". 原文译文: 据说,在单一性别学校里的男孩更有可能参与到有助于培养他们情感表达能力的文化和艺术活动中,而不会让他们觉得必须遵从“男孩法则”,掩饰自己的真性情从而成为“真正的男人”。 四级词汇讲解: 本句的主干是Boys were said to be likely to...that helped develop their emotionalexpressiveness为定语从句修饰cultural and artistic activities; rather than作介词,后接动名词结构feeling...,同时该结构中的they had to conform to the "boy code" of hiding theiremotions to be a "real man"是feeling的宾语从句。 be said to意为“据说,被认为”。如: Women are often said to be more emotional than men. 女人常常被认为比男人更易动感情。 【篇二】2020年12月英语四级阅读理解长难句分析 The attempt to make up lost ground iswelcome, but the nation would be better servedby steady, predictable increases in sciencefunding at the rate of Tong-term GDP growth, which is on the order of inflation plus 3 percentper year. 原文译文:


作文第一篇: sense of social responsibility: Living in an age when the economy is rapidly developing and the commercial environment becomes increasingly complicated, we have to realize that a sense of ss social responsibility plays such an important role that it defines what we are and determines how many accomplishments humans can achieve in the future. The reasons why sense of social responsibility is so important can be listed as follows. On the one hand, a sense of social responsibility can inherently restrain SS producers' behavior, which can tremendously reduce the possibility of producing fake or even harmful commodities. Without a sense of social responsibility, some producers might do great harm to the whole society. Take Sanlu milk powder as an example. It was such an irresponsible enterprise that it added tripolycyanamide to its milk powder, which tragically led to many babies'developmental disorders and ruined many families' happiness. On the other hand, as a member of the society, we Ipo should also be responsible for what we do to others as well as the whole social environment As far as I'm concerned, a sense of social responsibility is to our society what sunshine is to humans. Although we can survive for a while without sunshine, but our phealthy and long-lasting development can never shine without sun, just as our society can never thrive without a sense of social responsibility. 选词填空(第一套): 卷一:选词填空空气污染和交通 26: K...died prematurely from... 27: C ..will determine the everyday... 28: N become synonymous with air... 29: M ...simply switching to electric... 30: D ..run them is generated, 31: I tiny airborn particles as... ?32:H are opting for



真题应用:四六级真题长难句分析 一、基本结构的长难句 1.断开 2.简化 二、特殊结构的长难句 1.分裂结构 2.嵌套结构 3.平行结构 基本结构的长难句 基本结构的长难句: 1. 断开 (1)标点 (2)连接词:从句开始于连接词,结束于? (3)分析主谓 连接词断开,结束于标点 But this is a real-life argument before a Supreme Court that has a well-earned reputation for looking out for the interests of large corporations . (CET-6, 201312 仔细阅读2) If it has to hire a caregiver for every two children, it can ’t really achieve any economics of scale on labor to save money when other expenses go up. (CET-4, 201412 仔细阅读 1) 断开 1 标点 2 连接词 3 分析主谓 简化 1 定位谓语动词 2 去修饰找核心

More than half of all recent graduates are unemployed or in jobs that do not require a degree, and the amount of student-loan debt carried by households has increased more than five times since 1999. (CET-4, 201312 长篇阅读) 连接词断开,结束于下一个连接词前 Imagine the number of teaching jobs that might be eliminated if this could be done for math, economics, chemistry, and so on. (CET-6, 201406长篇阅读) Although it has been nearly 30 years since the first commercial mobile-phone network was launched, advertisers have yet to figure out how to get their messages out to mobile-phone users in a big way. (CET-4, 201312 选词填空) 连接词断开,结束于第二个谓语动词前 Those who stay on for an additional two years can earn a master’s degree that qualifies them as nurse practitioners or clinical nurse specialists. (CET-4, 201312 选词填空) People who score on personality tests as more sympathetic cry more than those who are more


历年大学英语四级真题阅读长难句分析 阅读是四级英语中重要的得分点和难点,对长难句的分析则决定了对阅读的彻底理解,也是学习语法,积累高级词汇、句型不可或缺的来源。而四级英语真题阅读部分均选自Times、Telegraph等著名外文报纸及杂志,其行文和词汇原汁原味,值得考生细细品味和灵活借鉴。准备2015年6月英语四级的同学们,还等什么?赶快学起来吧! 历年大学英语四级真题阅读长难句分析(1) 1. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travellers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. (1990. 阅读. Text 1) 【译文】除了早期漂洋过海的旅行者或靠海谋生的人之外,对大多数人来说,大海是遥远的,没有必要提出太多问题,更别说思考大海海底的东西了。 【析句】复合句,本句主干为the sea was remote and there was little reason to...,and连接两个并列句子,两个句子之间又有with the exception of...作伴随状语,伴随状语中又包含who earned a living from the sea定语从句修饰others。最后是习惯let alone...,注意let alone后的动词形式与前面主句动词形式相同。 2. The first time that question "What is at the bottom of the oceans?" had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. (1990. 阅读. Text 1) 【译文】当有人建议铺设一条从欧洲到美洲的海底电报光缆的时候,出于商业动机,人们才不得不首次回答这个问题“海底有什么东西”。 【析句】本句话的难点在于主从句成分的区分。主句为The first time was when the laying...was proposed, when引导表语从句,而that question had to be answered with...则是定语从句修饰the first time。 3. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea. (1990. 阅读. Text 1)
