

国际商务(英语)专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in International Business (English)


Ⅰ.Educational Objectives


Aiming at preparing students for high quality education, the program produces internationalized, compound and specialized students with the knowledge and skills of international economics and international business administration, with the comprehensive mastery of international business rules and customs including those of WTO, with strong ability international business operation, with the acquisition of English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation and interpretation skills, with the skills of computer for business handling, with the strong ability of conducting international business operation, management, communication and research in various kinds of corporations concerning foreign affairs, governmental departments, investing corporations, etc.


Ⅱ.Skills Profile


1. 掌握马克思主义经济学、西方经济学、国际经济学、国际商务管理的基本理论和方法;

2. 能运用计量、统计、会计的方法进行分析和研究;能运用计算机从事国际商务工作;

3. 了解中国及其他主要国家和地区的经济发展状况及其商务政策、法规;

4. 了解国际商务理论与实践最新的发展动态;

5. 学生应具有坚实的英语语言基础和较熟练的听、说、读、写、译的能力,对主要英语国家·268·


6. 掌握中外文文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有较强的科学研究和实际工作能力。

By the end of the program, students will be able to

1. Understand key concepts and techniques in economics, international economics and international business administration;

2. Apply computation, statistic and accounting skills to do analysis and research; utilize computer for business handling;

3. Acquire the economic situation and trade policies of China, developed countries and territories;

4. Understand the trend and current stage of development of international economics and trade theories;

5. Master English language, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation and interpretation skills, understand broadly the society and culture of major English spoken countries.

6. Master basic means of literature and information search and acquire a strong ability of scientific research and practical work.


Ⅲ.Program Features


We hold up the international spirit of teaching and studying, close to international standard at the setting of courses and educational objectives. We pa y special attention to students’ basic knowledge and skills , while we emphasize the practices of English, mathematics, information technology and social practice. We keep on teaching of English, mathematics and information technology during the whole 4 years, and adopt English version textbook for teaching in over 10 courses. The program produces internationalized, compound, and practical students.


Ⅳ.Major Disciplines


Economics, Management, English



Ⅴ.Length of Schooling and Degree


Duration: 4 years


Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of management, and Bachelor of Arts




Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):228


Minimum Extracurricular Credits:5

1. 课程体系学时与学分

2. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分


3. 课外学分





Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.


Ⅶ.Main Courses

经济学原理Principle of Economics、微观经济学Micro-Economics、宏观经济学Macro-Economics、国际企业管理学Enterprise Management、国际金融学International Finance、国际贸易学International Trade、国际投资学International Investment、保险学Insurance, 国际商务International Business、国际市场营销International Marketing、英语精读Intensive Reading、英语听力English Listening、英语泛读Extensive Reading、英语口语Oral English、英语写作English Writing、翻译理论与实践Translation Theory and Practice、口译基础Interpretation Foundation、同声传译Simultaneous Interpretation


Ⅷ.Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)

社会调查Social Investigation、课程大型作业Course Project、专业实习和毕业实习Professional


Practice and Undergraduate Practice、翻译实习Translation Internship











国际商务(英语)专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in International Business (English) 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 国际商务(英语)(双学位)专业培养具备扎实的国际经济、国际商务管理理论基础,掌握国国际经济、国际商务管理的基本知识与基本技能,熟悉包括WTO在内的通行的国际商务规则和惯例,有较强的国际商务运作能力,熟练掌握英语的听、说、阅、写、译等技能,运用计算机处理国际商务业务,能在涉外经济贸易部门、外资企业、跨国公司及政府经贸机构从事实际业务、管理、理论研究工作的国际化复合型高级专门人才。 Aiming at preparing students for high quality education, the program produces internationalized, compound and specialized students with the knowledge and skills of international economics and international business administration, with the comprehensive mastery of international business rules and customs including those of WTO, with strong ability international business operation, with the acquisition of English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation and interpretation skills, with the skills of computer for business handling, with the strong ability of conducting international business operation, management, communication and research in various kinds of corporations concerning foreign affairs, governmental departments, investing corporations, etc. 二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Skills Profile 国际商务(英语)专业(双学位)毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识与能力; 1. 掌握马克思主义经济学、西方经济学、国际经济学、国际商务管理的基本理论和方法; 2. 能运用计量、统计、会计的方法进行分析和研究;能运用计算机从事国际商务工作; 3. 了解中国及其他主要国家和地区的经济发展状况及其商务政策、法规; 4. 了解国际商务理论与实践最新的发展动态; 5. 学生应具有坚实的英语语言基础和较熟练的听、说、读、写、译的能力,对主要英语国家·268·


新编国际商务英语阅读教程译文 第一单元国际贸易理论 重商主义 世界上第一个国际贸易理论——重商主义,产生于16世纪中期。重商主义宣 称金银是一国财富的支柱,是繁荣商业所不可或缺的。当时,金银是国家间的贸易 货币,出口国赚取金银,同样从他国进口货物,导致金银的外流。重商主义认为出 口大于进口从而保持贸易顺差是一国的根本利益。这样,一国积累金银,最终使国 家财富增加,国家地位得以提升。正如1930年,英国重商主义学者托马斯?孟所说: 增加一国财富的最普遍的做法是对外贸易,而且我们必须遵守这样的规则:每 年出口产品的价值要大于进口产品的价值。 遵循这一说法,重商主义提倡政府干涉,以确保贸易顺差。重商主义认为大量 的贸易额并没有什么益处。他们建议颁布政策以扩大出口,限制进口。具体做法可 以是对进口施加关税和对配额进行限制,对出口则给予补贴。 1752年古典经济学 家大卫?休谟指出了重商主义学说的缺陷。据休谟所说,如果英国对法国贸易顺差(即出口大于进口),相应的金银的流入会导致英国国内货币供应充足,从而产生通 货膨胀。而法国会因为金银的外流产生相反的效应——通货紧缩,价格降低。英法 之间相对价格的变化将促使法国的进口商购买的英国货物数量减少(因为英国货物 变得昂贵),英国的进口商将购买更多法国的货物(因为法国货物价格降低)。结 果,英国贸易收支状况不断恶化,法国贸易收支逐步得到改善,这种情况一直持续 到英国的顺差被抵消。因此,休谟认为,长期来看,没有国家能够如重商主义者所 想象的那样保持贸易顺差。 除了休谟指出的缺陷之外,重商主义的另一缺限在于其视国际贸易为零和博弈(零和博弈是指一国得益必导致另一国受损)。亚当?斯密和大卫?李嘉图指出了重商


国际商务英语综合教程辅导用书 基本信息 出版社对外经济贸易大学出版社 出版时间20xx/10/01 ISBN9787566304759 亚马逊销量排名第88位 - 图书英语与其他外语大学英语课文辅导 字数10万字 页数139页 简介 《新世界商务英语系列教材:(第2版)》分13章,从国际商务简介、商务组织、经营方式、经济学入门、市场经济、国际贸易实务简介、国际贸易术语及定价原则、营销、营销组合与产品促销、国际支付与结算、外汇汇率到国际商务谈判策略,每章都分门别类介绍该章的专业知识。 目录 第一章国际商务简介(A BriefIntroduction to International Business) 1.什么是商务(What Is。Business) 2.什么是国际商务(What Is International Business)

3.国际商务活动范围(The Scope ofInternationaI:BusinessActivities) 4.国际风险(International Risk) 5.国际商法(International Business Law) 6.商业信用(mercial Credit) 7.国际商务管理(Management of International Business) 8.世界贸易组织简介(A BriefIntroduction to the WTO) 第二章商务组织(Business Organizations) 1.概述(Introduction) 2.独资企业(Sole Proprietorship) 3.一般合伙企业(General Partnership) 4.有限合伙企业(Limited Partnership) 5.合股公司(Joint Stock pany) 6.公司(Corporations) 7.跨国公司(Transnational Corporations) 第三章经营方式(Ways ofBusiness) 1.概述(Introduction) 2.批发(Wholesaling) 3.零售(Retailing) 4.特许经营(Franchising) 5.代理(Agency) 6.电子商务(E-merce)


2017德语专业教学培养方案 一、专业特色 德语专业以语言学习为核心开展交叉贯通多元化培养,将培育复合型、应用型专业人才作为人才培养模式。其一:注重综合技能的培养。教授语音、语法、词汇等基本知识及专业基础理论,逐步提升听、说、读、写、译等能力,以此实现综合技能和综合能力的培养。其二:复合型人才培养。强调对德国社会文化的理解与积累,注重拓展专业知识。同时通过第二专业辅修课程等灵活多样的形式,拓展学生获取知识的渠道和平台。其三:国际化及跨文化交际人才培养。近年来德语系不断开拓国际交流以适应全球化进程,与德国多家高校合作,每年选派优秀学生赴德进行长期、短期交换留学,培养学生的国际视野和跨文化交际能力。其四:研究型创新人才培养。注重创新意识和创新能力的培养,强调创新知识结构的构建,注重提供更加丰富的创新创业实践平台,让专业教育更富实践性、自主性、开放性、包容性等特点,也是德语专业近年来响应国家创新创业教育的又一举措。同时,通过校企合作及聘请行业专家授课、建立实践基地等方式,提高学生的实践能力及就业率,培养符合社会需求的应用型人才。 二、培养目标 本专业旨在培养德、智、体、美全面发展,适应我国社会发展需要和国际文化、商贸、科技交流等需要,具备扎实的德语基础知识、基本技能和应用能力及相关领域知识,具有社会责任感和道德修养、良好的心理素质,具备较强的创新意识、团队精神、国际视野和管理能力,能在高等院校、研究机构、中外企业、对外事务、信息处理等单位(部门)从事与德语相关的教育、研究、翻译、管理等工作的德语专门人才。 三、毕业要求 1.通过基础德语、高级德语、德语初级听力、德语中高级会话、德语中高级听 力等一系列课程,让学生熟练掌握本专业所需的德语基础知识,逐步获得语言综合运用能力; 2.通过德语国家概况、德国历史等课程,让学生掌握一定的文化学理论知识, 了解德国国的政治、经济、社会文化等方面的一般知识; 3.通过德语泛读、高级德语、毕业论文写作等课程锻炼学生的理解思辨能力; 4.通过高级德语、文学作品选读、毕业论文写作、德汉翻译、汉德翻译等面向 高年级的专业课,让学生获得阅读相关专业文献的能力,具备初步的语言、文学、翻译等方面的研究创新能力及逻辑思辨能力; 5.通过德语国家概况、德国历史等课程,培养学生的国际视野和跨文化交际能 力; 6.高级德语、高级德语泛读、德语在线选读、德国文学史等课程旨在让学生获 得更丰富的阅读体验,训练其文学赏析能力;


Unit 1~2 Mercantilism 重商主义 Neomeicantilist 新重商主义者 Trade surplus 贸易顺差 Quota and tariff 配额和关税 Government intervention 政府干预 Zero-sum game 零和博弈 Positive-sum game 常和博弈 The theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论 The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论 Factor endowments 要素禀赋理论 Product life cycle 产品生命周期(+theory ……理论) Economies of scale 规模经济 Diminishing returns 收益递减规律 Green revolution 绿色革命 Voluntary restriction 自动出口限制 Deposit 佣金 First mover advantage 先占优势 Barrier to entry 进入(市场)壁垒 Porter’s diamond theory 波特的钻石理论 National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势 The department of commerce 商务部 Letter of credit 信用证 Draft /bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading B/L 提单 Sight draft 即期汇票 Time draft 远期汇票 Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑(+bill …汇票) Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Countertrade 对等贸易 Barter 易货贸易 Switch trading 转手贸易 Offset 抵消 Counter purchase 互购贸易 Compensation trade 补偿贸易 Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口) Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差) It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损) Absolute Advantage 绝对优势 Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it 亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势 According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品 The Benefit(好处) of Absolute Advantage and Free Trade The Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage 国际分工的原则---绝对优势 The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易 1. To Production: the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动; the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率;the Quantity of Production 产品质量。 2. To Consumer: Welfare from Free Trade自由贸易福利: low price of imports and more consumption 低价格的进口更多的消费 Comparative Advantage比较优势 Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in the production of those goods they produce most efficiently and buy goods that they produce less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that they could produce more efficiently at home李嘉图的比较优势理论认为一个国家分工生产最有效率的产品,而从别国购买自己生产效率相对较低的产品,


英语专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in English 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 培养德、智、体全面发展,具有较高的文化素养和良好的心理素质,掌握英语专业必需的理论知识和专业技能,具有较强的实际工作能力的高级专门人才。 Aiming at preparing students for high quality education, the program produces versatile students with the knowledge of English language who are well prepared to do practical work. 二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Skills Profile 学生应具有坚实的英语语言基础和较熟练的听、说、读、写、译的能力,对主要英语国家社会和文化有较广泛的了解,具备在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、旅游等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等方面工作的能力。 With a sound grounding of English language in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, and an understanding of society and culture of English countries, students can embark on careers in commerce, education and various foreign affairs sectors as translator, teacher, manager and researcher. 三、培养特色 Ⅲ.Program Features 国际化、复合型、应用型 Internationalized, compound, and practical 四、主干学科 Ⅳ.Major Disciplines 英语 English 五、学制与学位 Ⅴ.Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duration: 4 years


(五):1、As you will see in our price list,we have offered very competitive prices,supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders,which shall always have our best attention.贵公司将会从我方价格表中看到,我方向贵公司提供了价廉物美的商品。敬请贵公司向我方订货,我方会精心关照。 2、We should very much like to help you in thismatter,but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of cousiderably lower quality in order to compete at this price.我们很乐意帮助你们,但是我们已将价格降到最低限度。你们将会发现:本公司的竞争者是在以大幅度降低产品质量的方式来压低价格。 3.谢谢你方3月10日来函。从信中我们获悉你方希望得到我方梅林牌罐头食品 的报盘。Thank you for your letter of March 10,form which we have learned that you hope to receive our offer for “Meiling”brand canned goods. 4..我们从贵公司8月20日来函中得知你放打算向我方订购二万公吨化肥 我们很高兴的报价如下。We have learned form your letter dated August 20 that you are going to place an order with us for 20000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers.We are pleased to quote as follows. .5.兹复你方7月8日函 我们现向你方作如下报盘 以我方最后确认为准。In reply to your letter of July 8 ,we are now making you the following offer,subject to our final confirmation. 6.供你放参考 我方价格合理 中东地区许多顾客已经接受该价格。For your reference ,our price is reasonable and a lot of customers in the Middle East have accepted the price. 7.复你方9月10日信 我们乐意向你方报盘如下 以北京时间10月15日前复 到为有效。In reply to your letter of September 10,we are pleased to make you an offer as follows,subject to your reply reaching here before October15,Beijing time. (六):1.贵公司可能注意到了原材料价格的上涨趋势,种种迹象表明这种趋势将持续下去。在此情况下,沃恩想提醒你们,在近期内不可能再有相同的报盘。You may have observed an upward tendency in the prices of raw materials,which has every indication of being maintained.Under the circumstances,we would like to remind you that a similar offer in the near future is mosltl unlikely. (七):我们希望向你们订购30罗红花牌手表 4月装运。这些货物选自你们2月2 日来信及产品目录。We wish to place an order with you for 30 gross”Red Flower”brand watches for April shipment .The goods have been chosen from your catalogue sent to us together with your letter of February 2. 你方6月15日订购2000公斤中国安哥拉兔毛的第P81号订单收悉。谢谢。我们欢迎你们成为我们的新客户。We thank you for your Order No.P81 dated June 15 for 2000 kilograms of Chinese Angora Rabbit Hair and welcome you as one of our new customers. 最近我们对山地自行车需求甚殷 我们不能保证新订货在6月30日之前交付。The recent exceptional demand for our mountain bicycles makes it impossible for us to promise delivery of any new orders before June 30. 我们已接受你方第FG16号订单订购货号第338号红玫瑰牌浴巾9000打。请即告知颜色搭配。并按第S-98号销售合同开立以我当为受益人的有关信用证。Your order No.FG 16for 9000dozen of “Red Rose”brand bath towels Art.No.338 has been booked.Please let us know the colour assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favour according to Sales Contract No.S-98. 关于你方3月20 日的e-mail 我们乐意通知你方我们已接受了你方订购2500打天坛牌男



2017德语专业教学培养方案 一、专业特色 德语专业以语言学习为核心开展交叉贯通多元化培养,将培育复合型、应用型专业人才作为人才培养模式。其一:注重综合技能的培养。教授语音、语法、词汇等基本知识及专业基础理论,逐步提升听、说、读、写、译等能力,以此实现综合技能和综合能力的培养。其二:复合型人才培养。强调对德国社会文化的理解与积累,注重拓展专业知识。同时通过第二专业辅修课程等灵活多样的形式,拓展学生获取知识的渠道和平台。其三:国际化及跨文化交际人才培养。近年来德语系不断开拓国际交流以适应全球化进程,与德国多家高校合作,每年选派优秀学生赴德进行长期、短期交换留学,培养学生的国际视野和跨文化交际能力。其四:研究型创新人才培养。注重创新意识和创新能力的培养,强调创新知识结构的构建,注重提供更加丰富的创新创业实践平台,让专业教育更富实践性、自主性、开放性、包容性等特点,也是德语专业近年来响应国家创

新创业教育的又一举措。同时,通过校企合作及聘请行业专家授课、建立实践基地等方式,提高学生的实践能力及就业率,培养符合社会需求的应用型人才。 二、培养目标 本专业旨在培养德、智、体、美全面发展,适应我国社会发展需要和国际文化、商贸、科技交流等需要,具备扎实的德语基础知识、基本技能和应用能力及相关领域知识,具有社会责任感和道德修养、良好的心理素质,具备较强的创新意识、团队精神、国际视野和管理能力,能在高等院校、研究机构、中外企业、对外事务、信息处理等单位(部门)从事与德语相关的教育、研究、翻译、管理等工作的德语专门人才。 三、毕业要求 1.通过基础德语、高级德语、德语初级听力、 德语中高级会话、德语中高级听力等一系列课程,让学生熟练掌握本专业所需的德语基础知识,逐步获得语言综合运用能力; 2.通过德语国家概况、德国历史等课程,让 学生掌握一定的文化学理论知识,了解德国国


Unit 1 Company Profile 1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English. candidate patent industry personnel registered trademark core competency domain name intended market emerging market headquarter multinational corporation Chief Executive Officer stakeholder 2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese. 股本,股金总额 以人为本的解决方案 精于心简于形 对客户的深入了解 工业革命 回收利用 3.Translation: 宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。2007财政年度,公司全年销售额达682亿美元。在《财富》杂志评选出的全球500家最大企业中,排名第74位。 宝洁公司在全球80多个国家设有工厂或分公司,所经营的300多个品牌的产品畅销160多个国家和地区,其中包括美容护理、居家护理、吉列产品等。每天,在世界各地,宝洁公司的产品与全球消费者发生着三十亿次亲密接触。宝洁大中华业务区包括1988年成立的中国大陆分公司、1987成立的香港分公司和1985年成立的台湾分公司。 一九八八年,宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了其中国业务发展的历程。宝洁总部位于广州,目前在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津、东莞及南平等地设有多家分公司及工厂,并在北京设立技术中心。 二十年来,宝洁取得了飞速的发展,主要表现在:


最新德语专业大学生职业生涯规划书德语专业的迅速发展是与我国同西欧德语国家特别是德国之间经济贸易、文化交流不断扩大的趋势相联系的。几十年来,德语专业的规模由小到大,专业内培养方向越来越明确细化,为国家建设的各条战线输送了数以百计的人才。这些人才主要分布在高校、科技、外事、外经外贸、旅游、涉外企业等部门和领域;在不同时期,受国家政策、就业环境变化等因素的影响,这种分布状况也各有侧重。 一、自我评估 1、运用回顾法等方法分析自己的职业兴趣 喜欢经济,对贸易、管理、营销有浓厚兴趣; 喜欢时尚,对新奇的东西,服装与化妆护肤养生等兴趣浓厚;?喜欢电脑应用,对网络、软件、有一些基础;?喜欢做有挑战的事,热爱生活 2、分析自己的性格特征 人前是外向的,自己一个人独处相当内向冷漠。 3、分析自己的能力与能力倾向 社交方面:我是发起人,大一创办德语社,并担任社长两年,有一帮很好很铁的朋友,我喜欢与人打交道 技能方面:计算机技能(办公室软件运用熟练),英语(可流畅的进行对话,德语客流畅的进行对话以及翻译文档,化妆造型。 言语方面:可以进行英语基本对话,阅读一般商务函电等;管理

方面:两年的50人以上的社团社长,多次组织集体活动,管理宣传能力较强。逻辑方面:逻辑思维能力强专业能力:德语; 附:相关证书及获奖情况全国专业德语水平四级 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证(C类证)大学英语四六级证书青岛国际帆船周志愿者 青岛理工大学琴岛学院团员青岛理工大学琴岛学院学生干部等 4.谈谈你自己的核心职业价值观,分析自己属于安全型、技术型、自主型、管理型、创新型中的哪一种? 提示:我看重职业的哪些方面?收入、社会地位、成就感、安定、自由等 ②尽可能的提高自己的业绩,以获得职位和薪酬上的提升; ③经过长时间的锻炼,可是初步尝试和他人合伙独立进行贸易; ④建立自己的贸易公司,充分利用自己的经验、人际关系和从各种途径获取的客户资料,将企业做大做强。?不放弃考取公务员的努力。 4、职业晋升图 外贸业务员―》外贸经理助理-》外贸经理-》自主创业海关公务员 四、依据职业目标,实现规划 制定一个详细的计划,有利于我阶梯状的实现我的目标,把职业规划详细的执行过程进行细分,制定合适的措施。?1、短期目标:目标1:获得与未来职业相关的证书,身临其境运用德语。


14. I.1.Get letters, documents and packages delivered overnight. 2.Handle nearly 2 million packages and documents per day 3.Own a large number of airplanes, trucks and vans for handling delivery 4.Ensure that most of its flights arrive within fifteen minutes of schedule https://www.360docs.net/doc/0215253039.html,e a combination of direct services and independent contractors for international deliveries 6.Promote the company's record of efficiency and on time delivery 7.Face intense competition from electronic mail 8.Businesses need to be able to communicate quickly with employees around the world 9.Offer international service to over one hundred countries 10.An adverse impact which losses in international operations have on a firm's earnings 11.Increase a company's fixed costs of international operations 12.Experience poor sales performance due to very stiff competition 13.Have difficulty in building a global infrastructure to support its operations 14.Try to improve its services through more sophisticated computers II.1.Businesses and individuals in the United States and the whole world benefit greatly from the overnight letter,document and package delivery service handled by Federal Express. 2.Federal Express has up-do-date means of transport,highly efficient service centers and facilities, and loyal and hardworking employees, which ensures the quick and punctual fulfillment of its delivery service. 3.To promote its delivery service, Federal Express motivates its employees by offering them excellent training and compensation, so that they have very high level of service and efficiency. 4.Despite its remarkable business performance, Federal Express is faced with fierce competition from its rivals in its business operations, with the result of a considerable loss of its market share. 5.Although it has experienced many difficulties and setbacks in its business operations, Federal Express is convinced that, by improving its service through more sophisticated computers and customer relations, it can certainly succeed in attaining further overseas expansion. Revision Exercises(LL.8-14) I.1.in 2.in 3.with 4.for 5.to 6.of 7.on 8.in 9.to 10.with 11.on 12.with 13.from 14.of 15.by 16.in II.1.along with 2.importers 3.ensure 4.advertise 5.establishing 6.existing 7.blueprint 8.in contrast with 9.in spite of 10.was subject to 11.were aimed at 12.are likely to 13.prevailing 14.affect 15.regardless of 16.extent III.1.the government will provide them with preferential loans and relatively


国际商务英语教程期末调研试卷 命题人Chiang yao 一,短语(1x20=20分) 1.shop around for 2.资本劳动比率 3 横向联合4,税收收入 5.比较劣势 6. technological gap 7.中间产品 8.制造工序 9.管理权10.购买力平价11,税额优惠12,市场潜力13.企业管理14.成本效益15.国际市场营销16.on a par with 17. 独资所有人18.企业实体19.制定转账价格20. 逃税 二,介词(1x10=10分) 1.The basic functions of commercial banks are to accept demand deposits ______which checks can be drawn and to make short-term loans. 2.when a country's currency is strong ,foreign goods can be bought _____relatively low prices. 3.As we monitored the progress of the program ,it became obvious to us that timely access____information is indispensable. 4.Services can be classified as being either consumer or industrial services _____nature. 5.A lack of cooperation in some countries may stem ____ cultural differences in how intellectual property is viewed. 6.China's gross domestic product grew _____over 8 percent a year for 14 years. 7.This trend continued for many years until improvements _____transportation and communication enabled large producers to manufacture goods at lower costs and charge lower prices. 8.In contrast ___lifestyle business,some small firms are small simply because they are new. 9.By 1992 Hong Kong's share ___ total Chinese exports had risen to 44%. 10._____ respect to economic crisis , it may be caused by casually used free market. 三,(请从以下括号内选择最合适的单词或词组与有关的句子相匹配,并根据需要改变词形)(2x15=30分) ((1)staff recruitment (2)subsidiary (3)merge with (4)emotional strain (5)huge conglomerates (6)per capita (7)infrastructure (8)payback period (9)commission (10)stimulus (11)adapt to (12)make a compromise


翻译本科专业人才培养计划 Undergraduate Program in Translation and Interpreting 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Program Objectives 本专业培养具有扎实的英汉双语基础、较强的翻译能力、丰富的百科知识,了解翻译学科基础理论,并具备一定翻译研究能力的应用复合型翻译专业人才。本专业毕业生能胜任科技、新闻、外交、经贸、教育、文化等领域的一般性口笔译工作和其他语言服务工作。 The undergraduate program in Translation and Interpreting is aimed at producing interdisciplinary students proficient in both English and Chinese, with strong translation and interpreting competence and a general knowledge of translation theories, and prepared for academic study in translation and interpreting studies. Students are expected to be competent in offering essential translation, interpreting and other language services in various fields including science and technology, news media, foreign affairs, economics and trade, education and culture. 二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Learning outcomes 1.具备良好的思想道德、人文素养和职业素养; 2.具有国际视野和跨文化交流与合作能力,较强的逻辑思辨能力和信息加工能力; 3.了解中国和主要英语国家的历史、社会与文化,掌握科技、新闻、政治、经济、外贸、教育、文化等领域的基础知识; 4.具有扎实的英汉双语基础,熟练的英、汉语笔头和口头表达能力; 5.掌握各种场合的交替传译技能与策略,不同文体的笔译能力和熟练运用翻译工具辅助翻译的能力; 6.了解中外翻译史、基础翻译理论、翻译行业的现状和发展趋势; 7.了解基本的语言学、文学知识和翻译研究方法,具备一定的翻译研究能力。 Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate good moral character, broad knowledge in humanities and professional ethics; 2. Develop global mindset, cultural competence, sophisticated analytical thinking skills and
