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娱乐活动的英语作文 篇一:2015大学英语四级作文预测30篇 北京外国语大学 1. 生活时间角度 (1) we have been always considering sth (recreational activities) as something to relax ourselves or something that can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 我们一直认为娱乐活动可以让我们放松,可以为我们每天枯燥的生活增添一些色彩。 (2) Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. Sth可以使我们的生活更加有乐趣,也就是说,sth为我们每天枯燥的生活增添了一些色彩。 lives and the source of their happiness and contentment ? and have more opportunities to communicate with impact on development of their personal character. 性的培养是有利的。 for boredom. Sth 进而没有时间来觉得无聊。 (6)Sth does not occupy students’Sth . (7)What‘ (8and to communicate with their parents, which have beneficial 2. (1)broadened. 逐渐的,我们的知识会得到增加,我们的视野将会大大的拓宽。


Guangzou university is the key university in guangdong province which is on the xiaoguwei island.Entry in school, there is a big stone tablet with the words“guangzhou university”. In front of school gate,our library is more than twenty eight hundred thousand books. If hungry, just have something food in commercial center of guangzhou university or other canteens. The eastern administrative and science lab building is on the left of school gate . Behind the library, there is a little lake with many fish in it. Oh, there is also a nice pavilion and a bridge above the lake. After the class, we can entry th/e playground freely to do all kinds of sports we like. This is our school. Don’t you think it’s great?


范例一: 关于爱情,我想把我们对爱情的一些积极看法跟大家分享。以下为一篇关于爱情的英语作文,希望与大家共享。 爱就意味着了解所爱的人。能够认识到这个人多个方面——不仅仅是美好的一面,还有他的局限,他的矛盾之处和他的缺点。要看到对方的情感、思想,感觉他的内心,要能够透过他在社交场合的表现和他的社会角色而看到他内心的深处。 爱就意味着关心所爱之人的幸福。事实上,爱不是占有,也不是束缚。相反,两人都在爱中得到自由。关心一个人就是关心他的成长,希望他可以成为最好的他。因此,我不会为他的个人发展设置障碍,即使这样有时使我难受。 爱就意味着尊重所爱之人。爱一个人,就是将其卸任一个独立的人,有自己的价值观、思想和感情。我不会为自己而坚持要他放弃个性变成我所希望的他。我能允许,也鼓励他我行我素,成为他自己。我不会视他为物,或利用他主要来满足自己的需要。 爱就意味着对所爱之人负责。爱一个人,就要对他作为独立个体的需求做出回应。这种负责并不包括替他做他可以自己做到的事,也不是操纵他的生活。这种负责是承认我的所作所为会影响到他,他的欢乐痛苦都与我直接相关。相爱者确有伤害或忽略所爱的人的能力。从这个意义上说,我们认为,爱就要为自己的行为对对方产生的影响承担某种责任。 爱就意味着对所爱之人做出承诺。这种承诺并非意味着把自己完全交给对方,也并不是说这一关系必然是天长地久,这种承诺否认在平静愉快时,还是困苦挣扎、失意绝望时,都愿意厮守相伴。 爱就意味着信赖所爱之人。爱一个人,就要相信他会接受我的关心,接受我的爱,相信他不会故意伤害我;相信他会认为平静愉快有吸引力,相信他不会抛弃我;相信爱是相互的。如果我们彼此信赖,我们就愿彼此坦诚相待,敞开心扉。 爱能够容忍不完美。爱人之间也会有时感到厌倦,有时想放弃,有时感到压力,有时感到无法前进。真正的爱并不意味着永远的幸福。但是,在困难时期我能坚守,因为我仍记得我们共同度过的日子,我也能想象如果我们愿意面对我们之间的问题、渡过难关、我们将共同拥有什么样的未来。我们一致认为爱是一种能改变人生的精神。爱是一种生活方式,它具有创造和改变的力量。但是爱并不是为完善世界而存在的,爱本来就是我们这个不完美、有缺陷的世界而存在的。爱应该是一种能缓解痛苦的精神力量。爱应该给我们这无聊的生活带来意义。换言之,是爱使我们能够在这不完美的世界上生活下去。 爱是包容的。爱一个人,就要鼓励他与他人建立联系。尽管对彼此的爱与承诺不允许我们有某些行为,这种结合也不是全然排他的。两个人密不可分,再无个人发展的余地,这样的爱是不真实、不明智的。


大学校园生活英语作文 Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, I am quite satisfied with my university life. On the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. Here is the bright side of my university life: Firstly, Equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. There is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. So we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. Secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. We can learn much knowledge that is interesting. Thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. Such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends. What’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. Dormitory life is an important part of my university life. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. This is the dark side of my university life:Firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. So we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. Everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. Secondly, self-study room is not enough. Now we will soon take final exam. So it is difficult to find a self-study room. What’s more, network of my university is very unstable. It is difficult to search literature in my dormitory, which waste too much time.In short, I am quite satisfied with my university life, but there is still some room for improvement. I am convinced that my university life will become better and better.


写校园的英语作文 【篇一:关于学校介绍的英语作文】 关于学校介绍的英语作文 4.请谈谈你对你学校的感觉等.. (在哪自己写吧).first here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it. i think my school is one of the best schools in the world.because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. i like it, every at it likes it. 【篇二:英语作文介绍我们的学校】 welcome to our school! our school is the key middle school in this city. now we are in the front gate. entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on the left and a big resturant on the right. if you’re hungry, you can have something good in there. the grand teaching building is right behind the football playground. we spend most time in the classrooms. behind the teaching building, there is a little lake with many fish in it. oh, there is also a nice library next to the lake. after the class, we can entry the library freely to read the books we like. t his is our school. don’t you think it’s great? 欢迎来到我们学校! 我们中学是这所城市的重点中学。现在我们来到了学校的正大门。进入到这所学校,你可以看到在校园的左边有个很大的足球场,右边有个很大的餐厅。如果你饿了,你可以去餐厅吃些好吃的东西。巨大的教学楼就在足球场后面。我们的大多数时间都待 在教室里。在教学楼后面,有个小小的湖泊,很多鱼在水里游。噢,对了,小湖泊的旁边还有个图书馆。下课的时候,我们可以进去读自己喜欢的书籍。这就是我们的学校。你不认为这很棒吗? 【篇三:中考英语作文校园生活类范文】 3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:中考英语作文校园生活类范文 多彩校园

关于校园生活的英语作文__My school life

My school life There is no doubt that almost all students dislike school life,but everyone has the responsibility to end the the examination-oriented education. I am a student who study in a school which is located in Yongchang. I was admitted into this beautiful school. I still remember the day when I first went to school. In my eyes, everything was pretty. I get on well with my classmates and teachers. Since I went to this school, I think of my teachers as my best friends like leaves and flowers. I never look upon them as others. It is reason why I often question my teachers on some problems is that I love them. When I am trouble and lose heart, they always help me settle these problems.Of course, I am also satisfied with their education. I have a lot of friends who can make me try to form them good study habits. Because of that, I often get up early and try my best to study well. I also like you that I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject. I prefer learning English to learning others. It is easily of me to learn this lesson, I often get an "A" in the exam. In my In my opinion,In the future work, the English study also play an important role. I do not like Chinese because it is so boring that I can't stand

中考英语作文 活动介绍类

如何写活动介绍类作文 写活动介绍类作文的三点建议 1. 了解题目要求和要点内容,写作时注意总分结构的使用。 2. 按照要点顺序列出写作提纲。 3. 要点之间可以用序数词或过渡性的句子衔接。 写好中考作文的十个简单原则 1. 是表达,而不是印象。 2. 简单的句子效果最好。 3. 主动,而不是被动。 4. 了解目标受众。 5. 大声朗读。 6. 尽量避免使用行话。 7. 词的长短也很重要。 8. 肯定比否定要更好——即使在写作中! 9. 留下时间来修改和重写——在你写完全部内容后。 10. 写下来。每时每刻。 中考英语作文满分必备万能句 1. It goes without saying that... /(It is) needless to say (that).../ It is obvious that...不用说…… ?It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.不用说早睡早起是值得的。 2. Among various kinds of.../ Of all the... 在各种……之中 ?Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 在各种运动中我尤其喜欢慢跑。 3. In my opinion/To my mind/ As far as I am concerned/ I am of the opinion that... 就我的看法……; 我认为…… ?In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health. 就我的看法打电动玩具既花费时间也有害健康。 4. With the increase/growth of the population... 随着人口的增加……


英语作文介绍自己学校 【篇一:英语作文介绍我们的学校】 welcome to our school! our school is the key middle school in this city. now we are in the front gate. entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on the left and a big resturant on the right. if you’re hungry, you can have something good in there. the grand teaching building is right behind the football playground. we spend most time in the classrooms. behind the teaching building, there is a little lake with many fish in it. oh, there is also a nice library next to the lake. after the class, we can entry the library freely to read the books we like. this is our school. don’t you think it’s great? 欢迎来到我们学校! 我们中学是这所城市的重点中学。现在我们来到了学校的正大门。进入到这所学校,你可以看到在校园的左边有个很大的足球场,右边有个很大的餐厅。如果你饿了,你可以去餐厅吃些好吃的东西。巨大的教学楼就在足球场后面。我们的大多数时间都待 在教室里。在教学楼后面,有个小小的湖泊,很多鱼在水里游。噢,对了,小湖泊的旁边还有个图书馆。下课的时候,我们可以进去读自己喜欢的书籍。这就是我们的学校。你不认为这很棒吗? 【篇二:my school英语作文我的学校】 my school my school is very beautiful. it is in chang’an.it is near the vegetable market.it is xingguo international primary school.i like my school very much. we have a big playground.we often play basketball,play ping-pong,run ….in the playground. we play sports very happy. i have many teache rs.they are very kind to us.i have many classmates.they are very humor.i have them,i feel very happy. i love my teachers,my classmates.i love xingguo international primary school,too. what about you? do you like your school? 【篇三:介绍自己学校的英语的作文】 介绍自己学校的英语的作文 ill introduce our school orders to all of you.


college students have different concern in love According to the pie chart, we can see clearly that CCNU college students have different concern in love .About 31% of students think that personality is very pivotal. In contrast, only 27% of CCNU students are concern about abilities. The students think that common interest and goals is the most important concern occupies 17% of the total. Appearance and economic status have the similar percentage,one is 14%,and the other is 11%. There are several factors leading to this phenomenon, first of all ,college student is very knowledgeably,there face love with an attitude of reason and equality.Of course ,there are also some student are very https://www.360docs.net/doc/021926057.html,st but not the least,compared with terms of material things some student would rather purse moral or spiritual thing In my opinion. Although love is wonderful, study should be taken the first priority. Because what we learn now can be beneficial in the future,So we should relate love to study effectively. 1.1 According to the pie chart, we can see clearly that CCNU college students have different concerns in love . ?[教师点评][标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 好评报错 ?[搭配统计] 动名搭配have...concern在教材中出现过4906次 SeeAlso: have business3760,have fear1813,have worry717,have headache653,take concern384,accept concern6,have care3 好评报错 ?[学习提示] 易混词汇: agree, accord, coincide, conform, correspond 均含“符合,一致” 之意。 agree: 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。 accord: 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。 coincide: 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。 conform: 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。 correspond: 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。 好评报错 ?[批改提示] according to在做“根据”讲时,近义表达有in accordance with。



学校的活动英语作文 【篇一:英语四级作文范文:校园活动】 英语四级作文范文:校园活动 题目要求:directions: write a composition entitled campus activities. you should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in chinese: 1. 校园活动多种多样; 2. 参加校园活动的好处。 参考范文:campus activities campus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges.these activities range from academie to recreational,such as academic reports, speech contests, poet’s club, painting clubs、singing and dancing groups, etc. these activities provide students with two major advantages. first of all, t hey play a positive role in improving students’ studies. due to their heavy schedules, students are often buried in textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. but the various activities provide opportunities for them to relax themselves and eich their minds. in addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” more chances to get in touch with society. from these activities, the participants have to leave the classroom and get to know the society. all these offer an important means for students to broaden their horizons. by .participating in campus activities, they have fulfilled


学校规则英语作文 【篇一:英语作文校园生活】 三、校园生活(春游、校规、科目、学习困难等) 名词:math, favorite subject,beginning, fun, skill, sir, madam, activity, group, unit, team, joke, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, reason, test, geography, yesterday, middle school, suggestion, exam, classmate, report, article, idea, rule, hallway, classroom, ms, dinning hall, sports shoes, gym, dr, in class, schoolwork, physics, grade, gift, prize, visitor, monitor, umbrella, raincoat, end-of-year exam, report card, semester, disappointing result, senior high school, half the class, mistake; secret; speaking skills; writing skill, grammar 动词:pass, relax, star, teach, clean, read, study, describe, improve, stop, remember, say, did, went, stay, have, spend, discuss, said, fight, look for, talk about, do some reading, practice, have to, do one’s ho mework, have fun doing, study for the test, have a party, practice english, help sb. do, win, end, drive, go for a drive, sleep late, have a day off, hang out, study for a test, copy, have a really hard time with, be surprised to find, forget to do, start a bad habit, get over it, get mad at sb, be able to do, write in english, break the rule, make mistakes, laugh at; take notes, look up, work with friends, read the textbook, listen to tapes, ask the teacher for help, study for a test, watch a video, can’t understand, spoken english, find a pen pal, try one’s best, be afraid to…, succeed, achieve, stay up until 11 pm, be strict with…, talk about the rules, wear uniforms, wear our own clothes, allow sb to do…, care about, concentrate on 形容词:busy, interesting, boring, fun, tired, difficult, cool, following, regular, irregular, present, past, colorful, better, different, wet, hard-working, own, unimportant, frustrating; relaxing, strict, frustrated, serious enough, wild, old enough, calm enough i am really busy. at … i have math. it’s difficult but interesting. i like…/i don’t like… we have to clean the classroom.we can’t run in the hallways. i take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes.


校园浪漫的英语作文 【篇一:英语作文之校园爱情】 the shadow of romance seeking on the campus 1.你对追求校园浪漫的看法 2.对你的观点进行深入论述 3.你的建议 the campus is ubiquitous romantically in now the university campus, many university students crave very much in pursue the campus to be romantic. but when it comes to the phenomenon about the shadow of romance seeking. people hold on various attitudes towards it because of the different culture backgrounds and other reasons .in my view , pursuing romance is good for the contemporary college students if controlled within a more reasonable range. on the one hand , students can make deep friendships even be a couple. on the other hand , students can build up their ability to deal with things. whats more , students may have access to reach a higher level of the success by working out setbacks on their way seeking romance. however , if students wastes too much time pursuing romance , there will be many problems, such as bad study marks, suffering from intangible affection. in a word , only if we can spend appropriate time ,feelings and energy seeking romance ,will we be able to enjoy a fantastic college life even have a promising future. 【篇二:大学英语作文例文20篇】 例文1:大学生的经济来源 income sources of college students according to the investigation of the income sources of students, the income of american and chinese students comes from parents, part-time job and scholarship. however, the percentage of each income is quite different: fifty percent of the american students income comes from their parents, fifteen percent comes from the scholarships granted by colleges and universities and the rest comes from part-time jobs; ninety percent of chinese students income comes from their parents.


高考英语作文范文:校园活动 假如你叫李华,是校报的一名英语小记者。请根据下面的写作提纲,为校报的英语专栏写一篇稿件,介绍你上周六去动物救助中心的公益活动的情况。 1.参加活动的时间、地点和主要经过; 2.参加这项活动的感受。 注意:词数100左右。 词汇试题:动物救助中心---Animal Rescue Center;流浪---stray 【参考范文】 Last Saturday I joined a voluntary activity which was organized by the students' union of our school. My classmates and I took a bus and went to the Animal Rescue Center in our city, where some stray dogs and cats are kept. As soon as we arrived, the workers told us how these animals were collected and what they did to help them. Then we were divided into small groups and helped them clean the cages. We were given some food to feed these animals. I learned a lot from this activity. Animals need our care and attention, so we should devote our time to taking care of them. 试题二 假如你是李华。你们学校最近开通了英语广播站,旨在让同学们提升英语水平。现在请你以广播站播音员的身份,用英语写一篇英文播音稿,号召同学们收听。 要点:1. 自我介绍;

campus love 校园爱情 作文

翻译2班25# 朱桂香 Different Views on Campus Love Nowadays, there are many loves appearing on our campus . It’s common to see the lovers wandering around us hand in hand , shoulder by shoulder. It seems that campus love already become kind of fashion which have been taken for granted too much by college students .However, is it really a must in our four-year campus life? Well,it all depends. Here,lets come to see two different views towards this controversial issue. Some people think love on campus is nice.In the first place, campus life is a transition from a teenager to an adult, we should learn a lot of things, not only the knowledge, the working ability , but also the capacity of dealing with the relationship between love and life. And now, as adults, they have mature mind and clear judgment to organize and develope their love properly, and also keep it harmonious with their life.What’s more,the progress of love can be progress of growing through this kind of experience.Secondly, when two people fall in love with each other, there may comes a kind of power.and this kind of power can be considered as the mental and spiritual strength, which can stimulate them to keep enthusiastic about life. In a word, love can bring us beautiful color to our life,while other people think love on campus is congruous. In my opinion,it is natural to fall in love with a boy or a girl in our campus, but we can’t ignore our lessons in the co urse of our love.Instead of doing everything with a wild passion, we must be calm and realize that it is responsible for taking oon every possible affairs.After all, we are now standing in college with the financial help of our parents.
