



1.My father’s mother is my g________.

2.P_________like eating bamboos(竹子)very much.

3.What’s the w________like in Xi’an?

4.Sydney is in A_________.

5.----How many s________are there in a year?----Four


()1.Look at Mike’s trousers._________nice.



C.There are

D.There is

()2.These two bedrooms are_________.

A.Lily and Lucy

B.Lily’s and Lucy’s

C.Lily’s and Lucy

D.Lily and Lucy’s

()3.There_______a bed and two chairs______the bedroom.





()4.---_________are the apples?

---Three yuan.

A.How many

B.How much

C.How big

D.How long

()5.There are about six____students in our school.



C.hundreds of

D.hundred of

()6.May is_____month of the year.


B.the fifth



()7._____you have any brothers______sisters?






1.---How many________(child)are there in the photo?----Seven.

2.Thank you for_________(help)me sweep the floor.

3.I want to be a_________(farm)when I grow up.

4.What color is_______(Mary)hat?

5.I failed in the exam.I’m sorry________(hear)that.


1.Is there an air-conditioner in the classroom?(做肯定和否定回答)


2.My friend’s birthday is in November.(对划线部分提问)


3.He often goes to the library on the weekends.(改为一般疑问句)


4.I am20years old.My sister is25years old.(合成一句话)

I am five_____________________________________________________my sister.

5.How many colors are there in the Olympic Rings?What are they?

_____________________________________________________________________________ _


It is a rainy day.A woman with a dog gets on the bus.It’s a big dog and its feet not clean.

the dog to sit on it.So the woman says to the conductor,“Oh,I pay for my dog.Can he sit here like the other people?”

The conductor looks at the dog and says,“Yes,madam,but like the other people,he must not put his feet on the chair.”

()1.It’s a______day.





()2.The dog is_______.





()3.The woman______the dog to sit on the chair.


B.doesn’t want



()4._______likes the dog.

A.The woman


C.The conductor


()5.At last the dog________.

A.doesn’t sit on the chair

B.sits on the chair

C.gets off the bus

D.runs home


Tom,Steve,and Emily each have a pet.One has a cat,another has a dog,and the third has a bird.The cat isn’t Steve’s.Tom doesn’t own a cat.The person who has a bird is not Steve.

Who is the owner of the bird?



1.以My Weekend为题目

2.要求用上went to the park,did homework,read books等词语。


_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


2017年小升初英语试卷 第1页(共3页) 2017年 小升初英语试卷 (时间:30分钟 总分:50分) 一、单项选择题。(本题包括10小题,每题1分,共10分) ( )1. What ______interesting book! And __________book is very interesting. A.an ;a B. a ; a C. a; the D. an ; the ( )2.There __________ some meat on the plate. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. have ( )3. Thanks __________ your present. A. of B. from C. For D. to ( )4. You can ’t see the doctor now, he ______ a meeting now. A. has B. have C. is having D. had ( ) 5. — ___________ is that man over there? — He is Mr. Wang. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Where ( ) 6. Can he ______a bike? A. to ride B. rides C. riding D. ride ( )7. — What does your father do? —____. A. work B. doctor C. He is working D. He’s a worker ( )8.This room is _____smaller than that one. A. many B. much C. more D.most ( )9. I will go to Beijing my parents. A. on B. for C. with D. in ( )10. Our teachers always tell us waste water. A not B to not C don ’t D not to 二、 阅读短文。(每小题1分,共10分) (A )Today is sunny and warm. After I played the violin, my uncle took me to the zoo in the morning. We saw monkeys, tigers, elephants and many other animals. We had lunch in KFC. After lunch, we went to the bookstore, I bought a comic book and two magazines about sports. I was so happy. But my brother, Tim was sad. He had a fever. My mother took him to see the doctor. And then he stayed in bed. He was bored. ( ) 1.What ’s the weather like today? A. It ’s raining. B. It ’s cloudy. C. It ’s sunny and warm. D. It ’s cold. ( )2. I went to the zoo with my ____________. A. uncle B. brother C. father D. mother ( )3. Did we see animals at the zoo? A. Yes, we did. B. No, we didn ’t. C. No, we did. D. Yes, we are. ( )4. I bought two _______ about sports. A. comic books B. magazines C. math books D. English books ( )5. Tim was ________. A. unhappy B. happy C. excited D. good (B) 根据短文,判断正误,对的写“T ”, 错的写“F ”。 A father and his young daughter get on a bus and sit down. The conductor (售票员) comes to them for their money. The father says,” I want one ticket.” Then he gives the conductor some money. The conductor looks at the girl, then he asks, ‘How old are you ?” The father stars to speak. But the conductor stops him, and the girl says,” I am six years old at home, and four years old in buses and trains. Father tells that.”T he father ’s face turns red. He has to take some money out of his bag and gives it to the conductor. The conductor gives him one and a half (半) tickets. ( )1. The father and his young daughter are taking a car. ( )2. The conductor comes to the father and his young daughter for their money ( )3. The father wants two tickets. ( )4. The girl is four years old. …………封…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题…………○


2017年小升初英语试卷一一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _______. 2. W__________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b__________. 4. This is Peter's e________ life. 5. F________ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What's the weather _________ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming _________ South China Sea. 3. Here's the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house. 6. I get up _________ six o'clock in the morning. 7. We are eating dinner _________ the table. 8. It's raining. We can watch TV _______ home. 9. What can I do __________ you? 10. It's five __________ twelve in the morning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good ___________ (swim). 2. It's late. We can't play any _________ (long). 3. Mary is much __________ (good) today. 4. That is a new boy. ___________ (He)name is Jack. 5. ---- Here's your book. --- __________(Thank) a lot. 6. Today is the _______ (nine)of June. 7. I ________(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 8. San was in the _________ (sit) room just now. 9. Lucy writes __________ (carefully) than Lily. 10. My father _________ (read)a newspaper last night. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Excuse me. Where's Shanghai Zoo? A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to ( ) 2. Which apple do you want? A. do you like B. would you want C. would you like


2017小升初真题第二部分 (满分90分) 一、选择题(共7小题,每小题4分,共计28分:在每一小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个符合题目要求请把正确选项的序号填在答题卡的相应位置)、 17、小郑计划在今年的夏天读30本书,并为每本书做读书笔记。现在他已经读了a本书,这其中有b本书还没做读书笔记。下述哪一项表达式中的“?”能正确表示小郑一共有多少本书没做读书笔记?() A、30-b=? B、?+a-b=30 C、30+a-b=? D、a-b=? 18、小郑有两个正方形骰子,每个面上点数符合如下规则:骰子相对的两个面上的点数之和为7.下面是四个骰子的展开图。其中哪两个可能是小郑的骰子 A、Ⅰ和Ⅱ B、Ⅱ和Ⅲ C 、Ⅲ和ⅣD、Ⅰ和Ⅳ 19、小郑拿了一个积木玩具(下图左),你从不同角度观察它,以下哪一项是你不可能看到的?、

20、吃完饭,小郑告诉你这顿饭你们一共消费300元,其中饮料58元,凉菜46元,热菜196元(包含特价菜32元)。已知该饭店有两种优惠方式,其中优惠方式一为每满80元减10元,优惠方式二为打九折。你们可以选择其中的一种,但特价菜和饮料不参与优惠计算。请问你们最少将支付多少钱? A.279元 B.280元 C.273.75元 D.270元 21、用餐结束后,你获得了一次转盘抽奖的机会。已知抽中二等奖的可能性为一等奖可能性的2倍,抽中三等奖的可能性为一等奖的3倍,其余都得参与奖,抽中参与奖的可能性为三等奖的2倍。请问,你抽中一等奖的可能性为多少? A.三分之一 B.六分之一 C.八分之一 D.十二分之一 22、老郑为了表示对国际友人的欢迎,给每位外国小伙伴抽奖的机会。请问,你的外国小伙伴抽中一等奖的可能性和你相比如何? A.外国小伙伴抽中的可能性较小 B.外国小伙伴抽中的可能性较大 C.两者的可能性相同D.不确定 23、根据以上信息推测,以下抽奖转盘中,哪一个是饭店所使用的? 二、填空题(共5小题,共计20分,请在答题卡相应位置作答) 24、老郑的账本上有以下一组递等式,但式子里的运算符号跟括号都看不清了,请你帮他补充完整。(4分)


2017小升初英语检测试卷及答案 英语是的必考科目,因此大家要认真备考小升初英语,以下是搜索整理的一份2017小升初英语检测试卷,后附答案,供参考练习,希望对大家有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们! 一、单项选择(20分) 1. I in Class 5. Ben in Class 5, too. We classmates. A. is, am, are B. am, is, are C. are, is, am 2. My shoes under the bed just now. But they there now. A. are, weren’t B. were, weren’t C. were, aren’t 3. There’s apple tree in my garden. In tree, there’s small house for the birds. A. an, the, a B. an, a, the C. a, the, a 4. -- that woman, Helen? --She’s Miss Li. -- is that dress? Is it hers? A. Who, Whose B. Whose, Who’s C. Who’s, Whose 5. I usually go to school seven the morning. A. at, on B. at, in C. about, on 6. This is our classroom. is next to . A. Your, our B. Your, ours C. Yours, ours 7. Mr White is from . He’s . He speaks . A. America, American, English B. American, America, English C. America, American, American 8. I a big garden behind my house. many flowers in it. A. have, There are B. there are, Have C. has, There is 9. There isn’t milk in the cup. Would you like juice?


小升初试卷(二) 一、单项选择。1、Reading aloud is useful way for us to learn English well. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 2. My sister likes playing violin while my brother likes playing basketball. A. the ;the B. the;\ C. \;the D. a; a 3. My mum always gets up six Monday morning and cooks breakfast for me. A. at; on B. in ;at C. on ;at D. at ;in 4. Would you like to drink, Joe? A. Anything B. nothing C. something D. some things 5. ----Mary, book is on the desk, but I can't find . A. Your ; yours B. yours ;mine C. you ;me D. Your; mine 6. If it rain tomorrow, we to have a picnic. A. isn't ,go B. doesn't , go C. isn't, will go D. doesn't will go 7. ----You look beautiful in white tonight. Sally! ---- . A. My pleasure B. You're welcome C. Thank you D. That's OK. 8. Though he is an American boy, he can speak Chinese . A. well B. good C. better D. nice 9. the black board and listen to me carefully, boys and girls. A. look up B. Look at C. Look down D. Look after 10. It rained all day, I had to stay inside. A. so B. but C. because D. too 11. I have two friends in the new class. One is Jack, is Liu Mei. A. another one B. the other C. the others D. other one 12. He often English after his homework on weekends. A. study ; finish B. studied ;finished C. studies ; finishing D. studying ;finishing 13. ---- do you go shopping every month?----Sometimes. A. How often B. How many C. How much D. How long 14. There are more than students in our school now. A. two thousands B. two thousands of C. two thousand D. thousand of 15. They are having supper at now. A. the Brown's B. the Browns' C. Browns D. the Browns 16. The stadium people who are watching a basketball game. A. are full of B. fill with C. is fill with D. is full of


小升初英语名校真题(五) 一、根据句义和单词首字母填空(5分)。 1.My father’s mother is my g________. 2.P_________like eating bamboos(竹子)very much. 3.What’s the w________like in Xi’an? 4.Sydney is in A_________. 5.----How many s________are there in a year?----Four 二、单项选择(7分)。 ()1.Look at Mike’s trousers._________nice. A.It’s B.They’re C.There are D.There is ()2.These two bedrooms are_________. A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily’s and Lucy’s C.Lily’s and Lucy D.Lily and Lucy’s ()3.There_______a bed and two chairs______the bedroom. A.is,in B.are,in C.Is,on D.is,at ()4.---_________are the apples? ---Three yuan. A.How many B.How much C.How big D.How long ()5.There are about six____students in our school. A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred of ()6.May is_____month of the year.


名校小升初英语试卷真题2(含答案和解析)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 评卷人得分 一、填空题 根据图片故事,选择单词填空,将字母标号填写在括号内。 A.down B.friends C.hurt D.bigger E.because F.would 1.Jeffery the Giant had many friends.Everyone liked him because he was so kind.He liked to help his__________.(_______) 2.If Peter's ball got stuck in the tree,Jeffery______get it down.Peter was so happy. (_______) 3.If Mary_______herself,Jeffery would carry her home.Mary gave thanks to Jeffery. (_______) 4.Jeffery liked all of his friends,but he was sad.It was too hard for Jeffery to play with his friends______their games were just too small.(_______) 5. 5.One day,Jeffery sat______under the biggest tree.“Do you want to play with me?”said the


2017年xx英语试卷一 一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分)() 1. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. weather () 2. A. breadB. meatC. appleD. butter () 3. A. cupboardB. deskC. windowD. chair () 4. A. sunnyB. rainC. cloudyD. snowy () 5. A. theB. nearC. behindD. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _______. 2. W__________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b__________. 4. This is Peter's e________ life. 5. F________ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What's the weather _________ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming _________ South China Sea. 3. Here's the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house.


2017年郑州市小升初阶段性测评试卷 (后面是2016年郑州市小升初阶段性测评试卷) 第二部分数学 (满分 90 分) 一、选择题(共 7 小题,每小题 4 分,共计 28 分:在每一题给出的四个选 项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确选项的序号填涂在答题卡的相应 位置) 17.小郑计划在今年的夏天读 30 本书,并为每本书做读书笔记。现在他已经读了 a 本书,这其中有 b 本书还没做读书笔记。下述哪一项表达式中的 “?”能正确表示小郑一共有多少本书没做读书笔记?() A.30-b=? B.?+a-b=30 C.30+a-b=? D.a-b=? 18.小郑有两个正方形骰子,每个面上点数符合如下规则:骰子相对两个面上 的 点数之和为7。下面是四个骰子的展开图。其中哪两个可能是小郑的骰子?

A.Ⅰ和Ⅱ B.Ⅱ和Ⅲ C.Ⅲ和Ⅳ D.Ⅰ和Ⅳ 19.小郑拿出了—个积木玩具(下图),你从不同的视角观察它,以下哪—项是你不可能看到的? A. B. C. D. 20.吃完饭,小郑告诉你这顿饭你们一共消费300元,其中饮料58元,凉菜46 元,热菜196元(包含特价菜32元)。已知该饭店有两种优惠方式,其中优惠方式一位每满80元减10元,优惠方式二位打九折,你们可以选择其中的一种,但特价菜和饮料不参与优惠计算。请问你们最少将支付多少钱? A.279元 B.280元 C.273.75元 D.270元 21.用餐结束后,你获得了一次转盘抽奖的机会。已知抽中二等奖的可能性为 一等奖的 2 倍,抽中三等奖的可能性为—等奖的 3 倍,其余都得参与奖, 抽中参与奖的可能性为三等奖的 2 倍。请问,你抽中—等奖的可能性为多少?


2017年小升初新生入学检测卷 英语试卷(时间50分钟,满分80分) 一、语音知识。(每小题0. 5分,共5分)找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。 1、thank A. these B. brother C. both D. without 2、where A. whole B. what C. who D. whose 3、look A. football B. food C. school D. tooth 4、care A. here B. hear C. fair D. clear 5、bread A. please B. sheep C. tea D. head 6、cake A. make B. map C. sad D. cat 7、music A. cut B. bus C. use D. put 8、Christmas A. match B. chair C. child D. character 9、now A. grow B. flower C. follow D. bowl 10、helped A. played B. planned C. killed D. worked 二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 1、Reading aloud is useful way for us to learn English well. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 2. My sister likes playing violin while my brother likes playing basketball. A. the ;the B. the;\ C. \;the D. a; a 3. My mum always gets up six Monday morning and cooks breakfast for me. A. at; on B. in ;at C. on ;at D. at ;in 4. Would you like to drink, Joe? A. Anything B. nothing C. something D. some things 5. ----Mary, book is on the desk, but I can't find . A. Your ;yours B. yours ;mine C. you ;me D. Your; mine 6. If it rain tomorrow, we to have a picnic. A. isn't ,go B. doesn't , go C. isn't, will go D. doesn't will go 7. ----You look beautiful in white tonight. Sally! ---- . A. My pleasure B. You're welcome C. Thank you D. That's OK. 8. Though he is an American boy, he can speak Chinese . A. well B. good C. better D. nice 9. the black board and listen to me carefully, boys and girls. A. lookup B. Look at C. Look down D. Look after 10. It rained all day, I had to stay inside. A. so B. but C. because D. too


2017 小升初英语考试试卷及答案 、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5 分) ()1.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.weather ()2.A.breadB.meatC.appleD.butter ()3.A.cupboardB.deskC.windowD.chair ()4.A.sunnyB.rainC.cloudyD.snowy ()5.A.theB.nearC.behindD.on 二、词汇。(5 分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. ---Thankyouverymuch!---Withp __ . 2. W ________ c omesafterTuesday. 3. Whatdoyouhaveforb ______ . 4. ThisisPeter ' se _______ l ife. 5. F ______ isthesecondmonthofayear. 三、选词填空。(5 分) 用at,on,to,like,for,infrontof,from 填空。 1. What' stheweather_like ______ inShanghai? 2. ______________ Astormiscoming from SouthChinaSea. 3. Here ' stheweatherreport ________ tomorrow.

4. Mr.Smithhasmanypigs _________ hisfarm. 5. Fatheriscleaninghiscar ________ thehouse. 6. Igetup ______ sixo ' clockinthemorning. 7. Weareeatingdinner ______ thetable. 8.It ' sraining.WecanwatchTV _______ h ome. 9.WhatcanIdo _________ you? 10.It ' sfive __________ twelveinthemorning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 6. Lindacanswimveryfast.Sheisagood _________ (swim). 7.It ' slate.Wecan ' tplayany __________ (long). 8. Maryismuch ________ (good)today. 9. Thatisanewboy. _________ (He)nameisJack. 10. Here ' syourbook.--- ___________ (Thank)alot. 11. Todayisthe _____ (nine)ofJune. 12. I ______ (have)ashoweratthistimeyesterday. 13. Sanwasinthe ______ (sit)roomjustnow. 14. Lucywrites ________ (carefully)thanLily. 15. Myfather _______ (read)anewspaperlastnight. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10 分) ()1.Excuseme.Where ' sShanghaiZoo?


小升初英语试题(四) 一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B 或C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并把选项代码A,B 或C 填到答题纸上。(每题1 分,共20 分) ()1.---- ?----She is a policewoman. A.What does your father do B.What does she do C.What does he do ( )2.—Is this your bike? —No,it is . is red. A.his;Her B.hers;Mine C.mine;Her ( )3.Nurses work at the . A.bank B.hospital https://www.360docs.net/doc/0415165874.html, station ( )4.They are talking the movie. A.with B.to C.about ( )5.---Lei Hao,this is my friend Tom.─. A.How are you? B.Good morning C.How do you do? ( )6.--- a post office near here?---Yes, there is. A.Is it B.Is this C.Is there ( )7.When is your birthday? My birthday is December. A.in B.on C.at ( )8.A:Hi.John.Happy birthday to you. B: 。 A.Thank you B.Happy birthday C.You’re welcome ( )9.Mr Wang is my teacher.He is good teacher. A.a B.an C.the ( )10.“is the park?”“It’s about 5 kilometers away.” A.How far B.How long C.Where 二、完形填空:请阅读下面短文内容从每小题的A,B,C 或D,四个选项中,选择一个正确的答案。把选项代码A,B,C 或D 填到答题纸上。(每题 1 分,共14 分) Mrs Wang lives in Nanjing now. She is 102 years old. People often ask her 1 she can keep healthy in her life. Mrs Wang says everyone 2 live to 102 if he eats healthy food and does some exercise every day. Mrs Wang thinks, first of all, 3 is very important. She often 4 a glass of milk and two eggs for it at about 8:00 a.m. Milk and eggs give her energy. So she doesn’t often feel 5 in the morning. She 6 eats snacks because she doesn’t think they are healthy food. She seldom eats meat too. She usually has rice and vegetables for lunch and supper. And between meals, she usually has an apple or a banana. Mrs Wang does some exercise too. She thinks she is still young. She plays Taiji for half an hour every day. Sometimes she also dances with her friends. “Do you want to be 7 forever (永远)? I’m sure you can if you have a good lifestyle!” Mrs Wang says to us. ( )1.A.what B.when C.where D.how ( )2.A.can B.should C.need D.must ( )3.A.lunch B.breakfast C.supper D.dinner ( )4.A.is having B.are having C.has D.have ( )5.A.excited B.happy C.well D.tired ( )6.A. often https://www.360docs.net/doc/0415165874.html,ually C.always D.never ( )7.A. hungry B.old C.luck D. young (三)阅读理解:请阅读下面两篇短文,并根据短文内容从每小题的A,B,C 或D,4 个选项中,选择一个正确的答案。把选项代码A,B,C 或 D 填到答题纸上。(每题3 分,共24 分) (A) New Clothes for a New School Year There are big “back-to-school” sales everywhere now. Many school students need new clothes for the new school year.


小升初英语测试题 满分:100分时间:40分钟 题号一二三四五六七八总分 得分 一、默写字母从E-I及五个元音字母,用大小写两种形式书写,格式正确。(10分) 二、写出数字1-10的英文单词,书写规范。(10分) 三、按照要求写出下列各词:(16分) 1.box (复数)_________ 2.eye(同音词) _________ 3.busy(反义词) _________ 4.swim(现在分词) _________ 5.take(现在分词) _________ 6.sheep(复数) _________ 7.are(过去式) _________ 8.heavy(反义词) _________ 9.begin(过去式) _________ 10.have(第三人称单数) _________ 11.read(过去式) _________ 12.library(复数) _________ 13.first(基数词) _________ 14.big(比较级) _________ 15.good(最高级) _________ 16.buy(过去式) 四、英汉互译。(16分) 1.在春天_________ 2.在十一月_________ 3.乘飞机_________ 4.去购物__________ 5.听音乐__________ 6. 上学__________ 7.半小时_________8. 向左转__________ 9.cross the road_________10.in the north of Beijing__________ 11. Children’s Day _________ 12.the history of China_______ 13.learn from each other__________ 14.at the traffic lights________ 15.eat healthy food_______ 16.talk in English_________ 四、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使句子完整。(12分) 1.I don’t want _______(a/ an) eraser . I want _______(a/ an) pen. 2.There are some ____________ (tomato) in the refrigerator . 3.This is not ___________ (I)backpack . (I)_________is blue. 4.His father likes _____________(collect) stamps. 5.We (have) an English party last week. 6.December is the ____________(twelve) month of the year. 7.He ______________(clean) the window now . 8.Linda often____________(play) computer games on Sundays . 9.I want ______________(buy ) a present for his mother . 10.They (visit) Shanghai next week. 五、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. There ______two restaurants in front of my school. A. am B. is C.are D.be ( )2. -______are these trousers ? -150 yuan. A. How long . B. How many. C.How much D.How often ( )3. - you buy any books ? -Yes, I bought two books . A. Do B. Does C. Doing D. Did ( )4. - are we going to visit the Great Wall? -Tomorrow morning. A. What B. When C. Where D. Who ( )5. We will stay there a few days. A. for B. on C. in D. at ( )6. Children’s Day is in . A. March B. May C. June D. July ( )7. - , can you tell me the way to the City Zoo? A. I’m sorry . B. Thank you . C. Excuse me. D. You’re welcome. ( )8.My birthday is_______ October 21st. A. on B. in C. at D. for 学校班级姓名考号
