

1 High context culture(高语境文化):

Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high context.(在高语境文化中,在人们交际时,有较多的信息量或者蕴涵在社会文化环境和情景中,或者内化于交际者的心中;相对地讲,明显的语码则负载较少的信息量。这也意味着,在强交际环境文化的人们对微妙的环境提示较为敏感。)

2 Low context culture(低语境文化):

Cultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the context because the message is encoded in the explicit code are labeled low context. (在低语境文化中,交际过程中所产生的信息量的大部分由显性的语码负载,相对地讲,只有少量的信息蕴涵在隐性的环境和情景中。这也意味着,在低语境文化中的人们习惯用语言本身的力量来进行交际。)

3General Introduction to High-context and Low-context Cultures Anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s theory of high- and low-context culture helps us better understand the powerful effect culture has on communication. A key factor in his theory is context. This relates to the framework, background, and surrounding circumstances in which communication or an event takes place.

High-context cultures (including much of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America) are relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative. This means that people in these cultures emphasize interpersonal relationships. Developing trust is an important first step to any business transaction. According to Hall, these cultures are collectivist, preferring group harmony and consensus to individual achievement. And people in these cultures are less governed by reason than by intuition or feelings. Words are not so important as context, which might include the speaker’s tone of voice, facial expression, gestures, posture—and even the person’s family history and status.

A Japanese manager explained his culture’s communication style to an

American: ―We are a homogeneous people and don’t have to speak as much as you do here. When we say one word, we understand ten, but here you have to say ten to understand one. High-context communication tends to be more indirect and more formal. Flowery language, humility, and elaborate apologies are typical.

Low-context cultures (including North America and much of Western Europe) are logical, linear, individualistic, and action-oriented. People from low-context cultures value logic, facts, and directness. Solving a problem means lining up the facts and evaluating one after another. Decisions are based on fact rather than intuition. Discussions end with actions. And communicators are expected to be straightforward,

concise, and efficient in telling what action is expected. To be absolutely clear, they strive to use precise words and intend them to be taken literally. Explicit contracts conclude negotiations. This is very different from communicators in high-context cultures who depend less on language precision and legal documents. High-context business people may even distrust contracts and be offended by the lack of trust they suggest.

3 Cross-cultural tips









1 High context culture(高语境文化): Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high context.(在高语境文化中,在人们交际时,有较多的信息量或者蕴涵在社会文化环境和情景中,或者内化于交际者的心中;相对地讲,明显的语码则负载较少的信息量。这也意味着,在强交际环境文化的人们对微妙的环境提示较为敏感。) 2 Low context culture(低语境文化): Cultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the context because the message is encoded in the explicit code are labeled low context. (在低语境文化中,交际过程中所产生的信息量的大部分由显性的语码负载,相对地讲,只有少量的信息蕴涵在隐性的环境和情景中。这也意味着,在低语境文化中的人们习惯用语言本身的力量来进行交际。) 3General Introduction to High-context and Low-context Cultures Anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s theory of high- and low-context culture helps us better understand the powerful effect culture has on communication. A key factor in his theory is context. This relates to the framework, background, and surrounding circumstances in which communication or an event takes place. High-context cultures (including much of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America) are relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative. This means that people in these cultures emphasize interpersonal relationships. Developing trust is an important first step to any business transaction. According to Hall, these cultures are collectivist, preferring group harmony and consensus to individual achievement. And people in these cultures are less governed by reason than by intuition or feelings. Words are not so important as context, which might include the speaker’s tone of voice, facial expression, gestures, posture—and even the person’s family history and status. A Japanese manager explained his culture’s communication style to an American: ―We are a homogeneous people and don’t have to speak as much as you do here. When we say one word, we understand ten, but here you have to say ten to understand one. High-context communication tends to be more indirect and more formal. Flowery language, humility, and elaborate apologies are typical. Low-context cultures (including North America and much of Western Europe) are logical, linear, individualistic, and action-oriented. People from low-context cultures value logic, facts, and directness. Solving a problem means lining up the facts and evaluating one after another. Decisions are based on fact rather than intuition. Discussions end with actions. And communicators are expected to be straightforward,


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 商务英语谈判的翻译技巧 2 浅析《宠儿》中人物塞丝的畸形母爱产生的根源 3 海明威在《永别了,武器》中的反战情绪 4 《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的悲剧分析 5 中英姓氏差异及其原因探究 6 小说的织体--论《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事线索和叙事艺术 7 从酒文化中透析中西文化差异 8 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 9 等效原则视角下的汽车商标中译探析 10 衔接理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用 11 简析文化意识在高中英语学习中的重要性 12 弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析 13 从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯?狄更斯的善恶观 14 英汉禁忌语的文化内涵比较 15 论英语演讲开场的决定性因素和相关策略 16 论科技英语翻译中科学性与艺术性的和谐统一 17 英汉翻译中的增词技巧 18 福克纳《我弥留之际》的寓言意义 19 The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray 20 排比的修辞功能在政治演讲辞中的应用 21 广告英语的修辞特点 22 《莫比.迪克》中的象征意义 23 《榆树下的欲望》和《雷雨》中悲剧性的差异 24 An Analysis on Teacher Talk in EFL Classroom Context 25 从电视剧《绝望主妇》看委婉语的交际功能 26 观音与圣母之比较 27 广告英语的语言特征 28 论汉语缩略语的英译 29 从上海迪士尼的兴建看中西文化异同 30 影视字幕翻译原则——从文化角度进行研究 31 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究 32 苔丝的悲剧命运分析 33 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿?考菲尔德的成长经历 34 浅析简?奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的女性主义 35 关于英语口语纠错的研究与建议 36 学生英译汉翻译中的英式汉语及其改进方式 37 透析《洛丽塔》中的性 38 目的论视角下新闻标题汉译英研究 39 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响 40 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异 41 An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism


第一章 1 【单选题】(10分) 中西方文化交流的历史源远流长,历史上有一条连接东西方文明古国的通道被称之为“丝绸之路”。“丝绸之路”的得名是由()提出的。 A. 张骞 B. 汉和帝 C. 汉武帝 正确 查看答案解析 10分 2 【多选题】(10分) 广义上的“丝绸之路”除了包括陆上丝绸之路外,还包括海上丝绸之路。海上丝绸之路由()组成。 D. 北洋航线 正确 查看答案解析 10分 3 【多选题】(10分) “丝绸之路”曾作为连接中西方的重要通道发挥着重要的作用。其发挥的作用主要是指()。 B. 军事作用 正确 查看答案解析

10分 4 【单选题】(10分) 通过“陆上丝绸之路”,于()年粟特人将制造葡萄酒的技术传入中国。 B. 康熙九年 C. 崇祯十六年 D. 元和七年 正确 查看答案解析 10分 5 【单选题】(10分) 汉武帝时期,()为开拓“丝绸之路”立下了汗马功劳,被誉为“中国走向世界第一人”。 A. 卫青 B. 霍去病 D. 司马迁 正确 查看答案解析 10分 6 【多选题】(10分) 鸠摩罗什把佛教从西方引入中国,将大量经书翻译成汉语,为佛教在中国的传播做出了巨大的贡献。他与()和玄奘并称为中国佛教四大译经家。 B. 鉴真 C. 法显 正确 查看答案解析 10分 7 【单选题】(10分) ()17岁时跟随父亲和叔叔历时四年来到中国,与元世祖忽必烈建立了友谊。后由鲁斯蒂谦将其在中国见闻轶事整理并编着成游记,在欧洲广为流传,激起了欧洲人对东方的向往。

A. 查理·马特 C. 利玛窦 D. 阿基米德 正确 查看答案解析 10分 8 【多选题】(10分) 佛教传入中国后对中国文化的影响巨大。中国历史上就曾修建过许多反映佛教文化的石窟,其中敦煌莫高窟与()并称为中国四大石窟。 A. 固原须弥山石窟 正确 查看答案解析 10分 9 【多选题】(10分) 利玛窦不仅将中国文化介绍到了西方,而且帮助中国人打开了视野,使中国人了解到了西方。正是由于他的到来,使中国人第一次接触到了()。 D. 西方哲学 正确答案是:A,B,C 查看答案解析 10 【多选题】(10分) “丝绸之路”加强了东西方的贸易往来。通过“丝绸之路”中国将()运输到东南亚、南亚、东非以及欧洲各国。



Unit 1 Page 22 The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view of hi story that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a persistent i nability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by space, ideol ogy, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about many of huma n civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as global. The story of h umankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as well as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from simple name-calling to i solationism or even armed conflict. It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it impe rative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understand peop le whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, thr ough increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with people who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only in our own neigh borhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peace. 纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰 和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。在这种情况下,跨文化交际作为一个特定的研究领域得以形成和发展。值得注意的是,人类文明在 发展过程中所遭受的许多挫折,既是个人的,又是全球性的;人类历史进程总是充 满了个人间的直接冲突和民族间的误解——从骂骂咧咧到孤立主义直至到武装冲突,大大小小争端不绝。 很显然,文化间以及亚文化间的交往比以前多了,这迫切要求我们共同努力,去 理解有着不同信仰和文化背景的人们,并与之和睦相处。通过加深认识和理解,我 们能够与生活方式、价值观念不同的人们和平共处;这不但有益于我们周遭环境的 安定,也是维护世界和平的决定性因素。 Unit 2 Page 60 Culture is sometimes referred to as our mental programming,our “software of the mind. ” But we can take that computer analogy further and say that culture is the operating environment that enables software programs to run. Culture is like DOS or Unix or Windows:it is what enables us to process information in various specific application. The metaphor of windows seems to be very appealing to describe culture: culture is a mental set of windows through which all of life is viewed. It various from individual to individual within a society, but it shares important characteristics with menbers of a society. Culture is like the water fish swim in┄a reality that is taken for granted and rarely examined. it is in the air we breath and is as necessary to our understanding of who we are as air is to our physical life. Culture is the property of a community of people, not simply a characteristic of individuals. Societies are programmed by culture, and that programming comes from similar life experiences and similar interpretations of what those experiences mean. If culture is mental programming, it is also a mental map of reality. It tells us from early childhood what matters, what to prefer, what to avoid, and what to do. Culture


姓名称谓 中方有亲属工作上有区分 中国尊敬长辈的优良传统依然代代流传,如果子女直呼父母的姓名会被认为是忤逆不敬缺乏教养的表现。汉语中有很多称呼长辈的亲属称谓,如爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,姥姥等,同时还有张爷爷,李奶奶,孙阿姨等由姓氏加辈分称谓构成的称呼语。 在工作中,单位一般有上下级的分别,下级称呼上级一般以职务相称,如总经理,董事长,厂长等,有时会在职务前加姓,如王总等。 西方英语国家的人在社会交往中很少考虑地位、辈分、年龄等差距,常常直接以姓名相称,这在他们看来是在表示平等与亲切。everyone borns equal 不可妄称耶和华上帝的名字;妄称者必有罪 人们对god, heaven, christ, Jesus 等有关宗教的词语怀有很深的敬意,认为只有在严肃庄严的语言中才可以使用这些词语 老 生老病死 生 在某一时期,汉语中表达怀孕,生育的词语是不能直说的。受落后的封建迷信思想的影响,人们认为怀孕及生育与性行为有关,所以生育之事也沾染了“可 耻”的性质,往往不直说。在旧时中国社会,人们十分看重子嗣,生子添丁是家 庭中一件大喜事,所以人们常常将妇女怀孕婉称为“有喜了”。在现代社会,人们 的认识发生了很大变化,涉及到生育的问题一般不再避讳,怀孕、孕妇、分娩等 都是会话中常见词汇。在英语国家中,人们可以直接谈论生育的问题不用加以避 讳,英语中也有一些委婉语表示怀孕,如eat for two/in a delicate condition /expecting a child/well—along(心满意足). 老 中方人会变老是自然规律,中国人对待衰老没有什么特别的顾忌。在汉语中“老” 字没有贬义有些时候它还含有褒义。在中国“敬老尊贤、尊老爱幼”的传统美德 流传千百年,汉语中有很多称赞老年人的成语如:“老当益壮”、“老骥伏枥,志在 千里”等。在中国,“老了”并不等于没有能力了,相反“老”是智慧、权威、学 识的象征,老人们都以自身丰富的阅历和生活经验为荣,“不听老人言,吃亏在眼 前”“老马识途”“姜还是老的辣”等俗语都是用来形容老年人丰富的经验。“老张” “老孙”是汉语中特有的称呼方式, 西方禁忌说”old”.”Old”inducates someone is not useful,sick and ugly “O ld ” can be said”senior, the long-lived, elderly men, a distinguished gentleman ” 病 中方 在中国文化中,人们向往长生长寿,避忌说死。受伤,生病使人痛苦,很可能让 人死亡,是人们最不想经历的事情。死亡是人们的意识中最恐怖的事,所以在汉 语中,表达这些事物的词语都是语言中的禁忌,这一观念在今天的现代汉语方言 中还可以找到影子。在北方某些地区,受伤常常被称作“挂彩”,在南方,则称为 “带花”。在某些地区,人们忌讳说“吃药”而称“吃好茶”。在香港探望病人时, 忌送剑兰、梅花等花束,因为剑兰与“见难”即日后难相见谐音,“梅”与“霉” 谐音,被视为倒霉,这些花卉被视为“不吉利”特别不适合送给病人 西方如西方人用B.0.代


The Major Features of Intercultural Communication Communication is the process of understanding and sharing meaning. It occurs whenever information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. Sending signals of one kind or another is inevitable. And the process of sending and receiving message is complex. What a signal means to the sender is not always what it means to the receiver. Therefore, the trick is to transmit appropriate information to appropriate receivers at appropriate times. Communication is a symbolic behavior. And the most important mode of communication is verbal. Language is a highly developed symbolic system of human communication. As a most basic element of culture, language is the means, by which culture is transmitted from generation to generation and a person’s language greatly influences how he or she perceives the world. The major features of communication inclouds: https://www.360docs.net/doc/0513066783.html,munication is symbolic Human communication is symbolic. We employ symbols as a way of sharing our internal states. The ability to produce and use symbols enables human beings to share their internal status and infer what another human being is experiencing, thus distinguishing human beings with other animals. Symbols are at the core of communication, but no symbol means the same thing to everyone, because different cultures often employ different symbols and usually assign special meaning to them. For example, dragon has been taken as totem by Chinese for thousands of years, it represents a kind of powerful and propitious animal, although it may never really exist. However, in western cultures, dragon is a kind of fierce and evil animal. Therefore, many people insist that we should not translate “龙” into “dragon”, since the two symbols represents totally different things. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0513066783.html,munication can be intentional and unintentional behavior Communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to messages, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be considered part of the communication event. Just like the Chinese phrase—“言者无心,听者有意”, so being aware that your actions convey many potential messages is very important when engaging in intercultural communication. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0513066783.html,munication has a consequence Communication influences other people whether we intend it to be or not. This feature of communication—communication has a consequence—means that when we receive a message, something happens to us. It also means that all of our messages, in one degree or another, do something to someone else. We cannot send message without influencing other people. 4. Communication is dynamic Communication is a behavioral process. It is not static. Communication is dynamic



浅谈跨文化交际中秘书应注意的问题 [内容摘要] 经济全球化发展,随着国际贸易的增多,跨文化交际活动也愈加频繁。这对涉外秘书工作人员来说既是机遇也是挑战。由于不同的语言和文化背景而产生的跨文化交际的障碍比比皆是,作为秘书工作者要处理好跨文化交际活动,避免跨文化交际障碍的出现,促进跨文化交际活动的顺利进行。因此,了解不同国家与地区的文化风俗习惯与信仰、交往礼仪、语言与非语言交际等就十分必要了。本文就风俗习惯与信仰、交往礼仪、语言与非语言交际三个方面对涉外秘书在跨文化交际活动中应该注意的问题进行了简要分析。 [关键词] 跨文化交际;涉外秘书;文化差异 随着经济的高速发展和我国加入世贸组织,涉外活动日益增多,我们常说:“中国经济要与国际接轨。”但是,我们在“经济接轨”的同时也应重视“文化接轨”。经济全球化发展,使得中国与世界其他国家和地区人们的交往日益频繁,跨文化交际活动也日益增多。所谓的跨文化交际,是指来自不同文化背景的人从事交际活动、相互交流的过程。而跨文化交际与普通交际的差别就在于一个“跨”字,即交际双方来自不同的文化背景。英国人类学家泰勒曾给文化下过一个经典的定义:“文化是一个复合体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风格以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他能力和习惯。”随着我国对外开放的逐渐深入,西方社会的人与事物越来越多的走进我们的视野,它为我们提供了与西方人接触和交往的机会。但是,在跨文化交际中,面对来自陌生文化和国度的思维方式、生活方式和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在交往活动中不可避免的会出现文化冲突的现象,从而最终导致跨文化商务交际的失败。因而了解不同的文化风俗习惯与信仰、交


性格决定做事方法和做事结果 关于性格的定义十分广泛,但主要包括以下两种: 第一种,人对现实的态度和行为方式中较稳定的个性心理特征,是个性的核心部分,最能表现个别差异,具有复杂的结构。大体包括:(1)对现实和自己的态度的特征,如诚实或虚伪、谦逊或骄傲等。(2)意志特征,如勇敢或怯懦、果断或优柔寡断等。(3)情绪特征,如热情或冷漠、开朗或抑郁等。(4)情绪理智特征。如思维敏捷、深刻、逻辑性强或思维迟缓、浅薄、没有逻辑性等。[1] 第二种,是一个心理学术语。指一个人在对现实的稳定的态度和习惯了的行为方式中表现出来的人格特征,它表现一个人的品德,受人的价值观、人生观、世界观的影响。性格是在后天社会环境中逐渐形成的,是人的核心的人格差异。性格有好坏之分,能最直接地反映出一个人的道德风貌。 很多人容易把性格与本性弄混,认为两个词是同一个意思,但其实两者之间有着本质区别。性格是后天形成的,比如腼腆的性格、果断的性格等。而本性是人天生所具有的,不可改变的思维方式,比如自尊心,虚荣心,荣誉感等。 在我所学的跨文化交际课程中,课程的刚开始就提到了有关性格的内容。那性格与跨文化交际有着怎样的关系呢?首先,我来谈谈跨文化交际(cross-cultural communication),即本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。通俗来说就是如果你和处于不同语言和文化背景下的外国人打交道,应该注意什么问题,应该如何得体地去交流。而我们都知道不同国家的人有着不一样的性格,不同的性格会有迥然不同的交际方式和习惯,所以若想更好地与不同民族、不同地域的人打交道,提前了解他们的性格不失为一个好方法。 有人可能会提出疑问,性格对一个人的影响真的有这么大吗?谈到这个问题,我想到了一个有关不同国家的人不同性格的经典故事: 有三个人要被关进监狱三年,监狱长给他们一人一个要求。美国人爱抽雪茄,要了三箱雪茄。法国人最浪漫,要一个美丽的女子相伴。而犹太人说,他要一部与外界沟通的电话。三年过后,第一个冲出来的是美国人,嘴里鼻孔里塞满了雪茄,大喊道:“给我火,给我火!”原来他忘了要火。接着出来的是法国人,


题目:跨文化交际中手势语的差异 ——以“翘拇指”“竖中指”“V”手势“OK”为例 摘要 非言语行为具有鲜明的文化特征,不同国家、民族对非言语行为的社会规范区别很大,甚至所表示的意义恰好相反。日常生活中人们进行交谈、沟通时,除了语言这个交际工具还有手势。手势语几乎随时随地伴着语言进行交往,起着关键的作用,有时也会代替语言甚至超越语言。人类的有些手势语具有相同性,但更多的手势语被赋予了文化的内涵,不同的文化背景赋予了不同的交际意义,以、翘大拇指、竖中指、“V”字形“OK”等手势为例解释说明。 Abstract Nonverbal behavior has distinct cultural characteristics,Different countries, ethnic groups are very different from the social norms of nonverbal behavior,even the express meaning is On the contrary. When People to talk and communicate in daily life,in addition to the language of communication tools there have gestures。Gesture language almost anywhere with the language of communication,plays a key

role.Sometimes it can transcend the language and even take the place of the language. human gestures have the same nature,but more signs are given the connotation of culture.different cultural backgrounds give different communicative meanings,wave、vertical thumb、“V”Shape as example to explain. 关键词:跨文化交际非言语行为手势语 Key words: intercultural communication nonverbal behavior gesture 手势语(gesture?language)是体态语中最基本也是最重要的一种。 法国心理学家休乐热强调手势语的重要作用:“人们交谈时说话本身的份 量只占7%,语调占38%,面部表情和手势占55%,有时候说千万句好听的 作为铺垫引出一个重点,但是一个不经意的手势就可以推翻之前所说的一切。”但是,不同的国家、民族、地区的手势语既有其同一性,更有其特 殊性。手势语的使用有习俗的差异,所以在交际中必须要小心使用,不然 就会引起冲突。下面举出一些常见的手势语在不同文化中的含义: 1.翘大拇指(?thumb up?) 翘大拇指的意思几乎在世界公认表示好、干的不错,一切顺利、非常 出色等类似的信息。家长对孩子、老师对学生、上级对下级常常会做出这 个手势表示认同鼓励。但竖大拇指的这个手势也有许多例外:在美国和欧 洲部分地区,如果你看到有人在公路上对开过来的车竖大拇指他的意思并 不是夸赞司机车技好,而是竖大拇指用来表示请求搭车;篮球比赛中,裁


Unit 1 Page 22 The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view o f history that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a pers istent inability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by sp ace, ideology, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about m any of human civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as globa l. The story of humankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as w ell as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from si mple name-calling to isolationism or even armed conflict. It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it i mperative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understan d people whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, through increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with p eople who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only i n our own neighborhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peac e. 纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。在这种情况下,跨文化交际作为一个特定的研究领域得以形成和发展。值得注意的是,人类文明在发展过程中所遭受的许多挫折,既是个人的,又是全球性的;人类历史进程总是充满了个人间的直接冲突和民族间的误解——从骂骂咧咧到孤立主义直至到武装冲突,大大小小争端不绝。 很显然,文化间以及亚文化间的交往比以前多了,这迫切要求我们共同努力,去理解有着不同信仰和文化背景的人们,并与之和睦相处。通过加深认识和理解,我们能够与生活方式、价值观念不同的人们和平共处;这不但有益于我们周遭环境的安定,也是维护世界和平的决定性因素。 Unit 2 Page 60 Culture is sometimes referred to as our mental programming,our “software of the mind. ” But we can take that computer analogy further and say that culture is the operating environment that enables software programs to run. Culture is like DOS or Unix or Windows:it is what enables us to process information in various specific application. The metaphor of windows seems to be very appealing to describe culture: culture is a mental set of windows through which all of life is viewed. It various from individual to individual within a society, but it shares important characteristics with menbers of a society. Culture is like the water fish swim in┄a reality that is taken for granted and rarely examined. it is in the air we breath and is as necessary to our understanding of who we are as air is to our physical life. Culture is the property of a community of people, not simply a characteristic of individuals. Societies are programmed by culture, and that programming comes from similar life experiences and similar interpretations of what those experiences mean. If culture is mental programming, it is also a mental map of reality. It tells us from


关于跨文化交际中的禁忌问题 A Probe into the Differences of Taboo Between Western and Chinese Cultures (一)选题依据 在经济全球化的今天,国际交流日益频繁,尤其是跨文化交际也越来越频繁,在跨文化中的语用失误越来越受到人们的重视。禁忌是世界各民族之间普遍存在的一种文化现象,禁忌规范了人们的言语行为与社会交际,而中西文化的巨大差异直接导致了汉英禁忌语的迥异,就是禁忌语,跨文化交际是现代交际的重要组成部分,了解语言禁忌现象就成了最基本的要求,可以使跨文化交际更加得体,更清晰的展示出中西方禁忌语的异同,以便在跨文化交际中能避免出现言语不当的问题,并通过中西方禁忌语的异同研究出来。 (二)选题意义 禁忌是世界各民族之间普遍存在的一种文化现象,禁忌规范了人们的言语行为与社会交际。而中西文化的巨大差异直接导致了汉英禁忌语的迥异。所以,无论是在英语还是汉语中,我们都会遇到一些因传统或社会风俗不同,会引起对方强烈反感,这样便导致了有些词语我们要避免使用,就是禁忌语。在经济和信息日益全球化的今天,不同民族不同国家的人之间的交流也日益频繁。跨文化交际是现代交际的重要组成部分,了解语言禁忌现象就成了最基本的要求,可以使跨文化交际更加得体。 本选题重点关注日常交流中跨文化交际语的禁忌语,从语用学的角度出发,在跨文化交际的视野里,界定和区分了禁忌语的几种类型,分析了中西方禁忌语不同的种种原因,以期在注重语言知识的同时,避免不必要的交际失当,从而提高英语综合应用能力。在日常对话中避免语用失误的出现,即使出现也能很快认识并改正,而此篇论文的目的就是总结前人研究的成果,更清晰的展示出中西方禁忌语的异同,以便在跨文化交际中能避免出现言语不当的问题,并通过中西方禁忌语的异同研究出其折射的中西方文化的差异,这样可以更透彻的了解中西方文化,对于跨文化交际很有帮助。 (三)课题写作的目标 禁忌语是一种普遍的社会现象和语言现象,它与人们的日常生活和社会习惯有着紧密的联系,这在每个民族和每种语言中都有体现。中西方文化和信仰差异导致了禁忌语也存在着较大的差别。 于是,这篇论文要先陈诉清楚禁忌语的定义,来源,特征,然后总结出中西方禁忌语的异同,最后从这些异同中总结出产生中西方禁忌语相似和差异的原因,最终从这些原因中总结禁忌语折射在文化上的差异。了解了这种差异,才能避免的跨文化交际因为文化差异而发生一些问题,有助于更好地跨文化交际。 (四)课题的基本内容 Content



1 High context culture(高语境文化): Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high context.(在高语境文化中,在人们交际时,有较多的信息量或者蕴涵在社会文化环境和情景中,或者内化于交际者的心中;相对地讲,明显的语码则负载较少的信息量。这也意味着,在强交际环境文化的人们对微妙的环境提示较为敏感。) 2 Low context culture(低语境文化): Cultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the context because the message is encoded in the explicit code are labeled low context. (在低语境文化中,交际过程中所产生的信息量的大部分由显性的语码负载,相对地讲,只有少量的信息蕴涵在隐性的环境和情景中。这也意味着,在低语境文化中的人们习惯用语言本身的力量来进行交际。) 3General Introduction to High-context and Low-context Cultures Anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s theory of high- and low-context culture helps us better understand the powerful effect culture has on communication. A key factor in his theory is context. This relates to the framework, background, and surrounding circumstances in which communication or an event takes place. High-context cultures (including much of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America) are relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative. This means that people in these cultures emphasize interpersonal relationships. Developing trust is an important first step to any business transaction. According to Hall, these cultures are collectivist, preferring group harmony and consensus to individual achievement. And people in these cultures are less governed by reason than by intuition or feelings. Words are not so important as context, which might include the speaker’s tone of voice, facial expression, gestures, posture—and even the person’s family history and status. A Japanese manager explained his culture’s communication style to an American: ―We are a homogeneous people and don’t have to speak as much as you do h ere. When we say one word, we understand ten, but here you have to say ten to understand one. High-context communication tends to be more indirect and more formal. Flowery language,
