

12级工商管理一班 201210168134 宋建





卡尔?马克思(1818—1883年),人类历史上最伟大的革命家,科学家,全世界无产阶级和被剥削被压迫群众的伟大导师,科学共产主义的奠基人。马克思,1818年5月5日生于普鲁士莱茵省特里尔城。父亲是一个持自由主义观点的律师,后当司法参事。马克思在本城受中等教育。1835年进波恩大学,次年10月转入柏林大学。他学的是法学,但主要精力放在学习历史和哲学上。在大学阶段,他参加了倾向进步的“青年黑格尔派”的活动,吸取了黑格尔的辩证法思想;在政治上是一个革命民主主义者,坚决反对普鲁士封建专制制度。1841年4月,马克思以题为《德谟克利特的自然哲学和伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的区别》的论文,获得了哲学博士学位。1844年2月,马克思在该杂志创刊号上发表《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》和《论犹太人问题》两篇文章,论述了科学共产主义的许多重要原理。文章主张对一切剥削制度进行无情的批判,尤其是“武器的批判”;第一次指出无产阶级是实现社会主义革命的社会力量,公齐声明自己的哲学是为无产阶级服务的。 1867年,他的不朽名著《资本沦》第一卷在汉堡出版(第二、三、四卷在他逝世后出版)。贫穷、疾病和长期过度的劳累,严重地损害了马克思的健康。1833年3月14日,马克思在伦敦寓所与世长辞。















《西方文化导论》综合复习 第一章西方文化的起源 一、填空 1 、希腊历史的第一页是 ___非洲_____ 文明的历史。爱琴海文明指的是爱琴海地区的青铜文化,先后形成了两大中心: ________ 和 ________ ,因此又通称克里特岛—迈锡尼文化。 2 、公元前 ________ 年期间,是克里特文化最为繁盛的时代。克里特文化的中心是 ________ ,传说中的 ________ 国王建立了海上霸权,控制了整个爱琴海地区。克里特的文字经历了象形文字和线形文字两大发展阶段,在它的繁盛期,线形文字全岛通用,这种文字又称 ________ ,以区别迈锡尼的 ________ 。 3 、迈锡尼文化以 ________ 而得名,但它实际上是希腊本土文化青铜文化的通称,是 ________ 的继续,只不过又加上了希腊民族文化的一些要素。 4 、荷马时代的艺术主要表现为 ________ ,陶器表面多用 ________ 来装饰,所以荷马时代的考古文化通称为 ________ 风格文化。 5 、爱琴海文明经历了一个盛极而衰的过程。随着希腊文化中心的北移,希腊文化也越来越摆脱了 ________ 和 ________ 文明的巨大影响,形成了具有特色的希腊民族文化。奠定了日后 ________ 的根基。 二、名词解释 1 、迈锡尼文化 2 、荷马史诗 三、问答题: 1 、荷马史诗的成就是什么? 第二章希腊古典时代的文化 一、填空 1 、在古希腊史上,通常把公元前 8 世纪—前 6 世纪称为 ________ ,这是古希腊文化发展和形成的重要时期;公元前 6 世纪以后直至马其顿征服希腊,称为 ________ ,是上古希腊文化发展的鼎盛时期;古典时代以后到奥古斯都打败安东尼这一时期,为 ________ ,是上古希腊文化广泛传播于 _______ 、 ________ 、 ________ 三大洲许多地区的时代,同时也是希腊文化没落的时代。


12级工商管理一班 201210168134 宋建 马克思教育思想的评论 [摘要]马克思教育思想产生于近代工业社会,但思想的实质已超越了近代,对当代的教育理论与实践亦具有重要的指导意义。马克思以现实社会中的人为出发点来揭示教育的实质,指出教育应在指导人构建、协调与世界的关系中获得超越和创新。时下正处在更新教育理念与变革教育实践时期,本文试在当代语境下解读马克思的教育思想,对照近代教育思想的局限性,寻求其对现代教育的借鉴价值。 [关键词]马克思、教育思想、现代教育、改革、借鉴 一、马克思生平教育介绍 卡尔?马克思(1818—1883年),人类历史上最伟大的革命家,科学家,全世界无产阶级和被剥削被压迫群众的伟大导师,科学共产主义的奠基人。马克思,1818年5月5日生于普鲁士莱茵省特里尔城。父亲是一个持自由主义观点的律师,后当司法参事。马克思在本城受中等教育。1835年进波恩大学,次年10月转入柏林大学。他学的是法学,但主要精力放在学习历史和哲学上。在大学阶段,他参加了倾向进步的“青年黑格尔派”的活动,吸取了黑格尔的辩证法思想;在政治上是一个革命民主主义者,坚决反对普鲁士封建专制制度。1841年4月,马克思以题为《德谟克利特的自然哲学和伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的区别》的论文,获得了哲学博士学位。1844年2月,马克思在该杂志创刊号上发表《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》和《论犹太人问题》两篇文章,论述了科学共产主义的许多重要原理。文章主张对一切剥削制度进行无情的批判,尤其是“武器的批判”;第一次指出无产阶级是实现社会主义革命的社会力量,公齐声明自己的哲学是为无产阶级服务的。 1867年,他的不朽名著《资本沦》第一卷在汉堡出版(第二、三、四卷在他逝世后出版)。贫穷、疾病和长期过度的劳累,严重地损害了马克思的健康。1833年3月14日,马克思在伦敦寓所与世长辞。 二、马克思教育思想介绍 (1)马克思恩格斯的教育思想是马克思主义的组成部分,是运用马克思主义


Introduction to Western Class with Teacher Ron 1st Term AY 2011 - 2012 HUST – Rongcheng Campus Christmas Day Written by Leah 2010-1 Chapter/Question: Chapter 4 –why the Christmas Day is important? As we all know that Christmas Day is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated generally on December 25th as a religious day by many people around the world. In fact, there is not record that show what is the exact date for Jesus Christ’s birth. The Ch ristmas Day is fixed on December 25th by people themselves later. The night before the Christmas Day is the Christmas Eve. And it is very popular around the world. When it comes to the customs of Christmas Day, we all know a little or more customs about it. For example, people decorate the Christmas trees and send cards to their friends, relatives and family members. With popularity of the customs in Northern Europe, the myth of Father Christmas appeared. Father Christmas is also Santa Claus. Father Christmas has become the human face of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard, red coat, and bag of toys. On Christmas Eve, Father Christmas travels through the sky on a sled pulled by reindeer. he lands on the roof of people's homes , enters through the chimney and leaves wonderful gifts for all the little children. As for the food, it served varies greatly from country to country. In England and countries influenced by its traditions, a standard Christmas meal includes turkey or goose, meat, gravy, potatoes, vegetables, sometimes bread and cider. Special desserts are also prepared, such as Christmas pudding, mince piesand fruit cake. In other countries, they have different special food foe the dinner. Besides a special Christmas family meal is traditionally an important part of the holiday's celebration. People have a Christmas dinner with all the members of the family for Christmas Eve. Wherever they are, they will try their best to get together to have a dinner which is like the Chinese New Y ear. A number of nations have issued commemorative stamps at Christmastide. Postal customers will often use these stamps to mail Christmas cards,


英语专业考研方向 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2021年的招生统计,仅有 17所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设文学方向。研究内容:主要研究英美文学研究领域中的重大问题,目的在于提高文学素养、理论水平和研究能力。就业方向:此方向开设 学校多,招生人数较多,就业范围非常广泛,一般为教师、研究人员。所学课程:西方文论、美国经典文学、美国现当代文学、英国经典文学、文学批评、英国文学选读、美国文 学选读、17~19世纪英国文学研究、希腊戏剧研究、英国长篇小说选读、美国长篇小说选读、英国诗歌选读、美国诗歌选读、英美散文鉴赏、王尔德戏剧欣赏、英国短篇小说欣赏、美国短篇小说鉴赏、英美戏剧鉴赏、中国文学史、中国古典文学选读等。 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2021年的招生统计,仅有9所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设语言学方向。研究内容:语言学是我国高校近年来 普遍设置的一个综合性的语言研究学科。主要学习语言学理论及语言在各种学科中的应用,不同学校侧重点有所不同。通过大量阅读有关文献、论文和最新的研究成果报告,使学生 对于语言学的形成和发展有进一步的了解,并了解现代语言学的最新动向和最新发展。语 言学特别强调和重视研究生的广泛阅读,包括专业的外语期刊和近几年的语言学相关论文。就业方向:该专业理论性较强,主要面向大中专教师及研究人员。所学课程:语言学概论、语用学与话语分析、应用语言学、现代语法学、语义学、语用学、英语语体学与文体学、 语篇分析等。 开设学校:南京大学、上海外国语大学、天津师范大学等。研究内容:研究英国、美 国的传统及现代文化,涉及文学、历史、哲学、美学、艺术、宗教、社会学等领域。不同 学校的名称和研究重点有所不同,如有的学校该方向名称为英语国家文化研究,其研究范 围就不仅限于英美两个国家了。就业方向:多进入外事外贸部门、各大新闻媒体等。所学 课程:美国学导论、美国社会文化史、英国社会文化史、西方文化理论批评、西方宗教文化、东西方文化导论、英美文化概论、欧洲文化要义、美国历史与文化、英国社会与文化、西方宗教专题研究。 开设学校:北京外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海外国语大学等。研究内容:主 要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。该课程是英语语言学与文学专业硕士研究生的主干课程 之一,由翻译理论和实践两部分组成。翻译理论主要包括翻译过程中对原文旨意、风格的 分析与理解,翻译的功能,以语义翻译和交际翻译为主的各种翻译方法,翻译与文化的关系,翻译的标准等。翻译理论课的教学目的是使学生通过系统的翻译理论学习,对国内外 影响较大的翻译理论、流派、代表人物有系统的了解,为今后的翻译实践奠定扎实的理论 基础。翻译实践课的主要内容是进行与翻译理论同步的翻译实践,使学生通过翻译实践了 解和熟悉各种翻译技巧,增强中英语言和文化差异对翻译影响的认识,进而提高实际翻译 能力。就业方向:多在外事外贸部门、大型企业,大多从事翻译工作。所学课程:口译基


西方文化 Greek Culture 1. A war was fought between Greece and Troy: 1200BC 2.Marked the high point of development in Greek culture in the 5th B.C: (1)The successful repulse of the Persian invasion early in the 5th century B.C. (2)The establishment of democracy and (3)The flourishing of science , philosophy, literature , art and historical writing in Athens Roman culture 1. 与Greek相同之处:1. The Romans had a lot in common with Greeks (P13) 2.Both the …. 3.4.5 2. Architecture : The pantheon, Pont du Gard, The Colosseum 1. Patheon is the best preserved Rom antemple. 2.Pont du Gard is an exceptionally well-preserved aqueduct (P16-17) 3.Colosseum is an enormous amphitheatre. The bible and Christianity 1.Christianity is the most influential in the West. 2.Judaism and Christianity 的关系(P17) (1)It was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity (2)Both Judaism and Christianity originated in Palestine 3.The old Testament: (1) The old Testament+ the New Testament = The Bible (P18) (2)The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God (3)The New Testament is the doctrine of Jesus Christ The middle Ages general introduction 1.The middle Ages 年份, A.D 476-1453 (P28) 2.In A.D. 476 Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor and took control 3.Eastern Roman Empire continued, the power of ancient Rome was gone 4. A great many Germanic kingdoms grow into England, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. 5.In 5th and 11th centuries, western Europe was frequent wars and invasions. Why is the MA called “Age of Faith”(p29) 1.During the Medieval Times there was no central government to keep order. The only


英语专业主干课程简介 英语专业课程设置结构体系分为理论教学和实践教学两大教学类别。理论教学类包括公共基础课、专业教育课、选修课三个教学平台。公共基础课平台包括通识教育课和教师教育课;专业教育课平台包括专业基础课和专业课;选修课平台包括通识选修课和专业选修课。实践教学类包括入学教育与军训、劳动教育、社会实践、教育见习、教育实习、学术与科技活动、技能训练与测试、毕业论文(设计)等八个部分。 专业主干课程简介: 1、基础英语:本课程是英语专业的基础课程,课本共五册,系统地掌握基础语言知识,训练基本语言技能,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力,指导学习方法,培养逻辑思维的能力。学生能正确地模仿和正音,在交流中发音正确;具有较强的辩音、正音和示范朗读能力。培养通过语境学习和记忆词汇的能力。 选用教材: 《新编英语教程》第1-4册,每册由学生用书、练习册、教师用书、录音磁带组成。由李观仪主编,上海外语教育出版社出版。 参考书目: 《综合教程》,戴炜栋主编,上海外语教育出版社。 《综合英语教程》,黄源深主编,高等教育出版社。 《牛津当代英语成语词典》,牛津大学出版社。 考核方式:考试 学时:366学时 学分:22学分

2、高级英语:高级英语是一门训练学习学生综合技能尤其是阅读理解,语法修辞与写作能力的课程。课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,包括涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面的名家作品,扩大学生知识面,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,培养学生对名篇的分析和欣赏能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生英语语言技能。每课均配有大量的相关练习,包括阅读理解、词汇研究、语法结构、文体分析和写作练习等,使学生的英语水平在质量上有较大提高。 选用教材: 《新编英语教程》第5-8册,每册由学生用书、练习册、教师用书、录音磁带组成。由李观仪主编,上海外语教育出版社出版。 参考书目: 《跨文化交际英语教程》,许力生主编,上海外语教育出版社。 《美国文学欣赏》,吴定柏主编,上海外语教育出版社。 《西方文化导论》,叶胜年主编,上海外语教育出版社。 《现代英语修辞学》,胡曙中主编,上海外语教育出版社。 《新编英汉翻译教程》,孙致礼主编,上海外语教育出版社。 《新编汉英翻译教程》,陈宏薇、李亚丹主编,上海外语教育出版社。 考核方式:考试 学时:192学时 学分:10学分 3、英语听力:本课程是英语专业的基础课程,课本共四册,本课程旨在培养学生听英语的能力,培养学生的快速反应能力和

西方文化导论 复习版

1. What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western Civilization as a whole? Give examples. Greek culture is the cradle of Western civilization and has an enormous impact on Western culture. (The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.)①Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on Western Civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government based on the consensus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy.②The second significant influence was that of philosophy. The Socratic idea about ethics and knowledge helped the Westerners care more for the effect of knowledge and value of morality, both of which give sound guidance to people to improve and change the world outside themselves, i.e. human society and the natural world.③Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as painting, sculpture, drama, (architecture, poetry and historical works). Classicism had Greek culture as one of the crucial sources, which helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of the Renaissance to it. This changed the intellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West. 2. What are the major features and achievements of the Renaissance? Give examples. The Renaissance is characterized by seeking ideological emancipation, intellectual freedom and political awareness, based on cultural production and religious reformation. All these were undertaken or unfolded gradually but widely, extending its influences to every corner of Europe, with more and more people getting involved. The achievements were seen principally in six areas, namely, painting, sculpture, poetry, fiction, drama and religious reformation. Instances can be found in these areas , such as the huge change of subjects and styles in painting. The medieval painting used to center on depicting Jesus Christ and other Christian subjects, not only effecting similar and limited subjects but also depicting typical facial expressions and manners. The great artists in the Renaissance started to focus on the images with individualistic temperament, highlighting humanity instead of divinity, thus breaking away from stereotyped medieval models. 3. Say something about the features and contributions of utilitarianism, utopian socialism and classical economics. Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined by its contribution to overall utility, That is, its contribution to the calculation of pleasure and gain one can have as a result of that action. The calculation is not just material, but spiritual or moral. Utilitarianism provides the motivation and condition for an action of any kind, either individual or collective, and offers the principle for making laws to ensure justice and equality required of a society. Utopian socialism refers to the beliefs held by early socialists, who created hypothetical visions of perfect egalitarian and communalist societies without practical consideration of actual conditions of the capitalist society they lived in and thus could not carry out their ideals due to the powerful hindrance. However some of the Utopian


Test 1 1.Two of the elements in European culture are considered to be more enduring and they are the __Greco-Roman__element and the _Judeo-Christian____ element. 2.In a more remote period of Greek history,probably around__1200 B. C.____, a war was fought between Greece and Troy. 3.Greek culture reached a high point of development in the__5th___ century B.C. 4.The 5th century B.C.closed with civil war between__Athens___ and ___Sparta___ in Greece.5.In the second half of the _4th____ century B. C., all Greece was brought under the rule of__Alexander___, King of Macedon. 6.In___146___B.C.the Romans conquered Greece. 7. Athens was a democracy,where only the adult ___male___ citizens had the rights. 8. The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of___slave____ labour. 9. The Greeks loved sports. Once every four years,they had a big festival on _Olympus Mount_____ which included contests of sports 10. Revised in___1896___, the Games have become the world’S foremost ameteur sports competition. 11. Ancient Greeks considered__Homer___ to be the author of their epics:the Iliad. 12. Homer probably lived around__700 B. C.___. 13.The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of__Troy___. 14. The heroes are Hector on the__Troy___side and and Achilles and Odysseus on the__Greek_____. 15. In the final battle, Hector was killed by Achilles and Troy was sacked and burned by the ___Greeks___. 16. The Odyssey deals with the __return___of Odysseus after the Trojan war to his home island Ithaca. 17. The Odyssey describes many adventures Odysseus ran into on his long voyage and how he was reunited with his faithful __wife____Penelope. 18.Countless writers have quoted, adapted, borrowed from and otherwise used __Homer’s____epics. 19. In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets (Byron, Shelley and Keats) expressed their _admiration____ of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics. 20 In the 20th century, there are _Homeric____parallels in the Irishman James Joyce's modernist masterpiece Ulysses. 21. Early in their remote past,the Greeks started to perform plays at__religious___ Festivals. 22. Out of these origins a powerful drama developed in the _____ century B.C. 23. P erformances were given in__open-air___ theaters,with the audience sitting on _stone____ ___Euripides____.


(1) Give a brief account of the major achievements of Greek culture, such as those in religion, philosophy, l i t e r a t u r e a n d s c i e n c e. Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology which was fully developed by the religious tales of the Homeric epic and thus affected the later development of all kinds of Greek culture. Greek philosophy started with Thales (640 BC–547 BC) who believed that the material world originated in water. His philosophy was materialism. He was followed by Pythagoras who assumed that the key to the understanding of the world is numbers, on the opposition of the spokesman for idealism. The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, but was keen on probing into the definition of some ethical and behavioral issues, such as “friendship”and “courage”. Plato established the Academy -the first Greek institution of higher learning. His contributions included his theory of ideas and his arguments on “republic”which was supposed to embrace his ideals about a future state where humans could enjoy a happy life. Aristotle is also a learned man and his work covers wide-ranging areas. His reputation as a philosopher largely depends on his argument on metaphysics which he tried to achieve a compromise between matter and divinity. Literary representation centred round the two epic poems of the Iliad and the Odyssey, lyrical poetry by Sappho and Pindar and drama by Aeschylus, Euripides and Aristophanes. Their works combined Greek myths and social life and won much appreciation and enthusiasm from the public. In science the mathematician Euclid established plane geometry and Archimedes discovered the ratio of radius of a circle and the relationship between the volume and surface of a sphere. (2) What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western civilization as a whole Give examples. Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture. The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture. Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on the Western civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government based on the consensus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy. The second significant influence was that of philosophy. The Socratic idea about ethics and knowledge helped the Westerners care more for the effect of knowledge and value of morality, both of which give sound guidance to people in the later years to improve and change the world outside themselves, ., human society and the natural world. Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as those in painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, poetry and historical works. Classicism had Greek culture as one of the crucial sources, and this has helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of the Renaissance to it. This changed the intellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West. Chapter 2 1. Tell briefly the major characteristics and contributions of Roman culture, as are demonstrated in religion, poetry, history and architecture. In the early period, Roman culture often depended heavily on the introduction and imitation of other cultures, particularly, Greek culture. Thus Romans created their own powerful culture, laying the foundation for subsequent

西方文化导论 考试复习

西方文化导论 选择题10道 填空题10道 概念题4道 问答题2道(课后题) //(不知道这个是什么,看起来好像有用的,你来看看吧)// 一、概念题 1.Da Vinci Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote". Marco Rosci points out, however, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo,
