2020高考英语二轮总复习 第三讲 阅读理解 3.4 推理判断(一)细节推断题专题限时训练

2020高考英语二轮总复习 第三讲 阅读理解 3.4 推理判断(一)细节推断题专题限时训练
2020高考英语二轮总复习 第三讲 阅读理解 3.4 推理判断(一)细节推断题专题限时训练

3.4 推理判断(一)细节推断题



At 9:30 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, I received a notification (通知) that I'd already picked up my phone 30 times that day! “11 times left until you go over your goal of 41 pickups,” my screen read. “Put your phon e down until 9: 52 a.m.! Enjoy your time living in the moment.”

These updates were sent via Moment an app that tracks my screen time, created by Kevin Holesh in 2014 to fight his own device addiction. He was working as an independent app developer, spending hours each day staring at screens. After work, Holesh found that he was looking mindlessly online instead of talking to his wife or taking his dogs for a walk.

“I wanted a way of seeing how much time I was sinking into my phone,” he said. “So I came up with something that could monitor my screen time.” Holesh found that he was spending 75 minutes on his phone a day. He added a function to the app that informed him whenever his screen time was more than 40 minutes. “My phone would make a sound like a bee, and I'd go and do something else. It was like a little angel on my shoulder pushing me in the right direction,” he said. Holesh figured that if the system worked for him, it would work for others, and later that year he made Moment a free app. To date, it has been downloaded 8 million times.

Besides, Moment also has a “coach” function, offering guided programs to help users focus and be more productive, for $ 7. 99 a month.

“I am so much happier, I sleep better, I read more, I take better care of myself, an d most of all I am present in my day-to-day life,” Jack, a user said. Similar comments on Moment reflect a growing consciousness around “digital wellness”,the name given to lifestyle practices that encourage healthy device use. 1.What does the inspiration of Moment come from?

A.The creator's own experience.

B.The sound made by honey bees.

C.Complaints from family members.

D.The widespread digital addiction.

2.What does Moment do at the expected screen time?

A.Force the user to take a rest.

B.Turn off the phone immediately.

C.Make a noise to remind the user.

D.Monitor the screen and keep a record.

3.In which part of a website will you find this text?

A.Fashion and Business.

B.Sports and Entertainment.

C.Health and Lifestyle.

D.Art and Design.


1.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段前两句可知,Holesh想知道自己花了多少时间沉迷于手机,所以他想出了一个可以监控屏幕使用时间的东西,从而可以推断出,他开发Moment的灵感来自于自己的体验。故选A。

2.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段第四句可知,当屏幕时间超过设定时间时,手机就会发出像蜜蜂一样的声音通知他。从而可以推断出,Moment会在设定的屏幕时间发出声音提醒使用者。故选C。

3.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据全文内容尤其是文章最后一段最后一句可知,文章与鼓励健康使用电子设备的生活方式有关,故可以推断出文章选自于网站中的“健康与生活方式”部分。故选C。


Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your choice of sport might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly s ports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can

make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using

environment-fr iendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”. They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it's free.

4. Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?

A.Cycling around a lake.

B.Motor racing in the desert.

C.Playing basketball in a gym.

D.Swimming in a sports center.

5. What do we know about golf from the passage?

A.It is popular in Portugal and Spain.

B.It causes water shortages around the world.

C.It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.

D.It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.

6. The author uses power walking as an example mainly because _________.

A.it is an outdoor sport

B.it improves our health

C.it uses fewer resources

D.it is recommended by experts

7. The author writes the passage to _________.

A.show us the function of major sports

B.encourage us to go in for green sports

C.discuss the major influence of popular sports

D.introduce different types of environment-friendly sports

[语篇解读]本文是说明文。文章以高尔夫运动为例介绍了运动对自然的影响,倡导从事步行等一些环保、消耗资源少的运动项目。文章号召我们应该从日常的小事做起,保护大自然。4.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据作者所提倡的“绿色、环保”的运动理念以及最后一段中的“Members of green gyms play sports outdoors,in the countryside or other open spaces.”可知沿湖骑自行车运动是作者支持的运动。B项沙漠摩托车赛、C项体育馆中打篮球、D项运动中心游泳,都不符合作者的运动理念。

5.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第二段的介绍可知高尔夫球场的耗水量以及电力消耗


6.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的第三句可知作者以步行为例是倡导“资源节省、健康环保”的运动理念。

7.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章讲述的内容可知作者鼓励读者进行一些环保、节约资源的运动。A项介绍运动功能、C项讨论运动影响、D项介绍运动类型,都与文意不符。


I'm often told how I have a dream job that I work for a great company,getting to deal with the leaders in social media every day,and especially that I get to work from my home.

Usually the people who tell me that working from home is wonderful have never worked from home.They spend most of their career working from an office and hate it.

In fact,I love being able to work from home and make my own hours.I truly appreciate being able to drop what I'm doing to attend kids or go shopping,but there's a side to it we don't often talk about,the hard side.No one wants to believe people like me,working from home,have anything to complain about.Really,I'm not going to complain,but I do want to share a few things about telecommuting (远程办公) that few home based people want to tell you,because working from home doesn't look so wonderful.

One of the reasons I love my job is the flexibility.I know that I can volunteer for school projects,meet friends for lunch and work out for an hour as long as I get my work done.But did you know telecommuters have to make up the time if they wish to pepper their days with fun distractions?So while my husband and kids are watching a movie,I'm working until midnight.Besides,when you work from home,you're held to your phone and Skype(网络电话) in case someone wants to talk to you during business hours.So it's not so easy to be flexible!

8.We learn from the passage that the writer ________.

A.is quite satisfied with her present work

B.can balance her work and family life well

C.complains about the disadvantages of working from office

D.presents some unknown facts of working from home

9.The last paragraph mainly tells us that ________.

A.telecommuters are not as flexible as you think

B.you're usually a slave to yourself

C.the writer can always make full use of the freedom

D.the writer is always busy with her work

10.The writer probably agrees that ________.

A.east or west,home working is the best

B.freedom should always come before work

C.get work done,or you'll have no freedom

D.all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

11.Who is the passage mainly intended for?

A.Telecommuters. B.Office workers.

C.Job hunters. D.Researchers.


8.D 【解析】推理判断题。文章第三段告诉我们:事实上,“我”不打算抱怨,但“我”想分享一些在家工作的不为人知的事情,故选D项。

9.A 【解析】主旨大意题。由最后一段内容,尤其是最后一句可知选A项。

10.C 【解析】推理判断题。由本文内容可知,在家工作确实方便,但仍然要以做好工作为前提,故选C项。

11.B 【解析】推理判断题。由文章第二段内容可知,许多在办公室工作的人觉得在家工作是很美好的,作者就此谈了自己在家工作的感受。


专题07 阅读理解推理判断题 推理判断题主要考查学生根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意等。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题。做这类题时,考生应在理解全文的基础上,从文章本身所提供的信息出发,运用逻辑思维,同时借助一定的常识进行分析、推理、判断。 提问整篇文章或某句某段的含蓄意思时,问句中都含有infer, imply, indicate, suggest (推断,暗指)等词。对付这类题时我们不仅要弄懂文章字面的意思,更重要的是要知道文章潜在的含义,和作者所给的提示。同时要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作合理的猜测和推论。关键是:意思要靠推断得出,而不是原文照搬。这就要把握住文章的主题思想和每段的内容;明确作者的观点及其写作该文的目的;分析文章里所给的有关信息;注意词汇在词典的定义和词典以外的含义;最后运用自己的知识进行由表及里的逻辑推理,挖出文章的伏笔,得出正确的推论。 这种问题的提问方式通常有: 1.From paragraph 4 we can infer that. / What can be inferred from the passage? / From the last paragraph we can infer that . 2.We can infer from the text that…/ What can we learn from…? / We can conclude from the passage that… 3.The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that. 4.The author implies that by the year 2080, . 5.To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should. 6.The author mentions the fact that…to show. 7. This passage would most likely be found in _________? 8.The author’s attitude toward …is _________? 9. The tone of the passage can best be described as _________? 这些提问方式的答案一般在短文中不可能直接找到,必须根据提问中的某些关键字眼与短文中相应的有关内容加以逻辑推理或演算,从而得出某些作者并未说明却已在字里行间所暗含的意思及观点。具体的说,考生应当注意以下几点: 1.首先要注意一定要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知,遵循“词不离句,句不离段,段不离篇”的原则。千万不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Yellowstone National Park is the flagship of the National Park Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year. The park is a major destination for all members of the family. By driving the grand loop road, visitors can view the park from the comfort of their vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many roadside picnic areas. How much is the entrance fee? $25 - Private, noncommercial vehicle; $20 - Motorcycle or snowmobile (winter); $12 - Visitors 16 and older entering by foot, bike, ski, etc. This fee provides the visitor with a 7-day entrance permit for both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. A $50 park annual pass provides entrance for a single private non-commercial vehicle at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. The $10 Interagency Senior Pass (62 and older) is a lifetime pass available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Where can you stay? Inside Yellowstone, you can choose to stay in modern or historic hotels and cabins inside the park like the Old Faithful Inn, the world's largest log structure. For those who want to be a little closer to nature, there are 12 campgrounds with a range of services from primitive pit toilets to shower and laundry facilities. There's also RV camping with and without dumping stations. Staying outside the park gives you unique Old West experiences but still keeps you close to park attractions. If you're taking a road trip to Yellowstone, you'll want to check out our Hotels and Cabins On The Road section. (1)The entrance fees listed on the web page don't apply to _______. A. temporary residents in the USA B. vehicles involving business activities C. visitors out of a certain age range D. private motorcycles and snowmobiles (2)What are you likely to acquire in the Old Faithful Inn? A. Unique old west experiences. B. Primitive pit toilets and shower. C. Knowledge of origin of the park. D. RV camping with dumping sites. (3)Where does the passage probably come from? A. A magazine. B. A textbook. C. A notice. D. A travel guide. 【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了黄石公园的门票以及可以选择的住宿及游玩的地方。 (1)考查细节理解。根据小标题“How much is the entrance fee?”下分别列出了私家非商务车入园的价格,摩托车或雪地车(冬季)入园的价格以及16岁以上的人步行、骑自行车或


高考英语二轮复习策略 英语卷无论是考试形式、试题结构,坚持稳定为主,注重基础考查,重点考查考生“在特定语境中语言运用能力”,即运用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。始终不变的重点知识,考生应该将其列为复习内容,同时抓牢基础知识,不要一味做偏、难、怪题。现提供以下三大点备考建议供参考: 一、回归基础,突出对主干知识的复习 高考英语改革虽然从强调知识考查向注重综合语言运用能力转变,但是还应认识到能力要有扎实的基础作为依托。尤其是到最后冲刺阶段更要重视基础知识的复习。一模后,一些考生普遍都有这样的感觉:很多题目“一看就会,一做就错”。造成这种现象的根本原因在于对基础知识的掌握不牢固。只有扎扎实实地从基础做起,才能“一看就会,一做就对”。英语基础知识包括词汇、语法、句型等。词汇复习应做到从不间断、反复巩固。除了记忆和理解之外,尤其要注意常用词汇的使用和辨析,以及一词多义的掌握。语法复习要理清基本概念,着重复习主干知识。比如,动词的时态、语态、语气,非谓语动词、情态动词等都是高考常涉及的知识点。但切记不要在钻研语法的难点上花过多时间,

英语语法不是数学公式,在不同的语境中用法就不同。 二、查漏补缺,强化专题训练 一模结束后,复习的重点要放在查漏补缺上。将做过的试卷整理后,建立错题档案,弥补知识漏洞,进行强化记忆和训练。比如,在建立错题档案时发现在非谓语动词、从句方面出错率比较高,就应该重点复习这方面的知识。不要注重记多少题,重要的是记住老师在课堂上对这些题的分析过程。抄录资料或刊物上的讲解也是值得推荐的方法。到考试前再回顾、反思、比较、消化,以期达到遇到同类试题不再出错的目的。复习中要加强题型专项训练,在训练中提高解题能力和解题速度;尤其要重视听力训练,所选听力材料不宜过难,语速要适中。复习中应适当加强对重点内容的强化训练和题后分析,提高“考点识别、寻找已知条件、排错求证”的思维能力。训练快速阅读的能力,提高带着问题快速搜索信息,根据上下文提示进行逻辑推断的能力。多读一些原汁原味的文章,通过广泛涉猎,培养英语语感,提高对词、句、篇的理解速度和准确度。专项训练要多、模拟测试要适当。 强调阅读语速是语言实际运用的主要特征之一,一般应保持在60wpm左右,按照“高中英语课程标准”要求,高中毕业时甚至应该达到70―80wpm.在平时训练中一定要注意 坚持阅读速度的要求。在真实语言环境中,所接触材料的篇


2019届高考英语二轮复习阅读理解推理判断题专练(三)观点态度 类 (2017·河南、河北七所名校联考) When it comes to writing work emails, there are many rules to follow. In the past, people always wanted to come across as someone who's calm and professional, which workplace manners experts say means they wanted to hold back their love for emoticons (表情符号) while on the job. But language is always changing, and a recent national survey in the US found that 76 percent of Americans said that they had used emoticons in digital communication at work. The most popular emoticon is the happy face. Lindsey Pollak, a US career coach who works with Millennials (千禧一代), has also noticed that emoticons have gone from being inappropriate for the workplace to being accepted. The reason behind this, according to her, is largely due to the changing of people in a particular age group of the workforce. Millennials are now the biggest generation in the American workforce. “A few years ago, emoticons were absolutely seen as very young and very personal,” Pollak said. “Over the past few years... I've seen emoticons become more acceptable. I see them more frequently not just from Millennials but from all generations at the workplace.” “People tend to use emoticons to just add that little bit of extra change in the tone when there's something awkward or potentially offensive, or when they might take in things in the wrong way,” explains Lauren Collister, a sociolinguist. In life and work, many of us have used emoticons to send positive atmosphere or soften statements. Pollak, however, warns against being too casual at work. Her advice is to be aware of who the audience is. “Frankly, I wouldn't use a happy face with any CEO in the US. I wouldn't use a happy face with the people of a certain level no matter how commonplace and acceptable it has become,” she said. “You can make or break a relationship with one email these days.” 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍了表情符号在工作邮件中的使用越来越 流行的原因以及人们对此要注意的方面。 1.What does the author say about past working people? A.They were calm and professional. B.They used more serious emoticons.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A 1. The word “homework” in the first paragraph refers to ______. A. work that is given by teachers for students to do at home B. Websites such as https://www.360docs.net/doc/0915182380.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/0915182380.html, C. tools and suggestions offered by websites D. market research and informal research

2. The underlined sentence in the passage means that you’d better ask for a raise ______. A. when the employer has a normal pulse rate B. when the employer is in a good mood C. when the company has a good financial situation D. when the company’s practices are more flexible 3. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The employer will give you a raise because of your personal reasons. B. You should show them that you’re worthy of a salary increase. C. You can tell your boss the exact number of salary increase you want D. Schedule a meeting with your boss but don’t push too hard. 4. It can be inferred in the last paragraph that ______. A. If your boss won’t give you a raise, you’d better take fewer responsibilities. B. It is a wise way to get a raise by letting your boss know you are doing more. C. Only if you find a proper time to talk with your boss will you get a raise. D. You should schedule a meeting within a few months to discuss the matter again. B Here’s one number to keep in mind during your next cell phone conversation: 50. A new experiment shows that spending 50 minutes with an active phone pressed up to the ear increases activity in the brain. This brain activity probably doesn't make you smarter. When cell phones are on, they emit (发出) energy in the form of radiation that could be harmful, especially after years of cell phone usage. Scientists don't know yet whether cell phones are bad for the brain. Studies like this one are attempting to find it out. The 47 participants in the experiment may have looked a little strange. Each one had two Samsung cell phones attached to his or her head — one on each ear. The phone on the left ear was off. The phone on the right ear played a message for 50 minutes, but the participants couldn't hear it because the sound was off. With this set-up, the scientists could be sure they were studying brain activity from the phone itself, and not brain activity due to listening and talking during a conversation. After 50 minutes with two phones strapped to their heads, the participants were given PET scans. The PET scan showed that the left side (the side with the phone turned off) of each participant's brain hadn't changed during the experiment. The right side of the brain, however, had used more glucose, which is a type of sugar that provides fuel to brain cells. These right-side brain cells were using almost as much glucose as the brain uses when a person is talking. This suggests th at the brain cells there were active ― even without the person hearing anything. That activity, the scientists say, was probably caused by radiation from the phone. Henry Lai, who works at the University of Washington in Seattle, is uncomfortable with the data related to cell phones. Holding a cell phone to your ear during a conversation is “not really safe,” Lai told Science News. Lai is a bioengineer at the University of Washington in Seattle. He wrote an article about the new study for a journal, but he did not work on the study. Bioengineers bring together ideas from engineering and biology. For those who don't want to wait to find out for sure whether cell phones are bad for the brain, there are ways to talk more safely. You can have short and sweet conversations, use a

高考英语 第二轮复习策略

2012高考英语第二轮复习策略 2011年,全国很多地区进入了新课改,新课改高考英语究竟怎么考?试卷结构如何?同学们该如何备考才能达到最佳效果?这些都是学校、英语教师、学生和家长都比较关注的一个热点话题。 整体上看,2011年各地新课改高考英语试卷都严格按照考试大纲和各省考试说明的要求编制,试题有较高的区分度。 试卷保持了“稳中有变,变中求新”的基本命题思路,始终坚持了“突出语篇,强调应用,注重交际”这一命题原则。单项填空题着重考查在语境中的语法运用和对词义的正确理解,不拘泥于单纯的知识点,而加强了对知识点综合运用能力的考查;完形填空更加注重篇章结构能力的考查,加强对“预阅”能力的考查,要从前后句和前后段的综合理解、推断中才能作出选择;阅读理解直接从文章中找答案的题目逐渐少了,主观推测的题目逐渐变了,出现“推测作者意图”的题目;改错题逐步弱化语法,增强篇章综合分析能力;书面表达从几种日常写作题型格式逐渐注重实际运用。 除此之外,部分省市的试卷中采用了新题型或在原有的题型上做了一些新的调整,从命题上更加“注重基础、强调应用、突出语篇、注重交际”,试题越来越注意题目设置的巧妙、灵活性、通用性、应用性、社会性。越来越注意对学生能力的考查,渗透着新课改的思想。 变化篇:重基础→考点考查,稳中求进,尝试新题型。 通过认真分析2011年新课改后全国各省(市、区)的高考英语试题,新课改后各省(市、区)的高考英语试题有一些共性,也有一些差异。 基础知识:英语知识运用测试的内容基本为单项填空(语法和词汇知识)和完形填空。差异性比较大的是广东省和陕西省。广东省测试的方向为语言知识及运用,内容分为完形填空测试和语法填空测试两个板块。陕西省在英语知识运用方面测试的方向为语音知识(满分5分)、情景对话(满分5分)、单项填空(满分15分)和完形填空(满分30分)。 阅读理解:在阅读理解方面大部分地区测试的形式相同。安徽、福建、浙江等3个地区阅读篇数为5篇;宁夏、海南、吉林、黑龙江、山东、陕西、北京、江苏、天津、辽宁等10个地区阅读篇数为4篇;广东、湖南、上海等3地区阅读理解只有3篇。广东省在阅读方面增加了信息匹配试题,即阅读一篇应用文及相关信息,按照要求匹配信息。湖南省在写作中增加了任务型阅读和阅读表达。上海市把阅读分为四个板块来测试,包括完形填空、阅读理解、选择标题和读写阅读。

高考英语二轮 专题复习词汇系列(一)

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习词汇系列(一) 【必会词汇】 时刻:dawn, deadline, instant, moment, by the time, from now on, in time, on time 时段:age, century, decade, future, interval, period, stage; contemporary, permanent, temporary, forever, meanwhile, for a time/ while, for the time being 频度:annual, daily, frequent, occasional, regular, monthly, weekly, yearly, occasionally, once, seldom, twice, at a time, at times, time and time again, now and then 时序:final, former, previous, afterward(s), ago, eventually, ever, first, gradually, immediately, just, last, late, later, next, shortly, since, soon, then 相关:介词: after, at, before, by, during, for, in, on, since, throughout, until, upon 动词: last, pass, run, take 连词: after, as, as soon as, before, hardly…when, no sooner…than, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while 天气:寒冷天气:frost, ice, snow, wind, freeze, cold, freezing, snowy, windy, 温热天气:heat, warmth, clear, dry, fine, fresh, hot, mild, sunny, warm 云雨天气:cloud, downpour, rain, rainbow, shower, storm, thunder, thunderstorm, lightning, pour, cloudy, cool, damp, rain, wet 雾:fog, mist, foggy 其他:climate, forecast, weather, changeable, terrible 自然灾害:名称:earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, volcano, typhoon, 相关动词:blow, burn, burst, destroy, die, erupt, predict, rescue, ruin, shake, supply, survive 其他:ash, damage, danger, death, disaster, nature, survival, victim, dangerous, muddy, natural 天气(Weather) 相关话题 天气与人类的生活息息相关,谈论天气,是老百姓最关注的话题之一。在写作中weather涉及的主要内容有:a. Describing weather ( sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.) b. Understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, cloud) c. Dressing for the weather (coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc.) d. Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc.) 1. 常见描述天气状况的词汇有: rainfall(降雨), snowfall(降雪), storm(暴风雨), sandstorm(沙尘暴 ), temperature(气温 ), bright, clear, fine, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy(有雾的 ), cool, hot, dry, wet, warm, cold, chilly(寒冷的), freezing, frost(霜冻)etc. 2. 谈论天气常用的句型: 1). Asking about the weather(询问天气情况) a). What’s the weather like today?/How is the weather today?/How is it today?今天的天气怎么样? b) How do you like our weather? 你知道我们这儿的天气怎么样? c). Is the weather always like this? 天气总是这样吗? d). Is it always as cold as this? 天气总是这样冷吗?


09二轮专题1:阅读理解题型专项突破之三——推理判断 画川高级中学王文华 【命题特点】 这类题属于主观题,是层次较高的设题。它包括判断和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写(paraphrase)或综合。 【常见考法】 推理题经常使用的提问方式有: It can be inferred/ concluded that___________. Which of the following conclusions can we draw according to the passage? In which of the following publication would this passage most likely be printed? The passage implies, but doesn't directly state that___________. The writer suggests that___________. What's the author's attitude toward___________? The writer probably feels that___________. The author uses the examples of... to show that___________. 判定推理是一种创造性的思维活动,但它并非无章可循。 推理判定题要在阅读理解整体语篇的基础上,把握文章的真正内涵。①要吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础;②要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,由表入里,由浅入深,从具体到抽象,从非凡到一般,通过分析、综合、判定等,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理。不能就是论事,断章取义,以偏概全。③要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知。立足现在,猜测未来。不


高考英语二轮复习策略 高三英语复习在如火如荼的进行着,同学们的复习效果可谓是冰火两重天,有的同学掌握了英语的学习规律,复习的十分轻松,有的同学因为不得法,整天向我抱怨英语难学,有的甚至因为英语的瘸腿而与名牌大学失之交臂,许多家长也对孩子的英语是忧心忡忡。小编的八个必方法供同学们参考。 一、多听老师的,少自作主张 虽然同学们之前经历过很多考试,但高考对于我们来讲还是有些陌生。就算有些学生在高一、高二已经做过高考题,对于自己的知识缺陷到底有哪些,高考的重点是什么也不一定有非常清晰的了解。而高三的英语第一轮复习主要就是从语法和词法两个方面帮助大家梳理知识,并对应试策略加以指导。教高三的教师大都有着非常丰富的高考经验,也都会制定详细的教学计划,因此我们在安排自己的复习内容时要尽量和老师同步,把当天复习的内容彻底搞清楚,并辅以相应的练习加以巩固。遇到不会的,应该第一时间请教老师,千万不要留到最后甚至弃置不管。 二、多用碎时间,少搞大突击 英语学科是非常适合利用零碎时间来学习的。五分钟的时间能干什么?也许别的学科可以安排的复习活动并不多,但是英语却有很多。比如我们可以背单词,可以做一篇速读,

可以朗读一篇文章,可以做若干个单项选择,可以听听力,可以翻看任何英语的杂志、报刊甚至小说等。总而言之,时间是海绵里的水,挤挤总是有的。当然,如果我们要复习一个比较重要的语法项目,或者做一套英语试题的时候,我们也需要相对完整的时间,但基于语言学习的灵活性,同学们要培养语言学习的意识。Learning is anytime, anywhere with anyone。(学习无处不在)有些学生在制定自己的复习计划时,把一个星期中的七天分别给了不同的科目,这样做是不太科学的。正确的做法是每天复习两至三科为宜,而英语虽然持续时间不需要很长,但每天都接触确实十分必要的。A little bit every day makes perfect(点滴铸就完美)。 三、多接触英语,少钻研语法 近几年的高考越来越重视同学们运用英语的能力,逐渐削弱了对于语法的考察。纵观一份高考英语试卷,单纯考察语法的题目几乎没有。善于观察的学生更会发现,即使是在语法聚集的单项选择题中,也是强调语境的理解。此外,还逐渐加大了词义、词语辨析的考察。完形填空的四个选项是没有语法的错误的,考察大家是否能够根据文章的意思,选择用法上最恰当的词。阅读理解更是考察大家对于篇章的理解。当然,语法并不是不重要,有很多重点的项目是需要同学们掌握的。只是提醒大家在复习的时候,要做到从语言的


2012年高考英语第二轮复习的技巧和策略 基础知识:英语知识运用测试的内容基本为单项填空(语法和词汇知识)和完形填空。差异性比较大的是广东省和陕西省。广东省测试的方向为语言知识及运用,内容分为完形填空测试和语法填空测试两个板块。陕西省在英语知识运用方面测试的方向为语音知识(满分5分)、情景对话(满分5分)、单项填空(满分15分)和完形填空(满分30分)。 阅读理解:在阅读理解方面大部分地区测试的形式相同。安徽、福建、浙江等3个地区阅读篇数为5篇;宁夏、海南、吉林、黑龙江、山东、陕西、北京、江苏、天津、辽宁等10个地区阅读篇数为4篇;广东、湖南、上海等3地区阅读理解只有3篇。广东省在阅读方面增加了信息匹配试题,即阅读一篇应用文及相关信息,按照要求匹配信息。湖南省在写作中增加了任务型阅读和阅读表达。上海市把阅读分为四个板块来测试,包括完形填空、阅读理解、选择标题和读写阅读。 书面表达:书面表达是新课标各地区都考查的一个方面,但是还是有一些差异。广东和北京是比较有特点的两个地区。广东考查的是基础写作和读写任务写作两部分,满分40分;北京考查的是情景作文和开放作文两部分,满分35分;其他几个地区考查的都是根据所给内容写一篇短文,满分25分(宁夏、海南、吉林、黑龙江、安徽、天津、辽宁、福建、湖南、江苏)或者30分(山东、陕西、浙江、上海)。 短文改错、单词拼写:短文改错和单词拼写已经逐渐被新的题型所替代。新课改省份只有陕西省既测试了单词拼写,又测试了短文改错;宁夏、海南、吉林、黑龙江、辽宁、浙江等6个地区考查了短文改错,测试的方式和以往的高考短文改错已经有所不同。广东、山东、安徽、天津、湖南、江苏、上海等7个地区测试的是读写任务、阅读表达、任务型读写、任务型阅读或者句子翻译等题型。上海测试了翻译句子。 从试题对学生英语能力的考查方向来说,新课改后各地区的英语试题重点在考查学生的听、读和写等三个方面的能力;考查学生运用英语知识来获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。从试题的模块设置上来看,对听力的考查是个大趋势,新课改后只有陕西在高考试题中没有设置听力测试,其余15个地区都考查了英语听力。英语知识运用(语法、词汇、完形填空等)、阅读理解和写作是英语考查的三个主要方面,以后可能会继续考查下去。读写任务、阅读表达、任务型读写、任务型阅读或者句子翻译等类型的试题会逐渐普及开来。单词拼写、语音知识、情景对话、短文改错很可能会慢慢的退出高考英语试题的历史舞台,被新的题型所替代。 策略篇:重基础→提能力,构建“点?线?面”的立体复习网络 新课标体系下的新高考其考查目的有别于传统模式下的高考,最主要体现的是对同学们使用英语能力的考查,强调在具体语言环境下,听力﹑单词﹑语法、阅读、写作等方面的“实战应用”。因此同学们在复习时的策略应在“用”字上下工夫。即“以用为本”。强调在具体语言环境下,单词语法、阅读、写作等方面的“实战应用”。下面针对具体的部分我将分别给出建议,供大家参考。 1. 听力:分场景听。分成不同的场景,进行专项训练。这样可以有效地总结相关的单词和句型。加深对单词与短语在具体某一环境的理解,并熟练掌握相关话题的出题点。做到遇词不生,遇景不慌。加强对广播和英语电视新闻的主题和大意理解。强化态度题和观点题训练。除平时坚持听力训练外,早自习读书强调读出声也是很重要的一方面。在二轮复习中,同学们可以根据各个话题进行专题训练。 (2)单词:分文章记。新课标的词汇要求:7级要求学会使用2 400~2 500个单词和300~400个习惯用语或固定搭配。8级要求学会使用3 300个单词和400~500个习惯用语或固定搭配。如何记这些单词呢?玖久《专项突破英语》的主讲专家肖鹏老师建议,应该针对不同的场景和


距离高考还有11天 [阅读理解之障碍词汇] 1.Register v.& n.登记,注册 2.stable adj. 稳定的 3.splendid adj. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的 4.cancel vt. 取消,废除 5.variable adj. 易变的,可变的 6.prospect n. 前景,前途;景象 7.prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣 8.aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌 9.cope vi(with)(成功地)应付,处理 10.core n. 果心,核心 11.maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张 12.mainland n. 大陆 13.discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科 14.domestic adj. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的15.constant adj. 不断的,恒定的 n. 常数 16.cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁 17.authority n. 权威;当局 18.audio adj声音的;音频的 19.attitude n. 态度 20.community n. 社区,社会 [完形填空之熟词生义] 1.cover(熟义:v.覆盖) We have got to cover 20 miles before dark.(v.走完(一段路)) How many pages have you covered?(v.看完(多少页书)) The discussion covered a wide range of subjects.(v.涉及) His story was covered in China Daily.(v.报道) Here is 5 pounds,which should cover all your expense.(v.足以支付;够付) 2.cross(熟义:v.跨越;横穿n.十字) She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck.(n.十字架物品) 3.deal (熟义:v.处理;解决) Having been cheated in a business deal,he was reduced to nothing.(n.交易)


高考英语阅读理解:5种判断推理题详尽解法 【命题特点】 这类题属于主观题,是层次较高的设题。它包括判断和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写(paraphrase)或综合。 【常见考法】 在解答推理判断题时应注意: 提问中的常见单词: infer, imply, suggest, conclude, learn, intend, mean, describe, purpose 提问中常含有表示推测的情态动词: can, could, might, would 提问中常含有表示可能性的副词或词组: probably, most likely 推理题经常使用的提问方式: 推测作者写作目的或意图的设题形式: 1) The purpose in writing this text is to __________. 2) The author writes this passage to __________. 3) The author in this passage intends to __________. 推测文章的观点或结论的设题形式: 1) It can be inferred from the passage that __________. 2) What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? 3) From the passage we can conclude that __________. 推断文章出处的设题形式: 1)The passage is most likely to be taken from_________. 2)Where would this passage most probably appear? 3)The passage is most likely a part of_________. 解题思路 判定推理是一种创造性的思维活动,但它并非无章可循。 推理判定题要在阅读理解整体语篇的基础上,把握文章的真正涵。 ①要吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础; ②要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,由表入里,由浅入深,从具体到抽象,从非凡到一般,通过分析、综合、判定等,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理。不能就是论事,断章取义,以偏概全。 ③要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知。立足现在,猜测未来。不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点; ④要把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇的结构。要体会文章的基调,揣摸作者的态度,摸准逻辑发展的方向,悟出作者的弦外之音。
