


1. Problems and worries are normal in life. It's best not to run away from them. We should always try to solve them.

2. It's very normal for people to have problems and worries in life. We should always try our best to face and solve them instead of running away from them.

3. Problems and worries are normal/common in life. If we have them, we shouldn't escape from them. Instead, it's wise/sensible for us to try to face and deal with them. Body—3 pieces of advice, 用上连接词(首先first of all/at first/above all其次besides/what’s more/furthermore/in addition最后last but not the least)

Useful expressions of giving advice:

1.What/How about doing...?

2.2. Why not do...?/ Why don’t you do...?

3.You should do.../ You’re supposed to do...

4.It’s always a good idea/way to do...

5. You’d better do.../It’s best to do.../It’s better to do...rather than do...

6. I advise you to do.../I suggest that you (should) do...

7. If I were you, I would... 例1(提高技能篇):小明英语作文写得不好。请你给他一些合理的建议,并说明原因。

(AB层)In order to write a good English composition, first of all, you’d better accumulate (积累) as many useful and native (地道的) English expressions as possible. In my eyes, they are so important that you must work hard to learn and memorize more. They can really help a lot and contribute to/play an important role in writing a good composition. In addition, you’re supposed to read some good compositions and then learn to imitate (模仿) them. The more you imitate, the easier you’ll find English writing will be. Last but not the least, it’s always a good idea to ask the teacher for help for teachers have more experience and are always there to help you. They can help you mark your compositions so that you’re sure to improve.

(C层) First of all, you’d better remember many useful English expressions. Because they are so important that you must learn to use them in your compositions. They can really help a lot with a good composition. Besides, you should read some good compositions and learn from them. Reading good compositions is helpful to your writing. Last but not the least, it’s always a good idea to ask the teacher for help because teachers have more experience and are always there to help you. They can help you mark your compositions so that you’re sure to write better.


(AB层)Above all, it’s better to find a chance to communicate with your parents rather than argue with them. I deeply believe that communication can remove the misunderstandings between you. Promising them that you’ll make use of your free time reasonably can be helpful. Furthermore, you’re supposed to work even harder to get good grades. Action speaks louder than words, so if your parents see you make progress in study, they’ll not stop you from drawing. Last but not the least, if I were you, I would show some pictures which are drawn by me in art classes to my parents and tell them how much I’m fond of drawing. Because they are always proud of me,

they must be glad to see me draw better. Frankly speaking (坦诚地说), drawing is such a good hobby that your parents will gradually understand you.

(C层) Above all, it’s best to talk to your parents. I believe that it can make your parents understand you. Telling them that you’ll make good use of your time can be helpful. Besides, why not work even harder to get good grades? If your parents see you get better in study, they’ll let you draw. Last but not the least, if I were you, I would show some pictures to my parents and tell them how much I love drawing. Because they are always proud of me, they must be glad to see me draw better. Drawing is such a good hobby that your parents will understand you.


1. Life is full of ups and downs. Don't be afraid of the problems or worries when you are faced/confronted with them. As long as you try your best to deal with them, you will succeed in getting over them.

2. Life is full of ups and downs, so never fear the problems or worries if you are faced with them. Just take your courage and try your best to seek the way out, all of them will be nothing.

3. Life is full of ups and downs. Don't be afraid of the difficulties/problems/worries/trouble when you are faced with them. You'll never get over them until you keep on challenging yourself and ask for help.


初中语文作文分层教学案例 篇一:初中作文分层教学探究 初中作文分层教学探究 内蒙古鄂尔多斯东联现代中学田富强 内容摘要: 我们面对着不可避免地存在着的作文分化现象,是无法熟视无睹的。要解决这一难题,需要我们每个语文教师的勇于实践和探索。笔者以为,采用分层教学,是可取的作文教学策略。本文试图根据心理学家皮亚杰和维果斯基的理论,从培养学生的创新能力,学生作文参差不齐的成因等角度,来谈谈实施分层教学的必要性,并结合自己的教学实践说说一些具体的做法和几点思考。 关键词:初中作文分层教学创新教学 一( 问题的提出 《中国教育改革和发展纲要》明确指出:“中小学要由应试教育转向全面提高国民素质的轨道,面向全体学生,全面提高学生的思想道德、文化科学、劳动技能、和身体心理素 1 质,促进学生生动活泼地发展。”在大力倡导素质教育的今天,应试教育的阴影仍笼罩在教学过程中。其表现在语文教学上,就是很多老师往往重视了基础知识的训练,大搞题海战术,而忽视了写作能力的培养,认为教写作事倍功半,收效甚微,从而导致学生作文水平参差不齐。那些自觉性强,上课专心,阅读面广的同学,作文能力较强;而懒于动笔,作业拖拉,不肯用功的学生则逐渐退步,这在初中阶段尤为明显。如何提高那些学困生的作文水平,如何使较好的学生的作文水平得到进一步的提高,并具有创新的能力,不仅是一个重要的现实问题,也是一个需

要从理论和事件深入研究的课题。笔者以为,在作文教学中根据学生参差不齐的特点,采用分层教学法, 不失为一个良策。 二( 问题的界定 所谓分层教学,是为了着眼于全体学生生动和谐地全面发展而根据学生、教师、教材和教学媒体等教学要素的客观情况所采取的具有一定针对性和层次性的教学组织与实施的策略。 分层教学的着眼点是为了学生的发展。瑞士心理学家皮亚杰认为,发展是个体在与环境不断的相互作用中的一种建构过程。个体在发展的过程中,在内部的心理结构是在不断的变化的,而这种变化又不是简单地在原有信息的基础上加上 2 新的事实和思想,而是涉及到思维过程的质的变化。前苏联心理学家维果斯基认为,“任何一门学科对儿童的要求总是多于他今天能够提供的,也就是说,儿童在学校中进行的活动总是迫使儿童超出自己的本身,正常的学校及哦啊学永远是这样的。”他进而提出,儿童有两种发展水平:现有发展水平和潜在发展水平。现有发展水平是有已经完成的发展程序的结果而形成的儿童心理机能的发展水平,表现为儿童能够独立地、自如地完成教师提出的智力任务。潜在发展水平是那些尚处于形成状态、刚刚在成熟过程中,表现为儿童还不能独立地完成任务,但在教师的帮助下,在集体活动中,通过模仿和自己的努力才能完成的智力任务。在这两种水平之间的幅度为“最近发展区”。维果斯基指出:“最近发展区对智力的发展和成功的进程比现有发展水平具有更为直接的意义。”“教学不应指望于儿童发展的昨天,而应指望于他的明天。”“只有走在发展前面的教学,才是好的教学,”。 我们进行的教育学工作应当符合“最近发展区”的原理:一切的教

人教版九年级英语上册 Unit10_话题写作专练

Unit10 话题写作专练 假如你是李东,昨天收到美国朋友Hanry的一封电子邮件。Harry说他准备来中国拜访笔友,所以想了解在中国朋友家做客时的一些风俗和习惯。请你根据下列信息给Hanry回一封电子邮件。词数90左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计人总词数。 主要内容:1. 进门前先敲门,门打开后,在主人说“请进”之后才能进门; 2.进门后,要等主人请你就座后你才能坐下; 3.主人端茶给你时,你要双手而不要单手接茶,并说一声“谢谢”; 4.吃饭时,主人喜欢让你多吃多喝点,你吃得或喝得越多,主人就越高兴。Dear Harry, Thanks for your e-mail. I am glad to tell you something about the customs of being a guest in a Chinese family. Yours, Li Dong

【参考范文】 Dear Harry, Thanks for your e-mail. I am glad to tell you something about the customs of being a guest in a Chinese family. When you arrive at your friend’s house, you should not come in before the host says, “Come in, please.” After you enter the room, you should not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is passed to you, you should receive it with two hands, not one hand, and say “Thank you.” While you are eating, the host likes to ask you to eat or drink more. The more you eat or drink, the happier the host will be. I think you will know more about Chinese customs after your stay in China. Yours, Li Dong


作文分层教学三步走 一直以来,作文教学都是让语文老师们很头痛的一件事,老师讲的天花乱坠,学生听得迷迷糊糊。不要说写出真情实感了,有的时候连最基本的记叙类文章也写得很零乱。在素质教育的今天,如何提高学生的作文水平,让学生能从生活中去寻找作文的题材,在书本上学习写作的方法,将生活中积累的和书上学到的,结合自己的感情,用流利而优美的语言表达出来。如何让学生有效学会写作文呢?我做了一下尝试: 一、走出来 1、兴趣的培养 《语文课程标准》中指出:“对写话有兴趣,写自己想说的话,写想像中的事物,写出自己对周围事物的认识和感想”。我们传统的教学就固于书本知识和课堂,没有将学生的思绪放飞。从而导致学生怕作文,对作文失去了兴趣。德国教育学家第斯多惠说过:“教学的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞。”我们要注重培养学生对作文的兴趣,让他们爱上作文,而不是害怕作文。通过社会实践、主题班会、网络互动的多种形式,激发学生的写作兴趣。 2、走近生活 《语文课程标准》一再指出,语文是实践性很强的一门课程,应注重培养学生的语文实践能力,在大量的语文实践中掌

握运用语文的规律。我们如果不让学生去实践,又怎么能培养他们的作文能力呢?例如:我在给学生指导写人作文的时候,我曾从人物的语言、外貌,动作一一讲起,甚至给同学们罗列了很多的关于写人方面的词语。但结果是学生的作文写得很“假”,甚至有的同学只是用老师给的词语进行造句,然后连“连句成篇”,于是,我带着学生到了街上,让他们去购物,去逛街,但布置了任务:“观察你所遇见或看见的人的语言、动作,外貌等人物特征”。回来后重新布置作文。有的同学就写到“:卖冰激凌的老奶奶脸上的皱纹记录着她卖冰激凌的数量”。多么深刻啊!还有“一个残疾人匍匐在车上,用乞求的眼神看着大家”。观察是多么的细致啊! 由此可见,要提高学生的作文水平,深入实践是最佳的一种方式。不但可以扩展学生的知识面,也可以丰富学生的作文素材。 二、读进去 陶行知曾说“:我们要活的书,不要死的书;要真的书,不要假的书;要动的书,不要静的书;要用的书,不要读的书。总起来说,我们要以生活为中心的教学做指导,不要以文字为中心的教科书”。要学生去读教科书,这是我们千百年来的传统的做法,但我这里要说是如何去指导的问题。 1、读懂 一篇文章,我们首先要指导学生读懂它的基本意思,包括


Unit 1 My Vacation to Beijing Wednesday, August 20th Today the weather was hot and sunny. I went to Beijing with my parents.Idid a lots of things there.We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We also went to Tianan’men Square. There were many people there. Then we went to a Beijing Hutong. It was beautiful. We took some photos. I liked this place because it was interesting. For dinner w e had Beijing duck. It was delicious. In the evening, I felt really tired but very happy.. 1.假如你是林涛,去年夏天去北京度假,参观过许多地方。以My vacation 为题目,写一篇70词左右的短文。内容包括:1,旅游景点(the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian'anmen Square, Beijing hutong). 2, 天气、活动。3,观点等。 Last summer, I went to Beijing on vacation with my father. The weather was sunny and hot. First we visited the G reat Wall. There were a lot of people on the Great Wall. It is really the longest wall in the world. The next day, we visited the Palace Museum and Tian'anmen Square. We took many photos there. We also visited some other intere sting places in Beijing. We visited a Beijing hutong, too. We had a great time there. I hope to go there again. Unit 2 根据调查结果写一篇短文 Activities Here are the results of the students' activity survey in my class. Everybody takes their exercise for an hour every d ay. 90% of the students eat fruit and drink milk every day.7% of the students eat junk food for 2 or 3 times a week. Nobody drinks coffee. Most students sleep for 8 or 9 hours a day. Unit 3 你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以"My best friend and I"为题,运用比较级写一篇英语文章. Should friends be the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same .My name is David. My best fr iend Jeff is quiet different from me. He is shorter and quieter than me . We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins . Jeff works harder and always get good grades .We can talk and share everythin g. I think my best friend helps to bring out the best in me .We’ll be good friends for ever . 关于朋友的短文可以提及:名字、外貌、他喜欢做什么、与你有哪些相同和不同,最好加一些对朋友的看法. My best friend and I Every one needs friends, so do I. I have many friends, but Mary is my best friend. Let me tell you something abou t her. She is 14 years old. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes. She is smart. And she is very funny. she likes telling jokes, and she often makes me laugh . We have many things in common. We are both outgoing in our class . We both like sports and math. And we both enjoy playing computer games. However, we also have some differen ces. She is good at playing tennis, so she always wins in tennis. I am smarter than her, so I always get better grade s than her. I think friends are like books, you don’t need a lot of them as long as they are good. So I hope we can be friends f orever. 请以“My best friend”为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。短文要运用课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼睛等)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方面进行比较。词数70左右。 My best friend My best friend is Li Ming. We are in the same class..He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me. Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine. Li Ming likes sports. He often exercise s after school. He is more outgoing and more athletic than me. But I think I’m smarter than him. Most of my su bjects are better than his.


Unit1 How can we become good learners? 一. 单项选择(共20小题;共20分) 1. --- How do you learn English words?--- making flashcards. A. To B. By C. For D. With 2. --- How do you study for a test--- working with friends. A. By B. With C. On D. At 3. --- Could you lend me your dictionary? I want to the new word. --- Sure. Here you are.A. look out B. look up C. look at D. look after 4. When you visit a museum you should the instructions and don't be against themA. compare with B. look forward to C. pay attention to D. try out 5. The scientists haven't there was life on Mars. A. found B. found out C. looked for D. discovered 6. David didn't give up he had failed in the experiment four times. A. if B. while C. though D. since 7. She went there early she got a good seat. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D. enough; to 8. --- Mrs. Li, will you be angry your students don't obey the rules in class--- A little. But I will stop them in a friendly way. A. if B. unless C. though 9. The family had to stay at the hotel, it was raining hard.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 题目要求: 假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。优秀范文 The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family. It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautifulscenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there. We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall! Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 题目要求: 你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇短文来介绍你的生活饮食习惯。词数:80左右。 优秀范文


作文分层教学的几点尝试 苏联著名教育家巴班斯基曾任中学教师,对中学教育研究独树一帜,其“教学过程最优化”理论具有科学性、针对性和可操作性,对中学教学产生巨大的影响。将他的“教学过程最优化”理论运用于初中语文教学,具有指导性的现实意义。笔者结合多年作文教学的实践的成功经验,在初中作文教学中,实行“分层教学”,能实现“因人而异”“以生为本”的宗旨,取得良好的教学效果。 一、初中学生作文现状及问题的实质 从初一至初三年级,学生的习作大致可分为三类情况。其一,文章主题鲜明、文句通顺,词句达意,具有一定的写作能力;其二,主线不明,词不达意,凑足字数了事;其三,文不对题,思维混乱,文不成句,挤出一团团互不相连的“牙膏”。究其根由,第一,学生的语文知识本身就存在个体差异,针对语言表达,知识运用要求更系统更综合的作文,差异性就更加明显;第二,文章的写作需要生活经验的积累,需要用心地观察身边的人和事,要学会对事对物的深层分析。仅对这一点,初中学生天生就有缺陷;第三,部分教师的作文教学方法,根据所学范文,进行归纳、讲解,然后要求学生在统一命题下写作,千人一律,没差别的要求又加剧了学生作文水平的级差。 二、作文分层教学的基本要义

根据“教学过程最优化”理论,在教学过程中,不能是教师“一言堂”,要具体考虑学生的实际情况,还要考虑学生内在真实需要,在教学中,要选择行之有效的教学方案,达到最优性组合,在规定的时间内才能获得最大的教学效果。 “分层教学”指的是着眼于学生的发展,根据学生、教师、教材和教学要求、教学媒体的客观情况所采取的具有一定的针对性和层次性的教学组织与实施的策略。这与我国古代著名教育学家孔子的“因材施教”有异曲同工之妙。 “作文分层教学”要把握好三个层面。 (一)目标分层:根据学生已具有的写作能力水平,考虑个性差异,定出不同的作文训练目标,要细化每一个同学,给每个学生制定不同的目标。目标的确定是动态的,学生的学习情况发生变化,取得显著进步,目标也要适时调整与提高。 (二)指导分层:在进行习作点评时应注重文章的层次,针对较优秀的作文要分析其突出的优点和写作技能,使学生能相互学习和借鉴。同时,对于一些质量差的“劣质作文”,也要进行写作指导,要剖析问题的根源,更要提出修改的建议和帮助,切不可只写上“重写”两个刺目的大字。在作文批改时,要有针对性,要充分点评优点和不足,也要给出不同层次的建议,不可只是简单的分数和模糊的“好、中、差”之类的评语。


八年级上册各单元必考英语作文大汇总 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 【题目要求】 假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢游泳,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以”The visit to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。【优秀范文】 The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summer, I went to the Great Wall with my family. It was fine that day.We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there,there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery (风景).We all were amazed (惊讶的)by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there. We had a good time there.The time flew by,and soon we had to go back.I was tired after traveling,but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall! Unit2 How often do you exercise? 【题目要求】 你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇短文来

九年级英语unit2 作文

一.假如你是李华,你的美国笔友吉姆对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封100词左右的电子邮件,介绍一下中国的传统节日-----春节的情况。思路点拨: 1.总体概述:春节是一个传统节日及其时间 2.简要介绍人们在春节到来前的活动 3.主要介绍人们在春节期间的活动经典范文 Dear Jim , I’m very glad to tell you something about the Chinese Spring Fest ival . It’s a traditional festival in China . It comes in winter . It’s time to get new . We usually clean and decorate our house c arefully before it comes . I always help my mother clean the wind

ows and wash the clothes . We put on chunlian on the door and chuanghua on the window . It’s time to get together . Everyone goes home to get together wi th their families,though someone is far away from home . They m ust have dinner together on that day . They usually visit their rela tives and friends and say “Happy New Year ” to them . When the kids greet their grandparents , they can get gift money . 二.Bitty 第一次在中国过中秋节。请根据提示写一篇日记,80词左右。提示:十月八号,星期一,天气晴朗,和王林一家,水果,饮料,月饼,户外吃,月亮又大又圆,王林讲嫦娥的故事,晚上过得很开心。经典范文:


八年级上册英语作文范文(12个话题) 话题一:谈论以前的假期 假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。 The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summer, I went to the Great Wall with my family. It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). And we took quite a few photos there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall! 我的名字是小明,我很喜欢旅行。去年夏天,我和家人去了长城。 那天天气很好。我们早上很早就坐车去那里了。当我们到达那里时,那里还有许多其他的游客.。我和我的家人去到长城的时候,我们看到了美丽的风景(风景)。我们在那里拍了不少照片。 时间飞逝,很快我们不得不回去了。旅行后我很累,但我真的很喜欢游览长城.! 话题二:谈论生活方式 My Lifestyle I am a 14-year-old middle school student. I have a healthy lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and carrots are my favorite. I love junk food, too, but I only eat it two or three times a week. I sleep less than seven hours every day. I feel sleepy sometimes. I run in the morning and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy reading books. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friends. I brush my teeth


人教版八年级英语上册作文题目与范文unit1版本一:介绍你的一个朋友,表达他的兴趣爱好,同时写清自己的的习惯,他怎么样才能保持健康(不少于60词) He thinks he isn't pretty healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest. Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week. unit2假设李平是你的朋友,他目前的身体状况不好。他从来不锻炼,他经常感到很紧张,很疲倦,他爱吃零食,有时会胃疼。这几天,他感冒了。头很痛。请写一封信给他,并给他一些建议。 Dear LiPing, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。I think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。You said you are stressed out and tired。Why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。You should also try to exercise。Eating less junk food。Eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。I think they are good for your health。 I hope you feel better soon! Yours××× unit3.版本一:假设你的一个笔友上个星期天来看你,你安排了一个游玩计划,大意如下:早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午


如何在小学作文课中进行分层教学如何在小学作文课中进行分层教学-王晓燕 三年级是作文的起步阶段,孩子们刚刚迈进写作的大门,而写作的要求又比低年级的写话高出了一个层次,已不是单纯的一句话,一段话的训练。很多孩子对习作产生了畏惧的心理。“无话可说,无事可写”成了孩子们写作的拦路虎、绊脚石。俗语说:“兴趣是最好的老师”。只有激发学生的写作兴趣,促使他们变被动为主动经常练笔,才能更快更好的提高学生的习作水平。那么如何在小学作文课中进行分层教学呢?在习作教学中我有以下几点尝试: 一、情景再现,树立信心 如果习作教学一开始就对孩子讲一些有关习作的理论、谋篇布局技巧等方面的知识,会让孩子感到写作枯燥乏味而又压力,觉得自己根本达不到老师的标准,写不出那样的好文章而对习作产生厌恶和排斥心里,从而对写文章失去信心。我觉得给学生上好第一节习作课非常重要,在第一节习作课上,不用告诉他们这节课上习作课,而是将孩子们以游戏导入的方式慢慢进入情境,让我们一起来玩一个游戏?一听说玩游戏,孩子们兴致肯定很高,要玩什么呢?孩子们手舞足蹈地说出很多游戏的名称,“老鹰捉小鸡、贴鼻子、丢手绢、躲猫猫……”顺势我提出我们来玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,在做游戏之前我们得先熟悉熟悉游戏规则,那谁能先说说玩老鹰捉小鸡游戏是怎么玩的?“先找一位男孩子当老鹰,一位女孩子当鸡妈妈,其它的孩子当小鸡拽着鸡妈妈的衣服躲在翅膀下,鸡妈妈左拦右挡不让老鹰靠近小鸡,如果不小心被老鹰捉去可就没命了。"你瞧!孩子们说得多精

彩啊!八个小组分别选好了老鹰和鸡妈妈,准备工作就绪游戏开始了,孩子们玩得可真高兴!鸡妈妈使出浑身解数挡住老鹰不让它接近自己的孩子,老鹰也不甘示弱拼命地寻找机会捉小鸡。孩子们乐得前仰后合。游戏在一片欢声笑语中结束了,孩子们席地而坐围成一个大圆圈互相分享自己刚才玩游戏的喜悦。之后我们走进教室,记录下今天玩游戏的全部过程。写完之后,我会告诉他们“你们太棒了,真是了不起都会写作文了”!放学后把你们的文章带回去,请爸爸妈妈一起读一读,爸爸妈妈一定会为你们骄傲的。孩子们个个很兴奋,脸上洋溢着满意而灿烂的笑容。第一堂习作课就这样轻松而愉快的渡过了。学生对写作产生了兴趣,觉得并不是想象的那么难,对写作文自然有了信心。 二、运用猜测,激发兴趣 孩子们喜欢动脑筋,想问题,有好奇心。抓住孩子的兴趣爱好运用猜测也是习作教学中很好的手段,比如在训练写人方面,我曾经提出“你猜他(她)是谁?”这样的题目让学生进行外貌描写的训练。于是引出下面一段话:我们班有位同学个子不高不低,身材不胖不瘦,面孔不圆不长…….你猜猜他是谁?同学面面相觑们没有一个人答出来,有人还在小声嘀咕“这样的标准咱们班一抓一大把呢,怎么猜呢?”太好了孩子已经有鉴赏能力了,也觉着老师的描述没有特点,没办法猜出。接着我又笑眯眯的往下说“他1.35米的个子,胖胖的脸,留着小平头,鼻子上还架着一幅黑边眼镜,看上去很有学问大家都称他为“可乐博士”。同学们异口同声的叫出了这位同学的名字——张洪可。趁学生热情高涨之时我随之提出:谁能再说说班里其他人的外貌让大家来猜猜呢?课堂顿时沸腾了,争着抢着说。因此让



八年级英语上册作文范文 unit1版本一:介绍你的一个朋友,表达他的兴趣爱好,同时写清自己的的习惯,他怎么样才能保持健康(不少于60词) He thinks he isn't pretty healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest. 版本二:根据下列班级活动调查表,用英语写一篇文章。 Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 12, Grade 8. Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most


书面表达(一) 小明的英语从七年级开始就不是太好。他很想把英语提高上去。假如你是他的同学,请你根据你学习英语的经验,热心地给小明提出你的如下建议。词数控制在70---80个。 1.上课认真听讲,做好笔记。 2.上课要尽量举手回答老师的问题。 3.多做听说练习,尤其是要尝试听一些英语广播,如BBC的英语节目。 4.牢记一些英语语法规则。 First of all, you must listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class, and don’t be afraid to speak English in class and after class. Answer the teacher’s questions actively and lively. You must talk to your classmates in English as much as possible. Especially you must try to listen to some English radio programs, for example, BBC and VOA. You must memorize some grammar rules. They are also important in learning English. 书面表达(二) 根据提示:简要介绍你的朋友Jane 的成长变化。 提示:1. 爱好:以前喜欢打乒乓球,看电视和聊天;现在喜欢弹钢琴、看书和散步。 2. 外貌:过去个子矮,短发;现在个子高多了,长发。 3. 性格:过去外向;现在有些内向。 要求:不要逐字逐句翻译,内容要合理,通顺,词数60—80。 My friend Jane is now different from what she used to be. She has changed a lot. She used to like playing table tennis, but now she enjoys playing the piano. She used to watch TV or chat with others after supper, but now she usually reads books or has a walk. She is much taller than before. She used to have short hair, but now she has long hair. She is a little quiet and not outgoing now. 书面表达(三) 假如你是班长,学校图书管理员要你根据下列提示向你们班同学宣布一些阅览室的管理规定: 1.阅览室开放时间: 星期一至星期五的下午5:00~6:00; 星期六上午8:00~11:30。 2.不准在阅览室内声音朗读。 3.不准在阅览室里吃零食(snacks)。 4.不准在阅览室里使用手机。 5.不准在阅览室里吸烟。 6.不准把书和杂志带出阅览室。 要求:1. 词数为80左右;2. 开头和结尾已写好,不计人总词数。 Attention, please! I’d like to tell you something about the rules of the school reading room. The reading room is open between 8:00 am and 11:30 am on Saturdays. After you enter the reading room, you should keep it clean and quiet. Firstly, you are not allowed to read aloud or have snacks; secondly, you are not allowed to use your cell phones or smoke; finally, you are not allowed to take the books or magazines out of the reading room. I hope everyone can obey the rules. That’s all. Thank you. 书面表达(四)
