

第1页 共5页

2012~2013学年度 第一学期


工程技术系、信息工程系 《大学英语》期末考试试卷


Part I Listening comprehension (共10 分,每小题1分)

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.

A) Don ’t mention it. B) This way, please. C) You ’re right. D) No, thanks.

2. A) It ’s over there. B) Sorry, he isn ’t in.

C) That ’s very kind of you. D) I ’d love to. 3. A) Yes, I will. B) You ’re welcome. C) I ’m sorry to hear that. D) Not too bad. 4. A) That ’s too bad. B) Thanks a lot. C) No problem. D) Here you are. 5. A) Good idea. B) See you soon. C) Never mind. D) Hold on, please.

Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. A) A fax. B) A report.

C) A newspaper. D) A letter.

7. A) Buy a new computer. B) Restart the computer.

C) Ask someone to repair the computer. D) Borrow a computer from the company. 8. A) She hasn ’t sent the email. B) She hasn ’t got any email.

C) She won ’t read the email. D) She won ’t reply to the email. 9. A) The price of the books. B) The author of the books.

C) The way to pack the books. . D) The time to get the books. 10. A) Very nice. B) Very strict. C) V ery humorous. D) Very shy.

Part II Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary. (共10 分,每小题1分)


The great progress they have made comes from their good ________ work.

2. I ’d like to ______ some volunteer work if you don’t accept my money.

3. My family makes it a rule that every member has to take part in the________ cleaning.

4. Sorry, I can’t give you an answer _______. I need to think about it further.

5. Please_______ look around and make yourself at home.

6. Always think positively, and it will______________ in your life.

7. Of course I will ___________what you feel about it, but business is business.

8. Do you believe that love could _________ even when the beloved is away in the other world? 9.

In that region_________ floods do occur, though they are not very serious. 10. Before it got dark the campers _________ their tent in a field. Part III Vocabulary and Structure (共15分,每小题1分)

Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. To ______ the truth, I really didn't know anything about yesterday's meeting.










A) do B) tell C) put D) take

2. Your sales methods will depend ______ the customers with whom you deal.

A) with B) on C) in D) for

3. We support the view that poor management will ______ business failure.

A) break up B) take in C) lead to D) put off'

4. In recent years, there have been over 30 foreign companies ______ business in this city.

A) doing B) do C) to do D) done

5. It is easy to get the software we need ______ the market is small.

A) as if B) so that C) although D) until

6. By the end of this year, they ______ a new program in Europe.

A) had started B) start C) are starting D) will have started

7. Language learning is a slow process, which ______ a lot of effort, time and patience.

A) requires B) leaves C) pays D) offers

8. More than 100 people died ______ the earthquake in that area.

A) in case of B) as a result of C) in addition to D) on the basis of

9. Mike has already put forward his suggestion ______ a production plan should be completed next week.

A) whom B) what C) which D) that

10. I am writing to apply for the ______ of Sales Manager advertised in last Friday's China Daily.

A) business B) trade C) position D) operation

11. We will have to pay them a large ______ of money for their service.

A) size B) set C) amount D) series

12. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how ______ the machine.

A) operate B) to operate C) operating D) operated

13. I'm sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are ______.

A) taken off B) put up C) sold out D) got off

14. It is obvious that these small businesses are ______ need of technical support.

A) in B) on C) with D) to

15. ______ I am concerned, it is important to get a job first.

A) As long as B) As well as C) As soon as D) As far as

Part IV Reading Comprehension (共30分,每小题2分)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 3 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Task 1

Directions: Decide the following statements true or false according to the passage. Write T/F accordingly.

Every emblem of the Olympics tells a beautiful story. When the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem “Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing” was first presented to the International Olympic Committee, the IOC officials all gave it high praise, saying it was the best emblem ever designed.

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem is filled with Beijing’s hospitality and hopes, and carries the commitment made to the Olympic Movement by a country that has a population of 1.3 billion and by a nation with both ancient civilization and modern culture.

“Dancing Beijing” is a symbol of trust and an expression of self confidence, standing for the promise that Beijing — the host city of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games — has made to the world and to all mankind.

“Dancing Beijing” is in a favorite color of the Chinese people. The color “red” is intensively used in the emblem, pushing the passion up to a new level. It carries Chinese people’s longing for luck and hap piness and their explanation of life. Red is the color of the Sun and the Holy Fire, symbolizing life and a new beginning. Red represents a mind at ease, symbolizes vitality, and conveys China’s blessing and invitation to the world.

“Dancing Beijing” calls upon heroes. Olympic Games function as the stage where heroes are made, records broken and medals earned.

“Dancing Beijing” is a kind invitation. The open arms in the emblem say that China is opening its arms to welcome the rest of the world to join the Olympics, a celebration of “peace, friendship and progress of mankind”.

“Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?” Come to Beijing, take a good look at the historical heritage of China’s capital city, and feel the pulse of the country’s modernization. Come, share every piece of its joy, and experience the slogan “One World, One Dream”.

( ) 1. Every emblem of the Olympics tells a beautiful story.

( ) 2. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem is filled with Beijing’s hospitality and hopes.

( ) 3. “Dancing Beijing” is a symbol of trust, standing for the promise that Beijing-the host of the Beijing 2008 Winter Olympic Games-has made to the world.

( ) 4. The color “white” is intensively used in the emblem, pushing the passion up to a new level.

( ) 5. People from all over the world are welcome to China to share the experience of “One World, One Dream”.


Task 2

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Online advertising is the means of selling a product on the Internet.With the arrival of the Internet,the business world has become digitalized(数字化)and people prefer buying things online,which is easier and faster.Online advertising is also known as e-advertising.It offers a great variety of services,which can not be offered by any other way of advertising.

One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information that is not limited by geography or time.Online advertising can be viewed day and night throughout the world. Besides,it reduces the cost and increases the profit of the company.

Small businesses especially find online advertising cheap and effective.They can focus on their ideal customers and pay very little for the advertisements.

In a word,online advertising is a cheap and effective way of advertising,whose success has so far fully proved its great potential(潜力).

6.According to the first paragraph,buying things online is more ____ .

A) convenient B) fashionable C) traditional D) reliable

7.Compared with any other way of advertising,online advertising ____ .

A) attracts more customers

B) displays more samples

C) offers more services

D) makes more profits

8.Which of the following statements is TRUE of online advertising?

A) It has taken the place of traditional advertising.

B) It will make the Internet technology more efficient.

C) It can help sell the latest models of digitalized products.

D) It can spread information without being limited by time.

9.Who can especially benefit from online advertising?

A) Local companies.

B) Small businesses.

C) Government departments.

D) International organizations.

10.This passage is mainly about ____ .

A) the function and the use of the Internet

B) the application of digital technology

C) the development of small businesses

D) the advantages of online advertising

Task 3

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions,numbered 11 through 15. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A car is made up of more than 30 000 parts. Each part in a new car is as weak as a baby. So a new car requires proper care and servicing. If you're unfamiliar with the parts, you have to read through the owner's instructions carefully.

First of all, the brakes (刹车) of your car are important for safety (安全) reasons. Having them checked regularly can reduce the risks of accidents. Another important thing to consider is engine care. Always remember that the life and performance of your car engine depend on the engine oil. Replace the engine oil when recommended. If you feel the engine is very hot especially during summer it is probably because the cooling system doesn't work well. You'd better get the cooling system serviced before the start of summer.

In a word, timely and proper servicing is an important task for car owners. Good servicing can not only extend the life of your newborn baby, but also ensure your safety, and the safety of those who share the road with you.

11. To get familiar with the parts of a new car, the owner should ______.

A) regard the car as a new-born baby

B) have the car serviced before driving it

C) read through the instructions carefully

D) examine all of the parts of the new car

12. The brakes should be checked regularly ______.

A) to avoid accidents

B) to raise speed

C) to reduce cost


D) to save gas

13. For a car engine to work long and well, the owner should ______.

A) replace the engine oil as recommended

B) reduce the use of the car in summer

C) clean the engine parts regularly

D) change the brakes frequently

14. It is recommended to have the cooling system checked when ______.

A) you buy a new car

B) summer is coming

C) the engine oil is replaced

D) the brakes are out of order

15. The last paragraph tells us that the purpose of carefully servicing a car is ______.

A) to let you sell your car at a good price

B) to extend its life and ensure safety

C) to reduce the cost of car servicing

D) to make the car run faster

Part V Translate the following sentences into English (共20分,每小题4分)


2.繁忙的一周之末,我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。(at the end of)


4.如果你需要我们的产品,请提前和我联系。(in advance)

5.没人关心这次交通事故的原因是什么。(care about, causes)

Part VI Writing (共15分)

Directions:Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a business letter according to the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the

answer sheet.


写信日期:2011年6月19日收信人:Mr. John Brown






Words for reference:

订购: order

货物: goods

发出: deliver v.

合作: cooperate v.

cooperation n.


第5页 共5页

2012~2013学年度 第一学期


工程技术系、信息工程系 《大学英语》期末考试试卷


Part I Listening comprehension (共10 分,每小题1分)

Section A 1-5 ______________________ Section B 6-10 _____________________

Part II Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if

necessary. (共10 分,每小题1分)

1. ________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. ________________________________

6. __________________________________

7. ________________________________

8. __________________________________

9. ________________________________ 10. __________________________________

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (共15分,每小题1分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (共30分,每小题2分)

Task 1 1-5_________________________________ Task 2 6-10 ________________________________

Task 3 11-15_______________________________

Part V Translation (共20分)

1. _______________________________ _____________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Part VI Writing (共15分)




__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




学号: 系




人教版五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案最好的 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

六年级英语试卷 听力部分(40分)(每题读两遍) 一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10分) ( ) 1. A. tall B. kind C. funny ( ) 2. A. thin B.active C.quiet ( ) 3. A. Sunday B.Monday C.Wednesday ( ) 4.A.watch TV B.read books C.do homeworks ( ) 5. A.tomatoes and fish B.tomatoes and mutton C.tomatoes and pork ( ) 6. A.sour B.salty C.sweet ( ) 7. A.do the dishes B.empty the trash C.wash clothes ( ) 8. A.curtain B.closet C.mirror ( ) 9. A.near B.under C.beside

( ) 10. A.river B.path C.take 二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出正确答语。8分) ( ) 1. A. Bananas. B.Brown. ( ) 2.A.Tofu and pork. B.Chinese and math. ( ) 3.A.Thin and tall B.Apples and oranges. ( ) 4.A.Yes,there is. B.Yes,it is. ( ) 5.A.No,there aren’t. B.No,there isn’t. ( ) 6.A.Clean the bedroom. B.Yes,she can. ( ) 7.A.Yes,I do. B.Watching TV ( ) 8.A.Saturday B.Read books. 三、Listen, match and number.(听下句,接下句,并在答案前标号。10分)( ) I can put away the clothes. ( ) No, there aren’t. ( ) I have green beans and rice. ( ) She’s our principle. ( ) It’s Thursday.


听力部分(30分) 一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词。(10分) ()1. A. house B. road C. building D. city ()2. A. flower B. path C. park D. lake ()3. A. mirror B. closet C. curtain D. trash bin ()4. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom D. living room ()5. A. cabbage B. mutton C. potato D. eggplant 二、听句子,判断下面的图形是否与句子内容一致,一致的在括号内写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(10分) 1.. 2. 3. 4. 5. ()()()()() 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的最佳应答,把答案填在括号里。(10分) ()1、A. I’d like some beef . B. I have chicken and fish. ()2、A. No, they aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. ()3、A. We have P.E and art. B. I like P.E and art. ()4、A. It’s behind you. B. They’re behind you. ()5、A. It’s Sunny. B. It’s Sunday. 笔试部分(70分) 四、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(10分) ()1. A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ()2. A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ()3. A. village B. tree C. flower D. glass ()4. A. fish B. tofu C. tomato D. road ()5. A. curtain B. trash bin C. fresh D. mirror 五、找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。(5分)


一、 分) 2. 3. 5. 7. 9. B、is worth looking C、B、close C、B、thousands of C、B、in trouble C、 姓名学号班级 出题审阅批准装订线

A、came B、comes C、will come () A、cried () early. A、look at pictures () A、is () A、to stay () A、 important as ()11.Please show your card _____ me. A、to B、for C、with ()12.Don’t forget _____ your kite when you go for a picnic. B、to bring C、take B、tastes C、looks B、to drink C、eat 、and C、after B、something different C、 ()17. Taiwan is _____ island in China. A、large B、the largest C、much

larger ( )18. The first and most important thing to do on the first day of the A 、New Year ( )A 、and more ( )20. 29th A 、on B 、in C 、for 三、完形填空。(共10分) The man in the photo is my father. He?? _21_? a blue jacket and black pants. He is a(n)? _22_? .He works for a newspaper. Mother and I can?? _23?_ see him on the 28th of every month,?? _24_?? he . He’s even (甚至) C. writes D. takes C. reporter D. teacher only C. often D. C. because D. so zoos C. streets D. C. hungry D. C. his D. my they’re C. he’s D. C. tells D. says C. is D. ( 根据短文的意思,判断正误,对的


第1页 共5页 2012~2013学年度 第一学期 高职2012级航海技术系(海事管理专业)、轮机工程系(船机、焊接、游艇专业)、航运经济系、 工程技术系、信息工程系 《大学英语》期末考试试卷 (请将全部答案写在答题纸上,写在答题纸外一律无效) Part I Listening comprehension (共10 分,每小题1分) Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A) Don ’t mention it. B) This way, please. C) You ’re right. D) No, thanks. 2. A) It ’s over there. B) Sorry, he isn ’t in. C) That ’s very kind of you. D) I ’d love to. 3. A) Yes, I will. B) You ’re welcome. C) I ’m sorry to hear that. D) Not too bad. 4. A) That ’s too bad. B) Thanks a lot. C) No problem. D) Here you are. 5. A) Good idea. B) See you soon. C) Never mind. D) Hold on, please. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. A) A fax. B) A report. C) A newspaper. D) A letter. 7. A) Buy a new computer. B) Restart the computer. C) Ask someone to repair the computer. D) Borrow a computer from the company. 8. A) She hasn ’t sent the email. B) She hasn ’t got any email. C) She won ’t read the email. D) She won ’t reply to the email. 9. A) The price of the books. B) The author of the books. C) The way to pack the books. . D) The time to get the books. 10. A) Very nice. B) Very strict. C) V ery humorous. D) Very shy. Part II Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary. (共10 分,每小题1分) 1. The great progress they have made comes from their good ________ work. 2. I ’d like to ______ some volunteer work if you don’t accept my money. 3. My family makes it a rule that every member has to take part in the________ cleaning. 4. Sorry, I can’t give you an answer _______. I need to think about it further. 5. Please_______ look around and make yourself at home. 6. Always think positively, and it will______________ in your life. 7. Of course I will ___________what you feel about it, but business is business. 8. Do you believe that love could _________ even when the beloved is away in the other world? 9. In that region_________ floods do occur, though they are not very serious. 10. Before it got dark the campers _________ their tent in a field. Part III Vocabulary and Structure (共15分,每小题1分) Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. To ______ the truth, I really didn't know anything about yesterday's meeting. ———— 装订线————————————————————装 订线 ———————————————————— 装订线 姓名: 学号: 系别: 专业班级:


五年级英语上册期末考试试题 ★这篇【五年级英语上册期末考试试题】,是WTT特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. young B. active C. principal ( ) 2. A. food B. sweet C. fresh ( ) 3. A. closet B. cloud C. curtain ( ) 4. A. building B. grass C. flower ( ) 5. A. near B. behind C. nice 二、按要求写单词。 1.January(简写形式)________________ 2.September(简写形式)________________ 3.second(基数词)________________ 4.first(基数词)________________ 5. fly(ing形式)________________ 6.swim(ing形式)________________ 7.leaf(复数形式)________________ 8. kite(复数形式)________________ 9. go(ing形式)________________ 10. turn(ing形式)________________ 三、选择填空。 ( ) 1.Hello. _______ Sarah. Can I speak _______ your mom, please? A. That is; on B. I am; for C. This is; to ( ) 2. Cousin Alice’s birthday is ____ April. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 3. I play football at 3:00________the afternoon. A. on B. for C. in ( ) 4. Is he watching ants? No, he__________________. A. is B. isn’t C. doesn’t ( ) 5. Can pandas swim? Yes, they __________________. A. can’t B. could C. can


高职生一年级英语期末试卷A 《公共英语》期末考试试题( A )卷 考试方式:闭卷 任课教师: 等 适用班级: 答案请写在后面的答题卡上 Ⅰ.Choose the right responses.(15*1’=15’) 1. Hi ; Tom. How are you? A) Great. Thank you. And you? B) Yes ; I am. C) How are you? D) How do you do? 2. Do you think we've met before? A) Thank you. B) Good luck. C) Yes ; fine. D) I don't think so. 3. Is there a bus going there? A) Yes ; but you may walk there. B) No ; you can't miss it. C) Yes ; take a taxi. D) No ; it's a white building. 4. What a lovely present! I like it so much! A) It isn't worth much. B) I'm glad you like it. 5. Sorry ; I didn't mean to hurt you. A) Don't mention it. B) I don't care. C) It's my fault. D) Forget it. 6. I feel so grateful for your kindness. C) My pleasure. D) Never mind. 7. C) Don't mention it. D) Sorry to hear that. 8. How far is it from here to the library? A) You can't miss it. B) It's only three stops away. C) It's on your left. D) Take Bus No. 10. 9. Excuse me ; where is the nearest supermarket? A) You got lost. B) You can't miss it. C) It is easy to get downtown. D) It is opposite the bank. 10. I'm afraid we have to change the appointment. I have something important to do. A) That's all right. B) It's my pleasure. C) I have a busy schedule. D) I wish I could. 11. Can you make it Monday next week? A) Tuesday is a better time for me. B) Tuesday is fine. C) I'll be seeing Jane on Tuesday. D) I'm fully occupied Tuesday. 12. When does the flight arrive in London? A) The departure time is 10:10. B) The arrival time is 10:10. C) It leaves at 10:10. D) It stops in Beijing at 10:10. 13. What's the weather like there? A) I'm sorry. B) It's noisy. C) I'd like to. D) It's wet. 14. What does the weatherman say? A) The pleasure is mine. B) There is a chance of rain. C) It's wonderful. D) That's terrible. 15. The heat is killing me. I feel like swimming. A) Me ; too. B) Thank you. C) Not at all. D) That's nothing.


人教版五年级(上册)英语学科期末试题及答案 听力部分(30分) 一、听音标号。(10分) s ()()()()()()()()()()二、根据所听到的句子或对话内容,判断图片与句子是否相符,相符的在相应的括号里打“勾”,不相符的打“叉”。(5分) ()()()()() 三、根据听到的内容选择相应的图片。(5分) 1.()A B C D 2.( ) A B C D 3.( ) A B C D 4.( ) A B C D 5.( ) A B C D 四.听音,选择正确的答语。(5分) 1. What can you do ? A. I can play basketball. B.I like basketball. 2.What in your bedroom? A.There is a bed, a desk and a computer. B.There is a bed, a chair and a computer. 3. What would you like? A.I’d like some juice and bread . B. I’d like some milk and bread . 4.What’s she like ? A. She’s kind. B.She like apples. 5.What do you have on Thursday? A,I have art Chinese English and maths .B. I have art Chinese English and PE.

五、听音,写出所缺的单词。(5分) 1.Sarah is (helpful ). 2.I often( read books) on the weekend . 3.The boy is (shy). 4.4. here is a bridge ( above) the river. 5. 5. There is a clock and a (plant )in my room. 笔试部分 一、填写单词组成单词并连线。(10分) 1、funny 新鲜的 2、clever 聪颖的 3、fresh 滑稽的 4、sweet 甜的 5、Between 房子 6、forest 瓶子 7、bottle 两者之间 8、bridge 桥 9、house 植物 10、plant 森林 二、、选择划线部分发音不同的一个单词。(5分) 1、A、peach B.jeans C.bread D beef 2、A、cow B . know C . down D window 3、A、young B . sound C .mouse D count 4、A、thin B . Three C . math D. there 5、A、baby B . windy C. happy D. sky 三、写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分) 1、kind (对应词) 2. Tuesday ((缩写形式) 2、3. banana (复数形式) 4.sandwich (复数形式) 5.their (名词性物主代词) 6.fun (形容词形式) 7.Isn’t(完全形式) 8. she ( 宾格形式) 9. there ( 同音词) 10. like( 第三人称单数) 四、英汉互译。(5分) 1.football player 2.读书 3.have a cooking class 4. 做作业 5.my favorite food 6. 说英语 7.beef noodles 8. 洗我的衣服 9.tomato soup 10.在周末 五、给下列单词分类。(10分) salad shy beside sandwich Sunday Friday bridge fish above tea polite behind kind Thursday between grass Monday lake helpful mountain 人物描述: 方位词: 星期: 自然景物:


pep五年级英语上期末试卷(含答案) 听力部分(30分) 一、听句子;选出句子中所包含的单词.(10分) ()1. A. house B. road C. building D. city ()2. A. flower B. path C. park D. lake ()3. A. mirror B. closet C. curtain D. trash bin ()4. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom D. living room ()5. A. cabbage B. mutton C. potato D. eggplant 二、听句子;判断下面的图形是否与句子内容一致;一致的在括号内写“T”;不一致的写“F”.(10分) 1.. 2. 3. 4. 5. ()()()()() 三、听录音;选出你所听到的句子的最佳应答;把答案填在括号里.(10分) ()1、A. I’d like some beef . B. I have chicken and fish. ()2、A. No, they aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. ()3、A. We have P.E and art. B. I like P.E and art. ()4、A. It’s behind you. B. They’re behind you. ()5、A. It’s Sunny. B. It’s Sunday. 笔试部分(70分) 四、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个;把它的序号写到前面的括号里.(10分) ()1. A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ()2. A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ()3. A. village B. tree C. flower D. glass


吉林城市职业技术学院2015-2016学年度第二学期期末试卷 英语试题 注意事项 1.首先按要求在试卷的密封处填写您的专业、姓名、班级和考试日期。 2.请仔细阅读试卷,按要求在规定的位置答题。 3.不要在试卷上乱写乱画,不要在标封区写无关的内容。 4.试卷分为CⅠ卷和CⅡ卷两部分。CⅠ卷满分60分,时间40分钟; CⅡ卷 满分40分,时间50分钟,总分共计100分,时间共计90分钟。 【C I卷试题】 一、Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below, and change the form where necessary.(填空)15’ undergo concentrate eventually estimate prefer invasion particular put off increase recipe nutrition similarity term poisonous immigrate 1. The second world War was brought about by Hitler’s of Poland. 2. She was bitten on the ankle by a snake. 3. It was a long journey, but we arrived. 4. This city great changes. 5. The present crisis bears some to the oil crisis of the 1970s. 6. I can’t on my work when I’m tired. 7. A (An) tells you that you need how many eggs how much milk, etc. 8. “Multimedia” is the for any technique combining sounds and images. 9. They the number of visitors at 10 million. 10. People from many countries to the United States and Canada. 11. and exercise are essential to fitness and health. 12. Which one do you , an apple or an orange? 13. The population of this city has greatly . 14. The appointment was because of his illness. concern for the disabled child. 二、Choose the best answer for each sentences. (选择) 15’ 1. There are several research centers in China_____ a certain disease called Bird Flu is being studied. A. which B. where C. when D. what 2. This is the case ______ he’s had all his money stolen. A. when B. where C. that D. on which 3. October 15th is my birthday, ______ I will never forget. A. when B. that C. what D. which 4. We saw him ______ the building and go upstairs. A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. entered 5. --Have you moved into the new house yet? –Not yet. The rooms ________ . A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting 6. The vapor ________ come from the wet clothes. A. can be seen to B. can see C. see to D. can be seen 7. Machines made in China ________ very well abroad. A. are sell B. sell C. are sale D. sells 8. The teacher had the article________. A. re-write B. re-writing C. re-wrote D. re-written 9. Smith is looking forward to ________his Chinese partner soon. A. see B. seeing C. be seeing D. have seen 10. She ________her purse________ when she went shopping yesterday. A. Do...stolen... B. may...steal... C. have been...stolen... D. had...stolen... 11. I hope that the little______ I have been able to do does good to them all. A. which B. what C. that D. when 12. In such weather meat won’t ______ long. A. will keep B. is kept C. is keep D. keep 13. ---Let’s have a rest, shall we?--- Not now, I don’t want to stop ____ the letter. A. write B. to write C. writing D. and write 14. The eggs are now ______. A. cooking B. being cooked C. cooked D. be cooked 15. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____ fresh for several days. A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed 英语试题第1页(共8页)英语试题第2页(共8页)


英语期末考试试题 请将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上 Ⅰ.PartⅠ. Vocabulary and Structure. (20%) 1. —Is Sally from America? —No. Sally is an girl, but she’s i n now. A. America, England B. English, America C. American, English D. England, America 2. This is new book. Let have a look. A. you, me B. you, I C. your, I D. your, me 3. —What’s in the reading room? —There a big desk and twenty chairs in it. A. be B. am C. are D. is 4.I have _______ e-dog.________ name is Hobo. A. a, Its B. a, It’s C. an ,Its D. an, It’s 5.Daniel is a very _________ football player and he plays football very _____. A. good ,good B. well, good C .good ,well D .well, well 6.They go to bed________ 9:40 ______Sunday evening. A. in ,at B. on ,in C. at ,on D. from ,on 7.—_________desk is this? —It’s____________. A Who’s , Sandy’s and Simon’s B. Whose,Sandy’s and Simon’s C. Who’s , Sandy and Simon’s D. Whose , Sandy and Simon’s 8.If you can’t _________English. You can _________it in Chinese. A. speak, speak B. say, speak C. speak, say D. say ,talk 9.—Look !There are many apples _______the tree. —Oh ,there are also three birds _____the tree. A .in ,in B .in ,on C .on. in D .on, on 10.—Here are your sports shoes. — ________. A.OK B. Thanks C. That’s right D. That’s all right 11.I often talk ______ my classmates ______ lunchtime . A. to, in B. to, on C. with ,on D. to , at 12 — : ________ ,where’s the bookshop, please? — : ________, I don’t know. A. Excuse me ,Sorry B. Excuse me ,Excuse me C. Sorry, Excuse me D. Sorry, Sorry 13.—Would you like________ with me to the bookshop? —All right .I want ________a comic book. A. go ,to buy B. going, buy C. to go ,to buy D .goes ,to buy 14.—Who __________the house in your family? —My father and mother__________. A. clean, clean B .cleans ,clean C .cleans ,do D. cleans, does 15.Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨) is a famousman from_____________. A.PRC B.UN https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b5084140.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b5084140.html,A 16.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch. A. does B. say C. do D.doing 17.--- Is there a poster on the wall?


五年级上册英语试卷及答案 目录 五年级上册英语试卷 (2) 听力部分(30分) (2) 笔试部分(70分) (3) 五年级上册英语试卷听力部分材料 (7) 五年级上册英语试卷答案 (8)

五年级上册英语试卷 时间:60分钟分值:100分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(5分) ()1.A.bear B.bed C.bread ()2.A.house B.horse C.housework ()3.A.have a try B.have a look C.have a good time ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b5084140.html,rge https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b5084140.html,ugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b5084140.html,ntern ()5.A.kitchen B.chicken C.children 二、根据所听内容,判断图意是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(听两遍)(每小题1分,共8分) 1、() 2、() 3、() 4、() 5、() 6、() 7、() 8、() 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(12分) ()1.A.It’s on the Christmas tree. B.They’re under the chair. C.Yes,there are. ()2.A.She is a writer. B.She goes to work by car. C.She writes stories at home. ()3.A.No,there aren’t.

B.No,he isn’t. C.Yes,he does. () 4.A.It’s just right. B.It’s beside the door. C.Yes,there is. () 5.A.They are five squares. B.There are five squares. C.I can see some squares. ()6.A.We like playing with yo-yos. B.We are playing with yo-yos. C.We can play with yo-yos. 四、听录音,并根据首字母提示,将下列短文补充完整。(听三遍)(5分) Hi,my name is Zhang Jie.I am______years old.I am a student.My father is a bus________, and my mother is a________.I’d like to find a pen friend.My________address is zhangjie@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0b5084140.html,.Please________to me soon. 笔试部分(70分) 五、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5分) ()1.A body B soft C cold ()2.A pretty B bed C leg ()3.A has B some C music ()4.A fly B why C year ()5.A sun B duck C student 六、选择题。(15分) ()1.Jack is good at________. A.draw B.drawing C.draws ()2.My e-friend can________Chinese. A.speak B.talk C.say ()3.There are two reading rooms.One is on the third floor,________is on the first floor. A.one B.the other C.two ()4.Tom swims very________. A.well B.good C.quick
