



1、Earth needs moisture, the body needs maintenance;Earth sun and rain, the body should be green fruits and vegetables;the Earth is not stopped, the body should always walk。Earth has four seasons, the body temperature to be appropriate。World Health Day to wish you youth sync with the Earth!地球需要滋润,身体需要保养;地球有阳光雨露,身体要绿色果蔬;地球不能停住,身体要常散步。地球有四季气候,身体要适宜温度。世界保健日到了,愿你青春与地球同步!

2、Health is intangible,care is bank deposits,is the capital overdraft sick,treatment is Qianzhaihaiqian。May you have assets,more savings,no overdraft,no debt。Healthy mid,mid-happy,health care day forever!健康是无形资产,保健是银行存款,生病是本钱透支,治病是欠债还钱。愿你有资产、多存款、不透支、不欠债。健康年年,快乐年年,保健日永远保健!

3、Only those with healthy mentality to overcome all kinds of difficulties, difficulties do not yield。只有拥有健康向上的心理才能克服各种困难,遇到困难不屈服。

4、The best doctor is yourself,the best medicine is time,

the best mood is quiet,best care is the smile,the best exercise is walking!最好的医生是自己,最好的药物是时间,最好的心情是宁静,最好的保健是笑容,最好的运动是步行!

5、One thousand tired Wan area,as there is a good habit,no one calm the habit will be no healthy body,a reasonable diet,regular daily,moderate exercise,a pleasant state of mind,it is the cornerstone of both physical and mental health!积千累万,不如有个好习惯,人无泰然之习惯,必无健康之身体,合理的饮食,规律的起居,适量运动,愉悦的心态,是身心俱健的基石!

6、Smart people can read, see quasi-smart people, smart people see far。Wise direction of the fool's voice is not to abandon the past ignorance, can not walk into the palace of wisdom, approach to health, bias is more frightening than ignorance!聪明人看得懂,精明人看得准,高明人看得远。智者的声音是愚者的方向,无法放弃过去的无知,就无法走进智慧的殿堂,对待健康,偏见比无知更可怕!

7、What do sick, no other money, lack of what they should not lack of health, health is not everything, but without health nothing。有什么别有病,没什么别没钱,缺什么也别缺健康,健康不是一切,但是没有健康就没有一切。

8、Lazy leg,hand lazy,lazy brain is aging catalyst,Tuiqin Shouqin,brain wash engine longevity,comfort and

mediocre gulf only to be filled with drugs,health and colorful life movement must be used to build!腿懒、手懒、脑懒是衰老的催化剂,腿勤、手勤、脑勤是长寿的发动机,安逸和平庸的鸿沟只能用药物去填充,健康和多彩的生活必须用运动来打造!

9、No comparable health a friend, not an enemy comparable to the disease, rather than the pain secretly tears, as sports and fitness life luster。没有一个朋友比得上健康,没有一个敌人比得上病魔,与其为病痛暗自流泪,不如运动健身为生命添彩。

10、Strengthening exercises a deep breath, I believe self-immunity。Laver Chrysanthemum and pear, fresh clean you can eat。A degree of relaxation in a sophisticated, not King Kong gourd。Fall deep sorrow thick chest open, healthy foundation is happy。World Health Day on October happy health, believe yourself!加强锻炼深呼吸,相信自我免疫力。紫菜淡菊与鸭梨,新鲜清洁即可食。张弛有度有高雅,不做金刚葫芦娃。秋深愁浓胸开阔,健康基础是快乐。10月13世界保健日,开心保健,相信自我!

11、You Nong Nong me, do not delay the exercise affection;wife, Yu Meng, not hinder indoor sports;sparks wind, sand, blowing eternal movement;the World Health Day, the movement is not terminated。你侬,我侬,锻炼不耽误深情;


12、The best doctor is yourself,the best medicine is time,the best mood is quiet,best care is the smile,the best exercise is walking。最好的医生是自己,最好的药物是时间,最好的心情是宁静,最好的保健是笑容,最好的运动是步行。

13、Flower beauty,beauty in gorgeous;human beauty,beauty health!Health is the soul of the living room,ill flesh prison,there are healthy,there is everything!花美,美在绚丽;人美,美在健康!健康是灵魂的客厅,病体是肉体的监狱,有健康,就有一切!

14、Career without shaking, accomplished the line;no money ever came to spend enough on the line;friends will not be shaped leave, thinking on the line;children need more with less, filial piety on the line;life no need to over a hundred health on the line!事业无须惊天地,有成就行;金钱无须取不尽,够花就行;朋友无须形不离,想着就行;儿女无须多与少,孝顺就行;寿命无须过百岁,健康就行!

15、Health, mental health and cultural health of the body, always accompany me to grow, continue to let me to forge ahead on the road to success。身体的健康、心理的健康和文化的健康,始终陪伴着着我成长,不断让我在成功的道路上奋勇前进。

16、Health and non-health is not absolute opposites,but relative stateful transitional phase。健康与非健康不是绝对的对立面,而是相对的有过度性阶段的状态。

17、Young Mok fight with the body of wealth, old money exchange with health, is only sad, healthy like years, once lost, can not cross。World Health Day, wish you health care, I wish you a happy life!年轻莫用身体拼财富,老来用金钱换健康,已是徒伤悲,健康好比岁月,一旦流失,无法穿越。世界保健日,愿你关爱健康,祝你生活幸福美满!

18、The election of the cause can achieve a lifetime, the election can be intelligent life friends, selected on the environment can be a happy life, the election of a lifetime partner can be happy, you can choose to lifestyle healthy life!选对事业可以成就一生,选对朋友可以智能一生,选对环境可以快乐一生,选对伴侣可以幸福一生,选对生活方式可以健康一生!

19、If a person has good health,psychological and cultural,it is worth very proud thing。And cultural health of the body of thought,for my growth path paved a sunny boulevard,happy life for my future lay a good foundation。一个人如果拥有了健康的体魄、心理和文化,是值得非常自豪的事情。身体的思想的和文化的健康,为我的成长道路铺就了一条阳光灿烂的大道,为我今后幸福的人生打下了良好的基础。

20、Exercise like a bank savings, installment savings, Sekihisa Serve large sums of money;fitness regimen such as climbing mountains, continue to climb along, perseverance will prolong life!锻炼身体像银行储蓄,零存整取,积久即成巨款;养生健身如攀登高山,不断攀沿,持之以恒必益寿延年!

21、Health is only a stick, we are lucky, gripping the stick sprint, we will stand on top of success!健康只有一棒,我们是幸运的,紧握这一棒冲刺,我们将站立于成功之巅!

22、Although health often do not say hello to you out the door, but as long as you pay attention to it, care for it, one day, he will own back。虽然健康常常不打声招呼就出了门,但你只要重视它、呵护它,总有一天,他会自己回来的。

23、Less greasy,more light,health of the premise,less spicy,more vegetables,healthy core,less smoking,more exercise,healthy root,drink less,and often physical,healthy foundation,the World Health Day,wish you good health,happiness lifetime!少油腻,多清淡,健康的前提,少辛辣,多青菜,健康的核心,少吸烟,多运动,健康的根本,少喝酒,常体检,健康的基础,世界保健日,愿你身体健康,快乐一生!

24、Healthy mind in a healthy body。Yes,please cherish health,then take to create and enjoy the colorful life!健康之精神寓于健康之身体。是的,请珍惜健康,然后再好好地创造并享受


25、Know you work tired, you know pressure, so to tell you

a secret:Right-click and select Extract, you can release your stress!Happy Health Day wishes!!知道你工作累,知道你压力大,所以告诉你个秘密:单击右键,选择解压,即可释放你的压力!祝愿保健日快乐!

26、Dream the most beautiful, the sweetest love, lucky most eager, happy most desirable, the most important health and life of the most lovely。World Health Day, wish you health and happiness left hold the right owner, love and luck to accompany your life!梦想最美丽,爱情最甜蜜,幸运最渴望,幸福最向往,健康最重要,生活最可爱。世界保健日,愿你健康和幸福左拥右抱,爱情和幸运陪伴你一生!

27、Health Days,weight and health,early morning,slow walk,three meals a day,avoid too much,alcohol and tobacco to quit,less spicy, broad-minded, energetic, smile, ten years less, your contentment, always optimistic, calmly, along natural , enjoy the sweet, smile more!World Health Day, health insurance healthy!保健日,重养生,晨早起,慢步行,日三餐,忌太饱,烟酒戒,辛辣少,心胸宽,精神好,笑一笑,十年少,贵知足,常乐观,平心态,顺自然,享甘甜,多欢颜!世界保健日,养生保康健!

28、Refreshing taste, the over-all into drugs Festergut rotten bones;Kuaixin things, excessive body is defeated San virtue media, choose words no evil, no disease dieting!爽口之味,过分皆成烂肠腐骨之药;快心之事,过度便是败身散德之媒,择言则无祸,节食则无疾!

29、Healthy living habits from healthy health needs optimistic and cheerful attitude towards life。健康来自健康的生活习惯,健康需要有乐观开朗的生活态度。

30、Have a healthy body, we should start from every little bit!Such as:not a partial eclipse, not anorexia, not picky eaters!And to do physical exercises every day!Also drink plenty of water, eat more fruit。拥有健康的身体,应该从一点一滴做起!如:不偏食、不厌食、不挑食!并且要做到每天体育锻炼!还有多喝水,多吃水果。

31、The growth of youth is more lush trees, the blooming life more beautiful flowers, the happier the more health worries you, kindly and quickly give you the information that I, and in World Health Day on this day, I wish a happy mood, such wishful thing!青春越成长越葱郁的是树,生命越绽放越艳丽是花,无忧越快乐越健康的是你,好心赶紧给你发信息的是我,在世界保健日的这一天,祝心情快乐,诸事如意!

32、There is no which person will be happy with their

unhealthy, if there is, it must be a fool。So I say, is to cherish cherish health and happiness!世上没有哪一个人会为自己的不健康而感到幸福,如果有,那一定是个蠢货。所以我说,珍惜健康就是珍惜幸福!

33、With health, love, justice brewing longevity, the UF love, tolerance, non-confrontational, to sail the life, health is wealth, health is the book of life, ravaged trampling health is overdrawn life。World Health Day, a lot of storage health, love life!用健康、珍爱、正义酿造长寿,用友爱、宽容、无争,去扬起生命的风帆,健康就是财富,健康就是生命的存折,蹂躏践踏健康就是透支生命。世界保健日,请多多储存健康,珍爱生命!

34、Life is but thirty thousand days,success or failure are calm,non-scores Mo care,health and happiness most valuable。人生不过三万天,成功失败均坦然,是非恩怨莫在意,健康快乐最值钱。

35、Not the size of government, competent enough;not much money, enough to spend like;friend is not much, a confidant like;how many children are not, like filial piety;old age, not more, health is good!官不在大小,能干就好;钱不在多少,够花就好;朋友不在多少,知己就好;子女不在多少,孝顺就好;在多老,健康就好年龄不!

36、Cold body and clothes close to, the sick and the

doctors close, rather seek a panacea, it is better to intercept the pathogenic source;sick care relationship with their doctor, as usually find venues movement!身冷的人和衣裳亲近,有病的人和医生亲近,与其寻求灵丹妙药,不如堵截致病之源;与其得病托关系看病,不如平时找场地运动!

37、More exercise diligence exercise,illness sidelined all,nothing else to do health care,no disaster disease-away hospitals;balanced diet should be light,eat your fruits and vegetables;peace of mind anger liver damage,envy everyone happy。World Health Day,I wish you the body wellness and health,happy every day!多做运动勤锻炼,疾病统统靠边站,闲来无事做保健,无灾无病远医院;饮食均衡宜清淡,瓜果蔬菜都吃遍;心态平和怒伤肝,快快乐乐人人羡。世界保健日,愿您身康体又健,开心每一天!

38、Three single-layer cotton not arrived,not good coat against beauty Yan,a young beauty with age,healthy old age by the United States,the inner life in its fullness,is a long long life!三层单抵不了一层棉,好衣帽抵不了美容颜,年轻时凭岁数美,年老时靠健康美,内在充实的生命,才是久长的生命!

39、Although social money first, but do not neglect health。Jobs do not learn, dead money not spend it!World Health Day, more care for their health, the rewards will be a lifetime of


40、Develop good habits are stored health, bad habits is overdrawn life indulgence, excuse can not find time to go to fitness, sooner or later will make time to go see a doctor!养成好的习惯是储存健康,放纵不良陋习是透支生命,借口腾不出时间去健身的人,迟早会腾出时间去看病!

41、Work tired,rest yourselves;pressure bar,relax;it has become worse health,exercise exercise。World Health Day,wish you health smug,relaxed and happy,colorful life,and enjoy the pleasures of life!!工作累了吧,歇息歇息;压力大了吧,放松放松;身体渐差了吧,锻炼锻炼。世界保健日,愿你健康如意,轻松快乐,生活五光十色,尽享人生乐趣!

42、Life by constantly absorbing nutrients to maintain health by long-term exercise to consolidate;reasonable meal,a good attitude and sustained exercise,creating exuberant life!生命靠不断吸收营养来维持,健康靠长期坚持锻炼来巩固;合理的膳食、良好的心态和持之以恒的锻炼,造就旺盛的生命!

43、Life is not live long and short,but in the early and late epiphany;life is not used to correct other people's right and wrong,but to practice their own wonderful life!人生不在于


44、The biggest mistake in life is with a healthy return for worldly possessions;the greatest tragedy of life is life in exchange for personal troubles;the biggest waste of life, is to solve the problems of their own making life!人生最大的错误,是用健康换取身外之物;人生最大的悲哀,是用生命换取个人烦恼;人生最大的浪费,是用生命解决自己制造的麻烦!

45、The health of the most important, a good grasp of the law of life, much more than walk to trot, active housework, idle chat in a good mood, sad music does not wail Tiao。World Health Day, health happier。身体健康最重要,生活规律把握好,多走路来多小跑,积极主动家务做,空闲聊天心情好,哀不号哭乐不佻。世界保健日,健康更快乐。

46、World Health Day,baby give you four things:music is "analgesic",was "the sleeping pills," love is the "beauty cream",reading is "Vitamin。" I wish you every day happy,healthy optimism,life colorful and full of sunshine filled with love!世界保健日,送你四样宝贝:音乐是“止痛剂”,运动是“安眠药”,爱心是“美容霜”,读书是“维生素”。祝愿你天天开心、健康乐观,生活多姿多彩充满阳光充满爱!

47、Healthy people do not cherish,because they do not

understand health is precious;do not cherish the health of people,because they do not have to lose a healthy;healthy people do not cherish,because they have not paid much attention to health!不珍惜健康的人,是因为他们不明白健康的可贵;不珍惜健康的人,是因为他们不曾经失去过健康;不珍惜健康的人,是因为他们未曾重视过健康!

48、By the gift of life, by artificial life, by the biological parents, health on their own, but the genetic health of the starting line, and health care is the new starting point of life, strong body that their carefully shaping!生命由天赋,寿命靠人为,生身靠父母,健康靠自己,遗传只是健康的起跑线,养生保健才是生命的新起点,强健身体在于自己的精心塑造!

49、Health is a good partner I've been since。She and I can say is inseparable。She accompanied me has spent twelve years。健康,是我一直以来的好伙伴。她和我,可以说是形影不离。她陪着我已经度过了十二个春秋。


英语口语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:初中英语口语演讲稿 我的梦想(my dream) students, guests , teachers and honorable judges good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher… as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don’t expect complete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life. i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction. i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that’s the real communication of heart to heart. i have the belief that my dreams should come true. i am looking forward to some day coming when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue


高考优秀的英语作文范文 1.20XX年全国大纲卷Ⅰ 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speechcontest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做 评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。 高分范文DearMs.Smith, ThisisLiHua,presidentoftheStudents’UnionofYucaiMiddleSchool,locatedjustneartheuniversitywherey ouareteaching.Iamwritingtoseeifwecouldhavethehonortoaskyout obethejudgeinourcomingcompetition. Yousee,topromotestudents’interestinlearningEnglish,we’veplannedtoholdanEnglishspeechcompetiton,thethemeofwhichisM anandNature.ItwillbeginattwoontheafternoonofJune15th,lastin gthreehours.Therewillbetenparticipantscompetingwitheachothe rinClassroom501,andallthestudentsofourschoolwillbeattending it.

Wewouldfeelmuchhonoredifyoucouldjoinusandgiveussomeinstruct ions.Youcanreachmethroughmyphonenumber44876655atyourconveni ence. I’mlookingforwardtoyourreply.Withbestwishes, Li Hua 2.2010年全国大纲卷Ⅱ 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter曾表示希望来中国教书。你校现需招聘外教,请你给他写封信,告知招聘信息。内容主要包括: 1.教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英国等 2.授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础) 3.工作量:一周12个学时,任选三门课;担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问(advisor)


what time would be convenient for you? 你看什么时间比较方便? I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation. 我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。Here is to our next project! 为我们下一个项目干杯! Would you please tell me when you are free? 请问你什么时候有空? glad to have the opportunity of visiting your company and I hope to conclude some business with you。很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。 What I care about is the quality of the goods. 我关心的是货物的质量。Please have a look at those samples. 请给我看一下那些样品。 I'd like to know any business connections abroad. 我想多了解一些你们公司。 I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you. 我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。 Can I have your price list? 你能给我价格单吗? Will you give us an indication of prices? 你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗? I am in charge of export business. 我负责出口生意。 I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods. 我正考虑向你们订货。 Let's call it a deal. 好,成交!Our product is the best seller. 我们的产品最畅销。 Our product is really competitive in the word market. 我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. 我们的产品行销海外许多地区。 It's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise. "重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。 I wish you success in your business transaction. 祝你生意兴隆。 I want to out your product. 我想了解一下你们的产品。 this is our latest development. 这是我们的新产品。 We have a wide selection of colors and designs. 我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。 The quality must be in strict conformity with that of sample. 质量必须与样品一样。 二、价格 I think we can strike a bargain with you if your pries are competitive. 我认为如果价格有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。 Is that your quoted prices? 这是你方的价格吗? It would be very difficult to come down with the price. 我们很难再降价了。Our prices are the most reasonable. 我们的价格是最合理的。

新高考英语一轮半小时训练:话题练 第6练 饮食与健康 含解析

基础巩固 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.(read) in the sun really does harm to your eyes. 2.Exercising (regular) can help us enjoy a much healthier and longer life. 3.A (balance) diet and regular exercise will contribute to a healthy body. 4.If you don’t feel well,remember (consult) your doctor before taking some medicine. 5.(expose) to the sun for a long time is harmful to your skin. 6.Across the world,there are still a great many families (go) hungry every day. 7.In that poor area,most of the people have no access clean drinking water. 8.Coffee has been a part of people’s lives,and today it is still one of the (favor) drinks in the world. 9.Staying in the countryside where the air is very fresh will be (benefit) to your health. 10.Only after you have lost your health can you realize the (important) of it. 11.The health center serves all patients well regardless their ability to pay. 12.Generally speaking,those who pay attention physical exercise are in good condition. 13.Nowadays,more and more children are being overweight,so keeping a (health) diet is very important. 14.There are some health problems that,if not (treat) in time,can become bigger ones


英语口语考试常用万能句子集锦 口语在英语考试当中占有很大的比重,它注重考察学生的综合能力。 为同学们提供英语口语的万能句子,希望对大家有所帮助! 英语口语的万能句子(一)1.Nopains,nogains.一份耕耘,一份收获 2.Youain’tseennothingyet.你还没看过更好(烂)的;好戏还在后头 3.Togivearaincheck 改天的邀请 4.That’swhatfriendsarefor.这就是好朋友啊 5.It’sapainintheneck.很讨厌而难避免 6.It’sthethoughtthatcounts.心意最重要;重在情 意7.Thetipfortheiceberg.冰山一角;危险的细微的征兆8.Jumpdownsomeone’sthroat 粗暴地回答某人;无理地打断某人的话9.Savesomethingforarainyday 以 备不时之需10.Behindthescenes.在幕后;在黑暗中11.Bytheskinofone’steeth.刚好,勉强,侥幸英语口语的万能句子(二)1.apickyeater 吃饭挑剔之人 2.appleofone’seye 珍爱之人(或物),宝贝 3.thecoldshoulder 对某人冷淡 4.aslipofthetongue 口误 5.abitterpilltoswallow 吞下苦果 6.anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway 一天一个苹果,不用请医生(常吃水果有益健康) 7.apieceofcake 容易做的事(不费吹灰之力) 8.asfitasafiddle 非常健康 9.abigappetite 胃口很好10.anadventurouseater 大胆的食客英语口语的万能句子(三)1.Ithurtslikehell!疼死啦!2.Itcan’tbehelped.无能为力。3.Sorrytobotheryou. 抱歉打扰你。4.Stayoutofthismatter,please.请别管这事。5.I’llmakeituptoyou.我 会赔偿的。6.I’mvery/really/terribly/awfully/extremelysorry十分抱歉。7.Let’sforgiveandforget.让我们摈弃前嫌。8.I’veheardsomuchaboutyou!久仰大名! 9.Don’tunderestimateme.别小看我。10.Shegivesmeaheadache.她让我头疼。英 语口语的万能句子(四)1.lookforaneedleinahaystack 象大海捞针一样困难 2.toletthecatoutofthebag 泄露秘密 3.toletone’shairdown 放松,好好玩


关于食物主题英语演讲稿例文4分钟 演讲是在公众面前就某一问题发表自己的见解的口头语言活动。那英语演讲稿该怎么写?小编为大家整理了关于食物英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 关于食物英语演讲稿篇一 as a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in china''s history. as a visitor or guest in either a chinese home orrestaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits! on the eighth day of the last month in the chinese lunar calendar, people will enjoy a nourishing porridge called ''la ba zhou''. in ancient times, monks would kindly share all sorts of food grains with people and made them flavorful porridge on this particular day. people still keep this convention. in central china, when a baby is born, the happy father will send red boiled eggs to announce the news. eggs with a black pointed end and dots in an even number such as six or eight, indicates a boy''s birth; those without a black point and in an odd number like a five or seven will say the baby is a girl. in addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on new year''s eve. 关于食物英语演讲稿篇二 i'm a student.i like eggs and coconut.because eggs is very good for me .it's very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .i like them. what about fruit?i like banana very much.banana always grows in the warm area. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo.


英语日常用语300句(一) 一、Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西?金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得?史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I’m fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。

19. It’s time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I’ll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That’s all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What’s this? 这是什么? 32. It’s a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It’s Kate’s. 是凯特的。 37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗? 38. No, it isn’t. It’s a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。 39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?


实用口语:15个万能演讲句型 上学的时候,学校时不时都要举办演讲比赛。工作以后,演讲比 赛是不办了,但是演讲的次数却没见少。其实演讲也是有套路可循的,咱们今天就来说一说。 1. I appreciate... 我感谢…… I really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today. 我非常感谢你们今天抽空来参加这个会议。2.Thank you for... 感谢您…… Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion. 感谢您给我这个机会在这个特别的场合介绍我自己。3. It is/was my honor... 我很荣幸…… It is my honor to introduce the president of our company, Mr. Jones. 我很荣幸介绍我们公司总裁琼斯先生。4. On behalf of... 代表…… On behalf of our entire company, I want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable Christmas party. 我代表全公司,我想感谢您邀请我们参加这样一个令人愉快的圣 诞晚会。5. I'd be happy to... 我很高兴…… I'd be happy to tell you about my experiences. 我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。6. What I am going to talk about today is… 今天我想讲的是……


2019中考英语作文预测及范文:健康饮食演讲稿 导读:本文2019中考英语作文预测及范文:健康饮食演讲稿,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 2019中考英语作文预测及范文:健康饮食演讲稿 【写作要求】 假设你叫李华,你们市将要举行以“How to Eat in a Healthy Way”为题的演讲比赛,请你准备写一篇演讲稿,内容包括: 1.说明此次演讲的主题(how to eat in a healthy way)。 2.我们应该少吃、不吃及多吃的食物有哪些,并说明原因。 3.描述自己的健康饮食习惯,并举例说明。 4.希望大家都有个好的饮食习惯。 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。 优秀范文: How to Eat in a Healthy Way Hello, everybody. I'm Li Hua.Today my topic is how to eat in a healthy way. Firstly, we should never eat fried food or foods with lots of sugar because they are not good for health.Secondly, try to eat more vegetables and fruit.Because they can make us become much healthier. My eating habits are good.For example, I often eat healthy foods,


What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。 Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。 I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。 You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。 Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。 I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。 You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。 She is well-build.她的身材真棒。You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。 You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。 I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。 It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。 I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。 You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。 Do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗? How long have you known her?你认识她多久了? It was love at frist sight.一见钟情 I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。 a piece of one's mind .直言不讳 He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。” a cat and dog life水火不容的生活The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。 a dog's life潦倒的生活 The man lived a dog's life.这个人生活潦倒。 A to Z从头至尾 I know that from A to Z. 我很了解这件事。 above somebody深奥 Well,this sort of talk is above me.我不懂你们在讲什么。 all ears 全神贯注地倾听着 When you tell Mary some gossip,she is all ears.跟Mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。

高考英语话题词汇 八、饮食与健康

八、饮食与健康 核心单词 循规蹈矩之中“熟记”头脑风暴过程“串联” 名 词 appetite 食欲,胃口;balance 平衡;canteen 餐 厅,食堂;energy 精力,活力;harm 伤害;health 健康,卫生;relief 缓和;snack 小吃;symptom 症状 进食:chew vt.咀嚼;digest vt.消化,吸 收;nutrition n.营养;swallow vt.吞下,咽下 味道:acid adj.酸的;bitter adj.苦的,有苦味 的;salty adj.咸的,含盐的;sour adj.酸的,馊 的 疾病与残疾:allergic adj.过敏的;blind adj. 瞎的;deaf adj.聋的;disabled adj.残废的,残 疾的;dumb adj.哑的;fever n.发烧,发热;flu n.感冒;lame adj.跛的,瘸的 动 词 cure 治疗;operate 做手术;raise 饲 养;recover 痊愈,恢复;reduce 减少;serve 招 待(顾客等),服务;supply 供给,供应;taste 品 尝 形 容 词 delicious 美味的,可口的;harmful 有害 的;healthy 健康的;overweight 太胖的,超重 的;random 随意的;tasty 味道好的;tasteless 无滋味的 高频短语be in good health身体健康;be on a diet节食;be full of energy精力充沛;build up one’s body增强 某人的体质;have great influence on对……有很 大的影响;keep fit保持健康;keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食;lose weight减肥;take in吸收 就餐:be high/low in含……高/低;be rich/abundant in富含……;unhealthy eating habit不健康的饮食习惯 病因:break down (身体)垮掉;get overweight变得肥胖;put on weight增加体 重;suffer from遭受,患上 经典句式1.You will have no difficulty in finding the western fast food.你找到西式快餐不会有什么困难。 2.The doctor advised that we should have a balanced diet and get into the good habit of getting up early. 医生建议我们要均衡饮食并养成早起的好习惯。 3.We must admit the fact that eating junk food is harmful to our health.我们必须承认吃垃圾食品有害健康。 4.The majority of people take in too much fat and not enough fibre, which does great harm to their health.大多数人摄入的脂肪太多而纤维素不足,这对他们的健康很有害。


英语演讲常用万能演讲句型 英语演讲常用万能演讲句型 英语演讲常用万能演讲句型 1. i appreciate… 我感谢…… i really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today. 我非常感谢你们今天抽空来参加这个会议。 you for… 感谢您…… thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion. 感谢您给我这个机会在这个特别的场合介绍我自己。 3. it is/was my honor… 我很荣幸…… it is my honor to introduce the president

of our company, mr. jones. 我很荣幸介绍我们公司总裁琼斯先生。 4. on behalf of… 代表…… on behalf of our entire company, i want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable christmas party. 我代表全公司,我想感谢您邀请我们参加这样一个令人愉快的圣诞晚会。 5. i’d be happy to…我很高兴…… i’d be happy to tell you about my eperiences. 我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。 6. what i am going to talk about today is… 今天我想讲的是…… what i am going to talk about today is the energy conservation issue. 今天我想讲的是节能问题。 7. how can we…? 我们怎样才能……? how can we work more efficiently? 我们怎样才能工作得更有效率呢?


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/0c13536477.html,)/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿 健康饮食英文演讲稿 therearemanypeoplewhothinkthatwealthisbetterth anhealth.iusedtothinksountilonedayireadastorya bouthowardhughes.hewasanamericanbillionairewho gotanythinghewanted.however,inthelasttwentyyea rsofhislife,hishealthbegantodeteriorateandhewa smiserable.hehadthebestdoctorsandnurses.howeve r,hecouldstillfindnorelief.irealizedthathealth isworthallthemoneyintheworld.ifyouhavemillions ofdollarsbutyourhealthispoor,youwillnotbeablet odowhatyouwanttodo.soiwouldliketosaydonthurtyo urselftryingtomakemoneyinsteadoftakingcareofyo urbodyandbehappywithwhatyoudohave.healthismore important. soithinkheathisveryimportant.peoplecandonothin giftheyarealwaysinpoorhealth,letalonehappiness


熟练地运用英语的一个重要方面就是学习并掌握英语本族者常用的生动、活泼的习语。 1. after you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。 (好象现在女士不愿意你这么做,特别是那些女权主义者,我还记得这么一段话:一个女士对一个让她先行的男士说:you do this because i am a woman?那个男士回答说:I do this not because you are a woman but because I am a man! I love this guy! 2. I just couldn’t help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and i cried and cried. I just couldn’t help it. 太棒的句子了,我爱死它了。:) 3. Don’t take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例:this test isn’t that important. D on’t take it to heart. 安慰人的超级句子。 4. we’d better be off.我们该走了。It’s getting late. We’d better be off. 5. Let’s face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 参考例句:I know it’s a difficult situation. Let’s face it, ok? 很棒啊,年轻人犯错误,上帝都会原谅,remember?但是犯了错误,你必须面对他,let’s face it,或者是:let’s face the music. 6. let’s get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:don’t just talk. let’s get started. Let’s get started. Let’s start. Let’s do it right now. Let’s hit sth. Let’s rock roll. Let’s put our hands on sth. 7. I’m really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:after all that work, I’m really dead. 8. I’ve done my best.我已尽力了。 这句话,很有用,失败有时难免,但是你要是可以说,I’ve done my best. or i spare no efforts.就不必遗憾,毕竟,man supposes, god disposes. 9. is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 10. don’t play games with me!别跟我耍花招!

food and health 英语角话题和词汇表达

Topic: food and health 1.What’s your favorite food? Why? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么? 2.What’s your favorite beverage 饮料? Why?你最喜欢的饮料是什么?为什么? 3.What’s your favorite fruit?Why?你最喜欢的水果是什么?为什么? 4.In what ways do you want to cook your food? 你喜欢什么样的烹饪方式? 5.What did you eat for supper?你晚饭吃了什么? 6.What kinds of eating habits are improper? 哪些饮食习惯是不好的? 7. What kinds of eating habits are healthy? 哪些饮食习惯是好的? 8.How do you think of the canteen in our university? 我校的食堂如何? 9. What is healthy food? 什么是健康食品? 10. Do you love junk food like KFC , McDonalds or Pizza Hut? 你喜欢垃圾食品如麦当劳吗? 11.Are you a vegetarian? 素食主义者吗?How do you think of it? 你是素食主义者吗?你如何看待? 12.How many different Chinese cuisines are there in China? 中国有多少菜系? 13. How to make our Chinese food acceptable for foreigners? 如何让中国菜被外国人接受? 14.What’s your view on genetic food转基因食品? 你如何看待转基因食品? 15. How to solve the problem of food security in china? 如何解决中国的食品安全问题? 16.Different food contains different nutrients营养素? Give some examples. 不同食物的营养素 17.Are you good at cooking? Do you have any specialties拿手好菜? Narrate the recipes/formula菜谱/配方, the steps and key points. 你擅长烹饪吗?有什么拿手好菜?介绍一道菜的菜谱。 18.Do you want to gain weight 增肥or lose weight减肥? Have you been on a diet节食? How do you think of it? 你想减肥还是增肥?你节食过吗?如何看待? 每个子话题的补充词汇和表达:Glossary 1.What’s your favorite food? Why? Vocabularies: 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋preserved egg 茶叶蛋tea egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕Salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕Red bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 豆干Dried tofu 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot 中餐: barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 bear's paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮 kelp/seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird's nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 烤乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉dried turnip 萝卜干
