

Now Is The Time to Take Action Against Gun Violence(January 19, 2013)


Hi, everybody. This week, I announced a series of concrete steps we should take to protect our children and our communities from gun violence.


These proposals grew out of meetings Vice President Biden and his task force held over the last month with more than 200 different groups – from parents and teachers; to law enforcement and sportsmen; to religious leaders and mental health professionals.


And in the weeks ahead, I will do everything in my power to make them a reality. Because while we may not be able to prevent every senseless act of violence in this country, if there is even one thing we can do to reduce it – if even one life can be saved –we’ve got an obligation to try.


My administration is taking a series of actions right away –from strengthening our background check system, to helping schools hire more resource officers if they want them, to directing the Centers for Disease Control to study the best ways to reduce gun violence.


But the truth is, making a real and lasting difference also requires Congress to act – and act soon.


First, it’s time for Congress to require a universal background check for anyone trying to buy a gun. The law already requires licensed gun dealers to perform these checks, but as many as 40% of all gun purchases are conducted without one. That’s not safe, it’s not smart, and it’s not fair to responsible gun buyers or sellers. An overwhelming majority of Americans agree that anyone trying to buy a gun sh ould at least have to prove they’re not a felon, or someone legally prohibited from owning one. That’s just common sense.


Second, Congress should restore a ban on military-style assault weapons, and a 10-round

limit for magazines. Many assault rifles, when combined with high-capacity magazines, have one purpose and one purpose only: to fire as many bullets as possible as quickly as possible. These weapons have no place in our communities. And a majority of the American people agree with me.


Finally, Congress needs to make it easier, rather than harder, for law enforcement to do its job. We should get tougher on people who buy guns only to turn around and sell them to criminals. And at a time when many communities have been forced to make cuts to their police force, we should put more cops back on the job and back on the street.


Like most Americans, I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. We have a strong tradition of gun ownership in this country, and the vast majority of gun owners act responsibly.


But I also believe most gun owners agree that we can respect the Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law-breaking few from causing harm on a massive scale. That’s what these reforms are designed to do.


None of this will be easy. Already, we’re seeing pundits, politicians, and special-interest lobbyists calling any attempt at commonsense reform an all-out assault on liberty – not because that’s true, but because that’s how they get higher ratings and make more money. And behind the scenes, they’re doing everything they can to protect the status quo.


But this time, it can’t be up to them. It’s got to be up to you. If, like me, you want this time to be different, then I need your help to make it different. Ask your Member of Congress if they support universal background checks and renewing a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And if the answer is no, ask them why not. Ask them why an A-grade from the gun lobby is more important than keeping kids safe in a first grade classroom.



Since the tragedy in Newtown, I’ve gotten letters from all over the country – including many from our young people. One of them was from 8-year-old Rachel, who lives in Brooklyn, New York. She wrote: “Please do something so that bad people cannot get guns to kill ot her people. Children should be safe, especially in school.”


Rachel is counting on us. Let’s get this done for her, and let’s make this country a safer place for all our children to learn and grow.


Thanks, and have a great weekend.



美国的变革时代已到来:奥巴马胜选演讲全文 国际在线11月5日电/11月4日晚,奥巴马在芝加哥发表激情演讲,称如果现在仍然有人怀疑在美国是不是真的任何事情都可能发生,怀疑我们开国之父们的梦想是否还留存在这片土地上,怀疑美国民主的力量,今夜,就是你的答案。以下是中文翻译稿全文 芝加哥的公民们,大家好! 如果现在仍然有人怀疑在美国是不是真的任何事情都可能发生,怀疑我们开国之父们的梦想是否还留存在这片土地上,怀疑美国民主的力量,今夜,就是你的答案。 在这个国家的学校和教堂中人们曾焦急地等待着答案,一些人甚至从未像今天一样——等待了3~4个小时,但是他们知道这一时刻非同一般,他们的声音也同样非同一般。 在美国的土地上,无论是年轻人还是老人;穷人还是富人;无论是共和党人还是民主党人;无论是黑人、白人、西班牙裔、亚裔、美国原住民、同性恋、异性恋、残疾人还是非残疾人都发出同一种信息,我并非孤身一人。我们是,而且永远都是美利坚合众国!这一天我们等得太久了,但是今晚,因为我们在这场竞选中、在这个地点、在此时此刻所做的一切,改变已经降临美国。 在今天晚上,我很荣幸地接到了麦凯恩参议员打来的电话。麦凯恩参议员在这场竞选中进行了长久、艰难的努力。而且,为这个他热爱的国家,他奋斗了更久、付出了更多的努力。他为美国做出了超乎我们大多数人想象的牺牲,因为这个无畏无私的领导人所付出的努力,我们才有了更好的生活。我对他表示祝贺,也对佩林州长所取得的成果表示祝贺。同时,我也期待着能在接下来的几个月内,和他们共同努力履行对这个国家的诺言。 我想感谢我在这个旅程中的搭档,一个全心全意参加竞选的男人,一个为同他一起在斯克蓝顿(宾夕法尼亚东北部城市)街道长大、一起坐火车到特拉华州的人们发言的男人,美国未来的副总统,乔·拜登。 在过去的16年里如果没有朋友们的支持和鼓励,那么我今晚将不会站在这里……我的家庭的支持、关爱,美国的下一位第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马,还有萨沙和玛丽雅,我对你们的爱甚至超出你们的想象,你们将得到新的爸爸,和你们一起到新的白宫。 我却再也不能陪伴我的外祖母了,但我知道她一直在守望着我们。我也十分想念我的家人和亲戚,我知道自己亏欠他们太多,太多。我要感谢马娅,阿尔玛,以及我所有的兄弟姐妹,感谢你们对我无私的支持,对此我深表感激。还有,感谢我的竞选经理大卫·普劳夫。还有那些在竞选活动中的无名英雄们,他们表现的很棒,是他们给美国带来了一场最完美的大选,我想,这在美国历史上是绝无仅有的。还有我的首席战略师大卫·阿克塞尔罗德。他是我的伙伴,在我竞选的每个阶段都给我极大的帮助,为我打造了美国大选史上最棒的竞选团队。是你让这一切发生了,我将永远对你为这一切做出的牺牲心存感激。但是最重要的,我将永远无法忘记这场胜利真正的主人,这属于你们,这属于你们。


经典演讲稿:奥巴马上海演讲中文版 【奥巴马上海演讲中文版】 你好。诸位下午好。我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈,我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。 我还想感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他是我们两国间深厚的纽带。 我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得很好。 我今天准备这样,先做一个开场白,我真正希望做的是回答在座的问题,不但回答在座的学生问题,同时还可以从网上得到一 些问题,由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提问。很抱歉,我的 中文远不如你们的英文,所以我期待和你们的对话。这是我首次访 问中国,我看到你们博大的国家,感到很兴奋。在上海这里,我们 看到了瞩目的增长,高耸的塔楼,繁忙的街道,还有企业家的精神。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时我也急切的

要看到向我们展现中国古老的古迹,明天和后天我要到北京去看雄伟壮丽的故宫和令人叹为观止的长城,这个国度既有丰富的历史,又有对未来憧憬的信念。 而我们两国的关系也是如此,上海在美中关系的历史中是个具有意义的重大城市,在30年前,《上海公报》打开了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新的篇章。 不过美国与这个国家的纽带可以追溯更久远的过去,追溯到美国独立的初期,乔治-华盛顿组织了皇后号的下水仪式,这个船成功前往大清王朝,华盛顿希望看到这艘船前往各地,与中国结成新的纽带。希望中国开辟新的地平线,建立新的伙伴关系。在其后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,而即使在最动荡的方向中,我们的两国人民打造深的,甚至有戏剧性的纽带,比如美国人永远不会忘记,在二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,当地人民对他们的款待,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险罩着他们。


奥巴马励志演讲稿(精选多篇) 奥巴马竞选演讲稿 2014年11月07日星期五下午10:42 请在此处输入标题 hello, chicago! 芝加哥,你好! if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 假如还有人不相信美国是一个不存在不可能的地方,还有人怀疑开国之父们的梦想依然在影响着我们这个时代,还有人质

疑美利坚民主的力量,那么,他们的疑惑在今夜得到了解答。 it’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. 在学校和教堂外面,人们排起了长长的队伍,人数之多在美国历史上前所未有。为了投上自己的一票,他们可以等待三个小时、四个小时。许多人是一生中第一次参加投票,因为他们坚信这一次必须有所变革,而他们的声音将举足轻重。 it’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, democrat and republican, black, white, latino, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled —americans who sent a


美国总统奥巴马胜选演讲稿(中英文) 超过10万人4日深夜把美国芝加哥格兰特公园变成狂欢的海洋。当选总统贝拉克奥巴马在这里向支持者宣布:“变革已降临美国。”他在这篇获胜演说中承诺推进“变革”,但呼吁支持者付出耐心,甚至提及连任。 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 如果,还有人怀疑美国是一切皆有可能的国度,还有人怀疑国父们的梦想在我们的时代是否还存在,还有人怀疑我们的民主所拥有的力量,那么今晚,你听到了回答。 It’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. 是那些今天在学校和教堂排着长队、数不胜数的选民做出了回答;是那些为了投票等待了三四个小时的人们做出了回答。他们中的很多人,是有生以来第一次投票,因为他们相信,这次真的不同――他们的声音会让这次不同。


奥巴马获胜演说演讲稿(中英文) 奥巴马获胜演说演讲稿(中英文) Barack Obama’s Victory Speech: Change Has Come To America If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 如果,还有人怀疑美国是一切皆有可能的国度,还有人怀疑国父们的梦想在我们的时代是否还存在,还有人怀疑我们的民主所拥有的力量,那么今晚,你听到了回答。 It’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. 是那些今天在学校和教堂排着长队、数不胜数的选民做出了回答;是那些为了投票等待了三四个小时的人们做出了回答。他们中的很多人,是有生以来第一次投票,因为他们相信,这次真的不同――他们的声音会让这次不同。 It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been


奥巴马竞选总统演讲稿 【第1篇】奥巴马竞选总统演讲稿 Hello, Chicago! 芝加哥,你好! If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 如果有人怀疑美国是个一切皆有可能的地方,怀疑美国奠基者的梦想在我们这个时代依然燃烧,怀疑我们民主的力量,那么今晚这些疑问都有了答案。 It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. 学校和教堂门外的长龙便是答案。排队的人数之多,在美国历史上前所未有。为了投票,他们排队长达三、四个小时。许多人一生中第一次投票,因为他们认为这一次大选结果必须不同以往,而他们手中的一票可能决定胜负。


奥巴马竞选演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:奥巴马竞选演讲稿奥巴马竞选演讲稿 2014年11月07日星期五下午10:42 请在此处输入标题 hello, chicago! 芝加哥,你好! if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 假如还有人不相信美国是一个不存在不可能的地方,还有人怀疑开国之父们的梦想依然在影响着我们这个时代,还有人质疑美利坚民主的力量,那么,他们的疑惑在今夜得到了解答。 it’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. 在学校和教堂外面,人们排起了长长的队伍,人数之多在美国历史上前所未有。为了投上自己的一票,他们可以等待三个小时、四个小时。许多人是一生中第一次参加投票,因为他们坚信这一次必须有所变革,而他们的声音将举足轻重。


奥巴马胜选演讲全文:为了永远的美国梦 汇通网11月8日讯(美国总统奥巴马于美国当地时间11月6日深夜确认当选后,在芝加哥竞选总部发表了热情洋溢的胜选演讲,演讲全文如下:) 200多年前,美国建国先祖带领人民脱离了奴役,获得了主宰自己命运的自由。如今200年过去了,美国人民仍在为建设一个更美好的合众国而努力着。 而美国在过去200多年间取得的进步和成就,离不开每个人的努力。在建国精神的鼓舞下,美国战胜了历次战争以及萧条的考验,这一精神也使得美国每每在陷入最绝望的谷底时,都能伸开双臂去迎接更多的希望。而每个人都有着追求个人幸福权利的这一信念,也就是所谓的“美国梦”,把所有的美国人团结在了一起,大家风雨同舟,兴衰相依,荣辱与共。 在今天的选举中,美国人民再度用实际行动阐述了一大至理:即使道路暂时坎坷,即使处境仍将艰难,美国人民却不会放弃心中的信念。大家正鼓足勇气,坚持到底,为了迎接美国更好的明天的奋斗不息。 因而,在此要特别感谢所有参与了这场选举的美国民众,尤其是首次参加投票的年轻人,和在寒风中排队数小时,只为投下自己庄重一票的选民。无论选民是把选票投给奥巴马还是罗姆尼,都是发出了自己的一份声音,并参与了改变这个国家未来的进程。 本人刚刚与罗姆尼先生通了电话,并对他和竞选搭档瑞安先生在艰苦的选战中所付出的一切致以了崇高的敬意,并对其虽败犹荣的杰出表现表示由衷的赞赏。尽管选举的过程很激烈,甚至可以说是火星四溅,但大家都是出于对这个国家无比深情的爱才会选择这么去做。罗姆尼家族数代人致力于政治事业,为美国公众谋福利,这正是当下大家最值得景仰和赞赏的一种精神,为此,我打算在未来数周中安排下时间,与罗姆尼先生促膝长谈,以共商如何齐心协力带领美国继续前进这一大计。 我也感谢在过去四年辛苦奉献的搭档拜登先生,他或许是美国有史以来最好的副总统。


奥巴马励志演讲稿(精选多篇) 奥巴马竞选演讲稿 2014年11月07日星期五下午10:42 请在此处输入标题 hello, chicago! 芝加哥,你好! if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 假如还有人不相信美国是一个不存在不可能的地方,还有人怀疑开国之父们的梦想依然在影响着我们这个时代,还有人质疑美利坚民主的力量,那么,他们的疑惑在今夜得到了解答。 it’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by

people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. 在学校和教堂外面,人们排起了长长的队伍,人数之多在美国历史上前所未有。为了投上自己的一票,他们可以等待三个小时、四个小时。许多人是一生中第一次参加投票,因为他们坚信这一次必须有所变革,而他们的声音将举足轻重。 it’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, democrat and republican, black, white, latino, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled — americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the united states of america.


Now Is The Time to Take Action Against Gun Violence(January 19, 2013) 是控枪的时候了(2013年1月19日) Hi, everybody. This week, I announced a series of concrete steps we should take to protect our children and our communities from gun violence. 大家好.本周,我宣布了一系列我们需要实施的具体步骤,来保护我们的孩子和社区免受枪支暴力的伤害. These proposals grew out of meetings Vice President Biden and his task force held over the last month with more than 200 different groups – from parents and teachers; to law enforcement and sportsmen; to religious leaders and mental health professionals. 出台的这些政策源于拜登副总统和他的特别小组上个月与200多个不同组织的会谈,包括父母和教师,包括执法官员和运动员,包括宗教领袖和心理健康专业人士. And in the weeks ahead, I will do everything in my power to make them a reality. Because while we may not be able to prevent every senseless act of violence in this country, if there is even one thing we can do to reduce it – if even one life can be saved –we’ve got an obligation to try. 在未来的几个星期,我动用总统职务的所有力量,确保举措取得效果.因为我们可能无法避免国内的每一起无意识的暴力事件,但即便我们只有一件事情能避免暴力,即便只有一个生命可以拯救,我们也有义务去尝试避免. My administration is taking a series of actions right away –from strengthening our background check system, to helping schools hire more resource officers if they want them, to directing the Centers for Disease Control to study the best ways to reduce gun violence. 我的政府现在正在实施一系列的行动,从加强我们的背景检查系统,到帮助学校雇佣他们需要的保安资源,到指导疾病控制中心研究最优的方法来减少枪支暴力. But the truth is, making a real and lasting difference also requires Congress to act – and act soon. 但事实是,做出一个真正和持久的改变同样需要国会的行动,并且是尽快行动. First, it’s time for Congress to require a universal background check for anyone trying to buy a gun. The law already requires licensed gun dealers to perform these checks, but as many as 40% of all gun purchases are conducted without one. That’s not safe, it’s not smart, and it’s not fair to responsible gun buyers or sellers. An overwhelming majority of Americans agree that anyone trying to buy a gun sh ould at least have to prove they’re not a felon, or someone legally prohibited from owning one. That’s just common sense. 首先,国会是时候要求统一对购枪者进行背景检查的时候了.法律已经要求枪支经销商进行这些检查.当大约40%的枪支进货没有被管理起来.这是不安全的,是不明智的,对枪支的买卖双方都是不负责任的.绝大多数的美国人都赞成任何人买枪时都应该至少证明他们不是罪犯,或者不是被法律禁止购枪的.这仅仅是常识. Second, Congress should restore a ban on military-style assault weapons, and a 10-round


Change Has Come To America If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 如果,还有人怀疑美国是一切皆有可能的国度,还有人怀疑国父们的梦想在我们的时代是否还存在,还有人怀疑我们的民主所拥有的力量,那么今晚,你听到了回答。 It’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. 是那些今天在学校和教堂排着长队、数不胜数的选民做出了回答;是那些为了投票等待了三四个小时的人们做出了回答。他们中的很多人,是有生以来第一次投票,因为他们相信,这次真的不同――他们的声音会让这次不同。 It’s the answer spoken by young and o ld, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans


奥巴马上海演讲稿中文版 上提出的一些问题,这些问题由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提出。很抱歉,我的中文不如你们的英文,但我期待着这个和你们对话的机会。 这是我首次访问中国,看到你们壮丽的国家,我感到很兴奋。在上海,我们看到了全球瞩目的发展——高耸的大厦、繁忙的街道、创业的动态。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时,我也期盼看到向我们展现中国悠久历史的古迹。明天和后天我会在北京,希望有机会看到壮观的故宫和奇迹般的长城。的确,这是一个既有丰富的历史,又对未来的希望充满信心的国家。 我们两国的关系也是如此。毫无疑问,上海在美中关系史上是一个具有重大意义的城市。正是在这里,37年前发布的《上海公报》(shanghai munique)开启了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新篇章。然而,美国与这个城市以及这个国家的纽带可以追溯到更久远的过去,直至美国独立初期。 1784年,我们的建国之父乔治?华盛顿主持了“中国女皇号”(empress of china)的下水仪式。这条船前往中国海岸,寻求与清朝通商。华盛顿希望看到这条悬挂美国国旗的船前往世界各地,与像中国这样的国家缔结新的纽带。这是通常的美国人的愿望——希望达到新的地平线,建立新的、互利的伙伴关系。 在此后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,但即使在动荡的岁月中,两国人民也抓住机会发展了深入的、甚至极不平凡的关系。例如,美国人民永远不会忘记,二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险护理他们。 参加过二战的中国老兵仍然热情欢迎故地重游的美国老兵,他们曾经在那里作战,帮助中国从占领下获得解放。 近40年前,简单的乒乓球比赛带来了两国关系的解冻,使我们两国建立起另一种。这种接触令人意外,但却恰恰促成了其成功,因为尽管我们之间存在许多分歧,但是我们共同的人性和共同的好奇心得以从中显现。正如一位美国乒乓球队员在回忆对中国的访问时所说:“那里的人民和我们一样??这个国家和美国有许多相似之处,也有很大区别。” 无须赘言,这个小小的契机带来了《上海公报》的问世,并最终促使美中两国在1979年建立正式外交关系。请看在此后的30年,我们取得了多么长足的进展。


奥巴马演讲稿【精选】 伟大不是凭空而来的,而是赢得的。在我们的历程中,从来没有走捷 径或是退而求其次。以下是###分享的奥巴马励志演讲,一起来看看吧。奥巴马演讲稿【精选】 对于那些在世界各个地方挑起冲突或一味批评西方不良影响的: 你的人民评判你的依据是你建立了什么,而不是破坏了什么。 我们共同终结那些虚假的承诺、陈腐的教条、以及指摘与怨言。 我们要延续代代相传的宝贵礼物,延续神圣的理想,那就是上帝 赐予我们的承诺--人人平等,人人自由,人人都有机会去追求水准的 幸福。 我们对能源的使用,日益让对手强大,与此同时又威胁着我们的 星球。 伟大不是凭空而来的,而是赢得的。在我们的历程中,从来没有 走捷径或是退而求其次。——努力 一次又一次,这些男男女女,他们奋斗和牺牲;他们将双手磨破为 了给我们带来更好的生活。在他们眼中,美国超越了我们每个人雄心 的总和,超越了个人、财富和派系的差别。——力量 这些愤世嫉俗的人无法理解这个国家所发生的转变——那些陈腐 的政治已经缠绕了我们太久太长。——障碍 六十年前,一位父亲走入餐厅甚至无人理睬,而今天他的儿子能 够站在这里,在你们面前许下最庄严的誓言。——自豪 我今天站在这里,因面前的任务感到谦卑,因你们的信任而感激,同时缅怀我们的前人所做出的牺牲。——感激

政府所扮演的角色——应该协助家庭获得体面的收入,购买他们 的所需,有尊严地退休。——公平 市场的力量将如野马一样脱缰——一个仅有财富的国家不可能持 续繁荣。——警惕 告诉未来的世界……当一切陷入寒冬,万物俱灭,只有希望和勇 气能够长存……这座城市和这个国家,在共同的危机下团结起来,共 同面对前方的艰难。——信心 当我们面对挑战时,我们没有怯懦、没有退缩,更没有踟蹰不前。我们在上帝的关爱下眺望远方,我们在自由的道路上继续前进,我们 的精神将永远闪耀着光芒。——希望 伟大不是凭空而来的,而是赢得的。 还有难以度量但同样长远的问题,那就是整个国家信心的缺失。 但美国人民,请记住这个点:这些挑战会被解决。 我们今日遇到挑战前所未有,所有的情况完全陌生。但是,我们 赖以走向成功的价值观从未改变——诚实、勤勉、勇敢、公正、宽容、好学、忠贞和爱国。——信念 如今,我们面对的是一个全新的责任时代——人人都需重视,对 我们自己,我们的国家乃至整个世界,都有一份责任。我们会欣然接 受这份责任,人生也正所以而充实。——责任 奥巴马演讲稿【精选】 大家好!谢谢你们。谢谢你们,大家好,大家请就坐。你们今天都 好吗?蒂姆·斯派塞好吗?我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高 中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学XX年级的学生正在 收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中 出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。


My fellow citizens: 各位同胞: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. 今天我站在这里,为眼前的重责大任感到谦卑,对各位的信任心怀感激,对先贤的牺牲铭记在心。我要谢谢布什总统为这个国家的服务,也感谢他在政权转移期间的宽厚和配合。 Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents. 四十四位美国人发表过总统就职誓言,这些誓词或是在繁荣富强及和平宁静之际发表,或是在乌云密布,时局动荡之时。在艰困的时候,美国能箕裘相继,不仅因为居高位者有能力或愿景,也因为人民持续对先人的抱负有信心,也忠于创建我国的法统。 So it has been. So it must be with this generation of Americans. 因此,美国才能承继下来。因此,这一代美国人必须承继下去。 That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet. 现在大家都知道我们正置身危机核心,我国正处于对抗深远暴力和憎恨的战争。我们的经济元气大伤,是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果,也是大众未能做出艰难的选择,为国家进入新时代做淮备所致。许多人失去房子,丢了工作,生意垮了。我们的医疗照护太昂贵,学校教育辜负了许多人。每天都有更多证据显示,我们利用能源的方式壮大我们的对敌,威胁我们的星球。 These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights. 这些都是得自资料和统计数据的危机指标。比较无法测量但同样深沉的,是举国信心尽失—持续担心美国将无可避免地衰退,也害怕下一代一定会眼界变低。 Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met. 今天我要告诉各位,我们面临的挑战是真的,挑战非常严重,且不在少数。它们不是可以轻易,或在短时间内解决。但是,美国要了解,这些挑战会被解决。 On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.


美国总统奥巴马每周电台演讲:为我们的孩子提供一个更好更安全的未来 Hi, everybody. One of the most urgent challenges of our time is climate change. We know that 2015 surpassed 2014 as the warmest year on record –and 2016 is on pace to be even hotter. 大家好。我们这个时代面对的最大挑战之一就是气候变化。我们知道2015您超过2014年成为最热一年—2016年正在成为更热的一年。 When I took office, I said this was something we couldn't kick down the road any longer –that our children 's future depended on our action. So we got to work, and over the past seven-and-a-half years, we've made ambitious investments in clean energy, and ambitious reductions in our carbon emissions. We've multiplied wind power threefold. We've multiplied solar power more than thirtyfold. In parts of America, these clean power sources are finally cheaper than dirtier, conventional power. And carbon pollution from our energy sector is at its lowest level in 25 years, even as we're continuing to grow our economy. 我刚刚就任时就说这件事不能在继续下去了—我们的孩子们的未来取决于我们的行动。所以我们采取了一些措施,在过去的七年半里,我们我们在清洁能源领域大量投资,并且大量减少我们的碳排放。我们的风能发电增加了两倍。我们的太阳能利用达到了以往的三十多倍。在美国的某些地方,清洁能源最终实现了比传统的高污染能源还要便宜。来自能源板块的碳污染达到了25年来的最低点,而我们的经济仍然在继续增长。 We've invested in energy efficiency, and we're slashing carbon emissions from appliances, homes, and businesses –saving families money on their energy bills. We're reforming how we manage federal coal resources, which supply roughly 40% of America's coal. We've set the first-ever national standards limiting the amount of carbon pollution power plants can release into the sky. 我们投资于提高能源效率,我们从家电、住宅和各行各业大幅削减碳排放—为家庭节省能源开销。我们正在进行大约占美国煤炭供应量40%的联邦煤炭资源改革。我们制定了前所未有的国家标准,以此限制发电厂向大气中排放碳污染的总量。 We also set standards to increase the distance our cars and light trucks can go on a gallon of gas every year through 2025. And they're working. At a time when we've seen auto sales surge, manufacturers are innovating and bringing new technology to market faster than expected. Over 100 cars, SUVs, and pick-up trucks on the market today already meet our vehicles standards ahead of schedule. And we've seen a boom in the plug-in electric vehicle market –with more models, lower battery costs, and more than 16,000 charging stations. 我们还制定了标准,以此实现在2025年轿车和轻卡的每加仑行程更远。它们已经奏效。就在汽车销量大增时,制造商们投资并推出新技术的步伐也超过预期。今天的市场上超过100种汽车、SUV、皮卡已经提前到达了标准。我们已经看到了插电汽车市场的繁荣—有更多的型号、更低成本的电池和超过16,000个充电站。
