


1、I can’t wait so you had better give me an (立刻)reply.

2、“Sorry, I must be off now,” he said and then left out(勿忙).

3、I could not get a satisfactory (解释).

4、Do come please. I will wait for you at the (入口处).

5、The notice reads: “Don’t come in without(允许).

6、I (劝告)him to accept our advice, and he did so.

7、The police asked him for imformation on the (事故).

8、The (政府)should do something to reduce the price of food.

9、Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great (成就).

10、“How often does he write to his parents?” “Oh,(经常).”

11、The box is full of glasses objects . Please put it down with (小心)

12、Oh, you have made a wrong (选择). You’d better think it over again.

13、We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its (美丽).

14、The matter is not of much (重要)to us.

15、The underground carries a lot of (乘客).

16、Suez canal (分开)Asia from Africa.

17、The boys and girls will be ( 分开) into four groups to play the game.

18、This problem needs (解决)at once.

19、The policeman brought the little boy to (安全的地方).

20、(鼓励)by his teacher, Tom made up his mind to study well.

21、He looks old, yet (实际上)he is only twenty-five.

22、Thank you for your (邀请)which reached me just now.

23、Mike said he would be more (注意)in class from then on.

24、They have made great progress since the (开始)of this term.

25、The sleeves of the coat are too long for me, and so I want them to be (短).

26、Which of the following (陈述)is not mentioned in the reading material?

27、Without any (犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out.

28、His English is (吃惊)wonderful.

29、The students are busy making (准备)for the examination.

30、She was (感到震惊)to hear what had happened.

31、These new book on computer are favourably (受欢迎).

32、I’ll go there again, if(需要).

33、He is a famous teacher with forty years’(经验).

34、I (宣布)that Milliams had been elected.

35、The July 7th (事变)took place in 1937.

36、I want to go to the (医学)college.

37、The Chinese people are working hard to (使现代化)their country.

38、I wonder if this medicine is (有效)enough to get rid of his fever.

39、Thank you for giving me the valuable (信息).

40、Good (节目)on TV have good effects on children.

41、She keeps a (日记)in German.

42、I borrowed the (杂志)from the library.

43、This Minister is in charge of the foreign (事务)of that small country.

44、We have set up an (协会)for the blind.

45、I wish you a pleasant (旅途).

46、Go to see a doctor, you are (显然)ill.

47、They had fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final (胜利).

48、As I came late, he looked at me kindly without (责备).

49、He passed the entrance examination not only to his own but also to his parents’(满意).

50、Guangdong is a (南方)province in China.









8、government 9、achievements 10、frequently

11、care 12、choice 13、beauty 14、importance

15、passengers 16、separates 17、divided 18、solving

19、safety 20、Encouraged 21、actually 22、invitation

23、attentive 24、beginning 25、shortened 26、statements

27、hesitation 28、surprisingly 29、preparations 30、shocked

31、popular 32、necessary 33、experience 34、announced

35、incident 36、medical 37、modernize 38、effective

39、information 40、programmes 41、diary 42、magazine

43、affairs 44、association 45、journey 46、obviously

47、victory 48、blame 49、satisfaction 50、southern


英语单词直接拼读法及不发音规则1.英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 1.2 辅音字母组合的读音规则 1.3 元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 1.4 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音规则 1.5 元音字母组合的读音规则 1.6 几个非重读后缀或字母组合的读音规则 2.直接标音符号 2.1 重读符号 2.2 哑音符号 2.3 提醒符号 2.4 四类重读音节符号 2.5 几个直接标音符号 2.6 借用国际音标直接标音

3.英语单词重读规律 ################################################################# ############ 1. 英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 字母读音例词字母读音例词 1.1.1 b /b/ b ed 1.1.2 d /d/ en d 1.1.3 f /f/ f ill 1.1.4 h /h/ h elp 1.1.5 j /?/ j ob 1.1.6 k /k/ mil k 1.1.7 l /l/ l eft 1.1.8 m /m/ m y 1.1.9 n /n/ n et 1.1.10 p /p/ p en 1.1.11 r /r/ r ed 1.1.12 t /t/ le t 1.1.13 v /v/ v ote 1.1.14 w /w/ w e 1.1.15 y /j/ y es 1.1.16 z /z/ z ed 1.1.17 c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,如c ell,c it'y,c yst; 其余情况下读/K/,如c at,c lub,c ode. 1.1.18 g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如g ene,g in,g ym; 其余情况下读/g/,如be g, g olf, g ame. 1.1.19 s 多数情况下读/s/,如s ix,de s k,ye s; 有时读/z/,如i s,hi s,vi s'it(读/z/时可下画一条横线)。 1.1.20 x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读/gz/,如e x ist'; 其余情况下读/ks/,如si x, ne x t, e x cuse'.


高中英语常用词汇表 (动词、名词、形容词和副词)一、动词 accept vt.& vi.接受;同意 achieve vt.完成,实现;达到 act vi.行动;做,做事 add vt.加,增加 admire vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞美 admit vt.& vi.承认 advance vi.前进;提高 n.进展 advise vt.劝告;建议 afford vt.担负得起… agree vt.&vi.同意,赞成 allow vt.允许,准许;任 amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕 announce vt.宣布,宣告,发表 answer vt.&n.回答;响应 apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错 appear vi.出现;显得,好象 argue vi.争论,争辩,辩论 arrive vi.到达;来临;达到 ask v.问,要求 astonish vt.使惊讶 attack vt.&vi.&n.攻击,进攻 attempt vt.尝试,试图 n.企图 attend vt.出席;照顾,护理 attract vt.吸引;引起,诱惑 awake vt.唤醒 vi.醒 bake vt.烤,烘 bathe vt.给…洗澡;弄湿 beat vt.& vi.打,敲;打败 become vi.& link v.变成;成为,变得 beg vt.&vi.请求,乞求 begin vi.开始 vt.开始 believe vt.相信;认为 belong vi.属于,附属 bend vt.使弯曲 vi.弯曲 bite vt.咬,叮,螫;剌穿 blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blow vt.&vi.吹 n.重击 boil vi.沸腾;汽化 vt.煮沸 borrow vt.借 break v.断裂;打破 n. (课间)休息时间 breathe vi.&vt.呼吸 bring vt.带来;引出;促使 build vt.建筑;建立;创立 burn vi.&vt.燃烧 burst v.&n.突然破裂;爆发 bury vt.埋葬,葬;埋藏 buy vt.买 call vt.把…叫做;叫,喊 care v.&n.在乎,在意照料;保护;小心 carry vt.携带;运载;传送;传播 catch vt.& vi.抓住;钩住;挂住;绊住 celebrate vt.庆祝;歌颂,赞美 charge vt.使承担;收费;充电 n.主管 chat v.& n.聊天


必修4单词拼写训练 unit 1 1. With her great efforts,she has a__________ everything she wanted to do. 2. Our school is trying its best to improve our studying and working c__________. 3. Her research shows the c__________ between human beings and chimps. 4. Have you taken part in either of my last two c_________?The officer asked the soldier. 5. If you want to help the poor,you can join the o_________,which usually has some such activities. 6. He is an agricultural s_________, who d_________ all his life to the research into agriculture. 7. The little boy’s bad b_________ at the party made his parents upset. 8. It is w__________ to spend the whole day in the forest,o_________ how the chimps live. 9. He is such a great man that all of us show our r__________ to him. 10. The couple living next door always a_________with each other about some family problems. 11. I_________by the teacher’s words, he is d__________ to study harder than before. 12. He has to work hard to earn more money, because he has a large family to s_________. 13. Last night when I got home,the clock was s_________ ten. 14. In our school,every teach is asked to write one or two a_________about teaching every year. 15. You’d better e_________ to the teacher the reason for your being late, otherwise, the teacher will be angry with you. 16. The teachers in our school will have a m__________ examination once every year. 17. Everything taken into c___________,he has done a good job this time. 18. The famous doctor has d__________ hundreds of babies during her life. 19. It is c__________ of you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest. Unit 2 1.In the old days,many children suffered from h__________ because of no food. 2. If you keep staying in the sun for a long time, you’ll get s__________. 3. Though he is young, he is s__________ to support a large family. 4. As is known to all,when heated,things will e____________. 5. He wants to c__________ his knowledge all over the world. 6. Each classroom in our school is e_________ with a computer,which is helpful to our study. 7. Every year, we will e_________ much oil from the other countries. 8. In my opinion, he is quite s__________ for this job. 8. You’d better finish your homework without r__________ to your notes. 9. The twins are so alike that I always c__________ them with each other. 10. The method of r__________ the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.


英语单词的读音规则一、音节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。一般说来,元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的,一个音节叫单音节,两个音节叫双音节,三个音节以上叫多音节。如:take 拿,ta'ble 桌子,pota'to` 马铃薯,pop`ula'tion 人口,congrat`ula'tion 祝贺。tel'ecommu`nica'tion 电讯划分音节的方法:元音是构成音节的主体,辅音是音节的分界线。两辅音之间不管有多少个元音,一般都是一个音节。如:bed 床,bet 打赌,seat 坐位,beat 毒打,beaut 极好的 beau'ty 美。两元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,辅音字母归后一音节,如:stu'dent 学生,la'bour 劳动。有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母归前一音节,一个归后一音节,如:let'ter 信,win'ter 冬天。不能拆分的字母组合按字母组合划分音节。如:fa'ther 父亲,tea'cher 教师。 二、单词重音:本方法将音节分成重读音节、次重读音节和非重读音节。 1、重读音节:英语的双音节或多音节的词中,有一个读得特别响亮的音节,叫重读音节。重读音节按重读音节的读音规则读音。如:Chi'na 中国,dri'ver 司机。 2、次重读音节:按重读音节的读音规则读音 , 但不重读的音节。un`derstand' 懂得,her`self' 她自己。 3、非重读音节:按非读音节的读音规则读音,不重读的音节。如:let'ter 信,hap'py 快乐。重读音节的规律如下:1、一般双音节词重读音节在第一个音节上。如:sis'ter 姐妹,win'dy 有风的。2、由单音节加前缀构成的双音节词,重音在第二音节。about' 关于,report' 报告。3、多音节词重音在倒数第三个音节,三音节词就是第一个音节。dif'ficult 困难的,li'brory 图书馆。4、双音节或多音节词加了前缀或后缀后,按原来词根的重读音节读音。如:def'inite 肯定的→ indef'inite 不肯定的。care'ful` 小心→ cae'ful`ly 小心地。 5、词尾是-ic,-tion,-sion 的词,在-ic,-tion,-sion 前的一个音节重读。dem`ocrat'ic 民主的,trans`la'tion 翻译,impres'sion 印象。 6、一般多音节词汇只有一个重读音节,其余均为次重读音节或非重读音节。有些复合词、英语的译名有两个重音。如:fif'teen' 十五,Ber'lin' 柏林。三、主音和次音:本方法根据字母的读音是否常用,把字母读音分成主音和次音。主音就是字母的主要读音,常用。次音就是字母的次要读音,读音规则的例外情况,不常用。在一般情况下,字母发主音,在少数情况下,由于受相邻字母等因素的影响,字母发次音。在主音字母下加一横线表示次音。如:move 搬动,wash 洗。 四、元音字母在重读音节中的读音:在重读音节中,根据元音字母 a,e,i,o,u 的读音,划分以下 5 种音节类型:1、开音节:有两种开音节,一种叫绝对开音节,即在元音字母后没有辅音字母,如:we 我们,no 不。另一种叫相对开音节,即在元音字母后有一个辅音字母 (r 除外),还有一个不发音的字母 e,如:name 名字,like 象。或一个元音字母后有一个不发音的 e。如:die 死,keep 保持。注意:在元音字母后有两个辅音再加一个 e 时,这个 e 自成音节发音。如:conve'nient 方便的,conve'nience 方便。2、闭音节:元音字母后有辅音字母 (r 除外) 时,这个元音字母构成的音节叫闭音节。也分两种情况,一种叫绝对闭音节,音节元音后有辅音字母,如:map 地图,bag 书包。另一种叫相对闭音节,音节的元音后没有辅音字母,而是向后面的音节借用辅音字母,借来的字母在拼读时自然回归后面的音节。如:pit'y 同情,bod'y 身体。3、-r 音节:元音字母与辅音字母 -r 结合构成的音节。如:car 汽车,park 公园。4、-re 音节:元音字母与 -re 结合构成的音节。如:care 照料,here 这里。5、元音字母组合音节:由元音字母和元音字母组合,或元音字母与 -y,-w,-l,-g,-gh,n 等组合构成的音节。如:wait 等候,say 说。 五、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音:元音字母在非重读音节中的读音变化较少,元音字母


英语单词直接拼读法 1.英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 1.2 辅音字母组合的读音规则 1.3 元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 1.4 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音规则 1.5 元音字母组合的读音规则 1.6 几个非重读后缀或字母组合的读音规则 2.直接标音符号 2.1 重读符号 2.2 哑音符号 2.3 提醒符号 2.4 四类重读音节符号 2.5 几个直接标音符号 2.6 借用国际音标直接标音 3.英语单词重读规律 ################################################################# ############ 1. 英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 字母读音例词字母读音例词1.1.1 b /b/ b ed 1.1.2 d /d/ en d 1.1.3 f /f/ f ill 1.1.4 h /h/ h elp 1.1.5 j /?/ j ob 1.1.6 k /k/ mil k 1.1.7 l /l/ l eft 1.1.8 m /m/ m y 1.1.9 n /n/ n et 1.1.10 p /p/ p en 1.1.11 r /r/ r ed 1.1.12 t /t/ le t 1.1.13 v /v/ v ote 1.1.14 w /w/ w e 1.1.15 y /j/ y es 1.1.16 z /z/ z ed 1.1.17 c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,如c ell,c it'y,c yst; 其余情况下读/K/,如c at,c lub,c ode.

1.1.18 g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如g ene,g in,g ym; 其余情况下读/g/,如be g, g olf, g ame. 1.1.19 s 多数情况下读/s/,如s ix,de s k,ye s; 有时读/z/,如i s,hi s,vi s'it(读/z/时可下画一条横线)。 1.1.20 x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读/gz/,如e x ist'; 其余情况下读/ks/,如si x, ne x t, e x cuse'. 1.1.21 q 读/k/,如Ir?q', NASDA Q (股票名); 常与字母u用在一起, qu 读/kw/, 如qu ick, qu es'tion. 附:英语音标 元音 单元音:i: i e ? ??u ?ɑ: ?: u: ?: 双元音:ei ai ?i ?u au i?e?u? 辅音 浊辅音:b d g ?v ez ?dz m n ?l r j w 请辅音:p t k ? f θs ?ts h ************************************************************************************** ****************************************************** 1.2 辅音字母组合的读音规则 1.2.1 ch,tch 读/?/,如Ch i'na, mu ch;ca tch, ma tch 1.2.2 ph,gh 读/f/,如ph o'to, ph one 1.2.3 sh 读/?/,如sh ape, sh e, sh ort, fi sh 1.2.4 th 多数情况下读/θ/,如th ree, th ird 但有时读/e/ ,如th at, th an, wi th.(读/e/时可下画一线). 1.2.5 wh 在字母o前读/h/,如wh o, wh om, wh ose(其中的字母o读/u:/) ; 其余情况下读/w/,如wh ich,wh en,wh y. 1.2.6 dg,dj 读/?/,如ju dg e,lo dg'ing;a dj ust',a d'j ective. 1.2.7 n 在和字母g构成字母组合时,以及处于读/g/或/k/的字母前(如c, g, k等)读/?/。如 lo ng,thi ng,le ng th;u n'cle,zi n c;a n'gry,fi n'ger;dri n k,thi n k,tha n k. 1.2.8 gu 在元音前读/g/,如gu ess,gu ide,gu est;在字母n后读/gw/,如lan'gu age, distin'gu ish,lin'gu ist. 字母n因为处于/g/音前而读/?/. 1.2.9 两个读同一个音的字母并列时,只读一个,如li t't le,mi ss,hi ll,ho b'b y;clo ck,ne ck,bla ck; sc ene,sc i'ence,sc ythe,e xc ite',e xc ept';a cc ord'ing,a cc use',o cc ur'.


高中英语常用单词 1. accident n. 事故,意外的事 2. adventure n. 冒险; 奇遇 3. advertisement n. 广告 4. ambulance n. 救护车 5. anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的 6. apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪 7. appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌 8. appointment n. 约会 9. appreciate v. 欣赏; 感激 10. audience n. 观众,听众 11. average a. 平均的;普通的n. 平均数 12. baggage n. 行李 13. bamboo n. 竹 14. beard n. (下巴上的)胡须 15. behaviour n. 行为,举止 16. blame n.& v. 责备; 责怪 17. bleed vi. 出血,流血 18. telephone booth电话亭 19. boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 20. breathe vi. 呼吸 21. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast)vt. 广播 22. businessman n. 商人;企业家 23. camera n. 照相机;摄像机 24. candle n. 蜡烛 25. carrot n.胡萝卜 26. ceiling n. 天花板,顶棚 27. celebrate v. 庆祝 28. centigrade a. 摄氏的 29. century n. 世纪,百年 30. certificate n. 证明,证明书 31. chain store(s) 连锁店 32. cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋 33. chemistry n. 化学 34. circle n. vt. 圆圈将……圈起来 35. classical a. 传统的;古典的 36. climate n. 气候 37. clinic n. 诊所 38. college n. 学院;专科学校 39. comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 40. comment n. 评论 41. communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等) 42. compare vt. 比较,对照 43. composition n. 作文;作曲


1. Young people always have more e_________ than the old. 2. Don’t give me meat any more. I am on a d_________. 3. If you are thirsty, I have some ________(矿) spring water for you. 4. This drink is a m_________ of three different sorts. 5. Doctor, I think I have got a headache. Can you _________(检查) me? 6. We must do what we can do to keep the ________(平衡) of nature. 7. Doctors advise us not to eat fruit which is not r_________. 8. The car doesn’t f_________well; I think you’d better have it repaired. 9. Porridge ________(消化) easily. 10. When I was home, mother had already prepared t________ food for me. Unit14 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. The soldier is ________(敬礼) to every officer who goes into the room. 2. Is there a ________(代) gap between you and your parents? 3. What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival? 4. Oh, I never thought you would bring me so many birthday g________. Thanks! 5. Students should r________ their teachers and their parents. 6. Have you got an ________(请柬) to her wedding party? 7. He went to town with the p_______ of buying a new television. 8.They had a wonderful party to c________ Mother's silver wedding. 9.The cave was completely dark, so he l________ a candle and went inside. 10.Queen Mary could trace her________(祖先)back to about 900 years ago. Unit15 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. We don’t understand the meaning of the sentences. So my teacher has e__________ them to us again and again. 2. ——Do you know the a________ of “Hamlet”? ——Yes, it’s written by Shakespeare. 3. Mother bought me a beautiful _________(钻石) n_________ as my birthday present. 4.——Who had taken the book? ——It was a m_________ 5. He drew the _________(轮廓) of a house on the paper. 6. M___________(蚊子) often bite people in the evening. 7.How can you consider that I can’t pay off the d______? I am quite able to pay back what I have borrowed from you. 8.When she r________ her mother's voice on the phone, she jumped with joy. 9.. ——Where are you going? ——Oh, there goes the bell. I am going to listen to the l_______ given by Dr. Li.


英语单词直接拼读法 一、辅音字母的读音规则 1. c 在字母e,i,y前读,如,'y,; 其余情况下读,如,,. 2. g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如,,; 其余情况下读,如, , . 3. s 多数情况下读,如,,; 有时读,如,,'(读时可下画一条横线)。 4. x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读,如'; 其余情况下读,如, , '. 5.q 读,如?q', (股票名); 常与字母u用在一起, 读, 如 ,'. 附:英语音标 元音 单元音: i: i e ??? u ?ɑ: ?: u: ?: 双元音:?i ?u i? e? u? 辅音

浊辅音:b d g ? v e z ? m n ? l r j w 请辅音:p t k ? f θ s ? h 二、辅音字母组合的读音规则 1. , 读/?/,如', ;, 2. , 读,如', 3. 读 /?/,如, , , 4. 多数情况下读/θ/,如 , 但有时读/e/ ,如 , , .(读/e/时可下画一线). 5. 在字母o前读,如 , , (其中的字母o读) ; 其余情况下读,如,,. 6. , 读/?/,如,';''. 7. n 在和字母g构成字母组合时,以及处于读或的字母前(如c, g, k等)读/?/。如 ;';'';. 8. 在元音前读,如;在字母n后读,如', ','. 字母n因为处于音前而读/?/. 9. 两个读同一个音的字母并列时,只读一个,如'';;

''';'''. 三、元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 英语中有四类重读音节:闭音节,开音节,r音节,音节。 1. 闭音节指以辅音字母结尾的音节。 元音字母(y)在重读闭音节中分别读/???/ ,如 , . 2. 开音节指以元音字母、‘元音字母+哑e’或‘一个辅音字母+哑e’结尾的音节。 后者也叫约定开音节. 元音字母(y)在重读开音节中分别读? (即读字母名称,但y读)。如: ; , ; ; , ; . 但字母u 在字母j,l,r后,读,不读,如 . 3. r音节指以字母r或‘r +辅音字母’结尾的音节。 在r音节中:读/ɑ, 读/?, , , 都读/?。 如:;'; ;''';


常见词缀汇总 1.名词后缀 (1) 具有某种职业或动作的人 1)-an, -ain, 表示"……地方的人,精通……的人”:American, historian,历史学家 2)-al, 表示"具有……职务的人": principal,校长,负责人 3)-ant,-ent, 表示"……者”: merchant,商人;servant, 仆人;student 4)-ar, 表示"……的人”  :scholar, 学者;liar,撒谎者 5)-ate, 表示"具有……职责的人": candidate, 候选人;graduate,毕业生 6)-ator, 表示"做……的人": educator, 学者;) 7)-ee, 表示"动作承受者": employee,雇员;examinee,学者 8)-eer, 表示"从事于……人": engineer,工程师;volunteer,志愿者 9)-er, 表示"从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人" :banker, observer, teacher,villager,lawyer 10)-ese, 表示" ……国人:…..地方的人”Japanese, C hinese 11)-ess, 表示"阴性人称名词: actress,女演员;hostess,女主持12)-ian, 表示"……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”:Christian, 基督教徒physician(内科医生),musician 13)-icist, 表示"……家,…….者, ……. 能手:”physicist, 物理学家chemist,化学家pianist,钢琴家;communist, 共产主义者;dentist, 牙医;artist,scientist. 14)-ive, 表示"动作者,行为者”: native, 本地人 15)-or, 表示"……者": author, 作者;operator,操作人员;doctor. (2). 构成,具有抽象名词的含义 1)-age, 表示"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称":courage, 勇气;storage,贮存;marriage,婚姻。 2)-al, a)表示"事物的动作,过程”:refusal,拒绝;arrival, 到达;survival,幸存;denial, 否认;approval,赞同。 b) 表示具体的事物:signal,信号;journal,日记,日志。 4)-ance, -ence表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度”:diligence, 勤奋;importance, difference 5)-ancy, -ency, 表示"性质,状态,行为,过程" :frequency, urgency, efficiency, 6)-ity, 表示"动作,性质,状态" :possibility,reality,ability 7)-dom, 表示"等级,领域,状态":freedom, kingdom, wisdom 8)-hood, 表示"资格,身份, 年纪,状态" :manhood,成人;childhood。 9)-ice, 表示"行为,性质,状态":justice,公平;notice, service 10)-ing, 表示"动作的过程,结果" :building, writing, learning 11)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition, 表示"行为的过程,结果,状况" :action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction 12)-ism, 表示"制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为":socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism 13)-ment, 表示"行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果:argument,争论;treatment, 治疗;movement, judgment, punishment, 14)-ness, 表示"性质,状态,程度" :goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness 15)-ship, 表示"情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业”:membership,会员hardship, friendship 16)-th, 表示"动作,性质,过程,状态" :depth, wealth, truth, length, growth. 17)-ure, 表示"行为,结果":procedure(手续),exposure, 暴漏,pressure, failure. 2. 形容词后缀 (1)带有"属性,倾向,相关"的含义 1) -ble,-ible,movable,可移动的;comfortable,舒服的;applicable可应用的,合用的;可实施的,visible显而易见的,responsible,负责任的。 2) -al,additional添加的;附加的;额外的;eucational,受教育的;natural。 3) -ant,-ent,distant非近亲的,远亲的,important,excellent. 4) -ar,regular规则的,有规律的;固定的;正常的;similar,popular. 5) -ing,daring大胆的,勇敢的;moving,touching. 6) -ive,impressive感人的;令人钦佩的; decisive决定性的,决定的; active. 7) -ish,boyish,像男孩的;childish,孩子气的,幼稚的。 8) -like,manlike,男人似的;childlike。 9) -some,troublesome,令人烦恼的;handsome (2) 表示"充分的"含义 1) -ful,beautiful,wonderful,helpful,truthful, hopeful 2) -ous,generous,慷慨的;courageous,勇敢的;various 各种各样的;dangerous。 3) -ent,violent,暴力的。 表示由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义 1) -en,wooden,golden,woolen 2) -ous,delicious 3) -fic,scientific (3) 表示"倍数"的含义 1) -ble,double,两倍的 2) ple,triple 三倍的 3) -fold,twofold,两倍的;tenfold 十倍的。 4) -teen," 十几"thirteen 5) -ty," 几十" fifty 6) -th," 第几" fourth,fiftieth (4)表示国籍,语种,宗教的含义 1) -an,Roman,European 2) -ese,Chinese, 3) -ish,English,Spanish (5)表示"比较程度"的含义 1) -er,greater 2) -ish,reddish带红色的,淡红的,yellowish 3) -est,highest 4) -most,foremost,topmost其他的含义 -less,表示否定,countless,stainless,wireless 3. 形容词变副词 (1)直接加ly, especial- especially careful-carefully


高考英语单词拼写精练50题 1、I can’t wait so you had better give me an (立刻)reply. 2、“Sorry, I must be off now,” he said and then left out(勿忙). 3、I could not get a satisfactory (解释). 4、Do come please. I will wait for you at the (入口处). 5、The notice reads: “Don’t come in without(允许). 6、I (劝告)him to accept our advice, and he did so. 7、The police asked him for imformation on the (事故). 8、The (政府)should do something to reduce the price of food. 9、Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great (成就). 10、“How often does he write to his parents?” “Oh,(经常).” 11、The box is full of glasses objects . Please put it down with (小心) 12、Oh, you have made a wrong (选择). You’d better think it over again. 13、We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its (美丽). 14、The matter is not of much (重要)to us. 15、The underground carries a lot of (乘客). 16、Suez canal (分开)Asia from Africa. 17、The boys and girls will be ( 分开) into four groups to play the game. 18、This problem needs (解决)at once. 19、The policeman brought the little boy to (安全的地方). 20、(鼓励)by his teacher, Tom made up his mind to study well. 21、He looks old, yet (实际上)he is only twenty-five. 22、Thank you for your (邀请)which reached me just now. 23、Mike said he would be more (注意)in class from then on. 24、They have made great progress since the (开始)of this term. 25、The sleeves of the coat are too long for me, and so I want them to be (短). 26、Which of the following (陈述)is not mentioned in the reading material? 27、Without any (犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out. 28、His English is (吃惊)wonderful. 29、The students are busy making (准备)for the examination. 30、She was (感到震惊)to hear what had happened. 31、These new book on computer are favourably (受欢迎). 32、I’ll go there again, if(需要). 33、He is a famous teacher with forty years’(经验). 34、I (宣布)that Milliams had been elected. 35、The July 7th (事变)took place in 1937. 36、I want to go to the (医学)college. 37、The Chinese people are working hard to (使现代化)their country. 38、I wonder if this medicine is (有效)enough to get rid of his fever. 39、Thank you for giving me the valuable (信息). 40、Good (节目)on TV have good effects on children. 41、She keeps a (日记)in German. 42、I borrowed the (杂志)from the library. 43、This Minister is in charge of the foreign (事务)of that small country. 44、We have set up an (协会)for the blind. 45、I wish you a pleasant (旅途). 46、Go to see a doctor, you are (显然)ill. 47、They had fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final (胜利). 48、As I came late, he looked at me kindly without (责备).
