

速度与激情3主题曲-TokyoDrift 歌词

Iwonder if you know

How they live in Tokyo

If you see me then you mean it

Then you know you have to go

Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)


(Japanese verse)

Rasha ii, omachito sama

kenso mamiro konoma chinoenso dama

tamama ichii do itsu eoi de

sikayju miryu suruhudoni ko kana

Japan, Ichiban

Jump around sawchirono deban

Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be

he said intyaro kai in VIP

many many diamonds danglin

Bag full of money we stranglin

Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me

All the above cuz you can't get in

I don't want no puro buremu

Because muy professional

Make you, shake you, ketsu (Thank you!) Haters take it personal

(Japanese verse)

like kakanada tai tets o now

drop it on lets go now

na nachima mai nimits o

lets not chiki chima over

wets go nets go

tsuhilohilo over every color

esgo esgol

ju waktu chunai niikro

new waksu itsukunai pingpoi


I wonder if you know

How they live in Tokyo

If you see me then you mean it

Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

(Japanese verse)

HI. Wakashteruya

Boyz. ateyuma kitobas

noise. manshij kitemas indaghe tow banow gazmo windemas beyshiku wasupplies

de. majmanchika abunai

te. ninjehu kenjahu

dakido geisha

all on the rocks say


Should see me in the parking lot

7-11 is the spot

Fights with wings and shiny things And lions, tigers, bears, Oh my ride We're furious and fast

Super sonic like JJ Phat

An' we rock cuz the wheels are fly Can't be doubt with a baseball bat

(Japanese verse)

like kakaru a

kiyo koto sa

matata in dey soki sayk yo ingosipta shito fokusai tekimatzailo kwanzai

fola kwanza

fara daka bumotosto

dojidas score four points

from far east coast to

dosi sai

watashi no kansito


I wonder if you know

How they live in Tokyo

If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

(Japanese verse)

ya, ichipa mayni chito kitong kitas

hito aylam tobi tobida

mueruyo shito bochi bochi na

kuma nigi dasusu kochi kochi eh

hito a puro do resow

machu subetenu rekong

mechakari mundantesha

fu guchaw chan

fast an furious

It's gotta be the shoes

Gotta be the furs

That's why ladies choose me

All up in the news

Cuz we so cute

That's why we so huge

Harajuku girls know how i feel

They respect i keeps it real

Not a Chinaman cuz I ain't from China man

I am Japan man

(Girls Talking) You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR.

I wonder where he get that kind of money?

Don't worry about it.

Lets Go


I wonder if you know

How they live in Tokyo

If you see me then you mean it

Then you know you have to go

Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)

Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)


《速度与激情7》经典台词 Roman: [at Han's funeral] Promise me something, Brian. I don't wanna go to any more funerals. [韩的葬礼上]布莱恩,你答应我,我不想再参加任何葬礼了。 Brian O'Conner: Only one more. 还有一场。 Brian O'Conner: His. 他的(戴克·肖)。 Deckard Shaw: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 敌人的敌人,就是朋友。 Dominic Toretto: I don't have friends. I've got family. 我没有朋友,我们是家人。 Brian O'Conner: [Etihad towers scene] Cars can't fly, Dom, cars can't fly! 汽车不能飞,汽车不能飞。 Letty: Would you believe I knocked him out with my charm? 你相不相信他是为我的魅力所倾倒? Kara: You're not that charming, bitch. 你才没那么有魅力,贱人。 Dominic Toretto: You thought this was gonna be a street fight? 留学改变人生,教育改变中国!

你认为这次是街头争霸么? Dominic Toretto: You're goddamn right it is. 你居然猜对了。 No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother. 无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟! 更多机经下载,点击↓↓进入免费下载 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d3179797.html,/gz/ 留学改变人生,教育改变中国!


(深圳特区报记者沈勇通讯员李皖健赵一欣文/图)作为中国四大一线城市中最为年轻的一座,35周岁的深圳特区在世界城市发展史上也拥有瑰丽的光环。然而探究深圳城市快速发展的根源,更可从单一的企业经济体上窥斑见豹。 深圳华南城,十年大城出于平湖。 在深圳跨入新世纪、改革开放日新月异的十余年时间里,因深圳改革开放红利而发轫,坐拥“一带一路”核心交通枢纽,“前海后陆”的自贸区全新战略格局春风又阵阵吹来,华南城经历了从一片荒芜到260万平方米成熟大城、从鼎立深圳一隅到布局全国八城的华美蜕变,如今已成为中国规划、建设、运营大型综合商贸物流中心的领航者,巨型综合平台运营商和综合服务提供商。 华南城模式向全国延伸,往往成为一方经济的重要增长极,贡献巨大税收、增加数万人以上的创业机会、解决几十万人的就业、提升周边的投资环境、降低交易成本、提升城市商贸水平和现代服务业竞争力等等不一而足。 探究华南城的“城长”之路,“速度”、“包容”、“创新”、“生态”,这四个烙着深圳城市基因的词汇,或许可以成为解读之匙。 1 与深圳共同成长的“速度” “三日一层楼”,是在深圳特区早期发展历史上关于时间与效率的典范。这种“速度”,源于中国960万平方公里大地被压抑了多年的市场发展渴求。在当时的南方,大有“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”之势。而深圳华南城的诞生与兴旺,同样也是以此为契机。 2002年12月,正值中国加入WTO之初,跨国公司加速向中国转移生产基地,包括深圳在内的珠三角成为首选地。那一年,商务部对珠三角3000家外商(53%为制造业)的调查显示,有68.3%表示会增加在华投资。

那一年,香港几位实业家经过一番考察调研后,发起成立华南国际工业原料城(深圳)有限公司。珠三角地区对工业原材料的巨大需求,将华南城的恢弘巨制从蓝图变为现实。2003年11月,深圳华南城破土动工,以“为今人奋斗,为来者前驱”的精神开始了拓荒之路。 “几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄新泥。”彼时,应时而生的深圳华南城定位为“国际工业原料交易中心”。它把涵盖珠三角十几个主要行业的生产企业所需的工业原料,规划在纺织服装、皮革皮具、电子、印刷纸品包装及五金化工塑料等五大交易中心进行集中展示与交易,同时提供相应的仓储物流配送服务,从而使制造业企业可以轻松地实现一站采购和物流配送服务。 简单的思路、务实的操作,不仅降低了企业采购成本和交易成本,降低了生产企业的库存、资金成本以及经营风险,同时,还起到了提升整个产业和地区竞争能力的作用,获得了巨大的市场成功。 而这样的巨变,自2007年始,经华南城这只“妙手”,已在全国遍地开花,覆盖深圳、南宁、南昌、西安、哈尔滨、郑州、合肥、重庆八座国家级战略发展城市。 2 营造和谐共赢的“包容” “来了,就是深圳人”,这样一句在深圳街头随处可见的平凡话语,是否曾令初来此地的你,怦然心动?深圳,作为一个外来人口超过80%的全国最大的移民城市,“包容”一词已成为其文化的最大吸引力和向心力。 正是由于这样的兼容并包精神,才使得华南城这一个港资背景的企业,自2003年始连续11年被列为“深圳市重大建设项目”,享受重大项目各项优惠政策及政府各项申报工作

速度与激情5 简介

速度与激情5 简介 主演: 范·迪塞尔/ 保罗·沃克/ 道恩·强森/ 乔丹娜·布鲁斯特/ 泰瑞斯·吉布森/ 卢达·克里斯/ 马特·斯查尔兹/ 姜成镐/ 盖尔·加朵/ 埃尔莎·帕塔奇/ 乔昆姆·德·阿尔梅达 类型: 剧情/ 动作/ 惊悚/ 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语/ 葡萄牙语 上映日期: 2011-05-12(中国大陆) / 2011-04-29(美国) 片长: 130分钟 又名: 狂野时速5(港) / 玩命关头5(台) / Fast & Furious 2 / Fast Five: The IMAX Experience 为了能获得梦寐以求的真正的自由,多米尼克-托雷托(文-迪塞尔饰)和 布兰恩-欧康纳(保罗-沃克饰)在经历了长时间的逃亡生涯之后,这次决定干最后一票,然后金盆洗手,乐享自由。为了这次终极任务,两人来到了南美巴西的繁华都市里约热内卢,决心和当地腐败的政府以及黑恶势力展开对决。兄弟两人的赛车团队,再次重组,一场惊心动魄的激情飞车战即将上演。 与此同时,嗅觉灵敏的FBI警探卢克-霍伯斯(巨石强森饰)从未丢掉过自己想要追逐的目标。他也带着自己的警察团队赶到热闹异常的里约,在情况复杂的贫民窟,在繁华热闹的公路上,正义与邪恶的交锋再次掀起。 在本集全新故事中,上一集中逃出生天的范·迪塞尔和保罗·沃克再聚首,在更加强悍的军警巨石强森的围追堵截之下,联手众人在巴西里约热内卢,对当地黑势力创下惊天大劫案,上演飞车版“不可能的任务”。 蛰伏2年之后,多米尼克(范?迪塞尔Vin Diesel饰)与布莱恩(保罗?沃克Paul Walker 饰)再度联手把火车中的神秘豪车盗走,遭到了警察和黑帮分子的火线追杀。布莱恩和米亚(乔丹娜?布鲁斯特Jordana Brewster 饰)到里约寻找援兵,并与多米会和。为了寻找多米等人的下落,FBI王牌探员卢克(“岩石”道恩?强森Dwayne Johnson饰)挺身而出,组成精英部队,追查来到里约。他雇佣了丧夫的美丽女警艾莲娜(埃尔莎?帕塔奇Elsa Pataky 饰),一同寻找多米。与此同时,里约的地头蛇也对这些不速之客开火。三股势力开始相互缠斗。 期间,因米亚怀孕,布莱恩决定陪她一起逃亡,所以多米只得依靠昔日老友探寻新车的秘密。在罗曼、韩等人的帮助下,多米终于找到了这辆车的秘密——芯片,并由此揭开了其中隐藏的一个不可告人的计划…


速度与激情3主题曲-TokyoDrift 歌词 Iwonder if you know How they live in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) (Repeat) (Japanese verse) Rasha ii, omachito sama kenso mamiro konoma chinoenso dama tamama ichii do itsu eoi de sikayju miryu suruhudoni ko kana Japan, Ichiban Jump around sawchirono deban Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be he said intyaro kai in VIP many many diamonds danglin Bag full of money we stranglin

Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me All the above cuz you can't get in I don't want no puro buremu Because muy professional Make you, shake you, ketsu (Thank you!) Haters take it personal (Japanese verse) like kakanada tai tets o now drop it on lets go now na nachima mai nimits o lets not chiki chima over wets go nets go tsuhilohilo over every color esgo esgol ju waktu chunai niikro new waksu itsukunai pingpoi (Chorus) I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it

Fast And Furious 4《速度与激情4》 中英对照台词

Fast And Furious 4《速度与激情4》 Dom: All right, we're good to go. 好了,准备行动。 You got this. 该你上场了。 -Letty: I got your ass papa. 交给我了。 Let's make some money! 赚大钱喽! -Dom: Everyone in position. position: 位置 大家各就各位。 -Han: I thought that we would be robbing banks by now. rob: 抢 我觉得我们现在应该去抢银行。 We got some gas truck in the middle of no where. gas: 油 truck: 卡车 middle: 中央 在这荒无人烟的地方只有辆破油车。 -Letty: Down here gas is gold papa. 在这里石油比金子还值钱。 -Tego: Yeah, But banks don't move.. 没错,但是银行可不会到处乱跑。 -Man: Anytime you get near a bank. We have to break your ass out of prison. prison: 监狱 你一接近银行,我们就得准备去监狱救你。 -Dom: Kill the cheddar, game time. 别说废话,干正事。 -Letty:I wouldn’t piss them off guys. piss: 惹恼 我可不会把他们惹恼的,伙计们。 -Driver: Yeah, yeah,I hear you. 嗯嗯,听到你肚子叫了。 Hey, you greedy bitch! greedy: 饥饿的 嘿,饥渴的婊子! -Dom: Ok guys we got to hit this hard fast ,we got 14 left before they drive to bridge. 好了,伙计们,我们要抓紧时间,在到达大桥之前还有14分钟。 -Woman: Locked and loaded. 套上了,开卸吧。 -Letty: This is all you, Han. 看你的喽Han。 Liquid gold ha, ha.

速度与激情5 豪车

速度与激情5》曝光各种给力超跑大盘点 作为电影史上最卖座的赛车题材,《速度与激情》无论是从各个方面都足询以吸引年青观众,尤其是当这个系列已经进行到第五部,而且是所有主演悉数回归,齐聚一堂的时候。300辆车遭重创,快感十足的飙车场景是车迷最为关注的,这也势必造成车辆的碰撞和毁损,这样的场面也将在新片中得以体现。据悉,在该片的拍摄中,共毁坏了200多辆汽车,而汽车的金属碎片洒满了街道。为此我们为车迷们准备了主力车型的清单,下面来一一详解析 《速度与激情5》超跑对决他们决定干最后一票的任务地点是巴西的里约热内卢。多米尼克和布莱恩组成了一支终极赛车团队,和当地的触目惊心的腐败政府展开对战,而神秘的第三方势力也插手了他们的交锋,但疯狗一样的铁血警察也绝不示弱...

Ford Galaxy 其中,最值得观众和车迷期待的就是追车镜头。据透露,该片主创人员特别将追车镜头延长至一刻钟,并且场面绝对震撼。据介绍,其中一场戏发生在里约热内卢的大街上,主角们被好几十辆警车追逐,穿越了整个城市,这样的动作场面是观众从未看过的。并且最最重要的是,它们完全都是实拍,而非技术手段处理的结果。

FORD GT40 这辆概念车将把传奇的GT40重新赋予生命,重新唤起福特跑车激情,性能和速度的特点。GT40概念车按照前辈类似的,圆滑的侧面轮廓铸造。直至每个尺寸,每个弯曲,每根线条都是忠于原作并进行了时尚的重新修塑。GT40最显著的特点就是60年代赛车那种长长的车前鼻。但其精细的强调线条,光学纤维的车头灯也使得该车透露出现代的气息。

Corvette Grand Sport 科尔维特是美国最早的跑车品牌之一.它的标志是交叉的两面旗子。黑白相间的旗子表示该车是参加公路汽车大赛的运动车;红色旗子上的蝴蝶结商标表示该车由雪佛兰分部制造.旗上的奖杯和花朵则代表夺魁后的欢呼和成功的纪念。历史上有许多值得尊敬和收藏的好车,1963 Corvette Grand Sport 就是部例子,但是你要买到这款车几乎不大可能,那需要很多金钱,而Superformance 以善于复刻跑车出名,他们拿到通用的官方授权,可以生产这辆跑车的房车版和赛车版,完全秉承了这辆车在那个年代的辉煌和造型


看《速度与激情8》有感—一如既往的激情 周末去看了电影《速度与激情8》,便被电影充满热血和激情的飙车和打斗场面感染了。当“七年之痒”成了一种难以摆脱的魔咒,《速度与激情》系列却成功突围,堪称老司机中的战斗机,一言不合就飙车,一飙就是十五年,这份常青与坚持,实属难得。 事实上,《速度与激情》系列也并非一帆风顺,前三部品相不佳,票房与口碑双失利,直到环球再次启用林诣彬,在“速度”与“激情”上苦练内功,并正式引入“Family”的概念,影片这才真正有了灵魂,从此风靡全球,一发不可收拾。 在上部作品中,温子仁接过导演棒,创造性地运用翻转的镜头语言,营造出更为逼真的观影效果,又因保罗的意外离世,《速度与激情7》自带情怀牌,获得了前所未有的成功。 不过,问题又来了:在保罗去世后的时代,电影将何去何从? 可喜的是,我们并未看到该系列走向终结,而是以新瓶装旧酒的方式,再次呈现在众人面前。 最大的变动在于男主角多米尼克,前期被黑化,背叛整个飞车家族,随着剧情的发展,最终成功洗白,倒有点像数学里的反证法,实际上是从正反两面突出“Family”这一核心理念。与之相对应的是,大反派德卡特.肖却改邪归正,成功救出多米尼克之子,为多米尼克洗白送上神助攻。为此,在飞机上打斗救多米尼克之子一段加入了很多搞笑的元素,如婴儿带着耳麦卖萌,全然不知危险逼近。此外,奥斯卡影后查理兹.塞隆的加盟,使得本片更具有看点,明明可以靠颜值,却偏偏靠黑科技,举手投足间便可黑掉车辆电脑系统,在繁华的纽约街头组建一支“僵尸车军团”,可谓运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外。 本片不仅烧脑,还烧钱,且不说在“天降汽车雨”中毁掉了多少辆汽车,也不说整个剧组辗转各地实景拍摄,单说豪车、装甲车、坦克、潜艇等各种装备齐齐上阵,再加上柏林大摆球突袭、街头飙车、冰川大战等层出不穷的大场面,简直让人血脉偾张,荷尔蒙炸裂! 当然,该片并非只有“速度”与“激情”,比如卢克.霍布斯与德卡特.肖相爱相杀,仿佛相声里的逗哏与捧哏,毫无悬念地充当起笑点担当,就连多米尼克之子都能时不时地卖个萌,为紧张惊险的剧情平添了几分诙谐。到最后,一众主角谱写Happy Ending,气氛再次回归温馨,契合“Family”这一主题。 不得不说,《速度与激情》系列堪称电影版的《国家地理杂志》,足迹遍布世界各地,以一种多元化的视角架构故事。本片丝毫不会逊色于前作,从激情四射的古巴风情到高楼林立的摩登城市,再到冰封千里的雪国风光,成功地抓住了观众的猎奇心理,辅以商业元素的合理运用,自然而然地掀起了新一轮观影狂潮。 谁说系列电影不能长寿?故事,永远都是影片的核心,讲好了故事,电影就能绽放它本该有的光彩!而且,这个系列电影将一如既往地激情和速度下去。

速度与激情6 英语台词

7分45秒开始 霍布斯:This is what 100 miillion buys?It wasn’t that hard to find you,Toretto. 唐(托雷多):I wasn’t hiding. 霍布斯:How’s the life of retired international criminal? 唐:I like it here. It’s quiet.Nice weather,and no extradition. So what are you doing here,cop? 霍布斯:Last Tuesday,a tean of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia. 唐:I don’t do cold weather. 霍布斯:I know it wasn’t you.But you’re going to help me catch the team responsible.And you ain’t gonna need that. 艾琳娜(单身女警):You can’t touch him,Hobbs.You’ve got no powers… 霍布斯:I’m not here to extradite anyone.See,he’s going to come voluntarily. As a matter of fact,he’s going to beg me. This was taken a week ago. I’ll see you out front. 艾琳娜:It’s Letty,isn’t it? 唐:It’s impossible. 艾琳娜:If that was my husband,if there was a chance,no matter how small,I would go. 唐:I’m going to need everything,all the info you got. 霍布斯:You’ll get it when the team gets it. 唐:No team.This is going to have to be me alone. 霍布斯:It’s not that simple.The crew we’re after,they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke.You go in alone,you won’t ever touch them.I’ve been chasing this guy actoss four continents and 12 countries,and believe me,the last damn place Iwant to be right now is on your front doorstep,selling Girl Scout cookies.I need your help,Dom.I need your team. 罗姆(黑人):Okey,ladies,bring it in.Listen,I want to make a https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d3179797.html,e on.listen,I know a fow of y’all have already been to Macau,but you have never seen the town till you’ve seen it through my eyes.We got a penthouse suite with an ocean view that’s going to change your life.150-foot yacht with a helicopter pad…Mmm-hmm.Safe to say,you’re about to have the time of your lives. 女陪侍:No,you are.Cheers. 哥们:Look at you,rolling in a Ferrati,pockets full of cash!Yeah,man.You used to be all Robin Hood,sharing all the money you got.You know what I’m telling you.Money changed you. 帕克:You are right.Money has changed me.I realized that money doesn’t grow on trees.It rains from the sky! 格里斯(女车手):谢谢,看起来很好吃。 韩:Nice! 格里斯:I’m a citizen of the world. 韩:Ever thought about setting down?Starting a life together? 格里斯:Aren’t we doing that? 韩:Are we? 中国女警:Put your guns down…take up!


速度与激情7经典台词 速度与激情7经典台词 1、无论如何……你跟你的朋友是跑不掉了。 2、就如同“大赦”和“特赦”,我们出生的那天,这些词就消失了。 3、我们亲如一家,彼此永远忠诚。 4、一次的正确并不能抵消长久以来犯下的错误 5、我活着的理念-就是我从来不参与游戏。 6、在工作完成之前团队只是围绕工作的组件而已。团队必须是有效的,能干活的。 7、没想到可以玩的这么大。 8、记得欧文肖吧?这是他的大坏蛋哥哥! 9、你们做自己该做的,但不要放过他。 10、有谁可以告诉我等一下到底要干嘛? 11、在伦敦结下的梁子,人家找上门了。 12、我们没有朋友,我们是家人。 13、还以为就那样了,原来还有更牛的。 14、我跟肖合作,物质,武器,金钱,女人…什么都有。 15、所有这一切都为了十亿,值得吗?是的,它值。何况你的价格呢,杜姆。 16、有谁可以告诉我等一下到底要干嘛? ————来源网络整理,仅供参考 1

17、不说声再见吗?怎么说的出口。 18、生活很简单,作出选择,绝不回头! 19、布莱恩开小客车,世界变了。 20、人生中最重要的永远是此刻此地的家人。 21、速度与力量的结合才能显现出完美,两者缺一不可以。 22、你不认识我。不过很快会认识了。 23、我没有朋友,我只有家人。 24、你若伤她的心,我就扭断你的脖子。 25、人生中最重要的永远是此刻此地的家人 26、没有遗憾,就没有过去 27、有事大家一起扛,他去也有个照应两个人在一起总比一个人强。 28、一个好的车手是不会让自己出事的如果有一天他出事了那一定是他自己的选择。 29、钱生不带来,死不带去,最重要的是大家能在一起。此时,此刻,为友情干杯! 30、敌人的敌人就是朋友,这里,我有很多朋友。 31、你永远与我同在,也永远是我的兄弟。 32、谁也拆不散我们,因为我们是家人。 33、无论如何……你跟你的朋友是跑不掉了。 34、当我飙车到100迈时,我才能体会到自由的滋味。 35、还以为就那样了,原来还有更牛的。 2 ————来源网络整理,仅供参考


《速度与激情7》片尾曲《See You Again》 演唱:Wiz Khalifa、Charlie Puth 歌词: It's been a long day without you my friend 吾之挚友,无见许久 And I'll tell you all about It when I see you again 君影若现,诉之怀悠 We've come a long way from where we began 功成已长,名就同休 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 吾将诉浮华万千若君影重故 When I see you again 君容依旧 Damn who knew all the planes we flew 怎忆空影君吾逝 Good things we've been through 佳观君吾赏 That I'll be standing right here 则吾同君孤立 Talking to you about another path 谈笑人生别途 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh 虽晓同好行路乐逍遥 But something told me that it wouldn't last 然冥冥诉语前路莫同 Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture 无奈分别,异与君世观于明景 Those were the days hard work forever pays 往昔种种,所劳酬报 Now I see you in a better place 见君现已处佳华 How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? 家若仅存此生,怎可默消家谈 Everything I went through you were standing there by my side 历经风雨,君影依然,并肩同 And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 如今君同吾行最终章 It's been a long day without you my friend


1. Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't. 如果你不好好表现,我就弄死你。 2. We the fam and loyalty never change up. 我们亲如一家,彼此永远忠诚。 3. And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove. 我们的热火瞬间点燃黑夜。 4. Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it. 绝不放慢速度,宁愿粉身碎骨。 5. I see some people ahead that we gon' pass. 前面的对手我们都要超越。 6. You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed. 亲吻姑娘的时候,我才会闭眼。 7. I never feared death or dying,I only fear never trying. 我从不害怕死亡,只害怕无疾而终。 8. I am whatever I am,Only God can judge me. 我就是我,只有上帝才能对我指指点点。 9. Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it. 有人评头论足,我就让你闭嘴。

10. Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us. 给他们应有的尊重,不然骄兵必败。 11. Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to. 没有人能强迫我做我不想做的事。 12. Some things you just have to take on faith. 有时你只需依靠信念。 13. It takes an amazing woman. He's an amazing guy. 你是个出色的女人,他是个不错的男人。 14. Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes, our old life is done. 记住!你一旦踏入那扇门,一切都改变了,过去的生活不复存在了。 15. Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way. 主啊,谢谢你让我们朋友团聚。主啊,感谢我们所得的选择,因为那些成就了今天的我们,我们会永远珍惜一路上我们所痛失的爱人。 16. You don't know me, you're about to. 你不认识我,你马上会认识了。 17. I never thought I would believe that a criminal. Now they can. We also. 我从来没想过我会相信一个罪犯。现在会了。我们也是。 18. Want to catch the big fish, deep water to get.


《速度与激情7》经典台词大全 1、我没有朋友,只有家人。 I dont have friends,I got family. 范迪塞尔 2、你永远与我同在,也永远是我的兄弟 You'll always be with me, and you'll always be my brothe. FOR PAUL 3、生活中最重要的就是此刻你身边的人,这才是最真实的。 4、我说过,每飚一次车就像过了一辈子,也正因此我们成了兄弟,因为你也是这个活法。 5、无论你身处何方,是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!See you again Paul ! 6、我一生中做的最棒的决定就是走进你家的店,买下了一块三明治。 7、从今以后你去哪我去哪,你飚车我飚车,就算你死我也陪着你,不会丢下你一个人。 8、只要走进彼此心里,即使死亡,两个人也仍在一起。 9、再见布莱恩再见保罗 10、我们从起点走来,经历漫漫长路。每一次飙车,就像走过一次人生。 11、不说声再见就想走?怎么能说得出口。 12、No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother. 无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!


好莱坞电影赏析 机自103 赵春泽

《速度与激情5》电影赏析每个人都喜欢不同的类型的电影,而我比较喜欢刺激的科幻类,《速度与激情5》就是一部我很喜欢的电影。评判一部动作片的最重要标准是它是否留下了让人难忘的招牌动作场面,正如评判一部悬疑片的最重要标准是剧本的智商。从这个层面说,fast five绝对值得上经典。 影片的节奏控制得很好,没有拖泥带水,影片的整体效果让人体会到久违的飞车影片的那狂野的激情。 影片走的还是老路子—跑车,俊男靓女,肌肉男,刺激的追车场面,但这些招式屡试不爽。因为这些文化是深深植于美国的自由英雄主义当中,别忘了,对于男人来说,跑车和美女是终生难以抵挡的诱惑。 距离上一次的充满激情的速度生涯已经过去了两年,两位驰骋赛车界的风云人物多米尼克(范·迪塞尔Vin Diesel 饰)与布莱恩(保罗·沃克Paul Walker 饰)厌倦了见不得光的逃避警察的生活,为了让自己彻底获得自由,他们决定干最后一票来完成这个目标,而任务地点则是巴西的里约热内卢。多米尼克和布莱恩组成了一支终极赛车团队,和当地的触目惊心的腐败政府展开对战,而神秘的第三方势力也插手了他们的交锋······ 另一方面,声名显赫的FBI探员卢克(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson/岩石饰)依然在执着的追捕着多米尼克和布莱恩,他率领精英突击队对两人进行了全面围攻,结果在里约大败而归。不过卢克可不是什么好惹的主,彻底被激怒的他决定设下天毕业论文/ 罗地网,来彻底的围剿多米尼克和布莱恩。在里约的贫民窟和公路上,一场你死我活的惊心追逐就此上演······ 整个片子大部分都是放的那种飙车,看下来不得不让我佩服他们那高超的车技,同时也是为他们那超速捏一把汗。影片中我最欣赏的双块头。双块头带来的激情都非常给力。他们的团队精神,他们的作案手法。神乎其神。想成为一位飞车党,前提是具有高超的车技,你可以没有驾照,但一定要有技术,其次,还要有英俊的外形,如果没有的话,那就必须有虎背熊腰的身材,如果你骨肉如柴,如何一边怀抱美女一边乐嘻嘻的开着飞车?最后,作为一名飞车党,还要随时做好坐牢,被殴打,被警察追,没饭吃,躲避隐姓埋名的苦日子,可以说飞车党是一个苦中有乐,把头挂在腰边并在刀锋上跳舞的职业。你要成为飞车党之前要考虑好这是不是属于你的职业规划。影片对我最大的吸引力反而是岩石巨森的加入,影片加入一位强悍的猛男,只要运用得当就会为影片锦上添花,他和文迪赛尔的那一场血肉搏击战,完全就是公牛对公牛,热火对热火,肌肉对肌肉,彼此间不分伯仲, 还有就是动作桥段,自然不必太过遵循真实世界的物理规律,也自然不是变形金刚那种电脑动画。“砸真车的效果是电脑动画做不来的。”fast five的导演在一次访谈中如是说,听到这话的我就对这部电影有了信心,尽管在这之前,我并不是fast系列的拥趸,因为1-4部并没有奉献任何一个追车戏的经典桥段。 多米尼克讲的一句话特别的经典“钱生不带来,死不带去。钱不重要,重要的是情意,朋友能在一起团结的做好一件事,这是最为开心的。”当今社会也许缺少的更多的是这种友情。 这部速度一如既往的延续了狂飙、血性、激情、冒险还有智慧元素在里面,从头看到尾一刻也没放松过,简直是全身心的投入到了剧情中,起伏跌宕,结尾那个保险柜10秒掉包个人感觉设计很棒,很给力。


速度与激情5的英文影评:Fast & Furious 5 is probably the best one in the franchise so far. It has great action sequences that follow the plot and do not drag on for too long without having any significance to the story. There was a great plot, this time Brain O'Connor finally being on the bad side. The start led immediately off the last movie, where Dom is broken out of prison. Then Brain, Mia and Dom flee to Rio to hide. There they manage to get the cops attention again by helping Vince pull a job. This time they aren't let off lightly- agent Hobbs is on their tail and he won't rest until they're behind bars. I was thrilled to see all the old characters from all the movies back together again hatching brilliant mastermind plots and carrying them out so slick and smooth. I found that the first and fourth movie were a bit boring and lacked the amount of action and plot to keep me interested- My favourites were the second and third, though it was a disappointment not to have Vin Diesel in them. The only bring down in Fast Five was the lack of awesome cars like the ones in Tokyo drift. I was kind of looking forward to amazing paint jobs, races and girls like the first few but there were less of them in this one. That was the only disappointment. Came out of the cinema buzzing, more than pleased and excited for the next one! Yes! Live on Fast & Furious franchise!

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不得不看《速度与激情5》全部车型图文详解来源:张小轩Kevin的日志 Honda NSX 首先出来砸场的是来自本田的第二代NSX-R,它搭载是由熟练的技术人员组装的3.2L DOHC V6发动机,最大马力290匹,比标准版的NSX多出20匹,1.3吨的整备质量也轻于普通版100kg。这台NSX-R可非同一般,整车的性能不是几个功率指数体现出来的,其精髓在于超精细的调教和整车的一流操控。跑完整整一圈纽伯格林环路所用的时间和法拉利360 Challenge Stradale (高性能轻量版)所用的时间相同,而法拉利360CS要比NSX-R多出近100马力。

DodgeCharger1970 1970年版的道奇Charger是速度与激情系列的常客了,在1,4,5三部都有露面。1968-1970的Charger搭载3.7L 6缸引擎和从5.2L到7.2L的5款V8引擎,其中尤以7.0L Hemi引擎著名,原厂标定425马力,实际可轻松输出500马力。作为美国肌肉车的代表作,Charger以其漂亮的可乐瓶车身和强劲的性能而闻名。

Ford GT40 上世纪60年代,福特曾经想买下法拉利以进入勒芒赛事,但法拉利之神Enzo Ferrari不卖。福特只得自己研发,GT40因此诞生,最终GT40居然打败法拉利夺魁。而今天的福特GT虽然在外观上几乎和其前辈GT40一模一样,但骨子里的却是福特最新最尖端的技术。 Nissan Skyline 1972 说起C10系列的日产Skyline的历史还挺有意思,最初这台车实际上是在位于东京郊区Ogikubo R&D公司作为Prince品牌进行开发的,日产只负责市场方面的工作。而到了开卖的时候,Prince在汽车和卡车领域已经被市场淘汰了,最终被规划到日产旗下。

速度与激情影评 英文

速度与激情影评 Closes the cerebrum, starts the motor, fiercely notices theaccelerator, enjoys that high speed to gallop it "to be crisp"! This is "Speed And Fervor" character's major activity, also is this piece of audience obtains only stimulates. "Speed And Fervor" screened the first weekend to sell for 41.6 million US dollars. Is in command, the manufacture funds as a not big star has not become the report object the ordinary movement piece, this piece imposing manner really has several minute "cool is born" the flavor. This is this year summer movie busy season first true "is pleasantly surprised", because the film executive originally does not dare wild hope this piece to have the too good result. Perhaps was it rightly chooses "appeared on the market" the opportunity (if like "the Ancient grave Li Shade" or "Sailfish Motion" simultaneously screened with the similar movie speech, result possibly could different), perhaps was everybody expected value too is low, in brief so long as you calmly entered the theater, it surely could let your pulse acceleration beat. "Speed And Fervor" show off is the American young people culture image: Speeds away the racing bicycle, the speeding car competition, the agitation muscle, puts on the tight-fitting skirtspicy younger sister... ... All these are representing the rebelspirit and the hedonism. In the piece actor has athlete's body and spirit, star's cheek, reactionary gang chieftain's stubborn, lets you think the eye one is bright. If this piece begins using the widely known star, the effect instead is not possibly good, cannot let the person feel rushed in a very dangerous novel world. If lets me make a bet, I dare to say this piece lead Fan enlightenedthe Chinese zither you greatly to have substitutes for Stiven Seger orstill potential of the Chrowder Fan Dami, became two movements redstars. His that bald image, does intentionally the ponder in additionthe makings and shows off the aphorism the custom, (blue collar socialstratum should be able in particular) to have the infinite charmregarding 25 year old of below male student. (The author successfullyhad predicted "Holy war Knight" center xiaosheng this year red, theestimate now this second prediction cannot too be odd. ) Although the author is maintaining the good record at thisaspect, but forecast actor's star transports or the movie box officeoriginally is not the movie criticism person's part of ones dutylives; However, the narration movie plot actually is the work which Iis unable thoroughly to avoid, but when the plot completely weaves bythe convention becomes, this work not is at variance with theplatitudes. We
