



Homework 1:

In the following four weeks, ask the students to

1. watch some movies and TV series ( choose two from the following four movies :

What Women Want, Wall Street I, Wall Street II Money Never Sleeps and Arbitrage and choose one from the following two TV series: The Apprentice and Undercover Boss)

2. read some novels ( choose two from the following two: Money Changer and

The Promotion of Du Lala)

3. write reading notes and pull a clip that you have been deeply impressed after

watching videos and reading novels)

Unit 1 Job interviews

Homework 2:

1.Oral English practice : make a dialogue with your partner. the topic: job interview

2.Paperwork: write an English resume according to your own situation

Unit 2 Jobs and Responsibilities

Homework 3:

1.Paperwork: group activity: establish your own company and every member should

have a position in it, then draw a chart of the company structure and make a written description.

2.Oral English practice : every member describes the company structure and your

position and responsibilities before the teaching assistant.

Unit 3 On the Phone

Homework 4:

Oral English practice: make a business call according to the usual six step in post-viewing at page 40

Homework 5:

A questionnaire survey

Unit 4 At a Meeting

Homework 6:

Oral English practice: group activity: have a business meeting in English according to the situation in follow-up practice at page 51 or another situation in post-viewing at page 53.

The mark of homework may be part of score in final examination

Homework 7:

V ocabulary test 1(Unit1-Unit4)

Unit 5 Business Travel

Homework 8:

Oral English practice: group activity: make dialogues related with the whole procedure of a business travel:

enquire about flights —reserve airplane tickets —enquire about facilities and services in a hotel —book a hotel room —check in —request services in a hotel —check out

Unit 6 Company Presentations

Homework 9:

Oral English practice: every student should make a company presentation ( a group can share the same company profile)

The mark of homework will be part of score in final examination

Unit 9 Business Dinner

Homework 9:

Oral English practice: group activity: have a business dinner in English.

The mark of homework may be part of score in final examination

Homework 10:

V ocabulary test 1(Unit5-Unit7)



I. Make a dialogue with the partner.(drawing for the topic)(20’)

1.Job interview.

2.Describe the structure of your company and your position and responsibilities.

3.On the phone.

4.Business travel

1)Making enquiries for your trip and booking airline tickets;

2)Checking in at the airport;

3)Going through customs;

4)Making a room reservation;

5)Checking in and checking out.

Time limit: 3-5 minutes.


Total score 20’

Language ability 10’(including pronunciation,fluency and accuracy)

Communication ability 10’

II. Group activities(20’)


Total score 20’

General performance 10’

Individual performance 10’

III Company presentation(20’)


Total score 20’

Pronunciation and fluency 10’Accuracy 10’


2020商务英语专业大学排名一览表 商务英语专业方向主要培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和较 系统的国际商务管理理论知识,具有较强的实践技能,能在外贸、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、管理、教学、研究工作的英语高级专门人才。一起来了解一下商务英语专业大学排名吧! 商务英语专业 排名 高校名称 开此专业学校数 1上海外国语大学3822华南理工大学3823黑龙江大学3824广东外语外贸大学3825上海财经大学3826对外经济贸易大学3827上海对外经贸大学3828江西师范大学3829华中农业大学38210四川外国语大学38211广东工业大学38212广州航海学院38213四川旅游学院38214浙江工商大学38215西南财经大学38216江苏理工学院38217暨南大学38218江西财经大学38219西安外国语大学38220福建江夏学院382 简要介绍 "商务英语"的概念从提出到今天,起始时间已经不短了,但在国际化大趋势下,英语学习市场风起云涌的今天,很多培训机构又把商务英语作为了其主要的培训项目。究竟什么是商务英语?

它又适合什么人读呢?我们仅仅从我们的角度来进行一些阐述,供大家参考。 从英语培训的目的来看,既有考试培训,又有能力培训,商务英语界乎两者之间。 在中国的市场更加深入地融入到国际经济社会之中时,国内人才市场由于大批外资公司的登陆,对商务英语的人才的需求也愈来愈大。不过我们再次要说明商务英语并不是万能的,也不是独立存在的,许多外企需要员工具有更加专业性的英语能力--"职业英语",比如ETS的TOEIC和TOPE,也有人把TOEIC统称为商务英语,其实二者是有区别的,他们的含义与作用都不同。对于职业英语而言,学员参加某一项测试并得到一定的分数来证明其对英语语言的应用能力。学生需要和得到的是一个分数,证明其有能力承担相关的工作。而事实上,比如托福,得到高分的考生并不证明其拥有了相对应的能力。而商务英语,作为一种特定的教程,强调的不仅仅是语言的水平,而是一种实际综合素质的提高。B E C会帮助学员学会如何利用英语语言达到更高的职业目标。例如西方的管理理念、工作心理、如何与外国人打交道等等,实际的在工作中给学员以帮助。 "商务"、"英语"、若即若离 关于商务英语,不少人会有疑问,究竟是"商务中的英语"还是"商务加英语","商务"与"英语"两者内部到底是什么关系?确实


精读翻译 1. 经理先生,明天我可以不来上班吗?我母亲要来看我 Mr. Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me. 2. 警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索 The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers. 3. 上周我生病时,她主动提出来帮助我照顾孩子。 When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child. 4. 除了厨房以外,这套公寓应该说是非常令人满意的了 Except for the kitchen, the flat is very satisfactory. 5. 她去年被提升为部门经理。 She was promoted to branch manager last year. 6. 人人都累极了,只有约翰没事。 Everyone was exhausted except John. 7. 谁在经营这家公司? Who's running this company? 8. 他伸手到口袋里去拿钱包。 He reached into his pocket for the wallet 1.我想在镇上买幢房子,但现在买不起 I want to buy a house in town, but can't afford it now. 2.今年生意很好,我们可以买一辆新汽车了。 We can afford a new car this year because of good business/thanks to good business. 3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次 He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years 4.她每隔三天回家一次,帮母亲打扫房间。 She went home to help mother to clean the rooms every fourth day/every four days/once in four days. 5.他把家具搬进了另一个房间。 He moved the furniture into another room. 6.他们不喜欢住在这个地区,所以想搬到别处去。 They don't like this place, and have decided to move house to another residential area. 7.李明和其他四位同学合住一个房间。 Li Ming shares the dormitory with four other students. 8.他们俩合买了一台电视机。 They shared the payment for a TV. 1.对不起,我们不招聘学生。 I'm afraid that the position is not open to students. 2.前两天我突然看到一封法国的来信。 I came across a letter from France the other day. 3.他把手放在胸口,显得十分诚恳。 He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity. 4.我已经填好了申请表 I've filled in the application form. 5.她身上穿了件外套。


我对商务英语专业的 认识

商务英语专业导论课程作业 题目:我对商务英语专业的认识年级与班级 姓名与学号 日期与时间

目录(一)内容提要 (二)关键字 (三)内容 一、商务英语的内涵 二、商务英语的特点 三、商务英语的发展现状 四、商务英语的前景 五、商务英语的培养目标(四)结语 (五)参考文献

(一)内容提要 随着我国对外贸易的迅猛发展,国内企业国际化程度迅速提高;与之相适应,培养具备全球化经营能力和具备国际商务英语沟通能力的人才,已被教育部门提上议事日程。截至2009年,教育部已批准7所高校设立商务英语本科专业,有超过700多所院校设立了英语专业商务英语方向。在中国,商务英语证书被各类涉外企业、部门、组织或机构用来作为招收职员时英语能力的证明;同时也是商务工作人员或英语学习者检验、提高自己英语水平的方式;对于即将进入职场的在校学生或已工作的青年来说,它是就业、求职的重要砝码,因此,商务英语证书被称为--商务求职的通行证,本文试从当前商务英语的现状谈谈自己的看法。 (二)关键字 商务英语内涵特点发展现状发展方向培养目标 (三)内容 一.商务英语专业内涵 商务英语的概念有着非常丰富的内涵,很长一段时间以来商务英语实际上被误用了。很多人认为商务英语就是综合英语加一些商务知识和技能,对概念如此理解是不准确的。商务英语包含5个层面:其一是英语培训,这是最基础也是最容易理解的一个层面。大部分院校在这个层面做的都比较好。其二是“特殊商务技能”,这个层面包括商务会议、商务谈判、商务计划、信函、报告的撰写等日常商务应用技能。此外,还要对一些特别的专业词汇进行专门的学习和训练。其三是掌握必要的跨学科知识,包括金融、财政、法学、贸易等等。其四是需要对目的语国家的文化和价值观的认同和提升,包括跟同事、客户、上下


商务英语课程作业一览表 Introduction Homework 1: In the following four weeks, ask the students to 1. watch some movies and TV series ( choose two from the following four movies : What Women Want, Wall Street I, Wall Street II Money Never Sleeps and Arbitrage and choose one from the following two TV series: The Apprentice and Undercover Boss) 2. read some novels ( choose two from the following two: Money Changer and The Promotion of Du Lala) 3. write reading notes and pull a clip that you have been deeply impressed after watching videos and reading novels) Unit 1 Job interviews Homework 2: 1.Oral English practice : make a dialogue with your partner. the topic: job interview 2.Paperwork: write an English resume according to your own situation Unit 2 Jobs and Responsibilities Homework 3: 1.Paperwork: group activity: establish your own company and every member should have a position in it, then draw a chart of the company structure and make a written description. 2.Oral English practice : every member describes the company structure and your position and responsibilities before the teaching assistant. Unit 3 On the Phone Homework 4: Oral English practice: make a business call according to the usual six step in post-viewing at page 40 Homework 5: A questionnaire survey Unit 4 At a Meeting Homework 6: Oral English practice: group activity: have a business meeting in English according to the situation in follow-up practice at page 51 or another situation in post-viewing at page 53. The mark of homework may be part of score in final examination Homework 7:


大学商务英语怎么学 第一步:找到你每日学习效率最高的时间点。 根据第一步测算,工作日期间每天能安排出2个小时的学习时间。但是这2个小时是集中学习、还是分散学习,又是因人而异。首先,你要确定一天中你学习效率最高的是什么时候。如果是起床后精神 最振奋,还是夜猫子不到12点就亢奋不起来;其次,你要知道自己 集中注意力的时间能保持多长,是十分钟还是半小时;最后,根据你 自己的生物钟,做出安排。 第二步:找出你的薄弱项,重点突破。 每个人在英语学习,尤其是商务英语学习方面的薄弱项都不同,有人听力差、有人单词少、有人开不了口,有人写不下来,所谓的“听说读写都不行”那是与其他人比较的结果。现在是要发现自己 的薄弱项,所以就“矮子里拔长子”,先选出一个最弱的,然后逐 一突破。如果每个都想提高,每个都花相同的力气,对于繁忙的上 班族来说,只会把自己弄得筋疲力尽、坚持不下去。所以请各位还 是有的放矢吧。 PS:语言学习不是孤立的,听力提高了,不可能单词量没上去; 阅读好了,不可能写作还是原地踏步。所以,不用担心“顾此失彼”,还是要逐一突破。 第三步:制定具有可行性的计划,并公之于众。 制定计划最怕的是好高骛远,什么每天背100个单词、听10篇 听力、写2篇作文、读一小时英语……计划是很好,也有很抱负, 但可行性不够。这样的计划,只是看起来很美而已,操作起来只会 很累。只能坚持十天半个月就会放弃的计划,不如不定。另外有一点,就是把你的计划、你的目标公之于众!这点很重要,把你的计划 贴在办公室的墙上,人来人往都会看到,当大家都知道你在学习英语,在复习BEC,还有半年就要去考BEC了,你就“硬着头皮也要


Key (练习答案) Unit 6 Jewelry Reading I Exercise II 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d III 1. accumulate 2. brilliant 3. choosy 4. malicious 5. bachelor 6. destined 7. odd 8. communion 9. intuition 10. fulfill IV 1. infect 2. was destined 3. joke about 4. to do with 5. takes her time 6. were to 7. in his stead 8. edge to her voice 9. fell apart 10. won’t be cut out for V 1. shortly 2. It’s very odd 3. choosy 4. in my stead 5. in communion with 6. be destined never to see each other again VI 1.revel 1) vt. to make known (something previously secret or unknown)揭示;揭 露;泄露 . The investigation has revealed some serious faults in the system. 2) vt. to show or allow sth. to be seen 展现;显露出 . The curtains opened, to reveal a darkened stage. [相关词] revealing adj. allowing parts to be seen which are usually kept covered 暴露的;裸露的 . a very revealing dress revelation n. the making known of some secret 展示;揭露;显露 . The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation. revelations n. (宗教)启示录 [相关搭配] reveal a scandal 揭露丑闻 reveal the inside story (of) 揭开内幕 reveal a secret 揭开秘密 reveal the objective laws 揭示客观规律 a. Her biography revealed that she was not as rich as everyone thought. b. A joke can be very revealing of what someone’s really thinking. c. He still did not reveal what he felt about me. 2. accumulate vi./ vt. to collect or grow into a mass积累;积聚 . A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.


商务英语专业导论课程作业 题目:我对商务英语专业的认识年级与班级 姓名与学号 日期与时间

目录(一)内容提要 (二)关键字 (三)内容 一、商务英语的内涵 二、商务英语的特点 三、商务英语的发展现状 四、商务英语的前景 五、商务英语的培养目标(四)结语 (五)参考文献

(一)内容提要 随着我国对外贸易的迅猛发展,国内企业国际化程度迅速提高;与之相适应,培养具备全球化经营能力和具备国际商务英语沟通能力的人才,已被教育部门提上议事日程。截至2009年,教育部已批准7所高校设立商务英语本科专业,有超过700多所院校设立了英语专业商务英语方向。在中国,商务英语证书被各类涉外企业、部门、组织或机构用来作为招收职员时英语能力的证明;同时也是商务工作人员或英语学习者检验、提高自己英语水平的方式;对于即将进入职场的在校学生或已工作的青年来说,它是就业、求职的重要砝码,因此,商务英语证书被称为--商务求职的通行证,本文试从当前商务英语的现状谈谈自己的看法。 (二)关键字 商务英语内涵特点发展现状发展方向培养目标 (三)内容 一.商务英语专业内涵 商务英语的概念有着非常丰富的内涵,很长一段时间以来商务英语实际上被误用了。很多人认为商务英语就是综合英语加一些商务知识和技能,对概念如此理解是不准确的。商务英语包含5个层面:其一是英语培训,这是最基础也是最容易理解的一个层面。大部分院校在这个层面做的都比较好。其二是“特殊商务技能”,这个层面包括商务会议、商务谈判、商务计划、信函、报告的撰写等日常商务应用技能。此外,还要对一些特别的专业词汇进行专门的学习和训练。其三是掌握必要的跨学科知识,包括金融、财政、法学、贸易等等。其四是需要对目的语国家的文化和价值观的认同和提升,包括跟同事、客户、上下级、商务伙伴等等的沟通能力,对对方的国家和相关背景有深刻、全面的了解。其五,是要求具备较高的人文素养。不仅要掌握社会学、心理学等知识,还应具备文学、艺术、历史等文化修养。有了“商务”这层意义,它就不再是一个单纯的英语学习范畴。随着我国吸纳外资大国地位的确立与对外投资的迅猛发展,我国企业国际化程度迅速提高;而与之相协调,培养具备全球化经营能力、适应多国文化与具备国际商务英语沟通能力的人才就被提到日程上来。与TOEFL、GRE、GMAT以及我国目前举行的大学英语四、六级考试不同,商务英语考试特别注重考生运用英语在商务环境中进行交际的能力。因此商务英语证书在全球商业界得到广泛的认可,在中国各涉外经济部门以及在华投资的跨国公司中更是倍受青睐。目前我国已有数百家外资企业把商务英语证书作为衡量应聘人员英语水平的唯一标准。随着外资企业的不断增多,越来越多的中国人开始在外企里工作。虽然工作性质,工作场地有所不同,但是他们都会遇到同样的问题,就是如何从事涉外的经济贸易活动,如何在外商经营的企业里占有一席之地。语言差异无疑是这些人所遇到的最大的障碍,在我们熟知的生活英语、学术英语之外,商务英语是现代外资企业中最重要的交流工具。 二.商务英语的特点 英国商务英语专家Nick Bridger曾指出:商务英语包括语言知识、交际技能、专业知识、管理技能和文化意识等核心内容。由此可见,商务英语既有普通英语语言的共同特点,又带有浓浓的“商务“特色。它是建立在普通英语和词汇的基础上,结合特定的商务活动和环境,其所承载的是商务理论和商务实践两方面的信息,因此商务英语在言语使用上有其特有的特征,这也就要求商务英语人员在学习和积累知识时要注重基础英语知识和专业商务英语。



二、课程性质本课程为商务英语专业必修课程。 三、课程定位1.本课程在专业课程体系中的地位作用本课程是商务英语专业的必修课程,它是在学生掌握英语听、说、读、写技能的基础上,增加了商务情景下商务英语的运用,为学生学习其它涉外商务专业课程打好英语基础。 .本课程与职业岗位工作的关系2本课程更大程度上体现了学习与职业的挂钩,传统英语已经远不能满足现代职业岗位对于多功能人才的需求,尤其是在对外贸易日益频繁的情况下,因此,商务英语也就应运而生,将语言与专业岗位有机融合,更好的适应了社会的需求。.本课程对职业素质养成与职业能力培养的作用3本课程是英语语言能力与国际贸易、商务函电等专业课程的有机融合,使学生的职业素质和能力进一步加强,让学生在日后的工作中具有更强的职业竞争优势,更加适应现代社会对复合型专业人才的需求。4.本课程与前、后课程的关系本课程以基础英语知识和技能为根本依托,要求学习者熟练掌握英语语言及技能运用的基础上,强化商务知识和商务技能的学习和运用,学习者需把商务知识和英语语言的运用融会贯通,同时该课程与其它专业课程也相辅相成,互为基础,对于基础英语和专业课程起着承上启下的作用。 四、课程设计思路1.以就业为导向、能力为本位、职业实践为核心的设计思路本课程本着以学生为中心,充分考虑学生的特点和专业需求,以就业为导向,以“必需,实用,够用”为度,以培养学生的综合能力为本位,以职业实践为核心,以培养高素质的劳动者为目标,以适应当代职业教育和岗位需求的发展与需要。.以理论联系实际、知识点与技能点相结合的设计思路2本课程应创设仿真商务环境,就所需掌握的知识点与技能点进行典型教学,有针对性. 的开展教学活动,让学生在实际情境中掌握和运用所需知识,跨越理论与实际间的鸿沟, 以到达融会贯通的水平。 3.以案例分析、实证分析为主体的设计思路 本课程应安排具体的商务实例,进行情境教学,以案例、实证分析为主线展开教学, 引导学生进入实际案例,身临其境的学习课程知识点和技能点,并进一步在实际商务实例 运用和巩固所学的知识。 4.以业务流程为主线的设计思路 本课程应根据具体的业务或商务活动开展的流程为主线进行教学,并把业务流程分解 为各工作业务模块,使学生以业务流程为依托,熟悉业务操作流程并在其过程中熟练掌握 和运用所学知识和技能。 5.以生产经销电子产品的商贸行业为背景 本课程中涉及的商务活动、商务专业术语、产品专业术语、案例、情景等都是以生产 经销电子产品的商贸行业为背景。 五、课程目标 1.学习目标 通过本课程的学习,学生应在原有英语基础知识上强化商务知识的学习和商务英语语言 应用能力的训练,进而既具备商务基础知识又能不断提高商务英语语言综合技能,为将来


U1 1. 飞机乘务员应对所有旅客的安全负责。be responsible for The crew of an airliner should be responsible for the safety of all the passengers. 2. 请尽快把这些英文报纸和杂志分送给每位订阅者。distribute to Please distribute these English newspapers and magazines to every subscriber as soon as possible. 3. 学院决定举办系列讲座,商务英语专业的学生必须出席。decide on The college has decided on a lecture series and Business English majors must be present. 4. 若需进一步的补充解释,请参阅教师参考书第58页。refer to For additional explanation, please refer to page 58 of the teacher’s reference book. 5. 大多数人都会关注与自己有关的事。relate to Most people will be interested in what relates to themselves. 6. 最近,下海经商的人越来越多。go into business Recently, more and more people have gone into business. 一个大批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。in bulk 7. A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler. 8. 据报道,目前工资水平在某种程度上仍稍稍领先于物价水平。to a certain extent, ahead of It’s reported that nowadays wages are, to a certain extent, still one step ahead U2 1. 总经理将重要文件分发给部门经理。hand out The general manager handed out the important documents to the department managers. 2. 欺骗顾客和逃税构成了他们那个时期的商业政策。make up Cheating customers and evading taxes made up their business policy in those days. 3. 在英语中,数学可以简称作maths或math。for short Mathematics can be called maths or math for short in English. 4. 这座城市被认为是此经济合作区的龙头。be known as This city is known as leading the economic cooperative zone. 5. 虽然这对夫妇对所要买的家具的价格没有异议,但对式样意见不一。agree on Although the couple agreed on the price of the furniture they wanted to buy, they disagreed about the style. 6. 我上个月买了台笔记本电脑,不过花了大价钱。at a price I bought a laptop last month but only at a price. 7. 一个大a批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。pay for The parents work hard to pay for their children’s tuition. 8. 你的不诚实是我最终与你断绝往来的原因。in the end Your dishonesty was the reason why I had to break off our relationship in the end. 9. 他叔父决意在乡下定居, 而不住在城里。choose to


国开04009商务英语1任务7参考答案 说明:如果课程题目是随机的,请按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案 题目1:— How long does the remittance take from New York? — : I don’t know for sure. It is quite busy now in our bank. ; I’m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose. ; I’m not sure about that. It is a big city. 标准答案:I’m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose. 题目2:— Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China? — : No, you can’t. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency. ; Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank. ; No, you can’t. Bank of China is not open on Sundays. 标准答案:Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank. 题目3:— —It arrives by mail, I suppose. : How does your remittance come? ; When will your remittance arrive? ; From which country does your remittance come? 标准答案:How does your remittance come? 题目4:If you want to pay something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. : in ; back ; for 标准答案:for 题目5:The question we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. : whether ; what ; which 标准答案:whether 题目6:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


Unit 1 翻译: 1、这位网络销售主管调查研究后开始实行自己的计划。(put ... into practice) The network sales executive began to put his plans into practice after research and investigation. 2、由于母亲没有养老金,姐妹俩每人每月出资500 美元赡养她。(contribute ... to) Because their mother didn't have her pension, the two sisters each contributed $500 a month to support her. 3、杰姆大叔认为市价上涨,他就可以赚到一笔钱。(cash in) Uncle Jim thought that a rise in the market would enable him to cash in. 4、罗宾逊奋斗多年,先后当过会计、代理商和项目经理。(in turn) For years Robinson struggled hard, working in turn as an accountant, an agent, and a project manager. 5、昨天,博物馆中一幅价值50万美元的绘画被盗窃。(worth of) Yesterday, a $500,000 worth of painting was stolen from the museum. 6、参加华交会的客商从全国各地纷至沓来。(roll in) The businessmen who came to take part in the East China Fair rolled in from all parts of the country. 7、他们很自然地把这件事与促销计划联系在一起。(associate ... with) They naturally associated the matter with the promotional plan. 8、这本书着重具体分析该规划的可行性(feasibility)。(focus on) The book focuses on concrete analysis of the feasibility of the program. 9、引进先进的技术以后,我们现在每月可生产20台机器。(put out) After introducing advanced technology, we can put out 20 machines every month now. 10、获得奖学金的学生占我校学生总数将近五分之三。(account for) Scholarship students account for nearly three fifths of the whole enrollment in our college. Unit 2 1、近来他们生意很糟糕,不久就得歇业。(close down) They will have to close down soon because business has been bad recently. 2、我们打字纸快用完了,让秘书尽快去买一些。(run out of) We are running out of typing paper, so let the secretary buy some as soon as possible. 3、该文化发展委员会是由来自全国8所大学的10位著名专家组成的。(consist of) The committee for cultural development consists of 10 famous experts from 8 universities of the country. 4、如果邮包未经保险(insure),邮局对其受损不负责任。(be liable for) The Post Office is not liable for damage to a parcel by mail if it is not insured. 5、这家超市由于经营不善而陷入债务。(go into debt) The supermarket goes into debt due to bad management.


Business English and Its Learning Strategies What is business English Business English is English language especially related to international trade. It is a part of English for Specific Purposes and can be considered a specialism within English language learning and teaching. According to Tan Wenru , business English is based on the adaptation to the languages in business life. It contains all aspects that concern business events. It also teaches how to communicate and cooperate with foreigners and studies their lifestyles. Much of the English communication that takes place within business circles all over the world occurs between non-native speakers. Business English means different things to different people. For some, it focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the worlds of business, trade, finance, and international relations. For others, it refers to the communication skills used in the workplace, and focuses on the language and skills needed for typical business communication such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and so on. In both of these cases it can be taught to native speakers of English.


商务英语专业大学生的自我鉴定 商务英语专业大学生的自我鉴定 第一篇: 商务英语专业大学生的 给大家提供一篇一名商务英语专业的大学生的学习。 回顾大学前两年,通过良师的教导和自身的刻苦学习,我已初步掌握如何运用英语知识进行一般商务活动,也养成了认真对待学习和工作的好习惯! 在思想品德上,本人有良好道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向。我热爱祖国,热爱人民,坚决拥护共产党领导和社会主义制度,遵纪守法,爱护公共财产,团结同学,乐于助人。并以务实求真的精神热心参予学校的公益宣传和爱国主义活动。 在学习上,我圆满地完成本专业课程。并具备了较强的英语听读写能力。对offie办公和其它流行能熟练操作,并在因特网上开辟了自己个人空间。平时我还涉猎了大量文学、心理、营销等课外知识。相信在以后理论与实际结合当中,能有更大提高! 在生活上,我崇尚质朴的生活,并养成良好的生活习惯和正派的作风。此外,对时间观念性十分重视。由于平易近人待人友好,所以一直以来与人相处甚是融洽。敢于拼搏刻苦耐劳将伴随我迎接未来新挑战。 在工作上,我通过加入院学通社与合唱团,不但锻炼自己的组织交际能力,还深刻地感受到团队合作的精神及凝聚力。更加认真负责对待团队的任务,并以此为荣!

作为积极乐观新时代青年,我不会因为自己的大专文凭而失去自信,反而我会更加迫切要求自己充实充实再充实。完善自我石我未来目标。且我相信:用心一定能赢得精彩! 良禽择木而栖,士为伯乐而荣,勤奋的我将以不怕输的韧劲融入社会。愿借您的慧眼,开拓我人生旅程。 此文章来源于欢迎大家继续浏览 电子商务专业学生的 大专生五年学习生活的 第二篇: 商务英语专业大学生 回顾大学三年,通过良师的教导和自身的刻苦学习,我已初步掌握如何运用英语知识进行一般商务活动,也养成了认真对待学习和工作的好习惯! 在学习上,由于高考落榜带来的灰心,曾有一阵消极,为珍惜这学校所给的学习机会,用从未有过的拼搏的精神学习自己的国贸专业,还利用课余时间学习一些网络和办公软件来充实自己。并在学校得到了肯定连或三年学校的奖学金,我相信自己在以后理论与实际相结合中,能有更大的进步提高。 在工作上,我通过加入院学通社与合唱团,不但锻炼自己的组织交际能力,还深刻地感受到团队合作的精神及凝聚力。更加认真负责对待团队的任务,并以此为荣! 在思想品德上,我有良好的道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向,关注国家的时势要闻,积极向党组织靠拢,使我对我们党有更为深刻的


one that is closest in meaning to the 1. Living on an isolated farm, they do not see anybody for weeks on end. D. endlessly D. announced D. become excited D. refused I’ll not stand in why you didn’t try for a university D. I feel pity 8. Jack came to the party with a young woman, whom I assumed to be his girl friend. D. granted D. frightened D. went away from me D. particular about “Yes” or “No”. A. to continue B. to start C. to hold up D. to stir up 14. Our time is running out and I think we ought to say something about the ending of the novel. A. We have enough time B. We have almost used up our time C. We haven’t enough time D. Our time is limited 15. These courses, if properly conducted, will stimulate the minds of the students. A. refresh B. renew C. excite D. encourage Ⅱ. Complete each of the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the list below. Change the form if necessary: 10’ prescribed, communicative, stand in the way of, catch his breath, complain, turn…against, risk, variety, present, once in a while 1. For my own part, everything is O.K. I have nothing to ________ of. 2. It was very clever of her to _______ his argument ________ himself. 3. The tired traveler stopped to _________ and make sure of his directions. 4. Yunnan Province, in southwest China, has a ________ of ethnic minority groups (少数民族). 5. Most of the evenings we watch TV at home, but _________ we go to a concert. 6. For a time she looked sad and talked little, but recently has become cheerful and ________. 7. “Your ________ at the meeting will be a great support to our cause,” says the cable. 8. Mr. Price ________ defeat in running against Mr. Johnson in the last election. 9. Nothing can _________ the Chinese people in their resolve to modernize their country. 10. After a careful examination, the doctor ________ a new medicine and a three-day rest for her. Ⅲ. Reading comprehension: 20’ (A) Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man. In Greece there are the ruins (遗迹) of a bathtub (浴缸) and water system built over 3,000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some as many as 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time. Treating disease by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing or hydrotherapy (水治疗法) , first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700’s also became popular in the United States. For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided and perfume was often used to cover up body smells! By the 1770’s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be cleaned. Slowly people began to bathe more frequently. During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night
