



原:A l t h o u g h I h a v e n o w o r k e x p e r i e n c e w h e n I w a s a t e e n a g e r, I a l w a y s

d r

e a m e d a b o u t h a v i n g a j o b。

改:A l t h o u g h I h a d n o w o r k e x p e r i e n c e w h e n I w a s a t e e n a g e r, I a l w a y s d r e a m e d

a b o u t h a v i n g a j o b。



原:I n t e r n e t p l a y s a n i m p o r t a n t a n d

i n d i s p e n s i b l e r o l e i n p e o p l e’s l i f e

t o d a y。

改:I n t e r n e t p l a y s a n i n d i s p e n s i b l e r o l e i n

p e o p l e’s l i f e t o d a y。

评:这个句子一看就知道是作者为了使用高级词汇而犯下的错误。明明已经有I m p o r t a n t来表示重要性了,

又强行加上了i n d i s p e n s i b l e来表示不可缺少,这种说法只有在中国政府工作报告中才会出现的,老美是不喜欢的!


原:C o m p a r i n g w i t h t h e m o n e y p e o p l e e a r n s, t h e s e n s e o f a c h i e v e m e n t i s m o r e

i m p o r t a n t。

改:C o m p a r e d w i t h t h e m o n e y p e o p l e e a r n s, t h e s e n s e o f a c h i e v e m e n t i s m o r e

i m p o r t a n t。

评:此处是动词c o m p a r e的现在分词和过去分词使用混淆了。在英语中,动词的现在分词往往表示的是主动的意思,过去分词则表示被动的含义。原句想表达的是“将成就感与钱相比”,“把…与…相比”是明显的被动含义,因此应该使用c o m p a r e d。



原句:A l a r g e n u m b e r o f p e o p l e h o l d t h e b e l i e v e t h a t s t u d e n t s’ s o c i a l

a c t i v i t i e s s h o u l d

b e t h e f i r s t p r i o r i t y。

改:A l a r g e n u m b e r o f p e o p l e h o l d t h e b e l i e f t h a t s t u d e n t s’ s o c i a l a c t i v i t i e s

s h o u l d b e t h e f i r s t p r i o r i t y。

评:这个例子中b e l i e v e是动词,b e l i e f才是名词形式。虽然发音相近,但是用法却完全不同。


原句:I t’s i n d e e d t h a t p e o p l e a r e w o r r y i n g a b o u t t h e i n c r e a s i n g

p o p u l a t i o n。

改:I t’s t r u e t h a t p e o p l e a r e w o r r y i n g a b o u t t h e i n c r e a s i n g p o p u l a t i o n。

评:虽然二者都表示“真的”,i n d e e d却没有i t’s

i n d e e d t h a t…的结构,此处只能用t r u e来表示。


原句:A s a f r i e n d a n d m e n t o r, s h e d r e w f r o m h u m o r,a b e a u t i f u l s p i r i t a n d h e r

f a i t h i n t h e A b o r i

g i n a l c u l t u r e t o a c c o m p l i s

h h e r w o r k。

改:A s a f r i e n d a n d m e n t o r, s h e d r e w o n h u m o r,a b e a u t i f u l s p i r i t a n d h e r

f a i t h i n t h e A b o r i

g i n a l c u l t u r e t o a c c o m p l i s

h h e r w o r k。

评:d r a w f r o m:从……中汲取(经验等), d r a w o n:借鉴(经验等)作者本想使用一个高级的表达法,结果用错了,很可惜。


句型1: 前进类(用来论证好的方面) 1 profit from People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight. ★2 A is an indispensable part of B. Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting pro- found influence on the way we live, work, play and learn. ★★3 something plays a pivotal role in… It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success. ★★4 enable somebody to do something Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully. 5 get accustomed to something New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed. 6 Someone can utilize something In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones. ★7 something is in the best interests of someone (最符合某人的利益) Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. 8 contribute to… Various factors contributed to his downfall Students should not only learn academic knowledge but also do volunteer work in com- munities, thereby making contribution to their cities. 9 something consolidates its status as the … English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world. 倒退类(用来论证负面的方面) 1 …is attended by … (伴随着) The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosys- tem. 2 The more…the more… The more vehicles on the roads; the more traffic congestion to occur. ★3 A can be attributed to B The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent\strict enough. ★4 be afflicted with In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty. 5 deprive someone of something Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life. 6 something impels somebody to do … Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accesso- ries(饰品). ★7 A has rendered B + 形容词或者名词, We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technolo- gy. The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another. 8 A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that…(如果是教育问题用UNESCO,如果犯罪问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Justice ,交通问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Transportation,建筑问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Con-struction,环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace ) A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals(哺乳动物)in lab cages(笼子)today. 一个数据就说明了人类现在虐待动物的情况有多么严重。当然,请注意这里的数据编得不能太夸张,否则考官就会怀疑数据的真实性了。 9 be addicted to something In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to / preoccupied with various forms of gambling. 10 something is the root cause of…


雅思写作常见的8种语法错误 1 语序 从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即主语在前,谓语在后的顺序排列。 错例1 Canyou tell me how many students are there in this class? 正解: Can you tell me howmany students there are inthis class? 错例2 Theywere more worried about how far did they have to walk to get t o the trainstation and could they catch the train before it left. 正解: They were moreworried about how far they had to walk to get to the train station and if they could catch the train before it left. 改错练习: 1. It’ s hard to decide when and where will we hold the sports meeting. 2. If you want to learn about the latest developments and discoveriesfrom around the world, you will read about them in jo urnals and researchreports published in English, no matter whether are the scientists who wrotethem from China or Norway. 2 主谓一致和冠词的用法 注意主谓一致和冠词的用法 错例1 Apart-time job offers you chance to demonstrate your ability and appl ywhat you have learned in school. 正解:


英文写作基础知识 I 英语的句子成分 1. 主语 1)父母应该为年轻人提供机会让他们锻炼自己的能力和天赋。 2) 对于它们,我们既不能过高估计也不能否认其存在。 3) 吸烟只是一种个人爱好和娱乐。 4) 很难有定论。 5) 很明显,穿校服会使得校园生活变得乏味单调 在过去的几年中,随着经济的迅速发展,越来越多的父母在把孩子送到国外学习。 大学毕业生的就业形势越来越不乐观。 毫无疑问,不同人甚至不同的大学都会对此有不同观点。 2. 谓语 1)他们坚持认为审查制度应当废止。 2)孩子应当靠自己的努力获取成功。 3)广告增加了商品的成本。 4)换句话说,电脑影响了人们的日常生活,对人们有害。 5)当前,越来越多的人同意吸烟是一种不健康的嗜好,等同于自杀。 大学中的教师教授拥有丰富的专业知识和丰富的教学经验,会教给学生新的知识并引导他们解决现实中的问题。 3. 表语 1)审查制度是对言论自由的一种违犯。 2)放养涂在这些动物的方法经常是野蛮残忍的。 3)谈恋爱耗费时间,经常会使学生偏离他们的主要任务---学习。 4)我们所需要做的是告诉孩子如何正确的解决这些问题。 5)他们所强调的是那些正式的考试对不利于培养学生的创造力。 大学毕业生自身也对这种局面负有责任。 由于不同的习惯和不同的价值观,人们在和陌生人同住时会觉得不自在。 4. 宾语

1)垃圾食品对人的健康有害。 2)你甚至开始把工作带回家做并且一直工作到凌晨 3)研究表明吸烟和肺癌、心脏病等严重疾病之间存在着必然联系。 4)它给我们带来了许多欢乐和乐趣。 5. 定语 1)很难有定论。 2)近年来,因特网以极快的的速度越来越受欢迎。 3)资金不足的人们通常正确确定优先考虑的事情:他们在买奢侈品之前首先买必需品。4)那些强烈反对这种做法的人说这违犯人工作的基本权利。 6. 状语 1)户外活动能极大促进我们的健康。 2)根据法律,广告必须是完全真实的健康的。 3)为了赶走孤独和消磨时光,他们可以培养其它的爱好,比如养花、集邮和学画画。 4)远离家庭生活,人要忍受孤独和思乡。 5)我还是喜欢和朋友一起旅行,因为我认为在旅行中最重要的是得到快乐和休息。 他们完全沉溺于这些事,完全忽略了他们的学习。 7. 同位语 1)购物,这个每天生活中必须的活动,在城市里更方便。 2)爱情能将学生从学习,学生的主要工作中分开。 3)但是,这种解决办法的缺点是许多农业和居住用地会难以避免的被越来越多的公路占据。 8. 补语 1)我们认为强制服兵役是对人权的违犯。 2)克隆技术会使得人类人口过剩,变得可替代甚至灭绝。 3)我发现就业形势令人沮丧(不乐观)。 II 英语句子的基本结构 1. S + V 1)对于这个正在讨论中的问题人们看法不一。 2)全球化时代已经来临。 在人类教育很长的发展过程中,在每个学习领域都发生了巨大变化。


雅思真题范文精选高分黄金句型及例句 笔者(胡义祥--南京新航道人气写作主讲)注:以下12种黄金句型为雅思写作大作文核心句型。熟练掌握以下句型的使用,并灵活运用雅思写作大作文精准定位法,大作文得分7分左右(考生写作时要求不偏题,词汇使用恰当)。 一:被动句 1:As a result, the quality of the whole population had been influenced, and a country could never be expected to develop fast with a low education rate.(28) 2:Nowadays, a large percentage of young people being admitted into universities can be witnessed and a country`s population is instilled with a fresh flow of well educated people, which can lead to the prosperity of a country.(37) 3:Firstly, by setting up a special day, an organization can better promote a specific activity, thus more people would know what it is trying to tell them and their perception of caring and social responsibility would be further woken.(39) 二:形式代词IT 1:However, some of them begin to notice that international travel also makes it possible for criminals to conduct some illegal actions like evading arrest. (24) 2:Especially with the easy access to computer technology, it has been increasingly noticed that a growing number of people prefer to work or study from home. (26) 3:It can be seen everywhere that people in the modern world are under huge pressure and have to spend most of their time on their work or study, which, consequently, hardly does any good to the family relationship.(插入语)(38) 三:限定性定语从句 1:Dating back to 30 years ago when scientific technology was not accessible to everyone, children were more interested in traditional games such as playing poker or playing chess.(28) 2:On the contrary, a company or a school is a place where lots of people are bunched together and asked to do the same thing at the same time.(29) 3:Due to the large number of students` graducating from universities, more people seek for good jobs and the job market becomes the arena where fierce competition can be seen all the time. (32)


第二部分、用于雅思小作文中间部分经典句型 1.最明显的原因_______,因此_________ The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that ______________. Consequently, ______________. 2. 无论你喜欢与否,_____已经变得越来越流行,这是有原因的 No matter you like it or not, AAA has become more and more popular and there are many reason for it. 3. 对我们来说,改变这个不利的环境________是非常紧急的 It’s an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________. 4. 这个图片会让你想起一些奇怪的东西,这种现象还是会继续存在这个社会 The picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our society. 5.提供了大量的解决方案,一些人建议______,另一些人建议______ A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that ______________. Others argue that ______________. 6. 对于____,我们应该____ Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation. 7. 然而,______引起了许多为问题, However, _____________ may cause some problems. First, it is ______________.


雅思写作常见语法错误主谓一致问题 传说中的雅思学霸是你吗?带着高分去出国的烤鸭们有你的一席之地吗?这些其 实都是建立在你克服重重困难,攻克雅思最难点的时候才能够达到的,本文为大家讲 解雅思考试最难的部分—雅思写作之雅思写作常见语法错误主谓一致问题,希望大家 能够关注。 雅思写作常见语法错误8大点如下: 雅思写作常见语法错误语序问题 雅思写作常见语法错误主谓一致和冠词的用法 雅思写作常见语法错误固定搭配 雅思写作常见语法错误词性(主语,动名词) 雅思写作常见语法错误双谓语 雅思写作常见语法错误时态 雅思写作常见语法错误单复数,冠词 雅思写作常见语法错误标点问题 错例1:Apart-time job offers you chance to demonstrate your ability and applywhat you have learned in school. 正解:Apart-time job offers you a chance to demonstrate your ability and apply what you have learned in school.

错例2:Booksare of the various kinds and have different contents. 正解:Booksare of various kinds and have different contents. 改错练习: 1. The problemsthat are created by environmental contamination is very hard to resolve. 2. The governmentsof all countries on this planet is beginning to realize the severity of watershortage. 以上就是雅思写作常见语法错误主谓一致问题的汇总介绍,希望能够帮助大家尽量避免这些错误,后面我们会一一为大家分类介绍这八大语法易错点。更多出国考试信息请继续关注前程百利雅思考试频道,我们会为你带来最新的雅思考试资讯和信息。


雅思作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在... 年之... 年间... 数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关... 有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that.... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了... 的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that... 数据(字表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that... 该数据(字可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...


海口朗阁名师解析常见雅思写作语法错误 朗阁海外考试研究中心杨晔 一、语序 从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即主语在前,谓语在后的顺序排列。 错例1:Can you tell me how many students are there in this class? 正解:Can you tell me how many students there are in this class? 错例2:They were more worried about how far did they have to walk to get to the train station and could they catch the train before it left. 正解:They were more worried about how far they had to walk to get to the train station and if they could catch the train before it left. 改错练习: 1. It’s hard to decide whe n and where will we hold the sports meeting. 2. If you want to learn about the latest developments and discoveries from around the world, you will read about them in journals and research reports published in English, no matter whether are the scientists who wrote them from China or Norway. 二、主谓一致和冠词的用法 错例1:A part-time job offers you chance to demonstrate your ability and apply what you have learned in school. 正解:A part-time job offers you a chance to demonstrate your ability and apply what you have learned in school.


^ | You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said:" the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter". Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it 's time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. -- Guo Ge Tech 雅思写作语法总结 1.时态问题: 四种时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时 一般现在时:第三人称单数,例如: 打工对一个人的将来的事业有深远的影响。 Taking part-time jobs exerts profound impacts on one’s future career. 国际旅游业促进经济发展。 International tourism promotes the economic development. 现在进行时:表示逐渐的过程 is developing rapidly/dramatically. 现在完成时:表示结果,一般表示变化大,发展了。注意常用搭配:In recent years, In the past decades… 最近几十年期间,世界发生了巨大的改变。 In the past decades, dramatic changes have taken place in the world. 最近几年,科技极大的改变了人们的生活。 In recent years, technology has reshaped people’s life. 犯罪率急剧上升。 The crime rate has increased sharply.



关于雅思写作句式:14种句式变换(高分内容) 谁都知道写作文句式单调不是好事,但却很少有人能参透到底怎样才能让句子丰富多样。传说中的句式多样化一直高深莫测,让考生们想当郁闷。 如果你的写作单项目标是6.5或者7分的话,请把下面这些剑桥范文变化句式的不宣之秘熟练掌握而且积极使用。对于只需要6分的同学,如果今天还不是很累,也不妨很快地看看以便有个印象。考官们,不好意思,是pat出卖了你们“压箱底”的宝贝…… A句首状语提前 雅思写作里状语提前是一种相当拿分的句式,遗憾的是很多同学却没有意识到: 所谓状语提前就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处就是在一堆长句子里突然出现一个短语,让句子产生一种长短结合的节奏感。 剑桥考官范文中的状语提前能够用“海量”一词来形容,请大家认真体会下面的剑桥例句中

放在句首的状语所产生的效果: ◆B ecause it is more likely(更有可能的) now that both parents work,there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. instead, they will probably go t a nursery school (幼儿园,与nursing home 不同) when they are much younger. ◆O verall, i think an ability to keep clear perspective(视角) in life is a more essential(重要的,核心的) factor in achieving happiness. ◆U nfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. ◆I n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. ◆I n addition to the financial benefits, some jobs bring intellectually rewards


雅思写作中代词的使用及常见错误 来源:考试吧 作为英语中衔接的一种重要形式,代词的使用值得引起重视和加以深思。 先来看两个学生作文当中出现的句子: Medical care and education are cornerstones of the society, because it is needed by both youngsters and adults. Doctors are not able to control themselves'profitable activities. 请注意上面两句话中标记出来的代词,它们的使用均存在问题,具体是什么问题,我们将在下文中得以解答。 既然中国学生在英语的代词使用上是普遍存在错误的,在谈论错误分类之前,我们先来欣赏一下native speaker的文字中,代词使用的典范。 例文: It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen. This was more or less Constance Chatterley's position. The war had brought the roof down over her head. And she had realized that one must live and learn. ——D. H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover 翻译:这是一种颇为艰难的工作。现在没有一条通向未来的康庄大道,但是我们却迂回前进,或攀援障碍而过。不管天翻地覆,我们都得生活。 这大概就是康士丹斯·查太莱夫人的处境了。她曾亲尝世界大战的灾难,因此她了解了一个人必要生活,必要求知。 以上的一段文字来自于劳伦斯的《查特莱夫人的情人》,被标注的地方仅仅是这段文字当中几个代词使用的范例。当然,这是fiction,和我们雅思要求的议论文写作有很大的出入。那么在雅思的写作当中,我们也不难从考官范文当中,找到代词使用的模范。 Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. So feeling about one's job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person.


雅思写作教材 ?雅思写作必须为AcademicWriting,但是何为AcademicWriting,且看下面两段文字: E.g.:livinginbigcityisagoodchoice,becauseourchildrencouldgetbettereducation. Forexample,plentyofprimaryschoolsarelocatedinbigcity,so localcitizenscouldsend theirchildrenthere.Secondly,therearealotoftheatersinbigcitysowecouldenjoyfilms intheweekend. Thetwomeritsinbigcitiesasbetterservicejointlycontributetomakeurbanizationapriority. Firstofall,sufficienteducationalinstitutionsandfundshaveguaranteedthat higherlevelofeducationcouldbeacquiredinlargecity.Additionally,urbancitizenscanappreciate amorecolorfullifethanruralcitizens.Thecityprovides aplentyofplacesfor entertainmentwhilerurallifemayabitdull andtasteless. 第二段文字是典型的AcademicWriting,仅供参考。 ?雅思写作必备基础常识。首先从类型角度说五类小作文,四类大作文;从字数角度说是至少150+250=400字;从写作时间角度说是理论上20+40=60mins;从技术处理角度说建议先写大作文再写小作文。 ?官方给出每篇作文的分数是根据四个评分标准来的,小作文分别是:TA/CC/LR/GRA,大作文分别是:TR/CC/LR/GRA。两者结合白话一点说就是:题意理解/连贯衔接/词汇运用/语法准确。分别来看: 7分作文: ?写作内容涵盖写作任务的要求 ?(学术类)清晰地呈现关于主要趋势、区别或不同阶段的概述 ?(培训类)清晰地呈现写作目的,行文语气一致且恰当 ?能就主要内容/要点进行清晰的呈现与强调,但未能更为充分地展开 ?符合逻辑地组织信息及观点;清晰的行文推进贯穿全文 ?恰当地使用一系列衔接手段,尽管有时使用不足或过多 ?使用足够的词汇,体现一定灵活性及准确性 ?使用不常见词汇,对语体及搭配有一定认识 ?在选择用词、拼写及/或构词方面可能偶尔出现错误 ?运用各种复杂的语法结构 ?多数句子准确无误 ?对语法及标点符号掌握较好,但有时出现少许错误 6分作文:根据写作任 务要求作文 ?(学术类)选择恰当的信息进行概述 ?(培训类)写作目的基本清晰;行文语气有时未能保持前后一致 ?呈现并充分地强调了主要内容/要点,但有时含有不相关、不恰当或不准确的细节信息 ?连贯地组织信息及观点,总体来说,能清晰地推进行文发展 ?有效地使用衔接手段,但句内及/或句间的衔接有时有误或过于机械 ?有时无法保持一贯清晰或恰当地使用指代 ?使用足够的词汇开展写作任务


雅思大作文高分句型 I. 不要总是以有生命的名词或者人称代词开头。 屌丝:People experience many great changes in the last half century. 高分:文章原句 技巧:找到原句中的非生命名词短语,把它变成主语。 屌丝:Because the rich and powerful people impose the changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that depends on them. 高分:文章原句 技巧:使用强调结构。在强调的内容前加上it is,强调的内容后加上who/that, 公式就是It is + 强调内容+ that + 非强调内容 屌丝:Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China. 高分:It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary. 技巧:使用主语从句。Many people think...= It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that..... 屌丝:Many Chinese people have gone to the Unite States in the past 15 years. 高分:The past 15 years have bought many Chinese people to the United States. 技巧:用时间做主语,效果非常好。The last half of the 20th century has seen/witnessed many great breakthrough in every aspect. 练习: 1.In many of these countries, this increasing number of visitors (mostly from western countries) has caused problems like drug abuse and alcoholism. 2.Because only rich people have enough money to travel overseas, poorer countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of wealtheir nations. II.英语中被动使用频率远远高于汉语 屌丝:They make a lot of innovations to make money for a few people. 高分:文章原句 技巧:宾语变主语 屌丝:We may think more of the elderly who live apart from their children. 高分:More thought may be given to the elderly who live apart from their children. 技巧:动词变名词。 练习: 1.We produce millions of tons of pollutions every day. 2.Nowadays sophisticated computer games fascinate every child. III.不要总是用“如果”、“因为”、“当”等口语意味较重的句子。不要对动词过于依赖,要


1. The government invests in movie industry can enhance intercultural communication. 2. The children grow up in rural areas do not have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education. 3. There are many people believe that advanced technology has not had positive influence on our lives. 4. Media always broadcast too much negative news makes the public experience panic. 5. Celebrities get high salaries is reasonable. 6. The method which is used to address traffic problems have been proved to be impractical nowadays. 8. The number of female people have risen sharply in recent years. 9. The view that many problems appear in the pursuit of economic development are right. 10. As known to all, tourism can create economic gains. 11 The punishment which imposed on thieves is too light. 12 We have to be admitted that students will lose interests if they required to do something. 13. The view that banning the advertisements containing violent scenes to avoid the negative impact on children is plausible. 14 Encountering the phenomenon that environmental pollution has become more serious.


雅思写作语法专项训练之 名词性从句练习 It was last revised on January 2, 2021

雅思写作名词性从句翻译练习一主语从句 1.It 开头的主语从句 我们保护野生动物是势在必行的。 _____________________________________________________________ ______ 人们普遍认为教育在一个国家的发展中发挥着重要的作用。 ________________________________________________________________ __ 2.Whether引导的主语从句 石油价格上升是否可以解决环境问题是一个有争议的话题。 _____________________________________________________________ ______ 手机给我们带来更多的危害还是好处引起了激烈的争论。 _____________________________________________________________ ______ 3.What引导的主语从句 贫穷国家最需要的不是金钱,而是先进的技术和关键领域的人才。 _____________________________________________________________ ______

他们所担心的是广告可能会产生的负面影响。 _____________________________________________________________ ______ 二宾语从句 很多人认为我们已经进入了一个丢弃式社会。(环境)_____________________________________________________________ ______ 一些人认为改善公众健康的最好办法就是增加体育设施,其他一些人认为这个方法收效甚微。 _____________________________________________________________ ______ _____________________________________________________________ ______ 这篇文章将讨论为什么“幸福”很难定义以及哪些因素会影响幸福的 获得。 _____________________________________________________________ ______ _____________________________________________________________ ______ 教授在演讲中谈到了留学生可能会遇到哪些问题以及如何解决。 _____________________________________________________________ ______
