计算智能chapter1 绪论

chapter11 语法

Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching ?Applied linguistics ?Krashen’s Input hypothesis ?i+1 principle ?Interlanguage ?Syllabus ?Contrastive analysis ?Error analysis ?Error/mistake 11.1 Applied linguistics ?Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems. ?Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are education, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Applied Linguistics应用语言学 语言学的一个分支,主要关心的是如何应用语言学理论、方法和成果来阐释其他领域遇到的语言问题。应用语言学发展最充分的分支是外语教学,有时这个名称似乎只指这个领域。但是近年来出现了好几个其他应用领域,包括语言故障的语言学分析(临床语言学)、母语教育中的语言使用(教育语言学)、词典学的发展、翻译、人工智能和风格学等。 ?应用语言学不但运用语言学知识,还利用社会学、心理学、人类学、信息论等方面的知识,并把这些理论和知识应用与实践方面,例如,语言教学大纲的设计、言语矫正、语言规划、问题学研究等等。 ?Applied linguistics –Theoretical views of language explicitly or implicitly inform the approaches and methods adopted in language teaching. –Linguistics, as the science of language, should be of fundamental importance for teachers of language. ?According to Jo McDonough, a teacher who is able to explain some linguistic features would have a stronger position than one who handles the argument by using authority –“it?s like that”, “it?s an exception”, or “it?s less formal”. 11.2 Linguistics and language learning ?Many language learning theories are proposed based on certain linguistic theories. –In fact, knowledge in linguistics lies at the root of understanding what language learners can learn, how they actually learn and what they learn ultimately. 2.1Grammar and language learning focus on form 语法形式中心 As a compromise between the “purely form-focused approaches” and the “purely meaning-focused” approaches, a recent movement called focus on form seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning. Focus on Form ?Although language learning should generally be meaning-focused and communication-oriented, it is still necessary and beneficial to focus on form occasionally. The definition of UG ?In linguistics, the theory of universal grammar holds that there are certain fundamental grammatical ideas which all humans possess, without having to learn them.


第一章 绪 论 本章以误差为主线,介绍了计算方法课程的特点,并概略描述了与算法相关的基本概念,如收敛性、稳定性,其次给出了误差的度量方法以及误差的传播规律,最后,结合数值实验指出了算法设计时应注意的问题. §1.1 引 言 计算方法以科学与工程等领域所建立的数学模型为求解对象,目的是在有限的时间段内利用有限的计算工具计算出模型的有效解答。 由于科学与工程问题的多样性和复杂性,所建立的数学模型也是各种各样的、复杂的. 复杂性表现在如下几个方面:求解系统的规模很大,多种因素之间的非线性耦合,海量的数据处理等等,这样就使得在其它课程中学到的分析求解方法因计算量庞大而不能得到计算结果,且更多的复杂数学模型没有分析求解方法. 这门课程则是针对从各种各样的数学模型中抽象出或转化出的典型问题,介绍有效的串行求解算法,它们包括 (1) 非线性方程的近似求解方法; (2) 线性代数方程组的求解方法; (3) 函数的插值近似和数据的拟合近似; (4) 积分和微分的近似计算方法; (5) 常微分方程初值问题的数值解法; (6) 优化问题的近似解法;等等 从如上内容可以看出,计算方法的显著特点之一是“近似”. 之所以要进行近似计算,这与我们使用的工具、追求的目标、以及参与计算的数据来源等因素有关. 计算机只能处理有限数据,只能区分、存储有限信息,而实数包含有无穷多个数据,这样,当把原始数据、中间数据、以及最终计算结果用机器数表示时就不可避免的引入了误差,称之为舍入误差. 我们需要在有限的时间段内得到运算结果,就需要将无穷的计算过程截断, 从而产生截断误差. 如 +++=! 21 !111e 的计算是无穷过程,当用 ! 1 !21!111n e n ++++= 作为e 的近似时,则需要进行有限过程的计算,但产生了 截断误差e e n -.


Chapter 11 Pricing Considerations and Approaches Multiple Choice 1.The price of an executive is a _____, the price of a salesperson is a _____, and the price of a worker is a _____. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0e2890650.html,mission; wage; salary b.wage; commission; salary c.salary; wage; commission d.salary; commission; wage (d; Easy) 2._____ is the amount of money charged for a product or service. a.Experience curve b.Demand curve c.Price d.Wage (c; Easy) 3.Little Roses’ Floral Design sells flowers at one set price to all buyers. What is this an example of? a.total costs b.fixed costs c.variable costs d.dynamic pricing (b; Moderate) 4.Big Mike’s Health Food Store sells nutritional energy-producing foods. The price of the products sold varies according to individual customer accounts and situations. For example, long-time customers receive discounts. This strategy is an example of _____. a.price elasticity b.cost-plus pricing c.dynamic pricing d.value pricing (c; Challenging)
