


中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine),

中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点

The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory

整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment


阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang

阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang

阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang

阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang

阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang

阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang


The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM

说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body

阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis

阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang

阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang

阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin

阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang

阳偏衰Relative decline of yang

阴偏衰Relative decline of yin

the five elements, 五行

五行特性the five elements property



五脏five Zang-organs, 六腑six fu-organs,生理功能the physiological functions , 气qi, 血blood , 津液body fluid,

气的生成、运动和分类the production ,moving and classification of qi,

血的生成和运行the production and circulation of blood

津液的生成、输布和排泄the production and transportation and metabolism of body fluid.

气、血、津液的功能The physiological functions of qi, blood and body fluid

心The heart,

主血脉Governing blood

主神志controlling the mind

在体合脉governs the vessels

开窍于舌opens into the tongue

其华在面External manifestation on the face

肝The liver,

主疏泄To dredge and regulate, 主藏血Storing blood

在体合筋The liver governing the tendons

其华在爪The external manifestation of the liver on the nails

开窍于目The liver opening into the eyes

脾the spleen,

主运化To govern the transportation and transformation

主统血To command blood, 主升elevating

在体合肌肉,主四肢the spleen governing the muscles and the four limbs

The spleen opening into the mouth


其华在唇The external manifestation on the lip

肺The lung,

主气,司呼吸Dominating qi,controlling the respiratory movement

主宣发、肃降dispersing and descending

通调水道The regulation of water passage

朝百脉、主治节?the lung is connected with all the vessels, regulation the qi activity in the whole body

在体合皮the lung governing the skin

其华在毛Eexternal manifestation on the body hair

开窍于鼻The lung opening into the nose

肾The kidney,

藏精store essence, 主水To govern water, 主纳气To govern reception of qi

在体合骨The kidney governing the bones

开窍于耳及二阴The kidney opening into the ears, the external genitals and the anus 其华在发External manifestation on the hair

胆The gallbladder, 贮藏和排泄胆汁store and excrete the bile

胃The stomach, 受纳、腐熟水谷receive and digest food

主通降?the stomach functions to descend?,?unobstructed condition

小肠The small intestine, 受盛化物To receive the chime and transform

泌别清浊To separate the lucid from the turbid

大肠The large intestine, 主传化糟粕transmitting and excreting the waste of food storing and discharging urine The bladder ,膀胱

气的生成The production of qi

气的运动The moving of qi

The physiological functions of qi


推动作用Propelling function

温煦作用Warming function

防御作用Protecting and defencive function

固摄作用Fixating function

气化作用Qi-transforming function

元气primordial qi, 宗气pectoral qi, 营气nutrient-qi, 卫气defensive qi


病因 Causes of disease

病因的概念及分类concept, classification of causes of disease.

六淫的概念concept of six pathogenic factors;,,

六淫致病的共同特点the general pathogenic characters of six pathogenic factors;


nature, pathogenic characters of every six pathogenic factors(including wind,

cold,Summer-heat,Dampness,Dryness,Heat (fire))

主要的临床表现main clinic manifestations


其性开泄,易袭阳位Wind tend to float, disperse, go upward attack the upper and outside parts

风性善行而数变wind tends to move and change

风为百病之长,易夹杂其他外感之邪Wind tends to be complicated by other pathogenic factors


易伤阳气Cold tends to impair yang

寒性凝滞Cold tends to coagulate

寒性收引Cold tends to contract


Summer-heat is hot


暑性升散,耗气伤津Summer-heat tends to disperse and elevate,consume the qi and body fluid

暑多夹湿Summer-heat often complicated by dampness


湿性重浊dampness is heavy and turbid

湿易阻遏气机dampness tends to block qi

湿性黏滞dampness is sticky and stagnant

湿性趋下, 易袭阴位dampness tends to move downward,attack the lower and inside parts


燥易伤津Dryness consume the body fluid

燥性干涩Dryness is xerotic and unsmooth

燥易伤肺Dryness tends to impair the lung

火Heat (fire)

其性炎上Heat(fire) tends to flame up

易伤津耗气Heat(fire) tends to consume qi and impair body fluid

易生风动血Heat(fire) tends to produce wind and disturb blood

易致肿疡Heat(fire) tends to cause swelling and ulceration

七情内伤的概念、The concept of internal impairment due to the seven emotions,

七情致病的特点the pathogenic characters of the seven emotions

痰饮、瘀血的概念、形成及致病特点The basic concept, the formation and the pathogenic characteristics of phlegm ,rheum and blood stasis

痰饮phlegm ,rheum 瘀血blood stasis

发病的基本原理The pathogenesis of occurrence of disease in TCM

病机的概念,The concept of mechanism of pathological changes;

病机the mechanism of pathological changes;

邪正盛衰predomination and decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi;

阴阳失调imbalance between yin and yang;

气血津液失常disorder of qi, blood and body fluid.


中医诊法The concept of the TCM diagnostic methods

中医诊断的理论依据the theory foundation of the TCM diagnostic methods.

望神Inspection of spirit, 望色Inspection of complexion, 望排出物Inspection of excreta ,望舌Inspection of tongue,

Existence of spirit (得神),Lack of spirit(少神),Loss of spirit (失神)

False spirit(假神)

Normal complexion 常色

Morbid complexion 病色

Red colour ,White colour ,Yellow colour, Bluish colour,Blackish colour

临床意义clinical significance ;

望舌的方法Methods for inspection of tongue

舌苔tongue coat

舌红red tongue

淡白舌/舌淡Light-whitish tongue

青紫舌Cyanotic and purplish tongue

问诊inquiry, 主诉chief complaint, 病史history of present illness

问现在症inquiry of the present symptoms

Aversion to cold and fever(恶寒发热)

Cold sensation without fever(但寒不热)

Fever without cold sensation(但热不寒)

Alternate cold and fever(寒热往来)

诊脉的部位与方法The Regions and methods for taking pulse

脉诊taking pulse, 正常脉象normal pulse


cun(寸), guan(关),chi(尺).

辨证的概念The concept of differentiation of syndrome

表里辨证External and internal differentiation of syndromes,

External syndromes, 表证.

里证internal syndromes,

寒热辨证cold and heat differentiation of syndromes,

寒证cold f syndromes,

热证heat syndromes,

虚实辨证asthenia and sthenia differentiation of Syndromes,

虚证asthenia Syndromes,

实证sthenia Syndromes,

临床特点clinical character and difference.

八纲辨证Syndromes differentiation with eight principles

气血津液辨证syndrome differentiation with qi, blood and body fluid,


治则治法therapeutic methodstherapeutic principles ,

正治反治Contrary treatment, Routine treatment ,

治本treat “ben”(deal with the root cause)

治标Treating biao(acute symptoms bring on great suffering to the patients, or threaten life or tend to transmit and change) in emergency ,

扶正与祛邪Strengthening healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors,

调整阴阳Regulation of yin and yang,

三因制宜Abidance by individuality, locality and seasons.


中药Chinese Medicinal Herbs

四气four properties、寒热温凉cold, hot, warm, cool

五味five flavors、辛、甘、酸、苦、咸pungent, sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

、the action of lifting, lowering, floating and sinking,升降浮沉.

归经channel tropism、毒性toxicity

中药的配伍、用药禁忌Contraindication and Compatibility of Chinese Medicinal Herbs

中药的剂量Dosage of Chinese Medicinal Herbs


方剂的组成原则The principle of the composition of prescriptions,

Monarch drug (jun) 君

Minister drug (chen) 臣

Adjuvant drug (zuo) 佐

Guide drug (shi) 使

组成变化the modification of the composition of a prescription.

方剂的组成、用法、功效、临床应用、方解:Ingredients, administration, function,clinical application and elucidation of the prescriptions



经络the meridians;十二经脉twelve regular meridians

十二经脉走向与交接规律direction, joint law of the twelve channels、

十二经脉循行分布规律distributing law of the twelve channels ,

十二经脉表里络属关系exterior-interior relationship of the twelve channels ,

十二经脉流注方向和次序等flowing direction and order of the twelve channels;



刺法(针法)Acupuncture techniques; 进针Needling methods (insertion methods, Needling manipulation methods)

得气arrival of Qi

针刺意外和防治处理Management of possible accidents (emphasize 晕针fainting) 灸法moxibustion,




the point/acupoint (definition/concept, classification, location method, function)

腧穴的定位、归经、基本主治功能:location, channel tropism and the basic special treatment function of the point/acupoint


手太阴肺经:列缺;The lung channel of Hand-Taiyin: LieQue (Lu7)

手阳明大肠经:合谷;The large intestine channel of Hand-Yangming: Hegu (LI4) 足阳明胃经:足三里;The stomach channel of Foot-Yangming: Zusanli (ST36)

足太阴脾经:三阴交;The spleen channel of Foot-Taiyin: Sanyinjiao (SP6)

手少阴心经:神门;The heart channel of Hand-shaoyin: Shenmen (HT7)

手太阳小肠经:听宫;The small intestine channel of Hand-taiyang: Tinggong (SI19) 足太阳膀胱经:委中;The urinary Bladder channel of Foot-Taiyang:


足少阴肾经:涌泉;The Kidney channel of Foot-shaoyin: Yongquan(KI 1)

手厥阴心包经:内关;The Pericardium channel of hand-Jueyin: Neiguan (PC6) Hand-Shaoyang:

of channel ) (Sanjiao warmer triple The 手少阳三焦经:外关;

Waiguan (SJ5 ),

足少阳胆经:风池;The Gall Bladder channel of Foot-shaoyang: Fengchi (GB20) 足厥阴肝经:太冲;The Liver channel of Foot-Jueyin: Taichong (LR3)

任脉:关元、膻中;The Ren channel :Guanyuan (RN4), Tanzhong (RN17)

督脉:大椎、人中;The Du channel : Mingmen(GV 4), Dazhui (DU14), Shuigou (DU26),

经外奇穴:印堂、太阳;Extraordinary acupoints: Yintang(EX-HN 3), Taiyang(EX-HN 5)


v1.0可编辑可修改Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语 acupunture and moxibusion 针灸 health maintenance 养生 drugs cold and cool 寒凉药 the school of cold and cool 寒凉派 diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下 the school of purgation 攻下派 exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪 reinforcing the earth 补土 internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃百病由生 yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足 nourishing yin滋阴 medicinal herbs草药 blood stagnation淤血 warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃 中国医药学 : traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论 : basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验 : clinical experience 辨证论治 : treatment based on syndrome differentiation;pattern identification and treatment 本草 : materia medica 中药 : Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药 : Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味 : four properties and five tastes


普外科常用英语单词(一) 阑尾炎 /pendi`saitis/ obstruction 肠梗阻 /in`testinl/ /b`strΛk∫n/ cancer 胃癌 /`g?strik/ /`k?ns (r)/ cancer 肝癌 /liv (r)/ /`k?ns (r)/ 胆石病 /,klili`θaisis/ 胆囊结石病 胆总管结石 胰腺炎 /,p?ηkri`taitis/ of stomach 胃癌 /ka:si`num/ /`stΛmk/ 10、carcinoma of colon 结肠癌 /ka:si`num/ /`kuln/ 11、carcinoma of rectum 直肠癌 /ka:si`num/ /`rektm/ 12、peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡 /`peptik/ /`Λls/ 13、appendiceal abcess 阑尾脓肿 14、thyroid tumor 甲状腺肿瘤 /`θairid/ /`tju:m/ 15、nodular goiter 结节性甲状腺肿 /`nduil/ 16、hyperthyroidism 甲状腺功能 亢进 /haip`θairidzm/ 17、injury of abdomen 腹部损伤 /`indri/ /`?bdmn/ 18、injury of skin and soft tissue 皮肤软组织 损伤 /`indriintussusception 肠套叠 /,intss`sep∫n / of intussusception 肠套叠复位术 /ri`dΛk∫()n/ /,intss`sep∫n / 4. post gastrectomy 胃切 除术后 /pust/ /g?s`trektmi/ 5. anastomotic leakage 吻 合口漏 6. duodenal fistula 十二指肠 残端瘘 /,dju: u`di:nl/ /fistjul/ 7. stess ulcer 应激 性溃疡 /Λls(r)/ 8. hemangioma 血管


神经外科英语词汇 Carotico-cavernous fistula 血管瘤 一头皮和颅骨损伤Angiomas 诊断名词Scalp and skull injury 神经纤维瘤 髓母细胞瘤原发伤Neurofibroma Medulloblastoma Primary lesions 蛛网膜囊肿 室管膜瘤蛛网膜下腔出血Arachnoid cyst Ependymoma Subarachnoid hemorrhage 脊髓空洞 少枝胶质瘤颅内血肿Syringomyelia Oligodendroglioma Intracranial hematoma 髓内肿瘤 脑膜瘤/clot Intramedullary tumour Meningioma 硬膜外血肿颅内动脉瘤 颅咽管瘤Epidural hematoma Intracranial aneurysm Craniopharyngioma 硬膜下血肿梗阻性脑积水 神经瘤Subdural heamtoma Obstructive hydrocephalus Neuroma 弥漫性轴索损伤头痛 听神经瘤diffuse axonal injury Headache Acoustic Neuroma 挫伤视乳头水肿 血管母细胞瘤Contusion Papilloedema Hemangioblastoma 裂伤呕吐 胶质瘤laceration Vomiting Glioma 继发伤偏盲 星形细胞瘤Secondary lesions Hemianopsia Astrocytoma 脑肿胀癫痫 胶母细胞瘤Brain swelling Epilepsy Glioblastoma 颅骨骨折失语 畸胎瘤Skull fracture aphasia Teratoma 脑脓肿三叉神经痛 胆脂瘤Brain abscess Trigeminal neuralgia Cholesteatoma 脑膜炎胶样囊肿 上皮样囊肿Meningitis Colloid Cyst Epidermoids cyst 脑脊液漏垂体卒中 脊索瘤CSF leak Pituitary apoplexy Chordoma 鼻漏二 松果体瘤Rhinorrhea 解剖名词 Pineal tumour 耳漏中枢神经系统 生殖细胞瘤Otorrhea Central nervous system Germinoma


第一步:介绍中医历史 Traditional Chinese medicine ,abbreviated as TCM ,is a broad range of medicine practices sharing common concepts which have been developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years ,including new and traditional medicine practices such as herbal medicine,acupuncture, massage (Tuina),exercise(qigong)and so on. 第二步:介绍中医学治疗的全面性 Under the guidance of this philosophy, TCM regards balancing, eliminating and transforming pathogens as the main principles to treat diseases and maintain health, rather than confronting and killing as methods to conquer diseases. In the fight against viral diseases, chronic inflammation, functional disorders, endocrine disorders and other diseases, TCM plays a good role. 1、TCM puts the occurrence of diseases with these things together, which are climatic changes, environmental variations, emotional fluctuations, imbalance of diet and life. That is, the so-called Three Pathogens Theory. This etiology doctrine based on the macro methodology is entirely different from that of Western medicine which is on the basis of the microscopic and pathologic anatomy. But it is exactly a biological, psychological, social and advanced medical model. 2、TCM relies upon inspection, listening, smelling, inquiry and pulse-taking to directly experience and study the dynamic information of


heat 清肺热clear away lung-heat 相互制约mutual restraint, mutual restriction/interaction 湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading the lung 动态平衡dynamic equilibrium 清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire 阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium 腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitial space 阴阳得互根互用interdependence of yin and yang 水湿停滞retention of water and dampness, water retention 相互依存interdependence 癃闭retention of urine 阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang 气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood 相反相成opposite and supplementary to each 阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang 生理功能physiological functions 阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing 病理变化pathological changes 阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang 临床诊断clinical diagnosis 阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang 阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat 阳胜则热predominance of yang generating heat 阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin 寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 绝对偏盛absolute predominance 热极生寒extreme heat generating cold 阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold 阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin 阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin and yang 阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid 阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang 病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis 阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency 病机pathomechanism, pathological mechanism 阴阳自与natural harmony between yin and yang 阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yin and yang 木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth 虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome 木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal 扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin 金水相生generation between the metal and water 祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold 生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction 消导积滞promoting digestion and removing food retention 制则生化restriction ensuring generation 潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind 母病及子disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ 五行学说theory of five elements 传变transmission of disease, progress of disease


神经外科英语词汇 诊断名词 髓母细胞瘤Medulloblastoma 室管膜瘤 Ependymoma 少枝胶质瘤Oligodendroglioma 脑膜瘤 Meningioma 颅咽管瘤Craniopharyngioma 神经瘤 Neuroma 听神经瘤 Acoustic Neuroma 血管母细胞瘤Hemangioblastoma 胶质瘤 Glioma 星形细胞瘤 Astrocytoma 胶母细胞瘤Glioblastoma 畸胎瘤 Teratoma 胆脂瘤 Cholesteatoma 上皮样囊肿 Epidermoids cyst 脊索瘤 Chordoma 松果体瘤 Pineal tumour 生殖细胞瘤 Germinoma 骨瘤 osteoma 先天性肿瘤 Congenital tumour 海绵窦漏 Carotico-cavernous fistula 头皮和颅骨损伤Scalp and skull injury 原发伤 Primary lesions 蛛网膜下腔出血Subarachnoid hemorrhage 颅内血肿 Intracranial hematoma /clot 硬膜外血肿 Epidural hematoma 硬膜下血肿 Subdural heamtoma 弥漫性轴索损伤 diffuse axonal injury 挫伤 Contusion 裂伤 laceration 继发伤 Secondary lesions 脑肿胀 Brain swelling 颅骨骨折 Skull fracture 脑脓肿 Brain abscess 脑膜炎 Meningitis 脑脊液漏 CSF leak 鼻漏 Rhinorrhea 耳漏 Otorrhea 化脓性脑膜炎 Pyogenic Meningitis 耳源脓肿 Otogenic abscess 无菌性脑膜炎 Aseptic meningitis 硬膜下积液 Subdural effusions


[学科] 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。 ②本学科专业职业队伍。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 本草:Materia medica 中药:Chinese materia medica,Chinese medicinals(包括植物药、动物药、矿物药等) 中草药:Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese medicinal herbs 中药学:Chinese pharmaceutics 药材:Medicinal substance(material) 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica, Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae/ prescriptions 中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine [阴阳]The Theory of Yin and Yang 阴阳对立:Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳制约:Restriction of /between yin and yang 阴阳互根:Interdependence of yin and yang 阴阳消长:Waxing and waning of yin and yang 阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of yin and yang [五行学说]The Theory of Five Elements 五行:water,fire,wood,metal,soil 生:promote, generate, engender 克:act, restrict, restrain 乘:overact, over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm 侮:counteract, counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel [整体观念] concept of organic wholeness 辩证法dialectics 生长化收藏sprouting, growth,transformation,ripening,storage 内外环境统一性the unity between the internal and external environments 机体自身整体性the integrity of the body itself 古代唯物论和辩证法classic Chinese materialism and dialectics 矛盾统一the contradictory unity 互相联系、相互影响related to each other and influence each other


医院名称英语单词hospital 医院 hospital for infectious diseases 传染病医院 childrens hospital 儿童医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院 tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院 stomatological hospital 口腔医院 army hospital 陆军医院 field hospital 野战医院 hospital of chinese medicine 中医医院 tumor hospita 肿瘤医院 general hospital 综合性医院 mental hospital 精神病院 hospital for lepers;leprosarium 麻风病院 sanatorium 疗养院 clinic 诊疗所 first-aid station 急救站 quarantine station 防疫站 医学名称英语单词 medical science;medical service;medicine 医学 medical book 医书 medical skill;art of healing 医术 medical matters 医务

clinic 医务所 medical science;medicine 医学 forensic medicine;legal medicine 法医学preclinical medicine 基础医学preventive medicine 预防医学 Doctor of Medicine 医学博士 academy of medical sciences 医学科学院medical literature 医学文献 Bachelor of Medicine 医学学士 medical heritage 医学遗产 college of medicine 医学院 medical witness 医学证人 medicine 医药 general medical knowledge 医药常识medical expenses 医药费 medical kit;medicine chest 药箱 first-aid kit 急救药箱 property of a medicine 药性pharmaceutical college 药学院 dipping vat 药浴池 medicated soap 药皂 drug rash;drug eruption 药疹 assistant pharmacy 药剂士pharmaceutics;pharmacy 药剂学


一、绪论 中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), 中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点 The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment 第一章阴阳五行学说 阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang 阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang 阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang 阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM 说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body 阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis 阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang 阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang 阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin 阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang 阳偏衰Relative decline of yang 阴偏衰Relative decline of yin the five elements, 五行 五行特性the five elements property 第二章中医学的生理观 藏象“Zangxiang”, 五脏five Zang-organs, 六腑six fu-organs,生理功能the physiological functions , 气qi, 血blood , 津液body fluid, 气的生成、运动和分类the production ,moving and classification of qi, 血的生成和运行the production and circulation of blood


A 癌瘤 Carcinomatosis 癌性脑膜炎 Carcinomatous meningitis 鞍背 Dorsum sellae 鞍结节 Tuberculum sellae 鞍区和鞍旁 Sellar and parasellar B 疤痕组织 scar tissue 巴氏征 Extensor plantar reflex 白质 White matter 白质前连合 Anterior white commissure 半切 Hemisection 半月神经节 Trigeminal semilunar ganglion 板障静脉 Diploic v. 棒状体 Nuclei gracilis 包裹 Wrpping 保守治疗 Conservative treatment 背侧副橄榄核 Dorsal accessory olivary nucleus 背侧纵束 Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 背核 Dorsal nucleus 苯巴比妥 Phenobarbitone 鼻窦 paranasal sinus 鼻溢 Rhinorrhoea 臂丛 Brachial plexus 臂神经病 Brachial neuropathy 比重 Specific gravity 标准 Criteria 并发症 Complications 病理特征 pathological features 病因 Aetiology 薄束 Slender fasciculus 薄束核 Nucleus gracilis 不典型面痛 Atypical facial pain 不可达到的 Inaccessible C 侧角 Lateral horn 侧块 Lateral masses 侧面的,旁边的 Lateral 侧室 Lateral ventricles 侧索 Lateral funiculus 侧索核 Lateral nucleus 侧柱 Lateral column 插管 Intubation 成血管细胞性脑膜瘤 Angioblastic Meningioma 齿突 Dens 齿突间韧带 Apical dental lig. 齿凹 Fovea for dens 抽搐 Convulsion 出血性脑梗塞 Haemorrgagic infarction 垂体柄 Pituitary stalk 垂体机能低下 Hypopituitarism 垂体机能低下危象 Hypopituitary crises 垂体切除 Hypophysectomy 垂体窝 Hypophyseal fossa 垂体窝 Pituitary fossa 垂体卒中 Pituitary apoplexy 次裂 Seconary fissure 挫伤和裂伤 Contusion and laceration D 打呵 Yawning 大伦丁(笨妥英钠) Epanutin (dilantin) 大脑半球 Cerebral hemispheres 大脑大静脉 Great cerebral v. 大脑后动脉 Posterior cerebral a. 大脑内静脉


中医常用词汇Terms Commonly Used in TCM 中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine治未病prevention of disease 脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera 中医基础理论Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验clinical experience功能活动functional activities 形神统一unity of the body and spirit 辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 本草materia medica, herbs阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang 中药Chinese materia medica, Chinese medicinal 条达舒畅free development herbs 四气五味four properties and five tastes延年益寿prolonging life, promising longevity 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox养生防病cultivating health to prevent disease 各家学说theories of different schools正气healthy qi, vital qi 汗法diaphoresis, sweating therapy病邪pathogenic factor 下法purgative therapy, purgation整体观念concept of holism 吐法emetic therapy, vomiting therapy疾病的本质与现象nature and manifestations of disease 补土派school of invigorating the earth阴阳的相对平衡relative balance between yin and yang 病因学说etiology疾病的发生与发展occurrence and development of disease 养生health-cultivation, 同病异治treating the same disease with different therapies 医疗实践medical practice异病同治treating different diseases with the same therapy 治疗原则therapeutic principles五脏five zang-organs, five zang-viscera 寒凉药物herbs of cold and cool nature, 六腑six fu-organs, six fu-viscera cold-natured herbs 滋阴降火nourishing yin to lower/reduce fire经络系统system of meridians and collaterals 滋水涵木enriching water to nourish wood余热未尽incomplete abatement of heat 瘀血致泻disease caused by blood stasis有机整体organic wholeness/integrity 先天之精congenital essence表里关系exterior and interior relation 形与神俱inseparability of the body and spirit开窍opening into 开胃promoting appetite自然现象natural phenomena 脉象pulse conditions, pulse pattern哲学概念philosophical concept 邪正关系states of pathogenic factors and 对立统一unity of opposites healthy qi 发热恶寒fever and aversion to cold相互消长mutual waning and waxing 头身疼痛headache and body pain相互转化mutual transformation 久痢脱肛proctoptosis due to prolonged 阴阳属性nature of yin and yang


常用标识中英文对照(医院各科室中英文对照) 急诊室——Emergency Room 医院——Hospital 内科病房——Medical Ward 外科病房——Surgical Ward 儿科病房——Pediatric Ward 接生房——Labor and Delivery 手术室——Operation Room (OR) 心脏重症室——Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 重症室——Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 内科重症室——Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) 初生婴儿重症室——Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 儿科重症室——Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) 外科重症室——Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) 末期护理——Hospice 居家健康服务、药疗、物理治疗等——Home Health Service 化验所(进行化验研究)——Laboratory 门诊手术中心(一般非严重性手术)——Outpatient Surgical Center 药房(药物、医疗用品)——Pharmacy 医疗服务——Health Care Provider 医生——Physician 针灸——Acupuncture

过敏性专科——Allergy and Immunology 麻醉科——Anesthesiology 心脏科——Cardiology 心胸外科——Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 脊椎神经科——Chiropractic 结肠直肠外科——Colorectal Surgery 牙科——Dentistry 皮肤科——Dermatology 内分泌科——Endocrinology 家庭科——Family Practice 肠胃科——Gastroenterology 普通全科——General Practice 普通外科——General Surgery 老人病专科——Geriatrics 血液科——Hematology 肝病专科——Hepatology 传染病科——Infectious Disease 内科——Internal Medicine 肾脏科——Nephrology 神经科——Neurology 神经外科——Neurosurgery 妇产科——Obstetrics-Gynecology


中医术语的中英文参考对照 治则principle of treatment 在对临床的具体立法、处方、用药等具有普遍的指导意义,因而在治疗疾病时必须遵循的基本原则。 治病求本treatment aiming at its pathogenesis 针对产生疾病的根本原因进行治疗的原则。 急则治标symptomatic treatment in acute condition 与缓则治本相对而言,在大出血、暴泻、剧痛等标症甚急的情况,及时救治标病。 缓则治本radical treatment in chronic case 与急则治标相对而言,针对病势缓和、病情缓慢的情况,从本病的病机出发,采取调理、补益为主的治疗原则。 标本兼治treating both manifestation and root cause of disease 针对病证出现的标本并重的情况,采用治标与治本相结合的治疗原则。 治未病preventive treatment of disease 采取一定的措施防止疾病产生和发展的治疗原则,包括未病先防和既病防变两个方面。 同病异治treating same disease with different methods 表现相同的病证,可因人、因时、因地的不同,或由于病情的发展、病机的变化、病型的各异、正邪消长等差异,采取不同治法的治疗原则。 异病同治treating different diseases with same method 表现不同的病证,由于发病机理相同,采取相同治法的治疗原则。 因时制宜treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions 考虑到时令气候寒热燥湿的 不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因地制宜treatment in accordance with local conditions 考虑到地域环境的不同而选择适 宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因人制宜treatment in accordance with the patient''''s individuality 考虑到病人的体质、性别、年龄、生活习惯以及过去病史等个体差异性的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。


中医英文词汇 温补脾阳, warmly invigorating spleen yang 温补肾阳, warming and recuperating kidney yang 温补心肺, warmly invigorating heart and lung 温补脾胃, warmly invigorating spleen and stomach 温阳行气,warming yang for activating qi flowing 补气养血,benefiting qi and nourishing blood 补益肝脾, invigorating liver and spleen 补益心脾,invigorating heart and spleen 补益心肺, invigorating heart and lung 补益脾肾,invigorating spleen and kidney 补益心肝,invigorating heart and liver 滋阴补阳, nourishing yin and tonifying yang 温阳益气, warming yang and benefiting qi 益气滋阴, benefiting qi and nourishing yin 补益精髓, strengthening and nourishing marrow and essence 补肾调精, invigorating kidney for regulating menstruation 滋补肾精, replenishing kidney essence 补益心肾 invigorating heart and kidney 滋阴补血,nourishing yin and supplementing blood 温里法, method of warming interior 回阳救逆, restoring yang [and rescuing the patient from collapse! 温阳散寒, warmins vans for dispelling cold 温阳散寒,warming yang for dispelling cold 温中散寒, warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold 温肺散寒, warming lung for dispelling cold 温肾散寒, warming kidney for dispelling cold 温肝散寒, warming liver for dispelling cold 温胃散寒, warming stomach for dispelling cold 温通小肠, warmly dredging small intestine 温经散寒, warming channel for dispelling cold 暖宫散寒, warming uterus for dispelling cold 温经活血,warming channel and activating blood circulation 温经止血, warming the channel for stopping bleeding 治风法, method of expelling wind 疏散风邪, dispelling wind pathogens 袪风解肌, dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles 平肝息风, suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind 清热息风, clearing heat for calming endogenous wind 凉血息风, cooling blood for calming endogenous wind 清肝息风,clearing liver-fire for calming endogenous wind 解毒息风, removing


一、神经系统解剖生理 单词音标释义diaphragma sallae[?da??fr?m] [sɑ:l] 鞍膈 dorsal thalamus [?d?:rsl] ['θ?l?m?s] 背侧丘脑brachial plexus ['bre?k?rl][?pl?ks?s] 臂丛 limbic system ['l?mb?k]['s?st?m] 边缘系统limbic lobe ['l?mb?k][lob ] 边缘叶fasciculus gracilis [f?'s?kj?l?s] ['g r?s?l?s] 薄束 gracicle nucleus ['gr?s?l] ['nju?kl??s] 薄束核lateral ventricle ['l?t?r?l][?v?ntr?k?l] 侧脑室terochlear nucleus ['tr?kl?r] 车神经核ulnar nerve ['?ln?][n?:rv] 尺神经cerebrum [s??ri:br?m] 大脑,脑组织 Cerebal arterial circle [s?'ribr?l] [ɑr?t?ri?l][?s?:rkl] 大脑动脉环 posterior cerebral artery [pɑ:?st?ri?] [s??ri:br?l][?ɑ:rt?ri] 大脑后动脉 internal cerebral veins [?n?t?:rnl][ven] 大脑内静脉cerebral cortex [?k?:rteks] 大脑皮质

anterior cerebral artery [?n?t?ri?(r)] 大脑前动脉cerebrocerebellum ['ser?bro??ser?'bel?m] 大脑小脑middle cerebral artery [?midl] 大脑中动脉insula ['?nsj?l?] 岛叶subthalamus [s?b'θ?le?m?s] 底丘脑sacral plexus ['se?kr?l][?pl?ks?s] 骶丛 third ventricle [?v?ntr?k?l] 第三脑室fourth ventricle 第四脑室ectospinal tract [tek't?sp?nl][tr?kt]顶盖脊髓束pretectal area [pri:'tekt?l] 顶盖前区parietal lobe [p?'ra??t?l][lo?b] 顶叶oculomotor nucleus [??kj?l?'mo?t?] 动眼神经 accessory nucleus of oculomotor [ ?k?s?s?ri] [??kj?l?'mo?t?] 动眼神经副核 oculomotor nucleus 动眼神经核lentiform nucleus ['lent?f?:m] 豆状核telencephalon [?telen'sef?l?n] 端脑frontal lobe [?fr?ntl:] 额叶parasympathetic nerve [?p?r??s?mp?'θet?k] 副交感神经accessory nerve [?k?s?s?ri] 副神经accessory nueleus 副神经核
