影视美联英语 《银河护卫队》成漫威最新吸金王

影视美联英语 《银河护卫队》成漫威最新吸金王
影视美联英语 《银河护卫队》成漫威最新吸金王




Talking about directing in blockbusters is sometimes nothing more than wishful thinking. Most are such impersonally operated machines —dedicated to the business of brand storytelling —that they tend to obliterate any whisper of individuality. That there’s a palpable directorial sensibility in “Guardians of the Galaxy,”along with other signs of genuine life, helps separate this latest Marvel cash grab from a lot of off-the-rack movie cartoons. Here, a pulse, wit, beauty and a real sensibility have been slipped into the fray, alongside the clockwork guffaws, kabooms and splats.

谈论轰动大片的导演工作,有时是不可能的事情。这些影片大都致力于讲述品牌故事,导演就像是不带个人感情的控制机,倾向于抹去任何带有个人特征的私语。《银河护卫队》(Guardians of the Galaxy)中却有着明显的导演特色及真实生活的痕迹,令这部最新的漫威吸金大片得以从目前的众多电影卡通中脱颖而出。片子的冲突中悄悄渗入了活力、智慧、美和真实感,此外还有定时出现的大笑、爆炸的巨响和砰然落地的声音。

Lifted by a cast of professional charmers and a “What, me worry?”vibe, “Guardians of the Galaxy”is one of those interstellar westerns about a motley group of appealing baddies who rise to the heroic occasion and ride to the rescue,

on spaceships rather than Appaloosas. The John Wayne role here —or, really, the 1970s Harrison Ford one —belongs to Chris Pratt, an easygoing, comic performer who’s very good at putting up a persuasive cute-dumb front and then shifting into a slyer, more knowing register. Wearing a swinging duster and some fetishistic head gear, Mr. Pratt slides into “Guardians of the Galaxy”doing a Gene Kelly soft shoe, but is soon flexing his action-hero bona fides (bang-bang, etc.) as Peter Quill, a heavily armed professional scavenger.

《银河护卫队》是一部星际西部片,讲述一群迷人的坏家伙凑在一起,有了当英雄的机会,到宇宙飞船而不是阿帕鲁萨小镇去救人。一群职业万人迷演员,还有“什么,我担心?”的气质提升了影片的质量。在这部影片里,克里斯·普拉特(Chris Pratt)充当约翰·韦恩(John Wayne)的角色——哦,其实是20世纪70年代哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)的角色——他是一个随和的喜剧式演员,擅长摆出一副有说服力的聪明沉默的伪装,接着就变成狡猾、更加世故的形象。普拉特身穿一件飘飘荡荡的罩衫,戴着具有拜物教气质的头部装置,迈着吉恩·凯利(Gene Kelly)的舞步溜进《银河护卫队》,但是很快就显示出了动作片主角的诚意(砰!砰!),他在片中的角色名叫彼得·奎尔(Peter Quill),一个全副武装的职业拾荒者。

Quill is a good and a sometimes bad guy who fights and jokes amid swirling, polychromatic smoke and cascading words like Xandarians, Morag and the Celestial (and awesome) Head. He comes into possession of a pretty blue rock that everyone would risk death trying to get, hence a throwaway about “The Maltese Falcon.”You see, in 1539, some crusading knights persuaded the king of Spain to give them the island of Malta. ... That’s not what happens in “Guardians,”which

is based on a comic that first hit in 1969, but no matter. What counts are the dreams of Quill and his compatriots, including a wisecracking raccoon and an ambulatory tree, which have been ushered into existence by the director, James Gunn, with an eye to those who don’t know or care about the source material.

奎尔是个亦正亦邪的家伙,他在五颜六色的烟雾中战斗、开玩笑,片中有很多“山达尔人”、“魔拉格星”和“神族(令人敬畏)头颅”之类字眼。他得到了一块漂亮的蓝色石头,所有人都冒死想要得到它,所以片中随口提起了《马耳他之鹰》(The Maltese Falcon)。你知道,在1539年,有些圣战骑士们劝说西班牙国王把马耳他岛献给他们……《银河护卫队》里的故事可不是这样,它是根据1969年走红的一部漫画改变的。不过没关系。重要的是奎尔的梦想以及他的同伴们,其中包括一只总说俏皮话的浣熊和一棵会走的树,鉴于有人不知道或者不关心漫画原作,特别交代一下,这棵树是导演詹姆斯·冈(James Gunn)加进片子里来的。

In other words, you don’t need to be held hostage by the Marvel Weltanschauung to enjoy “Guardians.”The story may be confusing and generic by turns, but if you shake off the bonds of narrative coherency it’s liberating letting the weird words —Yondu, Necrocraft, Sakkaran —just slide right past you, much like the zigzagging, exploding 3-D spaceships. What sticks are the fantastical landscapes, the beautiful creature designs and the actors delivering lively performances, even with strata of makeup and digital wizardry. Among the many amusements is the floating head (kind of like in “The Wizard of Oz”) that yells at a villain, Ronan (Lee Pace, with notes of “Star Wars”and “Prometheus”) who wants the blue rock so he can destroy Xandar, a post-racial Eden run by Nova Prime,

a space-age Hillary Rodham Clinton (Glenn Close).

换言之,你就算不了解漫威漫画的世界观,也可以欣赏《银河护卫队》。故事情节可能有时混乱,有时平庸,但如果你不去管叙事的连贯性,那些古怪的字眼“勇度”、“尸构生物”、“萨卡伦”也会一闪而过,就像那些曲折前进、突然爆炸的3-D太空船一样。精彩的是幻想出来的风景,美丽的生物设计和演员们生动的表演,层层化妆和数码特效也无法掩盖他们的光彩。很多地方都很有趣,特别是一个漂浮的头(有点像《OZ国历险记》[The Wizard of Oz]),对恶棍罗南(李·佩斯[Lee Pace]饰演,让人想起《星球大战》[Star Wars]和《普罗米修斯》[Prometheus])尖叫的一幕,罗南想得到这块蓝色的石头,用来摧毁山达尔星——这是处在后种族歧视时代的伊甸园,领导人诺瓦至尊(格伦·克洛斯[Glenn Close]饰)堪称太空时代的希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)。

Filled with a multihued populace, Xandar is shiny, clean and bright, and looks familiar because it evokes both our world (one building suggests the Gherkin in London) and your favorite tattered science-fiction paperback. It’s nice if a little ho-hum (as utopias tend to be in movies), particularly when compared with the darkly colored, visually seductive realms and spaces conjured up by Mr. Gunn and his team. From location to location, and character to character, the quality of the special effects meets the demands of the imaginative designs in sweep and detail. There are different ways to get lost in a movie, and while “Guardians”takes you down one after another crazy narrative turn, it also pulls you into —and, for the most part, keeps you in —a fully realized other world.



That’s a relief, because the movie doesn’t start promisingly, opening with not one but two female clichés: the dead mother and the disposable chick. Both belong to Quill —he tells the chick, who enters with bed hair and not much else, that he forgot she was even there —and they suggest that however futuristic the movie may be, its sexual politics and worldview are antediluvian. (You have to wonder if the people who make these entertainments ever think about what such tired stereotypes say to young viewers, not to mention their own sons and daughters.) The sense that the movie’s appealingly old-fashioned jocularity, reminiscent of late Howard Hawks, has its fatal drawbacks dissipates with the introduction of Gamora (Zoe Saldana), a green, mean, not-so-jolly killing machine.

这让人感到安慰,因为电影开头显得前景不妙。它以女性角色的俗套开场,而且不是一个女人,而是两个女人:死去的母亲和可以被随便抛弃的姑娘。两人都属于奎尔,他告诉那个头发凌乱、近乎赤裸地走进来的姑娘,他忘记了她还在这儿——这显示出这部影片虽然可能有着未来主义风格,但片中的性政治和世界观还是老一套(你忍不住要想,拍这些片子的人到底有没有想过,这种陈旧的老一套对年轻观众有什么影响,更别提他们自己的儿女了)。片中有趣的老式滑稽让人想起晚期的霍华德·霍克斯(Howard Hawks),有着致命的缺点,不过随着卡魔拉(Gamora,佐伊·索尔达娜[Zoe Saldana]饰演)的登场就消散了,


However familiar, Gamora turns out to be better than most Strong Female Characters —you know those girls: They’re fierce and finally inconsequential —that the blogger T asha Robinson went after in a recent post about the so-called Trinity Syndrome. This pervasive sexist disorder affects a lot of filmmakers and is named for the “Matrix”character whose trajectory doesn’t deliver on her exciting promise. Gamora is given more to do than make a splashy entrance and wear tight costumes, and Ms. Saldana remains a charismatic screen presence, even when she trades in her Emma Peel-ish catsuits for a miniskirt, a costume change that’s accompanied by the image of a soft female hand resting on a strong male shoulder. This is another movie that mock-skewers the stereotypes it embraces.

卡魔拉这个角色虽然似曾相识,但还是超越了大多数强悍的女性角色——你知道这样的女孩,她们很凶悍,但到最后变得无关紧要,就是博客写手塔莎·罗宾森(T asha Robinson)最新写的所谓“崔妮缇综合征”。这个词是指无处不在并影响了很多电影人的的男性至上论,是以《黑客帝国》(Matrix)中的女主角命名的,她故事的发展不像人们期待的那样令人兴奋。卡魔拉不仅身穿紧身衣,有一个引人瞩目的登场,她还有更多事要做;索尔达娜一直是一个极具魅力的镜头人物,甚至当她把自己的艾玛·皮尔(Emma Peel)式连体紧身衣换成一条短裙的时候也是如此——换装还伴随着这样一幕:一只柔软的女人的手搭在强壮的男人肩膀上。这是片中的又一处引人嘲笑的俗套。

It’s old news that the major studios, having long absorbed the lessons of B-movie titans like Roger Corman, are now primarily in the business of churning out big-ticket exploitation flicks. (As a studio executive said way back in 1975, “What

was ‘Jaws’but an old Corman monster-from-the-deep flick?”) It’s perfect, then, that Mr. Gunn, having started out working for Troma Entertainment, that gleeful purveyor of barrel-scraping trash, has been tapped by Marvel for its latest bid at box-office domination. He’s a funny guy who brings a light touch to cartoon violence, whether he’s going for giggles (as in “Slither”) or uglier yuks (“Super”). But in “Guardians of the Galaxy,”he also summons up some emotion and even quiet desperation amid the scares and the brutes like Drax (a terrific Dave Bautista).

大制片公司从罗杰·科曼(Roger Corman)这些B级片巨头那里吸取了经验,现在主要致力于快速推出高票房的剥削影片,这已经不是什么新闻了(早在1975年,一个制片公司执行人就说,“《大白鲨》[Jaws]不就是一部科曼式的深渊怪物电影吗?”)。詹姆斯·冈一开始在特洛玛娱乐公司工作,这家令人愉快的公司专门翻箱倒柜,翻拍老片,后来漫威邀请冈来拍摄这部最新的票房大片。冈是个有意思的人,不管他是想激起观众的傻笑(就像在他的《撕裂人》[Slither]里),或是更丑陋的哈哈大笑(就像在《超级英雄》[Super])里,他令卡通暴力缓和了许多。但在《银河护卫队》里,他也唤起了一些情感,甚至包括恐惧中静静的绝望,以及德拉克斯(Drax,大卫·巴蒂斯塔[Dave Bautista]饰演,非常可怕)这样的兽性角色心中的绝望。

Given these moments of feeling, it doesn’t seem accidental that two of the brightest characters in the movie, which Mr. Gunn wrote with Nicole Perlman, are the raccoon and the tree, both surprisingly melancholic figures whose presence proves more resonant than their patter. The raccoon, Rocket (given an effectively grating screech by Bradley Cooper), is a nasty, often crude piece of work who’s never as funny as he thinks. But, much like the tree, a gorgeously rendered creature

called Groot (Vin Diesel, in his finest role since “The Iron Giant”) —who nibbles his own tender sprouts and, in a nod to the 1931 film “Frankenstein,”offers a child a bloom —the raccoon carries with him an air of regret, a sense of loss and despair that, in the end, speaks more to our world than to that of the movie.

影片剧本由冈与尼克尔·帕尔曼(Nicole Perlman)合写,有了这些充满情感的时刻,片中最明亮的两个角色是浣熊和树,这也就不足为奇了。出人意外的是,它们其实是很忧郁的角色,它们的形象比它们的俏皮话更能引起共鸣。那只名叫“火箭”的浣熊(它会发出刺耳的尖叫,由布拉德利·库珀[Bradley Cooper]配音)是个粗鲁讨厌的家伙,并不像自己以为的那样有趣;那棵树是个被精彩呈现的生物,名叫格鲁特(Groot,由范·迪塞尔[Vin Diesel]配音,这是他自《钢铁巨人》[The Iron Giant]以来最好的角色),它咬着自己新生的嫩芽,为了向1931年的电影《弗兰肯斯坦》(Grankenstein)致意,还给了一个孩子一朵花。两个角色都带着一种抱憾的气息,一种失落与绝望的情绪,到最后更体现了我们这个世界的情感,而不是片中世界的情感。

“Guardians of the Galaxy”is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Bloodless violence and soft expletives.


影视美联英语 山姆史密斯成本届格莱美最大赢家

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: https://www.360docs.net/doc/1114168859.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:影视英语山姆史密斯成本届格莱美最大赢家 LOS ANGELES —The 57th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday were a mixture of old songs, new faces and upsets, as Sam Smith, a 22-year-old British singer barely known to American audiences a year ago, won three of the top four prizes, and Beck became the dark-horse victor of album of the year. 洛杉矶——周日举行的第57届年度格莱美奖上混合了老歌、新面孔与搅局者,年仅22岁的英国歌手山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)赢得了四项最重要大奖中的三项,仅仅在一年前,他在美国还罕有人知,而贝克(Beck)成为黑马,获得了年度专辑大奖。 Mr. Smith took best new artist as well as both record and song of the year for “Stay With Me,”a moody, lovelorn ballad that became a smash on pop radio stations. 史密斯获得了年度最佳艺人,他的《留在我身边》(Stay With Me)获得年度最佳制作与最佳歌曲,这是一首忧郁的失恋歌曲,在流行音乐电台大受欢迎。 “I want to thank the man who this record is about,”Mr. Smith said when accepting the prize for record of the year. “Thank you so much for breaking my heart, ’cause you got me four Grammys.”


美联英语提供:美联英语:电影院看电影相关情景对话 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1114168859.html,/?tid=16-73374-0 Molly: What are you up to? Jack: Just about to head out to the movie, would you like to come? Molly: I have never been to a western cinema. Jack: You will see a great concession stand to buy snacks. Molly: And what else? Jack: We will go to a multiplex cinema with many movies playing at once. Molly: How many movies do they have? Jack: Seventeen movies at once. Molly: Now I really want to go and see such a wonderful place. 莫莉:你要干吗去? 杰克:我要去看场电影,你跟不跟我去? 莫莉:我从没进过西方电影院。 杰克:你会看到特大个儿的买零食的小卖部。 莫莉:还有什么别的么? 杰克:你还能看到影城里同时放映好几部电影。 莫莉:多少部电影? 杰克:一次17部。 莫莉:那地方太棒了,现在我真想去看看。 NEW WORDS: the snack bar at the movies I love to buy popcorn at the concession stand, so I have something to munch


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估计不用我说了,了解了美联英语的环境之后,对于美联英语怎么样这个问题,心中也大概有个谱了吧。没错,美联英语的学费,很贵。至少我是这样认为的,谁让我是穷屌丝。这美联英语的学费,跟华尔街英语是一个级别的,可是教学质量高啊,咱们可以追溯一下美联英语的前身,他们是为政府和一些企业做英语培训的,走的是高端路线,由此来看,美联英语做英语培训也很久了,而且为企业做培训,我相信他们的教学还是能保证质量的。 纵容对美联英语怎么样的议论铺天盖地,相信也不会影响大家的判断,想学习英语的你可以亲自去尝试一下,美联英语怎么样只有你试过才会得到答案。 美联英语:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1114168859.html,

美联英语 乐享英语

美联英语乐享英语 美联英语乐享英语 欧式风情的咖啡厅,超强视觉效果的电影院,浪漫温情的露天平台……步入这里,您是否会误以为这是一块能够远离都市喧闹放松的地方?可当看到透明光亮的教室,你才会突然发觉原来学习环境能够这样浪漫,而这正是美联英语的特色之一,乐享英语。如果你问一个人,学习是否是件枯燥的事,那么他一定会回答说,“只要你对它产生兴趣,就不枯燥。”是的,对中国教育培训市场来说,所缺乏的不是课件,也不是能教书的人,而是能够激发学员学习激情的方式。没有动力的学习,再好的老师、再好的课程体系,只会表现为一种填鸭式的教学模式。英语作为语言,是一种交流工具。交流不能仅仅停留在文字交流上,更需要表达。不过中国的应试教育,让哑巴英语成为了英语学习者的代名词。能读懂,就是听不懂,更是说不出口。在美联英语,所看到的是学员灿烂的笑容,听到的是欢快的英语对话,这些都是因为其体验式教学。通过“玩”、通过参与让你掌握英语,即设定既定的游戏环节和模拟场景,让学员在实践中掌握英语。 限量试听体验课,火速申请。 课程名称:通用英语、商务英语、青少英语、国际教育、在线英语 授课方式:一对一或小班式的教学模式 学习时段:将根据学员具体情况单独拟定。 课程介绍:美联英语的课程体系以实用为导向,由浅入深,涵盖从零起点到商务英语,适合不同水平、不同需求的学生。 美联英语简介:美联英语,世界体验式英语培训品牌,致力于为成人及青少年提供高质量实用的英语培训服务,下设通用英语、商务英语、青少英语、国际教育、在线英语几大产品,在满足各类人群不

同英语需求的同时,还专注为各大企业提供专业的英语培训服务。自2006年成立以来,美联英语陆续在全国开设直营培训中心51家,覆盖8个省份、14个城市,并在厦门设总部,拥有企业员工2100余名,其中教学、研发团队近千人,8年间,美联英语共培养学员九万余人,并以平均每年27%的速度迅速增长。当前,美联在全国同类业务的市场占有率已高达24.1%,成为我国高端英语培训机构的领头羊之一。 免费咨询热线: 北京 400-0066-911转分机61671(周一至周五09:00至20:00 周六09:00至20:00周日 09:00至20:00) 注意:本电话仅接待课程咨询,恕不接待商务合作、求职、投诉等事宜。


美联英语靠谱吗——用最好的成果来告诉你 美联英语提供 美联英语靠谱吗”这个问题困扰我很长一段时间,和朋友聊过后,决定亲身实践去寻找这个答案。人的成长道路上总会出现许多十字路口,选择不同的路口,就有不同的命运。当我面临是出国深造还是留在国内就业的选择时,毫不犹豫的选择了出国深造。但出国英语必须过关,自知英语水平不好,便想要找个英语培训机构进行学习。朋友推荐了美联英语,但我并不了解美联英语,心里一直在想“美联英语靠谱吗”。思来想去,直接把朋友叫了出来,让他帮我解答“美联英语靠谱吗”这个在我心中时时思虑的问题。 朋友看到我有这么大的困扰,十分耐心的解答我的疑问。朋友说美联英语是美联国际教育集团旗下最重要的产线品牌,在纽约、北京、深圳三地分设总部,拥有一百多家分校,是国内数一数二的英语能力培训机构。主要业务有成人英语素质教育、青少年英语应用教育、英语在线学习等。十分的专业,根本不用考虑“美联英语靠谱吗”这个问题。对朋友的话,我是深信不疑的,就没再想“美联英语靠谱吗”这个问题和朋友聊完之后,又从美联英语官网上看了看,网站设计设计的很不错,条理清晰,逻辑分明,还有试听这一分类,就从网上试听了一下,感觉还不错。又看了看师资实力和收费,就决定报名学习了。其实,心里还是想过“美联英语靠谱吗”,转念一想,去了不就知道了吗?“美联英语靠谱吗”这个问题不就解决了吗? 在十几年的学习生涯,让我坚信“知识改变命运”这句话。所以在出国深造还是国内就业,毫不犹豫的选择了出国深造。出国深造需要知识的支撑,尤其是英语。考虑了朋友的建议去了美联英语学习,去之前还老想美联英语靠谱吗,现在想想当时真是在



美联英语提供:用事实告诉你美联英语靠谱吗 当今社会上,英语的重要性越来越突出。对于众多成年人朋友而言,英语已经不仅仅是一门语言这么简单,而成了事业晋升和个人发展道路上的一只“拦路虎”。不少朋友为了学习英语“苦其心志,劳其体肤”,却依旧收获甚微,当你遇到这样的困难时,选择美联英语一定会对你有很大的帮助。美联英语靠谱吗? 美联英语有国际化的教学中心,为学生打造了一个宽松的学习环境。美联英语的宽松学习环境证明美联英语靠谱么的答案是肯定的。美联英语由美国著名设计师团队计的教学中心,在设计风格与功能规划上,都遵循于一个重要的理念:为学习创造一个轻松的环境。所以,在每一家美联的教学中心,不仅有简约时尚的教室,还有以星巴克为蓝本的咖啡吧与Club区,以及小型电影院、阅读空间等。美联英语的设计风格和设计理念告诉大家美联英语靠谱吗,是的,美联英语靠谱。 美联英语是一家专业从事高端英语培训的教育机构。总部位于中国深圳,目前在全国拥有100家分校,员工三千余人,是国内专业英语能力培训的知名品牌。美联英语经历二十多年的国际化研发成果和在全球七十多个国家取得的成功经验,成为高端英语的榜样。 美联国际教育集团,是全球跨境教育领先品牌,旗下产线品牌包括:美联英语、美联出国考试、美联留学、美联国际高中和立刻说。 美联英语是一家以高端英语培训为主营业务的教育集团,具体业务主要有成人英语素质教育、青少年英语应用教育、英语在线学习和企业团体英语培训等。美联英语在发展之初就具有强大的实力,用心集聚人才,为以后发展奠定基础。经过多年的努力,美联英语现已发展成为集研发和教学为一体的全国性的大型教育集团。



美联英语提供:美联英语:注意!面试时这五个回答让你与工作基本无缘(组图) 面试官无论问什么问题,你只会说:“我不知道” Setting yourself apart from the crowd is vital when you are looking for that new job. This applies for all stages of the recruitment process - you want to ensure that your CV is at the top of a recruiter or hiring manager's pile, and that your interview shows you in the best possible light. 在你寻找新工作时让自己与众不同很重要。这一点适用于招聘的每一个环节——因为你想确保自己的简历得到负责招聘HR的注意,还想在面试中表现出色让对方认为你是最合适的人选。 People looking to fill a role will be looking for that something special which sets the very best candidates apart. To give yourself the best opportunity, here are some very common mistakes and phrases which you should try to avoid in those all-important interviews.
