


一.朗读5 分在每单元的课文里。




1.Nice to meet you ! Nice to meet you!

2.Good morning ! Good morning!

3.How are you? Fine , thank you!

4.How do you do? How do you do!

5.Hello! Hello!


1.Thank you ! You are welcome.


1. I am sorry . It doesn’t matte.


1.would you like some tea? Yes , please.

2.Would you like to fly kites with me? Yes, I’d love to.


1.Why not play basketball with us? Good idea!

2.How about going swimming with us? Good idea!

3.Let ‘s have a picnic this Sunday. Good idea.


1.Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the post office? I’m sorry , I

don’t know the way.


1.I won the English competition , Well done

2.I did very well in the exam. Congratulations.


1. I didn’t pass the exam. I am sorry to hear that.

2. I have a bad cold.. I am sorry to hear that.


I think it is important to study hard. I think so. I agree with you.

( 十) 道别

1.I will take a trip to Shanghai tomorrow. Have a good time.

2. Good bye. Good bye.



1.What do you do? I am a student.

2.What time do you get up? At six o’clock.

3.What day is it today? It’s Tuesday.

4.What ‘s the weather like today? It’s sunny.

5.What are you going to do this Sunday? I am going to play football.

6.What do you often do after school? I often do sports.

7.What did you do last night? I did my homework.

8.What’s your favourite season?Summer.

9.What ‘s your favourite sport? Swimming.

10.W hat ‘s your favourite subject? English?

11. What would you like to be when you grow up? A teacher.


1.How do you go to school? On foot.

2.How many people are there in your family? There are three.

3.How much do your spend on your lunch? Ten yuan.

4.How long does it take you to do your homework every day? Two hours.

5.How often do you read English? Every day.


1.Where do you come from? Guanghzou.


1.Which do you like better. Tea or coffee ? Tea.

2.Which do you like better , English or maths? English.


Unit 1 介绍自己

Hello everyone. My name is Mike. I come from the US. I’m 13 years old. I am tall and strong and I have short brown hair.

I have a happy family . I live with my family. I live with my parents and my younger sister. I like Maths and English. And my hobby is doing sports . My favourite sports are playing football . And I want to be an engineer when I grow up.


Sally is my new friend, she is from Germany. There are four people in her family---her parents, an elder brother and her. Sally ‘s favourite subjects are Music and Maths. Reading and playing basketball are her hobbies.

Unit 2 My daily life


I usually get up at 6 a.m. Then I wash my face and brush my brush my teeth. At 6:30a.m. I have my breakfast. I go to school at 7 a.m. I have classes from 8a.m. to 5 p.m.

After school, I have piano classes twice a week . I usually do my homework from 8 to 9 p. m, and I go to bed at 10 p.m.

Unit 3 保护地球的重要性

The Earth is our only home. It provides us with air, water and food. It is a beautiful place. But today thee is a lot of pollution on Earth. It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.

Unit 4. 描写我最喜欢的季节

I like autumn best. The weather is cool and dry in autumn. I can eat a lot of fruit. It’s interesting to go on a picnic with my family. The Mid- Autumn Festival is in autumn and it’s my favourite holiday. It’s exciting to see all my relatives and enjoy moon cakes together.

Unit 5 描写将来的一次活动

Our class will visit Guanghzou Museum next Friday. We are going to meet at the school gate at 8:30 a.m. Then we are going to leave school at 8:45. It will take us half an hour to get there by bus. We are going to return to school at 3:30a.m.

Unit 6 描写一个景点:海心沙广场。

Haixinsha Square is a good place to go sightseeing. It is in he centre of Guangzhou. It is a large area with green grass, beautiful flowers and fountains. If you visit Haixinsha Square, you can also see many famours buildings, such as the Guangdong Museum, the Canton Tower and the Guangzhou Grand Theatre . People like taking photos here nad having a good time with their families.

Unit 7 描写过去的一个活动。

Last Wednesday afternoon, I went to the English Club at our school. We met in Room 101. We saw an English film and talked about it in English. I liked the club because it was very interesting. And it could help me to make my English better.

Unit 8


I like collecting robot models, and I started to collect them three years ago.

I have more than thirty models now, and the biggest one is as tall as me. It’s hard to get a robot model, so sometimes I need to make thm by myself, but I love to do this. Making the models can help me not to be afraid when I meet something difficult.




1. It’s a sunny day. Why don’t we play volleyball after school?

(Good idea……)

2. My Mom was angry with me, because I got home late. When do you usually get home?

( I usually get home at 6:00……)

3. What a beautiful skirt you are wearing!

( Thank you……)

4. Could you tell me the way the nearest coffee shop?

(Go along the street……)

5. My dad is a lawyer. What does your father do?

( He is a doctor……)

? 1 I like playing badminton. What is your favourite hobby?

(My hobby is playing basketball……..)

? 2 I will visit my grandma this weekend. What do you decide to do this weekend?

( Go shopping……)

? 3. You like playing football very much. How often do you go to play it?

( twice a week……)

4. Oh, dear! I have a cold again? (I’m sorry to hear that……)

5. I like autumn, because the weather is cool. What’s your favourit season? Why? 1. I usually play basketball after school. What do you usually do after school?Watch TV. / Read newspapers. / Take a walk too…

2. Mike hurt his leg yesterday.I’m sorry to hear that…

3. What about go shopping with us this weekend, Mary?Good idea!

4. I think the film Harry Potter is very interesting. I think so.

5. What did you do last night? I did my homework.

1. I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow. I have an important meeting. What a pity!/ I do hope you could come./It doesn’t matter.

2. A new film is on this weekend. Why not go and see it together? That’s a good idea.

3. You really do a good job in the competition, congratulations!Thank you!

4. It’s so hot here, can I turn on the air-conditioner?Sure, go ahead.

5. We’ll have a 3-day holiday soon, what are you going to do?Go gravelling.




七年级英语口语练习题(100分) 口头回答(80分) 1.What sport do you often do with your friends? What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? 2.I want to be a doctor. Because I want to help sick people. 3.What’s your favourite sport? Playing basketball./ Swimming./ Running. 5.What do you usually have for breakfast? I often have a glass of milk and some bread. 6.What does your father work as? A doctor/ a teacher. 7. How do you usually go to school? On foot. / By bus. / By bike. 8. How often do you play on your computer? Sometimes. / Once a week. 9.Which subject do you like better, Chinese or maths? I like maths. 10. Which season do you like best? Why? Spring. Because everything is growing in spring. 11. How often do you have P.E. ? Once a week / Twice a week. 12. Where did you have breakfast this morning?


一年级上册英语口语复 习课教案 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

一年级上册英语口语主题1-9复习课 【课型】复习课 【课时】一节课 【授课时间】 【教授内容】复习已学过的单词和句型 【教学目标】 (一)知识技能目标: 1.学生能听懂、会说并能认读以下单词:classroom blackboard window door desk; red yellow blue green black white; schoolbag ruler eraser pencil case pencil pen book crayon 2.学生能用What’s your name来询问别人的名字;会用What colour is it 来询问身边物品的颜色。 3.学生能根据老师的口令准确做出相应的动作,能根据老师的动作说出相对应的口令。 (二)过程与方法目标: 1.通过游戏形式复习已学的单词和句型,使学生在快乐中学习,在学习中感受快乐。 2.通过小组活动,培养学生与他人合作的意识和技巧。 (三)情感态度与价值观目标: 1.培养学生运用英语思维能力,激发学生对英语的学习热情。 2.培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力,提高学生的口语交际能力。 【教学重点】 1.学生能听懂、会说并能认读以下单词:classroom blackboard window door desk; red yellow blue green black white; schoolbag ruler eraser pencil case pencil pen book crayon 2.学生能用What’s your name来询问别人的名字;会用What colour is it 来询问身边物品的颜色。 【教学难点】 3.学生能根据老师的口令准确做出相应的动作,能根据老师的动作说出相对应的口令。 【教具准备】 PPT课件、单词卡片、实物


人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案(一) Unit 1单元测试题Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. —Can Amy play ________ drums?—Yes. And she can play ________ chess, too. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. a;不填 ( )17. Li Jing often helps me ________ my geography. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )18. —Mike, what’s your favorite subject, math ________ science?—Math. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )19. My cousin ________ very well. Look! Here are some of his pictures. A. sings B. dances C. swims D. draws ( )20. Mom, I need you ________ me a pencil box. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to buying ( )21. Helen likes the ________ Where are we going, Dad? very much. A. show B. test C. trip D. festival ( )22. Linda’s brother can’t ________ “apple”, but he ________ “banana” easily. A. spell; spells B. spell; spell C. spells; spells D. spells; spell ( )23. —Can you sing this song?—________. It’s difficult for me. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I can D. No, I can’t ( )24. —________?—He can do kung fu. A. What does Eric like B. Can Eric do kung fu C. What can Eric do D. Does Eric like kung fu ( )25. —Peter will join the art club. ________?—I’ll join the English club. A. How are you B. What about you C. Can I help you D. How’s your day Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello, everyone! Do you 26 SOS student club? Yes? I’m a member (成员) of the 27 . Now let me tell you something about it.


小学一年级口语交际练习题及答案 1、说说你在家里都会做些什么? 2、你做过哪些游戏,你觉得什么游戏最有趣? 3、你喜欢哪个季节?为什么? 4、看看夜晚的天空,把看到的说给同学听 5、说说我的前面是:__________后面是:__________左面是:__________右面是:__________ 6、看到有同学在草坪里玩,你觉得这样做对吗?你会对他们说些什么呢? 7、你会用纸片拼什么?怎样拼? 8、最近你学会了什么?是怎么学会的? 9、小明每天帮王爷爷取牛奶,王爷爷提出每天给小明一毛钱,小明该怎么办? 10、讲故事,小兔运南瓜 11、看到有人把水笼头的水打开,让水哗哗地流着,你认为这样做对吗?你会怎样劝说? 12、春天在哪里? 13、你很想帮爸爸妈妈做家务事,可他们总说你做的不好,不让做,你该怎么办?

14、我们周围的垃圾从哪里来?该怎么处理生活垃圾呢?说说你的想法。 15、续讲故事 16、猜谜语:藤上结个玻璃瓜,天天夜里都开花,以前只是城里有,现在结到农民家。 17、你想怎么过自己的“六?一”儿童节呢? 18、小松不小心把家里的花瓶打碎了,他如实地告诉了爸爸,却被爸爸打了一顿,如果你遇到这种事,该怎么做呢? 19、未来的桥会是什么样?说说你的设想。 20、小朋友,赶紧来夸夸自己的家乡吧! 21、你会用小手帮家人做些什么? 22、你喜欢看课外书吗?你想和哪些书做朋友,为什么? 23、小熊要过生日,请小猴去它家做客。可是小熊家住在一条大河的对面,河面上没有船,也没有其他方式能帮助小猴过河。请大家帮小猴设计一座桥。 1.向小猴介绍自己设计的桥。 欢欢说:“—————————————————。” 迎迎说:“————————————————————————。”2介绍自己设计的桥的优点。 欢欢说:“————————————————————————。”


2015学年上学期期末考试情况分析 结合考试情况,认真分析考得好的内容,进行经验小结。 1.口试题做得比较好的是sing a song,一年级的小朋友对英文 歌曲比较感兴趣,基本上个个都过关,而且加上老师设计的动作,拍 掌,摆手等,小朋友学英文歌学得非常开心,也就很快就朗朗上口 了。 2.口试题做得比较好的还有读单词,每个学生抽五个单词来读,每个 单元各抽一个,全对的学生占大部分。学生对单词的掌握比较好。 3.笔试题做得比较好的是第三题涂颜色,一年级的小朋友初学颜色时, 都对涂涂画画充满了极大的兴趣,学这一类单词也特别起劲,基本上 没有什么孩子会涂错颜色。 联系平时教学,对卷面考得不理想的内容,进行反思。 1.口试题做得比较不好的是读chant,单词量比较多,而且句子比较多, 起码都有五六句,学生掌握得不太牢固,有时甚至有个别同学读不流畅。 2.笔试题做得比较不好的是看图找单词,有个别同学对单词不够熟悉,导致 无法把图与相应的单词连接起来。

2015学年上学期铁四小学一年级英语口语期末水平测试题 班别姓名学号成绩 II 听力部分(70分): 一、Listen and Choose. 听一听,请√出你听到的图片。(15分) 1、 () ()()2、 ()()()3、 ( )( )()4 、 () () ( ) 5 、 ( )( )( )

二、Listen and tick.听一听,请√出每种物品的数目。(15分) 三、Listen and colour. 听句子,给图片涂颜色。(15分) 1、 ( ) () 2、 () () 3、 ( )( ) 4、 ( )() 5、 () ( ) 1、 2、


一年级语文下册专项训练 口语交际训练 一、一边看图,一边听老师讲《三个和尚》的故事,然后自己也讲讲这个故事。 从前有座山,山上有一个破庙,有一天,一个小和尚他来到庙里,看见庙里的水缸没水了,就挑来水倒满了水缸,还给观音瓶子里加满了水,干枯的杨枝最后恢复了生机。他每一天挑水、念经、敲木鱼,夜里不让老鼠来偷东西,生活过得安稳自在。 不久,来了个高和尚。他渴极了,他一到庙里,就把半缸水喝光了。小和尚让他去挑水,高和尚心想一个人去挑水太吃亏了,他要小和尚和他一齐去抬水。于是两个人抬着一只水桶去山下取水,抬水的时候水桶务必

放在扁担的中央,要不在中间,两个人就推来推去,谁都不想多出一点力气。 之后,又来了个胖和尚。他也想喝水,但恰好缸里没有水了。小和尚和高和尚让他自己去挑,胖和尚挑来一担水,放下水桶就立刻咕咚咕咚的大喝起来,两桶水被喝了个精光。 之后谁也不去挑水,从此三个和尚就没水喝了。大家各念各的经,各敲各的木鱼,观音菩萨面前的净水瓶也没人添水,柳枝枯萎了。夜里老鼠出来偷东西,谁也不管。结果老鼠打翻烛台,燃起了大火。和尚们慌了神,三个和尚这才一齐奋力救火,大火扑灭了,他们也觉醒了。 从此三个和尚齐心协力,自然也就有水喝了。 1.故事里的人物是 2.根据故事内容连连看。 一个和尚抬水吃 两个和尚没水吃 三个和尚挑水吃 3.三个和尚最后明白了() A.只有齐心合作,才能把事情办好。 B. 三个和尚没有水喝。 点拨:《三个和尚》是一个非常好听的故事,它已经流传了很久。能认真听老师讲故事,并借助图片,听懂故事内容,记住故事的主要情节并讲出来,声音要洪亮,有当众讲话的勇气和信心。要学会与他人合作,热爱劳动,帮助他人,在家和学校做任何事情都要勤快,不要自私和互相依赖,多做一些力所能及的事。 答案:1. 三个和尚


七年级英语口语问答题 1、Do you know about Chinese festival? 2、What do people usually do during Spring festival? 3、Have you been to any other place? 4、Where would you like to go in the summer holiday? 5、Do you know Zhan Tianyou?What do you think of him? 6、Summer holiday is coming,can you talk about your plan for your holiday? 7、What do you want to be in the future? Why? 8、Where are you from? 9、Could you describe your hometown ? 10 .What is your telephone number? 11-16. What is your favourite color/season/animal/sport/subject/food/? 17-18.What are these/those? 19-20.what does your father /mother do? 21-22. What class/grade are you in? 23.What is the weather like today? 24.W hat day is it today? 25.What is the date today? 26.How many people are there in your family? 27.How many students are there in your class? 28-30.How many days are there in a week/month/year? 31.How many months are there in a year? 32.What is two and five?


七年级上学期英语口语试题1 口语测试题目一(10分) 一、朗读下列单词(2分) 1、eraser 2、dictionary 3、volleyball 4、documentary 二、日常对话(2分) 1、T: Good morning! S: 2、T: How old are you ? S: 3、T: Do you have a volleyball ? S: 4、T: Do you want to go to a movie? S: 三、短文朗读(3分) June likes action movies, and she often goes to see Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very exciting. She thinks documentaries are boring , and she doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks they are scary. She also likes Beijing Opera. She thinks it’s very interesting. 四、话题简述(3分)(许多于5句话) 请介绍一下自己的有关情形。如姓名,年龄,爱好,家庭等。

2005 年七年级英语 口语测试题目二(10)分 一、朗读下列单词(2 分) 1、sweater 2 plant 3 photos 4 play basketball 二、日常对话(2 分) 1 T: Hi ! Nice to meet you ! S: 2 T: How are you ? S: 3 T: Do you like bananas ? S: 4 T: What color are your shoes ? S: 三、短文朗读(3分) Look! This is a photo of my family. This is my father. And this is my mother. These are my grandparents. Those are my aunt and my uncle. That girl is my sister. Her name is Alice. She is 11 years old. Who’s that boy ? Do you know ? It’s me. 四、话题(3 分)(许多于5句话) 请介绍一下自己的有关情形。如:姓名,年龄,爱好,家庭等。


初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day … 2、Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture(假装你是吉姆或 凯特,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开 始): This is a picture of my family. There are six people. The one…

3、Pretend you are David, and say something about the picture(假装你是大卫,描述图画)。Start like this(你可以这样开始): This is a picture of my family There are five people. The one in the middle is my grandpa… 4、Say something about the pictures: what’s the weather like there(描述图画,那里的天气怎样)? Start like this(你可以这样开始): In spring, the sun shines. It’s us ually warm and sunny……


小学一年级下册英语口语测试(二) 词汇: hen母鸡chick小鸡duck鸭子cow母牛sheep绵羊 pig猪nose鼻子orange橙paper纸 ground地面 moo(牛叫声)oink(猪叫声) quack(鸭叫声) cluck(母鸡叫声) draw画画see看见hear听见frog青蛙bird鸟 rabbit兔子butterfly蝴蝶bee蜜蜂egg蛋have got有 farm农场animal动物 句子: 1.Draw the hen and chick on the T-shirt.2.Draw the duck on the balloon. 3.Draw the sheep and cow on the paper.4.Draw the bee on the egg. 5.Draw the butterfly on the pig. Draw the pig on the ground. 6.Draw the orange on your left arm. 7.What do you see? I see some frogs in the water. How many frogs? Three. 8.What do you see? I see some eggs on the ground. How many eggs? Three eggs. 9.What do you hear? I hear some birds.

10.What do you hear? I hear a pig. Is it thin? No, it is not. It is fat. Is it pink? Yes, it is. 11.What do you hear? I hear a cow. Is it fat? Yes, it is. 12.A cow goes “moo,moo”. A pig goes “oink,oink”. A duck goes “quack,quack”. A hen goes “cluck,cluck”. 13.I‘ve got a chick and a hen. 14.I’ve got a pig a nd a cow.


小学教育资料 姓名:__________________ 班级:__________________

广州市xx学年度下学期 小学一年级英语口语测试题 一. 看图或根据实际情况,与老师交谈或回答老师的问题(20%) Tom picture ①picture ② picture ③ 1. Good morning/afternoon. 2. I'm ..., What’s your name? 3. Please look at picture ①. Who is he? 4. Please look at picture ②. Where is she? 5. Please look at picture ③. What is it?(教师指着图中的老鼠) 6. Where is the mouse? (教师指着图3中的老鼠) 7. Please look at picture④. What do you see? 8. Please look at picture ⑤. Is it a rabbit?

9. What do you want?(教师指着picture ⑥ and picture ⑦) 10. Do you have a pet? picture ④ picture ⑤ picture ⑥ picture ⑦ 二. 朗诵一首你最喜欢的chant, 唱一首你最喜欢的song. ( 20%) 三. 看图读出下例单词。(15%) duck turtle spider frog cat desk toilet bed bedroom chair


一年级小学生英语口语情景对话练习 【篇二】 Sue: Mother,when was Weight Watchers International founded,do you know? Mrs.Santelli: When was it founded? How would I know? Sue: Havent you noticed its advertised every night in the paper? Mrs.Santelli: No,ACTually I havent. Sue: Evidently it was organized bysome local women. Mrs.Santelli: Wait a minute. Are you trying to tellme something? Sue: Frankly,Mother,you could lose a few pounds. Mrs.Santelli: I know. Youreright. When are the classes given? Mrs.Santelli: Do you remember? Sue: Theres a specialmothers course offered from eleven to one. Mrs.Santelli: Oh,what a shame! Thats when I eat lunch. 苏:妈妈,当慧俪减肥国际公司成立,你知道吗? 桑特利太太:什么时候成立的?我怎么会知道呢? 苏:你没有注意到它每天晚的广告上吗? 桑特利太太:不,我没有。


初一英语助动词练习 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/11249335.html,/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 ★哈佛大学★英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/11249335.html,/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 助动词 一单选题(本题共25小题,共计100分) 1:She ________ to see documentaries(记录片). A、do want B、don't want C、doesn't want D、not want 2:Look at that picture on the wall. __________ you like it? A、Do B、Can C、Could D、Are 3:He ________ like pears. A、do B、is C、doesn't D、not 4:—Do you often go to the cinema______ Sunday? —No, we__________. A、on, don't B、on, aren't C、in, do D、in, don't 5:-Can you see a light on the table?

-Yes, ________. A、I am B、I’m not C、I can D、He isn’t 6:—Does the boy want to be an actor? —________. A、Yes, he is B、No, he does C、Yes, he does D、No, he isn't 7:_________ he have any apples ? A、Do B、Does C、Is D、Are 8: She ______ want to be a policewoman, because she thinks it’s kin d of dangerous. A、isn’t B、aren’t C、don’t D、does n’t 9:Why____he have brown hair? A、do B、does C、is D、has 10:What time__________ he get home every day? A、is B、does C、do D、am 11:What________ you see in the picture? A、is B、are C、can D、have 12:Jack_______ like flying kites______ throwing a frisby. A、don't, or B、doesn't, and C、don't, and D、doesn't, or 13:A:________ Jim ________ a ball? B:No, he________.


七年级英语口语测试题 Unit 1—Unit 5 第一部分朗读短文(计6分) 你将有一分钟的时间熟悉屏幕上的短文。在听到开始录音的提示后,请将短文朗读一遍,时间为1-2分钟。读完之后请等待“滴”的信号,进入测试第二部分。 Wang Peng, Zhao Kaifeng and Liu Yong are my good friends. They like playing sports. Wang Peng likes playing basketball, but he doesn’t like playing ping-pong. It’s boring for him. Zhao Kaifeng likes playing soccer. He doesn’t like playing basketball. It’s difficult for him. Liu Yong doesn’t like playing soccer. For him, it’s not interesting. He likes playing ping-pong. And he has 12 ping-pong bats. 第二部分情景问答(计6分) 你有10 秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的提示。之后你将听到三个问题,请根据情境提示的内容用英语进行回答。注意:每个问题问两遍,每题的答题时间为15秒钟。回答完毕后,请等待“滴”的信号,进入测试第三部分。 请看下面的情境提示: 我叫杰克。我喜爱做运动。我有一个足球和一个篮球。我常和我的朋友一起在操场上玩。 1.What’s your name? 2.Do you have a basketball? 3.Where do you play with your friends? 第三部分话题简述(计8分) 你有两分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到开始录音的提示后,请用英语进行话题表述,你的表述应不少于7句话,时间为1-3分钟。 要点: 1、你喜欢运动吗?你喜欢在电视上看体育节目吗? 2、在我们学校,你可以做很多运动;你可以打网球、排球、篮球和乒乓球; 他们不简单但很有趣。 3、我喜欢放学后和我的同学打排球;如果你想和我一起打排球,可以拨打 478-9024联系我。 参考答案: 第二部分情景问答 1.My name is Jack. 2.Yes,, I do. 3.On the playground. 第三部分话题简述 Do you like sports? Do you like watch sports games on TV? In our school, you can do many sports. You can play tennis, basketball and table tennis. They are not easy but interesting. I like playing volleyball with my classmates after school. If you want to play with me, you can call me at 478-9024. Unit 6


一年级英语口语练习 A 一、看图片说单词 window kite pencil cat eight bird seven desk car grandpa 二、看图片说词组或句子 Point to the window. Sit down! three dogs This is a panda. It’s a schoolbag.

三、看图片回答老师的问题 1、A: What’s this? 2、A: Is it a monster? 3、A:How many dogs? B: It’s a dog. B: Yes, it is. B: Three. 4、A: What colour is the dog? 5、A: How old are you? B: It’s black. B: I’m 5. 四、按情景回答问题或按指令做动作 1、A: Good morning/afternoon! What’s your name? B: My name’s.../I’m... 2、A: How old are you? B: I’m...(年龄) 3、A: What’s this/that? B: It’s a/an... 4、Point to the floor. 5、A: Happy birthday! A pen for you. B: Thank you. 五、话题简述 Self-introduction: Hello! My name’s.../I’m... I’m a boy/girl. I’m...(年龄) Goodbye/See you! 六、唱一首你喜欢的英语歌曲或儿歌。


口语测试 一、用正确的语音语调朗读短文: (从每单元的Reading 中选出) 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题: 1. Do you often watch TV in the evening? 2. How many students are there in your class? 3. What do you often have for breakfast? 4. Where are you from? 5. How do you usually go to school? 6. Can you cook food for yourself? 7. How old are you? 8. When do you usually exercise? 9. Is your home near your school? 10. Who does the cooking in your family? 11. When were you born? 12. What do you do on Sundays? 13. How long does it usually take you to do your homework in the evening? 14. How long do you sleep every day? 15. How many classes do you have a day? 16. Do you like reading? 17. What is your favorite sport?

18. How many people are there in your family? 19. Does your father love you? 20. Is your mother good at cooking? 21. What are your parents? 22. What’s the name of your school? 23. Which class are you in? 24. How often do you have P.E. lessons? 25. What subjects do you like best? 26. Are you good at English? 27. Do you work hard at your lessons? 28. Do you have computer lessons every week? 29. Can you sing English? 30. How many hours of TV do you have every week? 31. Who runs the fastest in your school? 32. Do you often play games? 33. What day is it today? 34. How many hours are there in a day? 35. What day comes after Sunday? 36. What month is this month? 37. Which season do you like best?


七年级英语口语测试模拟试题 第一部分:朗读单词(总共10分) straight kilometer bamboo traffic treasure sign prepare giraffe above forest 第二部分:朗读短文或段落并根据其内容回答问题(总共10分)Dear friends, I am going to have a birthday party at home this weekend. I would like to invite you to the party. It will start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, 21 April. My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us. We will also play some games. This is the way to my home. Take the underground. Get out at Exit A. Turn left and walk straight on to the traffic lights. Then cross Autumn Street and turn right. Walk across Orange Street.You will see a bank in front of you. My home is next to the bank. I am looking forward to seeing you at the party. Yours, Suzy 1. Who is the letter from? 2. When will the party start? 3. What will Suzy’s parents prepare for them? 4. What will you see when you cross the Orange Street? 第三部分:话题简述(总共10分) 这个星期六下午在阳光花园有一个英语角活动,Daniel想要参加。他将从他家走到那里,出门左拐,直走,将会看见红绿灯,只要过了马路,经过一个超市,就可以看见阳光花园在街道的拐角处。


2005 年七年级英语 口语测试题目一(10分) 一、朗读下列单词(2分) 1、eraser 2、dictionary 3、volleyball 4、documentary 二、日常对话(2分) 1、T: Good morning! S: 2、T: How old are you ? S: 3、T: Do you have a volleyball ? S: 4、T: Do you want to go to a movie? S: 三、短文朗读(3分) June likes action movies, and she often goes to see Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very exciting. She thinks documentaries are boring , and she doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks they are scary. She also likes Beijing Opera. She thinks it’s very interesting. 四、话题简述(3分)(不少于5句话) 请介绍一下自己的有关情况。如姓名,年龄,爱好,家庭等。

2005 年七年级英语 口语测试题目二(10)分 一、朗读下列单词(2 分) 1、sweater 2 plant 3 photos 4 play basketball 二、日常对话(2 分) 1 T: Hi ! Nice to meet you ! S: 2 T: How are you ? S: 3 T: Do you like bananas ? S: 4 T: What color are your shoes ? S: 三、短文朗读(3分) Look! This is a photo of my family. This is my father. And this is my mother. These are my grandparents. Those are my aunt and my uncle. That girl is my sister. Her name is Alice. She is 11 years old. Who’s that boy ? Do you know ? It’s me. 四、话题(3 分)(不少于5句话) 请介绍一下自己的有关情况。如:姓名,年龄,爱好,家庭等。


一年级英语口语50句 1、Clap your hands. 鼓撑拍手。 2、Class is over.(Time is up.) 下课了!(时间到了) 3、See you next bye! 下次见,再见。 4、Excuse me.(sorry. I’m sorry) 打搅一下(对不起/不好意思) 5、Thank you! 谢谢你! 6、You are welcome. 不用谢。 7、How are you today 今天还好吗 8、Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 9、What’s your name 你叫什么名子啊 10、My name is×××。我叫×××。 11、What can I do for you 我能为你做点什么 12、What’s wrong with you (What’sthe matter)你怎么了(出什么事了) 13、It’s time for class. 该上课了。 14、Come in please. 请进。 15、Let’s get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧! 16、Line up please! 排队! 17、Attention please! 立正! 18、At ease. 稍息。 19、Turn life/right! 向左/右转! 20、One bye one pushing. 一个一个来。不要挤。 21、Let’s go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。 22、It’ time for (breakfast lunch supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了 23、Please eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。慢慢吃。 24、Would you like some rice!来点米饭吧! 25、Help yourself. 请吃,别客气。 26、Please have some fish/vegetables. 吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。 27、Do you want anymore 还要吗 28、Anything to drink 喝点啥 29、I’d like to drink some milk! 我想喝点年奶! 30、Today we are going to learn some new worlds。今天我们将学习一些新单词。 31、Who wants to try 谁来试试 32、Let me try! 我来试试! 33、It’s your turn. 轮到你了。 34、Don’t be afraid/shy! 不要害怕/不要害羞! 35、Try your best! 尽力做/尽力试。 36、Do you understand 明白了吗 37、Stand up/sit . 请站起来/请坐下。 38、Listen to me carefully. pease. 请仔细地听我说。
