

1.我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下手指.

I’m afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.


I’ll take some blood from your arm now.

3.半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血. Don’t take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning


Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid~stream specimen of urine.


Please have your blood and urine tests done.


You are going to have a CT~scan of your chest/head today.

7.Translate the 1st para of the article on page173.





10.1bronchial 2asthma 3emphysema 4Embolism 5Pneumnia 6fracture 7obesity 8Intermittent 9hyperglycemia 10diuresis 11hematoma 12Infection 13hyperkalemia 14bladder 15abdominal 16Tophi

11.1Amputation pain DBCCA 2Pressure ulcer DBCCD

A avocation:hobby 嗜好analgwsics止疼药acetaminophen蜡苯酚 adrenal肾上腺的acidosis酸中毒

B butterflies in the stomach忐忑不安cerebral cortex 大脑皮层clinician临床医生contort扭曲cognitive-behavioral intervention知识行为干预coxib高选择性环氧酶抑制剂chronic-acute recurrent 反复发作

C cervical lymph nodes颈部淋巴结coronary heart disease冠心病concentration浓度cerebral cortex 大脑皮层clinician临床医生contort扭曲cognitive-behavioral intervention知识行为干预coxib高选择性环氧酶抑制剂chronic-acute recurrent 反复发作

D dorsal horn背角diveegent分歧dosage剂量bed-making病号服

E exacerbating恶化excretion分泌

F flushing潮红

G ganglia神经中枢graduated exercises渐进性运动glucagon-catecholamine儿茶酚胺glucose tolerance 血糖耐受

H healthcare professional医务人员hypnosis催眠hormone-endocrine gland内分泌腺

I intrinsic:belonging to内在的incremental增加的inhibitor抑制剂insulin 胰岛素insulin-isl小岛

L light-headedness头晕目眩langerhans-pancreas胰脏

M metabolism-organic process有机过程medulla髓质

N neuropathic神经疼痛

O onest不稳定off-and-on pain \intermittent pain 间断性疼痛oral-glucose-tolerance-test-prediabeise 前驱糖尿病

P pap smear乳头溢液图片检查pound警觉peptic ulcer胃溃疡persisentpain 持续疼痛polyuria多尿的



Unit 11 pulse 脉搏 respiration呼吸 vital 生命延续所必需的,极重要的 vital signs 生命体征 intervention 干涉,干预 nursing intervention 护理措施thermometer 温度计,体温计disposable 一次性的;用后即可丢弃的rectum 直肠 rectal 直肠的 axilla 胳肢窝,腋窝 axillary 腋窝的 scale刻度,标度 Fahrenheit 华氏温度计的;华氏温度计 A Fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温计Celsius 摄氏的 A Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计contraindicate 禁忌 bradycardia 心搏徐缓 tachycardia 心动过速 rhythm韵律 radial 桡神经(的);桡动脉(的)carotid 颈动脉;颈动脉的 apical 上的,顶点的 apical pulse 心尖搏动 stethoscope 听诊器 inhale 吸入;吸气 exhale把……呼出 expand 扩张 contract收缩 even平静的,均匀的 dyspnea 呼吸困难 apnea 无呼吸,呼吸暂停 hyperpnea 呼吸过度,喘息 multiply 乘,使相乘 systolic 心脏收缩的 diastolic 心脏舒张的 hypertension 高血压 hypotension 血压过低 cuff橡皮箍,袖带sphygmomanometer血压计,血压测量计Unit 13 pathogen 病原体(物) enteric 肠的 tuberculosis 肺结核 diphtheria 白喉 varicella 水痘 herpes疱疹 zoster 带,带状疹子 measles麻疹,风疹,包虫病,痧子cerebrospinal脑脊髓的 meningitis 脑膜炎 epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis 流行性脑脊髓膜炎 fecal排泄物的 hepatitis肝炎 viral hepatitis病毒性肝炎gastroenteritis肠胃炎 clostridium梭状芽孢杆菌,梭菌 clostridium difficile艰难梭菌endocarditis [医]心内膜炎 multiresistant (疾病等)抗多种抗菌素(或毒物)的 droplet 小滴(飞沫) laryngeal喉的;喉部 decubitus (病人之)卧姿;褥疮malaria 疟疾 syphilis 梅毒 spill 溢出,溅出,溢出量 contaminate弄脏;污染 hypochlorite 次氯酸盐 sodium hypochlorite solution 次氯酸钠液,漂白粉 incontinence 不能自制,无节制,[医]失禁contamination玷污,污染,污染物airborne 空气传播的 Unit 14 medication 药物,药物治疗,药物处理inhalation吸入 vaginal 阴道的 rectal 直肠的 intestine 肠 tablet 药片,小块 capsule 胶囊 elixir清药酒,精药酒,甘香酒剂suspension 悬浮,悬浮液,悬胶(体)syrup糖浆,果汁


锂电池专业英语精编 W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

盖板 cover board 底板 solepiece 钢珠 steel ball 压钢珠 press steel ball 防爆阀 valve preventing explosion 大电流(倍率)放电 discharge in high rate current 标称电压 Normal voltage 标称容量 normal capacity

放电容量 discharge capacity 充电上限电压 limited voltage in charge 放电下限电压 terminating voltage in discharge 恒流充电 constant current charge 恒压充电 constant voltage charge 恒流放电 constant current discharge 放电曲线 discharge curve 充电曲线 charge curve

放电平台 discharge voltage plateau 容量衰减 capacity attenuation 起始容量 initial discharge capacity 流水线 pipelining 传送带 carrying tape 焊极耳 welding the current collector 卷绕 wind 叠片 layer

贴胶带 stick tape 点焊 spot welding 超声焊 ultrasonic welding The terminating voltage in discharge of the battery is 3.0 volt. The limited voltage in charge of the battery is 4.2 volt. 三元素 Nickle-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium Oxide three elements materials 钴酸锂 Cobalt Lithium Oxide 锰酸锂 Manganese Lithium Oxide 石墨


Chaper 1 psychoanalysis n. 精神分析brain n. 脑 intestine n.肠inflammation n.炎症endoscope n.内镜pancreas n.胰腺psychology n.心理学electrocardiogram n.心电图enteritis n.肠炎tumor n.肿瘤 muscle n.肌肉organ n.器官 abdomen n.腹(部)organism n.有机体,生物体surgeon n.外科医生surgery n.外科(学)malignant a.恶性的immune n.免疫 tissue n.组织molecule n.分子,微小颗粒urine n.尿液stool n.大便,粪便vertebra n.椎骨formula n.处方 cortex n.皮质,皮层appendix n.阑尾 thorax n.胸larynx n. 喉 pharynx n.咽 Chapter 2 kidney n.肾脏receptor n.感受器,受体chromosome n.染色体embryo n.胚胎 gene n.基因catabolism n.分解代谢

anabolism n.合成代谢infection n.感染puncture n.穿刺fat n.脂肪 spine n.脊柱exocrine a.外分泌的cartilage n.软骨spleen n.脾脏gallbladder n.胆囊digestive system 消化系统urinary a.泌尿的respiratory a.呼吸的uterus n.子宫skull n.头颅,头骨pelvic cavity 盆腔trachea n.气管esophagus n.食管bronchial tube 支气管aorta n.主动脉diaphragm n.横膈膜pleura(复,pleurae)n.胸膜urinary bladder 膀胱rectum n.直肠cartilage n.软骨umbilicus n.脐ovary n.卵巢 inferior a.下面的superior a.上面的skeletal muscle 骨骼肌striated muscle 横纹肌 Chapter 3 capillary n.毛细血管artery n.动脉chamber n.腔,小室atrium n.心房ventricle n.室,脑室,心室valve n.瓣膜 mitral a.僧帽状的,二尖瓣的breastbone n.胸骨


平凉机电工程学校 二○一○——二○一一学年第二学期期末考试 09 级各专业《英语》试题(卷) 一.语音(10分)找出与其它三个单词划线部分读音不同的选项。 1. A. hate B. brave C.have D.escape 2. A. warm B. waring C. quarter D. regular 3. A. fever B. hero C. zero D. period 4. A. wear B. earth C. research D. heard 5. A. foolish B. blood C. choose D. shoot 6. A. picture B. future C. failure D. temperature 7. A. excellent B. exact C. example D. exist 8. A. nation B. station C. education D. question 9. A. expression B. television C. decision D. conclusion 10. A. knocked B. helped C. laughed D. planned 二.单项选择。(30分) 11. Do you mind my smoking here? A. No, thanks. B. No, good idea. C. Yes, please D. Yes, better not 12. What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn! A. Not at all B. Thank you C. You’re great D. I’m proud of you 13. How about going to the cinema? A. Good idea. B. It’s too small C. No problem D. With pleasure 14. If you need any help, just let me know. I will. A. Thank you B. Not at all C. All right D. Excuse me 15.()The more you practice, better you draw. A. the B. / C. then D. and 16.Lily is 8—year—old girl. A. / B. a C. an D. the 17.I bought my mother some flowers on Mother’s Day. A. a B. an C. the D. / 18.What’s matter with you ? A. a B. an C. the D. / 19.There is U and S in word BUS. A. an; a; the B.a; an; the C. an; an; the D.the; the; the 20.We often go for walk after supper. A.a; the B.a; / C./; / D./; the 21.It’s very nice _________ invite me. A. that you B. for you to C. of you to D. by you to


护理专业常用英语词汇 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

护理专业常用英语词汇 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment? Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care? Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理)评价 对病人的日常护理晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙

Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征 测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度测量桡动脉脉搏 计呼吸次数 测量血压 导管插入术


锂离子电池技术英文词句 2.3 assembly line process(5/15)流水线工艺 film loading-vacuum on-film folding-sliding jig backward-top cutting-sliding jig forward- vacuum off-film unloading 放上包装膜—抽真空—包装膜折叠-分切夹心的后端-剪掉顶部-分切夹心的前段-释放真空-拿下包装膜station 岗位two station 两个岗位 folding 折叠guide type 指导方式 top cutting 顶部剪切knife 刀片 2.3 assembly line process(6/15)流水线工艺 j/r loading-vacuum on-j/r jig backward-bottom former up-upper former down- 放极组-抽真空-极组夹具放在后端-模板末端在上面-顶端在下面- heating forming-former up,down-j/r jig forward-vacuum off-j/r unloading 加热模板-模板上下翻转-极组夹具朝前-释放真空-取下极组 station two station 岗位两个岗位 heating forming pressing time,preset timer 加热模板施压时间施压次数 temperature thermocouple 温度热电耦 time:mmin,2~max.3sec 时间: press force :40~50kg 压力 temperature:150℃ 温度 2.3 assembly line process(7/15)流水线工艺 film loading-fim clamp-sliding jig backward-edge pushing-tab clamp-tab unclamp- 放上包装膜-包装夹具-分切极组末端-整边-放极耳夹具-卸下极耳夹具 sliding jig forward-cell unloading 分切极耳前端 station two station heat sealing top 热封 sealing thickness control(micrometer) 热封厚度控制(毫米) sealing control pressing time,preset timer 热封控制施压时间施压次数 precision regulator 精度校准 temperature, thermocouple 温度热电耦 time :min.2~max.3sec时间 press force:250kg 压力 temperature:180~250℃ 温度


Dear Sir: Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is…., born in ...., ….city, ….province. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2010. Hope a chance to work and develop in your department. During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. With the help of my supervisor, I have successfully finished the subject “………” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, DNA extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. .. I passed the CET band 4 test in2006, after that, I tried my best to learn Medical English and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. I can manipulate computer proficiently and master Microsoft Office software, also be familiar with SPSS and Photoshop, etc. During three-year study in research, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. I benefit from working together with excellent colleague. I developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. My inter nship in college of ….. could qualify me for this job, and I believe I can be fit for the position quickly. I am looking forward to working in your department. If I am admitted, I will be thankful and try my best to work for you. Thank you very much. 简单一点的 Hello, everyone, my name is Alice, I am from Medical college of Xi’an Jiaotong University. My hometown is Xi’an, Shanxi province. I am so lucky to be here for this interview. At the very beginning, I would like to talk about my major. When I was an undergraduate student, I studied clinical medicine for five years in Jiaotong University. During my graduating education, my major is internal medicine, specifically, it’s about digestive diseases, like HBV, immune gastroenteritic diseases, and so on. I worked very hard on my study and clinical practice all through the past 8 years, and gradually, I have mastered a lot of useful knowledge and skills about my major. Em, as for my English, I have passed the CET-6 college English test, besides, in order to keep my interest of English,I also studied Advanced Oral English for one year,and now I am good at speaking and writing English.


护理专业英语课后答案习题(3) 1. lots of time and even some support 2. the first six months of life 3. before the baby is born 4. 10 or 12 times 5. aids in milk transfer Study Practice I. Reading Comprehension 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D II. Words to Practice 1. manifest 6. inferiority 2. cognitive 7. apathetic 3. Cohesion 8. Mutilation 4. somatic 9. catheter 5. rationalization 10. detachment III.Translation A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 护士应提供启发式的合理解释来应对儿童不切实际的恐惧,并进行干预,从使恐惧造成的损伤降到最小(比如可在操作中鼓励父母陪伴,或尽可能让儿童自己作决定)。 2. 治疗性游戏应该在无威胁的环境中进行,时间也应该有所保证。指导游戏的工作人员应该接受儿童游戏中的行为,避免表示赞成或不赞成。 B. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Superficial phlebitis is a common complication of continuous intravenous injection. 2. Without communication, the nurse is unable to determine whether implementation of nursing intervention is successful. 3. Even in his irritability he was gentle, for his wife was pregnant. 4. Please do not drink hot tea after eating fruit to avoid diarrhea. 5. Contracture of muscle or scar tissues may result in distortion or deformity, especially in joints of the body. IV. Audio Tasks


护理专业学生阶段性英语水平测试 考试卷A 考试时间:2011 年1 月日时分所需时间:90 分钟考试形式: 闭卷身份证号_______________ 学号_________ 姓名___________ Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (60 points, 2 points each) Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. We should ______ primary importance to the psychological health of the students. A)pay B)place C)attach D)provide 2. He thinks we shouldn’t go ahead with this plan because of the ______ of failure. A)future B)pressure C)worry D)risk 3. Yesterday the parties concerned sat together _____ several solutions to the problem. A)exposing B)exploring C)expressing D)exploding 4. If you fail three times, you are not ________ to try any more. A)voted B)insured C)entitled D)equipped 5. The application of the new technology enables the factory to _____ twice as many machines as it did last year. A)turn down B)turn off C)turn to D)turn out 6. My aunt is rich and owns a lot of ________ in the middle of our town. A)preparation B)prospect C)property D)prosperity 7. They had a(n)______ argument for several hours without reaching an agreement A)bored B)excited C)heated D)interested 8. If you continue, you will surely ________ in prison. A)grow up B)end up C)put up D)bring up 9. The students are eager to know what the weather will be like tomorrow because it will _______ their picnic directly. A)effect B)affect C)infect D)influence 10.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _________ in a quiet neighborhood.


护理专业英语常用词汇 1.我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下手指. I’m afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level. 2.现在我要从您的胳膊抽血. I’ll take some blood from your arm now. 3.半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血. Don’t take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning 4.请留一份尿/便/痰的标本/请收集您的中段尿. Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid~stream specimen of urine. 5.请做一下您的血和尿试验. Please have your blood and urine tests done. 6.今天您要做一个胸部/头部CT. You are going to have a CT~scan of your chest/head today. 7.Translate the 1st para of the article on page173. 翻译第173页文章的第一段。 According to the latest report of Pediatrics in January, as soon as a baby is born, the immune system can cope with many challenges, including multiple vaccinations. The author of this report is Balian ofett and his colleagues. Bauer is a doctor of infectious diseases medicine and director of the vaccine Education Center at Philadelphia children's hospital. This article reviews the current research on the effect of vaccines on the immune system and the ability of infants to respond to multiple simultaneous immunization safely. 据《儿科学》一月份的最新报道,婴儿刚一出生,免疫系统就能应对多项挑战,包括多次接种疫苗。这篇报道的作者是鲍尔安欧非特和他的同事。鲍尔是一名传染病医学博士,也是费城儿童医院疫苗教育中心的主任。这篇文章回顾了当前有关疫苗对免疫系统的影响和婴幼儿安全应对多次同步免疫接种能力的研究。 8.Para3 .第3段 "The infant's own immune system has the capacity to respond safely and effectively to the challenges of vaccination," Dr. ofett said. Our article can reassure parents that the vaccine will not only not weaken children's immune system at all, but also enhance children's resistance to serious diseases and possible serious infections. 欧非特博士说:“婴幼儿自身的免疫系统有足够的能力安全有效地应对疫苗接种带来的挑战。我们的文章可以让家长们放心,因为疫苗不仅一点不会减弱幼儿自身的免疫系统,还能增强幼儿对重病和可能出现的严重感染的抵抗力。 9."Immunization is particularly safe and effective against disease and death and is one of the most important ways for parents to protect their children," Dr. ofett said. Our article can assure parents that immunizing their children is to provide them with the greatest degree of protection against serious infectious immune diseases, and to help them build a stronger immune system and start their lives healthily.


锂离子电池常用专业英语 (一) 序号首字母英文中文 1 A aging 老化 2 B battery charger 充电器 3 black-fleck 黑斑 4 C cap 盖板 5 capacity density 能量密度 6 capacity grading 分容 7 cathode tab welding 极耳超焊 8 cell 电芯 9 charge(capacity) retention 荷电(容量)保持 10 checking code 检码 11 concave spot 凹点 12 constant current charge 恒流充电 13 constant current discharge 恒流放电 14 constant voltage charge 恒压充电 15 corrective measures 纠正措施 16 crack 裂纹 17 cut-off voltage 终止电压 18 cycle life 循环寿命 19 D dark trace 暗痕 20 degrade 降级 21 dent 凹痕 22 discharge depth 放电深度 23 distortion 变形 24 drape 打折 25 E Electrical and MechanicalServices Department 机电部 26 electrolyte 电解,电解液 27 empaistic 压纹 28 end-off voltage 放电截止电压 29 environmentally friendly 对环境友好 30 equipment first inspection 设备首检 31 erode 腐蚀 32 explosion-proof line 防爆线 33 F first inspection 首检 34 formation 化成 35 fracture 断裂 36 I inspection 检验 37 insulate 绝缘 38 internal resistance 内阻 39 J jellyroll 卷芯 40 joint 接缝,结合点


医学生研究生复试英语自我介绍 lls than the knowledge ifself. Because in the mordern world ,as you know, knowledge is updating day and night, but if you prosess the ability of “how to learn”, then you can keep up with the development of society. In order to get the opportunity for this interview, I have been waiting too long and made pain-staking efforts to stay here. It’s the second year that I take the national postgraduate entrance examinations.I think that is my disadvantage . But every coin has two sides , that’s a lso my advantage to some extent. Because during the course of preparing the exam, I have developed good self-learning skills and time-planning abilities. I have found the most efficient learing method that conforms to me. Most importantly, I have developed a strong heart towards setbacks and difficulties. This experieces will be unfogettable throughout my life. I will never foget the time that I was told my score for the primary exam. Then I confirmed my believings----fortune always appreciate a hard-working man. Thank you for your attention! Good morning, dear professors.


护理多采用WHO对健康的定义:“健康不仅是没有疾病或虚弱,它是一种生理、心理、社会适应的完全良好状态。” Nurses agree the definition from WHO, that is “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 疾病是健康连续过程的中断,通过机体各部分、器官和系统的异常和紊乱表现出来Disease is an interruption in the continuous process of health, manifested by abnormalities or disturbance in the structure and function of body parts, organs or systems. 健康促进是一个促使更好的控制和改善其健康状况的过程,其主要目的在于挖掘健康潜力,维持身体的平衡。 Positive health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their own health, aimed primarily at improving health potential and maintaining health balance. 护理程序是组织护理活动的一种方法,包括脑力和体力的活动 The nursing process is a method for organizing nursing actions involving both intellectual and physical activities. 护理程度具有系统性,要求护士具备解决问题、批判性思维、决策制定的能力,以及识别病人健康状况的基本的护理知识。 The n2ursing process is a systematic process and requires problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making , and a substantial knowledge basis to identify the status of client. 护理诊断是陈述护士确立的并有能力解决的有关病人现存的或潜在的健康问题 Nursing diagnosis is a statement of an actual or potential health problem that a nurse is licensed and competent to treat. 病人的健康状况会随着时间的变化而有所变化。所以护理计划和护理措施也必须进行相应的调整 The client’s health status may change with time. So it is necessary to revise the nursing plan and nursing intervention accordingly. 健康的定义既包含了健康定性的方面有包含了其定量的方面;即健康既可以用数字测量,又可用生活满意度、希望、个人和社会目标等因素进行测量 This definition of health is both qualitative and quantitative; health is measured both in numbers and by factors such as satisfaction with life, hope, and personal and social goals. 健康教育是一个集知识、心理和社会各方面因素为一体的过程,通过一系列的活动,以提高人们做出有利于个人、家庭和社区健康有关活动的决策能力。 Health education is a holistic process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities that increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions that affect their personal, family, and community well-being. 健康教育的目的是实现许多健康目标,包括个体及家庭的发展、康复、知情同意、应对和自我护理。 The purposes of health education are to reach a number of health goals, including individual and family development, rehabilitation, informed consent, coping, and self-care. 康复是一个动态过程,它有计划地适应生活方式的改变,是对疾病或外伤事故所致的意外改变的反应 Rehabilitation is a dynamic process of adaptive change in lifestyle in response to unplanned change imposed on the individual by disease or traumatic incident. 影响压力源强度的因素有:压力源本身的强度、压力源的持续时间、个体应对压力的经验、个体对压力源重要性的感知,已经十分还存在其他的压力。
