













The passage mainly tells us about. It talks about and , which is.

As far as I am concerned, I think that . B ecause.

Take myself for example, I experienced such a thing that many years ago, 1


As the old saying goes, “In a word, we should and










Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them. There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising and honesty. Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, telling lies, stealing, copying homework, disliking hard work, hating cooperating with others, wasting, smoking and so on, which are all easily formed habits. We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.






















get up at... go to bed at... stay up (熬夜) be absorbed in...对...入迷bury oneself in... 对...入迷give an excellent performance before the whole class 在全班面前好好表现一番acquire (obtain) knowledge (学习知识) put one's heart into...一心扑在.............. 上be interested in... be fond of...喜欢/爱好like chemistry best 最喜欢化学be good at... be poor at...

do well in... be weak in... make progress in... fail in... be tired of... pass the examination major in...主修 .......................... be getting on well with one's study (某人)学业进展得好




3.___________________________________ 编造





I have a lot of bad habits,the worst one is that I often found excuses to cover mistakes.


my head teacher, he made me that life-threatening habit.


I was sometimes late, I told my teacher the truth.





Hi, I am Mike. I just went through my first year of college. The toughest part on me at first was the general adjustment. 1 went to a very small high school where my mom was a teacher and she did practically everything for me. But at the college I needed to know some basic life skills, such as balancing a check一book, laundry, and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school! It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homesick.

Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life, I loved it—good facilities, helpful instructors, and a good library. The Students9Union organizes various parties every week. I also go to cinemas and concerts, and often spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs. One thing I think is important is to get yourself active in things. I was on the dance team in college and met a ton of people that way... it was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground.


学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“大学校园生活”讨论。听完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是^Preparing Myself for College Life^,内容要点包括:












Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed by an unseen force. Once formed, they are hard or even impossible to get rid of. So for your good, break bad habits and build smart ones!

I have a lot of bad habits, among which the worst one is that I often found excuses to cover mistakes. Long time ago, because of my laziness, I often got up late, and was afraid of scoldings or punishments from teachers. So I made up varieties of excuses to persuade my teachers to believe me. Gradually I developed the habit of telling lies automatically.

Thanks to my head teacher, he made me aware of that life-threatening habit. First, I got an alarm just like a reminder, set the time, and got up on time. Even if I was sometimes late, I told my teacher the truth. I just replaced this bad habit with a smart one, which was the key way to refresh myself.

Honesty is the best policy. I makes people around me trust me and respect me, which is very important for me to make a successful life.


Mike said it was tough to accomplish the general adjustment but he began to enjoy himself after that due to various activities. He advised freshmen to be active in order to make new friends.

As far as I am concerned, Pm preparing to enter a university and leaving the high school where Fve been studying for three years. I really had a great time in this school where I grew from a naive kid to a grown-up.

I think I will absolutely miss my life here and miss every single person that I met here. But in the meantime, I am looking forward to my new life in the college. I sometimes daydream that maybe ril bump into a handsome boy, have fire friendly roommates and be taught by a group of fabulous teachers. It would be wonderful if this ideal daydream come into reality!

However, life is like a box of chocolate and you'll never know what's inside until you open it. Of course the college life will greatly differ from my previous life in high school. But I'm an active girl and I'll do what Mike taught us to ------- take part in various activities. Pm sure I'll make a lot of new friends and with them; I will be absolutely able to adjust the differences in a short time! (2008年考场满分作文)


任务型写作的解题思路和应对策略 一、任务型写作的要求和命题方向 任务型写作是2007年高考书面表达的另一个重头戏。如果说五句话小作文考查的是学生的基本功,任务型写作就旨在着重考查学生学习英语的综合能力,特别是阅读写作以及思维的能力。第一部分要求学生能读懂文章,在读懂的基础上概括文章要点,所以阅读能力和概括能力要求较高。 与以往传统的书面表达不同的是,任务型写作具有一定的开放性。除了第一部分概括要点之外,第二部分的问题设置非常灵活,在给出的一篇阅读文章的话题范围内,出题者只提供一个框架和导向,具体的信息要求学生来填满。所以比较传统的作文,这一部分有难度,因为学生不能在按部就班地翻译或按照套路来写,或者考前背大量的范文,严格来说,任务型写作没有标准的范文。所以这里对学生既是一个挑战又是一个机会,因为开放性命题有利于锻炼学生的思维,对于中等及中等以上的学生来说会感到有话好说。而对于基础稍差的学生,他们会感到茫然,不知如何去组织材料。 至于命题方向,以及阅读的文章方面,命题者应该会把角度放在学生熟悉的话题上来,除了教材上的一些话题,生活中学生经常遇到的社会现象、学校生活、家庭生活以及英语国家的文化社会现象也有可能作为话题出现。另外,文体主要

以议论文,记叙文或说明文为主。 二、任务型写作的解题思路 1.概括文章要点。任务型写作分为两部分,30字的summary 和120字的任务写作部分。为了写好任务型写作,首先要掌握写summary的技巧。总体而言写summary要求文字精简,并且要记得用自己的语言来表达,不能抄袭文章中的词句。具体而言,写summary我们要注意:(一)阅读原文并要读懂文章。我们只有在掌握文章大意后才能进行summary的写作,所以第一步阅读非常重要;(二)定位中心词。任务型写作要求考生去发表议论的主题,往往就是所阅读的短文要揭示的某种主题。所以,考生可以从命题者给出的论题里找到中心词,防止概括的要点离题。譬如,就“The development of tourism is seen to have to an effect on the environment”这个主题发表意见的话,tourism 就应该是原文的中心词。(三)找出主题句。在阅读每一段时,把该段的主题句划出来。众所周知,议论文或说明文的主题句往往出现在开头或结尾,而记叙文往往没有现成的主题句,需要自己去归纳总结。(四)30字的summary其实就是把握好文章的主要内容,一般中等长度的两句到三句话已经完全有30字了,所以写作的时候注意文字精练,去掉多余的细节和例子,语句尽量做到客观中立,平实流畅,应该就事论事,避免参入过多的


【语文】“任务型作文”写作技巧+范文 【任务型作文】7种终极写作技巧+例文解析,话不多说,直接上干货! 基本框架 任务驱动型作文的全称是叙事体新材料任务驱动型作文。其实质也就是有些地方所说“时评类”作文,其本质还依然是材料作文,只是在材料的基础上,增加了明确的指向性任务,意在增强写作的目的性、防止套作。这种作文题重在考查学生对一事物或社会现象的态度与看法,思维的深度与广度,表达的清晰与流畅。因此,在写作这类作文时,有些基本的东西是必不可少的,只有具备了其中的基本要素,才能达到要求;只有具备了其中的基本框架,才能在考场中立于不败之地。 任务驱动型作文的基本框架有哪些构件组成呢? (一)一个响亮的标题 就是在审题的基础上,明确立意,选择写作的角度,拟定一个有抢眼的题目。这个标题应尽量是从材料中抽取而出的“核心立意”,并就此选取材料中关键词句加以组合而成的简洁短语或句子。尽力不用态度而用看法或观点。能运用约定俗成的词句加以改造更为上策。能标新立异就更加理想。

(二)引述+表态+观点 正文第一段就用“引述+表态+观点”的形式,以达到“闪亮登场”的效果。引述可是直接的,也可以是间接的,但必须是有针对性的。表态一定要坚决、果断和明确。观点的呈现,不要拖泥带水,而要开门见山。 (三)分点分层阐述理由 有了态度与观点,没有理由就站不住脚。因此,作文的第三步必然阐述你的理由。阐述一定要具有条理性,就是分点;还要注意内容的层次性,如由浅及深,由表及里,有具体到抽象等。如此才能展示一个学生思维的深广度。 (四)进一步深入阐述 这个步骤一般的同学很难发挥。到底要怎样才能深入呢?最基本的办法就是针对问题提出可行的有时代意义的解决方法,即解决问题。另外,还可以“横向拓展”“纵向挖掘”和进行简易的批驳。尤其是反驳,可以预设反方,然后,进行委婉的劝说,以体现作者思维的周密性,达到任务型作文“文明说理”的要求。 (五)联系实际,快速收尾


读写任务型写作,主要有两种writing styles,即:读记叙文写议论文:读议论文写记叙文。整篇文章由转述+表述(己述)构成,它充分展示考生的概括能力和语言能力. I.请阅读下面段落,概括全篇,并找出与之搭配的概括技巧。 Skill 1:Omit(省略) the details Skill 2 : Omit the repetitions Skill 3: Omit the example Skill 4:Use general(概括性) words instead of specific(具体的) words Skill 5:Put the main points of a dialogue in indirect speech 1.You can think of a way to manage your temper. Here are the tips: 1)We should try to calm down and figure out what we are really upset about. 2)Keep a diary. It can help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. 3)We can try to talk with our best friends to release stressful emotions. 概括:_______________________________________________________________ 2. Nowadays more and more teenagers try to be more independent from their parents and sometimes become very rebellious. They always want to wear long and strange hair style, which their parents complain about a lot. They also spend too much time on the Internet and playing computer games. 概括:_______________________________________________________________ 3. Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly, ―You put too much salt on your food, Paul. It’s not at all good for you!‖ Paul put down his knife and frowned, ‖Why on earth not! If you didn’t have salt on your food it would taste awful…like eating wood or sand…just imagine bread without salt in it 概括:________________________________________________________________ 4. She bought a lot of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and some eggs. She intended to invite all his friends for her birthday party at the weekend. 概括:__________________________________________________________________ Suggested answer: 1. Skill 3;There are many tips for you to manage your temper as follows. 2.Skill 1;Nowadays there is an increasing tendency that more and more teenagers try to behave independently and differently. 3.Skill 5;Kate asked Paul not to use too much salt on his food and told him many advantages of it. 4.Skill 4;To hold her birthday party at the weekend, she bought a lot of vegetables. II.请阅读下面文章,用30 个词左右概括全篇内容。 1. Advertising can be a service to customers. This is true when ads give reliable information about the goods advertised. Such information is needed if the customer is to make a wise choice when he buys something. It is useful because it can help the customer know more about the kinds of goods available in the shops. Printed ads do this job best. Customers can collect them and compare them. They can be used to check against the actual goods in the shops. Some ads are not very useful to the customers. Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs, they set out to make him want unnecessary things by doing ads cleverly. The people who produce them understand our weakness. They set out to make us believe that what they advertise will make us cleverer, prettier, more handsome, if only we use it .For example, the voice on TV says, ―By using our SKII, it makes your skin crystal.‖ The screen shows a series of pictures


叙事体任务型材料作文写作指导及范文 叙事体任务型材料作文写作指导及范 叙事体任务型材料作文往往以具体情境为载体,设计典型任务即设制具体情境,让学生完成典型任务。XX全国Ⅰ卷“女儿微博举报父亲”、全国Ⅱ卷的“谁更具风采”和XX 年全国Ⅰ卷“漫画”、全国Ⅱ卷“语文素养”无不或显或隐地设定具体情境,提供典型任务让学生在考场有限时间里完成作文写作。因此,如何有效掌握叙事体任务型材料写作技巧对于提升现场行文至关重要。我以“XX年2月深圳高三一模作文”为例从以下几个方面探讨叙事体任务型材料作文写作: 一、细审题 “审题是作文的关,如果把题目看错了,那就一步错,步步错。”俗话说:“兵马未动,粮食先行”,同理,考场花5分钟审题立意构思也是写好作文必备阶段。叙事体任务型材料作文提供的材料信息丰富。以XX年2月深圳高三一模作文题为例,我们对材料进行信息切分。 归纳争议点或评议点 争议点:小朱辞职养螃蟹是否可取? 评议点:如何评议小朱的职业选择? 细找对象

主要对象:小朱 次要对象:父亲或母亲 圈画关键词句 “酝酿很久”“坦陈”“辞职养螃蟹”“蟹塘亲身体验养蟹辛苦”“发挥专长,做电商”“自觉有前景”“挺光彩”“读完大学不容易”“工作体面,待遇好”“回家养蟹白费了”“建议小朱蟹塘体验生活” 判断写作角度 核心角度:小朱角度 重要角度或一般角度、沾边角度:父亲、母亲角度 二、巧立意 立意要凸显主题,要体现材料核心主题态度、观点,用概括性的议论性语言表述。 立意要考虑材料的整体性,不要断章取义导致偏题、离题。 立意参考 深思慎选、坦诚以对是成就人生关键 A、知行合一 B、实践出智慧 A、自由选择,完美人生 B、发挥专长,成就自我 c、专业不要被职业绑架


任务型写作篇章结构 (1)标题。(有时不一定要求拟标题) (2)第一段:用一两句话概括所给短文内容要点,约30词。建议控制在25-35词之间。 (3)第二段: 议论文——过渡词引出主题句——自己的观点——例证,约100同。 记叙文一一过渡词+与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的故事,约100词。 (4)第三段:即总结句,套语配名言来进行点题,要前后呼应,三位一体,约30词。 以上结构模式仅供参考,下列两点却是非常重要的: (1)概括一般单独一自然段; (2)发表看法或议论时,依照试题所给内容要点木身的顺序,原则上每个要点单独写一个自然段,这 不但保证写作内容覆盖所有写作点,而且层次清晰,让阅卷老师一目了然;若其中两条逻辑关系特别紧密,也可用一个自然段来表达。 任务型写作模板 The passage mainly tells us about. It talks about and , which is. As far as I am concerned, I think that . B ecause. Take myself for example, I experienced such a thing that many years ago, 1 . As the old saying goes, “In a word, we should and . (每段有主题句,整篇要有中心思想,忌各段“各白为政”。) 概括的形式:“主题句+支撑句”即“主题+主题的什么”。 文体主题句支撑句 议论文文章论点(一句)文章论据(两三句) 记叙文故事的写作目的/主题(一句)故事大意(两三句) 说明文说明的对象/观点/现象解释/分述 tart舰 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them. There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising and honesty. Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, telling lies, stealing, copying homework, disliking hard work, hating cooperating with others, wasting, smoking and so on, which are all easily formed habits. We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others. 【写作内容】


2009年高考英语作文专项训练:任务型写作(7) 1. 读写任务(25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 (写作任务) 1. 概括短文内容,30词左右。 2. 就"学生是否该做兼职"发表看法,包括以下内容要点。120词左右。 (1)列举现实生活中学生做兼职的情况。 (2)分析学生做兼职的原因: a)兼职可以帮助解决贫困家庭孩子经济问题。 b)可以丰富学生的社会经验。 c)可以学以致用。 3. 你对兼职的看法,并说明理由。 (阅读材料) Billy and his part-time job Billy is 14 years old and in his the ninth grade. He has a part-time job which gets him up every morning at 5 o'clock. He is a newspaper delivery boy. In the winter it is still dark when he gets up, but during the rest of the year it is light. Bill must deliver the newspapers to the houses of the people on his route in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on the porch where it will be protected from wind and rain of snow. All his customers think he does a good job. Billy earns about $ 70 per month, and he is earning some of the money to go to college. He spends the rest on records and clothes. Once a month, he has to collect money from his customers. Since many of them work during the day, Billy has to collect the money in the evening. Sometimes, when Billy is ill, his brother has to deliver the newspapers. Once, his father has to help. Billy has 70 customers now, but he hops to get more soon. Some day, if he gets more customers, Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe, but he will still be happy if he only wins a new bicycle.

解读任务所在 明确立意所向 (任务型作文)

解读任务所在明确立意所向 解读任务所在明确立意所向 ——2016合肥一模作文审题综述 多年通行的材料作文测试形式主要是事件类和事理类两大题型。今年新课标卷作文命题通过增加任务型指令,着力发挥试题引导写作的功能,增强写作的针对性,使考生在真实的情境中辨析关键概念,在多维度的比较中说理论证。总的特点可以概括为关注当下,贴近生活,呈现情境,多元思辨。 此类命题呈现的材料本身多为“三无”情境,即无观点、无立场、无态度,所谓“任务”就是在写作之前增加了解读材料的任务,而且真正把材料的解读和分析作为核心,成为立意的起点,建立自己的观点、立场和态度。此类命题立意的角度多,实际降低了立意的难度,写作质量的高下取决于立意的新颖与深刻。任务驱动型材料作文的审题立意关键在于角度的判定,即材料呈现的观察点、分析范围和思考的方向,其次是立意的表述,即确立自己的立场观点,就是材料隐含的文化价值、社会价值和思想价值。 下面以2016年合肥市一模作文题为例,重点解说任务驱动型作文的审题技法。 先看原题: 18.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 一部署名为罗伯特?加尔布雷特的侦探小说《杜鹃鸟的呼唤》面世后颇受好评。出版商表示,侦查员出身的作者退伍后从事安保行业,本书是其处女作。不过作者的新手身份因写法娴熟而被质疑。后经媒体多方调查证实,罗伯特?加尔布雷特是《哈利?波特》作者J?K?罗琳的新笔名。被“揭穿”身份后,罗琳说希望这个秘密保持得更久一点,因为她隐瞒身份后看到关于小说的真实评论时,感受到的欢乐更加纯粹。 对于以上事情,你怎么看?请给罗琳、出版商或其他相关方写一封信,表明你的态度,阐述你的看法。 要求综合材料内容及含义,选好角度,确定立意,完成写作任务。明确收信人,统一以“明华”为写信人,不得泄露个人信息。 该命题基本靠近全国新课标卷的命制思路。作文提出明确要求:“对于以上事情,你怎么看?请给罗琳、出版商或其他相关方写一封信,表明你的态度,阐述你的看法。”提供了很多可以探讨的问题,将材料的开放性进行了较好的限定。增加的写作要求是让考生给罗琳、出版商或其他相关方写一封信,选择不同的对象,信的内容和写信的语气都会有所不同。在选择时考生有自由,选择完成后就要进入角色,完成任务。 如前所述,首先要解读材料给出的“任务”,三个方面:角度的确立,立意的表述,规范的遵守。 第一、关于角度的确立。 角度的确立即立意点的判定与选取。材料的立意点也即情境(事件)的相关当事方,即材料呈现的观察点、分析范围和思考的方向。在这则材料中当事方首先看到的是罗琳以及她化名的罗伯特?加尔布雷特(其实是同一个人),其次是出版商,再次是媒体。重要的是还要能挖掘出材料隐含的相关方,如读者、公众、评论者、写作新手等。 第二、关于立意的表述。 立意的表述,即确立自己的立场观点,就是解读出材料相关方隐含的文化价值、社会价值和思想价值。从上述的立意点延伸出一句含有自己立场、观点、态度的表述,不同的角度会有不同的表述。这句话将作为作文的起点,作文的主旨,需要精心提炼锤炼,力求精练、简明、新颖、醒目。例如: (一)从罗琳角度。你可以赞成其做法,认为只有真实才有纯粹的快乐。出书不必大肆宣传,其主要目的是看到关于小说的真实评论,只有读者真实的评价才能更真实的了解自己,让自己感受到更加纯粹的欢乐;用实力说话,不躲在荣誉的光环下。一部书的好坏,关键在于书的本身,其内容、其写作手法等方面,用实力征服读者,而不能靠个人的名气。你也可以表示反对。可以说,活给自己看,人言不必畏。没有必要担心别人的评价;可以说,让成功再造成功,借荣誉赢得荣誉。凭借自己已有的名声,由魔幻小说转为侦探小说,更能吸引读者,更能引起读者的关注。 (二)、从出版商角度。可以表示赞成:凡事顺势而为,顺应市场,跟从大众,创造卖点;可以提出批评:商业有操守,职业有底线,不应该弄虚作假欺骗读者,有借机炒作的嫌疑。 (三)、从媒体角度。赞扬其坚守社会良心,追求事实真相,体现一种职业精神;可以从批评的角度说:尊重当事人权利,遵守社会公德。化用笔名是别人的自由,属于个人隐私,没有必要去较真,去曝光揭露。

任务驱动型作文导写 精品教案

任务驱动型作文导写 教学目标: 1、了解任务驱动型作文的文体知识,能够识别任务驱动型作文; 2、通过自主合作探究、实践-理论-实践的过程,掌握任务驱动型作文审题立意与谋篇布局的方法; 3、培养热爱写作、善于思考,关注生活的的习惯。 教学重点:了解任务驱动型作文的文体知识,能够识别任务驱动型作文。 教学难点:掌握任务驱动型作文审题立意与谋篇布局的方法。 课时安排:一课时 教学过程: 一、导入: 2015年新课标1卷作文题,在叙述完女儿举报父亲这件事以后,要求考生选择一个事件相关方,写一封书信;课标2卷,在列举三个风采人物的事迹后,要求考生思考和权衡后,选择一个最具风采的人物。随后,在当年全国高考作文的特点及相关问题的解读会上,教育部考试中心张开主任,把这种在在材料后增加任务的作文,称之为任务驱动型作文。于是忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开,任务驱动型作文迅速火遍大江南北,上到省级教研员,下到中学教师、高中学生都在谈论任务驱动型作文。今天,我们也来凑凑热闹,也谈任务驱动型作文导写。 二、展示学习目标: 1、能够识别任务驱动型作文; 2、掌握任务驱动型作文审题立意与谋篇布局的方法。 三、识别任务驱动型作文 我们在学案上已经给大家提供了任务驱动型作文的内涵介绍,但很多同学还是傻傻分不清,为了便于大家了解并识别任务驱动型作文,下面我们来做一个小练习:阅读下面的作文题干,指出三个作文要求方向,分别属于话题作文、材料作文还是任务驱动作文。(多媒体展示) 2016年六一节前夕,南京一名刘姓母亲涉嫌在超市偷盗“一个鸡腿、一本书”被抓。经警察询问,得知该母亲想拿此作为儿童节礼物送给自己的孩子。一时间“最心酸的儿童节礼物”感动网友“朋友圈”。随着刘姓母亲的不幸遭遇被媒体陆续披露,短时间内网友爱心募捐达到惊人的30余万元。但与此同时,该事件引发网友质疑和批判的评论也超过10余万条。 1、请你以“亲情与法理”为话题,自拟标题,文体不限,不少于800字。 2、请你选择一个角度写一篇作文,自定立意,自拟标题,文体不限,不少于800字。


最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 2016任务型作文题精选及部分审题解析 1、阅读下面的图画材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 学校禁止学生课堂玩手机,但是屡禁不止。某班主任为检查落实,在学生上课时,悄悄往班群里发了红包,凭借抢红包的记录,查出了十几名学生违纪。被抓的学生虽然承认自己违反了学校纪律,但对老师的做法普遍表示不能接受。 对于班主任的做法,你怎么看?请结合材料内容及含意作文,表明你的态度,阐述你的看法。 要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭。 2.、阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 席慕容说:人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去。我把最深沉的秘密放在那里,埋藏心里。你不懂我,我不怪你。 对此,你产生了哪些联想和思考?请据此写一篇文章,要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭。 3、阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 近日,国内一所大学拟实行“上课前所有同学交手机”的措施。此举尚未实施,便在网络上引发热议。有人支持,有人反对。另据报道,国内某高校还在每一间教室的前面设置“手机收纳袋”,收纳袋分布几十个小口袋,每个小口袋都标注着不同的数字序号和学生名字。上课前学生必须关掉手机并放入袋中,才能到座位上听课。 对于一些高校要求“上课前所有同学交手机”这件事,你是怎么看的?请写一篇议论文,表明你的态度,阐述你的看法。 要求综合材料内容及含意,选好角度,确定立意,完成写作任务。 4、阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 为创建有序的学习、生活环境,某全封闭寄宿制高中在采用一定手段保障学生与亲人通话需求的前提下,严禁学生自带手机进校园。后因十余名学生在手机问题上违规,学校多次


任务型写作 任务型写作,主要有两种体裁:读记叙文,写议论文;读议论文,写记叙文。文章由summary + argumatation 构成。 练习一:阅读下面文段,概括全篇,并找出与之搭配的概括技巧。 Skill 1:Omit the details Skill 2:Omit the repetitions Skill 3:Omit the examples Skill 4:Use general words instesd of specific words Skill 5:Put the main points of the dialogues in indirect speech ( ) 1. You can think of a way to manage your temper. Here are some tips: (1) You should try to calm down and figure out what you are really upset about. (2) Keep a diary. It can help you understand more about yourself and your feeling. (3) You can try to talk with your best friends to release stressful emotions. 概括:_________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) 2. Nowadays more and more teenagers try to be more independent from their parents and sometimes become very rebellious. They always want to wear long and strange hair style,which their parents complain about a lot. They also spend too much on the Internet and playing computer games. 概括:_________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) 3. Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly, “You put too much salt on your food, Paul. It’s not at all good for you! ” Paul put down his knife and frowned, “Why on earth not! If you don’t have salt on your food it would taste awful…like eating wood or sand…just imagine bread without salt in it!” 概括:_________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) 4. She bought a lot of vegetables such as cabbage,carrots, cucumbers,tomatoes, potatoes and some eggs.She intended to invite all her friends to her birthday party at the weekend. 概括:_________________________________________________________________________________________ 练习二:阅读下面文段,用30个左右的词概括全篇内容。 1. Advertising can be a service to customers. This is true when ads give reliable information about the goods advertised. Such information is needed if the customer is to make a wise choice when buying something. It is useful because it can help the customer know more about the kind of goods available. Printed ads do this job best. Customers can collect them and compare them. They can be used to check against the actual goods in the ships. Some ads are not very useful to customers. Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs, they set out to make him unnecessary things. The people who produce them understand our weaknesses. They set out to make us believe that what they advertise will make us cleverer, prettier, or more handsome, if only we use it. For example, the voice on TV says, “By using SK-II, it makes your skin crystal.” The screen shows a series of pictures in which a famous actress not only has her skin whitened but also has her pronounced wrinkles silkily smoothed. Some ladies with dark skin wil be persuaded to choose that comestic. (1)请先在文中找出主题句,并画线。 (2)请用自己的语言概括文中的主题句,千万不要抄袭原文,更不能有自己的观点。 (3)适当使用一些连接词和精华句子,并把字数控制在30词左右。 Summary: Advertising is ______________________________ because ___________________________________ ________________. However, it can also __________________________ because ___________________________ ________________________________________. 2. It must have been abou two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep. So I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom wiindow. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, “I don’t think the window need cleaning at this time if the night.” I looked down and nearly feel off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “I enjoyed cleaning windows at nights.” “So do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my inteerrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he’s busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”


2009年高考英语作文专项训练:任务型写作(11) 1. 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Doctors say anger can be an extremely harmful emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that angry feelings can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm, reasonable way. Others burst with anger, losing control of themselves. But still other people control their anger. They cannot or will not express it. Recently some doctors have found that people who express anger too often and violently become, in fact, more and not less angry. This can cause medical problems. Some doctors say that both controlling and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger strongly may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who deep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably. ” [写作内容] 1)概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30词左右; 2)就“要不要生气”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分字数大约120词左右; a)发脾气不但不利于健康,而且对人际关系有影响; b)避免因误解而造成的生气; c)理性的对待别人的错误。 [写作要求] 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。


高考英语作文专项训练:任务型写作训练(9) 高考英语任务型写作训练(九) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 The Growth in Fast Food Today more snack bars than ever before can be seen in all residential areas and downtown. Chinese food is always sold side by side with foreign one;for example,noodle,rice and fried mutton are served on the same table.Why does fast food enjoy so great popularity. The reasons are of different types.First of all,having snacks is economical of money compared with formal meals.The cost of less than 100 yuan only reflects the 0rdinary level of a formal meal,while as much as 10 yuan is enough to satisfy one's appetite at most snack bars.Next,convenience weighs heavily.In a snack bar,you don't have to pretend to be graceful,and you may also take your meal away,which helps save you much https://www.360docs.net/doc/1212832552.html,st,diverse features of fast food form a good attraction. For example,in Xi'an, Shanxi food along with Sichuan food and typical food in Northeast China are within your easy reach. Obviously,fast food adds great convenience to our life. With its further improvement in all sides,snacks will surely be enjoyed by more people from all walks of life. 「写作内容」 1)概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30词左右; 2)就"就如何看待快餐食品?"这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右; a)工薪一族对快餐的看法; b)父母对快餐的看法; c)快餐的利和弊 d)你对快餐的看法。 「写作要求」 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 参考例文:
