





高考题的阅读理解题是试题的重要部分,在150 分的题中占40分。设置该题的目的是检测学生对不同文章的理解程度,考察学生英语知识与综合能力水平。同学们必须在平日的学习中有针对性地进行阅读理解实践,才能切实的提高水平。下面,我从几方面具体分析阅读时应注意的问题。




(1)“Why are you weeping?” ---“I’m crying for my poor mother,” the girl said.

句中的crying和weeping是同义词,只要知道crying的意思,就可推测出weeping 是哭泣的意思。

(2)“I have something to tell you,”said Sue, “Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia in the hospital today. He was ill only two days…”这段文中的pneumomia 是生词,但是上下文告诉你,Mr. Behrman 病了两天,今天在医院里因……而死,因此pneumonia一定是一种疾病。至于是何种病,你无需查字典,因为这并不影响


(3)The official asked the man what his occupation was. The man told him that he worked as an engineer.

A. work

B. study

C. name

D. interest

从第二句中的the man told him that he worked as an engineer 可知官员问的是他的职业,所以才能这样回答。因此选A.

(4)Those new comers were not used to the life in suburbs, which was so different from that inside the city.

A. town

B. capital

C. country

D. house

从后半句中的so different from that inside the city可知划线部分的词意义与inside the city 相反,比较四个答案后C 答案“乡村”最符合题意。Exercises:

1. Chris looked up at the lofty statue. It was certainly very tall.

2. Aunt Vicki is never annoyed by trifles. Things that aren’t important just don’t seem to bother her.

3. I don’t know if the clock is accurate. Does it tell correct time?

4. The moon doesn’t send out light; it reflects light. This means that the moon doesn’t make its own light. The sun sends out its light to the moon. Then the moon sends the sun’s light back to the earth.

5. The 20 god medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14.

“Many of the pr oblems are of college level and these pupils can figure them out. It is just unbelievable!” said a teacher from Guangdong province. The underlined phrase “figure out” in the text means _________.

A. work out

B. add up

C. guess

D. study


1. lofty : very tall

2. trifles : things that are not important

3. accurate: correct

4. reflect: send back the lights it receives from other places

5. A


1. 人物传记。记述某人的家庭背景,生平事迹,个性特征,奋斗业绩,轶闻趣事等。一般以时间的先后,事情的发展为主线,顺序比较清楚,可根据时间先后取得有效信息,采用分析推理的方法。

2. 短篇故事。其中包括以人物,时间,地点,事件为要素的中心情节,同时还有人物或作者的态度。理解题根据情节和内在联系而设计,要掌握文章大意和具体情节,设身处地的把握人物的态度,根据情节展开想象,问题就好解决。历史知识的短文也要这样做。

3. 幽默小品。是针对在生活中可笑的现象和人们的举止进行再现的特殊文体。平日要善于观察,善于通过表面的玩笑看出实际的意义,才能够正确回答出深层理解题。

4. 科技文章。用来介绍科技现象和科技成果,内容丰富,题材广阔,有真实性,逻辑性和理论性,文章结构严谨,层次分明,论点论据突出充实,但长句难句较多,修饰关系复杂,应充分利用论据理解论点,理解文章的逻辑性和理论性,把长句难句的基本结构找出来,就能化难为易了。此法也适用于做关于自然现象的文章。

5. 记叙推理文。在叙事中蕴含一些道理,需要推理,换算和猜想,要弄懂所说的事,掌握好推理中的对应关系。注意原文原字,不受干扰项的影响。

6. 新闻报道。这类文章注意6点,即when, where, who, what , why, how 。找出主题和要点,涉取有效信息,再进行加工和推理。

7. 应用文体的文章,如广告,通知,卡片和统计表格等。这类的文章主要要求同学们在阅读时掌握文章提供的信息,并运用这些信息去正确解决题目中假想的的情况。在做题时,可以先看题目,再阅读文章,如此可快速获取信息并排除不必要信息的干扰。


We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn’t even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down. While I watched mouth open is surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop. She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up, Mum nodded and said, “Very dirty floors.”

“Yes, I’m glad they’ve finally decided to clean them,” the nurse answered. She looked at Mum strangely and said, “But aren’t you working late?”Mum just pushed harder, each swipe(拖一下)of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book.

After a long time Mum came back. Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my hand. As we turned to go out of the door, Mum bowed politely to the nurse and said, “Thank you.”

Outside, Mum told me “Dagmar is fine. No fever.”

“You saw her, Mum?”

“Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. It’s a fine hospital. But such floor! A mop is no good. You need a brush. ”

1. When she took a mop from the small room what Mum really wanted to do was ____________.

A. to clean the floor

B. to please the nurse

C. to see a patient

D. to surprise the story-teller

2. When the nurse talked to Mum she thought Mum was a ___________.

A. nurse

B. visitor

C. patient

D. cleaner

3. After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?

A. It is a children’s hospital.

B. It has strict rules about visiting hours.

C. The conditions there aren’t very good.

D. The nurses and doctors there don’t work hard.

4. From the text we know that Dagmar is most likely _______________.

A. the story-teller’s sister

B. the story-teller’s classmate

C. Mum’s friend

D. Dad’s boss

5. Which of the following words best describes Mum?

A. strange

B. warm-hearted

C. clever



分析:1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C


(1)Who might buy the house after reading the above advertisement?

A. Some young students.

B. A couple with little money.

C. A big rich family.

D. A big poor family.

(2)What room has several possible uses?

A. The living room.

B. The bedroom.

C. The dining room.

D. The kitchen.

(3)What is emphasized(强调)in the description of each room?

A. Floor

B. Entrance.

C. Size.

D. Windows.

分析:1. C 2. B 3. C

这是一篇卖房子的广告。文中对房子有很细致的描写,且反复使用large, spacious, huge, big等字眼,说明此房屋的卖点在于“大”,房间多,且功能齐全,所以在做题时要能把握这个特点。

Native Tongue

At first Kate thought the Romanian girl could not speak and understand English . Nadia would not reply to anything Kate said . Kate was in charge of showing Nadia around on her first day at Buckminster Grade School . Kate could not figure out why the school had put Nadia in a class where she could not understand what people were saying .

“Why did they do this ? ”Kate wondered aloud . “I mean , you can’t learn if you can’t understand the teacher .”

Nadia’s voice was a whisper . “I understand English . I will learn . ”Nadia’s English was perfect .

Kate was perplexed . She couldn’t understand why Nadia did not like to speak . Then she realized that moving to a new country probably wasn’t the easiest thing to do . There were hundreds of unfamiliar and unusual things to learn — all at the same time .

“There’re a lot of new things to learn , huh ? ”said Kate .

Nadia nodded rapidly . In a quiet voice she replied , “Many things people say , I do not understand . I have been speaking English and Romanian all

my life , but I do not know what some children are saying . For example , yesterday a boy asked if I could help him find the USB port on a thin black box he was carrying . Isn’t a port a place for ships ? It made no sense to me .”

“Don’t worry . ”said Kate . “You’ll figure everything out in time . You see , that thin black box was a computer . A USB port is a place where you can connect other machines to a computer .”

Nadia and Kate were quiet after that . They took notes while the teacher gave a maths lesson . To Kate’s surprise , Nadia put up her hand and offered to answer questions at the blackboard .

Nadia handled every question the teacher gave her . Some of the questions were really difficult , and no one understood what was going on except Nadia and the teacher . When the teacher said that Nadia answered everything correctly , the whole class clapped their hands .

Nadia was smiling when she sat back down next to Kate . “Some things , ”she said in a normal voice , “are the same all over the world .”

1. At the beginning of Nadia’s first day at school , she was _________ .

A. disappointed

B. helpful

C. lively

D. shy

2. The underlined word “perplexed” probably means _________ .

A. puzzled

B. angry

C. shocked

D. serious

3. We can infer from the passage that _________ .

A. Nadia did not like Kate

B. Nadia had lived by the sea before

C. Nadia had never seen a computer before

D. Nadia spoke in a soft voice out of politeness

4. Which of the following statements is true ?

A. Nadia was better at maths than other students .

B. Nadia found some of the maths questions difficult .

C. Nadia was encouraged to answer questions in class .

D. Nadia understood the maths teacher better than other teachers .

5. What is the message of the story ?

A. Talking about something familiar gives you confidence in communication .

B. Answering questions in class makes you better understood by classmates .

C. Language plays an important role in communication between cultures .

D. Mathematics helps to improve communication between cultures .

答案:1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A




Perfect Time Management($6.99)

By Ted Johns

Paperback / Random House 99—RH 150

Managing your time effectively means getting more out of everything you do. This book shows you simply and quickly how to master the techniques and skills that are important in taking control of your time and your life. If you can cut down on the time you spend meeting people, talking on the phone, writing and reading reports, you can use the time saved for really important parts of your job.


The Perfect Business Plan($6.99)

By Ron Johnson

Paperback / Random House 99—RH 151

A carefully prepared plan is important to the success of any business. Planning ahead means you make better decisions today, and helps you consider as many of the relevant factors(相关因素)as possible. The book provides a set of plans and shows you how to complete it for your own business in 100 short, easy-to-follow steps.

The writer Ron Johnson is an expert on company running and the management of change.


The Perfect Career($6.99)

By Max Eggert

Paperback / Random House 99—RH 152

In a world where job chances are continually becoming smaller and smaller, it’s more important than ever to actively manage your career. The book makes a clear examination of your skills, experiences and values, then it provides practical plans to make you achieve success.


Perfect Assertiveness(自信)($6.99)

By Jan Ferguson

Paperback / Random House 99—RH 153

This book helps you to understand more about assertiveness and teaches you to understand more about yourself, the possibility of change and improvement in personal, social, family and workplace relationships.

1. When you want to find a suitable job, you had better turn to ______________.

A. Perfect Time Management

B. The Perfect Business Plan

C. The Perfect Career

D. Perfect Assertiveness

2. As head of a new company, you may ask advice from __________________.

A. Ted Johns

B. Ron Johnson

C. Max Eggert

D. Jan Ferguson

3. If you are kept busy working all day but still not satisfied by your boss, you need refer to ___________.

A. (1)+(3)

B. (1)+(4)

C. (2)+(3)

D. (3)+(4)


If you’re in charge of a project, the key to success is getting everyone to want to help you. As a director, I point. I suggest. I gently push the actors in the direction I want them to go.

In the 1986 movie Nothing in Common, Jackie Gleason’s Character, Max Basner, gets fired from his job as a clothing salesman. The scene, shot on a boat, shows Max’s despair about being out of work. I was looking for some gesture that would allow Max to show his feelings.

Jackie had far more experience at everything than I did, and at first I was frightened. What could I possibly tell“The Great One”about acting? Out of fear I decided to direct by suggestion, and I sat down with Gleason to talk about the scene.“So Max is sad, right?”I said.

Gleason nodded.

“And he’s probably still carrying his pens with his name on them——the ones he used to hand out to his customers, right?”

Gleason nodded.

“So what would you want to do with the pens after you were fired?”

He was silent for a moment.“Why don’t I throw them overboard?”

I stood up and turned toward the crew.“Hey, everybody, Jackie has a wonderful idea. Let’s shoot it.”

After filming the scene, Gleason called me over and said with a smile,“Garry, what kind of wonderful idea am I going to have tomorrow?”

You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. When there are no prizes or gold stars for who gets the solution first, you’ll all benefit when everything turns out right.

1. The author tells us that to succeed in a project you are in charge of you should ___________.

A. make everyone work for you

B. get everyone willing to help you

C. let people know you have the final say

D. keep sending out orders to them

2. It can be inferred that _____________.

A. Jackie Gleason is the director of the film Nothing in Common

B. Jackie Gleason is very angry when he is fired from his job

C. Max, a character in a film, is in very low spirits when he loses his job

D. Jackie Gleason is the writer of the film Nothing in Common

3. “The Great One”in paragraph 3 refers to ____________.

A. Gleason

B. the director himself

C. Max

D. Max’s boss

4. Why did Gleason call the director over and smile at him? Because Gleason _____________.

A. thought his wonderful idea was accepted by the latter

B. succeeded in hitting upon a wonderful idea

C. was confident about his work the next day

D. appreciated the latter’s way of directing films

5. The most suitable title for the passage is ______________.

A. Directing a Film

B. The Key to Success

C. A Wonderful Experience

D. Working with Film Stars


I. 1. C 2. B 3. B

II. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B


1.题型特点与命题方式 所谓细节题,是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对原文具体叙述本身发问。一般包括直接理解题(在原文中可直接找到答案,常用who, what, when, where, why和how等提问。)、语义转化题(需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语义上的转换,两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工或整理后方能得出结论)、数字计算题、排列顺序题、图表图画题等 抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好该题型的关键,也是做好其他类型问题的基础。这类题型的题干常为: When / Where did the story happen? Which of the following statements is (NOT) correct? Which of the following statements is (NOT) mentioned in the passage? Which is the right order of the events given in the passage? All the statements are true EXCEPT… 该题型几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息,或是其变体。所以,搜查信息在阅读中非常重要,它包括理解作者在叙述某事时使用的具体事实、数据、图表等细节信息。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。 2.解题思路与应试技巧 细节题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,正确答案的根据一定可以在原文中找到,即原文的改写往往成为正确选项。 通常细节题的正确选项有以下特征: (1)对原文句子中的关键词进行替换。把原文中的一些词换成意义相近的词,成为正确选项。 (2)词性或者语态的变化。把原文中的一些词变换一下词性,或者改变原文句子的语态,给考生制造障碍。 (3)语言简化。把原文中的复杂语言现象进行简化,成为正确答案。 (4)正话反说。把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项(适用于寻找错误选项的题目)。 干扰项也是以文章中的某个细节设题,若不仔细辨别,很容易 把它当成正确选项。干扰项有以下特征: (1)将原文内容扩大或缩小。把原文中的限定词去掉或替换,使该选项看似正确,实际上却是错误选项。 (2)把未然当已然。改变文中某句话的时态,如把将来时变成现在时,把未发生的事情当成已发生的事情。 (3)无中生有。即选项内容是根据主观想象或推测得出的结论,而文中并未涉及。 (4)偷换概念。把原来做该事的“张三”换成“李四”,所述细节确实与原文一致,一不小心就会误选。 (5)文不对题。这类题最不容易辨别,选项中的描述与原文完全一致,确属原文中的一个细节,这时要回到题干,看该选项是否能回答题干所提出的问题。 下面结合最新高考试题,对细节题的不同类型加以解读。 1.直接信息题 对此类题型,考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给


高一英语专题培优 ——阅读理解解题技巧 考纲解读: 阅读理解是英语考试中的一个重要题型,分值高、题量大。阅读理解考查 的根本是检验学生对有关信息的搜集、加工能力。新的高中英语教学大纲明确规定:"侧重提高阅读能力"。 英语考试大纲规定,考生应能:(1) 理解主旨和要义; (2) 理解文中具体信息; (3) 根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4) 做出简单判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 命题探究: 一.选材特点: 广东省高考阅读理解解题选材,一般遵循三个原则: 1.文章一般为4篇,阅读量在2500个单词左右; 2.题材广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等多方面内容; 3.体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、应用文、论述文等。 二.题目类型: 高考中的阅读理解一般分为四大类:细节题、猜词题、推断题以及主旨题 三.题目特点: 1.无论哪一类题都一定能在文中找到依据。 2.每篇文章的5个小题正确答案的关键信息按照短文出现的先后顺序依次 排列。如第2题的关键信息点在第二段中,那么第3题的关键信息点很 可能就会在第三段中,而在第一段的可能性就很小。主旨大意题和写作 目的题一般都安排在第5小题。 阅读水平的提高不是一两天的阅读就可以见效的。想要提高阅读能力,一是要培养良好的阅读行为习惯 提高分数技巧: 1. 抓好限时训练 同学们可以通过限时训练有计划、循序渐进地提高自己的阅读速度。做阅读理解训练 时,尝试在原文中划出答案出处,这能帮助我们在阅读时以文章为依据,而不凭空猜想。 2. 养成良好的阅读习惯 同学们在平时训练时要养成良好的阅读习惯。首先要避免“指读”。很多学生喜欢用手或笔指着文字读,这种阅读习惯容易使思维停留在手指着的局部单词上,会阻碍对中心思想


高考英语阅读专项技能训练及指导 高考阅读理解要求考生在规定的时间内完成对3至5篇不同题材、体裁的短文的理解,它是高考试题中难度最大、区分度最高的题型。它不仅考查考生对语篇的整体把握能力,而且考查考生快速捕捉信息、准确理解特定细节以及复杂句子的能力。考生不仅要正确理解文章的表层意思,还要能通过表层意思去合理推断、挖掘文章的隐含意义。它是对考生的知识和心理素质的综合检验。 高考英语命题特点 一、突出语用,体裁多样,题材丰富 1.新课标地区的阅读理解涉及的体裁分布比较均匀,其中记叙文、议论文和说明文所占的比重较大,以考查考生对记人记事、评论说理以及介绍说明类文章的理解能力;同时,试题中多穿插应用文体裁的文章,旨在考查考生捕捉事实信息的能力。 2.高考阅读理解注重题材的多样化、现代化和生活化,所选文章多为时文,题材多样,信息丰富。选材皆源于国外的英文图书、报刊、网络媒体,原汁原味,语言地道纯正,具有鲜明的英语语言文化特点。 二、词汇灵活,句子优美,结构复杂 高考阅读理解对考生运用词汇的能力的要求逐年提高,凡是能利用构词法知识判断出词性和词义的都不视为生词,不再给出汉语注释;纯超纲词汇也偶有出现;一词多义、熟词僻义现象更是频繁出现;活用词比比皆是。另外,高考阅读理解的材料大多数出自国外的报刊,虽然在语言上经过了一定的加工,但是最大限度地保持原文语言地道的特点,文章的语篇结构有一定的难度,如在阐述问题时使用了多种语篇手段和修辞方法;文章不全是按顺叙的方法来展开的,而是兼有倒叙、插叙等多种方式;一词多义,多种时态混用;简单句、复合句、虚拟语气、结构复杂的长句、倒装句、省略句以及插入语等也随处可见。考生只有在平时多积累词汇,阅读时才能不断克服理解词义和篇章的困难。 三、题型稳定,细节为主,主旨突出。高考阅读理解的题型一直比较稳定,分为四大题型。一是主旨题,包括主要内容(main idea)、标题( title)和目的( purpose)三种小题型。二是释义题,包括词义题、句意题和指代题。三是细节题,它的考查范围是最广的,例如:人名、地名、时间、地点、具体事物、具体动作等等。四是推断题。 掌握应试策略,提升解题能力 结合对高考阅读理解的命题分析可知,考生要想在高考中战胜阅读理解,除了平时应注意拓展知识面,扩大英语课外阅读量,关心时事,提高逻辑思维能力与分析解决问题的能力外,还应注意以下几点: 1.讲究词汇记忆质量,提升阅读理解能力。英语阅读能力高低在一定程度上取决于掌握的词汇量的大小,所以考生一定要注意词汇记忆的质量,注意积累并培养处理词汇的四个基本能力:(1)根据构词法判断派生词和合成词的词义和词性的能力。(2)根据篇章语境推断一词多义、熟词僻义的语言能力。(3)透彻理解篇章中语言的借代现象的能力。(4)准确判断与阅读理解密切相关的一些功能词如逻辑连词、递进衔接词和语法连接词等的用法的能力。2.精读泛读相结合,确保能力,开阔视野。精读的目的是弄清每个词的确切含义和其语言功能,熟悉文章的语言结构,以便整体把握篇章,了解谋篇布局。考生可通过精读促进词汇记忆和应用,也可达到学习他人的写作方法的目的。泛读的目的是开阔视野,增加英美文化背景知识,扩大知识面。泛读有助于提升考生的阅读理解能力及处理语言信息的能力。3.提升阅读速度,提高理解精度。近年来的高考阅读理解篇幅较长,对考生的阅读速度和理解精度要求较高。因此,考生应采用正确的阅读方法,把自己的注意力集中在语意上,准确领会作者的写作意图。考生应用“意群理解”的阅读方式,多用略读、跳读和扫读的快速阅读方法,在最短的时间内找到关键词、主题句及作者意图等重要信息。另外,为提高阅读速


高考英语阅读之理解细节理解题 细节理解题在高考中占有较大比例,其主要考查考生对文章(或某一段落)中某一些特定细节或文章的重要事实的理解能力。 所谓细节题,是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对原文具体叙述本身发问。一般包括直接理解题(在原文中可直接找到答案,常用who, what, when, where, why和how等提问。)语义转化题(需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语义上的转换,两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工或整理后方能得出结论)、数字计算题、排列顺序题、图表图画题等。 一:常见的设问方式有: When / Where did the story happen? Which of the following statements is (not) correct? Which of the following statements is (not) mentioned in the passage? Which is the right order of the events given in the passage? All the statements are true except… 二.常见题型 1.wh类细节题; 2.数据计算题; 3.排序题; 4.是非题; 5.图标题 三、设题方式 1.语意转换。细节理解题设题时为了避免出现原文中所用的词汇,常常使用一些同义词、近义词或反义词(双重否定)。因而在解题时要注意语意转换。 2.设题顺序。一般来说,题序与其相关信息在文中的顺序一致,如某题的答案信息往往会在下一小题的答案信息之前。 3.设题干扰项。 (1)正误并存:部分正确,部分错误。 (2)扩大或缩小范围:是原文信息,但不是题干要求。 (3)偷换概念:符合常识,但不是文章的内容。 (4)以偏概全:与原句的内容极其相似,但在程度、态度、褒贬色彩上有变动。 (5)无中生有:明显不是文章的信息,与文章事实不符或相反。 四、解题步骤 1.迅速定位,缩小范围。通过寻读法(scanning),用题干中的关键词在文中搜索,迅速确定相关词句或信息点所在的位置,缩小阅读范围。 2.理解其意,对照选项。在找到关键词句后,要仔细阅读,准确理解,对照选项,看哪个选项的意思与之最接近。 3.排除干扰,选出答案。在作出选择的过程中,要善于辨别真伪,排除干扰,不断缩小范围,选出正确答案。 五、典例精析 1.wh类细节题 1) Not long ago, my wife, PJ, and I tried a new diet—not to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about climate change. Q: Why did the author and his wife try a new diet? A. To take special kinds of food B. To respond to climate change. C. To lose weight D. To improve their health 2).Surprisingly, compared with those in poor health or who had low incomes, respondents who enjoyed good health or income were associated with expecting a greater decline. Also, the researchers said that higher income was related to a greater risk of disability. Q: How do people of higher income see their future? A. They will earn less money. B. They will become pessimistic. C. They will suffer mental illness. D. They will have less time to enjoy life. 3)(2012全国Ⅰ卷C篇) Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left,and I becoming increasingly impatient. Q: Why did the author get impatient while driving? A.He was lonely on the road. B.He was slowed down by a truck. C. He got tired of driving too long. D. He came across too many traffic lights. 4)Software Trainer If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make you own


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您!英语阅读理解---事实细节题的解题技巧 所谓细节题,是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对原文具体叙述本身发问。 细节事实理解题主要考查考生对文章中某一些特定细节或文章的重要实事的理解能力。它一般包括直接理解题和语义理解题两种。直接理解题的答案与原文直接挂钩,从阅读材料中可以找到。这种题难度低,只要学生读懂文章,就能得分,属于低层次题。而语义理解题须将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语义上的转换才能得出结论。这类题目要求考生能理解原文中某个短语或句子的含义,从而找到与答案意思相同的词语和句子。 【题型特点】这类试题旨在考查考生对事实细节的确定。这类试题一般只针对文章中某一特定的细节,也可能涉及若干个细节,或者针对文章的主要事实,或利用图形图表或地图来表示信息等。此类试题一般又可分为两类:一是直接理解题,答案可在原文中直接找到;二是词义转换题,答案是原文中有关词语和句子的转换,而不能在原文中直接找到。 【命题形式】这类题主要是针对who, what, which, why, how, when, where等来提问的。如: 1.Which of the following statements is true/NOT true/false, according to the passage? 2. Which of the following statements is (not) correct? 3. In the passage, which of the following is mentioned / not mentioned? 4. All the following statements are not true except ______. 5. All the statements are true except______. 6. Choose the right order of the events given in the passage? 7. When/Where did the story happen? 了解这些题目的设计特点对正确解题有一定帮助。一般来说,设计这些题目时,编题者常常会换用不同的词、词组、短语、句型、或其它不同的表达方式来表达文段中某一相应的词、词组、短语、句型或表


高考英语阅读指导(一) 【本讲主要内容】 高考英语阅读指导(一) 【知识总结归纳】 高考题的阅读理解题是试题的重要部分,在150 分的题中占40分。设置该题的目的是检测学生对不同文章的理解程度,考察学生英语知识与综合能力水平。同学们必须在平日的学习中有针对性地进行阅读理解实践,才能切实的提高水平。下面,我从几方面具体分析阅读时应注意的问题。 (一)猜测词义是阅读时必不可少的技巧。 在阅读时遇到生词是常事,但没有必要每遇到生词都翻词典,因为这样做只会影响阅读速度和兴趣。实际上许多生词的词义是可以利用上下文中有关词汇,短语或通过构词法或是通过其他有关知识来判断生词的词义。比如,在文章中,作者有时使用具有同一含义或意思接近的几个词语,我们可以利用上下文中熟悉的词语来猜测生词的含义。有时我们还可以通过文章中提供的相关信息或上下文对比来猜测生词的含义。 例如: (1)“Why are you weeping?” ---“I’m crying for my poor mother,” the girl said. 句中的crying和weeping是同义词,只要知道crying的意思,就可推测出weeping 是哭泣的意思。 (2)“I have something to tell you,”said Sue, “Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia in the hospital today. He was ill only two days…”这段文中的pneumomia 是生词,但是上下文告诉你,Mr. Behrman 病了两天,今天在医院里因……而死,因此pneumonia一定是一种疾病。至于是何种病,你无需查字典,因为这并不影响


高考阅读理解之细节理解题 姓名:______________ 班级:____________________ 提醒语: 1.确定题干,到原文快速搜索相关信息,对信息进行处理! 2.忌主观臆断! 3.细节题是高考考查的重点,占阅读的50%,应重视。 【考例分析1】For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do? (2010·湖北卷·B篇) Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict? A. Both can continue for generations B. Both are about where to draw the line C. Neither has any clear winner D. Neither can be put to an end 【考例分析2】The researchers studied cultural differences in the recognition of facial expressions by recording the eye movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East Asian people while they observed pictures of expressive faces and put them into categories: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, or neutral. They compared how accurately participants read those facial expressions using their particular eye movement strategies. (2010·湖南卷·C) What were the people asked to do in the study? A. To make a face at each other. B. To get their faces impressive. C. To classify some face pictures. D. To observe the researchers? faces. 【考例分析3】Confucius suggested Rule as a principle for the conduct of “Do not do to others what you would not want others to you. ”He assumed that all men were equal at birth, though some potential than others, and that it was knowledge that set men apart. Socrates focused on individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom. He believed that some had more potential to develop their reason than others did. Like Confucius, he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下层的)classes. (2010·江西卷·C)Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that . A. all men were equal when they were born B. the lower classes should be ruled by the upper class C. the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom D. people should not ask others to do what they did not want to 【考例分析4】Since Beijing's first ski resort was opened ten years ago, the sport has enjoyed astonishing increase. There are now more than a dozen resorts. Clothes markets in the city have added bright colored ski suits to their winter collections. Mr. Wei, a manager of a newly-opened ski resort in Beijing, sees the growth of an industry that could soon lead Chinese to head for the ski resorts of Europe. In recent years ski resorts offering natural snow have opened in China. But many are in faraway areas of the country and can't really match the equipment and services of some ski resorts in Europe. (2010·全国卷II·C) Why are some Chinese likely to go skiing in Europe? A. To visit more ski areas. B. To ski on natural snow. C. For a large collection of ski suits. D. For better services and equipment. 【考例分析5】He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones.


高考英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we're hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education. One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelor's degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there's a question: Would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a "three-year degree" model. I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly "throw out" one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist "diluting (稀释)" the quality of the education they offer. In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it's not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University. (1)Which of the following can best sum up the main idea? A.It's time to shorten the learning process. B.Best learning takes place over time. C.University education should be watered down. D.College education calls for reform. (2)We can learn from the passage that ________. A.most American universities are against the "three-year degree" model B.many famous US universities are considering adopting the "three-year degree" model C.professors are willing to accept the "three-year degree" model D.The "three-year degree" model can make college learning more efficient (3)In most US universities, ________. A.college students are offered the co-op program B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits C.all students are required to finish four-year education before graduation D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time


细节理解题的解题步骤和方法 一、教学引入 细节理解题.是高考英语阅读理解最重要的一类题型。根据我的分类,所有的阅读理解题型按照答案在文中出现的位置和形式不通,可以分为细节理解和主旨大意两大类,而前一类在整个题量当中大概会占到80%甚至以上的比例。 二、细节理解题的分类 细节理解题的答案往往不是文章中的细节在选项中的简单重复,而是根据文中的细节经过合理的推理或转化得出的。 1.同样,按照答案在原文中出现的位置,细节理解题可以分为集中型细节理解题和分散型细节理解题。 (1)集中型:就文章的单个细节提问,答案在原文中出现的位置一般也位于单句话或几句话中。 因为具体细节不同,出题形式千变万化,因题而异。如: 【2010江苏】57. According to the passage, the ancestors of the Potter family most probably 【2010上海】70.. As is mentioned in the card, the limitation of the research paper mainly lies in that (2)分散型:题目涉及到文章某一段或几段,甚至贯穿全文的各个位置,需要考生寻找文章中的多个细节。请注意,分散型细节理解题并不意味着题目的正确答案出现在文章的不同位置,正确答案往往也是关于文章的某一个句子或细节。只是说文章的干扰选项是关于不同的细节,需要我们在定位的时候阅读某一个区域。分散型细节理解题常见的出题方式有: Which of the following is not true? We can learn/infer from the passage that… Which of the follow ing is NOT mentioned about …? 也有因题而异的,有些看似集中的其实也分散在文中,需要考生仔细定位。如: 【2010江苏】61. Some people are against killing wolves because . 原文所陈述的原因有很多段,而并不是单个的句子。 2. 就题目形式而言,细节理解题的表现形式是多种多样的,最常见的有: (1)文章细节:针对文中细节直接提问 (2)指代判断:判断文中某个代词或特定词组的指代关系 (3)图表数据:对题目中的图标和数据进行简单的计算 (4)词义猜测:推测文中某个词或词组的含义 (5)顺序排列:选择文中细节出现的正确的时间顺序或逻辑顺序 (6)态度目的:作者在文中引入某个细节的目的,或对某个细节或细节人物的态度 三、细节理解解题方法 三大法宝:顺序原则、定位词、排除法 1. 把握解题的顺序原则。一般来说隐含题目答案的位置与题目的顺序是一致的,这能帮助我们缩小寻找范围,大大提高效率。我们做题时可以采用采用步步为营法,看一题做一题。 【2010广东】 C Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly, The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the most common symptoms. Certain microorganisms (微生物) cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release (释放) poisons that make people sick. Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepaid. For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops. Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms. When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with ditty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces. Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from gnawing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat raid mushrooms or other foods that


高考英语阅读理解专题复习指导教案 一、《英语考试大纲》要求 1、理解主旨和要义; 2、理解文中具体信息; 3、根据上下文推断生词的词义; 4、做出简单判断和推理; 5、理解文章的基本结构; 6、理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 二、阅读理解命题分类 1、主旨大意型 2、事实细节型 3、词义猜测型 4、推理判断型 三、事实细节型 (一)、事实细节型解题要领 1、文章中心是论点,事实细节是论据或主要理由;有关细节的问题常对文中某个词语、 某句子、某段落等细节及事实进行提问,所提问题一般可直接或间接在文章中找到答案。 2、忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断。 3、常见提问形式 1)Which of the following is TRUE (Not True)according to the information in the passage? 2)Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? 3)The author mentions all the following except ______. 4)In the passage, the author states that ____. 5)以when, where, who, what, how, why, how many/much等词引导的疑问句。 4、例题 Example 1 (08浙E)…… One day, I told my mother I’d changed my mind. I didn't want to make a success in the magazine business. she replied, “you w ill become a “If you think you can change your mind like this,”  She insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, good-for-nothing.”  selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me. What did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up? A. She forced him to continue. B. She punished him. C. She gave him some money. D. She changed her plan. Example 2


专题一阅读理解 第1讲细节理解题 [真题演练] A (2017·全国卷Ⅰ,阅读理解B) I work with Volunteers for Wildlife,a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust to help injured,displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;survival is never ,when it works,it is simply beautiful. I got a rescue call from a woman in had found a young owl(猫头鹰) on the I arrived,I saw a 2-to 3-week-old had already been placed in a carrier for safety. I examined the chick(雏鸟) and it seemed fine,If I could locate the nest,I might have been able to put it back,but no next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree. The homeowner was very wire basket was put some pine

branches into the basket to make this nest safe and placed the chick in the nest,and it quickly calmed down. Now all that was needed were the parents,but they were gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl advertise the presence of chicks to adults;they might also encourage our chick to start calling as gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring. A nervous night to be sure,but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all!The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded to the drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all—LUNCH!The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者救助一只猫头鹰幼雏的经历。 ★ is unavoidable in the author's rescue work according to Paragraph 1 A.Efforts made in vain. B.Getting injured in his work. C.Feeling uncertain about his future. D.Creatures forced out of their homes. 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Trying to help injured,displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;survival is never certain.”可知,救助野生动物的工作有时让人悲伤,因为不
