






1. When will the woman graduate?

A. Next month.

B. Next March.

C. Next year.

2. Where do you think the book is now?

A. Under the chair.

B. In the kitchen.

C. On the shelf.

3. What was the result?

A. Italy won the game.

B. France won the game.

C. Germany won the game.

4. How much is the TV set?

A. $60.

B. $ 120.

C. $ 90.

5. What do they say about the restaurant?

A. It’s the best place to eat in.

B. They are disappointed in its recent change.

C. They like it all the time.




6. What does the woman want to do?

A. To find a house with lower rent.

B. To share a room with his close friend.

C. To rent some place quiet enough to study.

7. Does the woman get familiar with the city?

A. Maybe, as she has a little information to offer the man.

B. Sure, as she knows where to find what the man needs.

C. Yes, as she is in charge of the affairs.

8. What does the man probably do?

A. A money cashier working in a supermarket.

B. A student studying in a college.

C. A manager arranging part time jobs.


9. What season is it now?

A. It is spring.

B. It is autumn.

C. It is winter.

10. What do we know about the woman?

A. She likes sports.

B. She hates cold weather.

C. She never does housework.

11. What is the weather like now?

A. It is cloudy.

B. It is sunny.

C. It is snowy.


12. What does the man come for?

A. He wants to join a tour to Liverpool.

B. He wants to book a ticket to Liverpool.

C. He asks for some information about the trains to Liverpool.

13. Which bus will the man take?

A. 8:10.

B. 10:20.

C. 12:30.

14. How much is the commission charge(手续费)?

A. £2.




15. What started Don’s career as a singer?

A. The city of Shanghai.

B. A cafe shop.

C. A musical instrument.

16. What does Don say about his job as a singer?

A. “It helps me make a good living.”

B. “It helps me meet different people.”

C. “It helps me travel to Shanghai.”


17. What is the speaker in charge of?

A. A small supermarket.

B. A large supermarket.

C. A small branch of a large supermarket.

18. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A. The prevention of shoplifting.

B. The causes of shoplifting.

C. The purpose of shoplifting.

19. Who form the great part of shoplifters?

A. People in their early thirties.

B. People in their twenties.

C. Teenagers.

20. Which measures is NOT taken to prevent shoplifting?

A. Putting chains or alarms on goods.

B. Hiring store detectives.

C. Using closed-circuit television.




21.Centuries ago, ____ man discovered that removing moisture(水分) from food helps to preserve it, and

that the easiest way to do this is to expose ______ food to sun and wind.

A. a; the

B. the; 不填

C. 不填; the

D. the; the

22. When it comes to listening to the opinions of members of your school community, do you think you are

already “all ears”? The underlined expression most probably means______.

A. in full strength

B. bearing ideas in mind

C. ready to listen attentively

D. having enough preparation

23. To be living at the start of the new millennium is _______ in the most advanced technological era in


A. existing

B. being existed

C. to be existed

D. to exist

24. Male and female students are quite different from each other______ the age at which they begin to

develop an intellectual self-discipline.

A. with regard to

B. in the light of

C. in honor to

D. on account of

25. We ______ at a very attractive hotel on the way back from Paris.

A. put up

B. dropped out

C. took in

D. picked up

26. It was strange that you ______ for Maggie’s address. I just got a letter from her---the first one since her

family moved on August 31, 1999.

A. should have asked

B. would have asked

C. shall ask

D. might ask

27. ______, and students having returned, this college too will start out with _______ effort in the work

that lies before them.

A. The summer vacation is over; great

B. The summer vacation being over; renewed

C. As the summer vacation over; refreshing

D. Had the summer vacation been over; sacred

28. Well, really _____ now is start learning what to do with this software and read a lot of references, learn

and practice _______ you can.

A. that you need do; whatever B as should you do; the longer hours

C. how you should start; the most

D. what you should do; as much as

29. I really _______ when I asked him how his wife was---they got divorced last year!

A. landed on my feet

B. got off the wrong foot

C. found my feet

D. put my foot in it

30. At the last place Gary worked, they ______ an annual company picnic. All the employees _____ bring

their families along and spend the day at a nearby park. It was great.

A. had to have; had to

B. used to have; couldn’t

C. would have; didn’t have to

D. used to have; would

31. My friend Tanya _____ Japanese for six years before she _______ Japan. I’ve just received a letter

from her. It says she has been studying Chinese for three months and _____ for China in a month.

A. studied; had visited; leaves

B. had been studying; visited; is leaving

C. has studied; visited; would leave

D. was studying; has visited; leaves

32. _______ the interview in Boston lasted so long, I missed my connecting flight to New York.

A. Due to

B. So long as

C. As

D. Despite

33. _________, I would like to thank Professor Osterhaus for offering me the chance to do this study, and

for all the support throughout the study period.

A. In the beginning

B. At first

C. To begin with

D. To start

34. The hero of the book, Charles, is a conventional nineteenth-century gentleman; the heroine Sarah,

______ by her lover, is a “fallen woman”, whom Charles tries to help.

A. to be discarded

B. to have abandoned

C. having thrown away

D. having been deserted

35. Lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made ____ in the restaurant.

A. working

B. work

C. to work

D. worked



Write the article. Run for classes. Haven’t finished the readings. House cleaning. Assignment to 36 in two hours. Out of breath, time, and still late.

That’s been me for the past three weeks. And then yesterday, as my fingers 37 hit the keyboard, I 38 to look outside. Through the half open blinds of my kitchen window, I caught the bright glow(光线) of sunshine 39 through the freshly cleaned air. Shining 40 the yellow-green leaves of a tree. It could have been the four days of continual rain and gray gloomy skies, or my own self, 41 endless activity. I don’t know what it was,42 I just sat there looking at the dancing sun rays.

Not a 43 in my head. No crowded feelings of approaching work, of people or even friends. Just watching. I felt my body 44 . And after a long time…felt calm.

The break passed. I went back to my 45 . But something about the rhythm of the day 46 . It was the difference between rushing to catch the bus and riding on your own horse.

Later that evening, I 47 how we’ve come to inhabit(居住)a place where rest and moments of peace were means to be 48 . If you weren’t tired out, over worked and well near 49 ---you didn’t 50 to enjoy moments of peace. 51 me of the poem Leisure, written by W.H.Davies in the early 20th century. More 52 today than ever before:

No time to stand beneath the boughs(树干).

And stare as long as sheep and cows.

No time to see the woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

And then we’re53 as to why as a creature we’re so upset. If we can’t be 54 with ourselves, how can we hope to find a common 55 we can inhabit with others?

36. A. submit B. do C. handle D. sacrifice

37. A. patiently B. quickly C. anxiously D. peacefully

38. A. stopped B. meant C. desired D. happened

39. A. breaking down B. streaming down C. jumping down D. falling down

40. A. through B. from C. by D. on

41. A. fond of B. particular about C. tired of D. proud of

42. A. or else B. but C. therefore D. however

43. A. clue B. hesitation C. pause D. thought

44. A. relax B. drop C. die D. weaken

45. A. kitchen B. room C. article D. class

46. A. started B. continued C. occurred D. changed

47. A. wondered B. hoped C. imagined D. supposed

48. A. adapted B. earned C. encouraged D. arranged

49. A. comfort B. collapse(崩溃) C. encouragement D. death

50. A. desire B. declare C. deserve D. demand

51. A. Informs B. Reminds C. Keeps D. Convinces

52. A. enjoyable B. remarkable C. applicable D. fashionable

53. A. shocked B. discouraged C. settled D. confused

54. A. at peace B. at ease C. in disagreement D. in discomfort

55. A. time B. range C. distance D. space




Could someone be swallowed by a whale and live? In 1891, a young English sailor named James Bartley was, and he did.

Bartley was a crew member on the whaling ship Star of the East. As his boat closed in on a whale, the animal lashed out with its tail. The whale’s blow lifted the boat into the air and capsized it. Sailors in another boat captured the whale, and the overturned boat was turned upright, but Bartley was missing.

The next morning, as sailors were cutting up the dead whale, they noticed a movement in its stomach. When it was opened, Bartley was found inside it! He was unconscious, and his face, neck, and hands had been bleached white by the whale’s stomach juices. Other than that, he seemed unhurt.

Later, when Bartley recovered, he described his experience. He had been aware of being in the water. Then he was in darkness, sliding along a slimy passageway. The heat was so great that it made him pass out. When he woke up, he was back on board the ship!

56. We may infer from the context that the word “capsized” in the second paragraph means______.

A. caught hold of

B. turned upside down

C. broke into pieces

D. sank into the sea

57. It can be learned from the passage that________.

A. the whale was caught by sailors on Bartley’s ship

B. the whale was killed by Bartley

C. the whale escaped from the sailors

D. the whale was caught by sailors on another ship

58. A suitable title for the passage might be ________.

A. In the Stomach of the Whale

B. A Whaling Ship in the 1800s

C. A Young English Sailor

D. A Sailor’s Whaling Dream


I was dirty, smelly, hungry and somewhere beneath all that, suntanned. It was the end of an Inter-Rail holiday. My body couldn’t take any more punishment. My mind couldn’t deal with any more foreign timetables, currencies or languages.

“Never again,” I said, as I stepped onto home ground. I said exactly the same thing the following year. And the next. All I had to do was buy one train ticket and, because I was under twenty-five years old, I could spend a whole month going anywhere I wanted in Europe. Ordinary beds are never the same once you’ve learnt to sleep in the passage of a train, the rhythm rocking you into a deep sleep.

Carrying all your possessions on your back in a rucksack makes you have a very basic approach to travel, and encourages incredible wastefulness that can lead to burning socks that have become too anti-social, and getting rid of books when finished. On the other hand, this way of looking at life is entirely in the spirit of Inter-Rail, for common sense and reasoning can be thrown out of the window along with the paperback book and the socks. All it takes to achieve this carefree attitude is one of those tickets in your hand.

Any system that enables young people to travel through countries at a rate of more than one a day must be pretty social. On that first trip, my friends and I were at first unaware of the possibilities of this type of train ticket, thinking it was just an inexpensive way of getting to and from our chosen camp-site in southern France. But the idea of non-stop travel proved too attractive, for there was always just one more country over the border, always that little bit further to go. And what did the extra miles cost us? Nothing.

We were not completely uninterested in culture. But this was a first holiday without parents, as it was for most other Inter-Railers, and in organizing our own timetable we left out everything except the most available sights. This was the chance to escape the guided tour, an opportunity to do something different. I took great pride in the fact that, in many places, all I could be bothered to see was the view from the station. We were just there to get by, and to have good time doing so. In this we were no different from most of the other Inter-Railers with whom we shared passage floors, food and water, money and music.

The excitement of travel comes from the sudden reality of somewhere that was previously just a name. It is as if the city in which you arrive never actually existed until the train pulls in at the station and you are able to see it with your own tired eyes for the first time.

59. At the end of his first trip, the writer said “Never again” because_______.

A. he fell ill

B. he disliked trains

C. he was tired from the journey

D. he had lost money

60. What does the writer mean by “this way of looking at life” in Paragraph 3?

A. Worrying about your clothes.

B. Throwing unwanted things away.

C. Behaving in an anti-social way.

D. Looking after your possessions.

61. Why did the writer originally buy an Inter-Rail ticket?

A. To get to one place cheaply.

B. To meet other young people.

C. To see a lot of famous places.

D. To go on a tour of Europe.

62. What the writer liked about traveling without his parents was that________.

A. he could see more interesting places

B. he could spend more time sightseeing

C. he could stay away from home longer

D. he could make his own decisions

63. What does “it” in the last sentence of Paragraph 6 refer to?

A. A name.

B. The city.

C. The train.

D. The station.


Two skulls found in Africa have been identified as the oldest human remains known to science. The fossilized(化石) bones found in 1967 were originally thought to be 130,000 years old. But a re-dating of rock layers near those which yielded the fossils showed they are actually about 195,000 years old---from the time modern humans appeared. The skulls, known as Omo I and II, push back the known presence of Homo sapiens (现代人) in Africa by 40,000 years. The previous oldest Homo sapiens skulls, dated to between 154,000 and 160,000 years old, were found near a village called Herto in the afar region of eastern Ethiopia. Omo I and II were unearthed by famous paleontologist Richard Leakey along the Omo River in southern Ethiopia, near the town of Kibish. Omo I’s more modern features led to disagreement among experts over whether they were the same age. The rocks in which they were found show they are, said an Australian archaeologist Prof. Ian McDougall, who made the discovery. He told scientific journal “Nature”: “Omo I and Omo II are relatively securely dated to 195,000 years old, making them the oldest anatomically modern human fossils yet recovered”

64. By which means could scientists tell the age of fossils they have found?

A. The bones of the fossils.

B. The place where they were found.

C. The history of humans.

D. Identifying the rock layers of the fossils.

65. How many years older have modern humans become by the new discovery?

A. 130,000.

B. 40,000.

C. 195,000.

D. Between 154,000 and 160,000.

66. Which of the following statements are NOT true according to the passage?

A. The new discovery of the skulls and the research proved the modern humans might have started in


B. Prof. Ian McDougall thought Omo I and II were the oldest human fossils discovered.

C. Prof. Ian McDougall discovered that Omo I and II were not the same age.

D. Omo I and II were discovered in southern Ethiopia.


In the lumberyard (木材厂) by the lake, where trees from the woods were turned into boards for construction work, there was an old brick building two floors high, and all around the outside walls were heaped great piles of soft sawdust(锯木屑). There were many of these golden mountains of dust covering that part of the yard right down to the blue lake. That afternoon, bored with having nothing else to do, all the fellows followed Michael up the ladder to the roof of the old building and they sat with their legs hanging over the edge looking out across the lake. Suddenly Michael said, “I dare you to jump down,” and without thinking about it, he pushed himself off the roof and fell on the sawdust where he lay rolling around and laughing. “I dare you all!”he shouted. “You’re all cowards(胆小鬼),”he said, encouraging them to follow him. Still laughing, he watched them looking down from the roof, white-faced and hesitant, and then one by one they jumped and got up grinning (咧嘴笑) with relief.

In the hot afternoon sunlight they all lay on the sawdust pile telling jokes till at last one of the fellows said, “Come on up the old roof again and jump down.” There wasn’t much enthusiasm among them, but they all went up to the roof again and began to jump off in a determined, desperate way till only Michael was left and the others were all down below grinning up at him calling, “Come on, Mike. What’s the matter with you?” Michael wanted to jump down there and be with them, but he remained on the edge of the roof, wetting his lips, with a silly grin on his face, wondering why it had not seemed such a long drop the first time. For a while they thought he was only fooling them, but then they saw him fixing his fist tight. He was trying to count to ten and then jump, and when that failed, he tried to take a long breath and close his eyes. In a while the fellows began to laugh at him; they were tired of waiting and it was getting on to dinnertime. “Come on, you’re a coward, do you think we’re going to visit here all night?” they began to shout, and when he did not move they began to get up and walk away, still shouting. “Who did this in the first place? What’s the matter with you all?” he called.

But for a long time he remained on the edge of the roof, staring unhappily and steadily at the ground. He remained all alone for nearly an hour while the sun, like a great orange ball getting bigger and bigger, rolled slowly over the grey line beyond the lake. His clothes were wet from nervous sweating. At last he closed his eyes, slipped off the roof, fell heavily on the pile of sawdust and lay there a long time. There were no sounds in the yard, the workmen had gone home. As he lay there he wondered why he had been unable to jump; and then he got up slowly and walked home feeling deeply ashamed and wanting to avoid everybody.

67. Why did the boys first decide to climb onto the roof of the building?

A. To test their courage.

B. to pass the time.

C. To keep out of the way of the workmen.

D. To get a better view of the woods.

68. When the boys jumped after Michael, they_______________.

A. were not afraid at all

B. wanted to do it again immediately

C. were glad they had got down safely

D. found the jump easier than expected

69. How did Michael’s friends react when he didn’t make the jump immediately?

A. They left him immediately.

B. They were not surprised.

C. They remembered how they had felt themselves.

D. They thought he was joking.

70. When Michael finally jumped the second time, he_________.

A. was proud of himself

B. improved on his first jump

C. could not understand what had stopped him

D. was not so angry with his friends




A scientist once said that studying the stars from the earth is something like looking up at the sky from the bottom of a swimming pool. Even on the clearest night the earth’s dense atmo sphere will dim stars in the sky as it screens out (遮挡) 30 percent of their light. Air turbulence (湍流) causes stars to winkle. Through a telescope, the stars seem to jump around dizzily.

Because the moon has no atmosphere, astronomers are looking forward to setting up an observatory there. On the moon, there will be no clouds to obscure the view. The sky will appear dark at all times, so astronomers can work twenty-four hours a day. Because there is not air turbulence, the stars will steady through a telescope.

Because the moon is relatively near the earth, moon-based astronomers will see the stars in familiar patterns known on earth. They will not need new star maps of the sky. Stars seen from the moon will appear to move very slowly. Because the earth rotates (自转) on its axis once every twenty-four hours, earth-based astronomers see the stars hurry across the sky each night. The moon rotates on its axis only once a month. To astronomers on the moon, the stars will appear to stand almost still. Moon-based astronomers will have much more time to focus their telescopes and take time ---exposure photographs.

On the earth, man-made radio noises jam the airwaves and interfere with the reception of radio signals from certain stars. A radio telescope located on the far side of the moon will be permanently protected from such interference.

It won’t be easy to put telescopes on the moon. However, astronomers are certain the job can be done. They are convinced that the moon is an ideal place to set up an observatory.

Title : The Reasons for establishing an observatory on the moon





Dear Bob,

It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________


Li Xiang








填空71. conditions 72. thin 73. flashlight 74. outlook 75. darkness 76 vague

77. speeds 78. fast 79 rate 80. sure/ certain

表达One possible version

Dear Bob,

It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.

Located on the bank of the Changjiang River, Jiangcheng is a beautiful city which is quite suitable for people to live in. With its fast economical development in the past ten years, new factories, houses and streets and roads have been built, which have invited more and more people from other places to come to work and live here. So, more schools and hospitals are available for its people.

However, there are some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. Our city government and people should pay special attention to protecting the environment. We should not develop at the sacrifice of our environment. So I think everyone will want to do something to make our city more beautiful.

I hope you will come to China and pay a visit to our city. You’ll have a good time here.


Li Xiang


杭师大附中2011年普通高校招生适应性考试 语文试卷 一、语言文字运用(共24分,其中选择题每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,注音全都正确的一组是() A.牛虻.(máng)濒.临(bīn)呱呱.坠地(gū)车载.斗量(zài) B.恫.吓(dòng)栅.栏(zhà)力能扛.鼎(gāng)洞见症.结(zhēng) C.脖颈.(gěng)作.坊(zuō)杀一儆.百(jìng)卓.有成效(zhuó) D.信笺.(jiān)偌.大(ruò)信手拈.来(niān)混.水摸鱼(hùn) 2.下列各句中有错别字的一项是() A.黑色的河流,无鸟的天空,炸耳的喧嚣,呛鼻的空气,让城市人喊累,很明显,这并不是劳作之累,而是生活空间之累。 B.阿尔卑斯山有典型的冰川地形,许多山峰岩石嶙峋,角峰尖锐。冬天,这里白雪皑皑,冰川连绵,银白色的山坡陡峭雄伟,是赏雪滑雪的胜地。 C.春分,昼夜平分,春色与茶色平分。看,春染茶山,峰峦迭翠。听,山泉潺潺,鸟鸣蜂吟。沏上一杯春分茶,茶中绿意,幽若山林,茗香清纯,去浊扬清。 D.那些由斑驳笔触所生成的老照片般的油画人物,静静地在虚拟场景中或坐或站,有着一种静谧而神秘的气息。这气息如一杯汤色浓浓厚厚的普洱老茶,显出生命的透彻感。 3.下列各句中,加点的词语运用错误的一项是() A.《黎明之前》播出前并未大事 ..宣传,可播出后却成了人们街谈巷议的一个热门剧目。 B.对未来城市生活的设计是一项全球性的课题,城市化发展之路正确与否,与世界各 国的前途唇齿相依 ....,“城市让生活更美好”的主题,昭示着城市在人类生活中无可替代的作用。 C.当人们听到民工在底层空间里发出的歌吟,仿佛听到了自己命运的呼喊,于是大家 用鼠标疯狂点击,不仅是为“旭日阳刚”这样的人,同时也是为自己的感同身受 ....投票。 D.南京“梧桐让路”风波最终以三号线“移树”工作全面叫停而画上句号,但我们更 应思考:何时可以不再等问题出现后再被迫补救,放马后炮 ....了。 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是() A.“霸王条款”能横行霸道,部分原因是有些商家存心不良、推脱责任,但更重要的原因在于消费者难以稳固地占领自己的权利“地盘”,对任何侵犯之举给予有力回击。 B.由于网络的互动性、网民的广泛参与性,使音乐的传播方式发生了革命性变化,任


江苏省扬州市扬州大学附属中学2020-2021学年第一学期期中考试 高一数学 (本卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟) 一、单选题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1、已知集合{}{}A n n x x B A ∈==--=,,4,1,2,32,则=B A ( ) A 、{}16,9 B 、{}3,2 C 、{}4,1 D 、{}2,1 2、设R c a b ∈>>,0,下列不等式中正确的是( ) A 、22bc ac < B 、a b > C 、a b 11> D 、b c a c > 3、函数1 42+=x x y 的图象大致为( ) A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 4、若2log 3=a ,则a a -+33的值为( ) A 、3 B 、4 C 、 23 D 、25 5、下列函数: ①12+= x y ;②(]2,2,2-∈=x x y ;③11-++=x x y ;④()21-=x y . 其中是偶函数的有 ( ) A 、① B 、①③ C 、①② D 、②④ 6、狄利克雷是德国著名数学家,函数()1,0,R x Q D x x Q ∈?=?∈? 被称为狄利克雷函数,下面给出关于狄利克雷函数()x D 的结论中,正确的是( ) A 、()x D 是奇函数 B 、若x 是无理数,则()()0=x D D C 、函数()x D 的值域是[]1,0 D 、若0≠T 且T 为有理数,则()()x D T x D =+对任意的R x ∈恒成立 7、若定义运算???<≥=*b a a b a b b a ,,,则函数()()()2422+-*+--=x x x x g 的值域为( ) A 、(]4,∞- B 、(]2,∞- C 、[)+∞,1 D 、()4,∞- 8、已知()()11log 2log 22=-+-b a ,则b a +2取到最小值时,b a 2+的值为( )


杭州市公办重点小学: 第一位:学军小学 地址:浙江省杭州市文二路求智巷6号(求智校区)/杭州西湖区古墩路,耀江文鼎苑旁(紫金港校区) 对口中学:13中 学区房小区:文二新村求智巷西溪河东下宁巷崇文公寓中大文锦苑求智社区日晖新村(马塍路以西)下马塍居民区 第二位:天长小学 地址:浙江省杭州市上城区孝女路4号 对口中学:杭六中、杭十中、惠兴中学 招生范围:湖滨街道所辖的东坡路社区、吴山路社区、岳王路社区。 第三位:胜利小学 地址:浙江省杭州市近江住宅区(滨江四区)富春江路199号 对口中学:开元中学(原杭州第五中学) 钱塘学区:望江街道所辖的耀华社区、在水一方社区 杭州市胜利小学(赞成校区) 地址:浙江省杭州市上城区钱江路与望江路路口 赞成学区:望江街道所辖的近江东园社区、近江西园社区,紫阳街道所属的海潮社区中赞成林风楼盘一期、二期、三期、春江名苑 第四位:求是小学 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区浙大路8号 对口中学:浙大附属初中 招生范围:1、东至玉古路(含玉古路东侧的求是南村、青石桥、玉古路139号和外东山弄61、62幢),南至玉泉景区收票处至“山外山”主干道,西至石虎山、青芝坞,北至西溪路(浙大玉泉校区北围墙止)。 2. 东至曙光路,南至浙大路,西至玉古路,北至求是路。 杭州市求是(星洲)小学 地址:浙江省杭州西湖区紫荆花路288号 对口中学:翠苑中学文华校区 招生范围:东至古墩路,南至文二西路,西至紫金港河,北至余杭塘河。 杭州市求是(竞舟)小学 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区竞舟路221号 对口中学:西溪中学 招生范围:东至丰潭路,南至文二西路,西至古墩路,北至文一西路。 杭州市求是(和家园)小学 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区和家园小区 【学区范围】和家园小区、西穆坞社区。 第五所:文三街小学 地址:浙江省杭州市文三路上宁巷3号 对口中学:杭十三中教育集团十三中 学区房: 沈塘新村邮电新村武林巷马塍路小区文三新村上宁新村武林门新村文三路103号院文天社区世贸丽晶城宝石苑世贸丽晶城初阳苑世贸丽晶城栖霞苑世贸丽晶城望湖苑世贸丽晶城玉泉苑世贸丽晶城 第六位:安吉路小学(九年一贯制) 地址:杭州市下城区安吉路19号 招生范围:安吉社区、环西社区、戒坛社区及灯芯巷社区的武林路210号—264号双号、灯芯巷32号、狮虎桥路38号、狮


高考冲刺30天如何得到更多分 【语文】 文科附加题勿被倒扣分 ■朱亚平扬州中学高三语文备课组组长 首先是作文,要给文章增添亮点。最后50天要注重以下训练,要在审题基本正确、内容基本充实、结构基本清晰、语言基本流畅的基础上,增加到位、独特、新颖、著名的事例和精彩的句子、精巧的结构、精彩的开头、精彩的结尾、独特的构思、深刻的主旨等。语言的“亮点”包括:一个精妙的比喻;一句恰到好处的名言、反问、设问;一个排比句;一个反复、照应。 第二是复习的争分点。现代文阅读要注意:1.读懂原文,把握语境;2.定性准确,思路清晰;3.理解全面,表达到位;4.博闻多思,增加底蕴。现代文阅读中的名言警句,是记忆性的东西,每个人都应该拿到手。阅读文章时要注意整体感知阅读,从中提取重要信息,具体阐释和抽象概括。 对于诗歌题,其一,在最后的几十天里,建议用提供常用术语供选择的方法,聚焦学生的思维。例如:《采桑子》晏殊运用拟人、衬托的手法,还用了直接抒情、间接抒情、借景抒情、托物言志、叙事抒情、直抒胸臆的手法,通过景物渲染了愉悦欢快、赞美仰慕、离别伤感、豪迈旷达、闲适恬淡、相思悲苦、坚守节操、愤世嫉俗、忧国忧民的情感。其二,最好采用总分总的形式,先观点再分析,然后再总结。 另外要提醒考生,文科生附加题切勿遭遇倒扣分。在文言文断句时,学生常犯的错、漏、多等错误会分别扣分,比如对五处未标一处则得5分,而对五处错一处反扣1分,挑战与风险并存。 最后的复习要注意跟着老师走,每周一套的试卷,要吃透,不要以量取胜。自己找弱项,强调多问。此外,最后两道甲乙选做题目请考生放心,无论选做哪道题评分规则上会均匀给分。 【数学】 发现解题思路贵在多分析 ■沈玖贵扬州市学科带头人,扬州大学附属中学数学教研组组长 1.考前要回归课本 考前要回归课本,掌握了教材就把握了考试的根本。在老师的指导下把考查的内容分类整理,理清脉络,使考查的知识在心中形成网络系统,并在此基础上明确每一个考点的内涵与外延。在建立知识系统的同时,同学们还要根据考纲要求,掌握试卷结构,明确考查内容、考查的重难点及题型特点、分值分


2018杭州上城区小学排行 1杭州市崇文实验学校(民办) 2杭州市天长小学 3杭州市胜利小学 4杭州市时代小学(民办) 5杭州市天地实验小学 6杭州新世纪外国语学校小学部(民办) 7杭州市娃哈哈小学(民办) 8杭州市胜利小学(赞成校区) 9杭州市金都天长小学 10杭州师范大学第一附属小学 2018杭州下城区小学排行 1杭州市安吉路实验学校小学部 2杭州市长寿桥小学 3杭州长江实验小学(民办) 4杭州市大成实验学校小学部 5杭州市景成实验学校小学部 6杭州市胜蓝实验学校 7杭州市西湖文新小学 8杭州市现代实验小学 9杭州市青蓝小学(青蓝校区) 10杭州市东园小学 2018杭州市西湖区小学排行 1杭州市学军小学(杭州师范大学第二附属小学) 2杭州市求是小学 3杭州市钱塘外国语学校小学部(民办) 4杭州市文三街小学 5杭州市绿城育华学校小学部(民办) 6杭州市保俶塔实验学校(小学部) 7杭州市文一街小学(杭州师范大学附属小学) 8杭州市育才外国语学校(民办) 9杭州市行知小学 10杭州市西湖小学 2018杭州江干区小学排行 1杭州市采荷第二小学(采荷二小) 2杭州市采荷第一小学(采荷一小) 3杭州采荷第三小学(采荷三小) 4杭州市采荷第一小学钱江苑校区(采荷一小钱江苑校区)5杭州市文海实验小学 6杭州师范大学东城实验学校 7浙江省教育科学研究院附属实验学校(省教科附小) 8杭州实验外国语学校小学部 9杭州市茅以升实验学校

10杭州市夏衍小学 2018杭州拱墅区小学排行 1杭州市上海福山外国语小学 2杭州市卖鱼桥小学(文澜校区) 3杭州市大关小学(民办) 4杭州市锦绣育才中学附属小学(民办)5杭州市外语实验小学 6杭州市大关小学(申花校区) 7杭州市育才京杭小学 8杭州市拱宸桥小学 9杭州市建新小学 10杭州市德胜小学(德胜校区)


扬大附中东部分校2019—2020学年度第一学期期末考试 八 年 级 数 学 试 卷 (总分150分 时间120分钟) 一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把正确答案填在答题卡相应的位置上) 1.下列四种汽车标志中,不属于... 轴对称图形的是 ( ▲ ) 2.在实数:07 22 ,0.74, ,39中,有理数的个数是 ( ▲ ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 3.下列事件中,最适合使用普查方式收集数据的是 ( ▲ ) A .了解扬州人民对建设高铁的意见 B .了解本班同学的课外阅读情况 C .了解同批次LED 灯泡的使用寿命 D .了解扬州市八年级学生的视力情况 4.一架5m 长的梯子斜靠在一竖直的墙上,这时梯脚距离墙角3m ,如果梯子的顶端沿墙下滑1m ,那么梯脚移动的距离是 ( ▲ ) A .0.5m B .0.8m C .1m D .1.2m 5.如图,△ABC 中,AB =AC ,D 是BC 的中点,AC 的垂直平分线分别交AC ,AD ,AB 于点E ,O ,F ,则图中全等三角形的对数是 ( ▲ ) A .1对 B .2对 C .3对 D .4对 (第5题图) (第6题图) (第7题图) 6.如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,CD 为AB 边上的高,若点A 关于CD 所在直线的对称点E 恰好为AB 的中点,则∠B 的度数是 ( ▲ ) A .60° B . 45° C .30° D .75°

7.如图,函数x y 2 和b ax y 2+=的图像相交于点A (m ,2),则不等式b ax x 2≤2+的解集 为 ( ▲ ) A . x <1 B .x >1 C .x ≥1 D . x ≤1 8.直线2-3-b x y +=过点(1x ,1y ),(2x ,2y ),若1x —2x =2,则1y —2y = ( ▲ ) A . 3 B .—3 C . 6 D . —6 二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,请将答案填在答题卡相应的位置上) 9.—8的立方根是 ▲ . 10.将点A (-2,-3)先向右平移3个单位长度再向上平移2个单位长度得到点B ,则点B 所 在象限是第 ▲ 象限. 11.王胖子在扬州某小区经营特色长鱼面,生意火爆,开业前5天销售情况如下:第一天46碗, 第二天54碗,第三天69碗,第四天62碗,第五天87碗,如果要清楚地反映王胖子的特色长鱼面在前5天的销售情况,不能选择.... ▲ 统计图. 12.(填“>”、“=”、“<”) 13.下列事件中,①打开电视,它正在播关于扬州特产的广告;②太阳绕着地球转;③掷一枚正 方体骰子,点数“4”朝上;④13人中至少有2人的生日是同一个月.属于随机事件的个数是 ▲ . 14.如图,数轴上的点A 表示的数是 ▲ . 15.如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠A =90°,BD 平分∠ABC 交AC 于点D ,且AB =4,BD =5,则点D 到 BC 的距离为 ▲ . (第14题图) (第15题图) (第17题图) 16.若正比例函数x m y )21(-=的图像经过点A (3,y 1)和点B (5,y 2),且y 1>y 2,则m 的取 值范围是 ▲ . 17.元旦期间,胡老师开车从扬州到相距150千米的老家探亲,如果油箱里剩余油量 y (升)与 行驶里程 x (千米)之间是一次函数关系,其图像如图所示,那么胡老师到达老家时,油箱里剩余油量是 ▲ 升.


浙江省一二三级重点中学名单(杭州) 一、省一级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州高级中学杭州第二中学浙江大学附属中学杭州学军中学 杭州第四中学杭州第十四中学杭师院附属三墩高级中学杭州长河高级中学 杭州外国语学校萧山中学萧山区第二高级中学萧山区第三高级中学 萧山区第五高级中学余杭高级中学余杭第二高级中学富阳中学 富阳市第二高级中学富阳市新登中学桐庐中学临安中学 临安昌化中学临安市於潜中学淳安中学严州中学 二、省二级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州市源清中学杭州西湖高级中学杭州市第二中学分校杭州市第四中学分校 杭州第七中学杭州第九中学杭州第十一中学萧山区第八高级中学 建德市新安江中学 三、省三级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州余杭中学杭州市塘栖中学建德市寿昌中学萧山区第六高级中学 杭州市绿城育华学校(民办)余杭区瓶窑中学淳安县威坪中学桐庐分水高级中学(原桐二高) 临安市天目外国语学校(民办)杭州市长征中学杭州市第十中学富阳市大源中学 富阳市场口中学萧山区第十高级中学杭州市夏衍中学萧山区第十一高级中学 桐庐富春高级中学(桐三高、四高合并)淳安县汾口中学

浙江省一级普通高中特色示范学校名单(面向杭州城区招生) 1.杭州外国语学校 2.杭州高级中学 3.杭州第二中学 4.杭州第十四中学 5.杭州师范大学附属中学 6.杭州第七中学 7.杭州绿城育华学校 8.杭州市萧山区第五高级中学 9、余杭高级中学 10、富阳中学 包含: 杭二中东河校区, 杭高钱江校区, 杭四中吴山校区, 杭十四中康桥校区, 学军紫金港校区, 浙大附中丁兰校区 11.浙江大学附属中学 12.杭州学军中学 13.杭州市长河高级中学 14.杭州第四中学 15.杭州市源清中学 16.浙江省萧山中学 17.杭州市余杭第二高级中学 18.杭州市富阳区第二中学


省“春蚕奖”拟确定人选名单 杭州市(49人) 吴一青浙江省杭州高级中学 张帆杭州市电子信息职业学校 张燕琴杭州文汇学校 杨昕珠北京师范大学附属杭州中学 任敏龙杭州天地实验小学 蔡咏梅杭州市绿洲花园幼儿园 彭音杭州市长青小学 高琼浙江师范大学附属杭州笕桥实验中学 翁小桃杭州采实教育集团 袁红强杭州市德胜小学 孙钰红杭州市拱墅区教育研究院 潘国根杭州市文一街小学 沈洁杭州市政苑小学 郑建新杭州市十三中教育集团(总校) 田冰冰杭州市春晖小学 杜伟东杭州市萧山区第二高级中学 顾海燕杭州市萧山区第四中等职业学校 李卫星萧山区朝晖初级中学 沈洋萧山区湘湖小学

丁水法萧山区世纪实验小学 张焕杭州市余杭区乔司第三幼儿园王方鸣杭州市临平职业高级中学 姜晓燕杭州市余杭区天长世纪小学 何卫锋杭州市余杭区太炎中学 胡胜海杭州市瓶窑中学 周林锋浙江省富阳中学 汪利章杭州市富阳区职业高级中学 庄道群杭州市富阳区春江中心小学 钱国盛杭州市富阳区永昌镇中心小学陆军波杭州市富阳区场口镇中学 金卫锋杭州市临安区天目高级中学 潘华勇杭州市临安区昌化职业高级中学梅晨霞杭州市临安区晨曦小学 潘生伟杭州市临安区天目山镇藻溪小学徐玉华浙江省桐庐中学 舒立新桐庐县职业技术学校 范双荣桐庐县横村小学 胡荣正浙江省淳安中学 方剑国淳安县威坪镇初级中学 张东华淳安县姜家镇中心小学 姜蔚颖淳安县富文乡中心小学

谢余泉浙江省严州中学 饶建军建德市明珠小学 余晓玮建德市洋安中心学校 何家壁杭州市文海实验学校 傅利兴萧山区临江第一初级中学(未更名)张云杭州市临安区博世凯实验小学 方小峰建德市大慈岩初级中学 周素颖杭州市建兰中学 宁波市(40人) 周丕芬宁波中学 乐海霞宁波市咸祥中学 张贤水宁波市古林职业高级中学 钱文君宁波市职成教教研室 唐伟红海曙区章水镇中心小学 张敏华海曙区教育局教研室 俞国栋海曙区雅戈尔中学 余勇宁波大学附属学校 丁裕宁波市中城小学 沈晓敏镇海区艺术实验小学 郭绍仪北仑中学 刘飞耀宁波滨海国际合作学校


江苏省扬州大学附中东部分校2020-2021学年高一上学期第 一次月考数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.已知集合{}{}1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,4U M ==,则U M = A .U B .{}1,3,5 C .{}2,4,6 D .{}3,5,6 2.若集合{|A x N x =∈≤,a = ) A .{}a A ? B .a A ? C .{}a A ∈ D .a A ? 3.已知命题p“2,0x N x ?∈≤”,则p ?为( ) A .2,0x N x ??≤. B .2,0x N x ?∈> C .2,0x N x ??> D .2,0x N x ?∈> 4.ac 2>bc 2是a >b 的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 5.设集合{|12}A x x =<<,{|}B x x a =<,若A B ?,则a 的取值范围为( ) A .2a ≥ B .1a ≤ C .1a ≥ D .2a ≤ 6.不等式组551 1x x x m +<+??->? 的解集是{}1x x >,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .m 1≥ B .1m C .0m ≥ D .0m ≤ 7.某中学的学生积极参加体育锻炼,其中有96%的学生喜欢足球或游泳,60%的学生喜欢足球,82%的学生喜欢游泳,则该中学既喜欢足球又喜欢游泳的学生数占该校学生总数的比例是( ) A .62% B .56% C .46% D .42% 8.已知0,0x y >>,且21x y +=,则 11 x y +的最小值是( )


江苏省扬州大学附属中学2018届高三数学周练(8) 一、填空题(本大题共有14小题,每题5分,共70分) 1、已知集合}2,1,1{},2,1,0,1{-=-=A U ,则=A C U . 2、已知复数2)2(i z -=(i 为虚数单位),则z 的共轭复数为 . 3、“6π =A ”是“2 1sin =A ”的 条件.(从“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“充要”、“既不充分也不必要”中选填一个) 4、直线012=++y ax 和01)1(3=+-+y a x 平行的充要条件为 . 5、已知函数)21lg()(x a x f -=的定义域为),2 1(+∞,则实数=a . 6、设y x ,满足约束条件?? ???≥≤-+≥+-205202y y x y x ,则y x z 23+=的最大值为 . 7、在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,双曲线1222=-y a x 与抛物线x y 122-=有相同的焦点,则双曲线的两条渐近线的方程为 . 8、将函数x y 2sin =的图象向左平移)0(>??个单位,若所得图象过点)23,6( π,则?的最小值为 . 9、若角4πα+ 的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边在直线x y 21=上,则αtan 的值为 . 10、若函数x a ax x x f )2(ln )(2+-+=在21= x 处取得极大值,则正数a 的取值范围是 . 11、已知直线03=+-y x 与圆)0(:222>=+r r y x O 相交于M ,N 两点,若3=?ON OM ,则圆的半径 =r . 12、已知平面上三个向量OC OB OA ,, 0,231=?= ==OB OA ,则CB CA ?的最大值为 . 13、△ABC 中,4 ,31tan π==B A . 若椭圆E 以AB 为长轴,且过点C ,则椭圆E 的离心率是 . 14、若正实数y x ,满足xy y x 442=++,且不等式03422)2(2≥-+++xy a a y x 恒成立,则实数a 的取 值范围是 .


杭师大附属五常中心小学 第2周工作安排 (2017年2月20日——2017年2月24日) 星 期 日期学校重点工作负责科室 一2月20日升旗仪式。少辅室绿色生态征文评选工作结束,推选优秀征文送至辅 导站。 教务处A类招师确认名单通知。办公室 二2月21日部分教师课务调整会议,五六年级年级组长参加。教务处下午最后两节课夏泽颖上展示课,李国强教授、陈 道远特级老师参与活动。 教务处 三2月22日A类教师考察签约。办公室下午最后两节课,社团正式开始(班主任务必提醒 学生各社团的上课地点,负责老师要填写好《记录 册》上的学生名单,课前点名)。 教务处 四2月23日部分教师座谈会。校长室 五2月24日语数英科音体美七大教研组计划及安排表上交教 务处。 教务处学生研究性小论文上交(按上学期教科室发给班主 任的要求) 政教处校园维修项目排出进度表。总务处 上周信息补充: 校办: (1)法人年检办理完成。

(2)部分教师签订了在职在编教师合同。 (3)G20纪念章已下发。 (4)学校会计入编办理完成。 教务处: (1)转入、转出学生学籍的处理。 (2)本学期社团活动信息的核对。 (3)教师调课的汇总。 政教处、少辅室: (1)2月11日,学校外面东侧宣传橱窗进行了简单更换;2月13日,全校师生在操场上举行2016学年第二学期开学典礼,并表彰了国少赛获奖学生7人、2016学年第一学期“最美教室”评比中获奖班级9个和文明班级15个。 (2)做好《家校联系册》、《体育健康锻炼记载手册》的发放工作和2016年度余杭区优秀班级的推评工作,606、505、402、304、202为推评班级。 (3)做好本校留守儿童的摸查和登记、建档工作,到目前为止,全校共有 8个留守儿童,一年级3人,二年级3人,五年级和六年级各1人。 安保处: (1)校园内外安全标语添置与更换。 (2)学校播音室按要求完成了重装重建。 总务处: (1)漏损水管已维修。 (2)上报2017年维修、设备添置等项目至街道办事处。 本周温馨提示: 校办: (1)2017年第一批新招聘教师岗位确认、考察和签订协议。 (2)继续签订整理在职在编教师合同。 (3)请还未办理充值2017年杭州西湖公园年卡的在职在编教师,周一上交年卡到校办王老师处,如卡片上没有姓名的,请在卡片反面用铅笔写上姓名,周三统一去杭州补办理。 (4)继续教育选课学校审核。 教务处: (1)部分教师课务调整,招聘A类教师实习岗位安排。 (2)教研组、备课组活动计划审核,并按计划开始工作。 政教处: (1)本周班队活动主题:心理健康教育:1-2主题:我的好朋友;3-6年级:与异性正常交往。 (2)2016年度市、区立项的小课题做好结题准备,4月份要上交;2015年之前立项的所有市、区课题必须全部结题。


赴扬州教院附中学习考察报告 三月十七日至三月二十二日,我们东升一中20人的教育考察小组,在罗文春、周华安老师的带领之下,从成都直飞扬州,对江苏省扬州市教育学院附属中学,进行了为期三天半的学习考察。老师们平均每日听课七——到八节,还跑马观花地参观考察了该校的体育活动、图书阅览和其它课外活动。和学校老师们,特别是集中听取了该校应校长对他们学校教改情况的介绍交流,初步了解到了扬州教院附中教育教学改革的大致情况,对他们教改经验——从指导思想、改革内容到操作方法都有了一个概括的了解。总之,不虚此行,收获很多,通过这次考察学习,对于中学教育教学都有很多的感悟和体会!下面我们概括地向大家报告这次考察学习的大致情况和我们的体会。 一我们的直观印象扬州是一个千年古城,有极其丰富的历史文化积淀,这方面和成都很相似。主要有这几方面,一是京杭大运河文化,二是江南的园林文化,还有以瘦西湖为代表的文化遗产文化。可是扬州的整体经济发展,和成都相比有不小的差距。在扬州的大量三四层楼大街甚至低矮的小街之中,矗立其中的扬州教院附中,是鹤立鸡群的。在这里,的确最好的建筑是学校。教院附中的教学楼高大宽敞而漂亮时尚。整个校园像江南的园林一样精致、美观、生态,

给我们的印象十分深刻。整个校园干净整洁,几乎看不到一点纸屑之类的垃圾。学生上下课期间,安静平和,没有任何打狂的杂音。给我们的印象,这里的学生平和轻松快乐。没有我们这儿学生常有的紧张压力和浮躁甚至狂躁。四百米跑道的大型操场上,上体育课的学生也有序地参加活动,没有看到过我们常见的部分学生跑到一边自由休息的情况。学校有一个称之为信息中心的学生活动场所,对学生全天开放。里面分为一个两百多平米的阅览室,一个一百来平米的美术和棋类活动室,里面挂满了学生的绘画和书法作品;再往里是一个近两百平米的书吧,布置高档时尚。这些地方,学生都可以在课余时间来活动。书吧里有好几台电脑,对学生开放。我们看到过整班的学生的阅读课,和他们的课堂一样安静的阅读自由的讨论交流,而且没有老师带领和管理,完全由学生自主管理。 由此可见,这所学校有优良的校风,有一种学生自主管理的有效机制。 二自主学习、合作学习的有效课堂我们刚到的时候,该校一位女性副校长对我们说:你们要听课,可以随便进你想进的任何一个教室;要交流,可以去任何一个办公室;要了解我们学校,可以在电脑上随便进我们学校的网站。这和好些“秀”出来的教改成果完全不同,有一种自信和诚恳,也需要几分勇气才行。我们每个上午听课,语数外、物


2020-2021学年江苏扬州大学附中八年级下学期期中语文试 卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 1.下列加横线字注音,全部正确的一项是() A.蠢笨(bèn)勾当(gōu)骨朵(gū)困扰(rǎo) B.伫立(chù)酝酿(niàng)斑斓(lán)解剖(pōu) C.鄙薄(bǐ)咫尺(zhí)臆度(duó)星宿(xiù) D.迸溅(bèng)伶仃(líng)禁闭(jìn)毋宁(nìng) 2.下列各句中,加横线词语使用正确的一项是() A.我们来到郊外,登上开满杂花的小山坡,俯瞰山下的沧海桑田,真是心旷神怡! B.做学问是一项艰苦的劳动,应踏踏实实,不能好高骛远。 C.青青的山,绿绿的水,栩栩如生,令人陶醉。 D.今天的班会课上,小明幽默的语言和夸张的动作,让老师也忍俊不禁地笑了。3.下列各句中,没有语病、句意明确的一项是() A.又到姹紫嫣红的春季,学校再次发出不要随便攀折花草树木,爱护环境。 B.通过聆听作家鲁敏的讲座,使我阅读小说的兴趣更加浓厚了。 C.“阳光体育,激情跑操”活动有助于提高中小学生的身体素质,要大力提倡。 D.网络热词“任性”昨天很任性地出现在了李克强总理的政府工作报告之中,引起社会舆论的广泛共鸣,也引起了会场两次热烈的掌声。 4.依次填入横线处的语句,顺序最恰当的是() 个园北大门外盐阜路的内河风光带,景色迷人。。 ①登上停泊在御码头的龙舟画舫 ②这里还是著名的“乾隆水上游览线”的起点 ③当年乾隆皇帝三下扬州,曾以天宁寺的西苑作为行宫 ④沿河漫步西行千余米,清代八大刹之一的天宁寺就在这里 ⑤可以领略“两堤花柳皆依水,一路楼台直到山”的十里瘦西湖风光 A.②④③①⑤ B.④②③⑤① C.④③②①⑤ D.②④⑤①③ 5.下列关于文学作品内容及常识的表述,不完全正确的一项是() A.《海燕》《变色龙》《窗》的作者分别是苏联的高尔基、契诃夫和澳大利亚的泰格特。B.明朝魏学洢的《核舟记》与清朝林嗣环的《口技》都选自清朝人张潮编辑的《虞初新志》。 C.范进和孔乙己,同为热衷功名的知识分子,而孔乙己迂腐麻木、偷窃懒惰中不乏善


2019~2020学年度江苏省扬州大学附属中学高一第一学期期 中数学试题 一、单选题 1.已知集合{}{} 0,1,2,3,02A B x x ==≤≤,则A B =I ( ) A.[]0,2 B.{}0,2 C.{}0,1 D.{}0,1,2 【试题答案】D 【试题解答】由交集的定义,结合集合A,B,即可写出A B I . 因为{} 02B x x =≤≤,所以B 中整数有0,1,2,又{}0,1,2,3A =, 所以{}0,1,2A B =I , 故选:D. 本题考查集合的运算,掌握集合交集的定义是解题的关键,属于简单题. 2.函数()f x =的定义域为( ) A.(),2-∞ B.(],2-∞ C.()2,+∞ D.[)2,+∞ 【试题答案】D 【试题解答】开偶次方根,被开方数要非负,求函数()f x 的定义域,只需要解不等式 20x -≥即可. 要使函数()f x 有意义,只需20x -≥,2x ≥, 故选:D. 本题考查求已知函数的定义域,难度较易.常见函数求定义域需要注意:分式分母不为零、偶次根式被开方数大于等于零、对数的真数大于零、0y x =中{}|0x x ≠. 3.终边在直线y x =上的角α的取值集合是( ) A.2,4 k k Z π α απ??=+∈??? ? B.2,4 k k Z π α απ??=-∈??? ?

C.,4k k Z πααπ??=-∈???? D.,4k k Z π ααπ??=+∈???? 【试题答案】D 【试题解答】在π-到π内终边在直线y x =上的角是,4 4 π π - ,由终边相同的角的表示 方法可得出终边在直线y x =上的角的集合,可得解. 当的终边在直线y x =(0x >)时, 24 k π απ=+ ,k Z ∈, 当的终边在直线y x =(0x <)时,24 k π αππ=++ ,k Z ∈,所以角α的取值集合是 2,2,44k k Z k k Z ππααπααππ????=+∈?=++∈????????=,4k k Z πααπ?? =+∈? ??? , 故选:D. 本题考查终边相同的角的表示方法,掌握终边相同的角的表示是解题的关键,属于基础题. 4.已知一个扇形的圆心角为3弧度,半径为4,则这个扇形的面积等于( ). A.48 B.24 C.12 D.6 【试题答案】B 【试题解答】因为扇形的弧长l =3×4=12,则面积S = 1 2 ×12×4=24,选B. 5.已知函数2log ,1,()(2),01,x x f x f x x ?=? <


江苏省扬州市 2019-2020年下学期八年级英语期中试卷分类汇编 缺词填空 江苏省扬州中学教育集团树人学校2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题七.缺词填空(10分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整(每空一词)Mother had to go to next town on business. The children decided to go to the station to meet her. While they were w___86____ for her mother, they played games. It was not long b___87____ a train came in. It was not their mother’s train. As a result, they did not go out to look at the people who got on or got off the train. S____88____, they heard many people talking. They went out of the waiting room to see what was h___89_____. There were a lot of people at the far end of the platform. The children ran to the end of platform. At first, they could not see anything e____90____ the backs of the people. The children could not see what the crowd was looking at u____91___ the station master walked up. They found out that the poor and ill man l___92____ on the ground. Some passengers said that he got off as the training was coming into the station and fell down. The station tried to communicate with the man but f___93____, because he could understand English, French, and German. Peter had an idea. He had in his pocket a small pocket of foreign stamps. He showed the wild-looking man the stamps from many different countries. The man s__94____ his head until Peter showed him a Russian stamp. Peter’s mother could talk with Russians, so Peter decided to ask his mother the help the man when she a____95____. 答案: 86-90: waiting, before, suddenly, happening, except


江苏省扬州师范大学附属中学2020┄2021学年度第一学期 高一化学期中试卷 11.18 本试卷共计: 100分 考试时间: 90分钟 可能用到的相对原子量: H :1 C :12 N :14 O :16 Na :23 S :32 Mg :24 Ba :137 Ⅰ卷(选择题 共45分) 请将..Ⅰ.卷. 选择题答案填涂在答题卡上!............. 一、选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题2分,共30分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.生产、生活中离不开各类化学物质,下列化学物质属于盐类是 A .小苏打 B .生石灰 C .氯气 D .烧碱 2.放射性同位素 可于治疗肿瘤,该同位素的原子核内的中子数是 A .53 B .72 C .178 D .125 3.盛装浓硫酸的容器上所贴的危险化学品标志是 A B C D 4.下列反应中,不属于氧化还原反应的是 A .H 2 + Cl 2 点燃 2HCl B .2KMnO 4 K 2MnO 4 + MnO 2 + O 2↑ C .CaO + H 2O = Ca (OH )2 D .Zn + H 2SO 4 = ZnSO 4 + H 2↑ 5.食盐分散到酒精中形成直径在1nm~l00nm 之间的超细粒子,这样的分散系是 A .悬浊液 B .溶液 C .胶体 D .乳浊液 6.关于反应2K+2H 2O=2KOH+H 2↑的有关叙述中,正确的是 A .K 被氧化 B .H 2O 被氧化 C .KOH 是还原产物 D .H 2是氧化产物 7.已知最外层电子相同的原子具有相似的化学性质。下列原子中与氧原子化学性质相似的是 8.两种元素原子X 和Y ,Y 原子的第三层比氩原子的第三层少6个电子,Y 原子的第二 层电子数恰为X 原子第二层电子数的2倍,则X 、Y 的质子数分别为 A .14和12 B .6和12 C .12和6 D .8和12 9.下列溶液与0.5mol/L Na 2SO 4溶液中的Na + 的物质的量浓度相等的是 A .0.5mol/L NaCl 溶液 B .1mol/L Na 2CO 3溶液 C .0.5mol/L NaHCO 3溶液 D .1mol/L NaOH 溶液 10.下列基本实验操作不正确的是 A .倾倒液体 B .取用块状固体 C .稀释浓硫酸 D .检查气密性 11.下列有关实验的描述中错误的是

高考冲刺50天 如何得到更多分

高考冲刺50天如何得到更多分? 今日,高考迎来倒数第50天,我市考生进入了最后的冲刺阶段。近日,我市相继举办的高三各科研讨会上,高考专家们聚集一堂详细分析最新的高考动态,共同寻找应对策略。最后的复习中考生能否有较大提高空间?考生容易走入哪些误区?如何把握高考复习的关键时刻?昨天,本报记者连线各科名师, 为考生支招。 【语文】 文科附加题勿被倒扣分 ■朱亚平扬州中学高三语文备课组组长 首先是作文,要给文章增添亮点。最后50天要注重以下训练,要在审题基本正确、内容基本充实、结构基本清晰、语言基本流畅的基础上,增加到位、独特、新颖、著名的事例和精彩的句子、精巧的结构、精彩的开头、精彩的结尾、独特的构思、深刻的主旨等。语言的“亮点”包括:一个精妙的比喻;一句恰到好处的名言、反问、设问;一个排比句;一个反复、照应。 第二是复习的争分点。现代文阅读要注意:1.读懂原文,把握语境;2.定性准确,思路清晰;3.理解全面,表达到位;4.博闻多思,增加底蕴。现代文阅读中的名言警句,是记忆性的东西,每个人都应该拿到手。阅读文章时要注意整体感知阅读,从中提取重要信息,具体阐释和抽象概括。 对于诗歌题,其一,在最后的几十天里,建议用提供常用术语供选择的方法,聚焦学生的思维。例如:《采桑子》晏殊运用拟人、衬托的手法,还用了直接抒情、间接抒情、借景抒情、托物言志、叙事抒情、直抒胸臆的手法,通过景物渲染了愉悦欢快、赞美仰慕、离别伤感、豪迈旷达、闲适恬淡、相思悲苦、坚守节操、愤世嫉俗、忧国忧民的情感。其二,最好采用总分总的形式,先观点再分析,然后再总结。 另外要提醒考生,文科生附加题切勿遭遇倒扣分。在文言文断句时,学生常犯的错、漏、多等错误会分别扣分,比如对五处未标一处则得5分,而对五处错一处反扣1分,挑战与风险并存。 最后的复习要注意跟着老师走,每周一套的试卷,要吃透,不要以量取胜。自己找弱项,强调多问。此外,最后两道甲乙选做题目请考生放心,无论选做哪道题评分规则上会均匀给分。 【数学】 发现解题思路贵在多分析 ■沈玖贵扬州市学科带头人,扬州大学附属中学数学教研组组长 1.考前要回归课本 考前要回归课本,掌握了教材就把握了考试的根本。在老师的指导下把考查的内容分类整理,理清脉络,使考查的知识在心中形成网络系统,并在此基础上明确每一个考点的内涵与外延。在建立知识系统的同时,同学们还要根据考纲要求,掌握试卷结构,明确考查内容、考查的重难点及题型特点、分值分配,使知识结构与试卷结构组合成一个结构体系,并据此进一步完善自己的复习结构,使复习效果事半功倍。 2.查漏补缺很重要 要加强对以往错题的研究,找错误的原因,对易错知识点进行列举、易误用的方法进行归纳。找准了错误的原因,就能对症下药,使犯过的错误不再发生,会做的题目不再做错。同学们还可两人一组互提互问,在争论和研讨中矫正,效果更好。 3.掌握好看和做的时间分配 好多同学都觉得几天不做数学题后再考试,审题就会迟疑缓慢,入手不顺,运算不畅且


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