

F o r a=1T o5...N e x t循环结束后变量a的最终值。答:6

a = 1 : execute ("a=2*a"),a的值为?


如下代码,c的值为? a = 1 : b = - 1 c = a xor b













答:2 ``对


答:Msgbox命令一定没有返回值 ```

代码 a = ",," : For 3 : a = Join(Split(a, ","), ",,") : Next 执行后,变量a包含多少个逗号?














表达式 a = 1 Or 2 成功执行后,变量 a 的值应该为?





答:所有多线程代码执行的内容都是相同的 ````




答:Set Obj = Nothing


UserVar a=0 "设置内容"

Sub OnScriptLoad()

MsgBox a

End Sub









答:环境变量推荐在各个线程序内同时任意使用 ``对已知窗口句柄,要关闭这个窗口应该使用下列哪条命令?答:

请问脚本执行完后,intY的值是多少(For循环了几次)?Dim intX

Dim intY

For intX = 0 To 15

intX = intX + 1

intY = intY + 1



弹出对话框 a, b 的值分别是多少?


Call 值

BeginThread 值

MessageBox a

MessageBox b

Sub 值

a = a + 1

b = a + 1

End Sub


B、a=2,b=3 ```错




DimEnv a

a = 30

Call xfun(a)

MsgBox a

Function xfun(x1)




End Function



C、5 ```

D、20 ``错



B、颜色插件增强版使用后需要释放屏幕截图信息 ``错




答:只能使用参数和返回值是数字或者字符串的API `````




答:CreateObject、Set ``

下面哪句可以正确的将坐标字符串“200,300"分割并保存在数组变量arr 中?

答:arr=split("200,300",",") ``


答:CreateObject ```


答:注释内容会被编译在脚本中,但不运行 ``


答:Eval命令可以用Execute命令代替 ```








a = 1 :

b = - 1

c = a an

d b


IfColor 命令有几种判断条件方式?





答:调用函数接口未知的DLL ```


答:字符串 ``对


答:客户区矩形0,0坐标 ``


A、For 3 : Next

C、Do : i = i + 1 : Loop While i < 4

D、For i = 1 To 3 : Next






答:可以在事件外修改输入框的背景颜色 ``


答:Bkgnd ```

答:2种 ``对

默认情况下假设Weekday函数的返回值为6,那么这代表是星期几? 答:5






答:可以混用 ```


答:记录日志需要用LogStart来启动 ````对





答:0 ````


答:Set Spk= Nothing








答:使用子程序的目的是让脚本更加智能 ```


答:窗口插件不能在WQM中使用 ````


答:多点找色命令向导最下方的按钮 ``


答:环境变量的类型可以是数组 ````


答:&H0031D92A ````


答:IsNumeric ````


答:操作Console命令行窗口 ````




答:可以用一个引号表示 ```

以下哪一个API命令可以运行指定路径的程序? 答:ShellExecute ```


答:vbAbort `````

关于KeyPress命令第一个参数的描述哪个是正确的答:可以传递按键码或者字符串 ````


答:Set Spk= Nothing

答:系统中所有的窗口句柄 ````


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013) —GRADE FOUR— TIME LIMIT: 130 MIN PART 1 DICT ATION 15 MIN Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times: During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try t o understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your wo rk. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. PART 2 LITENING COMPREHENSION 20 MIN SECTION A CONVERSA TIONS In this section, you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. 1. According to the conversation, an example of “Christmas trimmings” could be A. presents. B. fruits C. sauce D. meat 2. A Christmas lunch would include all the following EXCECT A. roast turkey B. sweet potatoes C. meat D. carrots 3. Why did Helen come to Rob?s house? A. She wanted to talk to Bob. B. She had come to help Bob. C. She had been invited to lunch. D. She was interested in cooking. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. 4. Why did the woman phone the club? A. She wanted to know more about it. B. She was a new comer and felt lonely. C. She wanted to learn a new language. D. She was interested in social activities. 5. We learn from the conversation that the club A. mainly organize language activities. B. accepts members from local students.


运算符与表达式(表达式) 此文为小妖首发于按键精灵论坛。借百度平台转发,希望能够帮到学按键的朋友。 这一期,我们来说表达式。当然,前提是大家掌握好运算符。 什么是表达式呢? 表达式,是由数字、算符、数字分组符号(括号)、自由变量和约束变量等以能求得数值的有意义排列方法所得的组合。约束变量在表达式中已被指定数值,而自由变量则可以在表达式之外另行指定数值。(百度百科) 这儿,我们先把之前介绍到的运算符做个优先级表,让大家对他们的优先级有个初步判断。 什么叫优先级呢?反正我的理解就是,先做什么后做什么。优先级高,就现做。比如大家知道的加减乘除。只是,你晓得一个式子中,会先算乘除,后算加减。并且,是从左到右进行计算的。 比如:3+2-5*0=5 这就是先算乘法,然后从左到右算加法、减法。

这些都是自己写的,所以可能有缺失。有不对的地方希望大家纠正。 优先级最上面最高,最下面最低。 我们这儿来举例: 当然,括号就不用了说了。所以式子,遇到括号,先算括号里面的。 这儿说负号(-): 1.TracePrint -2^2 // 调试输出式子 -2^2 的结果 如果说,负号优先级比求幕高,那么结果应该是 4,如果比求幕低,那么结果应该是-4。 调试结果: 脚本我的脚本11.Q ,第1行:4 我们这儿只是举例了负号与求幕负号的优先级。大家可以测试下其他的优先级。 表达式大致分为: 1、算数表达式 算数表达式,算术表达式是由常量、变量、函数、圆括号、运算符等组成。一个常量、一个变量(已赋过值)、一个函数都是合法的表达式,是表达式的简单情况。例如: 5 + sqrt(4) ——————以上摘自百度百科 2、逻辑表达式 用逻辑运算符将关系表达式或逻辑量连接起来的有意义的式子称 为逻辑表达式。(百度百科)


大学英语四级练习题单项选择题-5 1.His proposal is __A_____ to all of us and you do not need to tell us mor e about it. A.apparent B.appearing C.approaching D.apart 2.This mountain range has many high __A_____ and fertile valleys. A.peaks B.hills C.phases D.pink 3.He gave us a good __C_____ of his experience. A.demonstration B.frequency C.descripton D.instruction 4.You have your choice of three __A_____ of ice cream. A.varieties B.tops C.respects D.decks 5.This sick man was __D_____ in a blanket. A. input B.issued C.ensured D.wrapped 6.This is the military ___B_____. Nobody is allowed to get in without per mission. A.bond B.zone C.butter D.zoo 7.Rock music usually ___B____ the young people in most countries. A.applies to B.appeals to C.amazes D.actress


QQ群:256416207 作者:【机器猫】 欢迎进群讨论 //1、(前台)区域范围为(100,150)到(200,300)内的所有点是否均为"FFFFFF",是则弹出对话框"没有其他颜色",否则弹出第一个点的颜色值并退出程序. 请写出代码 x = 100 y = 150 RtColor = Plugin.Color.GetPixelColor(x, y, 0) RtColor1 = RtColor While (y < 300) x=100 While (x < 200) If RtColor = "FFFFFF" Then x = x + 1 Else MessageBox RtColor1 ExitScript End If RtColor = Plugin.Color.GetPixelColor(x, y, 0) Wend y=y+1 Wend MessageBox "没有其他颜色"

//2、利用多线程对多个记事本的窗口位置进行随机移动.请写出代码 RunApp "notepad.exe" //启动3个记事本测试用 RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" Delay 2000 //等待3个记事本工具打开 DimEnv Hwnd1 HwndEx = Plugin.Window.Search("记事本") Hwnd = Split(HwndEx,"|") If UBound(Hwnd) >= 0 Then //判断是否搜到句柄? For i = 0 To UBound(Hwnd) - 1 wnd = Clng(Hwnd(i)) //类型转换 Hwnd1 = wnd BeginThread 移动//启动线程 Delay 100 //启动线程需要点时间Next End If Do Delay 1000 Loop Sub 移动 Hwnd2 = Hwnd1 Randomize x = Int(Rnd * 500) Randomize y = Int(Rnd*500) // MessageBox x&","&y Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd2, x+ 100, y + 100) End Sub



2005年英语专业四级真题 -2005年专四真题(含答案) 2005年英语专业四级真题-2005年专四真题 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005) -GRADE FOUR- TIME LIMIT: 130 MIN PART I DICTATION [15 MIN ] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or

phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN ] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS


大学英语四级练习题单项选择题- 5 1.Hisproposalis__A_____toallofusandyoudonotneedtotellusmoreaboutit. A.apparent B.appearing C.approaching D.apart 2.This mountain range has many high __A_____ and fertile valleys. A.peaks B.hills C.phases D.pink 3.He gave us a good __C_____ of his experience. A.demonstration B.frequency C.descripton D.instruction 4.You have your choice of three __A_____ of ice cream. A.varieties B.tops C.respects D.decks 5.This sick man was __D_____ in a blanket. A. input B.issued C.ensured D.wrapped 6.This is the military ___B_____. Nobody is allowed to get in without permission. A.bond B.zone C.butter D.zoo 7.Rock music usually ___B____ the young people in most countries. A.applies to B.appeals to C.amazes D.actress 8.Would he have seen you if you hadn’t __B_____ to him


以下哪一个不是按键精灵的产品按键箱子录制的脚本没有以下哪个功能记录鼠标特征码下列哪一个命令不属于"全部命令" 内核命令按键精灵自带的抓图工具是按键抓抓哪一种方法能够找到命令的帮助说明在全部命令中搜索命令, 点击后帮助说明会出现在编辑器下方. 按键精灵不可以在以下哪个系统中使用Linux 可以使用神盾功能的程序是小精灵商业版旧版本的脚本导入到新版本中, 以下哪种方法不可以纠正语法错误使用"自动缩进"功能? WaitClick 命令的含义是按任意鼠标键继续? 哪一类脚本程序是按键精灵官方授予销售权的小精灵商业版只要在编辑脚本,切换输入法时,按键精灵就卡住了, 可能是下列哪一个原因Plugin 目录下装有不是官方提供的插件引起的关于加密脚本的描述,下列是错误的是只有会员输入密码可以解开加密脚本GetLastClick 命令的含义是检测上次按过的鼠标键按键精灵生成的小精灵程序的后缀名是EXE 按键精灵会员不能享受的论坛权限是可以访问按键精灵“版版家园”专区享受版主资源网页按键精灵是下列哪一个程序wqm.exe 按键精灵的产品包括以下哪一个按键盒子按键精灵是下列哪一个程序按键精灵9.exe 按键精灵会员卡注册码,没有以下哪一种天卡(1 天) UnlockMouse 命令的含义是解除锁定鼠标位置? 按键精灵会员不能享受的资源是免费小精灵的源代码RightUp 命令的含义是右键弹起按键精灵的功能不包括自动发明汽车、飞机、火箭等机器按键精灵能兼容下列哪一种语言VBS 不能用抓抓工具直接获取的是PID 关于按键精灵的描述,以下正确的是按键精灵是一款绿色的模拟键盘鼠标操作的软件? 脚本编辑界面上没有的按钮是启动? 与取色判断命令没有直接关系的参数是按键码以下哪种方式可以在脚本编辑界面中获取到新的插件点击"资源库"按钮, 然后 导入需要的插件 LeftClick 命令的含义是左键单击按键精灵官方网站的网址是 RestoreMousePos命令的含义是恢复上次保存的鼠标位置如果按键精灵在某些环境失效, 可以使用下列哪个工具神盾SaveMousePo命令的含义是保存当前鼠标所在位置GetCursorPos 命令的含义是得到鼠标位置坐标键盘命令的类型不包括锁定按键精灵里运算符乘号是* KeyPress 命令的含义是按键 MiddleClick 命令的含义是中键单击 LockMouse命令的含义是锁定鼠标位置按键精灵会员不能享受的功能是脚本编写服务GetCursorShape 命令的含义是得到鼠标形状按键精灵自带的用户界面叫做什么QUI 界面RightClick 命令的含义是右键单击按键精灵里运算符减号是- 按键精灵默认的启动热键是F10 属于"全部命令"的是我的命令库“录制”功能不能录制的内容是记录鼠标指向的窗口句柄按键抓抓是下列哪一个程序picker.exe 想要知道脚本是否存在错误, 应该使用下列哪个功能调试以下哪种方式不可以获得论坛银币发布大量无内容的主题贴按键精灵里运算符除号是/ 按键精灵会员不能享受的技术支持是 技术人员上门服务按键精灵自带的功能不包括以下哪一个路由功能 GetLastKey命令在获取一次ANSI字符代码后继续循环执行返回值是?0 变量的定义,以下哪个是正确的dim a 下列哪一种方法不能够正确输入命令鼠标右键单击命令按键精灵的功能是?模拟鼠标键盘操作的工具? MoveF命令的含义是相对移动关于小精灵去广告的描述,下列正确的是会员用户在“制作按键小精灵”界面上->更多设置->选择会员去广告(是)即可? 按键精灵里运算符加号是+ 对小精灵的描述,以下是正确的按键小精灵是把按键精


英语专业四级考试真题及答案(完整版) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013) —GRADE FOUR— TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.


按键精灵做连击脚本1、123键的按法 所谓按xx实际上就是各种代码方式 常见的有以下几种(time为延时,自己修改)KeyPress 49,1(按一次1) Delay time KeyPress 50,1(按一次2) Delay time KeyPress 51,1(按一次3) Delay time KeyDown 49,1(按住1) Delay time KeyUp 49,1(弹起1) Delay time KeyDown 50,1(按住2) Delay time KeyUP 50,1(弹起2) Delay time KeyDown 51,1(按住3) Delay time KeyUp 51,1(弹起3)

Delay time KeyDown 49,1(按住1) Delay time KeyUp 49,1(弹起1) Delay time KeyDown 50,1(按住2) Delay time KeyDown 51,1(按住3) Delay time KeyUP 50,1(弹起2) Delay time KeyUp 51,1(弹起3) Delay time 2、设置循环 通常有2种方式,第一种是直接在制作时候选择循环方式。第二种用rem 标记,然后在代码结束时用goto来返回。区别不大,有时2种同时测试会产生意外的效果 3、间隔时间 写奇迹连击脚本,关键之处在于时间间隔,每种按法所对应的时间间隔是不同的,最直接能观察出脚本好坏的,就是在本机观察连击后产生的光圈。光圈清晰,如环状爆出的,说明时间间隔和攻击速度偏差大,光圈射出针状的零星散光时,说明技能的间隔之间最佳,在单位时间内所爆出的次数也最多。要想搞出bt脚本就要耐心在这里做观察了!!


2010年大学英语四级翻译练习题 1. The finding of this study failed to _________________________ (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内). 2. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is _____________________________ (我们可以合作的领域). 3. Because of the leg injury, the athlete ___________________________ (决定退出比赛). 4. To make donations or for more information, please _____________________________ (按以下地址和我们联系). 5. Please come here at ten tomorrow morning _______________________________ (如果你方便的话). 1. The finding of this study failed to take people’s sl eep quality into account/consideration (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内) (本题考查对take …into account/consideration的掌握。take …into account/consideration意为“把…考虑在内”,“人们的睡眠质量”用people’s sleep quality来表达。也可以用the quality of people’s sleep 来表示) 2. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is the field (where)we can cooperate/ the field in which we can cooperate (我们可以合作的领域) (本题考查对定语从句的掌握。“领域”是the field,“我们可以合作的”作the field的定语从句,引导词可以用where/ in which,where可以省略,) 3. Because of the leg injury, the athlete decided to quit the match (决定退出比赛) (本句话是在陈述一件已经发生的事情,应用一般过去时态,因此用decided,“退出比赛”用quit the match来表示) 4. To make donations or for more information, please contact us at the following address (按以下地址和我们联系) (该句的后半部分是由please祈使句,please后面应该跟原形动词。与某人联系一般用contact表达,介词at与其一起构成介宾短语,修饰contact) 5. Please come here at ten tomorrow morning if it is convenient for you/at your convenience (如果你方便的话) (本题主要考查if 引导的条件状语从句,“你方便的话”用it is convenient for you/at your convenience表示 1. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to __________________________ (适应不同文化中的的生活). 2. Since my childhood I have found that __________________________ (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). 3. The victim ___________________________ (本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time . 4. Some psychologists claim that people _____________________________ (出门在外时可能会感到孤独).


以下哪一个不是按键精灵的产品按键箱子 录制的脚本没有以下哪个功能记录鼠标特征码 下列哪一个命令不属于"全部命令" 内核命令 按键精灵自带的抓图工具是按键抓抓 哪一种方法能够找到命令的帮助说明在全部命令中搜索命令,点击后帮助说明会出现在编辑器下方. 按键精灵不可以在以下哪个系统中使用 Linux 可以使用神盾功能的程序是小精灵商业版 旧版本的脚本导入到新版本中,以下哪种方法不可以纠正语法错误使用"自动缩进"功能? WaitClick命令的含义是按任意鼠标键继续? 哪一类脚本程序是按键精灵官方授予销售权的小精灵商业版 只要在编辑脚本,切换输入法时,按键精灵就卡住了,可能是下列哪一个原因Plugin目录下装有不是官方提供的插件引起的 关于加密脚本的描述,下列是错误的是只有会员输入密码可以解开加密脚本GetLastClick命令的含义是检测上次按过的鼠标键 按键精灵生成的小精灵程序的后缀名是 EXE 按键精灵会员不能享受的论坛权限是可以访问按键精灵“版版家园”专区享受版主资源 网页按键精灵是下列哪一个程序 wqm.exe 按键精灵的产品包括以下哪一个按键盒子 按键精灵是下列哪一个程序按键精灵9.exe 按键精灵会员卡注册码,没有以下哪一种天卡(1天) UnlockMouse命令的含义是解除锁定鼠标位置? 按键精灵会员不能享受的资源是免费小精灵的源代码 RightUp命令的含义是右键弹起 按键精灵的功能不包括自动发明汽车、飞机、火箭等机器 按键精灵能兼容下列哪一种语言 VBS 不能用抓抓工具直接获取的是 PID 关于按键精灵的描述,以下正确的是按键精灵是一款绿色的模拟键盘鼠标操作的软件? 脚本编辑界面上没有的按钮是启动? 与取色判断命令没有直接关系的参数是按键码 以下哪种方式可以在脚本编辑界面中获取到新的插件点击"资源库"按钮,然后导入需要的插件 LeftClick命令的含义是左键单击 按键精灵官方网站的网址是 RestoreMousePos命令的含义是恢复上次保存的鼠标位置 如果按键精灵在某些环境失效,可以使用下列哪个工具神盾 SaveMousePos命令的含义是保存当前鼠标所在位置 GetCursorPos命令的含义是得到鼠标位置坐标 键盘命令的类型不包括锁定 按键精灵里运算符乘号是 * KeyPress命令的含义是按键


英语专业四级真题及答案(1) PART III CLOSE [15 MIN] Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet. Until I took Dr Offutt’s class in DeMatha High school , I was an underachieving student,but I left that class (31)_______never to underachieve again.He not only 31. A.concerned B.worried C.determined D.decided Taught me to think,he convinced me,(32)________by example as 32. A. as much B. much as C. as such D. such as Words that it was my moral (33)_______to do so and to serve 33.A. work B. job C. duty D.obligation

others. (34)_____of us could know how our relationship would 34.A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Each (35)_______over the years .When I came back to DeMatha to 35. A. evolve B. stay C. remain D. turn teach English, I worked for Dr Offutt,the department chair.Mydiscussion with him were like graduate seminars in adolescent(36)______,classroom management and school leadership. 36.A.process B.procedure C.development D.movement After several years,I was (37)_______department chair, 37.A.called https://www.360docs.net/doc/1810160133.html,d C.asked


按键精灵学习教程 一、 1、子程序和函数调用演示 //<>---------------------------------------------子程序调用 Call 普通子程序() Call 代入参数的子程序(100,50) //<>---------------------------------------------函数调用 Msgbox 代入参数的函数(100,50) Sub 普通子程序() Msgbox "我是普通子程序,被调用了" End Sub Sub 代入参数的子程序(a,b) c=a+b Msgbox "我是代入参数的子程序,被调用了。结果值为:" & c End Sub Function 代入参数的函数(a,b) c=a*b 代入参数的函数= "我是代入参数的函数,被调用了。结果值为:" & c End Function 2、重启脚本运行演示 For i=0 to 2 Delay 1000 Call Plugin.Msg.ShowScrTXT(0, 0, 1024, 768, "屏幕内容填写" & i, "0000FF") Next RestartScript //重新启动脚本运行 3、中文名变量演示

//<>---------------------------------------------用户自定义变量支持中文名为变量名 UserVar 启动=DropList{"打开":1|"关闭":0}=0 "补血启动开关" UserVar 补血=0 "补血百分比%" //<>---------------------------------------------定义变量支持中文名为变量名 Dim 提示 提示="补血启动开关未设置打开!" If 启动=1 Then Msgbox "补血百分比为:"& 补血& "%" Else Msgbox 提示 End If 4、选择条件结构演示 UserVar 变量=0 "输入(0~9)数字" //<>---------------------------------------------以下是选择条件结结构判断 Select Case 变量 Case 0 Msgbox "你输入的数字为:0" Case 1 Msgbox "你输入的数字为:1" Case 2 Msgbox "你输入的数字为:2" Case 3 Msgbox "你输入的数字为:3" Case Else Msgbox "你输入的数字不正确,请输入(0~3)数字!" End Select 5、下拉型用户自定义 //说明:{}当中是下拉的选项=0是指的默认显示哪个选项(从0开始) UserVar Var1=DropList{"低于10%时补血":"0.1"|"低于20%时补血":"0.2"|"低于30%时补血":"0.3"}=2 "自动补血设置" UserVar Var2=0 "普通自定义变量" MessageBox(Var1) MessageBox(Var2) 6、退出脚本运行演示


深度阅读练习题 练习6. 2012年12月第一套 Passage One Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage. As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn’t good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero. That’s bad for the economy, of course. And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now. But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think. That’s because job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover (人员更替) data. After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations(解雇), and retirements. (Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.) In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does. Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still moving ahead, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was million! And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month. I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job. It’s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from (and compete for). An d it’s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it’s a new one or not.


F o r a=1T o5...N e x t循环结束后变量a的最终值。答:6 a = 1 : execute ("a=2*a"),a的值为? 答:2 如下代码,c的值为? a = 1 : b = - 1 c = a xor b 答:-2 答:系统中所有已显示的窗口句柄 在不确定颜色的情况下,寻找具备特定点阵信息的图形应该使用下列哪条命令 答:5 使用按键抓抓找窗口句柄时,如果用多个标题和运行特征完全相同的窗口,下列哪种方法不能确定每个句柄对应的窗口? 答:查看句柄信息 网页插件可以与网页版按键精灵(WQM)对接,实现自动填表等功能,在使用这个插件前,必须执行那条命令进行初始化? 答:Bind RGB命令可以实现使用红、绿、蓝三原色分量混合为一个颜色值,与此命令功能相反的命令是? 答: 答:可以获得透明窗口色

GetCursorShape命令有几种获取鼠标形状的方式? 答:2 ``对 关于Msgbox命令描述错误的是? 答:Msgbox命令一定没有返回值 ``` 代码 a = ",," : For 3 : a = Join(Split(a, ","), ",,") : Next 执行后,变量a包含多少个逗号? 答:16个 使用Access插件对数据库进行增删改查操作时,应先使用哪条命令连接到数据库? 答: 如何确定一个句柄对应的窗口是否存在? 答: 在网页版按键精灵(WQM)中调用JS代码应该使用下列哪条命令: 答: 以下哪个对Select命令的描述是错误的? 答:Select支持判断语句(例如:a>0) 下列操作中,哪一种是后台模拟无法实现的? 答:与Ctrl相关的组合键 获取窗口的客户区矩形(窗口边框内的空间)应该使用哪条命令? 答: 表达式 a = 1 Or 2 成功执行后,变量 a 的值应该为? 答:3


按键精灵脚本教程 黑客2009-04-20 21:39:45 阅读260 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 按键精灵脚本教程 第一部分会以补红脚本入手,穿带几乎所有基础知识,为后续的章节打下坚实的基础。 第二部分则是2D和3D游戏的自动打怪脚本的分析与制作,从思路到代码编写,再到问题的解决 思路,给出详尽的描述。 第三部分转换思路,讲述其他非游戏的脚本如何制作,进而把按键精灵扩展到更多的领域。方便 日常生活所需。 第四部分超越按键,也是最后一部分,描述按键精灵结合独有的插件系统,编写出更加强大的软 件功能。 在本教程起草之日起,请朋友们耐心等待,因第一次写此类教程,本着对大家负责的态度,教程写好要反复修改,衡量各知识点的编排的章节与要点。进度会稍慢,以此保证,每周至少会更新一节。历 时半年之久,只求精品现世,望朋友们海涵。 初窥补红蓝脚本 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 本教程欢迎转载,但请注明:转载自简单游官方论坛:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1810160133.html, 第一章概述 第一章以补红脚本为基础,从简入繁,从易到杂,详细讲述补红脚本的制作方法与按键精灵基础知识。在描绘整个补红脚本的基础上,为第二章自动打怪脚本的制作方式铺垫基础。如果你能从坚持看完第一章,可以肯定的是,你会达到简单游已有的各专区补红蓝脚本的设计水平。 正文开始: 很多朋友都留言来信询问,如何制作自己的补红补蓝脚本。其实编写方法多种多样,不一而足。在本章里,会以补红蓝脚本做为切入点,实际讲述各种脚本的编写方法。并避开枯燥的编程概念讲解,以 实为主,通过大量的应用例子掌握按键精灵。 首先出现在本节中的一些术语做一个简短的说明: 坐标——屏幕象素的坐标值,如当前分辨率为1024×768,则屏幕左上角的坐标是:0,0。右下 角则是:1024,768。 抓色/抓点——抓取屏幕内某一象素点的坐标极颜色。使用方法:控制命令->抓点坐标/颜色->在面图上点左键,加入到坐标点->退出抓点->选好坐标颜色后->插入 关键字——按键精灵的保留字,不可以做变量使用。


Passage 1 When Morn and Dad Grow Old A) The prospect of talking to increasingly fragile parents about their future can be "one of the most difficult challenges adult children will ever face," says Clarissa Green, a Vancouver therapist. "People often tell me they don't want to raise sensitive issues with their parents about bringing in caregivers or moving," she says. "They'll say, 'I don't want to see dad cry.'" But Green usually responds, "What's wrong with that?" Adult children, she says, need to try to join their parents in grieving their decline, acknowledge their living arrangements may no longer work and, if necessary, help them say goodbye to their beloved home. "It's sad. And it's supposed to be. It's about death itself." B) There are almost four million men and women over age 65 in Canada. Nearly two thirds of them manage to patch together enough support from family, friends, private and government services to live independently until virtually the day they die, according to Statistics Canada. C) Of the Canadian seniors who live to 85 and over, almost one in three end up being moved- sometimes kicking- to group living for the last years of their lives. Even in the best-case scenarios (可能出现的情况), such dislocations can bring sorrow. "Often the family feels guilty, and the senior feels abandoned," says Charmaine Spencer, a professor in the gerontology department of Simon Fraser University. Harassed with their own careers and children, adult children may push their parents too fast to make a major transition. D) Val MacDonald, executive director of the B. C. Seniors Services Society, cautions adult children against imposing their views on aging parents. "Many baby boomers can be quite patronizing (高人一等的)," she says. Like many who work with seniors, MacDonald suggests adult children devote many conversations over a long period of time to collaborating on their parents' future, raising feelings, questions and options gently, but frankly. However, many middle-aged adults, according to the specialists, just muddle (应付) through with their aging parents. E) When the parents of Nancy Woods of Mulmur Hills, Ont., were in their mid-80s, they made the decision to downsize from their large family home to an apartment in Toronto. As Woods' parents, George and Bemice, became frailer, she believed they knew she had their best interests at heart. They agreed to her suggestion to have Meals on Wheels start delivering lunches and dinners. However, years later, after a crisis, Woods discovered her parents had taken to throwing out the prepared meals. Her dad had appreciated them, but Bemice had come to believe they were poisoned. "My father was so loyal," says Woods, "he had hid that my mother was overwhelmed by paranoia (偏执狂)." To her horror, Woods discovered her dad and mom were "living on crackers and oatmeal porridge" and were weakening from the impoverished diet. Her dad was also falling apart with the stress of providing for Bemice -- a common problem when one spouse tries to do everything for an ailing partner. "The spouse who's being cared for might be doing well at home," says Spencer, "but often the other spouse is burned out and ends up being hospitalized." F) Fortunately, outside help is often available to people struggling through the often-distressing process of helping their parents explore an important shift. Sons and daughters can bring in brochures or books on seniors' issues, as well as introduce government health-care workers or staff at various agencies, to help raise issues and open up discussions, says Val MacDonald, whose nonprofit organization responds to thousands of calls a year from British Columbians
