


As the arbiter of quality via the deviation from drawing procedure, quality planning has the database to evaluate performance of the various shop and support functions.作为产品设计与制造偏差的评判者,质量规划部门可以通过数据库对产品的各个加工工序及制造情况进行评估Annealing is a generic term denoting a heat treatment that consists of heating to and holding at a suitable temperature followed by cooling at a suitable rate 退火:热处理的一个通用术语,指的是加热到一定温度并保温,然后以合适的速度冷却Apart from the smoothenss of operation thus obtained, a great improvement is usually found in the surface finish on the work and the tool can make heavier cuts without detriment and will last considerably longer without regrinding除了能使机床运行平稳之外,液压驱动在机床上还有许多其他优越之处。例如,可以改善工件表面的光洁度;可以在不损坏刀具的前提下增大刀具上的作用载荷;可以进行长时间的切削加工,而无需再次刃磨刀具等A robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulating machine with several reprogrammable axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for used in industrial automation applications机器人是一种自动控制,可编程,多功能的,由几个可重复编程的坐标系来操纵的机器装置,可固定或移动的方式应用于工业自动化中And, whether you know it or not, many papers are rejected by journal editors because of a faulty Discussion, even though the data of the peper might be both valid and interesting.不知你是否知道,尽管许多论文中的数据正确而有根据,且能够引起人们的兴趣,但讨论部分写得不好也会使其遭到期刊编辑的拒绝Because robots can perform certain basic tasks more quickly and accurately than humans, they are being increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.因为机器人可以比人更快更准确地完成某些基本任务,所以广泛地用于制造业By comparing those feedback signals with the values set by the programmer, the close-loop controller can conduct the robot to move to the precise position and assume the desired attitude, and effector can perform with very high accuracy as the close-loop control system can minimize the discrepancy between the controlled object and the predetermined references.通过将反馈信号与程序设定值相对比,闭环控制器能引导机器人向准确的位置运动并实现期望的状态。闭环控制系统可以使被控目标与预定值之间的误差达到最小,终端执行机构可以高度精确的运作Because it is not a sentence, with the usual subject, verb, object arrangement, it is really simpler than a sentence(or, at least, usually shorter), but the order of the words becomes even more important.它不必像通常的句子那样具有主语、谓语动词和宾语结构。它确实比句子简单(或者,至少通常比较短,但是也正因如此,词的排列顺序显得更为重要Don’t be shy;discuss the theoretical implications of your work, as well as any possible practical applicatons.大胆地论述研究工作的理论意义以及任何可能的实际应用Electrically driven oil pressure pumps establish an oil flow for energy transmission, which is fed to hydraulic motors or hydraulic cylinders,

converting it into mechanical energy.电力驱动的油泵驱使油液流动,进行能量传递,将能量传递给液压电动机或油缸,从而将液压能转换成机械能For example , new cab or shovel configurations for each Caterpillar moving equipment are tested by real drivers for possible imbalances while handing virtual bulldozers and trucks.例如,Caterpillar公司生产的每一辆汽车和每一台推土机都要经过实际驾驶人员的检测,目的是检测在它们在实际使用过程中是否出现运动不平衡的问题,而这种检测通常就是利用虚拟制造技术在计算机中完成For this reason, a test of the completed product is often nothing more than a contractual requirement that must be performed before the customer accepts the product.因此,产品质量的总体测试只不过是客户取货之前必须履行的合同要求First, you should give some kind of overall description of the experiments, providing the “big picture”, without, however, repeating the experimental details previously provided in Materials and Methods.Second, you should present the data.首先,应对实验进行全面描述,给一个“大的轮廓”,但不要重复已经在“材料与方法”一节中提到的实验细节。其次应该提供数据It allows for gathering data that support the design theory of the product, for interpretations to be made for further improvements in design so that future products will be better than present ones, and for evaluation of design evolution toward better performance and costs.通过产品检验能收集数据,这些数据可支持、验证产品设计理论;能为以后产品的改进设计提供依据,使产品的性能更加优越;能对产品的更新换代进行性能和成本评估It gives the company a high degree of confidence that the product will perform as the customer expects it to, and this is a valuable marketing tool as it helps to establish the proper reputation with the customers.它为公司提供了较高的可信度,使产品达到了客户所希望的性能。由于产品测试能帮助公司在客户中建立良好的声誉,因此,它是一个极有价值的市场调控工具It is known that the eutectoid steel(T8)under equilibrium conditions contains,all austenite above 727C

?,whereas below,It is pearlite.知道共析钢(T8)在平衡条件下,在727C

?以上时全为奥氏体,低于此温度则为珠光体If the quality plan is adequate and carried out properly, then the product’s performance should have been verified and a total test is redundant.如果产品质量控制计划制定合理,执行情况良好,那么其性能就会有保障,不需要对其进行总体性能测试It is also the nerves of the robot; it is reprogrammable to send out sequences of instructions for all movements and actions to be taken by robot.它也是机器人的神经系统,对机器人的所有运动及动作所发送的指令序列是可重复编程的If there is serious doubt that your experiments could, be repeated, the reviewer will recommend rejection of your manuscript no matter how awe-inspiring your results.如果他对于实验是否再现这一点很怀疑,不管研究成果多么令人信服,这个审稿人都会建议退回稿件Lin et al.[1995] defined a Virtual Enterprise as “rapidly configured multi—disciplinary network of small, process specific firms configured to meet a window of opportunity to design and produce a specific product.”1995年Lin et al 把虚拟企业定义为为了完成某种产品的设计和生产,快速组建的,多学科联合的,

有特定目的的小型网络化公司Many factors affect geometric errors including: surface straightness (as shown in Fig.19.1), surface roughness, bearing preload, kinematics versus elastic design principles and structural design philosophies.影响零件几何误差的因素很多,如表面直线度(图 19.1)、表面粗糙度、轴承的预加载荷、弹性运动设计方法和结构设计原理等Many industrial organizations have chosen to establish an independent quality assurance sub-function within the manufacturing function and have placed the technical responsibilities of quality control, namely process control, within the manufacturing engineering organization.许多工厂企业已经有选择地建立了独立的产品质量控制功能,也设置了相应的质量控制技术职责,也就是在本企业内部实行独立的产品质量控制体系Mech recently, with spectacular advancements in the ares of control and communications, the word mechatronics has been adapted as the synergetic integration of three disciplines: mechanics, control and electronics and is aimed at the study of mainly manufacturing machines controlled by electronics.但是最近随着控制工程和通信领域的快速发展,机电一体化这个术语已经用于描述机械工程学、控制工程学和电子学三大学科的集成,其目标主要是研究由电子学所控制的机械产品的制造。Mechatronics is also defined as the synergetic integration of machnical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of products and processes.机电一体化也可以定义为在工业产品的设计和制造加工过程中,应用了电子学技术、智能计算机控制技术与机械工程学等的集成学科Mechatronics is an intergrated comprehensive study of intelligent and high performance electromechanical system(mechanisms and processes), intelligent and motion control through the use of advanced microprocessors and DSPs, power electronics and ICs, design and optimization, modeling and simulation, analysis and virtual prototyping, ect.机电一体化使用高性能的微处理器和DSP芯片、驱动电子元件和IC集成电路来进行系统设计、优化、建模、仿真、分析和建立有效的模型等工作,是一种可以获得智能化、高性能机电系统(包括机械和加工),实现智能化和运动控制的综合性研究Mechatronics, as a breakthrough concept in design and analysis of conventional, micro-and nano-scale eletromechanical system, was introduced to attack, integrate and solve a great variety of emerging problems.机电一体化在传统的微型和纳米规模的电子系统中是一个突破性的概念,已经用于破译、集成和解决大量的工程问题Normalizing usually is used as a conditioning treatment,notably for refining the grains of steels that have been subjected to high temperatures for foring or other hot working operations.正火一般作为起调节作用的热处理工艺,特别是用于细化在锻造或其他热加工工艺中经受了高温的钢的晶粒One of them is that it can give infinitely-variable speed control over wide ranges. In addition, they can change the direction of drive as easily as they can vary the speed.例如,采用液压驱动可以在较大的速度范围内向机床提供无级变速。此外,它还能像变速一样非常方便地改变驱动方向Other application ares discussed in Larijani [1994] include machine—vision applications for diagnosis,fault

detection and preventive maintenance, safety and maintenance training, ergonomic analysis.1994年Larijani还介绍了虚拟制造技术在其他领域应用的例子,包括机器的故障诊断和检测、安全、维护培训及环境分析设计等One of the most challenging problems in mechatronics systems design is the development of system architecture, e.g., selection of hardware(actuators, sensors, devices, power electronics, IC, microcontrollers, and DSP) and software(environment and computation algorithms to perform sensing and control, information flow and data acquisition, simulation, visualization, and virtual prototyping).在机电一体化系统设计中,具有重要意义的问题是系统结构的开发设计,包括硬件(执行器、传感器、装备、电子产品、集成电路、微控制器和DSP等)和软件(实现传感与控制、信息流与数据采集、模拟仿真、可视化处理和建立有效模型等的软件坏境和计算机算法)的选择Pneumatic actuators have been used for high speed, nonservo robots used for powering tooling such as grippers.气动应用于高速、非伺服机器人,也应用于驱动工具,如手爪Perhaps few people, if any, will read the entire paper, but many people will read the title, either in the original journal or in one of the secondary (abstracting and indexing) services.但会阅读整篇论文的人只是少几个人,而多数读者或通过原始期刊,或通过二次文献(文摘或索引)来阅读论文的题目Quality control traditionally monitors manufacturing losses by setting a negative budget that is not to be exceeded, and establishes routines for measurement and corrective action.传统的质量控制方法是通过设置不允许超出的负预算来控制产品的制造损耗,并以此建立产品检测和维修的准则。Quenching is the rapid cooling of a steel or alloy from the austenitizing temperature by immersing the workpiece in a liquid or gaseous medium.淬火:把钢或合金浸没在液体或气体介质中,从奥氏体化温度下快速冷却Quenching media commonly used include water,5%brine,5%caustic in aqueous solution,oil,polymer solutions ,or gas(usually air or nitrogen).常用的淬火介质有水、5%的盐水、5%的碱性水溶液、油、聚合物溶液或气体(常为空气或氮气)The generally accepted definition for heat treating metals and metal alloys is “heating and cooling a solid metal or alloy in a way so as to obtain specific conditions and/or properties.”普通认同的对金属热处理的定义为:以一定的方式加热或冷却固态金属或合金以达到一定条件和/或获得某些性能The basis for heat treatment is the time-temperature-transformation curves or TTT curves where,in a single diagram all the three parameters are plotted.热处理的基础分别是时间-温度-相变曲线,即TTT曲线,3个参数都绘制在一个图中The curve at extreme left represents the time required for the transformation of austenite to pearlite to start at any given temperature.Similarly,the curve at extreme right represents the time required for completing the transformation.左边的曲线表示任一给定温度下奥氏体开始转变为珠光体所需的时间。类似的,右边的曲线表示相变完成所需的时间。The primary purpose of stress relieving is to relieve stresses that have been imparted to the workpiece form such processes as forming, rolling, machining or welding.去应力退

火的主要目的是消除在模铸、轧制、机加工、焊接等过程中在工件中产生的应力Tempering .In heat treating of ferrous alloys, tempering consists of reheating the austenitized and quench-hardened steel or iron to some preselected temperature that is below the lower transformation temperature(generally below 1300F

? or 705C



?)This system applied towards the marketing and sales of kitchen furniture, allows customers to experience a kitchen environment and evaluate alternatives and select the best combination according to preferences.这个系统目前主要应用在厨具销售行业中,它可以使用户体验到厨房环境,能够使他们根据自己的亲身感受对厨具进行比较,并挑选出自己喜欢的厨具组合The VM approach helped shorten the design—to—manufacturing cycle—time.由于使用了虚拟制造技术,因而缩短了该产品的设计—生产制造周期These virtual prototypes are constructed in a computer at the beginning of the design process and allow the designer to perform tests on the virtual prototype such as a car beforehand,by working around or through the design,examine its performance on a virtual road, sit in the driver’s seat, and check view lines,etc.这些虚拟样机在轿车设计的初始阶段就已经在计算机里完成了,它可以使设计人员提前对轿车的性能,舒适程度及视野状况等方面进行测试The history of hydraulic power is a long one, dating from man’s prehistoric efforts to harness the energy in the world around him.水力的历史由来已久,其历史可以从人类开始利用能源时算起The domestication of grain began some 5000 years before and some enterprising farmer is bound to have become tired of pounding or grinding the grain by hand.当时谷物的种植已经有5000多年的历史了,当时一些颇具事业心的农场主厌烦了手工碾碎、研磨谷物的工作方式This means that, if the fluid is at rest, no shear force (that is a force tangential to the surface on which is acts) can exist in it.这就意味着,假如流体是静止的就没有剪切力(垂直于表面切向的力)The flow of fluids may be classified in many ways, such as steady or non steady, rotational or irrigational, compressible, and viscours or no viscous.流体流动方式有很多种分类方式,如定常流或非定常流、有旋流或无旋流、可压缩流或不可压缩流以及黏性流或无黏性流This law states that pressurized fluid within a closed container —such as cylinder or pipe—exerts equal force on all of the surfaces of the container.帕斯卡定律指出,在密封的容积内,如圆柱筒或管子内,压缩的液体在容积的各个不同的曲面上作用着大小相等的力The flow of the pressurized liquid discharged by the pump is controlled by valves. Three control functions are used in most hydraulic systems: (1)control of the liquid pressure, (2)control of the liquid flow rate, and (3)control of the direction of flow of the liquid.油泵泵出的压缩液体由各种阀门进行控制。在大多数液压系统中,通常采用以下3种控制形式:(1)液体压力控制;(2)液体流速控制;(3)液体流动方向控制The technology ares of mechatronics involve system modeling, simulation, sensors and measurement systems, drive and actuation system, analysis of the behavior of systems, control

systems and microprocessor systems.机电一体化技术主要包括机电一体化的系统建模、仿真、传感和评估系统、驱动和执行系统、系统行为分析、控制系统及微处理系统The unified analysis of actuators and sensors(e.g electromechancal motion devices), power electronics and ICs, microprocessors and DSP, advanced hardware and software, have barely been introduced in the engineering curriculum.执行器和传感器(例如电机驱动装置)、驱动电子元件和IC集成电路、微处理器和DSP、高级硬件和软件系统的统一分析基本上没有被引入到工程课程教学中The fundamental theories used to study the effects, processes, and phenomena in conventional, micro-and-nano-scale mechatronics systems are illustrated in Fig.22.2.一些基本理论可以用于研究传统的、微观的和纳米的机电一体化系统中的效果、过程和现象,如图22.2所示The typical structure of industrial robots consists of 4 major components: the manipulator, the end effector, the power supply and the control system, as shown in Fig.23.1.工业机器人的典型结构包含4个主要部分:操纵器、终端执行机构、动力供给和控制系统,如图23.1所示The basic mechanical configurations of the robot manipulator are categorized as cartesian, cylindrical, spherical and articulated.机器人操纵器的基本机械构造可以分为笛卡儿形、圆柱形、球形和铰接形The selection of an appropriate end effector for a specific for a specific application depends on such factors as the payload, environment, reliability, and cost.终端执行机构的选择依赖于有效载荷、坏境可靠性和价格等因素The variable-sequence robot can be programmed for a specific sequence of operations can be reprogrammed to perform another sequence of operation.可变顺序机器人是为完成特定顺序进行设计的,也可为其他操作重新编程The robot memorzes and records the path and sequence of motions and can repeat them continually without any further action or guidance by the operator.机器人可以记忆和记录的顺序和路径,并能在没有操作者的进一步引导和示范的情况下连续重复这些动作These applications can be grouped into three categories: material processing material handling and assembly.这些应用可以被划分为三类:材料处理、材料搬运和装配That short definition must be qualified, however, by noting that a scientific paper must be written in a certain way and it must be published in a certain way.但这一简短的定义必须有一条件限制,即科技论文必须以一定的形式写作并以一定的方式出版Thus, the title should be useful as a label accompanying the paper itself, and it also should be in a form suitable for the machine-indexing systems used by the Engineering Index, Science Citation Index, and others.因此,不仅题目本身应与论文相符,它的形式还应该适于工程索引(EI)科学引文索引(SCI)等自动检索系统The abstract should include a brief but precise statement of the problem or issue, a description of the research method and design, the major findings and their significance, and the principal conclusion. 摘要包括下列内容:论文中问题或论点的简洁而精确的陈述、研究方法及设计思路的描述、主要发现及其意义、结论。The abstract should contain the most important words referring to method and contend of the paper: These facilitate access to the abstract by computer

research, and enable readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety.摘要应该包含能表达论文方法和内容的关键词,这样就可方便计算机对摘要进行检索,并能使读者迅速而准确地了解论文的基本内容,据此确定是否与所需论文相关,进而决定他们是否要阅读全文The purpose of the introduction should be to supply sufficient background information and the design idea to allow the reader to properly understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needing to refer to previous publication on the topic.引言的目的是向读者提供足够的背景知识及设计思路,使读者们不需要查阅与此研究课题有关的出版物就能够正确了解和评价论文中的研究结果Using this technology, a group of people, or corporations can pool their expertise and resources and capitalize a market opportunity, by sharing information in a VM enviromment.许多个人和公司通过虚拟制造技术提供的虚拟环境中的信息共享彼此之间的技术、资源,对市场中有利的时机进行投资Using plan and methods produced by measurement of productivity and work measurement (MP&WM) as a guide,quality-planning engineers determine where inspections and nondestructive test will be specified during the manufacturing process.质量规划工程师则以产品的实际生产效率和检测结果为指导原则,确定在制造过程中何处应该进行检测和非破坏性测试Virtual manufacturing (VM) is an integrated, synthetic manufacturing environment exercised to enhance all levels of decision and control in a manufacturing enterprise.虚拟制造是一种高度集成化的、虚拟的制造环境,其作用是为了增强生产企业的决策和控制能力。VM aim at providing an intergrated environment for a number of isolated manufacturing technologies such as Computer Aided Design,Computer Aided Manufacturing, and Computer Aided Process Planning, thus allowing multiple users to concurrently carry out all or some of these functions without the need for being physically close to each other.虚拟制造技术为许多相对孤立的产品制造技术,例如计算机辅助设计技术,计算机辅助制造技术以及计算机辅助工艺技术提供了一个综合运用的生产制造环境,是不同需求的用户无需自己集成上述各个制造技术,就可以完成产品的部分,甚至所有的加工制造任务Within the past decade or two, quality control has become increasingly involved with marketing and customers in establishing documentation systems to ensure guaranteed levels of product quality.在过去的一二十年里,人们为了保证产品的质量,建立了与市场和顾客有关的质量控制文件系统。Whereas quality control is involved directly with manufacturing operations, quality assurance is involved with the customer support responsibilities generally found within the marketing function.尽管质量控制与制造过程直接相关,但它通常还和市场调控功能中的用户职责有关Your one area of truth can be buttressed by your data; if you extrapolate to a bigger picture than that shown by your data, you may appear foolish to the point that even your data-supported conclusions are cast into doubt.关于这一部分的真理是由数据来支持的,如果将数据外推到更大的范围,那就会显得荒唐,这时甚至连数据所支持的结论也可能会受到怀疑。课后This produces

a carbon gradient extending inward from the surface, enabling the surface layers to be hardened to a high degree either by quenching from the carburizing temperature or by cooling to room temperature followed by reaustenitizing and quenching.从钢材表面到内部形成了一个碳梯度,从而使表面浓度大大提高,这既可以由达到渗碳浓度后立即淬火来实现,也可以先冷却到室温后再进行一次奥氏体化或淬火来实现。Through animation, users can design a product or a process that involves moving components and analyze its behavior without having to build prototypes and conduct live trial runs. 用户可以通过动画设计一个包含移动组件的产品线过程,并分析其行为,而无需建立原型,也无需建立市场试运行Other useful applications of animation are in analyzing the performance of a robot in a cell or automated guided vehicles (AGV) on the shop floor.动画的另一个实用的功能就是分析一个单元中的机器人或者在商店地板上的自动导购车的性能Compressors are used in petrochemical plants to raise the static pressure of air and process gases to levels required to overcome pipe friction, effect a certain reaction at the point of final delivery, or to impart desired thermodynamic properties to the medium compressed.在石油化工行业,一般用压缩机来提高空气及生产气体的静压,目的有两个:一是克服管道阻力,并在出气口达到反应所需的压力;二是可使压缩介质的热力学性质产生一定的变化 Where the superiority of one compressor type or model over a competing offer is not obvious.如果备选压缩机的优越性都不是很明显时。It is not only impossible, but also impractical to make many parts to an exact size.把许多零件制造成精确尺寸,那不仅是不可能的,而且也是不切实际的The basic size is that size from which limits of size are derived by the application of allowances and tolerances基本尺寸是从该尺寸出发,运用偏差和公差导出极限尺寸所依据的尺寸Limite dimensioning is a system of dimensioning where only the maximum and minimun dimensions are showmn.标注极限尺寸是仅仅表示极大和极小尺寸的一种尺寸标注制度Thus,the tolerance is the difference between these two dimensions.因而,公差就是这两个极限尺寸之间的差值First the basic mechanical structure would be designed and made by the mechanical engineers.首先,有机械工程师设计和制造的基本的机械结构Instead,the mechatronics design methodology demands teamwork from the start with the team including not only the technical design experts from the various contributing disciplines,marketing,financial, and other departments.相反,这种机电产品设计方法从一开始就需要团队合作方式,团队成员不仅包括各种领域的设计专家,还包括市场销售,财政和其他部门成员who have not learned to think in terms of “not practical ” or “not possible”.在他们的思维里面从来不会出现“不可能”或“不适用”的念头What robots can do around the home, office, factory and other places remains to be “seem” in their brains.机器人可以再家庭、办公室、工厂和其他地方工作,在哪里有机器人的大脑决定的So let it be that the future of robotics belongs to the young and the young-at heart.机器人的未来是属于那些年轻人和拥有年轻心态的人。


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一.单词翻译(英译汉,汉译英共20分) compound pulley 组合滑轮 screw 螺丝 worm gear 涡轮 clearance fit 间隙配合 transition fit 过渡配合 interference fit 过盈配合 ground teeth 精密齿 gear reductions 齿轮减速比aluminum 铝 brass 黄铜 bronze 青铜 cast iron 铸铁 carbon 碳钢 alloy steel 合金钢 hardened steel 硬化钢 stainless steel 不锈钢 plastic materials 塑料材料 gear teeth 齿轮 straight-toothed 直齿轮 rack and pinion 齿条和齿轮 straight bevel gears 直齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gears 弧齿锥齿轮friction 摩擦 lubrication 润滑 lubricant 润滑剂 full fluid film lubrication 全液态薄膜润滑 boundary lubrication 边界润滑elastrohydrodynamic lubrication 流体弹性动力润滑 proton 质子 neutron 中子 parallel circuit 并联电路 series circuit 串联电路 electron 电子 inductor 电感 capacitor 电容 conductor 导体 semiconductor 半导体 metal-oxide-semiconductor 金属氧化物半导体 integrated circuit 集成电路integrated circuit chip 集成电路芯片 dopant 掺杂剂 mask 掩膜 doping 掺杂 photoresist 感光胶 etch 蚀刻法 dielectric 非传导性(电介质)rung 梯级 branch 分支 instructions 指令 power rails 母线 quantity 数量 parameter 参数 ladder diagram 梯形逻辑图 ON-delay timer 通电延时定时器OFF-delay timer 断电延时定时器retentive timer 保持定时器proximity timer 接近开关electromechanical control 机电控制mobile robots 可移动机器人manipulator robots 操作机器人 self reconfigurable robots 自变形(重装)机器人 Analog-to-Digital Converter A/D模数转换器 Digital-to-Analog Converter D/A模数转换器 ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)专用采集电路 Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换 Z-transform Z变换 valve 阀 pump 泵 motor 发动机 cavitation 气穴 hydraulic 液压的 equilibrium position 平衡位置vibration(oscillation) 振动transducer 饱和电抗器,传感器,变频器 reservoir 油箱 pump with electric motor 电力马达泵unloader and safety relief valve 减荷

机械工程专业英语翻译 华中科技大学版 李光布

1.机械设计过程 机械设计的最终目标是生产一种满足客户需求的有用产品,而且这种产品安全,高效,可靠,经济,实用。当回答这个问题时,广泛地思考,我将要设计的产品或系统的客户是谁? 在产品设计之前,了解所有客户的期望和期望是至关重要的。营销专业人员经常被用来管理客户期望的定义,但是设计师可能会把他们作为产品开发团队的一部分。 许多方法被用来确定客户想要什么。一种被称为质量功能部署或QFD的流行方法寻求(1)识别客户期望的所有特征和性能因素,以及(2)评估这些因素的相对重要性。QFD过程的结果是产品的一组详细功能和设计要求。 考虑设计过程如何配合为客户提供令人满意的产品所必须发生的所有功能以及在产品的整个生命周期中为产品提供服务也很重要。事实上,重要的是考虑产品在使用寿命后如何处置。影响产品的所有这些功能的总和有时被称为产品实现过程或PRP。PRP中包含的一些因素如下: ?营销功能来评估客户的要求 ?研究确定可在产品中合理使用的可用技术 ?可以包含在产品中的材料和组件的可用性 ?产品设计和开发 ?性能测试 ?设计文件 ?供应商关系和采购职能 ?考虑全球材料采购和全球营销 参加工作的技能 ?物理工厂和设施可用

?制造系统的能力 生产计划和生产系统的控制 ?生产支持系统和人员 ?质量体系要求 ?销售操作和时间表 ?成本目标和其他竞争性问题 ?客户服务要求 ?产品在生产,操作和处置过程中的环境问题 ?法律要求 ?金融资本的可用性 你可以添加到这个列表吗?您应该能够看到,产品的设计只是综合过程的一部分。在本文中,我们将更加注意设计过程本身,但必须始终考虑设计的可生产性。产品设计和制造过程设计的同时考虑通常被称为并行工程。 2.机械设计所需的技能 产品工程师和机械设计师在日常工作中使用广泛的技能和知识。这些技能和知识包含在以下内容中: ?素描,技术制图和计算机辅助设计 ?材料的性质?材料加工*和制造过程 ?化学的应用,如腐蚀防护,电镀和喷漆 静力学动力学材料的强度,运动学和机制 流体力学,热力学和传热 ?流体动力,电气现象的基本原理和工业控制


Lesson eight 第八课 Ⅱ.翻译句子,并注意remain和above的词类和词义 2. In this case the voltage applied must remain unchanged. 在这种情况下,那个应用电压必须保持不变 4. If you take 3 from 8, 5 remain. 如果从8中拿走3,剩5. 6. The above property was discovered by Faraday. 法拉第发现以上性质。 8. Lenz states that the self-induced emf impedes any change of current and tends to support the former current value. The above is known as Lenz’s law. 楞茨陈述自感电动势阻止电流的变化而保持先前电流的值。上面就是我们所知的楞 次定律。 Ⅲ.翻译句子,注意some的词义 2. That radio receiver weighs some five kilograms. 那个无线接收器重五公斤。 4. Some element in the substance is not known. 物质中的一些元素是人们不知道的。 Ⅳ.翻译句子,注意句中one 的不同用法和词义。 2. This concept was discussed in Chapter One. 这个概念在第一张讨论过。 4. No one can lift this equipment. 没人能举起这件设备。 6. This chapter will deal with one of the three functions of a turning circuit. 这章我们将介绍螺旋电路三个功能中的一个。 8. Before one studies a system, it is necessary to define and discuss some important terms. 在研究一个系统之前,确定且讨论一些重要的术语是有必要的。 Ⅴ.画出句中的名词从句,说明其种类,并将句子译成汉语。 2. These experiments do not show which particles. 这些实验不能显示他们的粒子结构。 4. The operating point is determined by how much bias is used. 操作要点是被用多少偏压决定的。 6. It is not important how this voltage is produced. 这个电压是怎么产生的并不重要。 8. It may be questioned whether this approach is the best for the physicist. 这种方式最适合于医生可能会被质疑。 10. This ball may be used to determine whether that body is charged. 这个球可能用于检测是否身体是带电的。 12. It is known that charged particles emit electromagnetic waves whenever they are accelerated. 众所周知的当电子被加速他们就会发射电磁波。 14. The value of this factor determines how fast the amplitude of the current


P1 二、复合难句: 1、Mining may well have been the second of humankind's earliest endeavors--granted that agriculture was the first. The two industries ranked together as the primary or basic industries of early civilization 如果说农业是人类最早的产业(文明)的话,那么采矿就理所当然地排在第二。这两种产业作为人类早期文明最原始或最基本的产业联系在了一起。 2、If we consider fishing and lumbering as part of agriculture and oil and gas production as part of mining , then agriculture and mining continue to supply all the basic resources used by modern civilization 如果我们把捕鱼业和伐木业作为农业的一部分,而石油和天然气产业作为采矿的一部分,那么农业和采矿业至今仍是现代文明所使用的基础资源的支柱 3、Here the term mining is used in its broadest context as encompassing the extraction of any naturally occurring mineral substances-solid , liquid , and gas-from the earth or other heavenly bodies for utilitarian purposes. 这里所说的采矿是指广义上的,因为它包括为实利目的而从地球或其他天体岩石中获取任何天然形成的固态、液态和气态矿物的开采 4、Mine:An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals 采矿:为了开采矿物而在地球上进行的一种挖掘 5、Mining: the activity , occupation , and industry concerned with the extraction of minerals 采矿业:一种与开采矿物有关的活动、职业和产业 6、Mining engineering: the practice of applying engineering principles to the development , planning , operation , closure and reclamation of mines. 采矿工程:运用工程原理生产、规划、运作和关闭(充填)以及对矿山再利用(复垦)的一种实践 7、Mineral:A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and a characteristic chemical composition , crystal form , and physical properties. 矿物:一种天然形成的无机元素或化合物(无机物),它有着有序的内部构造、特有的化学成分、结晶形式和物理性质。 8、Rock:Any naturally formed aggregate of one or more types of mineral particles


1 总论 采矿mining 地下采矿underground mining 露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining 采矿工程mining engineering 选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing 矿物工程mineral engineering 冶金(学)metallurgy 过程冶金(学)process metallurgy 提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy 化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy 物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy 金属学Metallkunde 冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy 冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering 冶金工程metallurgical engineering 钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel 有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy 真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy 等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy 微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy 喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy 钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy 二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy 机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy 焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy 粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy 铸造学foundry 火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy 湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy 电冶金(学)electrometallurgy 氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy 矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources 中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals 中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2 采矿 采矿工艺mining technology 有用矿物valuable mineral 冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials 矿床mineral deposit 特殊采矿specialized mining 海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining 矿田mine field


四川理工学院成人高等教育 《机电工程专业英语》试卷( A 卷) 年级三年级 专业机电一体化 ZK931101 层次专科 号 题号一二三四五六七八总分评阅(统分)人 学 题分20 30 20 30 得 分 注意事项: 线 名 1.满分 100 分。要求卷面整洁、字迹工整、无错别字。 姓 订 生 2.考生必须将“学生姓名”和“学号”完整、准确、清楚地填写在试卷规定的地方,否则视为 学 装 此 废卷。 过 3.考生必须在签到表上签到,否则若出现遗漏,后果自负。 要 得分 评阅教师 级 不 一、选择题: 班 题 业 专 答 选择括号中提供的单词或短语,并以正确的形式填空。 (每空 2 分,共 20 分) ( send out, focus on, deny, prove, make sure, equip with, shock, accomplish, vary from, call ) ( 1) A week ago he received a notice stating his application was . ( 2) Effective teaching is the learning needs of each student in the class. ( 3) His mother when she heard about the accident. ) ( 4) He a number of e-mail messages to his friends. 班 ( 5) Position measurement in NC machines 属 can through direct or indirect methods. 直 ( ( 6) The actual programming commands needed will 点 also builder to builder. 学 ( 7) This method to be very successful. 教 (8) that the instructions for the use of this high pre are strictly observed. (9) The majority of NC/CNCmachine tools automatic too such as magazines on machining center and turrets on turning centers. (10) The movements are detected and counted by a feedback device a transducer. 得分 评阅教师 二、名词解释: 写出下列英文缩写的全称 ,并翻译成中文。 (每题 3 分,共 30 分) ( 1) PLC ( 2) CIM ( 3) AGV ( 4) FMS ( 5) ROM ( 6) CPU ( 7) CNC ( 8) CAD ( 9) GUI ( 10) JIT 得分 评阅教师 三、汉译英: 将下列术语翻译成英文。 (每题 2 分,共 20 分) ( 1) 在线编程 ( 2) 装配有(某设备) ( 3) 钻床 ( 4) 齿轮加工 ( 5) 穿孔纸带 ( 6) 切削中心 ( 7) 加工中心 ( 8) 光电开关 ( 9) 显示面板 ( 10) 超声波加工 得分 评阅教师 四、英译汉


2、应力和应变在任何工程结构中独立的部件或构件将承受来自于部件的使用状况或工作的外部环境的外力作用。如果组件就处于平衡状态,由此而来的各种外力将会为零,但尽管如此,它们共同作用部件的载荷易于使部件变形同时在材料 里面产生相应的内力。有很多不同负载可以应用于构件的方式。负荷根据相应 时间的不同可分为: (a)静态负荷是一种在相对较短的时间内逐步达到平衡的应用载荷。 (b)持续负载是一种在很长一段时间为一个常数的载荷, 例如结构的 重量。这种类型的载荷以相同的方式作为一个静态负荷; 然而,对一些材料与温度和压力的条件下,短时间的载荷和长时间的载荷抵抗失效的能力可能是不同的。 (c)冲击载荷是一种快速载荷(一种能量载荷)。振动通常导致一个冲击载荷, 一般平衡是不能建立的直到通过自然的阻尼力的作用使振动停止的时候。 (d)重 复载荷是一种被应用和去除千万次的载荷。 (e)疲劳载荷或交变载荷是一种大 小和设计随时间不断变化的载荷。上面已经提到,作用于物体的外力与在材料 里面产生的相应内力平衡。因此,如果一个杆受到一个均匀的拉伸和压缩,也就是说, 一个力,均匀分布于一截面,那么产生的内力也均匀分布并且可以说杆是 受到一个均匀的正常应力,应力被定义为应力==负载 P /压力 A, 因此根据载荷的性质应力是可以压缩或拉伸的,并被度量为牛顿每平方米或它的倍数。如果一个杆受到轴向载荷,即是应力,那么杆的长度会改变。如果杆的初始长度 L 和改变量△L 已知,产生的应力定义如下: 应力==改变长△L /初始长 L 因此应 力是一个测量材料变形和无量纲的物理量 ,即它没有单位;它只是两个相同单位的物理量的比值。一般来说,在实践中,在荷载作用下材料的延伸是非常小的, 测量的应力以*10-6 的形式是方便的, 即微应变, 使用的符号也相应成为 ue。从某种意义上说,拉伸应力与应变被认为是正的。压缩应力与应变被认为是负的。因此负应力使长度减小。当负载移除时,如果材料回复到初始的,无负载 时的尺寸时,我们就说它是具有弹性的。一特定形式的适用于大范围的工程材 料至少工程材料受载荷的大部分的弹性, 产生正比于负载的变形。由于载荷正 比于载荷所产生的压力并且变形正比于应变, 这也说明,当材料是弹性的时候, 应力与应变成正比。因此胡克定律陈述, 应力正比于应变。这定律服从于大部 分铁合金在特定的范围内, 甚至以其合理的准确性可以假定适用于其他工程材 料比如混凝土,木材,非铁合金。当一个材料是弹性的时候,当载荷消除之后,任何负载所产生的变形可以完全恢复,没有永久的变形。材料的弹性范围即是适用于胡克定律的范围,已经表明, 应力/应变==常数常数被赋予符号 E,被称为弹性模量或杨氏模量。因此 E =应力/应变杨氏模量 E 一般认为在拉伸和压缩 里是一样的,大多数工程材料有一个高的数值。典型的,钢的 E = 200 * 109 N / m2,所以它将被观察到,Eq.应变通常是非常小的。在最常见的工程应用中应变很少会超过 0、1%。对任何材料,杨氏模量的实用价值,通常是提供了一个标准的材料测试标本。 4、工程机械概述正如我们环顾四周,我们看到世界的“东西”:机器全,设备,工具;事情,我们已经设计,建造和使用;木材,金属,陶瓷制成的东西, 和塑料。我们从经验知道,有些事情是比别人做得更好,他们去年更长,成本 更低,更安静,看起来更好,或者更容易使用。理想的情况,但是,每个这样 的项目已按设计一些“功能要求,”由设计者认为,也就是说,它的设计,以 回答这个问题,“究竟是什么职能应是执行?在工程世界”,频繁的主要功能 是如此的支持,由于一些装载重量,惯性,压力式,从我们家中的光束,飞机


果粒橙 图解:译文“蓝色” Unit 6 The Principle of PCM PCM原理 Pcm is dependent on three separate operations, sampling, quantizing, and coding. Many different schemes for performing these three functions have evolved during recent years, and we shall describe the main ones. In these descriptions we shall see how a speech channel of telephone quality may be conveyed as a series of amplitude values, each value being represented, that is, coded as a sequence of 8 binary digits. Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8 kilohertz(khz) is required to convey a voice channel occupying the range 300 HZ to 3.4 Khz. Practical equipments, however, normally use3 a sampling rate of 8 khz, and if 8-digits per sample value are used, the voice channel becomes represented by a stream of pulses with a repetition rate of 64khz. Fig .1-1 illustrates the sampling, quantizing, and coding processes. PCM的构成依赖于三个环节,即采样、量化和编码。近年来,人们对这三个环节的实现提出了许多不同的方案,我们将对其中的一些主要的方案进行讨论。在这些讨 论中,我们会看到话路中的语声信号是如何转换成幅值序列的,而每个幅值又被编码,即以8位二进制数的序列表示。而且,我们将证明,为了转换频率范围为300HZ— 3.4KHZ的话路信号,理论上最小采样频率须为6.8khz。但是,实际设备通常用8khz 的采样速率,而如果每个样值用8位码的话,则话路是由一个重复速率为64khz的脉 冲流来表示的。图1-1表示了采样、量化、编码的过程。 Reexamination of our simple example shows us that the speech signal of maximum frequency 3.4khz has been represented by a signal of frequency 64khz. However, if only 4-digits per sample value had been used, the quality of transmission would drop, and the repetition rate of the pulses would be reduced to 32khz. Thus the quality of transmission is dependent on the pulse repetition rate, and for digital communication systems these two variables may be interchanged most efficiently. 让我们再研究一下上面提到的简单例子。可以看出,最高频率为3.4khz的话音信号适用64khz的(脉冲流)信号来表示的。但是,如果每个样值中用4位(码)表示,则传输质量会下降,而脉冲的重复速率也将减小到32khz。因而传输质量是取决于脉 冲重复速率的。对于数字通信系统,这两个量之间极明显的互相影响着。 Digital transmission provides a powerful method for overcoming noisy environments. Noise can be introduced into transmission patch in many different ways : perhaps via a nearby lightning strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low-level noise within the communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known as the signal-to-noise ratio, which is of the most interest to the communication engineer.Basically, if the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then a perfect message can take place; however, this is not always the case. For example, the signal received from a


采矿工程专业英语词汇 册 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

采矿工程专业英语词汇手册 (Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering ) 采矿工程专业内部讲义 二零零七年三月 Content Chapter 3 .1 Mining method (2) Chapter 3.2 Mine preplanning (3) Chapter3.3 Mine development (4) Chapter 4.1 Wall mining introduction (5) Chapter 4.2 Ground control aspects ..... (6) Chapter 4.3 Roof support system (7) Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine (8) Chapter 4.5 Convey system (8) Chapter 4.6 Mine Vetilation (10) Chapter 5 Pillaring system (11)

Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support (12) Chapter 7 Novel methods of mining (16) Chapter 3 .1 Mining method

mining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风; ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本; recovery 回采率; subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷; subsidence control 地表沉陷控制 cover 覆盖层; overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶; floor 底板; dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度; strength 强度; cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯 daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破 loading n. 装煤 haul v. 运输,搬运 drainage n.排水 power n. 动力 power Supply 动力供应 communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。 disruption in production 停产; reduction in production 减产; compromise 折衷 room and pillar 房柱式


应力与应变第一单元 That branch of scientific analysis which motions, times and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. 研究位移、时间和力运动乘力是科学分析法的一个分歧,被称作力学,力学由两大部静力学和动力学。分组成,For example, if the force operating on a sleeve bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating and rapid failure of the bearing. 例如:如果止推轴承上的作用力过大的话,会挤出油膜,引起金属和金属之间的相互接触,轴承将过热而迅速失效。and of place application, direction, concept Our intuitive of force includes such ideas as magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force. 。力的直观概念包括力的作用点、大小、方向,这些被称为力的三要素All bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by forces. When the deformation of such bodies is small, they are frequently assumed to be rigid, i.e., incapable of deformation, in order to simplify the analysis. 的,如果受到力的作用就产生变形。当变形很小塑性所有的物体既可以是弹性的也可以是以此来简化分析。的时候它们被假设成刚体,也就是不产生变形,The rigid-body assumption cannot be used in internal stresses and strains due to the applied forces to be analyzed. Thus we consider the body to be capable of deforming. 刚体假设不能应用于内应力和内应变的分析,所以在实际力的分析时,要考虑物体的形变。If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced, the particle will either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity. 如果作用在质点上所有的力是平衡的,质点将会保持静止或做做匀速直线运动。 材料的强度与塑性第二单元 A tensile test consists of slowly pulling a sample of material with a tensile load until it breaks. The ends of tensile specimens are usually enlarged to provide extra area for grip-ping and to avoid having the sample break where it is being gripped. 实验包括慢慢加载拉伸载荷直到断裂。拉伸试件两端加粗为了提供装夹区域和避免试拉伸件断裂。The usual manner of conducting the test is to deform the specimen at a constant speed. For moving and the fixed testing universal machines, the motion between example, in the crossheads can be controlled at a constant speed. 通常进行实验的方法就是使试件以恒定速度发生变形。例如,在万能拉伸实验机上,固定端和移动的十字滑块之间的变形是以恒定速度进行的。The load that must be applied to enforce this displacement rate varies as the test proceeds. This load F may be divided by the cross-sectional area A to obtain the stress in the specimen at any time during the test. 除以横F随着实验的进行,用来产生位移的载荷是随位移的变化而变化。在实验中,载荷可以得到任意时刻点的应力。截面积Afeasible. Stress and is where is of actual However measurement ΔL preferable this strain based on the initial (undeformed) dimensions, Ai and Li, are called engineering stress and strain. 的应力和应变称原始然而,在可行的位置上ΔL的实际测量是更可取的,基于尺寸Ai和Li 为工程应力和工程应变。and brittle materials behave differently in compression test as well. The


A business survives and thrives on information: information within the organization and information changed with suppliers, customers,and regulators. Moreover, the information needs to be consistent, accessible, and at the right location. We consider information in four forms-voice, data, image, and video-and the implications of distributed requirements. The term voice communications refers primarily to telephone related communications. By far the most common form of communication in any organization and for most personnel is direct telephone conversation. The telephone has been a basic tool of business for decades. Telephone communications has recently been enhanced by a variety of computer-based services, including voice mail and computerized telephone exchange systems. V oice mail provides the ability to send, forward , and reply to voice messages nonsimultaneously , and it has become a cost-efficient tool even for many midsize organizations. It provides saving on answering machines and services as well as more responsive service to customers and suppliers. Advances have also been made in computerized telephone exchange systems, including in-house digital private branch exchanges(PBX) and Centrex systems provided by the local telephone company. These new systems provide a host of features, including call forwarding, call waiting, least-cost routing of long-distance calls, and a variety of accounting and auditing features. The term data communications is sometimes used to refer to virtually any form of information transfer other than voice. It is sometimes convenient to limit this term to information in the form of text(such as reports, memos, and other documents) and numerical data(such as accounting files). The rapid changes in technology have created fresh challenges for management in making effective use of data communications. We will briefly outline the changes in technology in transmission, networks, and communications software that present the manager with new powerful business tools but also the necessity of making choices among complex alternatives. 一个企业生存和蓬勃发展的信息:在改变与供应商,客户和监管机构的组织和信息的信息。此外,对信息的需求是一致的,访问,并在合适的位置。我们认为,在四种形式的语音,数据,图像,视频和分布式需求的影响的信息。 长期的语音通信,主要是指以电话相关的通讯。迄今为止最常见的沟通形式中的任何组织和大多数工作人员是直接的电话交谈。电话已几十年来的基本的业务工具。电话通讯最近已加强各种以计算机为基础的服务,包括语音邮件和程控电话交换系统。语音信箱提供的能力,发送,转发和回复语音邮件nonsimultaneously,它已成为一个成本效益的工具,甚至许多中小型组织。提供节省答录机和服务,以及更快捷的服务客户和供应商。程控电话交换系统,包括内部数字专用分支交换机(PBX)和本地电话公司提供的Centrex系统也取得了进展。这些新系统提供主机的功能,包括呼叫转接,呼叫等待,长途电话的最低成本路由,各种会计和审计功能。 长期的数据通信有时被用来指几乎任何其他信息传输比语音形式。有时可以很方便限制这个术语在文本形式的信息(如报告,备忘录和其他文件)和数字数据(如会计档案)。已创建管理新的挑战,在有效地利用数据通信技术的迅速变化。我们将简要概述在传输技术的变化,网络和通信软件,经理提出新的强大的商业工具,但也使复杂的替代品之间的选择的必要性。
