






按照W. H. Inmon,一位数据仓库系统构造方面的领头建筑师的说法,“数





(3)时变的:数据存储从历史的角度(例如,过去5-10 年)提供信息。数据仓库中的关键结构,隐式或显式地包含时间元素。

(4) 非易失的:数据仓库总是物理地分离存放数据;这些数据源于操作环境下的应用数据。由于这种分离,数据仓库不需要事务处理、恢复和并行控制机制。通常,它只需要两种数据访问:数据的初始化装入和数据访问。










对于异种数据库的集成,传统的数据库做法是:在多个异种数据库上,建立一个包装程序和一个集成程序(或仲裁程序)。这方面的例子包括IBM 的数据连接程序和Informix的数据刀。当一个查询提交客户站点,首先使用元数据字典对查询进行转换,将它转换成相应异种站点上的查询。然后,将这些查询





OLTP 和OLAP 的主要区别概述如下。

(1)用户和系统的面向性:OLTP 是面向顾客的,用于办事员、客户、和信息技术专业人员的事务和查询处理。OLAP 是面向市场的,用于知识工人(包括经理、主管、和分析人员)的数据分析。

(2)数据内容:OLTP 系统管理当前数据。通常,这种数据太琐碎,难以方便地用于决策。OLAP 系统管理大量历史数据,提供汇总和聚集机制,并在不同的粒度级别上存储和管理信息。这些特点使得数据容易用于见多识广的决策。

(3)数据库设计:通常,OLTP 系统采用实体-联系(ER)模型和面向应用的数据库设计。而OLAP 系统通常采用星形或雪花模型和面向主题的数据库设计。

(4)视图:OLTP 系统主要关注一个企业或部门内部的当前数据,而不涉及历史数据或不同组织的数据。相比之下,由于组织的变化,OLAP 系统常常跨

越数据库模式的多个版本。OLAP 系统也处理来自不同组织的信息,由多个数据存储集成的信息。由于数据量巨大,OLAP 数据也存放在多个存储介质上。

(5)、访问模式:OLTP 系统的访问主要由短的、原子事务组成。这种系统需要并行控制和恢复机制。然而,对OLAP系统的访问大部分是只读操作(由于大部分数据仓库存放历史数据,而不是当前数据),尽管许多可能是复杂的查询。 OLTP 和OLAP 的其它区别包括数据库大小、操作的频繁程度、性能度量等。

2.但是,为什么需要一个分离的数据仓库“既然操作数据库存放了大量数据”,你注意到,“为什么不直接在这种数据库上进行联机分析处理,而是另外花费时间和资源去构造一个分离的数据仓库?”分离的主要原因是提高两个系统的性能。操作数据库是为已知的任务和负载设计的,如使用主关键字索引和散列,检索特定的记录,和优化“罐装的”查询。另一方面,数据仓库的查询通常是复杂的,涉及大量数据在汇总级的计算,可能需要特殊的数据组织、存取方法和基于多维视图的实现方法。在操作数据库上处理OLAP 查询,可能会大大降低操作任务的性能。

此外,操作数据库支持多事务的并行处理,需要加锁和日志等并行控制和恢复机制,以确保一致性和事务的强健性。通常,OLAP 查询只需要对数据记录进行只读访问,以进行汇总和聚集。如果将并行控制和恢复机制用于这OLAP 操作,就会危害并行事务的运行,从而大大降低OLTP 系统的吞吐



Data warehousing provides architectures and tools for business executives to sy stematically organize, understand, and use their data to make strategic decisions. A lar ge number of organizations have found that data warehouse systems are valuable tools in today's competitive, fast evolving world. In the last several years, many firms have spent millions of dollars in building enterprise-

wide data warehouses. Many people feel that with competition mounting in every ind ustry, data warehousing is the latest must-have marketing weapon ——

a way to keep customers by learning more about their needs.

“So", you may ask, full of intrigue, “what exactly is a data warehouse?"

Data warehouses have been defined in many ways, making it difficult to formulat e a rigorous definition. Loosely speaking, a data warehouse refers to a database that is maintained separately from an organization's operational databases. Data warehouse s ystems allow for the integration of a variety of application systems. They support info rmation processing by providing a solid platform of consolidated, historical data for a nalysis.

According to W. H. Inmon, a leading architect in the construction of data wareho use systems, “a data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-

variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision makin g process." This short, but comprehensive definition presents the major features of a d ata warehouse. The four keywords, subject-oriented, integrated, time-

variant, and nonvolatile, distinguish data warehouses from other data repository syste ms, such as relational database systems, transaction processing systems, and file syste ms. Let's take a closer look at each of these key features.


oriented: A data warehouse is organized around major subjects, such as customer, ven dor, product, and sales. Rather than concentrating on the day-to-

day operations and transaction processing of an organization, a data warehouse focuse s on the modeling and analysis of data for decision makers. Hence, data warehouses ty pically provide a simple and concise view around particular subject issues by excludin

g data that are not useful in the decision support process.

(2) Integrated: A data warehouse is usually constructed by integrating multiple he terogeneous sources, such as relational databases, flat files, and on-

line transaction records. Data cleaning and data integration techniques are applied to e nsure consistency in naming conventions, encoding structures, attribute measures, and so on.


variant: Data are stored to provide information from a historical perspective (e.g., the past 5-

10 years). Every key structure in the data warehouse contains, either implicitly or expl icitly, an element of time.

(4)Nonvolatile: A data warehouse is always a physically separate store of data tra

nsformed from the application data found in the operational environment. Due to this separation, a data warehouse does not require transaction processing, recovery, and co ncurrency control mechanisms. It usually requires only two operations in data accessi ng: initial loading of data and access of data.

In sum, a data warehouse is a semantically consistent data store that serves as a p hysical implementation of a decision support data model and stores the information on which an enterprise needs to make strategic decisions. A data warehouse is also often viewed as an architecture, constructed by integrating data from multiple heterogeneou s sources to support structured and/or ad hoc queries, analytical reporting, and decisio n making.

“OK", you now ask, “what, then, is data warehousing?"

Based on the above, we view data warehousing as the process of constructing and using data warehouses. The construction of a data warehouse requires data integratio n, data cleaning, and data consolidation. The utilization of a data warehouse often nec essitates a collection of decision support technologies. This allows “knowledge worke rs" (e.g., managers, analysts, and executives) to use the warehouse to quickly and con veniently obtain an overview of the data, and to make sound decisions based on infor mation in the warehouse. Some authors use the term “data warehousing" to refer only to the process of data warehouse construction, while the term warehouse DBMS is use d to refer to the management and utilization of data warehouses. We will not make thi s distinction here.

“How are organizations using the information from data warehouses?" Many org anizations are using this information to support business decision making activities, in cluding:

(1) increasing customer focus, which includes the analysis of customer buying pa tterns (such as buying preference, buying time, budget cycles, and appetites for spendi ng),

(2) repositioning products and managing product portfolios by comparing the per formance of sales by quarter, by year, and by geographic regions, in order to fine-tune production strategies,

(3) analyzing operations and looking for sources of profit,

(4) managing the customer relationships, making environmental corrections, and managing the cost of corporate assets.

Data warehousing is also very useful from the point of view of heterogeneous dat

abase integration. Many organizations typically collect diverse kinds of data and main tain large databases from multiple, heterogeneous, autonomous, and distributed infor mation sources. To integrate such data, and provide easy and efficient access to it is hi ghly desirable, yet challenging.

Much effort has been spent in the database industry and research community tow ards achieving this goal.

The traditional database approach to heterogeneous database integration is to buil d wrappers and integrators (or mediators) on top of multiple, heterogeneous databases . A variety of data joiner and data blade products belong to this category. When a quer y is posed to a client site, a metadata dictionary is used to translate the query into quer ies appropriate for the individual heterogeneous sites involved. These queries are then mapped and sent to local query processors. The results returned from the different sit es are integrated into a global answer set. This query-

driven approach requires complex information filtering and integration processes, and competes for resources with processing at local sources. It is inefficient and potentiall y expensive for frequent queries, especially for queries requiring aggregations.

Data warehousing provides an interesting alternative to the traditional approach o f heterogeneous database integration described above. Rather than using a query-driven approach, data warehousing employs an update-

driven approach in which information from multiple, heterogeneous sources is integra ted in advance and stored in a warehouse for direct querying and analysis. Unlike on-line transaction processing databases, data warehouses do not contain the most current information. However, a data warehouse brings high performance to the integrated he terogeneous database system since data are copied, preprocessed, integrated, annotate d, summarized, and restructured into one semantic data store. Furthermore, query proc essing in data warehouses does not interfere with the processing at local sources. Mor eover, data warehouses can store and integrate historical information and support com plex multidimensional queries. As a result, data warehousing has become very popula r in industry.

1. Differences between operational database systems and data warehouses

Since most people are familiar with commercial relational database systems, it is easy to understand what a data warehouse is by comparing these two kinds of systems .

The major task of on-line operational database systems is to perform on-

line transaction and query processing. These systems are called on-

line transaction processing (OLTP) systems. They cover most of the day-to-

day operations of an organization, such as, purchasing, inventory, manufacturing, ban king, payroll, registration, and accounting. Data warehouse systems, on the other hand , serve users or “knowledge workers" in the role of data analysis and decision making. Such systems can organize and present data in various formats in order to accommod ate the diverse needs of the different users. These systems are known as on-

line analytical processing (OLAP) systems.

The major distinguishing features between OLTP and OLAP are summarized as f ollows.

(1). Users and system orientation: An OLTP system is customer-

oriented and is used for transaction and query processing by clerks, clients, and infor mation technology professionals. An OLAP system is market-

oriented and is used for data analysis by knowledge workers, including managers, exe cutives, and analysts.

(2). Data contents: An OLTP system manages current data that, typically, are too detailed to be easily used for decision making. An OLAP system manages large amou nts of historical data, provides facilities for summarization and aggregation, and stores and manages information at different levels of granularity. These features make the d ata easier for use in informed decision making.

(3). Database design: An OLTP system usually adopts an entity-

relationship (ER) data model and an application -

oriented database design. An OLAP system typically adopts either a star or snowflake model, and a subject-oriented database design.

(4). View: An OLTP system focuses mainly on the current data within an enterpri se or department, without referring to historical data or data in different organizations. In contrast, an OLAP system often spans multiple versions of a database schema, due to the evolutionary process of an organization. OLAP systems also deal with informat ion that originates from different organizations, integrating information from many da ta stores. Because of their huge volume, OLAP data are stored on multiple storage me dia.

(5). Access patterns: The access patterns of an OLTP system consist mainly of sh ort, atomic transactions. Such a system requires concurrency control and recovery me chanisms. However, accesses to OLAP systems are mostly read-

only operations (since most data warehouses store historical rather than up-to-

date information), although many could be complex queries.

Other features which distinguish between OLTP and OLAP systems include data base size, frequency of operations, and performance metrics and so on. 2. But, why ha ve a separate data warehouse?

“Since operational databases store huge amounts of data", you observe, “why not perform on-

line analytical processing directly on such databases instead of spending additional ti me and resources to construct a separate data warehouse?"

A major reason for such a separation is to help promote the high performance of both systems. An operational database is designed and tuned from known tasks and w orkloads, such as indexing and hashing using primary keys, searching for particular re cords, and optimizing “canned" queries. On the other hand, data warehouse queries ar e often complex. They involve the computation of large groups of data at summarized levels, and may require the use of special data organization, access, and implementati on methods based on multidimensional views. Processing OLAP queries in operationa l databases would substantially degrade the performance of operational tasks.

Moreover, an operational database supports the concurrent processing of several t ransactions. Concurrency control and recovery mechanisms, such as locking and loggi ng, are required to ensure the consistency and robustness of transactions. An OLAP qu ery often needs read-

only access of data records for summarization and aggregation. Concurrency control a nd recovery mechanisms, if applied for such OLAP operations, may jeopardize the ex ecution of concurrent transactions and thus substantially reduce the throughput of an OLTP system.

Finally, the separation of operational databases from data warehouses is based on the different structures, contents, and uses of the data in these two systems. Decision support requires historical data, whereas operational databases do not typically mainta in historical data. In this context, the data in operational databases, though abundant, i s usually far from complete for decision making. Decision support requires consolidat ion (such as aggregation and summarization) of data from heterogeneous sources, resu lting in high quality, cleansed and integrated data. In contrast, operational databases c ontain only detailed raw data, such as transactions, which need to be consolidated bef ore analysis. Since the two systems provide quite different functionalities and require

different kinds of data, it is necessary to maintain separate databases.


外文出处: 《Exploiting Software How to Break Code》By Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : February 17, 2004 ISBN : 0-201-78695-8 译文标题: JDBC接口技术 译文: JDBC是一种可用于执行SQL语句的JavaAPI(ApplicationProgrammingInterface应用程序设计接口)。它由一些Java语言编写的类和界面组成。JDBC为数据库应用开发人员、数据库前台工具开发人员提供了一种标准的应用程序设计接口,使开发人员可以用纯Java语言编写完整的数据库应用程序。 一、ODBC到JDBC的发展历程 说到JDBC,很容易让人联想到另一个十分熟悉的字眼“ODBC”。它们之间有没有联系呢?如果有,那么它们之间又是怎样的关系呢? ODBC是OpenDatabaseConnectivity的英文简写。它是一种用来在相关或不相关的数据库管理系统(DBMS)中存取数据的,用C语言实现的,标准应用程序数据接口。通过ODBCAPI,应用程序可以存取保存在多种不同数据库管理系统(DBMS)中的数据,而不论每个DBMS使用了何种数据存储格式和编程接口。 1.ODBC的结构模型 ODBC的结构包括四个主要部分:应用程序接口、驱动器管理器、数据库驱动器和数据源。应用程序接口:屏蔽不同的ODBC数据库驱动器之间函数调用的差别,为用户提供统一的SQL编程接口。 驱动器管理器:为应用程序装载数据库驱动器。 数据库驱动器:实现ODBC的函数调用,提供对特定数据源的SQL请求。如果需要,数据库驱动器将修改应用程序的请求,使得请求符合相关的DBMS所支持的文法。 数据源:由用户想要存取的数据以及与它相关的操作系统、DBMS和用于访问DBMS的网络平台组成。 虽然ODBC驱动器管理器的主要目的是加载数据库驱动器,以便ODBC函数调用,但是数据库驱动器本身也执行ODBC函数调用,并与数据库相互配合。因此当应用系统发出调用与数据源进行连接时,数据库驱动器能管理通信协议。当建立起与数据源的连接时,数据库驱动器便能处理应用系统向DBMS发出的请求,对分析或发自数据源的设计进行必要的翻译,并将结果返回给应用系统。 2.JDBC的诞生 自从Java语言于1995年5月正式公布以来,Java风靡全球。出现大量的用java语言编写的程序,其中也包括数据库应用程序。由于没有一个Java语言的API,编程人员不得不在Java程序中加入C语言的ODBC函数调用。这就使很多Java的优秀特性无法充分发挥,比如平台无关性、面向对象特性等。随着越来越多的编程人员对Java语言的日益喜爱,越来越多的公司在Java程序开发上投入的精力日益增加,对java语言接口的访问数据库的API 的要求越来越强烈。也由于ODBC的有其不足之处,比如它并不容易使用,没有面向对象的特性等等,SUN公司决定开发一Java语言为接口的数据库应用程序开发接口。在JDK1.x 版本中,JDBC只是一个可选部件,到了JDK1.1公布时,SQL类包(也就是JDBCAPI)


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:软件开发概念和设计方法文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

外文资料原文 Software Development Concepts and Design Methodologies During the 1960s, ma inframes and higher level programming languages were applied to man y problems including human resource s yste ms,reservation s yste ms, and manufacturing s yste ms. Computers and software were seen as the cure all for man y bu siness issues were some times applied blindly. S yste ms sometimes failed to solve the problem for which the y were designed for man y reasons including: ?Inability to sufficiently understand complex problems ?Not sufficiently taking into account end-u ser needs, the organizational environ ment, and performance tradeoffs ?Inability to accurately estimate development time and operational costs ?Lack of framework for consistent and regular customer communications At this time, the concept of structured programming, top-down design, stepwise refinement,and modularity e merged. Structured programming is still the most dominant approach to software engineering and is still evo lving. These failures led to the concept of "software engineering" based upon the idea that an engineering-like discipl ine could be applied to software design and develop ment. Software design is a process where the software designer applies techniques and principles to produce a conceptual model that de scribes and defines a solution to a problem. In the beginning, this des ign process has not been well structured and the model does not alwa ys accurately represent the problem of software development. However,design methodologies have been evolving to accommo date changes in technolog y coupled with our increased understanding of development processes. Whereas early desig n methods addressed specific aspects of the


On the vehicle sideslip angle estimation through neural networks: Numerical and experimental results. S. Melzi,E. Sabbioni Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25 (2011):14~28 电脑估计车辆侧滑角的数值和实验结果 S.梅尔兹,E.赛博毕宁 机械系统和信号处理2011年第25期:14~28

摘要 将稳定控制系统应用于差动制动内/外轮胎是现在对客车车辆的标准(电子稳定系统ESP、直接偏航力矩控制DYC)。这些系统假设将两个偏航率(通常是衡量板)和侧滑角作为控制变量。不幸的是后者的具体数值只有通过非常昂贵却不适合用于普通车辆的设备才可以实现直接被测量,因此只能估计其数值。几个州的观察家最终将适应参数的参考车辆模型作为开发的目的。然而侧滑角的估计还是一个悬而未决的问题。为了避免有关参考模型参数识别/适应的问题,本文提出了分层神经网络方法估算侧滑角。横向加速度、偏航角速率、速度和引导角,都可以作为普通传感器的输入值。人脑中的神经网络的设计和定义的策略构成训练集通过数值模拟与七分布式光纤传感器的车辆模型都已经获得了。在各种路面上神经网络性能和稳定已经通过处理实验数据获得和相应的车辆和提到几个处理演习(一步引导、电源、双车道变化等)得以证实。结果通常显示估计和测量的侧滑角之间有良好的一致性。 1 介绍 稳定控制系统可以防止车辆的旋转和漂移。实际上,在轮胎和道路之间的物理极限的附着力下驾驶汽车是一个极其困难的任务。通常大部分司机不能处理这种情况和失去控制的车辆。最近,为了提高车辆安全,稳定控制系统(ESP[1,2]; DYC[3,4])介绍了通过将差动制动/驱动扭矩应用到内/外轮胎来试图控制偏航力矩的方法。 横摆力矩控制系统(DYC)是基于偏航角速率反馈进行控制的。在这种情况下,控制系统使车辆处于由司机转向输入和车辆速度控制的期望的偏航率[3,4]。然而为了确保稳定,防止特别是在低摩擦路面上的车辆侧滑角变得太大是必要的[1,2]。事实上由于非线性回旋力和轮胎滑移角之间的关系,转向角的变化几乎不改变偏航力矩。因此两个偏航率和侧滑角的实现需要一个有效的稳定控制系统[1,2]。不幸的是,能直接测量的侧滑角只能用特殊设备(光学传感器或GPS惯性传感器的组合),现在这种设备非常昂贵,不适合在普通汽车上实现。因此, 必须在实时测量的基础上进行侧滑角估计,具体是测量横向/纵向加速度、角速度、引导角度和车轮角速度来估计车辆速度。 在主要是基于状态观测器/卡尔曼滤波器(5、6)的文学资料里, 提出了几个侧滑角估计策略。因为国家观察员都基于一个参考车辆模型,他们只有准确已知模型参数的情况下,才可以提供一个令人满意的估计。根据这种观点,轮胎特性尤其关键取决于附着条件、温度、磨损等特点。 轮胎转弯刚度的提出就是为了克服这些困难,适应观察员能够提供一个同步估计的侧滑角和附着条件[7,8]。这种方法的弊端是一个更复杂的布局的估计量导致需要很高的计算工作量。 另一种方法可由代表神经网络由于其承受能力模型非线性系统,这样不需要一个参


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


本科生毕业论文(设计)题目文献综述文献综述随着改革开放的深入,交通运输在生活中的作用越来越明显,高速公路的建设成为了国民建设中的一个重大问题。由于高速公路具有汽车专用,分隔行驶,全部立交,控制出入以及高标准,高要求,设备功能完善等功能,与一般公路相比具有很多优点,所以具有很强的实用性。目前,我国高等级公路建设正处在“质”与“量”并重的重要发展阶段。从大陆第一条高速公路——沪嘉高速开始,中国大陆高速公路建设进入了一个崭新的时期。高速公路在二十多年间展现出了巨大的优越性,在以建成的高速公路沿线及腹地迅速兴起了工业企业建设的热【1】潮,地价增值,地方税收增加,投资环境发生巨大变化。目前我国的高速公路主要分布在东南沿海,我国的沿海地带,大部分是淤泥质海岸。因此,沿海特别是大江大河河口附近多为河相、海相或泻湖相沉积层,在地质上属于第四纪全新纪Q4 土层,多属于【2】东南海岸土的类别多为淤泥,淤泥质亚黏饱和的正常压密黏土。土。这类地基的主要特点是:具有高含水量、大孔隙、低密度、低强度、高压缩性、低透水性、中等灵敏度等特点;具有一定的结构性。由于这类地基存在这些特点,在软粘土地基上建造建筑物普遍存在稳定及变形的问题。以高速为例,由于高速的路堤高度不大,所以稳定问题并不突出,但是变形问题很明显。目前高速桥头跳车以及高填方段、填挖结合部等位置因地基差异沉降对路面结构造成的不良影响已引起公路建设、设计、监理、施工等部门的日益重视。如何解决高等级公路桥头跳车问题已成为刻不容缓的大事。造成桥头跳车的原因【3】有很多:1、土质不良引起的地基沉陷:土质不良,由此产生沉陷是桥头跳车的主要原因。桥涵通常位于沟壑地方,地下水位较高,此类土天然含水量大于液限,天然孔隙比大,常含有机质,压缩性高,抗剪强度低,一旦受到扰动,天然结构易受破坏,强度便显著降低,桥头路基填筑高度较大,产生基底应力相对较大,在车辆荷载作用下,更容易引起地基沉陷,且变形稳定历时往往持续数年乃至更长的时间。既便是在一些稳定地基,在外荷作用下,也无可避免出现这个问题。2、台后填料的压缩沉降:台后填料一


I / 11 本科毕业设计外文翻译 <2018届) 论文题目基于WEB 的J2EE 的信息系统的方法研究 作者姓名[单击此处输入姓名] 指导教师[单击此处输入姓名] 学科(专业 > 所在学院计算机科学与技术学院 提交日期[时间 ]

基于WEB的J2EE的信息系统的方法研究 摘要:本文介绍基于工程的Java开发框架背后的概念,并介绍它如何用于IT 工程开发。因为有许多相同设计和开发工作在不同的方式下重复,而且并不总是符合最佳实践,所以许多开发框架建立了。我们已经定义了共同关注的问题和应用模式,代表有效解决办法的工具。开发框架提供:<1)从用户界面到数据集成的应用程序开发堆栈;<2)一个架构,基本环境及他们的相关技术,这些技术用来使用其他一些框架。架构定义了一个开发方法,其目的是协助客户开发工程。 关键词:J2EE 框架WEB开发 一、引言 软件工具包用来进行复杂的空间动态系统的非线性分析越来越多地使用基于Web的网络平台,以实现他们的用户界面,科学分析,分布仿真结果和科学家之间的信息交流。对于许多应用系统基于Web访问的非线性分析模拟软件成为一个重要组成部分。网络硬件和软件方面的密集技术变革[1]提供了比过去更多的自由选择机会[2]。因此,WEB平台的合理选择和发展对整个地区的非线性分析及其众多的应用程序具有越来越重要的意义。现阶段的WEB发展的特点是出现了大量的开源框架。框架将Web开发提到一个更高的水平,使基本功能的重复使用成为可能和从而提高了开发的生产力。 在某些情况下,开源框架没有提供常见问题的一个解决方案。出于这个原因,开发在开源框架的基础上建立自己的工程发展框架。本文旨在描述是一个基于Java的框架,该框架利用了开源框架并有助于开发基于Web的应用。通过分析现有的开源框架,本文提出了新的架构,基本环境及他们用来提高和利用其他一些框架的相关技术。架构定义了自己开发方法,其目的是协助客户开发和事例工程。 应用程序设计应该关注在工程中的重复利用。即使有独特的功能要求,也


Optimum blank design of an automobile sub-frame Jong-Yop Kim a ,Naksoo Kim a,*,Man-Sung Huh b a Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sogang University,Shinsu-dong 1,Mapo-ku,Seoul 121-742,South Korea b Hwa-shin Corporation,Young-chun,Kyung-buk,770-140,South Korea Received 17July 1998 Abstract A roll-back method is proposed to predict the optimum initial blank shape in the sheet metal forming process.The method takes the difference between the ?nal deformed shape and the target contour shape into account.Based on the method,a computer program composed of a blank design module,an FE-analysis program and a mesh generation module is developed.The roll-back method is applied to the drawing of a square cup with the ˉange of uniform size around its periphery,to con?rm its validity.Good agreement is recognized between the numerical results and the published results for initial blank shape and thickness strain distribution.The optimum blank shapes for two parts of an automobile sub-frame are designed.Both the thickness distribution and the level of punch load are improved with the designed blank.Also,the method is applied to design the weld line in a tailor-welded blank.It is concluded that the roll-back method is an effective and convenient method for an optimum blank shape design.#2000Elsevier Science S.A.All rights reserved. Keywords:Blank design;Sheet metal forming;Finite element method;Roll-back method


毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目西安市水源工程中的 水电站设计 专业水利水电工程 班级 学生 指导教师 2016年

研究钢弧形闸门的动态稳定性 牛志国 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 nzg_197901@https://www.360docs.net/doc/197922691.html,,niuzhiguo@https://www.360docs.net/doc/197922691.html, 李同春 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 ltchhu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/197922691.html, 摘要 由于钢弧形闸门的结构特征和弹力,调查对参数共振的弧形闸门的臂一直是研究领域的热点话题弧形弧形闸门的动力稳定性。在这个论文中,简化空间框架作为分析模型,根据弹性体薄壁结构的扰动方程和梁单元模型和薄壁结构的梁单元模型,动态不稳定区域的弧形闸门可以通过有限元的方法,应用有限元的方法计算动态不稳定性的主要区域的弧形弧形闸门工作。此外,结合物理和数值模型,对识别新方法的参数共振钢弧形闸门提出了调查,本文不仅是重要的改进弧形闸门的参数振动的计算方法,但也为进一步研究弧形弧形闸门结构的动态稳定性打下了坚实的基础。 简介 低举升力,没有门槽,好流型,和操作方便等优点,使钢弧形闸门已经广泛应用于水工建筑物。弧形闸门的结构特点是液压完全作用于弧形闸门,通过门叶和主大梁,所以弧形闸门臂是主要的组件确保弧形闸门安全操作。如果周期性轴向载荷作用于手臂,手臂的不稳定是在一定条件下可能发生。调查指出:在弧形闸门的20次事故中,除了极特殊的破坏情况下,弧形闸门的破坏的原因是弧形闸门臂的不稳定;此外,明显的动态作用下发生破坏。例如:张山闸,位于中国的江苏省,包括36个弧形闸门。当一个弧形闸门打开放水时,门被破坏了,而其他弧形闸门则关闭,受到静态静水压力仍然是一样的,很明显,一个动态的加载是造成的弧形闸门破坏一个主要因素。因此弧形闸门臂的动态不稳定是造成弧形闸门(特别是低水头的弧形闸门)破坏的主要原是毫无疑问。


Section 3 Design philosophy, design method and earth pressures 3.1 Design philosophy 3.1.1 General The design of earth retaining structures requires consideration of the interaction between the ground and the structure. It requires the performance of two sets of calculations: 1)a set of equilibrium calculations to determine the overall proportions and the geometry of the structure necessary to achieve equilibrium under the relevant earth pressures and forces; 2)structural design calculations to determine the size and properties of thestructural sections necessary to resist the bending moments and shear forces determined from the equilibrium calculations. Both sets of calculations are carried out for specific design situations (see 3.2.2) in accordance with the principles of limit state design. The selected design situations should be sufficiently Severe and varied so as to encompass all reasonable conditions which can be foreseen during the period of construction and the life of the retaining wall. 3.1.2 Limit state design This code of practice adopts the philosophy of limit state design. This philosophy does not impose upon the designer any special requirements as to the manner in which the safety and stability of the retaining wall may be achieved, whether by overall factors of safety, or partial factors of safety, or by other measures. Limit states (see 1.3.13) are classified into: a) ultimate limit states (see 3.1.3); b) serviceability limit states (see 3.1.4). Typical ultimate limit states are depicted in figure 3. Rupture states which are reached before collapse occurs are, for simplicity, also classified and


编号: 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (原文) 院(系):应用科技学院 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名:邓瑜 学号:0501120501 指导教师单位:应用科技学院 姓名:黄小能 职称: 2009年 5 月20 日

The Injection Molding The Introduction of Molds The mold is at the core of a plastic manufacturing process because its cavity gives a part its shape. This makes the mold at least as critical-and many cases more so-for the quality of the end product as, for example, the plasticiting unit or other components of the processing equipment. Mold Material Depending on the processing parameters for the various processing methods as well as the length of the production run, the number of finished products to be produced, molds for plastics processing must satisfy a great variety of requirements. It is therefore not surprising that molds can be made from a very broad spectrum of materials, including-from a technical standpoint-such exotic materials as paper matched and plaster. However, because most processes require high pressures, often combined with high temperatures, metals still represent by far the most important material group, with steel being the predominant metal. It is interesting in this regard that, in many cases, the selection of the mold material is not only a question of material properties and an optimum price-to-performance ratio but also that the methods used to produce the mold, and thus the entire design, can be influenced. A typical example can be seen in the choice between cast metal molds, with their very different cooling systems, compared to machined molds. In addition, the production technique can also have an effect; for instance, it is often reported that, for the sake of simplicity, a prototype mold is frequently machined from solid stock with the aid of the latest technology such as computer-aided (CAD) and computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). In contrast to the previously used methods based on the use of patterns, the use of CAD and CAM often represents the more economical solution today, not only because this production capability is available pin-house but also because with any other technique an order would have to be placed with an outside supplier. Overall, although high-grade materials are often used, as a rule standard materials are used in mold making. New, state-of-the art (high-performance) materials, such as ceramics, for instance, are almost completely absent. This may be related to the fact that their desirable characteristics, such as constant properties up to very high temperatures, are not required on molds, whereas their negative characteristics, e. g. low tensile strength and poor thermal conductivity, have a clearly related to ceramics, such as sintered material, is found in mild making only to a limited degree. This refers less to the modern materials and components


附件1:外文资料翻译译文 包装对食品发展的影响 一个消费者对某个产品的第一印象来说包装是至关重要的,包括沟通的可取性,可接受性,健康饮食形象等。食品能够提供广泛的产品和包装组合,传达自己加工的形象感知给消费者,例如新鲜包装/准备,冷藏,冷冻,超高温无菌,消毒(灭菌),烘干产品。 食物的最重要的质量属性之一,是它的味道,其影响人类的感官知觉,即味觉和嗅觉。味道可以很大程度作退化的处理和/或扩展存储。其他质量属性,也可能受到影响,包括颜色,质地和营养成分。食品质量不仅取决于原材料,添加剂,加工和包装的方法,而且其预期的货架寿命(保质期)过程中遇到的分布和储存条件的质量。越来越多的竞争当中,食品生产商,零售商和供应商;和质量审核供应商有显着提高食品质量以及急剧增加包装食品的选择。这些改进也得益于严格的冷藏链中的温度控制和越来越挑剔的消费者。 保质期的一个定义是:在食品加工和包装组合下,在食品的容器和条件,在销售点分布在特定系统的时间能保持令人满意的食味品质。保质期,可以用来作为一个新鲜的概念,促进营销的工具。延期或保质期长的产品,还提供产品的使用时间,方便以及减少浪费食物的风险,消费者和/或零售商。包装产品的质量和保质期的主题是在第3章中详细讨论。 包装为消费者提供有关产品的重要信息,在许多情况下,使用的包装和/或产品,包括事实信息如重量,体积,配料,制造商的细节,营养价值,烹饪和开放的指示,除了法律准则的最小尺寸的文字和数字,有定义的各类产品。消费者寻求更详细的产品信息,同时,许多标签已经成为多语种。标签的可读性是为视障人士的问题,这很可能成为一个对越来越多的老年人口越来越重要的问题。 食物的选择和包装创新的一个主要驱动力是为了方便消费者的需求。这里有许多方便的现代包装所提供的属性,这些措施包括易于接入和开放,处置和处理,产品的知名度,再密封性能,微波加热性,延长保质期等。在英国和其他发达经济体显示出生率下降和快速增长的一个相对富裕的老人人口趋势,伴随着更加苛


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 题目:A new constructing auxiliary function method for global optimization 学院: 专业名称: 学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2014年2月14日

一个新的辅助函数的构造方法的全局优化 Jiang-She Zhang,Yong-Jun Wang https://www.360docs.net/doc/197922691.html,/10.1016/j.mcm.2007.08.007 非线性函数优化问题中具有许多局部极小,在他们的搜索空间中的应用,如工程设计,分子生物学是广泛的,和神经网络训练.虽然现有的传统的方法,如最速下降方法,牛顿法,拟牛顿方法,信赖域方法,共轭梯度法,收敛迅速,可以找到解决方案,为高精度的连续可微函数,这在很大程度上依赖于初始点和最终的全局解的质量很难保证.在全局优化中存在的困难阻碍了许多学科的进一步发展.因此,全局优化通常成为一个具有挑战性的计算任务的研究. 一般来说,设计一个全局优化算法是由两个原因造成的困难:一是如何确定所得到的最小是全球性的(当时全球最小的是事先不知道),和其他的是,如何从中获得一个更好的最小跳.对第一个问题,一个停止规则称为贝叶斯终止条件已被报道.许多最近提出的算法的目标是在处理第二个问题.一般来说,这些方法可以被类?主要分两大类,即:(一)确定的方法,及(ii)的随机方法.随机的方法是基于生物或统计物理学,它跳到当地的最低使用基于概率的方法.这些方法包括遗传算法(GA),模拟退火法(SA)和粒子群优化算法(PSO).虽然这些方法有其用途,它们往往收敛速度慢和寻找更高精度的解决方案是耗费时间.他们更容易实现和解决组合优化问题.然而,确定性方法如填充函数法,盾构法,等,收敛迅速,具有较高的精度,通常可以找到一个解决方案.这些方法往往依赖于修改目标函数的函数“少”或“低”局部极小,比原来的目标函数,并设计算法来减少该?ED功能逃离局部极小更好的发现. 引用确定性算法中,扩散方程法,有效能量的方法,和积分变换方法近似的原始目标函数的粗结构由一组平滑函数的极小的“少”.这些方法通过修改目标函数的原始目标函数的积分.这样的集成是实现太贵,和辅助功能的最终解决必须追溯到


( 本科毕业设计外文文献翻译 学校代码: 10128 学 号: 题 目:Shear wall structural design of high-level framework 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程专业(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-(5)班 指导教师: (副教授)

Shear wall structural design of high-level framework Wu Jicheng Abstract: In this paper the basic concepts of manpower from the frame shear wall structure, analysis of the structural design of the content of the frame shear wall, including the seismic wall shear span ratio design, and a concrete structure in the most commonly used frame shear wall structure the design of points to note. Keywords: concrete; frame shear wall structure; high-rise buildings The wall is a modern high-rise buildings is an important building content, the size of the frame shear wall must comply with building regulations. The principle is that the larger size but the thickness must be smaller geometric features should be presented to the plate, the force is close to cylindrical. The wall shear wall structure is a flat component. Its exposure to the force along the plane level of the role of shear and moment, must also take into account the vertical pressure. Operate under the combined action of bending moments and axial force and shear force by the cantilever deep beam under the action of the force level to look into the bottom mounted on the basis of. Shear wall is divided into a whole wall and the associated shear wall in the actual project, a whole wall for example, such as general housing construction in the gable or fish bone structure film walls and small openings wall. Coupled Shear walls are connected by the coupling beam shear wall. But because the


南京理工大学 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 教学点:南京信息职业技术学院 专业:电子信息工程 姓名:陈洁 学号: 014910253034 外文出处:《 Pci System Architecture 》 (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 该生外文翻译没有基本的语法错误,用词准确,没 有重要误译,忠实原文;译文通顺,条理清楚,数量与 质量上达到了本科水平。 签名: 年月日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 64位PCI扩展 1.64位数据传送和64位寻址:独立的能力 PCI规范给出了允许64位总线主设备与64位目标实现64位数据传送的机理。在传送的开始,如果回应目标是一个64位或32位设备,64位总线设备会自动识别。如果它是64位设备,达到8个字节(一个4字)可以在每个数据段中传送。假定是一串0等待状态数据段。在33MHz总线速率上可以每秒264兆字节获取(8字节/传送*33百万传送字/秒),在66MHz总线上可以528M字节/秒获取。如果回应目标是32位设备,总线主设备会自动识别并且在下部4位数据通道上(AD[31::00])引导,所以数据指向或来自目标。 规范也定义了64位存储器寻址功能。此功能只用于寻址驻留在4GB地址边界以上的存储器目标。32位和64位总线主设备都可以实现64位寻址。此外,对64位寻址反映的存储器目标(驻留在4GB地址边界上)可以看作32位或64位目标来实现。 注意64位寻址和64位数据传送功能是两种特性,各自独立并且严格区分开来是非常重要的。一个设备可以支持一种、另一种、都支持或都不支持。 2.64位扩展信号 为了支持64位数据传送功能,PCI总线另有39个引脚。 ●REQ64#被64位总线主设备有效表明它想执行64位数据传送操作。REQ64#与FRAME#信号具有相同的时序和间隔。REQ64#信号必须由系统主板上的上拉电阻来支持。当32位总线主设备进行传送时,REQ64#不能又漂移。 ●ACK64#被目标有效以回应被主设备有效的REQ64#(如果目标支持64位数据传送),ACK64#与DEVSEL#具有相同的时序和间隔(但是直到REQ64#被主设备有效,ACK64#才可被有效)。像REQ64#一样,ACK64#信号线也必须由系统主板上的上拉电阻来支持。当32位设备是传送目标时,ACK64#不能漂移。 ●AD[64::32]包含上部4位地址/数据通道。 ●C/BE#[7::4]包含高4位命令/字节使能信号。 ●PAR64是为上部4个AD通道和上部4位C/BE信号线提供偶校验的奇偶校验位。 以下是几小结详细讨论64位数据传送和寻址功能。 3.在32位插入式连接器上的64位卡
