


Jim was a worker. One of his feet was bigger than ___1__. He couldn’t __2____ the right shoes ___3___ his feet. One day his friend Mike said to him “___4___ don’t you go to a shoemaker? A good shoemaker can

____5__ you the right shoes.” __6____ Jim went to the shoemaker near Mike’s home, very soon the shoemaker finished the work. Jim___7___ the shoes and wasn’t happy. He ___8___ the shoemaker, “ You aren’t a __9____ shoemaker! I wanted you to make me one shoe bigger than the other, ___10___ you made me one shoe smaller than the other.”

( )1. A. other B. the other C. another D. that one

( )2. A. see B. look for C. find D. find out

( )3. A. for B. with C. on D. of

( )4. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why

( )5. A. make B. pass C. do D. give

( )6. A. Then B. But C. So D. Because

( )7. A. saw B. watched C. found D. looked at

( )8. A. said B. said to C. spoke D. talked

( )9. A. good B. bad C. right D. kind

( )10. A. then B. and C. but D. so


1. Once(从前)there was a king. He was very rich(富有)and____1____ great power(权力). But he wasn’t happy. He was ___2_____.It made him feel sad all the time. No doctor knew___3_____was wrong with him. One day one of them ____4____him, “After much thought and study, I have found out that there is only one way for you to get

_____ 5___.You must wear the shirt of a happy man. ”

So the king sent(派)his men to every part of his land____ 6____ a happy man. First, they visited the rich and powerful(有权势的人). They asked these people if(是否)they were happy,____7____each of them answered that they didn’t know _____8___real happiness meant(意味).

One day, one of the king’s men met a woodcutter. “Are you happy? ”asked the king’s men. “As happy as the day is long, ”answered the woodcutter.

“Oh, good! ”said the man, “_____ 9___me your shirt. ”“Why? ”said t he woodcutter, “I haven’t got ____10____.”


How do you spend your vacation? Many Americans like to have their vacations in 41 countries. One day an American 42 came to China. This was her first time to China and she wanted to 43 some friends there. She met a Chinese boy, Wang Tong. Wang Tong was only

ten years old, and he always wanted to practice 44 . So he came up and said “45 ” to her, and then he began his first talk with a person 46 an English-speaking country.

“How old are you?” Wang Tong 47 then.

“I’m 48 . Please don’t ask a lady about her 49 ,” she answered.

Wang Tong was surprised. He didn’t know 50 . Can you help him?

1. A. another B. else C. other D. any

2. A.man B. boy C.woman D. child

3. A.make B. being C. do D. having

4. A.speak English B. speak Chinese C.speaking English D. speaking Chinese

5. A.OK B.Hello C. Sorry D. Good-bye

6. A.to B. at C. on D. from

7. A.asked B. told C.read D. spoke

8. A.sure B.shy C. happy D.sorry

9. A.dinner B. age C. job D. family

10. A.when B. why C. what D. where



Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football match. Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football match on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. He thinks hard and finds a way.

“ Hello, Mrs. Black,” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “ Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave ( 请半天假).”

“ Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” says Mrs. Black, “ But who’s that?”

“ It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”

( ) 1. Peter is a ______.

A. middle school student

B. Young Pioneer

C. worker

D. teacher

( ) 2. Peter will be in ______ next year.

A. Grade Two

B. Grade Three

C. Grade One

D. school

( ) 3. Peter often reads news newspaper because _______.

A. he likes to read news

B. he likes to read stories

. .C. he want to know when and where a football match will be

D. his father wants him to read them

( ) 4. Peter wants to ask for half a day’s leave because _______.

A.his father is ill in bed

B.he wants to watch the football match

C.he doesn’t like to have English or Chinese lessons

D.he is ill in bed

( ) 5. Where sentence ( 句子) is right?

A.Mrs. Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor

B.Peter likes to watch TV at four in the afternoon.

C.Peter is a stupid ( 笨的) boy.

D.Peter isn’t an honest ( 诚实的) boy.


Mr. Smith works in an office. He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep.

One day the man felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the doctor all and the man understand why. He wrote out a prescription ( 处方) . And when Mr Smith brought the medicine to the resulting room, the doctor sai d to her, “ The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills ( 药片) are for you.”

“For me?” the woman said in surprise “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!”

“ I don’t think so, madam”, said the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will s oon be all right if you take them.”

( ) 1. Mr Smith is _____

A.too busy to have a good rest

B.too busy not to have a rest

C.busy enough to have a good rest

D.not busy enough to have a good rest

( ) 2.The sentence “His wife doesn’t stop walking until she falls asleep” means __

A.she doesn’t stop talking when she falls asleep

B.she doesn’t stop talking after she falls asleep

C.she keeps talking until she falls asleep

D.she likes talking as she falls asleep

( ) 3. Why does Mr Smith have to fed up when his wife is asleep in the morning?

A.Because he can’t fall asleep

B.Because he has to go to work

C.Because he doesn’t want to sleep

D.Because his wife asks him to get up

( ) 4. Why couldn’t Mr Smith go to work one day?

A.Because he didn’t want to work

B.Because his wife didn’t let him go

C.Because he fell ill

D.Because he was too tired to go to work

( ) 5. The sentence “ Your husband will be all right if you take them.” Means Mr Smith will soon be all right if ______.

A.Mrs Smith takes the bottle of medicine

B.Mr Smith takes the pills

C.Mr Smith takes the bottle of medicine

D.Mrs Smith stops talking too much at night


The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at one time. When the sun is shining on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side.

At night, you can see the stars(星星). The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from the sun is so bright that you can’t see them. When night come, ther e is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. The sun is closer(近)to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger.

1.When it is night, the sun ________ .

A. doesn’t shine

B. shines for a short time

C. disappears(消失)

D. shines on the other side of the earth

2.We can’t see the stars in the sky at daytime(白天)because ________ .

A. there are no stars there

B. the stars are much smaller than the sun

C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen(被看见)

D. the stars come out only at night

3.The stars look small because ________ .

A. they are far away

B. they are small

C. they have no light

D. they are in the sky

4.Small things may look ________ when they are close.

A. bigger

B. small

C. near

D. far away

5.The sun looks bigger than other stars because ________ .

A. it’s bigge r

B. it’s far away in the sky

C. it gives much bright light

D. it’s closer to the earth than other stars


The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up(混合) and people won’t understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you couldn’t understand them. But if you sense of humor (幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is :” Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”

( )1. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _____

A. writing it

B. using it

C. listening

D. learning grammar

( ) 2. What should you do in learning English?

A. Be careful not to make any mistakes

B. Write as quickly as you can

C. Speak English as much as you can

D. Laugh more often

( )3. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _____

A. not care

B. be happy

C. feel worried

D. be unhappy

( )4. When you make s mistake, you should ______

A. keep quiet

B. get angry

C. be kind

D. keep your sense of humor

( )5. The story tells us :“______”.

A.Only foolish(愚蠢) people make mistakes

B.Few people make mistakes

C.People never make mistakes

D.There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes

A完形填空;1-10 B C A D A C A B A C B完形填空;1-5 B.C.C.D.D6~10 B.C.B.A.A

C完形填空;1-10. CCACB DADBB












小学英语完形填空技巧 练习精选附答案

小学英语完形填空技巧练习精选附答案 一、小学完形填空解题技巧 1. 部编最新小升初英语完型填空做题技巧+完形填空练习题(含详细答案解析) 1、浏览全文:完形填空大多都是讲一个故事,如果一拿来卷子就开始填,你就会发现很难,无法猜测读者要表达什么意思。例如,这篇文章,通读全文完就会发现,本文讲了一个乞丐睡在路牌上休息,却无意中赚了三美元的故事。通晓了故事大概,这样填空就游刃有余了。 2、逐个填空:在浏览全文的基础上开始填空做题。这样就能联系上下文轻松地把题目做好。在课堂上我反复强调"联系上下文",什么意思呢,我们举例说明: 例如这道题的第5题,很多孩子就犯糊涂,也有很多孩子选了A right。先不从语法角度来判对错,其实原文就给你了答案。在driver向beggar问路的时候文章中说which road to Franklin(红色标记处),你要是通读全文能敏感地看到这,就能选出正确答案了B which. 另外从语法角度来说,right是形容词,前面应该加上the,只能说the right road。 再例如第7小题,意思说乞丐想路人指路说:这条路通往富兰克林。很多孩子选择了walk,其实文章也给你了答案。在一开始说乞丐躺在路牌上休息时文章是这样描述的take this road to Franklin.(红色标记处)所以这道题选择B Take。孩子你发现了没有呢? 最后我们在填空时一定要细心注意题中设计的语法陷阱。例如第10题,很多孩子觉得这个乞丐得到了三美元,所以选择了A three。一定要看清楚了哦,孩子们,如果选择A的话题中的dollar就要改成dollars,变成复数形式了对吗?所以这道题只能选择D,表示又得到了一美元,孩子现在明白了吗? 3、再次通读全文检查。如果你做题的速度足够快的话,这一步骤是很有必要的。现在孩子都很不细心,再次揣摩一些自己拿不准的地方,用语法的角度来审视自己做过的题,会又有新的发现的! 二、完形填空 2.完形填空完形填空 Today it is 1 to get on-line(上网). 2 people use the Internet every day. People can do many things at home with the 3 of the Internet, for example, shopping, seeing a doctor, booking a plane ticket. 4 you want to know some information but the library is far away, the Internet can give you a hand. 5 E-mail is more and more popular among people. The Internet is important in our work and life. 1. A. easy B. difficult C. different 2. A. Millions B. Million of C. Millions of 3. A. computer B. help C. need 4. A. If B. Because C. why 5. A. Sending B. Building C. Making


完形填空专练 一、 When Mr Smith retired(退休), he bought a small 1 in a village near the sea. He2 it and hoped to live a quiet life in this house. But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most 3 building in the village. From morning to night there w ere 4 outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and 5 of them even w ent into Mr Smith’s garden. This was too much for Mr Smith. He decided to ask the visitors to 6 . So he put a notice on the window. The notice said, “If you want 7 your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr Smith was sure that the visitors would 8 coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr Smith had to 9 every day showing them around his house.“I came here to 10 not to work as a guide(导游),”he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away. ()1.A. garden B. shop C. house D. school ()2. A. liked B. hated C. sold D. built ()3. A. big B. interesting C. small D. clean ()4. A. children B. students C. parents D. tourists ()5. A. no B. none C. many D. much ()6. A. come B. leave C. stay D. play ()7. A. to satisfy B. satisfy C. to satisfying D. satisfying ()8. A. go on B. stop C. continue D. not ()9. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay ()10. A. play B. work C. watch D. retire 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在31-40题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he w ent to his 31 and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I 32 him.” The grandfather said, “33 me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did. …..” As the boy 34 carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is 35 and kind. He gets on w ell 36 everything around him. But 37 is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can’t think carefully 38 he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制) me. ” The boy looked into his grandfather’s 39 and asked, “40 tiger always controls you, Grandfather?” The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I f eed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少) get angry now. ” 31. A. mother B. father C. teacher D. grandfather 32. A. love B. hate C. know D. enjoy 33. A. Make B. Help C. Let D. Ask 34. A. saw B. felt C. talked D. listened 35. A. good B. bad C. lazy D. quiet 36. A. at B. on C. with D. about 37. A. other B. others C. another D. the other


Lesson1Aprivateconversation私人谈话 Last week Iwent tothe theatre. Ihad avery good _____.The play wasvery ________. ButIdidnot______ it.Ayoung manandayoung woman weresitting _______me.Theyweretalking______.Igotveryangry.BecauseIcouldnothear the_____.Iturned______.Ilookedatthemanandthewoman______.Theydidnot payany_______.Intheend,Icouldnot_____it.Iturnedround_____.'Ican'theara ____!'Isaid______.'It'snoneofyourbusiness,'theyoungmansaid_______.'This isa______conversation!'. Lesson2Breakfastorlunch?早餐还是午餐? ItwasSunday.I_____getupearlyon________.Isometimes____inbed_____ lunchtime. LastSundayIgotupvery_____.Ilooked____ofthewindow.Itwas____outside. 'Whataday!'I______.'It'srainingagain.'Just____,thetelephone______.Itwasmy aunt Lucy.' I've____arrived bytrain,' shesaid. 'I'mcoming to___you.' 'But I'm still____havingbreakfast,'Isaid. 'Whatareyoudoing?'sheasked.'I'mhavingbreakfast,'I______. 'Dearme,'shesaid.'Doyou______getupsolate?It's____o'clock! Lesson3Pleasesendmeacard请给我寄一张明信片 Postcards______spoil my https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a9634391.html,st summer,Iwent to_____.I visited museums and____inpublic gardens.A_______waitertaught meafew words of______.'Thenhe____meabook.Ireadafew______,butIdidnotunderstanda word.EverydayIthoughtabout______.Myholidays_____quickly,butIdidnotsend ____cardstomyfriends.Onthe____dayImadea____decision.Igotup____and boughtthirty-seven cards.Ispentthe_____dayinmy room,but Ididnot writea ______card!


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 完形填空。 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 I’m seventeen now and I’m in a high school. I’m going to __1__ high school in two years. And then I’m going to go to college for four years. I’m going to study __2__ because after college I’m going to work as an English teacher. While at college, I’m also going to take a computer course because I’m going to __3__ computer in my work. Also, I’m going to play sports to keep __4__ at college. I really enjoy traveling, so before __5__ to work, I’m going to travel. To get the __6__ to travel, I’m going to get a part-time job in a restaurant. I’m going to __7__ my money for six months and then I’m going to visit Egypt. I’m going to see the Pyramids and __8__ a camel! I’m going to take lots of __9__ on my trip so that I can remember it. I’m going to concentrate on my studies and my job. So I’m not going to get married __10__ I’m a little older. 1. A. begin B. ask C. finish D. show 2. A. English B. math C. history D. science 3. A. spend B. take C. use D. cost 4. A. excited B. healthy C. quiet D. nervous 5. A. go B. running C. leaving D. starting 6. A. time B. work C. money D. sport 7. A. lose B. look C. save D. sell 8. A. ride B. drive C. buy D. borrow 9. A. books B. drinks C. subjects D. photos 10. A. so B. until C. because D. as 【答案】: 1—5 CACBD 6—10 CCADB 金戈铁骑


八年级上册英语完形填空专项练习 1 When Mr Smith retired(退休), he bought a small 1 in a village near the sea. He2 it and hoped to live a quiet life in this house. But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most 3 building in the village. From morning to night there were 4 outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and 5 of them even went into Mr Smith’s garden. This was too much for Mr Smith. He decided to ask the visitors to 6 . So he put a notice on the window. The notice said, “If you want 7 your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr Smith was sure that the visitors would8 coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr Smith had to 9 every day showing them around his house.“I came here to 10 not to work as a guide(导游),”he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away. (). garden B. shop C. house D. school ()2. A. liked B. hated C. sold D. built ()3. A. big B. interesting C. small D. clean ()4. A. children B. students C. parents D. tourists ()5. A. no B. none C. many D. much ()6. A. come B. leave C. stay D. play ()7. A. to satisfy B. satisfy C. to satisfying D. satisfying ()8. A. go on B. stop C. continue D. not ()9. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay ()10. A. play B. work C. watch D. retire 2 One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his 31 and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I 32 him.” The grandfather said, “33 me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did. …..” As the boy 34 carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is 35 and kind. He gets on well 36 everything around him. But 37 is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no rea son. He can’t think carefully 38 he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制) me. ” The boy looked into his grandfather’s 39 and asked, “40 tiger always controls you, Grandfa ther?” The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少) get angry now. ” 31. A. mother B. father C. teacher D. grandfather 32. A. love B. hate C. know D. enjoy 33. A. Make B. Help C. Let D. Ask 34. A. saw B. felt C. talked D. listened 35. A. good B. bad C. lazy D. quiet 36. A. at B. on C. with D. about 37. A. other B. others C. another D. the other 38. A. because D. but 39. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. mouth 40. A. Who B. Which C. Where D. When 3


Psychology A question of judgment Interviewers favour those seen first Jun 16th 2012 |From the print edition ? ?Tweet A NEVER-ENDING flow of information is the lot of most professionals. Whether it comes in the form of lawyers' cases, doctors' patients or even journalists' stories, this information naturally gets broken up into pieces that can be tackled one at a time during the course of a given day. In theory, a decision made when handling one of these pieces should not have much, if any, impact on similar but unrelated subsequent decisions. Yet Uri Simonsohn of the University of Pennsylvania and Francesca Gino at Harvard report in Psychological Science that this is not how things work out in practice.


宾语从句(作业) 一、完形填空 When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he1._______a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the2._______of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too 3._______and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕)it to pieces.In great4.______,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.I’m not angry.I sold it 5._______500dollars because I thought it was worth the6._______. But you wanted a lower price.It means7._______didn’t think so and it is not good enough.I’ll go on working8._______until my customers(顾客)are satisfied.”At that time,9._______Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never10.________his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist. ()1.A.stole B.picked C.drew D.saw ()2.A.attention B.instruction C.decision D.discussion ()3.A.terrible B.big C.old D.dear ()4.A.fear B.difficulty C.surprise D.excitement ()5.A.over B.for C.about D.among ()6.A.size B.price C.weight D.position ()7.A.we B.he C.you D.it ()8.A.faster and faster B.better and better C.slower and slower D.harder and harder ()9.A.though B.because C.whether D.until ()10.A.broke off B.cut up C.gave up D.sent off 二、完形填空 “It’s raining cats and dogs!”Grandpa shouted. Little Richie came running to the window.He wanted to see the 11._______falling from the sky.He looked out of the window,but it was12._______that there were no cats or dogs.He only saw small pools of water on the ground.


1AI am frequently asked the question, ”Can you use chopsticks?”. I have lived in Korea, Japan, and China. In each country, I have, more often than not and without having requested one, been given a fork when one was available. I have politely refusde and said that I would be fine with chopsticks. Sometimes, I have to make further explanation. Chopsticks are the least of my worries when I am eating in an Asian home or restaurant. In fact, learning how to use chopsticks takes me nothing but a few weeks. This is not to say I was skillful, though. Learning how to use chopsticks is easy for me, whereas learning the rituals and how to conduct myself at the table is quite difficult. Just how many times do I have to say “no, thank you” when I really mean “no, thank you, I truly am full”? How do I get away with refusing more food without offending someone? If I insist and I still get more, is it appropriate just not to eat it? This would be impolite where I come from. I have enjoyed many great meals and my interactions with the people have been great. I am increasingly aware that I will never be able to give back as much as I have received. I don’t know how I can ever thank all of the people who introducde me to eating in Asia. 3BI didn’t marry for all the “right reasona”. Love had nothing to do with marriage. And, for my husband’s part, well, I suspect love was on his mind either. He marride me because I made him feel yound. He was such an ordinary man going through his very ordinary midlife crisis. He was divorced, looking for younger women and a career change. That didn’t bother me, though. He was still fairly charming, pretty hansome and abore all rich. I married for money, and I don’t have any doubt about it. My friends don't applaud my decision, but I can also tell that they wish, at least a little bit, for some of the same things that I now enjoy. They always prefer to spend a lot of time by my swimming pool than at their common little homes. And another thing, they are always complaining about their “beloved”. “He’s always watching how much I spend.” “It's become more like a business relationship than a marriage.” My husband, however, doesn’ t care how much I spend and our marriage never became a business because it already was one. You could say, we have a mutual understanding. We are very realistic about the whole thing. It is painful for my friends when they realize that love is just an illusion.


完形填空专练(一) 1 At the park, a woman sat next to a man. “That’s my son over there,” 1 said, pointing at a little boy playing soccer “He’s a good-looking boy,” the man said. “That’s my daughter on the 2 .” Then, looking at his watch, he called his daughter and asked, “ 3 shall we go, Melissa?” “Just five more minutes.” The man said yes and the girl ___4__on the riding her bike. ___5___passed. The father ___6___ and called his daughter again, “Time to ___7___ now?” Again Melissa said, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes,” The man ___8___ and said ,”OK.” “Well, you are a patient___9___,” the woman said. The man smiled and then said, “Her elder brother Tommy ___10___ because of a car accident last year. He also liked ___11___ a bike near here. I didn’t 1___12___ any time with Tommy then. I’m really sorry for that. ___13___I decided not to make the same mistake with Melissa. She wants five more minutes to ride her bike. Then I get five more minutes to ___14___ her play.” Family are ___15___ to all of us. So spend more time with every family member. () 1.A、I B、they C、he D、she () 2.A、bike B、ship C、bus D、train () 3.A、Why B、How C、When D、Where () 4.A、came B、went C、put D、tired () 5.A、Weeks B、Days C、Years D、Minutes () 6.A、got up B、stood up C、gave up D、put up () 7.A、go B、eat C、play D、work () 8.A、smiled B、cried C、stopped D、shouted () 9.A、mother B、sister C、brother D、father ()10.A、lived B、died C、lost D、went ()11.A、driving B、sitting C、riding D、making ()12.A、make B、pay C、spend D、need ()13.A、So B、Or C、But D、Because ()14.A、meet B、watch C、look at D、look ()15.A、interesting B、beautiful C、friendly D、important 答案:1—15 DACBD BAADB CCABD 2


UNIT 1 I am frequently asked the question ,”Can you use chopsticks”I have lived in Korea ,Japan and China .In each country , I have ,more often than not and without having requested one ,been given a fork when one was available .I have politely refused and said that I would be fine with chopsticks .Sometime, I have to make further explanation. Chopsticks are the least of my worries when I am eating in an Asian home or restaurant .In fact ,learning how to use chopsticks takes me nothing but a few weeks .This is not to say I was skillful, though .Learning how to use chopsticks is easy for me ,whereas learning the rituals and how to conduct myself at the table is quite difficult .Just how many times do I have to say ”no ,thank you”when I really mean”no ,thank you ,I truly am full ”?How do I get away with refusing more food without offending someone ?If I insist and I still get more ,is it appropriate just not to eat it ?This would be impolite where I come from. I have enjoyed many great meals and my interactions with the people have been great .I am increasingly aware that I will never be able to give back as much as I have received. I don’t know how I can ever thank all of the people who introduced me to eating in Asia. UNIT 2 This was what all of the training and pain was about-winning .I watched TV to see the young runner who had been under my coaching for the last few years .I would have been there on the spot had it not been for the traffic problem .I couldn’t make it even on my bicycle. While I watched the young runner enter to the cheers of thousands of people ,I could not help thinking of the pains that he had gone through in his training. The young runner was hardly considered to be promising when he first came to me .There were countless training sessions full of pain for him .I had seen fatigue written on his face I had heard him swear at me .I had been indifferent to his anger and pain .It was clear that only hard work could earn him success .I had smiled to myself when I found that he had too much passion to give up .And he would persist with the training until he reached perfection .I had never forgot to remind him that despite the challenges he had to keep on practice. It was unfair that he had no time for his G F. But that was life for him. The thunderous shouts and cheers drew me back to the TV screen .Oh, my dear ,the young runner was gaining speed .He was running to the finish line .He was strong enough to beat other runners .His courage ,heart and discipline together with his years of practice won him the honor. Tears rolled down my cheeks when I found on the screen the young runner was looking around .I understood at once that he was looking for me .For year ,he had become so used to my presence ,success or failure .It must have seemed strange for him to find me missing. UNIT 3 I didn’t marry for all the”right reasons”.Love had nothing to do with
