

















































3.神示证据制度产生于(B.奴隶社会 )时期,是证据制度发展史上最原始的一种证据制度。

4.法定证据制度是对神示证据制度的( B.否定 ),是历史上的一大进步。

5.自由心证证据制度的立法最早产生于( B.英国)。

6.证据法学是( D.法学学科体系中一个分支学科 )。

7.法律事先对证据的形式、范围和证明力作明确规定,法官只依照法律规定作出机械判断的证据制度是( B.法定证据制度 )。


A.神誓 B.水审 C.火审 D.决斗


9.证据学所要解决的核心问题是如何把握证据的( )。

A.客观真实性 B.合法性 C.关联性 D.合理性


10.一般来说证据规则包括( )。

A.采用证据的规则 B.排除证据的规则 C.举证的规则 D.质证的规则


11.下列表述中正确的是(A.所有的证据材料都具有证据力 )。

12.关于证据学的研究对象,下列说法中正确的是( C.人类的文化传统背景是证据学的研究对象 )。13.证据学所要解决的核心问题是如何把握证据的是( )。

A.客观真实性 B.合法性 C.关联性 D.合理性


14.在诉讼制度与证据制度的关系上表述正确的有( )。







16.证据学的基本研究方法是( )。

A.借鉴和创新的研究方法 B.实证的研究方法 C.系统和全面的研究方法 D.唯物辩证法


17.证据制度发展史上最原始的证据制度是( B.神示证据制度)。

18.法定证据制度的基本证明方法是(A.刑讯逼供 )。



A.心证 B.口供主义 C.理性和良心 D.刑讯逼供



A.神示证据制度 B.法定证据制度 C.自由心证证据制度 D.古代证据制度



A.等级性 B.形式主义 C.盖然性 D.相关性



A.理性 B.良心 C.内心确认 D.证据规则



25.下列各项中不属于证据的基本属性的是( D.排他性):


A.作案的工具 B.行为所侵害的客体物

C.行为过程中所遗留的痕迹与物品 D.其它能够揭露和证明案件发生的物品和痕迹


27.下列关于证人资格的表述中正确的是( )。






28.下列当事人的陈述( )可作为证据使用。






29.尽管我国三大诉讼法有所差异,但是,()却是三大诉讼法中收集、调取物证的共同方法。A.勘验 B.扣押 C.搜查 D.调取



A.感知 B.比较 C.辨识 D.记忆



A.文字书证 B.图形书证 C.符号书证 D.印象书证



A.法人 B.非法人团体 C.公民个人 D.企事业单位



A.关于案件事实的陈述 B.关于诉讼请求的说明和案件处理方式的意见

C.对证据的分析和应否采用的意见 D.对争议事实的法律评断和适用法律的意见



A.专职鉴定人 B.委托鉴定人 C.兼职鉴定人 D.职业鉴定人



A.言词证据 B.实物证据 C.证人证言 D.书证


36.勘验笔录属于( B.实物证据)。


A.法医鉴定 B.司法精神病鉴定 C.证人证言 D.对嫌疑人指纹的同一性认定E.确定文件的书写、签名是否同一的认定





一、选择对错 1.Shall we see a movie tonight? See your later. B wrong 2. what would you like to drink, madam? Can I have a glass of white wine? A. Right 3.When did you first come to China? 10 years ago. A right 4.Do you like your job? I’m a nurse B wrong 5. What are you going to do this evening? I went there with some friends B wrong 1. Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party? --- Hi, Jack. We had a great time A.right 2. How are you feeling today? ---I’d rather stay at home. B wrong 3. How old are you ---Yes, I am. B. wrong 4. Can I get you something to drink? ---Yes, please. A coca-cola for me A. right 5. How can I book a cheap hotel? ---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent A right 1. --- Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a steak, please A. right 2.--- Is there a bank near here? Yes. There is one just down the road B wrong 3. When did he go to America ---Two years ago. A. right 4.--- I went to a fashion show last night.


I. Vocabulary and Structure Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 1. I he ________ of mankind has taken thousands of years. A. realization B. circumstance C. civilization D. circulation 2. We want especially to thank the _ _____ friends who gave us encouragement. A. numerous B. nutritious C. ridiculous D. anxious 3. They are the sort of friends who are so close they ______________ each other with their lives. A. depend C. trust served each of them well over the two brutal weeks they struggled up the mouniain. B. forgive D. believe 4. Their A. disability B. possibility congratulations D. friendship 5. W. A. Mozart will be as one of history's most famous child prodigies. A. memorized remembered I), reminded 6.'】'o many people? lasers are very but a laser is simply a device that produce a very strong light. A. mysterious B. fantastic C, terrific I), amazing 7. Dennis Joyce is a 30-year of an electric company in New York. 492 A. embroidery C. employment & It had to be done, otherwise I B. employee D. enjoyment


电大英语2期末考试试题 一、选择对错 1.Shall we see a movie tonight? See your later. A. Right B wrong 2. what would you like to drink, madam? Can I have a glass of white wine? A. Right B wrong 3.When did you first come to China? 10 years ago. A right B wrong 4.Do you like your job? I’m a nurse A right B wrong 5. What are you going to do this evening? I went there with some friends A. right B wrong 1. Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party? --- Hi, Jack. We had a great time A.right B wrong 2. How are you feeling today? ---I’d rather stay at home. A.right B wrong 3. How old are you ---Yes, I am. A. right B. wrong 4. Can I get you something to drink? ---Yes, please. A coca-cola for me A. right B wrong 5. How can I book a cheap hotel? ---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent A right B wrong 1. --- Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a steak, please A. right B wrong 2.--- Is there a bank near here? Yes. There is one just down the road A. right B wrong


真题一 一、交际英语 1、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ A:Are you? B:Nice to meet you too. C:Yes. D:Very nice. 答案: B 2、-- Happy birthday to you! -- _______________ A:Happy birthday to you! B:I am very glad. C:That's all right. D:Thank you. 答案: D 3、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States. - ______________ A:What can I do for you?

B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案: B 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 答案: A 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? - ________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 二、阅读理解 1、 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green,


2020 年最新电大《管理英语3》形成性考试题库 1.[单选题]交际用语:-I'm dog tired. I can't walk any further, Tommy. - Jenny. You can do it. A.No problem https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b12097754.html,e on C.No hurry 2.[单选题]交际用语: - I wish you success in your career. A.Go ahead B.It doesn't matter C.The same to you 3.[单选题]交际用语: -Sorry, I made a mistake again. - . Practice more and you'll succeed. B.Certainly not. C.Don't mention it. 4.[单选题]交际用语: -Would you like some more beer? - , please. A.Just a little B.No more C.I've had enough 5. [单选题]交际用语: - Could I help you with your heavy box? You look so tired. .I can manage it. (2分) A. Yes, please. B. AlI right. C. No, thanks. 6.[单选题]词汇与结构: The machine this morning for no reason. (2 分) A.broke off B.broke down C.broke up 7.[单选题]词汇与结构: A number of boys _ absent some time during the term. (2 分) A.have been B.has been C.will 8.[单选题]词汇与结构: Our new school building is construction. (2 分) A.under


一、名词解释 1.投标2.附条件合同3.代位权4.违约责任5.买卖合同1.我国合同法调整的关系有。 A.婚姻关系B.收养关系 C.监护关系D.财产关系 2.在合同成立时,采用数据电文形式订立合同的,合同的成立地点为。 A.承诺生效的地点B.经常居住地 C.收件人的主营业地D.合同签订地 3.代位权行使的费用由。 A.债务人承担B.代位权人承担 C.全体债权人承担D.债务人和债权人共同承担 4.无处分权的人处分他人财产的合同属于。 A.为自始无效合同B.为效力未定合同 C.为可变更可撤销合同D.以上都不是 5.合同的变更,在一般情况下都是指,由当事入达成协议而对其内容进行修改和补充。 A.依法成立的合同于其尚未履行或者尚未完全履行完毕之前 B.依法成立的合同于其尚未生效前 C.依法成立的合同于其尚未成立之前 D.依法成立的合同于其既未成立亦未生效之前 6.违约责任是一种法律责任。 A.合同B.侵权 C.欺诈D.不正当竞争 7.合同履行费用的负担不明确的,由负担。 A.履行义务的一方 B.接受履行的一方 C.合同双方当事人 D.协商确定 8.我国《合同法》规定租赁合同的租赁期限不得超过。 A.1年 B.5年 C.10年 D.20年 9.委托开发完成的发明创造,除当事人另有约定的以外,申请专利的权利属于。 A.研究开发人所有B.委托开发人所有 C.研究开发人与委托开发人共同所有D.国家所有 10.建筑工程合同的形式。 A.可以是书面的B.可以是口头的 C.必须是书面的D.必须是经过公证的 1.无行为能力人不能作为购买人订立买卖合同,但可以作为赠与人订立赠与合同。 2.法人或者其他组织的法定代表人、负责人超越权限订立的合同,除相对人知道或者应当知道其超越权限的以外,该代表行为视为有效。 3.如果受要约人是向要约人以外的其他人作出了承诺,则只能视为是向其他人发出了新的要约。


电大英语考试试题及答案 交际用语 A((句子的开头字母)) 1、Afternoon, sir. Where to? A. Please get me to the airport 2、Are you sure about that? D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive 3、All the team members tried their best,We lost the game, .A.However 4、A lecture hall is where students attend lectures.C.one B 1、Before I got to the cinema, the film . A.had begun C 1、Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?-- B. At the office 2、Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you 3、can you turn down the radio,please?B.I’m sorry,Ididn’t reahze it was that loud 4、Can I get you a couple of tea?A.That’s very nice of you D 1、Do you think the exam will be put off? C. Not likely 2、Don’t worry,There is --------------roomfor all your books here C.enough E 1、Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? A. Certainly. Here you are 2、Excuse me,now can I get to the nenrest supermarket?D.Sorry,sir,I’m a stranger here myself F 1、Fine weather it is! A.What H 1、Hello, Sally. How’s everything?— D. Just so-so 2、Hello, could I speak to Don please?-- _D. Who’s speaking? 4、How’s the movie? Interesting? C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 5、Her parents died when she was very young,so she was brought up byher aunt. 6、-------he said is quite right. B.What 7、Hello,Saiiy,How’s everything? C.Just so-so I 1、I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.—B. Neither do I 3、In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.A. I’ll take your advice 4、I think the Internet is very helpful. — A. Yes, so do I 5、I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. —C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 6、I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. D. Really? Maybe she’s out 7、Is this the motel you mentioned? B. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected 8、It happened on a winter night 9、I know it isn’t important but I can’t help thinking about it 10、I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting,B,will be 11、I think all these are main points much attention B.worthy of 12、I prefer classicmusic pop muice. D.to 13、I’m tired. I working very hard.B.have been L 1、Let’s take a walk. A. Yes, let’s 2、Let me the case carefully berore I apaw a conclusion.B.look into M 1、May I help you, madam?-- D. Yes, I’d like 2 kilos of oranges


6. I’m deputy manager. I (work for) an IT company. 7. –What is your job --I’m (an) accountant. 8. Who is that man over there? Do you know (his) name? 9. I usually go to the office (by) train. 10. (How much) wine do you need for the party? 11. You have more apples than (we) do. But (ours) are better than yours. 12. How do I (get to) the gym? 13. He can (speak) good English. 14. Does David (like flying)? 15. The business Banking Department is on (the) second floor. 16. The shop (closed) at six every day. 17. You can paint the walls and (put up) posters. You can do what you want. 18. The coat is (much more expensive) than that one. 19. Jack (never comes) late because he is a good student. 20. –I don’t get up late on Sundays. -- (Neither) do I. 21. – I have got a pain in my chest. -- You (should) see the doctor. 22. Sally’s parents (are going to) come and stay with her soon. 23. – (How long) will the meal take? -- It’ll take two hours, I think. 24. It often (snows) in winter in the north of China. 25. I don’t want (any) milk in my coffee. 6. The Business Banking Department is on (the) second floor. 7. (Her) name is Jane. (She) is from the USA. 8. Have you got (any) Iychees? 9. Mr Green is now (on) a holiday. 10. I’d like to (invite) you to a party this Saturday. 11. How many (oranges) would you like to buy? 12. Hurry up. We don’t have (enough) time. 13. – (What) time do you have lunch? -- I usually have lunch at 12. 14. I’m a deputy manager. I work (for) an IT company. 15. This radio is (more expensive) than that one. 16. – The chair is not comfortable enough. -- Yes, I agree. It is (too uncomfortable). 17. (Is there) a coffee machine in the room? 18. I have two brothers. One is a driver, (the other) is a policeman. 19. – (How long) will the meal take? -- It’ll take two hours, I think. 20. Mark is responsible (for) the international market. 21. – How often (should I) take the medicine? -- You should take it three times a day. 22. It (is raining) heavily here at this moment. 23. How do I (get to) the gym? 24. My aunt (enjoys cooking) for her friends at home. 25. –I haven’t got a car. -- (Neither have I). 交际用语 1、(B) The shower isn’t working. —I’ll call the plumber. 2、(B) What do you do? —I am a policeman. 3、(B) What would you like. —An orange juice, please. 4、(A)What is she doing right. Now —She is talking to Mary. 5、(C)Hello. I’m David Manning. Nice to me you. —Nice to meet you, too. I’m Xiaoyan. 6、(C) Hello. I’m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you. ----Nice to meet you too. I’m David Manning. 7、(C)Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? ----It’s next to the newsagent. 8、(A)Do you have any family?--Yes, I do. My mother and my father live in Oxford. 9、( B )How much is the rent of the flat? It is 450 pounds a month. 10、(C)What does her boyfriend look like? -----He is quite tall with fair curly hair. 11、(A)What’s the matter with you ?I’ve gor a bad cough. 12、(C)Could you ring them up please ? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone. Yes, of course . I will phone them for you. 13、( A )How about seeting a film this evening? Yes , that’s a good idea. 14、(C)What time does the train leave?At half past five. 15、( B )What do your parents do? My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse. 1.How do I get to the airport, please?—You can take the tube. 2.What does your English teacher look like?—she’s tall and has long, wavy hair. 3.What’s the weather like in this area?—it’s rainy. 4.Would you like to go with us?—I’d love to. 5.Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?—It’s next to the newsagent. 6.Excuse me, how do I get to the gym , please? –You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket. 7.What’s the matter with you? –I’ve got a bad cough. 8.Why don’t we write the invitations now . –That’s a good idea. 9.What time does the train leave? –At half past five. 10.How long does it take from Beijing to London by plane? –It’s takes about 7 hours. 11. What do your parents do? My father is a manager. My mother is a murse. 12. Can I help you? —Yes, I’d like some apples, please. 13. Hello, Linda, how are you? Very well, thank you . Are you good. 14. What does her boyfriend look like? —He is quite tall with fair curly hair. 15.Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone. —Yes, of course. I will phone them for you. 词汇与结构 1. He works at a school. 2. I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 3. The Business Banking Department is on the second floor. 4. David is the only accountant in my father’s company. 5. Mr Green is now on a holiday.


单选题 1(3分)、 3 以科学的经济理论为指导,以计划指标、经济活动资料为依据,运用科学的方法,对某一地区、部门或单位的经济活动情况进行系统分析而写成的书面报告即()。 A、 市场调查报告 B、 市场预测报告 C、 经济活动分析报告 D、 经济论文 展开解析 2(3分)、 3

在经济新闻中有着举足轻重地位、可以说是消息的灵魂和精华的部分是()。 A、 标题 B、 导语 C、 主体 D、 背景 展开解析 3(3分)、 民事诉状的证据()。 A、 需要原告列举,并加以详细分析 B、

需要原告列举,不需要分析 C、 不需要原告列举,不需要分析 D、 需要原告列举,并进行初步分析 展开解析 4(3分)、 3 在经济消息的多行标题中,起到概括消息的主旨作用的是()。 A、 引题 B、 眉题 C、 主标题 D、 副标题

展开解析 5(3分)、 3 对经济活动中某个突出的专项问题,单独进行分析后写出的书面报告叫()。 A、 全面分析报告 B、 简要分析报告 C、 财务分析报告 D、 专题分析报告 展开解析 6(3分)、 3

在合同的各项内容中,处于核心地位的是()。 A、 标的 B、 违约责任 C、 价款或酬金 D、 履行的期限和方式 展开解析 7(3分)、 3 民事诉讼的被告或被上诉人根据民事起诉状或民事上诉状的内容,针对原告提出的诉讼请求或上诉人提出的上诉请求作出答复,并依据事实与理由进行辩驳的法律文书是()。 A、 民事起诉状 B、

民事答辩状 C、 民事上诉状 D、 刑事起诉状 展开解析 8(3分)、 3 党派或团体等组织,规定自身的组织机构、活动形式和行为准则要用()。 A、 章程 B、 条例 C、 规定 D、


2017年电大《大学英语》B电大网考试题及答案(七) 一、交际英语 1、-- Hi, I'm Liz. -- _________ A:Hi, nice to see you. B:What do people call you? C:Fine, and you? D:How do you do? 答案:A 2、---This is John. -- ___________ A:Oh, I have never seen you. B:Yes, I am glad. C:Hello, John. Nice to meet you. D:How are you? 答案:C 3、--- The summer vacation is coming in a few days. I'll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling. ---- ______. A:Congratulations! B:Nice to meet you! C:Have a good trip! D:It's very kind of you. 答案:C 4、- How was your trip to London, Jane? - ___________ A:Oh, wonderful indeed. B:I went there alone. C:The guide showed me the way. D:By plane and by bus. 答案:A 5、-- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. -- ________ A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didn't do it well. C:Thank you. D:It's a pleasure. 答案:C 二、阅读理解 1、On February 14th many people in the world celebrate an unusual holiday, St. Valentine's Day, a special day for lovers. The origin of this holiday is uncertain but according to one story it gets its name from a Christian named Valentine who lived in Rome during the 3rd century A.D.


国开(中央电大)本科《人文英语3》网上形考 试题及答案 单元自测1 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目:—Do you have much experience with caring for babies?—________. 答案:Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time. 题目:Lily is a good student except ________ she is a little bit careless. 答案:that 题目:—How do you feel about your family life?—________. 答案:Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother. 题目:—It' s raining so heavily outside. I' m terribly anxious about my son' s safety.—________. 答案:Don' t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.

题目:—Ken did badly in his math test. I' m terribly worried about the result.—________. 答案:Come on. It isn' t the end of the world. 题目:—Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.—________. 答案:Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it. 题目:He asked me ___________ Zhang Hua came to school or not. 答案:whether 题目:I want to know________ . 答案:what his name is 题目:It is said that ______ 2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis. 答案:approximately 题目:The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.


小学儿童教育心理学试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分,可单选或多选,将正确答案的字母 序号填在括号中) 1.提倡发现学习的心理学家是( )。 A.布卢姆 B.布鲁纳 C.奥苏伯尔 D.桑代克 2.如果一个人失败以后,灰心丧气,一蹶不振。他的归因倾向可能是( )。 A.能力归因 B.运气归因 C.努力归因 D.任务难度归因 3.为获得奖励、表扬而产生的学习动机称为( )。 A.内部动机 B.认知动机 C.外部动机 D.自我提高的动机 4.影响小学儿童身体发展的后天因素主要是( )。 A.营养 B.睡眠 C.适量的运动 D.遗传 5.儿童的一般认知能力差异集中体现在( )等方面。 A.发展水平差异 B.气质类型差异 C.表现早晚差异 D.结构差异 6.教师将学生引入一定的问题情境,并且提供可能使问题获得解决的知识或技能,然后教师为学生确立目标,让学生进行尝试性探索的教学方式称为( )。 A.情境性教学 B.支架式教学 C.随机通达教学 D.自上而下的教学 7.教师教“液体”这一概念时,先举水、果汁、食用油、香波为例,然后又举沙子、稀泥为例进一步说明“液体”这一概念,这是通过( )来帮助学生有效地掌握概念。 A.以明确的语言来揭示概念的本质 B.突出本质特征,控制非本质特征 C.运用变式 D.在实践中运用概念 8.在问题解决过程中,有时会出现“恍然大悟”或“豁然开朗”的情况,这一现象可以用( )解释。 A.定势 B.功能固着 C.迁移 D.酝酿效应 9.下列项目中正确的说法是( )。 A.皮亚杰认为,儿童品德发展的顺序是可以改变的 B.有良好的道德动机,就会表现出适当的道德行为 C.道德情感对道德认识起着引导与深化的作用 D.在具体明确的道德规范下,在言行一致的环境中学生的道德观念比较容易形成 10.课堂学习管理的基本功能包括( )。 A.促进师生心理健康 B.建立良好的学习环境 C.整顿班级秩序 D.调动学生的积极性和自觉性,促进学生学习 二、名词解释(每小题4分,共20分) 1.实验法


2019年广播电视大学考试就要开始了,祝各位考生顺利通关,取得 满意的好成绩,加油,你最棒! 2019年电大英语期末考试试卷及答案 交际用语Use of English 阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right), 不恰当的选 B (Wrong)。 1. ---Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon. --- What did she say? A. Right B. Wrong 2. --- Have you ever tried sailing? --- No. I’d like to try A. Right B. Wrong 3. --- What are you going to do this evening? --- I went there with some friends. (I’m going to meet some friends.) A. Right B. Wrong 4. --- Is there a bank near here? --- Yes. I saw him this morning. (Yes. There is one just down the road.) A. Right B. Wrong 5. --- What time will the next train leave? --- At 8.19. A. Right B. Wrong 6. --- Where did you go in China? --- I went there by train. (I went to Xi’an and Guilin.) A. Right B. Wrong 7. --- Have you been to America? --- Yes. I went there last year. A. Right B. Wrong 8. ---Why do you come to live in China? ---Because I got a job here. A. Right B. Wrong 9. ---What’s your job? --- I’m a journalist. A. Right B. Wrong 10. --- Are you ready to order? --- Yes. I’ll have a steak, please. A. Right B. Wrong 11. --- When did he go to America? --- Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong 12. --- How old are you? (Are you married?) --- Yes, I am. A. Right B. Wrong 13. --- What did you think of the film? --- I thought it was really great. A. Right B. Wrong 14. --- Are you ready to order? ---Yes. I’ll have a chicken salad please. A. Right B. Wrong 15. --- Are you ready to order? --- Ice cream for me please. A. Right B. Wrong 16. --- Are you ready to order? --- Could I have a glass of wine please? A. Right B. Wrong 17. --- Shall we go to a restaurant? --- See you later. (Great.) A. Right B. Wrong 18. --- Shall we see a film tonight? ---I’d rather not, I’m quite tired. A. Right B. Wrong 19. --- How about drinking some coffee? --- I’d prefer to drink some tea. A. Right B. Wrong 20. --- Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? ---Yes, that’s a good idea. A. Right B. Wrong 21. --- Have you ever tried windsurfing? --- It’s very kind of you. (No, I haven’t) A. Right B. Wrong 22. --- Shall we have something to eat before we go? --- Nice to meet you. (Good idea.) A. Right B. Wrong 23. --- What does he look like? --- He is tall and thin. A. Right B. Wrong 24. --- Have you been to America? ---I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right B. Wrong 25. --- Can I help you? --- Yes, please. I’d like to reserve a room. A. Right B. Wrong 26. ---How do you like the film? --- It’s very good. I like it. A. Right B. Wrong 27. --- Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number? --- Yes. It’s 6825612. A. Right B. Wrong 28. --- Is dinner ready, Carol? --- It’s nearly ready. A. Right B. Wrong 29. --- I went to a fashion show last night. --- What was it like? A. Right B. Wrong 30. ---Could I have a bottle of water, please? ---Certainly, madam. A. Right B. Wrong 31. --- How is the weather today?
