


1 ? n.


1.the external ear 外耳

2.the middle ear 中耳

3.the inner ear 内耳)
















1.about one's ( someone's) ears


2.[与bring , have , collapse , tumble等动词连用]引起麻烦,惹出乱子;遭到抨击(或猛烈攻



4.崩溃;(计划、希望等)破产,落空[亦作around one's ears]

2. a drumming in the ears 耳鸣

3. a flea in one's ear 见flea

4.an ear for对…的欣赏力

5. a thick ear[口语]耳朵被打肿,(被打得)青肿的耳朵

6. a musical ear对音乐有鉴赏力(的耳朵)

7. a word in someone's ear 见word

8.be all ears[口语]专心倾听,全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听

9.(be) deaf of (或in) an (或one) ear 聋了一只耳朵

10.believe one's ears



11.bend an ear注意地听,聚精会神地听,倾听,洗耳恭听

12.bend someone's ear




13.be on one's ear



14.be primed to the ear[美国俚语](因酗酒或吸毒而)醉的

15.Blow it out your ear![美国口语]“去你的! ”,“瞎扯淡! ” , “我才不信呢!”

16.bore someone's ears[废语]使某人成为终身奴隶

17.bow down one's ear to someone垂听某人的话,降格倾听某人的话,屈尊倾听某人的意

18.box someone's ears 打某人耳光

19.bring something down around one's ears 使自己干的某事失败(或破产)

20.burn someone's ears[俚语]狠狠责骂某人,痛斥某人,呵斥某人

21.by ear



22.by the ears



23.chew someone's ears off




24.clean one's ears[口语]洗耳恭听;更仔细(或更用心)地听

25.close one*s ears to对…捂住耳朵,对…充耳不闻,对…拒绝听取;对…置之不理,对…置若


26.cock the ears 侧(或竖)耳谛听

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b13060005.html,e together by the ear= fall together by the ear

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b13060005.html,e to someone's ears 传到某人耳里,被某人听到(或注意到)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b13060005.html,ing out of one's ears[美国口语]应有尽有地;充裕地

30.crash about one's ears 彻底崩溃,完全垮台

31. dead above the ears[ 口语]愚蠢的,痴呆的,没有头脑的[亦作dead from the neck up]

32.din in someone's ears(嗓音)在耳际震响,聒耳

33.din into someone's ears 唠唠叨叨说给某人听,三番五次地告诫

34.do something by ear 无准备地行事(就像不看乐谱凭听觉记忆演奏或演唱一样)

35.dry behind the ears 成年的,成熟的,老于世故的,有经验的[—般用于否定式]

36.ears bum羞得面红耳赤

37.ears burning耳朵发烧(意指有人背后议论)[戏谑语]

38.easy on the ear 悦耳动听

39.foil about one's ears 彻底崩溃,完全垮台

40.fall on deaf ears 根本不被听取,未被理睬;未受到重视,不受注意

41.foil on ??- ears得到(某种态度的)听取

42.fall on (或upon) someone's (或the) ears被某人听见,传到某人耳朵里

43.fall together by the ears扭打起来;争吵起来,吵成一团

44.feel one's ears burning[口语](因遭人非议而)感到耳朵发热,感到羞愧;发窘

45.for someone's private ear 对某人私下讲的

46.gain someone's ear=have someone's ear

47.get someone's ear=have someone's ear

48.get someone up on his ears[美国俚语]使某人愤怒,激怒某人,惹某人发火

49.get up on one*s ear




50.give an ear to



51.give ear (to)听,倾听;注意

52.give one's ears (tor something 或to do something)[口语]不惜任何代价(要某物或做某事)

53.give someone a thick ear把某人耳朵打肿,重重打某人一记耳光

54.go off on one's ear[美国英语]勃然大怒

55.go together by the ear=fall together by the ear

56.grate (或jar) upon the ear 叫人听起来不愉快,刺耳[亦作o氓nd the ear]

57.grin from ear to ear 咧着嘴笑,笑逐颜开

58.have an ear for对…听觉灵敏;对…有鉴赏力

59.have a quick ear耳朵很灵敏,耳朵很尖

60.have hard ears[加勒比英语]不顺从,执拗

61.have itching ears 爱听新奇的事(或丑闻、流言蜚语、东家长西家短等)

62.have long (或large, big, rabbit) ears 耳朵尖,听觉敏锐;爱打听别人的事;消息灵通

63.have no ear for 不懂(音乐等)

64.have one's ears on[美国俚语]将(民用频带的)收音机开着

65.have (或keep, hold) one's ear (或an ear) to the ground[美国口语]注意人们想的和说的(以

采取相应的行动),密切注视公共舆论动向,让(自己)获得及时的新情况和动向;敏锐; 精明

66.have(或get, gain, win) someonMs ear(s)(意见等)得到某人(指上级、长者)的注意听取(或好

感),为某人所听取(或关注);跟某人(指上级、长者)说得上话[亦作have(或gain) the ear (s)of someone]

67.head over ears 见head

68.hold (或have, take) by the ears 左右(某人),紧紧控制住(某人)

69.hold one's ear to the ground= have one's ear to the ground

70.in (at) one ear and out (at) the other 左耳进右耳出,听过即忘,当耳边风

71.incline one's ear(同情地)倾听

72.jar upon the ear 叫人听起来不愉快,刺耳

73.keep (one's) ears open 留心听

74.keep one's ear to the ground=have one's ear to the ground

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b13060005.html,ugh from ear to ear 咧着嘴大笑

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b13060005.html,y back one's ears[英国俚语]全速奔跑,飞跑,疾奔如飞

77.lead someone by the ears使某人唯命是从,任意支配某人

78.lend (an) ear (to)倾听,听;注意[亦作lend one's ears to]

79.lend a third ear to[俚语]更注意(听)…

80.Little pitchers have long ears.[谚语]小孩子耳朵长。(指当心别让小孩子听到)

81.long ears尖耳朵,好奇心(常与have连用)

82.make a pig*s ear of[口语]把某事做得很糟糕

83.make a silk purse out of a sow's ear 变废为宝[常用于否定句]

84.make someone's ears burn 使某人耳朵发烧,在背后议论某人

85.make the ears tingle 刺耳,震耳欲聋

86.meet the (或someone's) ear 被(某人)听到;可听到[亦作meet the ear of someone]

87.not dry behind the ears[美国俚语、口语]乳臭未干的,没见过世面的

88.offend the ear叫人听起来不愉快,刺耳

89.Oh my ears and whiskers![戏谑语]天哪!好呀!

90.one's ears burn(因被人议论等而)耳朵发热;发窘,感到羞愧

91.one's ears are flapping 竖耳谛听

92.one's ears are singing(由于受到撞击)耳朵里发出嗡嗡声;耳鸣[亦作have a singing in

one's ear]

93.one's ears perk up ( 或prick up)竖起耳朵倾听

94.one's ears ring 耳鸣

95. on one's ear

1. 震惊,(使)惊讶,激动;(引起)动乱

2. 颠倒,头朝下地

3. 醉

4. 恼怒,(使)发怒,恼火[参见be on one r s ear , get someone up on his ears , get up (或

go off) on one's ear]

96.out on one's ear[口语]被不光彩地解雇;被不客气地打发走

97.over head and ears (或head over ears)(in)深陷在(债务等)中;完全地,深深地

98.perk up one's ears(警觉地)竖起耳朵听,侧耳倾听

99.pierce someone's ear(声音等)撕裂某人耳鼓,刺耳

100.pin one's ears back专心致志地听,仔细听,注意听,倾听[亦作pin back one's ears]

101.pin someone's ears back



3.痛斥(或痛骂、狠狠责骂)某人[亦作pin back someone's ears]

102.play (或sing) by ear



103.play it byear[口语](没有预定计划)根据情势需要而行动,随机应变,随机应付,见机行事;即席作成,临时凑合

104.pound one's ear[美国俚语]睡觉

105.prick (up) the (或one's) ears




106.pull (或drag) by the ear拉耳朵(惩罚人);采取强迫手段107.Pull in your ears (或neck)!






重点单词的用法 1.help v. / n. ---- adj.helpful 1)v. Help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth. 2)Thanks for your _________. Thanks for _________ me. Can you help me ______ my English? Here is a dictionary. It’s ________ for you to learn English. 2.want v. = would like 1)want to do sth. 2) Want sb. To do sth. 3) Want sth. 3.like v. / n. / prep.----- dislike 1)v. like sb. / sth. like to do sth. = like doing sth. 2)n. Likes and dislikes 3)prep. be like sound like, look like What’s the weather like? What do you look like? 4.enjoy v. enjoy doing sth. finish doing sth. have fun = have a good time doing sth. practice doing sth. spend time / money doing sth. 5.watch / hear / see / find / feel sb. doing sth. watch monkeys climbing around see a snake sleeping near the fire feel things moving 6.go camping / shopping / skating / swimming / boating / go to the movie = go to the cinema go to the countryside go the museum go to the supermarket go to the beach go to school go to work go to bed go to sleep go home 7.put on put up cut up cut down wake up pick up blow out 属于动词和副词构成的短语,要求宾语是_________词时,必须放在动词和副词之间,如果是名词,则位置可__________, 可__________. 1) Here are two apples. Please _______. A. cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up them 2) Every morning, my mother _____. A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. woke me up 8.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. Teach sb. Sth. = teach sth. To sb. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. For sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 9.make 1) V. 制作,做make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. make dinner be made of 2)v. 使,让make sb. do sth. make sb. + adj. keep sb. / sth. +adj 3) make friends with sb. Make soup make the bed make a wish


全部的英语单词的用法与区别 both,either,neither,all,any,none的用法与区别,相信很多同学都傻傻分不清楚。下面是小编为您收集整理的全部的英语单词的用法与区别,供大家参考! 全部的英语单词的用法与区别 这些词都可用作代词或形容词。其位置都在be 动词之后,行为动词之前或第一助动词之后。 1) both (两者都),either(两者中任何一个),neither (两者都不)。以上词使用范围为两个人或物。 Neither of the two boys is clever. 两个男孩都不聪明。 2) both,either both与复数连用,either与单数连用。 Both the boys are clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。 Either of the two boys is clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。 There are flowers on both sides of the street. (两岸) There are flowers on either side of the street. (岸的两边) 路边长满了野花。 3) all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个),none (都不)。

以上词使用范围为三者以上。 All the flowers are gone. 所有的花都谢了。 I dont like any of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。 I like none of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。 注意:all与none用法一样。跟单数名词,用单数动词;跟复数名词,用复数动词。 All of the students are there. 所有的学生都在那。 All (of) the milk is there. 所有的牛奶都在那。 in,put on,wear,dress,have on的用法与区别 in,put on,wear,dress, have on, pull on 用法辨析 都含有穿、戴之意,但用法不同。 in是介词,后接表示衣服或颜色的词,着重于服装的款式或颜色。它所构成的短语只能作表语或定语。例如: This is a picture of a young man in a black coat. 这是一张穿着黑色外套的年轻人的照片。这里in a black coat 是young man的定语。 He is in a black nylon jacket today. 今天他穿着黑色尼龙夹克。 In a black nylon jacket在这个句子里作表语。 put on 穿上、戴上,强调穿戴的动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等。例如:


八年级英语动词不定式用法梳理动词不定式是由“不定式符号to+动词原形”构成的一种非谓语动词结构。有些动词不定式不带to,动词不定式可以作句子的主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语、状语或单独使用。不定式保留动词的某些特性,可以有自己的宾语、状语等。动词不定式和它后面的宾语、状语等一起构成短语,叫作不定式短语。 一、用作主语 直接把动词不定式置于句首的情况不多,多数情况用it作形式主语,把真正的主语——动词不定式置于句末,特别是不定式短语较长时。动词不定式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。带疑问词的不定式短语作主语常置于句首,复合不定式结构作主语常置于句末。如: 1. I t is our duty to try our best to deal with these problems. 2.The head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother. 3.How to learn English well is important. 4.To see is to believe.(眼见为实;百闻不如一见) 二、用作表语 动词不定式作表语,常说明主语的内容、性质、特征。如: 1.The best way is to join an English club. 2.The first thing is to listen to the teacher carefully. 三、用作宾语 1.可以接带to的动词不定式作宾语的动词主要有:要求选择同意(ask, choose, agree),期望决定学习(expect, hope, decide, learn),宁可假装知道(prefer, pretend, know),希望想要愿意(wish, want, would like / love)。如: 1)We decided to talk to some students about why they go there. 2)He prefers to eat white bread and rice. 3)Id love to visit Mexico.


冠词 一.不定冠词 1.不定冠词a,an A用于以辅音因素或半元音因素/j/,/w/开头的单词。 An用于元音因素开头的单词 注意:元音因素开头的单词,首字母不一定就是元音字母例如,hour,honest等单词,看起来是以辅音字母开头,但是发音时辅音字母h没有发音,而是以元音开头,因此前面应加不定冠词an。而有些单词如university,uniform等单词,是以元音字母u开头,但是读音时u 发半元音/j/开头,所以前面应加a。 2.不定冠词的用法。 (1)用于可数名词的单数前,表示数量“一”,如: I have a new pen. (2)表示一类人或物,如: An elephant is big and strong. (3)第一次提到的人或物,如: Look, a dog is running to us. (4)表示“每一”的意思,如: I go shopping once a week.

3.不定冠词的固定搭配 have a look 看一下have a good time 玩得愉快 take a break 休息一下take a walk 散步 in a hurry 急匆匆地half an hour 半小时 a lot of 许多,大量 a great deal of 大量+不可数名词a number of 许多+可数名词 a few 一些+可数名词 a little 一些+不可数名词 二.定冠词 1.定冠词the的用法 (1)特指某些人或物,例如: The woman in red dress is my mother. (2)特指前面提到过的人或物,例如: I have a dog. The dog is cute. (3)指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。 What do you think of the novel? (4)指宇宙间独一无二的东西,如: The moon is bright at night. (5)用于单数名词前表示一类人或物,如: The horse is a useful animal. (6)用于序数词前,如:、


ear的基本含义 1 ? n. 1.耳,耳朵(人耳的组成): 1.the external ear 外耳 2.the middle ear 中耳 3.the inner ear 内耳) 2.耳部,(可见的)耳朵外部,外耳 3.[亦作复数]听觉 4.听能,听力;灵敏的听力;辨音力 5.耳状物 1.(如大水壶、杯子等器物两旁的)耳子,捏把,把儿,耳状突 2.报头(左或右)角小栏(刊登简短广告或天气预报等),报眼(报纸头版上报头两侧的)广告栏 3.(鸟的)耳羽 6.倾听;注意 7.【建筑业】门耳,窗耳 8.[复数][美国俚语] 1.民用频带(或波段)无线电台(或收音机) 2.(用于近距离联络的)无线电收发两用机的天线 2.vi.,vt. 1.[美国俚语]听;听见 3.短语: 1.about one's ( someone's) ears 1.身旁,近旁 2.[与bring , have , collapse , tumble等动词连用]引起麻烦,惹出乱子;遭到抨击(或猛烈攻 击) 3.猛烈地,彻底地 4.崩溃;(计划、希望等)破产,落空[亦作around one's ears] 2. a drumming in the ears 耳鸣 3. a flea in one's ear 见flea 4.an ear for对…的欣赏力 5. a thick ear[口语]耳朵被打肿,(被打得)青肿的耳朵

6. a musical ear对音乐有鉴赏力(的耳朵) 7. a word in someone's ear 见word 8.be all ears[口语]专心倾听,全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听 9.(be) deaf of (或in) an (或one) ear 聋了一只耳朵 10.believe one's ears 1.相信自己的耳朵,相信听到的话 2.以所闻为实(或真);确信[此短语常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句] 11.bend an ear注意地听,聚精会神地听,倾听,洗耳恭听 12.bend someone's ear 1.[俚语] 2.与某人喋喋不休地说,与某人絮絮叨叨地说 3.和某人谈重要(或有趣、秘密)的事;和感兴趣的人交谈 13.be on one's ear 1.[美国俚语] 2.在生气,发脾气,发怒 14.be primed to the ear[美国俚语](因酗酒或吸毒而)醉的 15.Blow it out your ear![美国口语]“去你的! ”,“瞎扯淡! ” , “我才不信呢!” 16.bore someone's ears[废语]使某人成为终身奴隶 17.bow down one's ear to someone垂听某人的话,降格倾听某人的话,屈尊倾听某人的意 见 18.box someone's ears 打某人耳光 19.bring something down around one's ears 使自己干的某事失败(或破产) 20.burn someone's ears[俚语]狠狠责骂某人,痛斥某人,呵斥某人 21.by ear 1.(不看乐谱)凭听觉,凭听觉记忆(演奏或唱) 2.凭直觉,跟着感觉(走) 22.by the ears 1.(动物)相斗,相咬 2.不和;在争吵(或争斗,打架,扭斗)中 23.chew someone's ears off 1.[美国俚语] 2.训斥某人,教训某人;责骂 3.长篇独白;唠叨不已;沉闷地与某人谈话


初中英语动词用法总结-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

初中英语高频动词用法汇总 2017-01-05 期末考试马上就到了,当同学们每次遇到选填 to do, doing 还是 do 形式的题目时,脑海中的反应大概都是“to do 好像通,不对,应该是 doing,还是填原形do 呢” 下面这些初中阶段高频出现的一些动词用法,让你从此告别看到 to do, doing, do 就一脸懵的囧状。 加 to do 的高频考察动词 1. afford to do 负担的起做某事 We can’t afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何失误。 2. agree to do 同意做某事 Do you agree to have dinner today? 今天你同意一块吃饭吗? 3. choose to do 选择做某事 Why do so many choose to leave their country? 为什么有这么多人要离开祖国 4. decide to do 决定做某事 She decided to accept the offer. 她决定接受这一提议。 5. expect to do 期待做某事 The shop expects to make more money this year. 这家店铺期望今年多赚点钱。 6. hope to do 希望做某事 I hope to see you again sometime next year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 7. hurry to do 急忙做某事 We shall have to hurry to get there in time. 我们将不得不及时赶到那。 8. manage to do 设法做成某事 How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事 9. plan to do 打算做某事 Where do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪里度假? 10. prefer to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我宁愿坐在汽车的前面。 11. refuse to do 拒绝做某事 I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。


冠词 1.不定冠词 1.不定冠词a,an A用于以辅音因素或半元音因素/j/,/w/开头的单词。 An用于元音因素开头的单词 注意:元音因素开头的单词,首字母不一定就是元音字母例如,hour,honest等单词,看起来是以辅音字母开头,但是发音时辅音字母h没有发音,而是以元音开头,因此前面应加不定冠词an。而有些单词如university,uniform等单词,是以元音字母u开头,但是读音时u发半元音/j/开头,所以前面应加a。 2.不定冠词的用法。 (1)用于可数名词的单数前,表示数量“一”,如: I have a new pen. (2) 表示一类人或物,如: An elephant is big and strong. (3) 第一次提到的人或物,如: Look, a dog is running to us. (4) 表示“每一”的意思,如: I go shopping once a week.

3.不定冠词的固定搭配 have a look 看一下have a good time 玩得愉快 take a break 休息一下take a walk 散步 in a hurry 急匆匆地half an hour 半小时 a lot of 许多,大量 a great deal of 大量+不可数名词 a number of 许多+可数名词 a few 一些+可数名词 a little 一些+不可数名词 2.定冠词 1.定冠词the的用法 (1)特指某些人或物,例如: The woman in red dress is my mother. (2) 特指前面提到过的人或物,例如: I have a dog. The dog is cute. (3) 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。 What do you think of the novel? (4) 指宇宙间独一无二的东西,如: The moon is bright at night. (5) 用于单数名词前表示一类人或物,如: The horse is a useful animal.


英语单词and用法总结: 一、表示并列或对称的关系and可以用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,可译为“和”、“并”、“又”、“兼”等。如: Lucy and I go to school five days a week. 我和露西每周上五天学。(连接两个并列主语) You must look after yourself and keep healthy.你必须照顾自己并保持身体健康。(连接两个并列谓语) They teach us Chinese and we teach them English.他们教我们汉语,我们教他们英语。(连接两个简单句) 如果连接两个以上的词语,通常把and放在最后一个词语前面;为了强调,可在两者之间分别加上and;把词语连接起来时,通常把较短的词语放在前面。如:I like eggs,meat,rice,bread and milk.我喜欢鸡蛋、肉、米饭、面包和牛奶。All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things.那天整个下午我又唱又跳,做各种各样的事情。 The apples are big and delicious.苹果又大又好吃。 有些用and连接的词语,次序是固定的,不能随意改变。如: men,women and children男人、妇女和儿童; fish and chips 炸鱼加炸土豆片等。 二、表示目的在口语中,and常用在go,come,try等动词后连接另一个动词,表示目的。此时and相当于to,不必译出。如: Go and see!去看看! Come and meet the family.来见见这家人。 三、表示条件和结果在祈使句后,常用and连接一个简单句,表示条件与结果的关系,它们在语法上是并列关系,但在意义上却是主从关系,也可译为“如果……就……”。如: Work hard and you will live happily.=If you work hard,you will live happily.如果你努力工作,你就会活得愉快。 Come early and you will see him.=If you come early, you will see him.如果你早来的话,你就会见到他。 四、表示承接关系and用在句首,起承上启下的作用,可译为“因此”、“那么”、“于是”等,也可不译。如: And what's this?那么这是什么呢? And the air today is nice and clean.今天的空气真清新。 五、表示动词的先后关系and常用来连接两个动词或动词词组,后一个动词所表示的动作发生得迟一点。此时and相当于then, 可译为“然后”。如: Then he got out of the lift and climbed up to the fifteenth floor on foot.于是他从电梯里走出来,然后步行爬上第15层楼。 Go along the street,and take the third turning on the right.沿这条街走,然后在第三个路口向右拐。


初中英语动名词的用法 动名词,即“动词原形 +ing ”变成名词使用,具有双 重性,既有动词的某些特征,有动词的各种变化形式;又有名 词的某些性质,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语。同时也 能被副词修饰或者支配宾语。 一、动名词的名词的性质 1.作主语 动名词作为主语有以下几种表现形式: 1)直接作为主语。 例如: Taking exercise everyday is a good habit. Finding work is difficult these days. Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old. [ 句中 Walking (散步)作为句子主语,直接出现。句意:散 步对年轻人和老年人是一项很好的运动。] 2)用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语作为后置主语。 例如: It isn ’ t easy trying to climb the mountain. [ 句中 It 作为形式主语,动名词短语trying to do sth.才是真正的主语。] 能用于上述结构的形容词有:better, wonderful ,

enjoyable,interesting ,foolish ,difficult ,useless,senseless,worthwhile 等。但是 important , essential,necessary等形容不能用于上述构。 用it 代替名作形式主的除了上述句型外,有一种句型: It is no use/ useless/ useful/ no good/ great fun/ a waste of time/ nice/ good+ v-ing 例如: It ’ s no use trying to argue with him. 3)“ There be”的构 种句型一般是否定形式,There 是引,作形式 主,名做真正主。意思是“不可能??”。 例如: There is no joking about such matters. 4)告示或略的警告用中,名在祈使句中作主 一般是否定的、省略的形式。 例如: No climbing.(No climbing is allowed.) 5)成复合构 名有自己的主,可在其前面加上所有格, 使之成复合构,可作句中主。 例如:


中考英语重点单词和短语用法大总结(88条) ◆1 。cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事:It takes sb some time to do sth 。= sb spend some time (in) doing sth 。= sb spend some time on sth 。 某人花钱买某物:sb spend some money on sth 。= sb pay some money for sth 。= sth cost sb 。some money 。 ※spend 和pay 主语都是人,cost 主语是物。 ※spent 还可以指“度过”→How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan 。= I _______ 90 yuan for the sweater 。=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater 。 He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone 。 It ________ her 20 minutes to go home every day 。= He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day 。 ◆2 。thanks for为…而感谢 ⑴______ inviting me to your birthday party 。 thanks to 多亏/由于 第 1 页共1 页 ⑵______ your help 。I got good grades 。 ◆3 。感叹句:多么…what + 名词

初中英语 词汇运用

所给单词的适当形式填空 1.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 ①Lao She was a great ________ (write) and he's especially famous for his play, Teahouse. ②Would you mind ________(take) out the trash, Jerry? ③The girl is going to repair the bike by ________(she). ④Although he lives on the ________(twelve) floor, he seldom uses the lift. ⑤He ________(not come) yet. What do you think has happened to him? ⑥This ________(wood) bridge was built more than 20 years ago. ⑦Morn couldn't stand the mess in my room, so she asked me ________(clean) it right now. ⑧The road to ________(successful) is never straight. ⑨The water ________(feel) cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. ⑩He'd like to get some suggestions on how to learn ________(wise) and well. 单词拼写 2.单词拼写。根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,句意通顺。 ①Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to n________ (自然). ②Frank, take off your w________ (湿的) jacket so you don’t catch a cold. ③This Chinese painting is the greatest work of a________ (艺术) I have ever seen. ④The little girl k________ (亲吻) her mum good night before she goes to bed. ⑤I’m s________ (确信的) that our dreams will come true through our efforts. 选词填空 3.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空. ①She took lots of beautiful ________ during her stay in Europe. ②Tom, believing in ________ is the first step on the road to success. ③Tomorrow will be ________. How about going to Mount Gu for a picnic? ④The teacher kept ________ the use of the idiom to me until I understood it. ⑤He was facing a difficult ________ between staying with his family or working in Tibet.


中考复习之词汇运用 词汇运用题:考查学生对单词的拼写能力,以及词形变化、测试内容以实词为主,虚词为辅。 做好这类题,一般应遵循下面几个步骤:第一步读懂句意,判断词性;第二步确定词形;第三步核对答案。 名词:单数、复数、所有格、大写; 动词:时态、语态、非谓语动词形式;(一般现在时用三单;已经有动词用非谓语)形容词:原级、比较级、最高级;(“的”) 副词:原级、比较级、最高级;(“地”) 代词:不定代词、主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词; 数词:基数词、序数词(first, second, third, fourth, fifth) 冠词:a / an / the (首次提到用a / an;特指用the) 连词:and,but,or,because,so,when,where,before,after,if… 介词:at,by,to,in,for,of,on,from,with… 中考复习之选词填空 二、选词填空解题注意事项 1.先对备选词汇的词性作简单标记,如名词(n.)、动词(v.)、形容词(adj.)、副词(adv.)等。同时对词义做初步的理解。 2.根据题意或通读全文,猜测空格中所缺的信息,注意固定搭配,根据需要去备选词 汇中寻找匹配的答案。 3.填词过程中注意词形的变化。既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。为 了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜: 空前空后要注意; “名词”单复数要牢记,还有“'s”不能弃; “动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意三种级; 要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。


常用单词用法 1.劝告advise caution warn admonish counsel advise: 普通用词,vet/vi,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。 用法: 及物动词advise+ thatWe advised her that she (should) wait. 我们劝她等。 Advise sb against doing sth/ sth 劝某人不做某事 We advised him against acting in haste. 我们劝他不要匆忙行事。 不及物动词advise against I advised against their doing it. 我劝他们不要做这件事。 名词:(不可数)advice 劝告, 忠告, 意见;消息, 报道; (商业)通知 Give advice 提供建议,劝告 take advice 接受建议,劝告 caution : 主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。及物动词&不及物动词警告,告诫,使小心[(+about/against/for)] caution oneself against error 谨防有误 The policeman cautioned me for parking here. 警察警告我不可在此停车。 名词:(不可数)小心, 谨慎, 慎重, 警告 Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。 warn: 含义caution 同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。 及物动词/不及物动词 1.警告;告诫;提醒[(+of/against/about)]He warned me against going outside alone at night. 他提醒我晚上不要单独出去。The police warned us not to go out at night. 警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。They warned him of/about the danger.


初中英语动词知识点:动态动词与静态动词 根据词义特点,动词可分为动态动词和静态动词。动态动词主要指动作动词,而静态动词则主要指表示情感、内心活动、感觉、相互关系等的动词: He wrote some letters. 他写了一些信。(write 为动态动词) The girls are dancing. 女孩子们在跳舞。(dance 为动态动词) I think he is honest. 我认为他是诚实的。(think 和is均为静态动词) Everyone likes her. 人人都喜欢她。(like 为静态动词) 有的动词既可用作静态动词也可用作动态动词,只是含义不同: He has a lot of friends. 他有许多朋友。(have为静态动词) He is having supper. 他在吃晚饭。(have为动态动词) 实义动词与非实义动词 根据其含义和句子功用,动词可分为实义动词和非实义动词(包括时态助动词和情态助动词等)。如: He bought a story book. 他买了一本故事书。(buy 为实义动词) He has read the story book. 他已读过这本故事书。(has 为时态助动词,read为实意动词) He should read the story book. 他应该读读这本故事书。(should 为情态助动词,red为实义动词) 初中英语动词知识点:及物动词与不及物动词 根据其后是否带宾语,动词可分为及物动词(带宾语)和不及物动词(不带宾语)。如: When will he arrive? 他什么时候到?(arrive 不带宾语,为不及物动词) He reached Beijing yesterday. 他昨天到达北京。(reach 带了宾语,为及物动词) 有的动词既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词: The child is playing. 这小孩在玩。(不及物用法) The child is playing the piano. 这小孩在弹钢琴。(及物用法) He is writing. 他在写字。(不及物用法) He is writing a letter. 他在写信。(及物用法) The boy is reading. 这男孩在阅读。(不及物用法)The boy is reading a magazine. 这男孩在看杂志。(及物用法) 初中英语动词知识点:谓语动词与非谓语动词 根据其是否能用作谓语,动词可分为谓语动词和非谓语动词。谓语动词在句中可用作谓语,而非谓语动词则不用作谓语(但可用作主语、宾语、补语、状语、定语等)。非谓语动词包括不定式、动名词、分词三种:He lives in Shanghai. 他住在上海。(live 为谓语动词) I want to go home. 我想回家。(want 为谓语动词,to go 为非谓语动词) He enjoyed watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。(enjoy为谓语动词,watching为非谓语动词) He had his hair cut. 他理发了。(had 为谓语动词,cut 为非谓语动词) 初中英语知识点:动词的分类及基本形式 英语动词的分类及基本形式 动词的分类 表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为行为动词、系动词、助动词和情态动词四类,有些动词是兼类词。如: We have lunch at 12. 我们12点吃午饭。(have是行为动词) We have been to New York. 我们去过纽约。(have是助动词) W I am hungry. 我饿了。(am是连系动词) She was beaten on the way home. 她在回家的路上被人打了。(was是助动词) You needn’t have waited for me. 你本来不必等我。(need 是情态动词) The door needs painting. 这个门需要油漆了。(needs及物动词) 动词的基本形式 绝大多数动词都有五种基本形式:动词原形、一般现在时第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词和现在分词。 A. 第三人称单数形式的构成 一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词后要加s或es,其变化规则与名词变复数的方法大体相同: 1. 一般情况下只在动词后加s,如work—works, write —writes。 2. 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的动词,后加es,如guess—guesses, mix—mix, finish—finishes, catch—catches。 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为ies,如study —studies。 注:不规则变化的有have—has, be—is, go—goes, do—does等。 B. 现在分词的构成 1. 一般情况下在动词后加ing,如study—studying, work —working。 2. 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e再加ing, 如write—writing, move—moving。 3. 以一个元音字母和一个辅音结尾的重读音节结尾的 动词,要双写末尾一个辅音字母,再加ing,如get—getting, begin—beginning。 4. 以ie结尾的名词,一般将ie改为y,再加ing,如lie —lying, die—dying, tie—tying。 注:(A) 以l结尾的动词,尾音节重读时,双写l,如 1


★on,in和with. on:表示使用通讯工具、信息或传媒,乘坐交通工具等;I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. in:使用语言文字等媒介;Can you speak it in English? with:借助具体的手段或工具。Don’t write it with a red pen.★at , on , in三者都可以表示“在……的时候”。 At:表示在哪个时刻用;I get up at six o’clock in the morning .我早晨六点起床。 On:表示在哪一天,哪一天的早上(下午、晚上);on Wednesday , on Sunday morning , on May I , on a cold morning in 1936 in:表示在哪一年(季、月),在上午,下午等。in September , in the morning , in the afternoon ★spend,pay,cost,take Sb. spend … on sth. 某人花了…(时间、金钱)在某事上。

(in) doing sth. 某人花了…(时间、金钱)做某事。 Sb. pay …for sth.某人为某物花了…钱。 Sth. cost sb. …某物花了某人…钱。 It takes/took sb. … to do sth.花了某人…(时间、金钱)做某事。 ★too much, too many, much too too much + 不可数名词 too many + 可数名词 much too + 形容词 ★not … until &until not … until 直到…才… (主句动词是短暂性动词) until 一直到…(主句中使用延续性动词) ★few, a few; little , a little. 虽然都表示“少”,但(1)few, a few是可数的, little, a little是不可数的。(2)a few, a little含肯定意味,few, little含否定意味。


初中英语高频动词用法汇总 2017-01-05 期末考试马上就到了,当同学们每次遇到选填 to do, doing 还是 do 形式的题目时,脑海中的反应大概都是“to do 好像通,不对,应该是 doing,还是填原形 do 呢”?下面这些初中阶段高频出现的一些动词用法,让你从此告别看到 to do, doing, do 就一脸懵的囧状。 加 to do 的高频考察动词 1. afford to do 负担的起做某事 We can’t afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何失误。 2. agree to do 同意做某事 Do you agree to have dinner today? 今天你同意一块吃饭吗? 3. choose to do 选择做某事 Why do so many choose to leave their country? 为什么有这么多人要离开祖国? 4. decide to do 决定做某事 She decided to accept the offer. 她决定接受这一提议。 5. expect to do 期待做某事 The shop expects to make more money this year. 这家店铺期望今年多赚点钱。 6. hope to do 希望做某事 I hope to see you again sometime next year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 7. hurry to do 急忙做某事 We shall have to hurry to get there in time. 我们将不得不及时赶到那。 8. manage to do 设法做成某事 How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事? 9. plan to do 打算做某事 Where do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪里度假? 10. prefer to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我宁愿坐在汽车的前面。 11. refuse to do 拒绝做某事 I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。 12. seem to do 看似做了某事
