新概念英语第一册第101-102课听力:A card from Jimmy

新概念英语第一册第101-102课听力:A card from Jimmy
新概念英语第一册第101-102课听力:A card from Jimmy

新概念英语第一册第101-102课听力:A card from


Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy吉米的明信片

Listen to the tape then answer this question.Does Grandmother seem pleased to get a card from Jimmy? Why/Why not?



Grandmother:Read Jimmy’s card to me please, Penny.


Penny:“I have just arrived in Scotland and I’m

staying at a Youth Hostel.”


Grandmother: Eh?


Penny:He says he’s just arrived in Scotland. He says he’s staying at a Youth Hostel.You know he’s a member of

the Y.H.A.


Grandmother: The what?


Penny:The Y.H.A., mother. The Youth Hostel’s Association.


Grandmother: What else does he say?


Penny:“I’ll write a letter soon. I hope you are all well.”


Grandmother:What? Speak up, Penny. I’m afraid I can’t hear you.


Penny:He says he’ll write a letter soon. He hopes we

are all well. “ Love, Jimmy.”


Grandmother:Is that all? He doesn’t say very much,

does he?


Mary:He can’t write very much on a card, mother.


New words and Expressions生词和短语


n. 苏格兰(英国)


n. 明信片


n. 青年


n. 招待所,旅馆


n. 协会


adv. 不久

write (wrote, written)

v. 写

Notes on the text课文注释

1 "I have just arrived in Scotland…a Youth Hostel”


2 the Y.H.A.=the Youth Hostels Association

青年招待所协会。简称"青招协"。a Youth Hostel是一种为参加野外探险度假活动的青年人提供廉价住宿的招待所。这种青年招待所实行会员制,首先要加入“青招协”才有资格享受这种待遇。

3 speak up 大声地说。

4 Love, Jimmy.爱你的吉米。

Yours, Jimmy(你的,吉米)。这是朋友间通信时常用的结束语。

5 He doesn't say very much, does he?




此份听力材料献给喜欢学习英语的同学,这是新概念的第一册,网上那个太贵了,就上传上来,只需要1分需要的可以下载。 新概念英语双课课文听力文本 Lesson2 number1. S:Is this your pen? 这是你的钢笔吗? T:Yes, it is.是的.它是。 Number 2. S:Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的.它是。 Number 3. S:Is this your book?这是你的书吗? T:Yes, it is.是的.它是。 Number 4. S:Is this your watch?这是你的表吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的.它是。 Number5. S:Is this your coat?这是你的大衣吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的.它是。 Number6. S:Is this your dress?这是你的连衣裙吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的.它是。 Number7. S:Is this your skirt?这是你的裙子吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的.它是。 Number 8. S:Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衣吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的.它是。 Number 9. S:Is this your car?这是你的汽车吗? T:Yes, It is. 是的.它是。 Number 10. S:Is this your house?这是你的房子吗? T:Yes, it is.是的.它是。 Lesson4 number1. Is this your pen?这是你的钢笔吗? S:Yes, it is.是的. Number 2. Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗? S:Yes, it is.是的.它是。 Number 3. Is this your book?这是你的书吗?


【前10分钟】检查和复习。10’ Lesson 39 - Don’t drop it! & Lesson 40 - What are you going to do I’m going to... 一、教学重点 1、时态:一般将来时。 2、句型:-What are you going to do with that/those... -I’m going to give/show/send/take... 3、句型:双宾语结构(give/show/send/take sth. to sb. = give/show/send/take sb. sth.) 二、教学步骤 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2’ 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5’ 4、提出问题:Where does Sam put the vase in the end 看一遍视频,解答问题。3’ 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。25’ 6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。3’ 【第二节课】 1、分组角色扮演,朗读课文。10’ 2、根据图片对话演练Lesson 40的句型1(补上介词on/off)。5’ 3、Lesson 40的单词正音。5’ 4、根据图片对话演练Lesson 40的句型2(详见课本)。15’ 5、总结讲解双宾语结构。10’ 6、听一首英文歌曲。5’ 【第三节课】 1、做80页的书面练习。7’

2、听写Lesson 39、40的单词,记忆法指点。10’ 3、绕口令。10’ 4、看图片背课文比赛。20’ 5、总结本课重点,让学生标注。2’ 6、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、What are you going to do with that vase 一般将来时。 【回顾Lesson 37】be going to do 表示打算做某事。do with sth. 处理某物。 2、I'm going to put it on this table. 一般将来时。 put + sth. + 介词短语:把某物放在某地。 例句:-What are you going to do with these photos -I’m going to put them into the box. 3、Don't do that. = Don’t put the vase on the table. (否定)祈使句。 例句:Turn on the light. → Don’t turn on the light. 4、Give it to me. = Give me the vase.【回顾Lesson 21/23】Give the book/glasses. 双宾语结构:give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 5、I'm going to put it here, in front of the window. 一般将来时。 后半句是对here的补充说明(同位语)。here 是个副词,前面不要加介词。 in front of... 在…的前面。例如:Tom sits in front of Jack. 6、Be careful! 祈使句(be + 形容词)。例如:Be quiet! Be good. Be careful with sth. 拿着什么东西小心点儿。例如:Be careful with the glasses. 7、Don't drop it! Don't put it there.(否定) 8、Put it here, on this shelf. 祈使句。后半句是对here的补充说明(同位语)。 9、There we are!【类比】Here they are. 表示“放好了!”、“就这样了!” 四、总结与练习 1、双宾语结构:动词有两个宾语,直接宾语是物,间接宾语是人。 give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. 把某物给某人 = 给某人某物

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 103听力

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 103听力 Lesson 103 The French test 法语考试 Listen to the tape then answer this question. How long did the exam last? 听录音,然后回答问题。考试持续了多长时间? GARY: How was the exam, Richard? RICHARD: Not too bad. I think I passed in English and Mathematics. The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary? GARY: The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. I hope I haven't failed. RICHARD: I think I failed the French paper. I could answer sixteen of the question. They were very easy.

But I couldn't answer the rest. They were too difficult for me. GARY: French test are awful, aren't they? RICHARD: I hate them. I'm sure I've got a low mark. GARY: Oh, cheer up! perhaps we didn't to do badly. The guy next to me Wrote his name at the top of the paper. RICHARD: Yes? GARY: Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn't write a word! New Word and expressions 生词和短语exam n. 考试 pass v. 及格,通过 mathematics (maths是缩写)

新概念英语1 lesson99-100知识点

Lesson 99-100 一.单词讲解 1.slip 1)v.滑倒,滑了一跤 slip in the mud 滑倒在辽泥泞中slip on the stairs 从楼梯上滑倒eg.I slipped on the ice 我在冰上滑到了 2)v.滑落 eg.The pen slipped from my hand 钢笔从我的手中滑落。 3)溜走 eg.He slipped out of the room. 他偷偷的溜出房间 slip away/off 不辞而别 4)n.疏忽,错误 A slip of the pen 笔误 a slip of tongue 口误 2.fall 1)v.落下,跌倒 eg. She fell into the river yesterday. 她昨天掉进河里去了。 Leaves fall in autumn. 秋天叶子 2)v.下降 eg.The temperature will fall tomorrow 明天的气温将下降。 与fall相关的短语 fall across 偶然碰到…. 与….邂逅fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with….爱上某人 3.downstairs adv.楼下(反义词upstairs) go downstairs 下楼去come downstairs 下楼来 1 walk downstairs 走下楼be downstairs 在楼下

5.hurt 1)v.伤 eg.It hurt my back. 它伤了我的背。 2)v. 伤害感情(心灵上或思想上的伤害) eg.I feel hurt . 我感到受了伤害 3)v.疼痛 eg.Does it hurt? 痛吗 6.back 1)n.背,背部 lie on one’s back 面朝天地躺着/摔倒fall on one’s back 面朝天地躺着 eg.I back hurts . 我的背部痛 2)n.背面 the back of hand 手背 3)n.后面,后部 eg.There are two students at the back of the classroom. 教室的后面有2名学生 4)adv.在后,向后stand back 向后站 回原处go back to …回到…. come back to….回来到…. put these book back 把书放回原处 7.stand up 起立,站起来sit down 坐下 stand on one’s head 倒立stand on one’s own feet 独立,不依赖别人,自食其力stand behind 做…后盾,支持…. stand up to….经受住,勇敢面对 stand well with 与…和睦相处 8.help 1)v.帮助 2 eg.Can I help you?(餐馆:您要吃点什么?商店:您要买点么?)

新概念英语听力第一册-Sorry sir

新概念英语听力第一册-Sorry sir Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。 Listen to the tape then answer this question. 听录音,然后回答问题。这位男士有没有要回他的雨伞?Does the man get his umbrella back? My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, sir. Number five. Here's your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. New words and Expressions 生词和短语 umbrella n. 伞

please int. 请 here adv. 这里 my possessive adjective1 我的ticket n. 票 number n. 号码 five num. 五 sorry adj. 对不起的 sir n. 先生 cloakroom n. 衣帽存放处 参考译文 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。

谢谢,先生。 是5号。 这是您的伞和大衣 这不是我的伞。 对不起,先生。 这把伞是您的吗? 不,不是! 这把是吗? 是,是这把 非常感谢。 自学导读 这是一个省略形式的祈使句,完整的句子应为: Give me my coat and my umbrella, please. 口语中,在语境明确的情况下通常可省略动词和间接宾语,如:(Show me your) Ticket, please 请出示你的票。 (Show me your)Passport, please. 请出示您的护照。 2.Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣。 Here's 是 Here is的缩略形式。全句原为:Here is your umbrella and your coat.缩略形式和非缩略形式在英语的书面用语和口语中均有,但非缩略形式常用于比较正式的场合。Here's…是一种习惯用法,


【知识点讲解】 1. next-door neighbour 意思是隔壁邻居。 2. R.A.F 是 the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军的简写; 3. next month, 下个月;the month after next ,下下个月;the week after next ,下下周。 Lesson93 Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He's a pilot. He was in the R.A.F. He will fly to New York next month. The month after next he'll fly to Tokyo. At the moment, he's in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. He'll return to London the week after next. He's only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isn't very lucky. She usually stays at home! 奈杰尔是我们新搬来的隔壁邻居。他是个飞行员。 他曾在皇家空军任职。 下个月他将飞往纽约。 再下个月他将飞往东京。 现在他在马德里。他是一星期以前飞到西班牙的。 再下个星期他将返回伦敦。 他只有41岁,但他却去过世界上几乎每一个国家。 奈杰尔是个很幸运的人。但他的妻子运气不很好。她总是呆在家里!

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 135听力

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 135听力 Lesson 135The latest report最新消息Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is Karen Marsh going to retire, do you think?听录音,然后回答问题。你认为卡伦.马什会退休吗?REPORTER:Are you reallygoing to retire, miss Marsh?MISS MARSH: I may.I can't make up my mind.I will have to askmy future husband.He won't let me makeanother film.REPORTER: Your future husband,Miss Marsh?MISS MARSH: Yes. Let me introduce himto you. His name is Carlos.We're going to get marriednext week.KATE: Look, Liz!Here's another report aboutKaren Marsh.Listen: 'Karen Marsh: Thelatest. At her London Hoteltoday Miss Marsh toldreporters she might retire.She said she couldn't makeup her mind. She said shewould have to ask herfuture husband. She saidher future husband wouldnot let her make anotherfilm.Then she introduced us toCarlos and told us theywould get married nextweek'.LIZ: That's sensational news,isn't it, Kate?KATE: It certainly is.He'll be her sixth husband!New Word and expressions 生词和短语futuren. 未来的 get married结婚hoteln. 饭店latestadj. 最新的introducev. 介 绍


新概念一 Lesson93~L94 课内语法 新课内容:一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解 1.pilot n. 领港员;领航员;引水员;舵手;航海指南 eg. He is a pilot. 他是个飞行员。 2.return vi. 回来;返回:return home safe and sound平安回家 return to 回到… eg. He' ll return to London. 他将返回伦敦。 vt. 还,归还,送还,退还eg: I returned the book to him.(=I returned him the book.)我把那本书还给他了。 3.New York n.纽约(美国州名);纽约(市),(美国城市)(=New York City) eg. He will fly to New York next month. 下个月他将飞往纽约。 4.Tokyo n.东京(日本首都)eg. He will fly to Tokyo. 他将飞往东京。 5.Madrid n.马德里(西班牙首都)eg. He is in Madrid . 他在马德里。 6.fly: fly to+ 地点飞往...... eg: He' ll fly to Tokyo . 他将飞往东京。 二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解 1.隔壁的next-door next door to... 在……隔壁 eg:The school is next door to the hospital. 学校在医院隔壁。 2 be in the R.A.F在皇家空军任职(R.A.F=Royal Air Force) 3.飞往---fly to 4.再下个月the month after next next month 下个月 5.此刻at the moment 6.一周前a week ago 7.再下个星期 the week after next 8.去过(已经回来)have been to 9.去了(还没回来)have gone to 10.in the world 在世界上 11.stay at home 呆在家里 三、语法:可与一般将来时连用的时间短语 ⑴this week this month this year next week next month next year the week after next下下周 the month after next 下下个月 the year after next后年 注:一般过去时中通常会用last一词,而不是next ⑵in a day's time 一天以后 in a year's time一年以后 in two weeks' time两周后 in three months' time三个月后 例:Where will he be the month after next?下下个月他将在哪儿? He will be in Beijing.他将在北京 一、单词连线 pilot 飞行员 Bombay 日内瓦 fly 返回 Athens 汉城 return 马德里 Geneva 雅典 Tokyo 纽约 Stockholm 柏林 Madrid 飞行 Seoul 孟买 New York 东京 Berlin 斯德哥尔摩 二、单选 1.We are going to have a holiday the month ______next. A.before B.after C.in D.behind 2.He is going to fly _______Tokyo A.in B.to C.at D.for 3.We _______to London to study next year. A.go B.will go C.gone D.went 4.They ______a house next month. A.sell B.will sell C.sold D.selling 5.She _______TV last night. A.watch B.watching C.watchs D.watched

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 92听力

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 92听力一般将来时:表示打算或将来要做的事情 主语 + will/shall + v. will 用于任何人称 shall 只用于第一人称 will not = won't shall not = shan't move 搬家,移动 move to 搬到某地 move in 搬进(强调结果) move into 搬进(强调过程) move out 搬出 sold 过去式 Ian sold his house last week. Ian has already sold his house. Has Ian moved to his new house yet? No, he hasn't moved to his new house. He will move to his new house tomorrow. the new people the day after tomorrow

The new people will move into the house the day after tomorrow. leave I will leave tomorrow. Will you leave next week. miss 想念,思念 I will miss you. Will you miss me? I won't miss you. neighbour 邻居 all the neighbours 所有的邻居 All the neighbours will miss Ian. Ian is a good neighbour. Ian was a good neighbour. Ian has always been a good neighbour. We will all miss him. was/been Lucy is a good wife. She was a good wife. She has always been a good wife. 将来时的时间


新概念英语第一册 课文 1 对不起! 1.Excuse me! 对不起 2.Yes? 什么事? 3. Is this your handbag?这是您的手提包吗? 4.Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 5. Is this your handbag?这是您的手提包吗? 6.Yes, it is.是的,是我的。 7.Thank you very much.非常感谢! 课文 3 对不起,先生。 8. My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 9. Here is my ticket.这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 10. Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生。 11. Number five. 是 5号。 12. Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣 13. This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的伞。 14. Sorry sir.对不起,先生。 15. Is this your umbrella? 这把伞是您的吗? 16. No, it isn't. 不,不是! 17. Is this it? 这把是吗? 18. Yes, it is. 是,是这把 19. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 课文 5 很高兴见到你。 20. Good morning. 早上好。 21. Good morning, Mr. Blake. 早上好,布莱克先生。 22. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 这位是索菲娅 . 杜邦小姐。 23. Sophie is a new student. 索菲娅是个新学生。 24. She is French. 她是法国人。 25. Sophie, this is Hans. 索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 26. He is German. 他是德国人。 27. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 28. And this is Naoko. 这位是直子。 29. She's Japanese. 她是日本人。 30. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 31. And this is Chang-woo. 这位是昌宇。 32. He's Korean. 他是韩国人。 33. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 34. And this is Luming. 这位是鲁明。 35. He is Chinese. 他是中国人。 36. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 37. And this is Xiaohui. 这位是晓惠。 38. She's Chinese, too. 她也是中国人。 39. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 课文 7 你是教师吗? 40. I am a new student. 我是个新学生, 41. My name's Robert. 我的名字叫罗伯特。 42. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 43.My name's Sophie. 我的名字叫索菲娅。 44.Are you French? 你是法国人吗?


新概念英语第一册单词MP3下载 新概念英语第一册学习资料免费下载:vickey新概念英语 新概念英语第一册视频免费下载:vickey新概念英语视频 Garlic From early times man has used garlic (大蒜). The Bible speaks of it. The Israelites (古以色列人) were once far from home. They cried out to Moses, their leader, for the foods they loved: leeks (韭菜), onions, and garlic. The Romans, like the Israelites, loved to eat garlic. And they hung bags of garlic around their necks. _____(46) They also thought it would keep them from getting sick. A similar idea is still held. Many people take garlic thinking it will prevent or cure disease. Most doctors say it does no such thing. _____(47) Its smell may force people to stay far apart. At least then they can't pass germs on to each other. _____(48) What if you're in a play, for instance? Actors have been known to forget their lines because they couldn't stand the garlic smell on a fellow actor's breath. Some have even made up new lines and actions that kept them far away from the one who had eaten garlic. Through the years man has tried to cope with the smell of garlic. _____(49) We now know why. It's been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth, Garlic tongue, or gums (齿龈). They go into the lungs instead. From there they are breathed out. They pass out through the skin too. Strange as it seems, food may have a great deal of garlic in it without smelling or tasting strong. It all depends on how it is cooked. French cooks make a good soup with whole cloves (瓣) of garlic. They use more than thirty cloves in one bowl of soup. But they take care not to crush them. And they cook them whole. _____(50) And as the cloves cook they change in some strange way. The soup turns out to be delicious. It's not strong at all. A But no medicine, mouthwash, chewing gum, or toothpaste seems to help much B As a result, the strong oils stay in the cloves. C They say it may help in one way, though. D Many people eat garlic. E But keeping your distance can be hard at times.


Lesson 93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物 Where was the Statue of Liberty made? One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America. 参考译文 世界上最着名的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是在19世纪时由法国人民赠送给美国的。这座由雕像家奥古斯特.巴索尔地设计的巨大雕像是用10年时间雕像刻成的。这座雕像的主体是用铜制成的,由艾菲尔特制的金属框架支撑着。在雕像被运往美国之前,必须为它选好一块场地,同时必须建造一个基座。场地选在了纽约港入口处的一个鸟上。到1884年,一座高度达151英尺的雕像在巴黎竖立起来了。第二年,它被拆成若干小块,运到美国。到1886年10月底,这座雕像被重新组装起来,由巴索尔地正式赠送给美国人民。从那时起,这座伟大的纪念碑对通过纽约港进入美国定居的千百万人来说就一直是自由的象征。 【New words and expressions】(13) ★ noble(1)adj. 高尚的,高贵的 ←→ ignoble ?[ig?n?ub?l] a.卑鄙的 a noble mind 崇高的思想 (2) adj. 贵族的、高贵的 a man of noble birth 出身高贵的人; a noble family 名门望族

新概念英语第一册Lesson 39 Don't drop it

SAM: What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? PENNY: I'm going to put it on this table, Sam. SAM: Don't do that. Give it to me. PENNY: What are you going to do with it? SAM: I'm going to put it here, in front of the window. PENNY: Be careful! Don't drop it! PENNY: Don't put it there, Sam. Put it here, on this shelf. SAM: There we are! It's a lovely vase. PENNY: Those flowers are lovely, too. New Word and expressions 生词与短语 front n. 前面 in front of 在……之前 careful adj. 小心的,仔细的 vase n. 花瓶 drop v. 掉下 flower n. 花 本文参考译文 萨姆:你打算如何处理那花瓶? 彭妮:我打算把它放在这张桌子上,萨姆。 萨姆:不要放在那儿,把它给我。

彭妮:你打算怎么办? 萨姆:我准备把它摆在这儿,放在窗前。 彭妮:小心点!别摔了! 彭妮:别放在那儿,萨姆。放在这儿,这个架子上。 萨姆:放好了!这是只漂亮的花瓶。 彭妮:那些花也很漂亮啊。 【课文】 SAM: What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? PENNY: I'm going to put it on this table, Sam. SAM: Don't do that. Give it to me. PENNY: What are you going to do with it? SAM: I'm going to put it here, in front of the window. PENNY: Be careful! Don't drop it! PENNY: Don't put it there, Sam. Put it here, on this shelf. SAM: There we are! It's a lovely vase. PENNY: Those flowers are lovely, too. 【课文翻译】 萨姆:你打算如何处理那花瓶? 彭妮:我打算把它放在这张桌子上,萨姆。 萨姆:不要放在那儿,把它给我。 彭妮:你打算怎么办? 萨姆:我准备把它放在这儿,放在窗前。 彭妮:小心点!别摔了! 彭妮:别放在那儿,萨姆。放在这儿,这个架子上。 萨姆:放好了!这是只漂亮的花瓶。 彭妮:这些花也很漂亮啊。 【生词】 front n. 前面 in front of在……之前 careful adj. 小心的,仔细的 vase n. 花瓶


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson99【课文】 ANDY: Ow! LUCY: What's the matter, Andy? ANDY: I slipped and fell downstairs. LUCY: Have you hurt yourself? ANDY: Yes, I have. I think that I've hurt my back. LUCY: Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here. Let me help you. ANDY: I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm afraid that I can't get up. LUCY: I think that the doctor had better see you. I'll phone Dr. Carter. LUCY: The doctor says that he will come at once. I'm sure that you need an X-ray, Andy. 【课文翻译】 安迪:啊哟! 露西:怎么了,安迪? 安迪:我滑了一跤,从楼梯上摔下来了。 露西:你摔伤了没有? 安迪:是啊,摔伤了。我想我把背摔坏了。 露西:试试站起来。你能站起来吗?来,让我帮你。

安迪:对不起,露西,恐怕我站不起来。 露西:我想请医生来给你看一下。我去给卡特医生打电话。 露西:医生说他马上就来。安迪,我看你需要做一次X光透视。 【生词】 ow int. 哎哟 slip v. 滑倒,滑了一脚 fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒 downstairs adv. 下楼 hurt (hurt, hurt) v. 伤,伤害,疼痛 back n. 背 stand up 起立,站起来 help v. 协助 at once 立即 sure adj. 一定的,确信的 X-ray n. X光透视 【知识点讲解】 1. 今天我们要接触到宾语从句的基本形式,请大家看课文中出现的这些句子: I think that I've hurt my back. (我想+我伤了我的背。I think + that + ...) I'm afraid that I can't get up.


新概念英语第一册|英语听力 篇一:新概念英语第一册听力Unit30 Unit30 Open your book.打开你的书. Put on your watch. 戴上你的手表. Turn on the light. 打开灯. Shut your handbag. 合上你的手提包. Take off your shoes. 脱下你的鞋子. Turn off the tap. 关上水龙头. Sweep the bedroom. 打扫卧室. Clean the windows. 擦窗户. Dust the cupboard. 给碗橱掸灰. Empty the suitcase. 清空手提箱. Read this magazine. 读这份杂志. Sharpen these pencils. 削铅笔. Unit32 number 20,000. Is Nicola making the bed? 尼古拉在铺床吗? No, she isn't making the bed. 不,她没在铺床. What's she doing? 她在做什么? She's typing a letter. 她在打一封信. Number 90,000. Is Jack putting on his shirt? 杰克在穿衬衫吗? No, he isn't putting on his shirt. 不,他没在穿衬衫.What's he doing? 他在做什么? He's reading a magazine. 他在看杂志. Number 70,000. Is the dog drinking its milk? 狗在喝牛奶吗? No, it isn't drinking its milk. 不,它没有喝牛奶. What's it doing? 它在做什么? It's eating a bone. 它在啃骨头. Number 80,000. Is your sister emptying the basket? 你姐姐在倒空篮子吗?No, she isn't emptying the basket. 不,她没在倒空篮子.What's she doing? 她在做什么? She's looking at a picture. 她在看一张图片. Number 600,000. Is Tim cleaning his teeth? 蒂姆在刷牙吗?
