open question怎样回答

open question怎样回答
open question怎样回答

Open question的关键一:你是谁?

Open Question除了以上那些基本功能外,其实它最大的核心价值,还是让公司通过你的答案,来看出“你是个什么样的人?”。因为open question前的那些填写内容,基本都是硬件条件;仅仅通过硬件条件,公司是无法全面判断一个人的特点的,特别是那些未来工作中的“软性技能(另一个时髦的词叫情商)”和思考能力。所以Open Question是对你的“自我认识”的巨大考验。你是什么样的人?你的特质是什么?你处理问题的方式是什么?这都是你需要回答的。

让我们来看一些open question:

1. 请全面地分析环境保护所面临的挑战及其未来的发展趋势(考察:知识面、逻辑思维能力和分析的完整性,为了应对将来工作的复杂程度)

2. 请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来使他人达成一致的。(考察:teamwork、persuasion、empathy等能力)

3. Describe a time, other than exams, when you have had to work under significant pressure to achieve a task or goal. Describe the situation, what made it `high pressure`, what you did, and the result. (考察:抗压能力、目标导向result-oriented、decision-making 的勇气和能力)

4. Describe a time when you made a significant contribution to achieving a team goal. Describe your role, what you did, the outcome and why your contribution was significant. (考察:团队合作、领导能力、个人团队特长等)

大家可以自己再去分析一些open question,你可以理解公司希望通过你的回答,判断你的思考能力、软性技能,甚至价值观。那些公司很看重的特质包括(以GE “4E、1P”为例):? 热情Passion

? 精力Energy

? 鼓舞Energize

? 执行Execution

? 决断Edge

Open question关键二:你能沟通吗?

其实,这一条应该放在部分内,但是我们拿出来单列的最主要原因是:公司还特别看重你在写作过程中的沟通能力。“你能清晰地表达你的看法吗?”大家以后在公司工作就会知道,沟通的有效性甚至比有没有看法更重要。一个open question就是一个机会让别人看到你能否


Open question回答的好坏(按差到好排列):

基于以上的分析,Open Question的好坏就可以根据你的“自我认识”和“沟通”来评估:

i> 敷衍了事,啥都没说清楚;

ii> 就事论事,但是能把“你怎么做的”问题清楚,比如STARE model里的四个要素;

iii> 写出自己的思考过程和做事方式,比如:“我认为这个团队项目最大的问题就是……根据我们现有的能力,我们必须采取……所以我提供了xxx建议”;或者“我想团队中很担忧事情不顺利,但是我觉得空想是没有用的,那个时候需要有人冲出去;所以我就第一个冲出去了,告诉大家…干了再说。我的冲劲带动了团队……”

iv> 表现出对于自己的认识。比如:“我认为这个团队项目最大的问题是……我的长处在于分析能力,所以我在团队中承担了所有信息搜集、分析的角色(自我分析擅长是什么?),得以支持我们组内行动力较强同学……最后问题解决了。对于我而言,我觉得自己很好地确定了位置,我贡献了我的分析能力,得出最佳解决方案。”

综上,Open Question是对你自我认识和沟通的综合考验。千万别以为这就是一些小作文,请仔细整理自己的经历、认真思考并不断练习。这些准备不会白费,你会发现:Open Question准备越好,你的面试也会做得越好!



作者:Walden Yu

上周我们谈了GE “4E+1P” 的招聘标准(Passion、Energy、Energize、Execution和Edge),以及如何在面试的非语言沟通表达出来(握手、微笑、眼神、步态、声音和压力下的反应)。这周我们继续谈在面试过程中你该如何去展现这些特质。




“我们不在乎你自称有什么,我们在乎你的行为表现出什么(We don?t care what you claim; we do care how you behave.)”——这句话可以说是每个面试官在挑人时的信条。参加面试


? 你在大学里最成功的事情是什么?(最骄傲的事情是什么?)

? 你做的最失败的事情是什么?为什么?

? 你简历中写xxx,你能具体给我描述一下这个工作/活动中你具体做了什么?贡献了什么?有什么收获吗?

? 如果你认为xxx特质是你最突出的,能否给我举个例子?

? 你在碰到当时的情况时,你是怎么处理的?为什么?如果再做一次你会怎么做?

? 你有没有碰到过xxx情况(这种假设性情况往往是你将来工作中将经常碰到的),你是怎么处理的?如果没有碰到过,如果你碰到,你会怎么处理?

? ……











具体案例可以参看《BeBeyond Job-hunting Mini-course》第三课《你能做什么?》中的案例。点击阅读:,/bebeyond/activity/minicourse/Mini-course%20Lesson3.php

2. “总结”很重要!说句老调的话:做事是经验,是容易的,但你能总结出规律吗?或者至少知道自己做对了什么、做错了什么、该提高什么?举个例子:以前有个学生去面试一家著名快速消费品行业的销售管理培训生,面试中提到他独立组织一次非常大会议的例子。在这个项目中,他承担策划、组织、销售、回款的整过程,最后会议还亏损了。面试末节,面试官问:你从中学到什么?他回答说:我发现销售中,把东西卖出去相对还是容易的,重要的是能把钱收回来。听了这句话,面试官立刻决定要他。你能明白为什么了吧?








著名外企open question总结

著名外企open question总结 Cadbury 吉百利 1. What do you consider to be your most impressive success? 你认为给你最深刻印象的成功是什么?Tips: Why & how do you achieve your success, not what? 提示:虽然问题是在问成功是什么。但HR真正希望你能告诉他的是你是怎样获得成功的,过程是什么?至于你的成功是什么HR并不关心。 2. What is the most innovative idea you have implemented? 你实施的最有创意的想法是什么?Tips: Problems encountered & how you solve the problems creatively? 提示:你要告诉他问题的出现和你是怎么用你的创意想法解决这个问题的。 Unilever: 联合利华 1. What is your most difficult persuasion?你最难的一次劝说人的经历是什么? Tip:(1) What is it difficult for you? 你需要表现出困难的艰巨 (2) How well have I persuaded? Tactics (策略) (3) What difficulties have you overcome? Result-driven 提示:你的回答应该包含以下三个方面: (1) 对你来说困难是什么?(2) 你是用什么策略说服别人的(3) 你克服了什么困难,结果如何(第一条是最容易被求职者忽略的,在回答第一点时你尽量要用你的嘴和你的表情表现出困难的艰巨,这样才能让HR看到你的能力) L’ OREAL:欧莱雅 1.At this point of your life, what do you think it is the most useful thing you have learned? 在你的生活中,你认为你学到的最有用的东西是什么? Tips:Don’t talk about your school-learning. Learning through practical experience. 提示:千万不要谈论关于你在学校所学习的东西,而是要说你在多次实践中学到的东西。欧莱雅是卖化妆品的,它关心的是你怎么去拓展市场,他当然希望听到的是从实践中学习到了最有用的东西。 LOREAL


1. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success. In Generis Consulting, I got a chance to fully involve in the “Clean-tech Switzerland project”In this project, we should comprehensively summarize ecological industrial-related law and regulation, in comparison with China’s each commitment, moreover, identify the field where we excellently fulfill our commitment sand offer legal opinion in the places where the improvement should been made. Due to compliant and all-embracing nature of government agencies system, our expertise cannot reach to each detail of this project, even worse; we might never touch that field in our previous practice. Instead of studying from scratch as many colleges suggested, I insisted that we shall turn to the guru, like attended or focused on international trade forum with similar topic, or directly called the related government department. Later, this approach proved to be effective, with the general information about each field, we were able to concisely analyze our commitment, and pinpoint the corresponding rules in China. When it came to organize the whole report, I suggested to import some statistic data or charts. Therefore, we should grasp the general picture, not only from the legal prospect but put it in the actual world. My advice won over our partner.Clean-tech Switzerland attended the second Sino-Swiss Economic Forum, the Federal Councilor of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann signed a Memorandum of Understanding with his Chinese counterpart, Minister Chen Deming, to build the park. The project will be implemented by Clean-tech Switzerland, a clean energy promotion agency, and the city of Zhenjiang. The two sides will work closely on park planning, green products manufacturing, technology trade, and research and development. 2.PwC sets priority on developing our people's project management skills in accordance with client expectations and professional standards. Please identify a major activity/project you undertook and describe what it was and how you managed the project. A major activity that I undertook during my university life is the Peking University Biomedicine Forum 2012.During the preparation of the conference, I was appointed to be the head of volunteer team of one branch. As the external liaison department minister of Peking University, I mainly responsible for the sponsorship for Peking University Biomedicine Forum 2012. Before the conference, I held a meeting of all the members to discuss about the issue related to the sponsorship, the events of the conference ceremony and other itinerary of the conference. Then I appointed different members to take charge of the different activities and different company to contact. For example, A is appointed to write news about the reception in the airport and accompany the experts to our university; B is appointed to write news and take photos of the grand event in Lecture Hall, etc. After the division of our work, everyone got a clue of what and

open question怎样回答

Open question的关键一:你是谁? Open Question除了以上那些基本功能外,其实它最大的核心价值,还是让公司通过你的答案,来看出“你是个什么样的人?”。因为open question前的那些填写内容,基本都是硬件条件;仅仅通过硬件条件,公司是无法全面判断一个人的特点的,特别是那些未来工作中的“软性技能(另一个时髦的词叫情商)”和思考能力。所以Open Question是对你的“自我认识”的巨大考验。你是什么样的人?你的特质是什么?你处理问题的方式是什么?这都是你需要回答的。 让我们来看一些open question: 1. 请全面地分析环境保护所面临的挑战及其未来的发展趋势(考察:知识面、逻辑思维能力和分析的完整性,为了应对将来工作的复杂程度) 2. 请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来使他人达成一致的。(考察:teamwork、persuasion、empathy等能力) 3. Describe a time, other than exams, when you have had to work under significant pressure to achieve a task or goal. Describe the situation, what made it `high pressure`, what you did, and the result. (考察:抗压能力、目标导向result-oriented、decision-making 的勇气和能力) 4. Describe a time when you made a significant contribution to achieving a team goal. Describe your role, what you did, the outcome and why your contribution was significant. (考察:团队合作、领导能力、个人团队特长等) 大家可以自己再去分析一些open question,你可以理解公司希望通过你的回答,判断你的思考能力、软性技能,甚至价值观。那些公司很看重的特质包括(以GE “4E、1P”为例):? 热情Passion ? 精力Energy ? 鼓舞Energize ? 执行Execution ? 决断Edge Open question关键二:你能沟通吗? 其实,这一条应该放在部分内,但是我们拿出来单列的最主要原因是:公司还特别看重你在写作过程中的沟通能力。“你能清晰地表达你的看法吗?”大家以后在公司工作就会知道,沟通的有效性甚至比有没有看法更重要。一个open question就是一个机会让别人看到你能否

PWC open question_面试会问

This section has been designed to help us evaluate you as an individual and differentiate you from other candidates. Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space includes letters, space and punctuation. (*Please do not provide a real company name or individual name, and do not provide confidential information) *1. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success. I am a team player when I was in low grade but I usually led the team in my senior years when I accumulate enough experiences. I am a minister of Career development Society which support university office and plan many projects every year. I’ d like to share an experience of disagreement when we hold a mock interview competition recently to provide students with internships opportunities. The companies invited prefer senior students for the positions. Nevertheless, I can imagine that our target candidates will be low-grade students as they have more free time. My teammates suggested that we should stick to what firm preferred and removed the candidates in low-grade but I preferred to talk about the real situations in the university and decreases the expectation of Human Resource recruitment of the firms. After several times of communication in the group and with the firms, we reach a consolidation that we should in one hand improve the competency of the participants particularly the low-grade students and in the other hand suggest the firm to provide appropriate internships to the winners according to their strengths. And the competition is very popular at that time among the students and through this experience, my communication skill and leadership quality are boosted and I am better at coping with complicated situations. 源自网络 I would like to share you the task my professor assigned to me in the last semester. It was acase about a coffee shop. We were required to make a presentation in the class. At that time, I was in conflict with another member over the presentation’s topic. I preferred to talk about this particular coffee shop, while someone wanted to learn about the whole industry. Then I made some investigations in private to let other students to choose between the two topics. After considering the results of the investigations, we decided to combine the two topics in our presentation. Finally we had a good presentation. This experience taught me that when you had a different opinion from others, the best way was to communicate actively. *2. Please describe a challenge you have faced and how you coped with it. It can be work related or during your study in school, or even in your personal life you want to share. If you provide work related experience, please only provide general information and do not provide confidential information such as the names of the clients or parties involved or specific details of the transaction (e.g. price or terms) which you were involved. Actually, I used to lead a sedentary lifestyle and easily got ill. I did not realize theimportance of staying healthy until I read an article three years ago telling whatconsequences an unhealthy lifestyle would


上一课我们谈了如何判断销售机会。其中的关键点是,你能否找到客户的BurningIssue,并且有能够对他/他们的BurningIssue对症下药的处方。 如果没有,那你最好先把得知销售信息的高兴劲冷冷,因为即使听上去再好,也只是画饼而已,不如继续观察寻找。 如果找到,你就可以开始一次打单的征程。 对于没有经验的销售人员,一次打单的过程,犹如走迷宫。 就像电视剧里那些拙劣的老套情节,一个初出茅庐的年轻人,仗着一张青春勃发的脸和出生牛犊不怕虎的精神,愣闯愣撞,也不知道都找了些谁,而对方又有哪些自己的情况和问题,总之最后就是天上掉馅饼了,定单给了他。他走出销售迷宫,却不知自己是怎样走出来的。这种好事,现实生活也会发生,但是概率一定和买彩票中奖一样低。其实,销售迷宫是有固定的线路可走的。CES将之总结为“井字攻略”。 销售迷宫的最大困惑无非是: 第一,不知如何打动与自己直接接触的人 第二,不知如何与对方真正的拍板决策人取得联系 井字攻略讲的是如何在销售迷宫中,得寸进尺,不断和客户达成共识,不断向着客户高层的方向接触。 井字攻略的两条秘籍是: 井字纵向攻略。坚持“OpenQuestion”—“CloseQuestion”—“Summar y”的流程。 井字横向攻略。以和你直接接触者的BurningIssue为突破点,去与这个人的上级会晤。然后重复井字纵向攻略。 井字纵向攻略 对销售员的一个理解误区是,口才好是第一要素,其实优秀的销售员比会说更重要的是会“问”。 在上一课的BurningIssue中,我们知道,造成某个人职业上的BurningIssue一定是该公司CEO的BurningIssue。只有上了CEO的思考、议事日程的事情才有最大的可能被执行。 从CEO开始,压力依次传递到分管的业务高层比如CIO,到部门主管,到你可能接触的具体经办的小张、小李。在和小张、小李的接触中,你可能隐约会感觉到,在他及他这个体系做一系列的事情的背后,他们作为组织和个人的真正的BurningIssue是什么? 除非小张、小李是你的发小,或者CIO是你的舅舅,否则不要想你直接问人家:“哎,你们真正想要的是什么?你们最需要解决的是什么问题呢?”而是要充分采用联想力,不断OpenQuestion,提出问题。 “小李,我觉得你这个单位盖这个机房在满足单位用之外,好像还可以对外开展一些业务,产生点经济效益啊?” 小李说:“是啊,别提啦,谁不想产生点经济效益,可是我们是个服务部门,这个机房是准备这么做,但是该怎么赚到钱还没想透呢。” 这时,要CloseQuestion,“小李,你看我说得对不对。现在您这个单位不但需要一套机房的软件硬件,而且需要把这个机房盘活了的具体的商业项目是不是?” 如果小李说是,那么你就可以Summary了,“小李,你看我们这呢,价格不必说,一定是好的,而且北京四中的机房就是我们建的,我们可以给你提供一套北京四中的机房服务表,你们就说,你们的机房设备和北京四中的一样,提供服务也一样,是不是好一点。

网易游戏2015校园招聘网申截图及open question

网易游戏 2015校园招聘 网申截图及开放性问题 应届生论坛网易游戏版:,/forum-2189-1.html 应届生求职大礼包2015版-其他行业及知名企业资料下载区:,/forum-436-1.html 应届生求职招聘论坛(推荐):,

应届生求职大礼包应届生求职网, 目录 第一章网易游戏2015校园招聘介绍 (3) 1.1前言及申请网址 (3) 1.2申请流程 (3) 1.3常见问题 (4) 第二章网易游戏2015校园招聘网申截图及开放性问题 (7) 2.1网申截图 (7) 2.2 开放性问题 (15) 附录:更多求职精华资料推荐 (16) 内容声明: 本文由应届生求职网,(,)收集、整理、编辑,内容来自于相关企业的官方网站及论坛热心同学贡献,内容属于我们广大的求职同学,欢迎大家与同学好友分享,让更多同学得益,此为编写这套应届生大礼包2015的本义。 祝所有同学都能顺利找到合适的工作! 应届生求职网,

第一章网易游戏2015校园招聘介绍 1.1前言及申请网址 不拼搏,枉少年! -- 网易游戏2015校园招聘强势启动 在每个赤子追梦的路上,心中都有一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,这团火或源于自信,或源于才华,或源于心爱的人,或源于对未来充满无限可能的遐想...... 当你踏入这江湖,除了智慧的头脑和拼搏的勇气,你还需要一位睿智的师傅、一群优秀的同门、一个广阔的平台。如此,假以时日,方能成就一代宗师! 如果你曾有过这样的梦想和期望,不浮夸,不虚华,希望通过自己的拼搏,和一群志同道合的人,一起去创造无垠的世界,让无数玩家在其中任意驰骋,那么,就加入网易游戏吧! 我们有国内顶尖的游戏研发实力和厚重的自主研发底蕴; 我们有优秀的导师资源、完善的培训机制和丰厚的薪资福利; 我们更有无数怀着同样梦想的伙伴与兄弟与你一起并肩作战! 少年有梦,但若不拼搏,枉为少年!网易游戏已经为你打开荣耀之门,少年,启程吧! 网易游戏2015校园招聘现已强势启动,各类职位虚位以待,详情请登录校招官网:,/,我们在等你的热血加入! 1.2申请流程 申请流程 综合类: 在线投递简历–参加宣讲会—笔试—面试(2-3轮) - offer * 综合类是指除美术类、音乐类以外的其他类别。 美术类/音乐类: 在线投递简历或见面会现场投递简历 – 参加宣讲会— 笔试(1轮) - 面试(1-2轮) - offer


OPEN QUESTIONS OPEN QUESTIONS的目的是让recruiter更好的了解candidate, 所以大家要认真对待。 回答OQs的最重要的原则是be honest, 千万不能为了追求所谓的“丰功伟绩”而编造自己没有的经历。 做OQs, 就是要从做过的事情中发掘自己的潜质。 OPEN QUESTIONS 1KPMG KPMG的网站是四大里面做得最好的,内容丰富,有中文版,网速飞快。KPMG网申的开放式问题有代表性,建议大家认真写。写完一次之后,再申请后面三家就方便了 1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. (热身问题) 2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? (团队合作经历的引子) 3)What factors have influenced your career choice? (重要问题,答案最好跟申请的工作有关) 4)Outline your career ambitions and objectives. (重要问题,“N年内做经理+ 我的CICPA考试计划”) 5)Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations. (看性格) 2PwC 1) Why are you applying for this position? (工作性质,职业生涯目标,公司声望等) 2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying. (关键问题,见“准备篇”) 3) What community or students? clubs do you belong to and t o what extent are you involved? 4) Any additional information? (把KPMG其余的答案写上去吧:) 3EY 1)Please describe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. (Maximum 100 English words) 2)Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application. (Maximum 100 English words) 有了前两家的经验,会写了吧。 4DTT DTT的网申是无OPEN Q的,页数也特别少,只有两页。但DTT的网站速度比


德勤寒假实习面试注意事项 德勤寒假实习面试注意事项 10.19--网申 网申的程序也不复杂,没有变态的openquestion,轻轻松松, 搞定。 10.31--网测 11.8--一面 到了传说中的北冰洋厅,发现已经有好一拨xdjm在那等候,大 家互相认识了一下,还发现了在bbs上认识的id,很是惊喜。一组 12个同志,我那天人大的才2个,对外经贸和首经贸的居多。 进入“考场”,是一个用小方桌拼成的“圆桌会议”,大家拿白纸写上名字摆在桌前,供大家识别,两个manager很悠闲地坐在一旁,观战。 随后便发给我们一人一份英文的case,将近20页吧,看完case 有40分钟时间discuss。一开始大家都很shy,坐在位子上死活不 说话,hrjj催促了两次,最后managerjj忍无可忍,站起来说大家 不要害怕,不是要难倒大家,只是看看大家的表现,抓紧时间。终 于那个英文大牛gg发言,把案例翻译了一遍,于是大家猛然发现, 自己理解的和大家应该是一样的,便进入了抢话环节,可爱。 不要怀疑自己的英文,该出手时就出手,充满自信,这是很重要的。 最后是20分钟的presentation,hr让我选择方式,是大家轮流发言还是个小组派代表,然后大家补充(我们又分成了3个小组,负 责不同的部分),我们选择了后者。我们小组全是学会计的,负责 cost部分,最后的`陈述由一个清华的mm负责。我们都进行了补充。

但是这个环节最搞笑的是,各组对对方负责的case都会产生疑问, 于是一场本应冷静的presentation,变成了更为热闹的discussion,嘿嘿。 从东方广场出来的时候,天色已黑,大家讨论着各自的食堂,各奔东西去了,小组的成员之后有些还留下了联系方式,在bbs上互 相鼓励,真好,呵呵。 11.19--opt 朋友都面完dtt回来好些天了,我才收到opt通知,答完108页的性格测试,我开始严肃地怀疑自己的人格是不是分裂,很多问题 实在无从下手,不知道怎么回答,变换各种姿势答完了问题,痛苦 得一塌糊涂。还好opt不卡人,不然hrjj们一定会质疑这究竟是个 什么样的孩子。sigh。。。 11.26--二面(partnerinterview) 等待的确是个痛苦的过程,经历好几天的折磨,决定不理他背起书包去看看公务员考试去时,突然接到了hr的电话,让我第二天去 面试。立刻收拾东西,奔回宿舍,开始在各大bbs上搜罗面经,研 究自己的简历上partner可能问到的问题。 第二天,再套上那层皮,奔赴东方广场w2八层,dtt的老窝。 依旧去早了,碰上小组里的一个gg,9点半的场还没面,我是10点 半那拨,晕。和很kind的hrjj套了套磁,询问了一下面我的 partner的情况,对面坐着的jj们开始翻出她们准备好的段子刻苦 起来。谁知道,突然进来一个jj说partner有事,换人面,第一个 就是我,ft。之前套好的磁全部白搭,只有硬着头皮上了。 下青协的工作对我的价值和意义的缘故。便开始问我“倘若在你们宣传的过程中遇到一些人不听从的建议,你怎么办?”于是我就blabla狂讲我们应对这些人的各种手段,大概是英文的缘故,也是 我紧张说得太快的缘故,还好partner没有细问,不然就敲定了。 马上就开始说中文,看了我的专业,就问我“你怎么不考cpa”, 还好我之前考虑过这个问题,小小停顿片刻就开始blabla,最后还

网申开放性问题原题及回答open question示例

OPEN QUESTIONS开放性问题回答大合集 OPEN QUESTIONS的目的是让recruiter更好的了解candidate, 所以大家要认真对待。 回答OQs的最重要的原则是be honest, 千万不能为了追求所谓的“丰功伟绩”而编造自己没有的经历。 做OQs, 就是要从做过的事情中发掘自己的潜质。 第一部分四大OPEN QUESTIONS情况简介 1,KPMG KPMG的网站是四大里面做得最好的,内容丰富,有中文版,网速飞快。KPMG网申的开放式问题有代表性,建议大家认真写。写完一次之后,再申请后面三家就方便了 1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. (热身问题) 2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? (团队合作经历的引子) 3)What factors have influenced your career choice? (重要问题,答案最好跟申请的工作有关) 4)Outline your career ambitions and objectives. (重要问题,“N年内做经理+ 我的CICPA考试计划”) 5)Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations. (看性格) 2,PwC 1) Why are you applying for this position? (工作性质,职业生涯目标,公司声望等) 2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying. (关键问题,见“准备篇”) 3) What community or students? clubs do you belong to and t o what extent are you involved? 4) Any additional information? (把KPMG其余的答案写上去吧:) 3,EY 1)Please describe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. (Maximum 100 English words) 2)Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application. (Maximum 100 English words) 有了前两家的经验,会写了吧。 4,DTT DTT的网申是无OPEN Q的,页数也特别少,只有两页。但DTT的网站速度比

四大招聘的open question

四大2007年招聘的open question KPMG 1.Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and holidays. 2.What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? 3. What factors have influenced your career choice? 4.Outline your career ambitions and objectives. 5.Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectation? E&Y 1.Please describe your objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. 2. Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application. PWC 1)Why are you applying for this position? 2)Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying. 3)What community or students' clubs do you belong to and to what extent are you involved? 4)Any additional information? DTT 他家没有OQ,比较厚道,不过要求附上cover letter和resume, transcripts

各行业 Open Question 解题思路

OQ题:为什么你要应聘此岗位,你觉得这个岗位能给你带来什么,或 你能为企业做些什么,你能胜任此岗位吗? ?金融?行业 1.中?金 问题:为什么对投?行感兴趣?有什么特别的成就令你非常骄傲?为什么我们要考虑你的申请? 建议回答思路: 首先要明白对投?行感兴趣的原因不能只从个?人角度出发,阐述自?己希望职业发展得更快,迅速进?入资本市场,希望快速步?入社会顶层,有很?高的收?入等等。要从企业的角度考虑这个问题,企业为什么会问这个题,它要的是什么样的?人才,针对不同?一角度考虑回答,最重要的要说明自?己在投?行中,过去的积累(学习、?工作) 和经验(实习、项目)以及自身所具备的软件素质优势,能够发挥最?大的优势,或者能够为企业贡献最?大的价值。虽然投?行对求职者的专业没有明确要求,但求职者必须具备相关实习经历或?工作经验。比如,你曾经在某家顶

尖?金融机构或者咨询公司做过实习,就可以通过这次实习体现个?人的专业素养,突出这些经验能够让你在投资银?行这个领域取得最?大的成就,在职业发展上能够达到更?高的?高度。 本帖隐藏的内容 其次要清楚令你非常骄傲的特别成就并不是?一项具体的成就,例如得到某些奖项、奖学?金等。具体的成就结果和成就名称都不重要,重要的是取得成就的过程,为取得此次成功所采取的?行动,如何通过沟通、有效的项目管理、团队协作、发挥自?己的领导能?力、解决问题能?力等,从?而取得的成就。重点突出此过程中遇到的困难以及解决策略。如,拿到学习?一等奖学?金,但其实很多?人都可以拿到,所以要重点强调的是100?人里排名前三的才能拿到奖学?金,突出求职者的个?人成就。即便最后没有取得成功,但也可以描述此过程中通过努?力取得的进步。 最后?一个问题是企业为什么考虑求职者的申请,这个问题是对前两个问题的总结,第?一个问题是问求职者的硬件背景,第?二个问题是问求职者的软件优势。综合以上优势,说明求职者能够胜任这个?工作

英文面试必备资料Open Question

Open Question集合 (STAR原则,situation,task,action,result) 1.Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and holidays. I am a outgoing and enegetic girl.I have spent six years in a sports school during the preliminary years, so I like sports, especially tennis and swimming, and I play them with my friends regularly, I think it is beneficial not only for my health, but also the relationship between the friends. Reading is my second favorite, magazines, novels, newspapers , whatever, I am curious about everything , so I usually spent a whole day in the library during the weekend to dig out the answer. And I usually watch a movie every two days, and share my feelings with my friends. 2.What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? I once a chairperson of the students’ union during my undergraduate years, and organized a lot of activities, such as the sports meeting, the debating contest, evening party and so on, during my graduate years, I am also a member of the drama society, I once have been a leading actress in the english drama “gone with the wind”. More than 50 news and other articles written by myself published in newspaper. I join the graduate communist youth league as the head of the department of the social practice. thinking some new activities and put it into practice is my job, fortunately, through communicating with the students,we know their needs,and I thought out the ideas and with others members, we have organized the contest of innovative classes, including preliminary and final, the contest of “who can convince the ceo’, a management problem solution contest, including prelinary,pk and final. Our activities have won the appreciation of the teachers and the students. 3. What factors have influenced your career choice? I think if I want to make contributions to my company, it needs a match between me and the job itself. For me, interest is very important, because that will give me the passion and inspire my innovation to complete my job, for the job, I will lay more emphasis on its development prospect, I want to grow with the development of the company. 4. Please describe your objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. I choose accounting as my career way. Because I like to research and help people solving their problems. This decision just made up in last semester. I haven’t prepared much for it but everything I have done I treated it seriously. As my major is management, I choose some lessons that related to investment to learn. Meanwhile I read some books about investment principle and business comments on newspapers. I choose auditing as my career way. Besides,auditing will provide me an opportunity to know many different companies and industries. I am an active and easy-going girl. I would like to cooperate with people from various backgrounds. This decision is
